Results for 'L. Trick'

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  1. Subitizing and the FINST spatial index model.L. Trick & Z. Pylyshyn - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):490-490.
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    No More Tricks.Richard L. Lanigan - 1997 - American Journal of Semiotics 14 (1/4):1-2.
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    (1 other version)Teaching Old Hot Dogs New Tricks.Nicholle L. Paumen - 1991 - Business Ethics 5 (6):17-17.
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    The Principles of Fatwā Procedure Addressed by Yūsuf al-Ardabīlī in His Work Anwār.Kenan Kılınç - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):274-311.
    Yūsuf al-Ardabīlī is one of the Shāfiʿī jurists who lived in Azerbaijan in the 8th century of Hijri. This scholar, whose birth date we couldn’t find any information about, even though it has been searched in both local and foreign literature, died in Ardabīl in the year 799/1397 as bibliographical scholars agreed on. Ardabīlī is a person known by his work al-Anwār li-aʿmāl al-abrār, which he dedicated to Shāfiʿī jurisprudence, and someone with jurisprudential knowledge whom Shāfiʿī jurists benefit from. In (...)
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    What is relativity?L. D. Landau - 1960 - New York,: Basic Books. Edited by I︠U︡. B. Rumer.
    Clocks and Rulers Play Tricks. 6. Work Changes Mass. 7. Summing Up. Index. Unabridged republication of the edition published by Basic Books, Inc.
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  6. Turning a madhyamaka trick: Reply to Huntington. [REVIEW]Jay L. Garfield - 2008 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 36 (4):507-527.
    Huntington ; argues that recent commentators err in attributing to Nāgārjuna and Candrakīrti a commitment to rationality and to the use of argument, and that these commentators do violence to the Madhyamaka project by using rational reconstruction in their interpretation of Nāgārjuna’s and Candrakīrti’s texts. Huntington argues instead that mādhyamikas reject reasoning, distrust logic and do not offer arguments. He also argues that interpreters ought to recuse themselves from argument in order to be faithful to these texts. I demonstrate that (...)
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  7. Ethical Attitudes of Accountants: Recent Evidence from a Practitioners’ Survey.Tisha L. N. Emerson, Stephen J. Conroy & Charles W. Stanley - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (1):73-87.
    Recent highly publicized ethical breaches including those at Enron and WorldCom have focused attention on ethical behavior within the accounting profession. At the heart of the debate is whether ethical attitudes of accountants are to blame. Using a nationally representative sample of accounting practitioners and a multidisciplinary student sample at two Southern United States universities, we compare sample responses to 25 ethically charged vignettes to test whether they differ. Overall, we find no significant difference - even for a specific "accounting (...)
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    Healing the wounded mind: the psychosis of the modern world and the search for the self.Kingsley L. Dennis - 2019 - W. Sussex: Clairview Books.
    There is a mental malaise creeping through the collective human mindset. Mass psychosis is becoming normalized. It is time to break free... One of the key problems facing human beings today is that we do not look after our minds. As a consequence, we are unaware of the malicious impacts that infiltrate and influence us on a daily basis. This lack of awareness leaves people open and vulnerable. Many of us have actually become alienated from our own minds, argues Kingsley (...)
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    Problems in the Construction of a Theory of Natural Language. [REVIEW]L. J. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):162-163.
    This book argues that a descriptive, systematic, non-intuitive semantics cannot be provided for a natural language: that while a non-intuitive, formal explication can be provided for the competent speaker’s intuitions about grammaticality, this has not been, and likely cannot be, provided for such a speaker’s intuitions of synonymy, analyticity, and significance. Tartaglia concludes that Quine has actually established, not that we do not have an intuitive, informal notion of the analytic-synthetic distinction, but rather that we have failed, and likely will (...)
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  10. The Implicit Soul of Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation.David L. Smith - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):424-435.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Implicit Soul of Charlie Kaufman's AdaptationDavid L. SmithI don't know what else there is to write about other than being human, or, more specifically, being this human. I have no alternative. Everything is about that, right? Unless it's about flowers.—Charlie Kaufman 1There are some things that cannot be observed directly, even in principle: a single quark, the present moment, ones own eye. What Richard Rodriquez calls the "one (...)
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    Four Emendations In Aristophanes.M. L. West - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):73-.
    The last line should, I believe, be printed as a question. Strepsides is seated on the sacred and a wreath is put on his head, which makes him feel like a sacrificial victim. In 261 he is told to hold still, and we gather from that at this point he is being sprinkled with some dry substance. If we put the full stop at the end, he is saying, ‘I can see you won't disappoint me: being sprinkled like this will (...)
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    Kierkegaard’s Relations to Hegel Reconsidered. [REVIEW]Robert L. Perkins - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 37 (2):199-209.
    Stewart’s book reminds one of Voltaire’s remark to the effect that history is the trick that the living play on the dead. In that spirit, careful readers must critically consider Stewart’s reconsiderations to discover his tricks. This review is only a beginning, for this important book will be debated for years to come.
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    Tricking Posthumanism: From Deleuze to (Lacan) to Haraway.Jacob W. Glazier - 2018 - Critical Horizons 19 (2):173-185.
    ABSTRACTA lineage has been drawn between the immanent philosophy articulated by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari and the work of Donna Haraway, most notably by the nomadic feminist and immanentist Rosi Braidotti. However, while containing certain parallels via the process nature of their ontologies, upon further inspection, such an equivocation is unwarranted on the grounds that it fails to remain nuanced in distinguishing the precise ‘mechanism’ or midwife that gives birth to the continued proliferation of the flux of becoming. This (...)
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    L’évolution d’une posture de recherche : le soutien par l’analyse en mode écriture.François Gremion - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (3-4):84-96.
    This text relates the evolution of the author’s posture as a researcher during the realization of his doctoral thesis and its link with the choice of an analytical approach. Incidentally, this narrative has the dimensions of an autobiographical research. This text illustrates how, within the framework of a thesis, the author implemented a slow evolutionary process of his researcher posture thanks to an analytical approach in writing mode. A return to handwritten writing, considered here as an analyst’s “trick of (...)
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    L'aventurier, une figure de la migration africaine.Sylvie Bredeloup - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 125 (2):281.
    Loin de constituer une figure nouvelle dans l’histoire de la migration africaine, l’aventurier se pose en figure récurrente et connaît un regain de visibilité, dès lors que les politiques migratoires se durcissent un peu partout sur la planète et que la libre circulation des hommes est rendue de plus en plus problématique. À l’heure où les principes du salariat et de la fonction publique sont sérieusement contestés sur le continent africain, des itinéraires d’accumulation inédits prospèrent, tout comme de nouveaux modèles (...)
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    Khaos i simmetrii︠a︡: ot Uaĭlʹda do nashikh dneĭ = Chaos and symmetry: from Wilde to the present.Andreĭ Alekseevich Astvat︠s︡aturov - 2020 - Moskva: Redakt︠s︡ii︠a︡ Eleny Shubinoĭ.
    In this book is the first meeting of Andreĭ Astvat︠s︡aturov the prose writer with Andreĭ Astvat︠s︡aturov the philologist. In this book of essays "Chaos and Symmetry", Astvat︠s︡aturov, as befits a philologist, is a sophisticated researcher and connoisseur of literature: classical Anglo-American and modern Russian. He will explain why in Oscar Wilde's The Canterville ghost" the ghost is an artist, how William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" echoes ancient tragedy, and why Henry Miller peered into the void. He writes about the (...)
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    Les ficelles de la collaboration dans l’analyse de l’activité au sein d’un groupe de recherche collaborative.Bruno Hubert, Christine Pierrisnard & Marie-Paule Vannier - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (3-4):25-36.
    We look for tricks used to create a group of collaborative research which proposes to trainers of nurses researchers’ support in the appropriation of an original tool to help the learners analyze and develop their practice in vocational training : the narrative. The analysis of a corpus based on the first exchanges of the group shows the central role that plays the tool in itself, the mutual discovery of the cultures and the « habitus », the emergence and the discussion (...)
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    La notion de retournement et l’agôn musical entre Apollon et Marsyas chez le ps.-Apollodore.Philippe Monbrun - 2005 - Kernos 18:269-289.
    Dans la Bibliothèque , le pseudo-Apollodore raconte la joute musicale qui oppose Apollon au satyre Marsyas. Le dieu musicien l’emporte parce qu’il joue de sa cithare après l’avoir retournée, exécutant une manœuvre que son rival est incapable de reproduire avec l’aulos. Apollon fait ainsi de sa cithare un instrument palintone et palintrope, très proche de son arc réflexe, un instrument capable d’inverser sa position, mais aussi de renverser la situation au profit de celui qui l’utilise. Même « conduite de retournement (...)
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  19. Absolute objects and counterexamples: Jones–Geroch dust, Torretti constant curvature, tetrad-spinor, and scalar density.J. Brian Pitts - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (2):347-371.
    James L. Anderson analyzed the novelty of Einstein's theory of gravity as its lack of "absolute objects." Michael Friedman's related work has been criticized by Roger Jones and Robert Geroch for implausibly admitting as absolute the timelike 4-velocity field of dust in cosmological models in Einstein's theory. Using the Rosen-Sorkin Lagrange multiplier trick, I complete Anna Maidens's argument that the problem is not solved by prohibiting variation of absolute objects in an action principle. Recalling Anderson's proscription of "irrelevant" variables, (...)
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    Dual Identity Combinators.Katalin Bimbó - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:11-18.
    This paper offers an analysis of the effect of the identity combinators in dual systems. The result is based on an easy technical trick, namely, that the identity combinators collapse all the combinators which are dual with respect to them. After reviewing dual combinators I consider the possible combinatory systems and l-calculi in which the functions and/or the application operation are bidirectional. The last section of the paper shows the devastating effect the identity combinators have for a dual system: (...)
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    Arabic mechanical engineering: Survey of the historical sources: Donald hill.Donald Hill - 1991 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 1 (2):167-186.
    The first and more important section of this article lists all the known treatises in Arabic on Fine Technology – water-clocks, automata, pumps, trick vessels, fountains, etc. The ideas, techniques and components in these treatises are of great importance in the history of machine technology. For each treatise information is given on the provenance of MSS, editions in Arabic and translations, paraphrases or commentaries in modern European languages. In addition to treatises by Arabic writers, similar information is also given (...)
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    Spinoza and the Freedom of Philosophizing.Mogens Lærke - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This study considers freedom of speech and the rules of engagement in the public sphere; good government, civic responsibility, and public education; and the foundations of religion and society, as seen through the eyes of seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher, Spinoza.
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  23. THIS IS NICE OF YOU. Introduction by Ben Segal.Gary Lutz - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):43-51.
    Reproduced with the kind permission of the author. Currently available in the collection I Looked Alive . © 2010 The Brooklyn Rail/Black Square Editions | ISBN 978-1934029-07-7 Originally published 2003 Four Walls Eight Windows. continent. 1.1 (2011): 43-51. Introduction Ben Segal What interests me is instigated language, language dishabituated from its ordinary doings, language startled by itself. I don't know where that sort of interest locates me, or leaves me, but a lot of the books I see in the stores (...)
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    Darwin's use of the analogy between artificial and natural selection.L. T. Evans - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (1):113-140.
    The central role played by Darwin's analogy between selection under domestication and that under nature has been adequately appreciated, but I have indicated how important the domesticated organisms also were to other elements of Darwin's theory of evolution-his recognition of “the constant principle of change,” for instance, of the imperfection of adaptation, and of the extent of variation in nature. The further development of his theory and its presentation to the public likewise hinged on frequent reference to domesticates.We have seen (...)
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    Parmenides.L. M. Palmer & Leonardo Taran - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (3):364.
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    Laws and Explanation in History.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1960 - Philosophical Quarterly 10 (39):190-191.
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    The possible worlds theory of visual experience.Edward W. Averill & Joseph Gottlieb - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):1781-1810.
    When we watch movies, or are tricked by a trompe-l'oeil painting, we seem to be visually representing possible worlds; often non-actual possible worlds. This suggests that we really can visually represent possible worlds. The suggested claim is refined and developed here into a theory of visual experience that holds that all visual experiences, both veridical and non-veridical, represent possible worlds, many of which are non-actual.
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    A non-monotonic Description Logic for reasoning about typicality.L. Giordano, V. Gliozzi, N. Olivetti & G. L. Pozzato - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):165-202.
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    A theoretical interpretation of shifts in level of aspiration.L. Festinger - 1942 - Psychological Review 49 (3):235-250.
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    Twelve examples of illusion.Jan Westerhoff - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Tibetan Buddhist writings frequently state that many of the things we perceive in the world are in fact illusory, as illusory as echoes or mirages. In Twelve Examples of Illusion , Jan Westerhoff offers an engaging look at a dozen illusions--including magic tricks, dreams, rainbows, and reflections in a mirror--showing how these phenomena can give us insight into reality. For instance, he offers a fascinating discussion of optical illusions, such as the wheel of fire (the "wheel" seen when a torch (...)
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  31. Need for ethics support in healthcare institutions: views of Dutch board members and ethics support staff.L. Dauwerse, T. Abma, B. Molewijk & G. Widdershoven - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):456-460.
    Next SectionObjective The purpose of this article is to investigate the need for ethics support in Dutch healthcare institutions in order to understand why ethics support is often not used in practice and which factors are relevant in this context. Methods This study had a mixed methods design integrating quantitative and qualitative research methods. Two survey questionnaires, two focus groups and 17 interviews were conducted among board members and ethics support staff in Dutch healthcare institutions. Findings Most respondents see a (...)
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    Complexity as a contrast between dynamics and phenomenology.L. C. Zuchowski - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:86-99.
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    David Painting Death.Didier Maleuvre - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (3):1-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.3 (2000) 13-27 [Access article in PDF] David Painting Death Didier Maleuvre Our life has no end in just the way in which our visual field has no limit. —Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Dates It was the "terrible year." The Revolution was in danger, the enemies of France marched on the borders, the Reign of the Terror had begun. There lay Marat in his blood bath, a letter in (...)
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    The rules of tool incorporation: Tool morpho-functional & sensori-motor constraints.L. Cardinali, C. Brozzoli, L. Finos, A. C. Roy & A. Farnè - 2016 - Cognition 149:1-5.
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  35. The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning.L. A. Zadeh - 1975 - Information Science 1.
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  36. Who is starving whom?L. Jonathan Cohen - 1981 - Theoria 47 (2):65-81.
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    (1 other version)Science and Civilization in China. Vol. I, Introductory Orientations.L. Carrington Goodrich & Joseph Needham - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (4):275.
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    Apuleius: Rhetorical Works (review).William Levitan - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (1):156-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.1 (2003) 156-160 [Access article in PDF] S. J. Harrison, J. L. Hilton, and V. J. C. Hunink, trans. Apuleius: Rhetorical Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. x + 225 pp. Cloth, $65. Apuleius of Madauros, as this book reminds us, was no one-trick burro. Indeed he was always eager to reveal just how many tricks he had in store. "Uno chartario calamo me (...)
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    The subjective evaluation of task switch cues is related to voluntary task switching.L. Vermeylen, S. Braem, W. Notebaert & M. F. L. Ruitenberg - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105063.
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    Nuclear magnetic resonance in silver-cadmium.L. E. Drain - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (40):484-501.
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  41. L'Allemagne depuis Leibniz. — Essai sur le développement de la conscience nationale en Allemagne.L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1891 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 31:197-205.
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    X IS A JOURNEY: Embodied Simulation in Metaphor Interpretation.L. David Ritchie - 2008 - Metaphor and Symbol 23 (3):174-199.
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    BPFA and projective well-orderings of the reals.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo & Sy-David Friedman - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1126-1136.
    If the bounded proper forcing axiom BPFA holds and ω 1 = ${\mathrm{\omega }}_{1}^{\mathrm{L}}$ , then there is a lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{3}^{1}$ well-ordering of the reals. The argument combines a well-ordering due to Caicedo-Veličković with an absoluteness result for models of MA in the spirit of "David's trick." We also present a general coding scheme that allows us to show that BPFA is equiconsistent with R being lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{4}^{1}$ , for many "consistently locally certified" relations R on $\mathrm{\mathbb{R}}$ (...)
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    On the determinacy of games on ordinals.L. A. Harrington - 1981 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 20 (2):109.
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    Logic and Reality in Leibniz's Metaphysics.L. J. Russell - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (64):276-277.
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    Choice reaction with variable S-R mapping.L. H. Shaffer - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3):284.
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    Compensating Wrongless Historical Emissions of Grennhouse Gases.L. H. Meyer - 2004 - Ethical Perspectives 11 (1):20-35.
    Currently living people cannot be said to be wronged because of the wrongless emissons of greenhouse gases by past people. According to the usual subjunctive-historical understanding of harm, currently living people cannot be said to be harmed by the impact of greenhouse emissions on their well-being. By relying on a subjunctive-threshold notion of harm we can justify conclusions about both the present generation’s duties not to violate the rights of future generations, and the present generation’s duties to compensate currently living (...)
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    The strong homogeneity conjecture.L. Feiner - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):375-377.
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    Studies in decision. II. An empirical test of a quantitative theory of decision.L. Festinger - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 32 (5):411.
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    Public conceptions of publicness in the wake of the Copenhagen killings.Anders Horsbøl - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (5):458-478.
    The deadly attacks on a public meeting and on a Jewish citizen in Copenhagen in February 2015 have given rise to a vast amount of public discussion and interpretation of the events themselves, their background, their causes, their significance, and their repercussions. During these discussions, various conceptions of publicness and public space have been articulated. Indeed, one may view the killings as a ‘critical discourse moment’ in which a range of discourses have been employed to help interpret, understand, and deal (...)
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