Results for 'Larry Cornwell'

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  1.  50
    A question of ethics: Developing information system ethics. [REVIEW]Eli Cohen & Larry Cornwell - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (6):431 - 437.
    This study develops a pedagogy for the teaching of ethical principles in information systems (IS) classes, and reports on an empirical study that supports the efficacy of the approach. The proposed pedagogy involves having management information systems professors lead questioning and discussion on a list of ethical issues as part of their existing IS courses. The rationale for this pedagogy involves (1) the maturational aspects of ethics, and (2) the importance of repetition, challenge, and practice in developing a personal set (...)
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    GABAergic control of anxiety-potentiated responding to stimulus deviance.Cornwell Brian & Grillon Christian - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  3. Social Functions of Literature: Alexander Pushkin and Russian Culture. By Paul Debreczeny.N. Cornwell - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:126-126.
  4. Introduction to Issues 2 and 3: Symposium on Consent in Sexual Relations: Larry Alexander.Larry Alexander - 1996 - Legal Theory 2 (2):87-88.
    Legal and social norms regarding gender relations have undergone dramatic changes in the past 25 years. The changes have come about largely because of the confluence of changing economic and technological realities, the unfolding of the norm dictating equal treatment of individuals, the sexual revolution and its corollaries of improved contraception and legal abortion, the rise of women as a self-conscious group and a presence in the academy, and the interrelations of all of these factors. As men and women have (...)
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    Symposium on Larry Temkin’s Rethinking the Good: Moral Ideals and the Nature of Practical Reasoning.Larry S. Temkin - 2015 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 12 (4):363-392.
    This article gives a brief overview of Rethinking the Good, whose impossibility arguments illuminate the difficulty of arriving at a coherent theory of the good. I show that an additive-aggregationistprinciple is plausible for some comparisons, while an anti- additive-aggregationistprinciple is plausible for others. Invoking SpectrumArguments, I show that these principles are incompatible with an empirical premise, and various Axioms of Transitivity. I argue that whether the “all-things-considered better than” relation is transitive is not a matter of language or logic, but (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Aggregation within lives: Larry S. Temkin.Larry S. Temkin - 2009 - Social Philosophy and Policy 26 (1):1-29.
    Many philosophers have discussed problems of additive aggregation across lives. In this article, I suggest that anti-additive aggregationist principles sometimes apply within lives, as well as between lives, and hence that we should reject a widely accepted conception of individual self-interest. The article has eight sections. Section I is introductory. Section II offers a general account of aggregation. Section III presents two examples of problems of additive aggregation across lives: Derek Parfit's Repugnant Conclusion, and my Lollipops for Life Case Section (...)
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    Review of Larry May: Sharing Responsibility[REVIEW]Larry May - 1994 - Ethics 104 (4):890-893.
    Are individuals responsible for the consequences of actions taken by their community? What about their community's inaction or its attitudes? In this innovative book, Larry May departs from the traditional Western view that moral responsibility is limited to the consequences of overt individual action. Drawing on the insights of Arendt, Jaspers, and Sartre, he argues that even when individuals are not direct participants, they share responsibility for various harms perpetrated by their communities.
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  8. Criminal punishment and restorative justice: past, present, and future perspectives.David J. Cornwell - 2006 - Portland, Or.: North American distributor, International Specialised Book Services. Edited by F. W. M. McElrea, John R. Blad & Robert B. Cormier.
    Provides an international perspective as to the potential of restorative justice to * Deliver better ways of dealing with offenders and victims * Reduce the use ...
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    The conflicts of postmodern and traditional epistemologies in curricular reform: A dialogue.Grant Cornwell & Baylor Johnson - 1991 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 11 (2):149-166.
    A radical opponent of Western higher education asserts that its pedagogy and content depend on belief in objective truth and knowledge. This epistemology and education are attacked as exclusive and domineering toward women, minorities, and non-Westerners. The critic puts forward a pragmatist epistemology, leading to multi-cultural education aimed at social criticism and personal autonomy. The critic's dialogue with a defender of traditional epistemological ideas provides a critical introduction to the claims justifying many radical criticisms of Western curricula and pedagogy.
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    Justice and Equality: Some Questions About Scope: LARRY S. TEMKIN.Larry S. Temkin - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (2):72-104.
    Can a society be just if it ignores the plight of other societies? Does it matter whether those societies are contemporaries? Moral “purists” are likely to assume that the answer to these questions must be “no.” Relying on familiar claims about impartiality or universalizability, the purist is likely to assert that the dictates of justice have no bounds, that they extend with equal strength across space and time. On this view, if, for example, justice requires us to maximize the expectations (...)
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  11. The impact of anxiety upon cognition: perspectives from human threat of shock studies.Oliver J. Robinson, Katherine Vytal, Brian R. Cornwell & Christian Grillon - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  12. Unconscious influences of memory: Dissociations and automaticity.Larry L. Jacoby & Clarence M. Kelley - 1991 - In A. David Milner & M. D. Rugg, The Neuropsychology of Consciousness. Academic Press.
  13. The Burden of Autonomy, Non-combatant Immunity and Humanitarian Intervention.William Cornwell - 2005 - Ethical Perspectives 12 (3):341-355.
    Michael Walzer argues that except in cases involving genocide or mass slaughter, humanitarian intervention is unjustifiable because “citizens get the government they deserve, or, at least, the government for which they are ‘fit.’”Yet, if people are autonomous and deserve the government that rules over them, then it would seem that they are responsible for the government’s actions, including their nation’s wars of aggression.That line of thought undermines the doctrine of noncombatant immunity, which is perhaps the most important of Walzer’s jus (...)
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  14. Rethinking the Good: Moral Ideals and the Nature of Practical Reasoning.Larry S. Temkin - 2011 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    Temkin's book is a very original and deeply unsettling work of skeptical philosophy that mounts an important new challenge to contemporary ethics.
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    Explanations: styles of explanation in science.John Cornwell (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our lives, states of health, relationships, behavior, experiences of the natural world, and the technologies that shape our contemporary existence are subject to a superfluity of competing, multi-faceted and sometimes incompatible explanations. Widespread confusion about the nature of "explanation" and its scope and limits pervades popular exposition of the natural sciences, popular history and philosophy of science. This fascinating book explores the way explanations work, why they vary between disciplines, periods, and cultures, and whether they have any necessary boundaries. In (...)
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  16.  47
    Reasons and the deductive ideal.Larry Wright - 1999 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 23 (1):197–206.
  17. (1 other version)A confutation of convergent realism.Larry Laudan - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (1):19-49.
    This essay contains a partial exploration of some key concepts associated with the epistemology of realist philosophies of science. It shows that neither reference nor approximate truth will do the explanatory jobs that realists expect of them. Equally, several widely-held realist theses about the nature of inter-theoretic relations and scientific progress are scrutinized and found wanting. Finally, it is argued that the history of science, far from confirming scientific realism, decisively confutes several extant versions of avowedly 'naturalistic' forms of scientific (...)
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  18. Redefining automaticity: Unconscious influences, awareness, and control.Larry L. Jacoby, D. Ste-Marie & J. P. Toth - 1993 - In A. D. Baddeley & Lawrence Weiskrantz, Attention: Selection, Awareness, and Control. Oxford University Press.
  19. Inequality.Larry S. Temkin - 1993 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Louis P. Pojman & Robert Westmoreland.
    In this book Larry Temkin examines the concepts of equality and inequality, and addresses one particular question in depth: how can we judge between different sorts of inequality? When is one inequality worse than another? Temkin shows that there are many different factors underlying and influencing our egalitarian judgments and that the notion of inequality is surprisingly complex. He looks at inequality as applied to individuals and to groups, and at the standard measures of inequality employed by economists and (...)
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  20.  21
    Cardinal Manning.Peter Cornwell - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (4):593-594.
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  21. Self-synthesis.Cornwell Round - 1906 - London,: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & co..
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  22. Epistemological holism and semantic holism.William Cornwell - 2002 - In Perspectives on Coherentism. Aylmer, Québec: Éditions Du Scribe. pp. 17-33.
    This paper draws upon the works of Wilfred Sellars, Jerry Fodor, and Ruth Millikan to argue against epistemological holism and conceptual holism. In the first section, I content that contrary to confirmation holism, there are individual beliefs ("basic beliefs") that receive nondoxastic/noninferential warrant. In the earliest stages of cognitive development, modular processes produce basic beliefs about how things are. The disadvantage of this type of basic belief is that the person may possess information that should have defeated the belief but (...)
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  23.  27
    Being Good in a World of Need.Larry S. Temkin - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    How should the well-off respond to the world's needy? Renowned ethicist Larry S. Temkin challenges common beliefs about philanthropy and Effective Altruism, exploring the complex ways that global aid may do more harm than good, and considers the alternatives available when neglecting the needy is morally impermissible.
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  24. Is Perception Inferential?William Cornwell - 2004 - In Marek, Johann Christian & Maria Elisabeth Reicher, Experience and Analysis: Papers of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium: August 8-14, 2004, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Vol. XII. niederosterreichkultur. pp. 80-82.
    Applying a theory of psychological modularity, I argue for a theory of defeasibility conditions for the epistemic justification of perceptual beliefs. My theory avoids the extremes of holism (e.g., coherentism and confirmation holism) and of foundationalist theories of non-inferential justification.
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    Philosophers and God: at the frontiers of faith and reason.John Cornwell & Michael McGhee (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Continuum.
    A small industry has grown up around these works - Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens - complaining not just about their theological illiteracy but also about their ...
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  26.  75
    Measuring Unethical Consumer Behavior Across Four Countries.Vince W. Mitchell, George Balabanis, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch & T. Bettina Cornwell - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):395-412.
    The huge amounts spent on store security and crime prevention worldwide, not only costs international businesses, but also amounts to a hidden tax on those law-binding consumers who bear higher prices. Most previous research has focused on shoplifting and ignored many other ways in which consumers cheat businesses. Using a hybrid of both qualitative research and survey approaches in four countries, an index of 37 activities was developed to examine consumers’ unethical activities across UK, US, France, and Austria. The findings (...)
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  27.  8
    Consciousness and Human Identity.John Cornwell (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What processes of the brain or the mind can explain the uniquely personal experience we have of smelling a rose, or feeling the pain of toothache, or seeing the point of a newspaper cartoon, or sensing a pang of post-modernist angst in the run up to the Millenium. The phenomenon of humanhigher-order consciousness has puzzled philosophers, naturalists, and theologians down the ages. Now, somewhat belatedly, consciousness has caught the interest of scientists, some of whom believe they are on the brink (...)
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  28. An (abridged) atlas of negation: Polar landscape in an era of climate change.Larry Horn - 2018 - In Ken Turner & Laurence R. Horn, Pragmatics, truth and underspecification: towards an atlas of meaning. Boston: Brill.
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    I am not an animal: Mortality salience, disgust, and the denial of human creatureliness.Jamie L. Goldenberg, Tom Pyszczynski, Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon, Benjamin Kluck & Robin Cornwell - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):427.
  30. Measuring consumers' ethical position in austria, Britain, brunei, Hong Kong, and USA.Charles C. Cui, Vince Mitchell, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch & Bettina Cornwell - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (1):57 - 71.
    Previous studies have found Forsyth’s Ethical Position Questionnaire (EPQ) to vary between countries, but none has made a systematic evaluation of its psychometric properties across consumers from many countries. Using confirmatory factor analysis and multi-group LISREL analysis, this paper explores the factor structure of the EPQ and the measurement equivalence in five societies: Austria, Britain, Brunei, Hong Kong and USA. The results suggest that the modified scale, measuring idealism and relativism, was applicable in all five societies. Equivalence was found across (...)
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  31.  40
    Nature's imagination: the frontiers of scientific vision.John Cornwell (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "A person is not explainable in molecular, field-theoretical, or physiological terms alone." With that declaration, Nobel laureate Gerald M. Edelman goes straight to the heart of Nature's Imagination, a vibrant and important collection of essays by some of the world's foremost scientists. Ever since the Enlightenment, the authors write, science has pursued reductionism: the idea that the whole can be understood by examining and explaining each of its parts. But as this book shows, scientists in every discipline are reaching for (...)
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  32. Perspectives on Coherentism.William Cornwell - 2002 - Aylmer, Québec: Éditions Du Scribe.
  33.  46
    The Hegemony of Money: Commercialism and Professionalism in American Medicine.Larry R. Churchill - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (4):407.
    Money plays a powerful role in modern medicine, both in terms of how health services are organized and delivered and increasingly in how physicians understand themselves and their work. The phrase “the hegemony of money” is intended to capture that power.
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    Limiting Leviathan: Hobbes on Law and International Affairs.Larry May - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Thomas Hobbes wrote extensively about law, was strongly influenced by legal debates, and is considered by many to be one of the first legal positivists. Larry May presents the first book in English on Hobbes's legal philosophy, offering a new interpretation of Hobbes's views about the connections among law, politics, and morality.
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  35. Westworld: Ideology, Simulation, Spectacle.Larry Alan Busk - 2016 - Mediations 30 (1).
    Is ideology critique equipped to handle the hyperreal? Larry Alan Busk analyzes Michael Crichton’s 1973 film Westworld as a symptom of the ideological complexity of the current political and cultural conjuncture.
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    War Crimes and Just War.Larry May - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Larry May argues that the best way to understand war crimes is as crimes against humanness rather than as violations of justice. He shows that in a deeply pluralistic world, we need to understand the rules of war as the collective responsibility of states that send their citizens into harm's way, as the embodiment of humanity, and as the chief way for soldiers to retain a sense of honour on the battlefield. Throughout, May demonstrates that the principle of humanness (...)
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  37. Progress or Rationality? The Prospects for Normative Naturalism.Larry Laudan - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):19 - 31.
  38.  59
    Sharing Responsibility.Larry May - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    Are individuals responsible for the consequences of actions taken by their community? What about their community's inaction or its attitudes? In this innovative book, Larry May departs from the traditional Western view that moral responsibility is limited to the consequences of overt individual action. Drawing on the insights of Arendt, Jaspers, and Sartre, he argues that even when individuals are not direct participants, they share responsibility for various harms perpetrated by their communities.
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  39. Some strange things they say about pragmatism: Robert Brandom on the pragmatists' semantic 'mistake'.Larry Hickman - 2007 - Cognition 8 (1):105-113.
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  40. Part I: Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. John Dewey : his life and work.Larry A. Hickman - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich, John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    The Moral Interests of Social Groups.Larry May - 1986 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 8:68-75.
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  42.  12
    Operatic Albanians and singing Turks in the age of enlightenment and revolution.Larry Wolff - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (8):1045-1057.
    ABSTRACT This article considers Albanian subjects in European operas of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, discussed in the context of the broader phenomenon of operas about Ottoman Turkish subjects and also with regard to more general European cultural perspectives on Albania and the Ottoman empire. The principal operas discussed include Antonio Vivaldi’s Scanderbeg, performed in Florence in 1718; a completely different treatment of that subject, Scanderberg composed by François Francoeur and François Rebel for Paris in 1735 and revived in (...)
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    Chicagoscapes.Larry Kanfer & Alaina Kanfer - 2014 - University of Illinois Press.
    Opening Chicagoscapes places the reader amid the breathtaking grandeur and warm humanity of one of the world's great cities, a metropolis both lavish with its pleasures and as hard as weathered steel, a prairie-bound Oz that demands commitment from those seeking its truths. Larry Kanfer and native Chicagoan Alaina Kanfer have captured authentic moments that invite the viewer into pocket universes achieved in collaboration between an acclaimed photographic artist and the living world. From the deep blues of Lake Michigan (...)
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  44. A process dissociation framework: Separating automatic from intentional uses of memory.Larry L. Jacoby - 1991 - Journal of Memory and Language 30:513-41.
  45.  39
    Del tema al objeto de investigación en la propuesta epistemológica de Hugo Zemelman.Larry Andrade - 2007 - Cinta de Moebio 30:262-282.
    El artículo aborda de modo breve la extensa producción epistemológica y metodológica de Hugo Zemelman. El esfuerzo está centrado en mostrar su potencialidad no como reemplazo de un modo aceptado de hacer investigación científica, sino más bien en valorizar una forma diferente de hacer el recorte del campo de observación y posterior intervención en el mismo. A partir de este objetivo, se revisan categorías relevantes de la propuesta, procurando conformar un “corpus” de conocimiento coherente y pertinente a los fines de (...)
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  46. Science and Relativism: Some key controversies in the philosophy of science.Larry Laudan - 1990 - University of Chicago Press.
    Some Key Controversies in the Philosophy of Science Larry Laudan. the mouths of my realist, relativist, and positivist. (By contrast, there is at least one person who hews to the line I have my prag- matist defending.) But I have gone to some  ...
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  47. The principle of just cause.Larry May - 2008 - In War: Essays in Political Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  48. Retributivism and the inadvertent punishment of the innocent.Larry Alexander - 1983 - Law and Philosophy 2 (2):233 - 246.
    Retributivism is generally thought to forbid the punishment of the innocent, even if such punishment would produce otherwise good results, such as deterrence. It has recently been argued that because capital punishment always entails the risk of executing an innocent person, instituting capital punishment is tantamount to intentionally taking innocent lives and therefore cannot be justified on retributive grounds. I argue that there are several versions of retributivism, only one of which might categorically forbid risking punishing innocent persons. I also (...)
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  49. Egalitarianism defended.Larry S. Temkin - 2003 - Ethics 113 (4):764-782.
    In "Equality, Priority, and Compassion," Roger Crisp rejects both egalitarianism and prioritarianism. Crisp contends that our concern for those who are badly off is best accounted for by appealing to "a sufficiency principle" based -- indirectly, via the notion of an impartial spectator -- on compassion for those who are badly off" (p. 745). A key example of Crisp's is the Beverly Hills case (discussed below). This example is directed against prioritarianism, but it also threatens egalitarianism. In this article, I (...)
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  50. Crime and Culpability: A Theory of Criminal Law.Larry Alexander, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan & Stephen J. Morse - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Kimberly Kessler Ferzan & Stephen J. Morse.
    This book presents a comprehensive overview of what the criminal law would look like if organised around the principle that those who deserve punishment should receive punishment commensurate with, but no greater than, that which they deserve. Larry Alexander and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan argue that desert is a function of the actor's culpability, and that culpability is a function of the risks of harm to protected interests that the actor believes he is imposing and his reasons for acting in (...)
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