Results for 'Lars Hallström'

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    Science, religion and the need for a world-view.Lars Haikola - 2003 - HTS Theological Studies 59 (3).
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    Economic Inequality in the United States.Lars Osberg - 2015 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1984, this study explores multiple theoretical perspectives as well as critically analysing the most recent evidence at the time to try and find a full explanation for inequality in the United States. Arguments of neoclassical economists and Marxist and institutional structuralists are considered by Osberg as well as putting forward his own model. Osberg uses his findings to attempt a complete explanation of the issue and advises on policies which could be undertaken by the government to try (...)
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    NILS CHRISTIAN IPSEN, Private Normenordnungen als Transnationales Recht?.Lars Viellechner - 2011 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 97 (4):589-593.
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  4. Position and change: a study in law and logic.Lars Lindahl - 1977 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    CHAPTER 1 From Bentham to Kanger I. Introduction In the analytical tradition established by Jeremy Bentham and John Austin, and continued in the twentieth ...
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    (1 other version)A Philosophy of Boredom.Lars Svendsen - 2005 - Reaktion Books.
    In this book Lars Svendsen examines the nature of boredom, how it originated, its history, how and why it afflicts us, and why we cannot seem to overcome it by any act of will.
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  6. Lifting the Veil of Morality: Choice Blindness and Attitude Reversals on a Self-Transforming Survey.Lars Hall, Petter Johansson & Thomas Strandberg - 2012 - PLoS ONE 7 (9):e45457. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.
    Every day, thousands of polls, surveys, and rating scales are employed to elicit the attitudes of humankind. Given the ubiquitous use of these instruments, it seems we ought to have firm answers to what is measured by them, but unfortunately we do not. To help remedy this situation, we present a novel approach to investigate the nature of attitudes. We created a self-transforming paper survey of moral opinions, covering both foundational principles, and current dilemmas hotly debated in the media. This (...)
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    Reflexion und Ritual in der Purvamimamsa: Studie zur frühen Geschichte der Philosophie in Indien.Lars Göhler - 2011 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    Der Ubergang von der Ideenwelt des Veda zu derjenigen der Upanisaden wird in der Regel als Beginn der indischen Philosophie angesehen. Lars Gohler zeigt in seiner Monographie zur fruhen Philosophie in Indien, dass es neben den Upanisaden hingegen noch eine weitere Traditionslinie in der Entstehung der indischen Philosophie gegeben hat: Sie fuhrt von der Opferritualistik des Veda zu der ihr nachfolgenden Ritualwissenschaft und Hermeneutik der Mimamsa. Ein Grossteil der Begriffe der indischen Philosophie, die ursprunglich aus dem Bereich der Opferritualistik (...)
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  8. The philosophy of slavoj ¿i¿ek and anthropology: the current situation and possible futures.Lars Kjaerholm - 2013 - In Ananta Kumar Giri & John Clammer, Philosophy and anthropology: border crossing and transformations. New York City: Anthem Press.
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    Was verlangt die Perspektivität vom Erkennen? Zum Umgang mit endlichen Horizonten.Lars Leeten - 2019 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 44 (3).
    This paper asks what it would mean for epistemic practices to take irreducible perspectivity into account. It starts with the premise that such perspectivity cannot be explained on the basis of conceptual logic alone, but only by virtue of the logic of sensual perception. Following Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception, four requirements are developed that irreducible perspectivity demands from epistemic practice: interminable movement, broadening horizons, bearing disharmonies and the presupposition of different horizons. As soon as truth-oriented practice is detached from the (...)
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    Den svenske Sokrates: Sokratesbilden från Rydelius till Gyllensten.Lars O. Lundgren - 1980 - Lund: Distribution H. Hansson.
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  11. Sokratesbilden: från Aristofanes till Nietzsche.Lars O. Lundgren - 1978 - Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell international.
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  12. IT Project Portfolio Management: Modularity Problems in a Public Organization.Lars Kristian Hansen and Shegaw Anagaw Mengiste - 2014 - Iris 35.
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    Neuroplastic Changes in Older Adults Performing Cooperative Hand Movements.Lars Michels, Volker Dietz, Alexandra Schättin & Miriam Schrafl-Altermatt - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  14. Meta-norms in complex situations : the pedagogy of recognition.Lars Persson - 2013 - In Matthias Baier, Social and legal norms: towards a socio-legal understanding of normativity. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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  15. Eliminating Group Agency.Lars J. K. Moen - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (1):43-66.
    Aggregating individuals’ consistent attitudes might produce inconsistent collective attitudes. Some groups therefore need the capacity to form attitudes that are irreducible to those of their members. Such groups, group-agent realists argue, are agents in control of their own attitude formation. In this paper, however, I show how group-agent realism overlooks the important fact that groups consist of strategically interacting agents. Only by eliminating group agency from our social explanations can we see how individuals vote strategically to gain control of their (...)
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  16. Shared decision-making and patient autonomy.Lars Sandman & Christian Munthe - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (4):289-310.
    In patient-centred care, shared decision-making is advocated as the preferred form of medical decision-making. Shared decision-making is supported with reference to patient autonomy without abandoning the patient or giving up the possibility of influencing how the patient is benefited. It is, however, not transparent how shared decision-making is related to autonomy and, in effect, what support autonomy can give shared decision-making. In the article, different forms of shared decision-making are analysed in relation to five different aspects of autonomy: (1) self-realisation; (...)
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  17. On the attitude of trust.Lars Hertzberg - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):307 – 322.
    In On Certainty, the emphasis is on the solitary individual as subject of knowledge. The importance of our dependence on others, however, is brought out in Wittgenstein's remarks about trust. In this paper, the role and nature of trust are discussed, the grammar of trust being contrasted with that of reliance. It is shown that to speak of trust is to speak of a fundamental attitude of one person towards others, an attitude which, unlike reliance, is not to be explained, (...)
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    The Politics of Unreason: The Frankfurt School and the Origins of Modern Antisemitism.Lars Rensmann - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    The first systematic analysis of the Frankfurt School’s research and theorizing on modern antisemitism. Although the Frankfurt School represents one of the most influential intellectual traditions of the twentieth century, its multifaceted work on modern antisemitism has so far largely been neglected. The Politics of Unreason fills this gap, providing the first systematic study of the Frankfurt School’s philosophical, psychological, political, and social research and theorizing on the problem of antisemitism. Examining the full range of these critical theorists’ contributions, from (...)
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    Voorstel tot een historische kritiek van het neoliberalisme.Lars Cornelissen - 2018 - Res Publica 60 (2):57-82.
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  20. Om politikens gränser.Lars O. Ericsson - 1980 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 1 (3):12.
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    Welfare state and women's work: the professional projects of nurses and occupational therapists in Sweden.Lars Evertsson & Rafael Lindqvist - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (4):256-268.
    In this article we explore how Swedish welfare politics within health‐care and rehabilitation has opened up a space for nurses’ and occupational therapists’ professional projects. Using historical data, an analysis of the policy‐making process behind welfare programs central to the professionalization of nursing and occupational therapy is presented. The time period covered is, in the case of nurses, the larger part of the twentieth century, while the modern history of occupational therapists first began in the 1940s. Special emphasis is placed (...)
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    Enlargements of schemes.Lars Brünjes & Christian Serpé - 2007 - Logic and Analysis 1 (1):1-60.
    In this article we use our previous constructions (L. Brünjes, C. Serpé, Theory Appl. Categ. 14:357–398, 2005) to lay down some foundations for the application of A. Robinson’s nonstandard methods to modern algebraic geometry. The main motivation is the search for another tool to transfer results from characteristic zero to positive characteristic and vice versa. We give applications to the resolution of singularities and weak factorization.
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    Methodological Individualism: Background, History and Meaning.Lars Udehn - 2001 - Routledge.
    Throughout the history of social thought, there has been a constant battle over the true nature of society, and the best way to understand and explain it. This volume covers the development of methodological individualism, including the individualist theory of society from Greek antiquity to modern social science. It is a comprehensive and systematic treatment of methodological individualism in all its manifestations.
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  24. Against Corporate Responsibility.Lars J. K. Moen - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (1):44–61.
    Can a group be morally responsible instead of, or in addition to, its members? An influential defense of corporate responsibility is based on results in social choice theory suggesting that a group can form and act on attitudes held by few, or even none, of its members. The members therefore cannot be (fully) responsible for the group’s behavior; the group itself, as a corporate agent, must be responsible. In this paper, I reject this view of corporate responsibility by showing how (...)
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  25. Collectivizing Public Reason.Lars J. K. Moen - 2024 - Social Theory and Practice 50 (2):285–306.
    Public reason liberals expect individuals to have justificatory reasons for their views of certain political issues. This paper considers how groups can, and whether they should, give collective public reasons for their political decisions. A problem is that aggregating individuals’ consistent judgments on reasons and a decision can produce inconsistent collective judgments. The group will then fail to give a reason for its decision. The paper considers various solutions to this problem and defends a deliberative procedure by showing how it (...)
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  26. Freedom and its unavoidable trade‐off.Lars J. K. Moen - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (1):22–36.
    In the debate on how we ought to define political freedom, some definitions are criticized for implying that no one can ever be free to perform any action. In this paper, I show how the possibility of freedom depends on a definition that finds an appropriate balance between absence of interference and protection against interference. To assess the possibility of different conceptions of freedom, I consider the trade-offs they make between these two dimensions. I find that pure negative freedom is (...)
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    The Loneliness of the Liberal Individual.Lars Fr H. Svendsen - 2017 - In Thomas Schwarz Wentzer, Martin Gustafsson & Kevin M. Cahill, Finite but Unbounded: New Approaches in Philosophical Anthropology. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 173-186.
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  28. Republicanism as Critique of Liberalism.Lars J. K. Moen - 2023 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (2):308–324.
    The revival of republicanism was meant to challenge the hegemony of liberalism in contemporary political theory on the grounds that liberals show insufficient concern with institutional protection against political misrule. This article challenges this view by showing how neorepublicanism, particularly on Philip Pettit’s formulation, demands no greater institutional protection than does political liberalism. By identifying neutrality between conceptions of the good as the constraint on institutional requirements that forces neorepublicanism into the liberal framework, the article shows that neutrality is what (...)
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    Conceptualizing creativity and innovation as affective processes: Steve Jobs, Lars von Trier, and responsible innovation.Lars Geer Hammershøj - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):115-131.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to responsible innovation by developing a conceptual framework for the processes of creativity and innovation. The hypothesis is that creative and innovative processes are similar in that both are affective in nature. I develop this conceptual framework through an interpretation of the insights of Henri Poincaré’s notion of the ‘four stages’ in the creative process and Joseph Schumpeter’s notion of the entrepreneur. Building on this framework, I analyze the creative and innovative practices (...)
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  30. Shared Decision Making, Paternalism and Patient Choice.Lars Sandman & Christian Munthe - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (1):60-84.
    In patient centred care, shared decision making is a central feature and widely referred to as a norm for patient centred medical consultation. However, it is far from clear how to distinguish SDM from standard models and ideals for medical decision making, such as paternalism and patient choice, and e.g., whether paternalism and patient choice can involve a greater degree of the sort of sharing involved in SDM and still retain their essential features. In the article, different versions of SDM (...)
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  31. Naturlagar.Lars-göran Johansson - 2001 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 4.
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  32. Democracy of the "New World": The Great Binding Law of Peace and the Political System of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.Lars Kirkhusmo Pharo - 2018 - In Helge Jordheim & Erling Sandmo, Conceptualizing the world: an exploration across disciplines. New York: Berghahn.
  33. The Christ We Know.Lars P. Qualben - unknown
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    Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse ed. by Sandra Becker, Megen de Bruin-Molé, and Sara Polak (review).Lars Schmeink - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):515-518.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse ed. by Sandra Becker, Megen de Bruin-Molé, and Sara PolakLars SchmeinkSandra Becker, Megen de Bruin-Molé, and Sara Polak, editors. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Bangor, Wales: The University of Wales Press, 2021. PB, p. 288, ISBN 978-1-78683-690-8, GBP 45,-There is a trend in current humanities writing to point out its relation (...)
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    Art: den institutionella konstteorin, konstnärlig kvalitet, den internationella samtidskonsten.Lars Vilks - 2011 - Nora: Nya Doxa.
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  36. Bosse Bus.Lars Wetterberg - 2019 - In Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort, Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren. Lund: Arkiv förlag.
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  37. Reflections on consequentialism.Lars Bergström - 1996 - Theoria 62 (1-2):74-94.
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    Three ways to conceive of functions and relations.Lars Svenonius - 1987 - Theoria 53 (1):31-58.
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  39. Adherence, shared decision-making and patient autonomy.Lars Sandman, Bradi B. Granger, Inger Ekman & Christian Munthe - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (2):115-127.
    In recent years the formerly quite strong interest in patient compliance has been questioned for being too paternalistic and oriented towards overly narrow biomedical goals as the basis for treatment recommendations. In line with this there has been a shift towards using the notion of adherence to signal an increased weight for patients’ preferences and autonomy in decision making around treatments. This ‘adherence-paradigm’ thus encompasses shared decision-making as an ideal and patient perspective and autonomy as guiding goals of care. What (...)
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  40. Ideal Theory and Its Fairness Role.Lars J. K. Moen - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (3):461–476.
    The debate on ideal theory focuses mainly on whether it can provide a long-term target and a metric for assessing the justice of different institutional arrangements in non-ideal theory. Both critics and defenders of ideal theory typically overlook the role it plays in a model of fairness that can restrict the range of permissible arrangements under non-ideal conditions. In this paper, I explain ideal theory’s fairness role and its part in ensuring an institutional structure that benefits everyone in a society. (...)
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    Memory aging and brain maintenance.Lars Nyberg, Martin Lövdén, Katrine Riklund, Ulman Lindenberger & Lars Bäckman - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):292-305.
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    Distinction between euthanasia and palliative sedation is clear-cut.Lars Johan Materstvedt - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):55-56.
    This article is a response to Thomas David Riisfeldt’s paper entitled ‘Weakening the ethical distinction between euthanasia, palliative opioid use and palliative sedation’. It is shown that as far as euthanasia and palliative sedation are concerned, Riisfeldt has not established that a common ground, or a similarity, between the two is the relief of suffering. Quite the contrary, this is not characteristic of euthanasia, neither by definition nor from a clinical point of view. Hence, the argument hinges on a conceptually (...)
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  43. Koherens och livsåskådningar.Lars Bergström - 1997 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 3.
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  44. Kritisk rationalism?Lars Bergström - 2010 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 2.
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  45. Referat av diskussionen 31 oktober 1960.Lars Bergström & Åke Löfgren - 2002 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 3.
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    Auf dem Sprung zum bewegten Bild: Narration, Serie und (proto-)filmische Apparate.Lars Christian Grabbe, Dimitri Liebsch & Patrick Rupert-Kruse (eds.) - 2014 - Köln: Von Halem.
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  47. IT Project Portfolio Management: Modularity Problems in a Public Organization.Lars Kristian Hansen & Shegaw Anagaw Mengiste - 2014 - Iris 35.
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    Die Substanz als Subjekt: Genese einer anthropologischen Grundbestimmung.Lars Heckenroth - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):107-111.
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    Attending to the Actual Sayings of Things.Lars Hertzberg - 2010 - In Volker Munz, Essays on the philosophy of Wittgenstein. De Gruyter. pp. 125-134.
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    Can Robots Learn to Talk?Lars Hertzberg - 2019 - In Newton Da Costa & Shyam Wuppuluri, Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein's Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 409-422.
    We are all familiar with robots and other computers producing linguistic expressions. The essay discusses the question in what sense these speech-like phenomena can be regarded as an outcome of what might be called learning to talk. The question might also be rephrased as follows: in what sense can a talking robot be considered a speaker. In the debate becoming a speaker is often construed as an ability to connect signs with objects. As was shown by Wittgenstein this conception of (...)
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