Results for 'Libbet Crandon-Malamud'

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  1.  58
    Videos.Libbet Crandon-Malamud - 1993 - Anthropology of Consciousness 4 (1):18-19.
    Jose Carlos and His Spirits: The Ritual Initiation of. Zelador Dos Orixzas in. Brazilian Umbanda Center,. hour, 24 minutes. Purchase $100; rental $25.. Brazilian Pilgrimage: The Festa de Sao Francisco in Canmde, 56 minutes. Purchase $75; rental $25.Spiritist Healing in Brazil, 31 minutes. Purchase $75; rental $25.The Return of Dr. Fritz, 62 minutes. Purchase $75; rental $25.
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    An assessment of the process of informed consent at the University Hospital of the West Indies.A. T. Barnett, I. Crandon, J. F. Lindo, G. Gordon-Strachan, D. Robinson & D. Ranglin - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):344-347.
    Objective: To assess the adequacy of the process of informed consent for surgical patients at the University Hospital of the West Indies. Method: The study is a prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study. 210 patients at the University Hospital of the West Indies were interviewed using a standardised investigator-administered questionnaire, developed by the authors, after obtaining witnessed, informed consent for participation in the study. Data were analysed using SPSS V.12 for Windows. Results: Of the patients, 39.4% were male. Of the surgical procedures, (...)
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  3. Reading zoos: representations of animals and captivity.Randy Malamud - 1998 - New York: New York University Press.
    A caged animal in the heart of the city, thousands of miles from its natural habitat, neurotically pacing in its confinement . . . Zoos offer a convenient way to indulge a cultural appetite for novelty and diversion, and to teach us, albeit superficially, about animals. Yet what, conversely, do they tell us about the people who create, maintain, and patronize them, and about animal captivity in general? Rather than foster an appreciation for the lives and attributes of animals, zoos, (...)
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  4. Reparations and civil litigation: compensation for human rights violations in transitional democracies.Jaime E. Malamud-Goti, Lucas Sebastián Grosman & P. De Greiff - 2006 - In De Greiff Pablo (ed.), The handbook of reparations. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Poetic animals and animal souls.Randy Malamud - 1998 - Society and Animals 6 (3):263-277.
    Mesoamericans' rich spiritual beliefs about the importance of animals and about the correlation between the well-being of animals and that of human beings contrast with a diminutive respect accorded to animals in industrialized cultures. Some vestige of a parallel sensibility, however - granting animals an aura of dignity relatively independent of anthropocentric constructions - may be detected in the animal poetry of selected Western writers including Marianne Moore, Gary Snyder, and José Emilio Pacheco. Such animal poetry, although possessing no explicit (...)
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    The Petrification of Cleopatra in Nineteenth Century Art.Margaret Malamud & Martha Malamud - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):31-51.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Petrification of Cleopatra in Nineteenth Century Art MARGARET MALAMUD MARTHA MALAMUD What did Cleopatra look like? Was she a Roman, a Ptolemaic Greek, an Egyptian, an African? Was she a precocious child, a devastatingly beautiful seductress, an astute practitioner of imperial politics, a murderess, a longnosed blue-stocking? [Figure 1] Cleopatra is dead, but “Cleopatra ” exists in the eye of the beholder. What other human being (...)
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    What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions?Randy Malamud - 2017 - Common Knowledge 23 (3):549-550.
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    The Disneyfication of Animals.Randy Malamud - 2023 - Journal of Animal Ethics 13 (1):98-99.
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    Game: Animals, Video Games, and Humanity.Randy Malamud - 2023 - Journal of Animal Ethics 13 (2):223-226.
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    Punishment and a rights‐based democracy.Jaime Malamud-Goti - 1991 - Criminal Justice Ethics 10 (2):3-13.
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    An American Immigrant in Imperial Caesar's Court: Romans in 1930s Films.Margaret Malamud - 2004 - Arion 12 (2):127-160.
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    An African in a Toga: Joseph Cinqué and the Roman Rhetoric of the American Revolution.Margaret Malamud - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (4):525-535.
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    Animals in the Writings of C. S. Lewis.Randy Malamud - 2020 - Journal of Animal Ethics 10 (2):205-206.
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    “A Kind of Moral Gladiatorship”: Abolitionist Use of the Classics.Margaret Malamud - 2015 - Arion 23 (2):57.
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  15. As the Romans Did? Theming Ancient Rome in Contemporary Las Vegas.Margaret Malamud - forthcoming - Arion 6 (2).
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    Coetzee and Animals, Literature and Philosophy.Randy Malamud - 2012 - Journal of Animal Ethics 2 (2):212-215.
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    Cold War Romans.Margaret Malamud - 2007 - Arion 14 (3):121-154.
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  18. Elazar Barkan, The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices.J. Malamud-Goti - 2002 - Criminal Justice Ethics 21 (1):59-62.
  19. Is There the Right to Disobey the Law on Moral Grounds?Jaime E. Malamud Goti - 1986 - Rechtstheorie 17 (2):205-219.
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    Latecomer State Formation. Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin America.Andrés Malamud - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (49).
    En 1945, 51 países firmaron la Carta de San Francisco, que dio nacimiento a las Naciones Unidas. Veinte eran latinoamericanos; catorce, europeos. En 2022, la ONU se ha expandido hasta abarcar a 193 miembros. Veinte son latinoamericanos, los mismos que en la fundación, pero hoy 51 son europeos. Este libro monumental pretende explicar, entre otras cosas, por qué los estados europeos viven fusionándose y dividiéndose mientras los latinoamericanos, una vez consolidados, duran para siempre – pero funcionan peor. Las causas, se (...)
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  21.  44
    Peace Parks: Conservation and Conflict Resolution.Randy Malamud - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (3):495-496.
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    Animal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be Human.Randy Malamud - 2011 - Journal of Animal Ethics 1 (2):226-227.
  23. Roman Entertainments for the Masses in Turn-of-the-Century New York.Margaret Malamud - 2001 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 95 (1).
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    Review The Ethics of Captivity Gruen Lorri Oxford University Press New York, NY.Randy Malamud - 2015 - Journal of Animal Ethics 5 (2):219-222.
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    Statius and Epic Games: Sport, Politics, and Poetics in the Thebaid (review).Martha Malamud - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 103 (1):113-114.
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    The Culture and Ethics of Carnivory.Randy Malamud - 2011 - Society and Animals 19 (2):198-199.
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    The Internet of Animals: Human-Animal Relationships in the Digital Age.Randy Malamud - 2024 - Journal of Animal Ethics 14 (2):225-228.
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    The Nature of the Beasts: Empire and Exhibition at the Tokyo Imperial Zoo.Randy Malamud - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (1):134-134.
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    The Theater of D. H. Lawrence: Dramatic Modernist and Theatrical Inventor by James Moran.Randy Malamud - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (3):435-435.
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    Wattana: An Orangutan in Paris by Chris Herzfeld.Randy Malamud - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (1):163-163.
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    What Animals Teach Us about Politics.Randy Malamud - 2015 - Common Knowledge 21 (3):522-522.
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    Wild Life: The Institution of Nature.Randy Malamud - 2017 - Common Knowledge 23 (1):112-113.
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    Revisiting the Question: Why Look at Animals? Wendy Woodward, The Animal Gaze: Animal Subjectivities in Southern African Narratives. Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2008. 192 pages. [REVIEW]Randy Malamud - 2010 - Society and Animals 18 (2):226-227.
  34. Ralph H. Lutts The Wild Animal Story Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998, 302 pp. Howard Lyman Mad Cowboy. [REVIEW]Randy Malamud, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ollin Eugene Myers Jr, Barbara Orlans, Tom L. Beauchamp, Rebecca Dresser, David B. Morton, John P. Gluck, Kenneth D. Pimple & F. Barbara Orlans - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7:2.
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    Sebastián Mazzuca: Latecomer State Formation. Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin America. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2021, 448 pp. [REVIEW]Andrés Malamud - forthcoming - Araucaria.
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    “Won’t you?” reverse-polarity question tags in American English as a window into the semantics-pragmatics interface.Tatjana Scheffler & Sophia A. Malamud - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (6):1285-1327.
    We model the conventional meaning of utterances that combine two distinct clause types: a (positive) declarative or imperative (in rare cases, interrogative) anchor and a (negative) interrogative tag, such as won’t you?. We argue that such utterances express a single speech act, and in fact, a single conventional update of the conversational scoreboard. The proposed model of this effect is a straightforward extension of prior proposals for the semantics of declaratives, imperatives, and preposed-negation interrogatives. Ours is the first unified account (...)
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    Creating a Large-Scale Audio-Aligned Parsed Corpus of Bilingual Russian Child and Child-Directed Speech (BiRCh): Challenges, Solutions, and Implications for Research.Alex Lưu, Pasha Koval, Sophia A. Malamud & Irina Y. Dubinina - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (4):223-261.
    RESUMO O projeto BiRCh (The Corpus of Bilingual Russian Child Speech, Corpus de fala de crianças bilíngues em russo) envolve a construção de um corpus longitudinal composto de gravações de fala em russo produzida por crianças e suas famílias na Rússia, Ucrânia, Alemanha, EUA e Canadá. Estamos construindo um corpus de larga escala com base no conjunto dessas gravações, o ‘Parsed and Audio-aligned Corpus of Bilingual Russian Child and Child-directed Speech (BiRCh)’, com os dois componentes básicos: (1) as transcrições de (...)
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  38. La justificación del castigo, los juicios a militares argentinos, el llamado "punto final" y sus consecuencias políticas.Jaime Malamud Goti & Ricardo Entemal - 1986 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 26:69-82.
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  39. What went wrong with the trials in Argentina.Jaime Malamud Goti - 2023 - In Herbert Morris & George P. Fletcher (eds.), Herbert Morris: UCLA Professor of Law and Philosophy: in commemoration. [Jerusalem, Israel]: Mazo Publishers.
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    Ethics, Literature, and Theory: An Introductory Reader.Wayne C. Booth, Dudley Barlow, Orson Scott Card, Anthony Cunningham, John Gardner, Marshall Gregory, John J. Han, Jack Harrell, Richard E. Hart, Barbara A. Heavilin, Marianne Jennings, Charles Johnson, Bernard Malamud, Toni Morrison, Georgia A. Newman, Joyce Carol Oates, Jay Parini, David Parker, James Phelan, Richard A. Posner, Mary R. Reichardt, Nina Rosenstand, Stephen L. Tanner, John Updike, John H. Wallace, Abraham B. Yehoshua & Bruce Young (eds.) - 2005 - Sheed & Ward.
    Do the rich descriptions and narrative shapings of literature provide a valuable resource for readers, writers, philosophers, and everyday people to imagine and confront the ultimate questions of life? Do the human activities of storytelling and complex moral decision-making have a deep connection? What are the moral responsibilities of the artist, critic, and reader? What can religious perspectives—from Catholic to Protestant to Mormon—contribute to literary criticism? Thirty well known contributors reflect on these questions, including iterary theorists Marshall Gregory, James Phelan, (...)
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    Metamorphoses of the Zoo: Animal Encounter After Noah.Helena Pedersen, Natalie Dian, Matthew Chrulew, Jennifer Wlech, Ralph Acampora, Nicole Mazur, Koen Margodt, Lisa Kemmerer, Bernard Rollin, Randy Malamud, Chilla Bulbeck, Leesa Fawcett, Traci Warkentin, David Lulka, Gay Bradshaw & Debra Durham (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Metamorphoses of the Zoo marshals a unique compendium of critical interventions that envision novel modes of authentic encounter that cultivate humanity's biophilic tendencies without abusing or degrading other animals. These take the form of radical restructurings of what were formerly zoos or map out entirely new, post-zoo sites or experiences. The result is a volume that contributes to moral progress on the inter-species front and eco-psychological health for a humankind whose habitats are now mostly citified or urbanizing.
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  42. Spinozistic Themes in Bernard Malamud's The Fixer.J. Thomas Cook - 1989 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 5.
    "No, your honor. I didn't know who or what he was when I first came across the book -- they don't exactly love him in the synagogue, if you've read the story of his life. I found it in a junkyard in a nearby town, paid a kopek, and left cursing myself for wasting money hard to come by. Later I read through a few pages and kept on going as though there were a whirlwind at my back. As I (...)
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  43. Science and Struggle: On the Althusserianism of Mauricio Malamud.Alejo Stark - 2022 - Décalages 2 (4):265-296.
    A certain tension cuts across Althusser’s many theoretical experiments: a tension — perhaps even a “paradox”— between science and struggle. In a conjuncture in which a self-defeating skepticism short-circuits the conjunction between science and struggle, it seems vital to reformulate this problem anew. By turning to Althusser’s formulation of the “revolutionary” materialist dialectic in the so-called “theoreticist” texts this essay elaborates a re-formulation of the supposed aporias of this paradox and finds a possible way out of it. Science and struggle (...)
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    Nature in Bernard Malamud's The Assistant.Arnold L. Goldsmith - 1977 - Renascence 29 (4):211-223.
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  45. Reading Zoos by Randy Malamud.M. Scholtmeijer - 1999 - Society and Animals 7 (3):241-244.
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    Rome and America - Malamud Ancient Rome and Modern America. Pp. xii + 296, ills. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley–Blackwell, 2009. Paper, £19.99, €27. ISBN: 978-1-4051-3934-2. [REVIEW]Ward Briggs - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):298-300.
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    M.A. Malamud Prudentius: The Origin of Sin. An English Translation of the Hamartigenia. Pp. xii + 235. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2011. Paper, US$24.95 . ISBN: 978-0-8014-8872-6. [REVIEW]W. McCarthy - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (1):303-304.
  48. A whirlwind at my back...": Spinozistic themes in Bernard Malamud's" the fixer.Thomas D. Cook - 1989 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 5:15-28.
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    The Religious Fantasy of Bernard Malamud.John McCarthy - 1990 - Listening 25 (2):127-140.
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    Review An Introduction to Animals and Visual Culture Malamud Randy Palgrave Macmillan Basingstoke, England.Brett Mizelle - 2014 - Journal of Animal Ethics 4 (2):99-102.
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