Results for 'Librarians Professional ethics.'

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  1.  15
    Professional ethics and librarians.Jonathan A. Lindsey - 1985 - Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press. Edited by Ann E. Prentice.
  2.  12
    Professional ethics in librarianship: a real life casebook.Fay Zipkowitz - 1996 - Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co..
    Most librarians believe that they are part of a profession that is service oriented, democratic and nonjudgmental. Implicit in these principles is a core of professional ethics, allowing librarians to make effective, informed choices in matters affecting the library, its patrons and staff.Many of the ethical dilemmas facing the profession are covered here through a series of case studies. The focus is on librarians' relationships with patrons, colleagues, organizations, resources and vendors. Such issues as parental consent, (...)
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  3. Code of ethics for librarians.Flora Belle Ludington (ed.) - 1939 - Chicago, Ill.,: American library association.
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    Librarians with spines: information agitators in an age of stagnation.Yago S. Cura & Max Macias (eds.) - 2016 - Los Angeles, California: [Hinchas de Poesía Press].
    It is a book all LIS educators and administrators need to read now. The editors and author contributors show us by direct action what critical librarianship is. At the heart of the book is an ethics of care and self-care, an ethics born out of critical stances positioned in examining our rich intersectionalities and inter-being as people of color and allies. Librarians With Spines is a call to action that asks us to reflect on our intentionality as information professionals. (...)
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    Technology and professional identity of librarians: the making of the cybrarian.Deborah Hicks - 2014 - Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
    This book brings into focus both the positive and negative aspects that technology places on the professional identity of librarians, highlighting the new methods involved in data management, communication, and library information education and research.
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    Information Ethics for Librarians.Mark Alfino & Linda Pierce - 1997 - McFarland Publishing.
    A philosophical and practical model for approaching the ethical challenges librarians are facing is provided in this work. The moral value of information is first examined, prompting a rethinking of librarians' understanding of professional neutrality and calling for them to broaden their role as community information specialists. Organizational ethics are next covered; the authors recommend specific management styles and values appropriate to libraries. This is followed by a critical analysis of the culture and tradition of librarianship, showing (...)
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    Gay and Lesbian Librarians and the "Need" for GLBT Library Organizations. Ethical Questions, Professional Challenges, and Personal Dilemmas In and "Out of the Workplace.James Cooke - 2005 - Journal of Information Ethics 14 (2):32-49.
  8. Attitudes of UK librarians and librarianship students to ethical issues.Kevin Ball & Charles Oppenheim - 2005 - International Review of Information Ethics 3 (6):54-61.
    There have been a number of studies examining the attitudes of librarians to ethical dilemmas, but few examining them in comparison with Library and Information Science students as we did in our study. According to that UK librarians and students in general hold surprisingly similar ethical attitudes. We expected the students to be more liberal, more willing to uphold idealistic principles, and given their student status, with attitudes balanced in favour of other students' and patrons' rights in terms (...)
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  9.  44
    Ethical Conflicts Confronted by Librarians in News Media.Jerry Bornstein - 1999 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 14 (3):159-170.
    This article attempts to provide empirical assessment of the nature and extent of ethical dilemmas confronted by librarians working in the news media. Sixty-eight librarians randomly selected from the membership of the News Division of the Special Libraries Association were surveyed to identify prevailing ethical attitudes, specific ethical problems, and the frequency with which those problems were encountered on the job. The study found a widespread concern about ethical issues among news librarians; 9 widely experienced ethical dilemmas; (...)
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    Text, lies and cataloging: ethical treatment of deceptive works in the library.Jana Brubaker - 2018 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
    This informative and entertaining study addresses ethical considerations for deceptive works and proposes cataloging solutions that are provocative and designed to spark debate. An extensive annotated bibliography describes books that are not what they seem.
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    Guide to ethics in acquisitions.Wyoma VanDuinkerken - 2014 - Chicago: Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, American Library Association. Edited by Wendi Arant Kaspar & Jeanne Harrell.
    Introduction -- Organization of the Guide -- Ethics. Definition of Ethics; Personal and Societal Values; Legal Ethics (State and Federal); Professional Ethics -- The Acquisitions Librarian and Ethics. Brief History of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services; Reason for Acquisitions Focus; Guidance from Twelve Statements; Decision Points in Ethical Collection Development. Intellectual Freedom; Collecting Materials According to Collection Development Policies; Selection Stage; Scope of Content; Receipt of Materials; Checks and Balances; Security of Materials; Cost of Preservation; Storage (...)
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    Library codes of ethics worldwide: anthology = Verhaltensregeln für Bibliothekare im internationalen Kontext: eine Anthologie.Zdzisław Gębołyś - 2012 - Berlin: Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswissen. Edited by Jacek Tomaszczyk.
    Für alle auf dem Buchmarkt Tätigen! Mit kurzen internationalen Einführungen in Institutionen der Informationsversorgung von Public Libraries bis zum Library Law und Intellectual Property. Fachausdrücke werden im Kontext dargestellt und eingeübt. Fragen und ein alphabetisches Vokabelverzeichnis runden jedes Kapitel ab.
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    Ethical challenges in librarianship.Robert Hauptman - 1988 - Phoenix: Oryx Press.
  14.  37
    Library ethics.Jean L. Preer - 2008 - Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.
    This book includes historical precedents and current examples of ethical issues facing the profession, focusing on ethical dilemmas rather than management ...
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    The ethics of librarianship: an international survey.Robert W. Vaagan (ed.) - 2002 - München: K.G. Saur.
    The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the information profession. The series IFLA Publications deals with many of the means through which libraries, information centres, and information professionals worldwide can formulate their goals, exert their influence as a group, protect their interests, and find solutions to global problems.
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  16. The Text of a Proposed Code of Ethics.Edith Margaret Coulter (ed.) - 1935 - Berkeley, Calif.,: Calif..
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  17. Case Studies in Library and Information Science Ethics.Elizabeth A. Buchanan - 2008 - Mcfarland & Co.. Edited by Kathrine Henderson.
    "This work is a valuable casebook, specifically for library and information science professionals, that presents numerous case studies that combine theories of ...
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  18.  18
    Librarianship and human rights: a twenty-first century guide.Toni Samek - 2007 - Oxford, England: Chandos.
    This is a direct challenge to the notion of library neutrality, especially in the present context of war, revolution, and social change. This book locates library and information workers as participants and interventionists in social conflicts. The strategies for social action worldwide were chosen because of their connection to elements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) that relate particularly to core library values, information ethics, and global information justice. This book also encourages readers to pay attention to links (...)
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  19.  70
    Ilmu perpustakaan & kode etik pustakawan.Wiji Suwarno - 2010 - Depok, Sleman, Jogjakarta: Penerbit [dan] didistribusikan oleh Ar-ruzz Media.
    Implementation of librarian's code of ethics related to the dynamics of librarianship in Indonesia.
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  20.  38
    Reflections on ethics.H. Hudson - 1941 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 19 (2):165-171.
    Each profession has its own code of ethics. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2008) defines professional ethics as "the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group." The Code of Ethics of the American Library Association (ALA Council 2008) has served librarians for seventy years and reflects the ideals toward which aII librarians strive. While they are not step by step directives, the statements in the Code provide a moral framework for school library media specialists in their (...)
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  21.  32
    Using Authentic Case Studies to Teach Ethics Collaboratively to School Librarians in Distance Education.Lesley Farmer - 2014 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 3 (1):1-20.
    This chapter explains how case studies can be used successfully in distance education to provide an authentic, interactive way to teach ethical behavior through critical analysis and decision-making while addressing ethical standards and theories. The creation and choice of case studies are key for optimum learning, and can reflect both the instructor’s and students’ knowledge base. The process for using this approach is explained, and examples are provided. As a result of such practice, students support each other as they come (...)
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  22.  11
    Tu shu guan yuan zhi ye jing shen yu he xin neng li.Qihao Miao (ed.) - 2006 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai ke xue ji zhu wen xian chu ban she.
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  23.  12
    Leadership and professionalism for new age libraries.Praveen Kumar Jain (ed.) - 2012 - New Delhi: Bookwell.
    Contributed articles presented at a seminar.
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  24.  9
    Akhlāq-i ḥirfahʹī dar kitābdārī.ʻIṣmat Ṣadrīʹfard - 2010 - Tihrān: Dānishgāh-i Āzād-i Islāmī, Vāḥid-i ʻUlūm va Taḥqīqāt. Edited by Shaʻbān Ṭāhirī.
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  25.  10
    Ethik im Bibliotheksalltag?: Berichte aus zwanzig Jahren kritischer Bibliotheksarbeit, 1988-2008.Frauke Mahrt-Thomsen - 2010 - Nümbrecht: Kirsch. Edited by Maria Kühn-Ludewig.
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  26. Bibliotekarz w świecie wartości: materiały konferencji Wrocław, 15-16 maja 2003 r.Sabina Cisek & Stefan Kubów (eds.) - 2003 - Wrocław: Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej.
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  27.  14
    Luurangot portinvartijan kaapissa.Heikki Poroila - 2007 - Helsinki: BTJ.
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  28.  7
    Ėtika bibliotekari︠a︡: moralʹnyĭ zakon vnutri nas: opyt raznykh stran.I. A. Trushina - 2008 - Moskva: FAIR.
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  29.  34
    Bette Anton, MLS, is Associate Librarian in the Health and Medical Sciences Department, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley Catherine A. Berglund, B. Sc.(Psych), Ph. D., is an associate fellow in the Science and Technology Studies Department, University of Wollongong, Australia, and has recently been awarded her doctorate for a dissertation on professional and. [REVIEW]Joseph C. D'Oronzio & Albuquerque Board - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3:496-497.
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  30. Bibliotechnai︠a︡ ėtika v stranakh mira: [sbornik kodeksov.V. R. Firsov & I. A. Trushina (eds.) - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo Rossiĭskoĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnoĭ biblioteki.
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  31. Sovremennye problemy bibliotechnoĭ i informat︠s︡ionnoĭ ėtiki.S. A. Davydova (ed.) - 2006 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Rossiĭskoĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnoĭ biblioteki.
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  32. (1 other version)Profess[i]onalʹnai︠a︡ ėtika bibliotekari︠a︡: uchebnoe posobie.G. A. Altukhova - 1996 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. universitet kulʹtury.
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    Bibliotechnai︠a︡ ėtika: teorii︠a︡ i praktika, perspektiva razvitii︠a︡: monografii︠a︡.G. A. Altukhova - 1999 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. universitet kulʹtury i iskusstv.
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    A Magyar könyvtárosság etikai kódexe: magyarázatokkal, kommentárokkal, kiegészítésekkel.Ágnes Hangodi (ed.) - 2006 - Budapest: Könytári Intézet.
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  35.  40
    The ethical library: Responsibility for our users and staff in the information age.Mark Alfino - manuscript
    In this presentation, our goals are to identify some of the ways in which information technology poses a threat to librarians' professional identity and to develop a theory about the role that it should play. In the process of doing that we will identify organizational processes which may help librarians negotiate technological change, both within their profession and with their patrons. (For simplicity, we will use the phrase "information technology" to refer to contemporary trends in electronic or (...)
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  36.  14
    Deconstructing service in libraries: intersections of identities and expectations.Veronica Arellano Douglas & Joanna Gadsby (eds.) - 2020 - Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books.
    Offers a historical-cultural context for the ethos of service in libraries and critically examines this professional value as it intersects with gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity, class, and (dis)ability"--Provided by publisher.
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  37.  61
    Defining web ethics.Marsha Woodbury - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (2):203-212.
    The design of Web browsers has resulted in a transfer of power to Web users and developers who often lack an ethical framework in which to act. For example, the technology makes it simple to copy and use other people’s Web page formatting without their permission. The author argues that we need to educate more people about ethical Web practices, and the author asks for “rules of the road” which amateurs and professionals can understand and follow. This article discusses four (...)
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  38.  11
    1. Uluslararası Kütüphane ve Bilgibilim Felsefesi Sempozyumu: Etik: kuram ve uygulama, 3-5 Eylül 2014, Kastamonu = 1st international symposium on philosophy of library and information science: ethics: theory and pratice.Hasan S. Keseroğlu (ed.) - 2015 - Güngören, İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları.
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  39.  14
    Library science and its facets.H. R. Chopra, Umesh Chandra Sharma, M. K. Srivastava & MohdSabir Hussain (eds.) - 1998 - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications.
    Festschrift volume in honour of Mohd. Sabir Hussain, b. 1935.
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  40. Self-examination: the present and future of librarianship.John Budd - 2008 - Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.
    Genealogy of the profession -- Place and identity -- Being informed about informing -- What's the right thing to do? -- In a democracy -- The information society -- Optimistic synthesis.
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  41. Acquisitions: core concepts and practices.Jesse Holden - 2016 - Chicago: ALA Neal-Schuman, an imprint of the American Library Association.
    Acquisitions : an overview -- Assemblages of access -- Assemblages of discovery -- Assemblages of feedback -- The acquisitions assemblage : putting it all together.
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  42.  26
    The feminist reference desk: concepts, critiques, and conversations.Maria T. Accardi (ed.) - 2017 - Sacramento, California: Library Juice Press.
    This edited collection considers how feminist strategies and philosophies might initiate, reshape, and critique approaches to library reference services.
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  43. (1 other version)Professional ethics and civic morals.Emile Durkheim - 1957 - New York: Routledge.
    In Professional Ethics and Civic Morals , Emile Durkheim outlined the core of his theory of morality and social rights which was to dominate his work throughout the course of his life. In Durkheim's view, sociology is a science of morals which are objective social facts, and these moral regulations form the basis of individual rights and obligations. This book is crucial to an understanding of Durkheim's sociology because it contains his much-neglected theory of the state as a moral (...)
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  44.  11
    Professional ethics and personal integrity.Tim Dare & W. Bradley Wendel (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Professional roles are often thought to bring role-specific permissions and obligation, which may allow or require role-occupants to do things they would not be permitted or required to do outside their roles, and which as individuals they would rather not do. This feature of professional roles appears to bring them into conflict both with 'ordinary' or non-role morality, and with personal integrity which is often thought to demand some form of personal endorsement of one's conduct. How are we (...)
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  45.  62
    Professional Ethics Considerations of Research Ethics Board Members in Canada.Maureen Muldoon - 2006 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 25 (1-4):67-80.
    This paper explores issues of professional ethics that are relevant to those who engage in the ethical review of research with human subjects. Codes of ethics of a number of professional groups are examined for guidance offered to research ethics board members. The thought of the philosopher, Mike Martin, is introduced as a way to highlight some of the ethical issues that reviewers encounter in their work. Martin believes that ideals contribute to the coherence of an individual’s life (...)
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  46. Professional ethics in Polish Medicine.Stefan Konstanczak & Bogna Choinska - 2011 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 1 (1-2):14-20.
    Justifying the existence of professional ethics in medicine is usually connected with the traditions of a profession and with a humanistic dimension of these ethics, pointing at the same time to their culture-forming character. With such an attitude, professional ethics is treated as a part of all mankind’s output, and its teaching turns out to be an important element of preparation for taking part in culture. Taking into account the cultural meaning of professional ethics, one should notice (...)
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  47.  64
    Professional Ethics in a Virtual World: The Impact of the Internet on Traditional Notions of Professionalism.Ellen M. Harshman, James F. Gilsinan, James E. Fisher & Frederick C. Yeager - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):227-236.
    Numerous articles in the popular press together with an examination of websites associated with the medical, legal, engineering, financial, and other professions leave no doubt that the role of professions has been impacted by the Internet. While offering the promise of the democratization of expertise – expertise made available to the public at convenient times and locations and at an affordable cost – the Internet is also driving a reexamination of the concept of professional identity and related claims of (...)
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  48. Professional Ethical Standards, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility.Sean Valentine & Gary Fleischman - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):657-666.
    This study explored several proposed relationships among professional ethical standards, corporate social responsibility, and the perceived role of ethics and social responsibility. Data were collected from 313 business managers registered with a large professional research association with a mailed self-report questionnaire. Mediated regression analysis indicated that perceptions of corporate social responsibility partially mediated the positive relationship between perceived professional ethical standards and the believed importance of ethics and social responsibility. Perceptions of corporate social responsibility also fully mediated (...)
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  49.  22
    Professional Ethics: A Trust-Based Approach.Terrence M. Kelly - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Professional Ethics: A Trust-Based Approach explores the unique nature of professional duty and virtue in light of the trust that professionals must invite, develop, and honor from those they intend to serve.
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    Professional Ethics in terms of Confucianism. 김형석 - 2014 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 80 (80):7-34.
    ‘유교에 직업윤리가 존재하는가?’ 이 논문에서는 전문직을 위한 직업윤리에서 서구의 공리주의적 윤리의식 뿐만 아니라 유교의 윤리의식 역시 긍정적인 역할을 수행할 수 있다고 보았다. 오늘날 동아시아 사회에서 유교적인 에토스ethos는 여전히 강하게 영향력을 끼치고 있기 때문이다. 전통사회에서처럼 전면에서 국가를 운영하는 지도적 이념으로 작용하고 있지는 않지만, 사회구성원 대부분이 동의하는 문화나 가치규범속에서 여전히 작용하고 있으므로, 전통적인 유교이념에 기반하는 윤리ethics 역시 적극적 역할을 할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 작업을 위해서는 첫머리에 던진 질문에 대한 답을 먼저 시도해볼 필요가 있다. 즉 유교 전통에서 직업윤리에 대해 논의할 수 있는 (...)
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