Results for 'Lilián González-Chévez'

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  1.  40
    Endogenous knowledge and practice regarding the environment in a Nahua community in Mexico.Paul Hersch-Martínez, Lilián González-Chévez & Andrés Fierro Alvarez - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2/3):127-137.
    We expose some representations and practices related to the natural environment among Nahua peasants in a village located at the western boundary of Puebla and Guerrero states, in Mexico. Information was obtained by individual interviews and focal groups' work, following an open guide with ecological items considered as rooted in Mesoamerican cultures. The use of some local, vegetal resources, and the local perception of changes, mainly in the water availability, is documented. Survival strategies involve ancestral representations and material products, and (...)
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  2. La universidad y la escuela de filosofía como ámbitos terapéuticos.Lilian González - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39):221-245.
    La Universidad, y específicamente la escuela de filosofía, como centros de educación y de formación, están llamados a jugar un rol trascendental frente a la grave situación actual en relación con todos los aspectos de la vida. En tanto dominios de formación y transformación, entonces, han de a dejar de lado su condición de críticos y analistas pasivos de un contexto sistemáticamente difícil para devenir en un frente activo de reflexión y de búsqueda de posibilidades y de respuestas, en aras (...)
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    Electrophysiological indices of pain expectation abnormalities in fibromyalgia patients.Paloma Barjola, Irene Peláez, David Ferrera, José Luis González-Gutiérrez, Lilian Velasco, Cecilia Peñacoba-Puente, Almudena López-López, Roberto Fernandes-Magalhaes & Francisco Mercado - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:943976.
    Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by dysfunctional processing of nociceptive stimulation. Neuroimaging studies have pointed out that pain-related network functioning seems to be altered in these patients. It is thought that this clinical symptomatology may be maintained or even strengthened because of an enhanced expectancy for painful stimuli or its forthcoming appearance. However, neural electrophysiological correlates associated with such attentional mechanisms have been scarcely explored. In the current study, expectancy processes of upcoming laser stimulation (painful and non-painful) and (...)
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    A descolonização do olhar a partir do cinema de Lilian Solá Santiago.Andrielle Cristina Moura Mendes Guilherme, Denise Carvalho & Juciano Lacerda - 2021 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (3).
    Apresenta-se uma análise fílmica do videodocumentário Roda o Tererê com vistas a investigar se e como o filme dirigido pela cineasta brasileira Lilian Solá Santiago contribui para uma descolonização do olhar, da estética e da política das imagens. Interessa identificar até que ponto o videodocumentário tensiona o regime de visibilidade dominante na sociedade nacional problematizado por teóricos localizados fora do eixo cultural da Europa (GONZALEZ, 2011; BORGES, 2018; NASCIMENTO, 2016). Conclui-se que, ao inscrever-se enquanto cineasta, Lilian Santiago não transforma a (...)
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    Do Automated Vehicles Face Moral Dilemmas? A Plea for a Political Approach.Javier Rodríguez-Alcázar, Lilian Bermejo-Luque & Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34:811-832.
    How should automated vehicles (AVs) react in emergency circumstances? Most research projects and scientific literature deal with this question from a moral perspective. In particular, it is customary to treat emergencies involving AVs as instances of moral dilemmas and to use the trolley problem as a framework to address such alleged dilemmas. Some critics have pointed out some shortcomings of this strategy and have urged to focus on mundane traffic situations instead of trolley cases involving AVs. Besides, these authors rightly (...)
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    Instance-based learning: Integrating sampling and repeated decisions from experience.Cleotilde Gonzalez & Varun Dutt - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (4):523-551.
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  7. Connexive Negation.Luis Estrada-González & Ricardo Arturo Nicolás-Francisco - 2023 - Studia Logica 112 (1):511-539.
    Seen from the point of view of evaluation conditions, a usual way to obtain a connexive logic is to take a well-known negation, for example, Boolean negation or de Morgan negation, and then assign special properties to the conditional to validate Aristotle’s and Boethius’ Theses. Nonetheless, another theoretical possibility is to have the extensional or the material conditional and then assign special properties to the negation to validate the theses. In this paper we examine that possibility, not sufficiently explored in (...)
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  8. Institutions for Future Generations.Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
    In times of climate change and public debt, a concern for intergenerational justice should lead us to have a closer look at theories of intergenerational justice. It should also press us to provide institutional design proposals to change the decision-making world that surrounds us. This book provides an exhaustive overview of the most important institutional proposals as well as a systematic and theoretical discussion of their respective features and advantages. It focuses on institutional proposals aimed at taking the interests of (...)
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  9. Disease-mongering through clinical trials.María González-Moreno, Cristian Saborido & David Teira - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 51:11-18.
    Our goal in this paper is to articulate a precise concept of at least a certain kind of disease-mongering, showing how pharmaceutical marketing can commercially exploit certain diseases when their best definition is given through the success of a treatment in a clinical trial. We distinguish two types of disease-mongering according to the way they exploit the definition of the trial population for marketing purposes. We argue that behind these two forms of disease-mongering there are two well-known problems in the (...)
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  10. Isomerism and decoherence.Juan Camilo Martínez González, Olimpia Lombardi & Sebastian Fortin - 2016 - Foundations of Chemistry 18 (3):225-240.
    In the present paper we address the problem of optical isomerism embodied in the socalled “Hund’s paradox”, which points to the difficulty to account for chirality by means of quantum mechanics. In particular, we explain the answer to the problem proposed by the theory of decoherence. The purpose of this article is to challenge this answer on the basis of a conceptual analysis of the phenomenon of decoherence, that reveals the limitations of the theory of decoherence to solve the difficulties (...)
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    Civilization and Ethics.Albert Schweitzer, Charles Thomas Campion & Lilian M. Rigby Russell - 1923 - A. & C. Black.
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  12. Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques and Mexico’s Rule of Law: On the Legality of the First Maternal Spindle Transfer Case.César Palacios-González - 2017 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 4 (1):50–69.
    News about the first baby born after a mitochondrial replacement technique (MRT; specifically maternal spindle transfer) broke on September 27, 2016 and, in a matter of hours, went global. Of special interest was the fact that the mitochondrial replacement procedure happened in Mexico. One of the scientists behind this world first was quoted as having said that he and his team went to Mexico to carry out the procedure because, in Mexico, there are no rules. In this paper, we explore (...)
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    Human enhancement technologies and the arguments for cosmopolitanism.Javier Rodríguez-Alcázar & Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2024 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 72:15-33.
    According to political minimalism, a debate is considered political when it revolves around the question “What shall we do?” This account suggests that certain issues related to human enhancement technologies (HETs), which have traditionally been addressed in the realm of applied ethics, could be better approached from a political standpoint. However, this raises the question of who constitutes the “we” – the communities that face the political challenges posed by HETs. We argue that there is a global human community that (...)
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    Everyday ethical challenges of nurse-physician collaboration.Motshedisi Sabone, Pelonomi Mazonde, Francesca Cainelli, Maseba Maitshoko, Renatha Joseph, Judith Shayo, Baraka Morris, Marjorie Muecke, Barbra Mann Wall, Linda Hoke, Lilian Peng, Kim Mooney-Doyle & Connie M. Ulrich - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):206-220.
    Background: Collaboration between physicians and nurses is key to improving patient care. We know very little about collaboration and interdisciplinary practice in African healthcare settings. Research question/aim: The purpose of this study was to explore the ethical challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration in clinical practice and education in Botswana Participants and research context: This qualitative descriptive study was conducted with 39 participants (20 physicians and 19 nurses) who participated in semi-structured interviews at public hospitals purposely selected to represent the three levels (...)
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  15. Walking the Path of Taste: On the Kantian Roots of José Vasconcelos’s Aesthetics.Juan Carlos Gonzalez - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism:1-16.
    I reconstruct 20th-century Mexican philosopher José Vasconcelos’s answers to two important aesthetic-political questions: (1) Can aesthetic judgments bind community? and (2) Can aesthetic judgments drive political, social, and cultural change? My objectives are twofold: one, to show that Vasconcelos’s responses make original contributions to an important aesthetic-political tradition that begins with Kant, and two, to offer key ideas from Vasconcelos’s aesthetics to a wider audience, as an invitation to engage with his work in their research and teaching. In section I, (...)
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  16. La revolución kantiana de Antonio Caso.Juan Carlos Gonzalez - 2023 - In Virginia Aspe Armella & Ana Paola Tiro Chagoyán, Argumentos de Filosofia Politica de la Tercera y Cuarta Transformaciones de Mexico. Una Aproximacion Interdisciplinar. Mexico City: Editorial Lambda. pp. 61-80.
    In this article, I argue that, contrary to scholarly consensus, Antonio Caso draws inspiration from important principles and ideas from Kant’s philosophy in his critique of positivism. I first examine the prima facie textual reasons why someone might believe that Caso and Kant are philosophical enemies. To contradict this notion, I proceed by noting and developing three core ideas that the two share in common. First, Caso and Kant are both ardent critics of dogmatic philosophizing. Second, both Caso and Kant (...)
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  17.  22
    Negatividad y espectáculo. Marx, Adorno y Debord.Pablo Fuster González - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:365-388.
    Se presenta a continuación un estudio comparativo entre Theodor W. Adorno y Guy Debord a través del tratamiento de los puntos nucleares de su pensamiento, abarcando desde sus respectivas críticas al modo de producción capitalista hasta el problema de la organización y la praxis, pasando por otras cuestiones de índole más filosófica como la dialéctica sujeto-objeto o ciertas consideraciones estéticas. El eje articulador de la comparación será, por su parte, la influencia de la obra de Karl Marx en estos autores (...)
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  18.  48
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques: egg donation, genealogy and eugenics.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Monash Bioethics Review 34 (1):37-51.
    Several objections against the morality of researching or employing mitochondrial replacement techniques have been advanced recently. In this paper, I examine three of these objections and show that they are found wanting. First I examine whether mitochondrial replacement techniques, research and clinical practice, should not be carried out because of possible harms to egg donors. Next I assess whether mitochondrial replacement techniques should be banned because they could affect the study of genealogical ancestry. Finally, I examine the claim that mitochondrial (...)
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  19. Principles of Robotics.Margaret Boden, Joanna Bryson, Darwin Cladwell, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Lilian Edwards, Sarah Kember, Paul Newman, Vivienne Parry, Geoff Pegman, Tom Rodden, Tom Sorrell, Mick Wallis, Blay Whitby & Alan Winfield - 2011 - .
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  20. European and comparative law study regarding family’s legal role in deceased organ procurement.Marina Morla-González, Clara Moya-Guillem, Janet Delgado & Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2021 - Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado 29.
    Several European countries are approving legislative reforms moving to a presumed consent system in order to increase organ donation rates. Nevertheless, irrespective of the consent system in force, family's decisional capacity probably causes a greater impact on such rates. In this contribution we have developed a systematic methodology in order to analyse and compare European organ procurement laws, and we clarify the weight given by each European law to relatives' decisional capacity over individual's preferences (expressed or not while alive) regarding (...)
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    The relationship between chemistry and physics from the perspective of Bohmian mechanics.Juan Camilo Martínez González, Olimpia Lombardi & Sebastian Fortin - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 19 (1):43-59.
    Although during the last decades the philosophy of chemistry has greatly extended its thematic scope, the main difficulties appear in the attempt to link the chemical description of atoms and molecules and the description supplied by quantum mechanics. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the difficulties that threaten the continuous conceptual link between molecular chemistry and quantum mechanics can be overcome or, at least, moderated from the perspective of BM. With this purpose, in “The quantum-mechanical challenges” section (...)
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  22.  68
    The Third Way: New Directions in Platonic Studies.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The study of Plato's dialogues has traditionally oscillated between two paradigms: one that portrays the dialogues as treatises expounding doctrines and one that sees them as purely skeptical, rhetorical, or literary. This collection of new essays by twelve noted Plato scholars illustrates the fruitfulness of breaking away from those paradigms, which have divided Platonic scholarship and led it to a number of dead ends. While the essays are diverse in their approaches, each seeks to find a 'third way' to understand (...)
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  23.  22
    Factors influencing practitioners’ who do not participate in ethically complex, legally available care: scoping review.Mary Chipanshi, Alexandra Hodson, Lilian Thorpe, Donna Goodridge & Janine Brown - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundEvolving medical technology, advancing biomedical and drug research, and changing laws and legislation impact patients’ healthcare options and influence healthcare practitioners’ (HCPs’) practices. Conscientious objection policy confusion and variability can arise as it may occasionally be unclear what underpins non-participation. Our objective was to identify, analyze, and synthesize the factors that influenced HCPs who did not participate in ethically complex, legally available healthcare.MethodsWe used Arksey and O’Malley’s framework while considering Levac et al.’s enhancements, and qualitatively synthesized the evidence. We searched (...)
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  24.  48
    Non Experts: Which Ones Would Trust You?Saúl Pérez-González & María Jiménez-Buedo - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (5):610-625.
    Following Goldman’s seminal work, most contemporary philosophical contributions on the novice-expert relation have adopted a normative, expert-focused approach. In this paper, we aim to shift the focus of the philosophical analysis towards the characteristics of the novices, and how they might determine the choices that experts make. On the bases of recent empirical evidence from social psychology, we discuss how novices evaluate the messages that they receive and distinguish diverse kinds of novices according to their competence in message assessment. Building (...)
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  25. Ethical heuristics for pandemic allocation of ventilators across hospitals.César Palacios-González, Jonathan Pugh, Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2022 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (1):34-43.
    In response to the COVID‐19 pandemic philosophers and governments have proposed scarce resource allocation guidelines. Their purpose is to advise healthcare professionals on how to ethically allocate scarce medical resources. One challenging feature of the pandemic has been the large numbers of patients needing mechanical ventilatory support. Guidelines have paradigmatically focused on the question of what doctors should do if they have fewer ventilators than patients who need respiratory support: which patient should get the ventilator? There is, however, an important (...)
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    Variable Sharing in Connexive Logic.Luis Estrada-González & Claudia Lucía Tanús-Pimentel - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (6):1377-1388.
    However broad or vague the notion of connexivity may be, it seems to be similar to the notion of relevance even when relevance and connexive logics have been shown to be incompatible to one another. Relevance logics can be examined by suggesting syntactic relevance principles and inspecting if the theorems of a logic abide to them. In this paper we want to suggest that a similar strategy can be employed with connexive logics. To do so, we will suggest some properties (...)
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  27.  52
    Ethics and Tourism: In dialogue with Dean MacCannell.José Luis López González - 2018 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 23:239-248.
    For several decades, tourism has mainly been identified as an activity that helps people escape their everyday routines, contributes to understanding between cultures, and promotes economic wellbeing. These assumptions have been questioned in both the public sphere and academic research, however. In this context, tourism research is increasingly drawing on ethical frameworks to support its criticism of tourism. Some of the most outstanding research on this issue is by Dean MacCannell, Emeritus Professor at the University of California at Davis and (...)
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    Implications of COVID-19 Innovations for Social Interaction: Provisional Insights From a Qualitative Study of Ghanaian Christian Leaders.Glenn Adams, Annabella Osei-Tutu, Adjeiwa Akosua Affram, Lilian Phillips-Kumaga & Vivian Afi Abui Dzokoto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic prompted people and institutions to turn to online virtual environments for a wide variety of social gatherings. In this perspectives article, we draw upon our previous work and interviews with Ghanaian Christian leaders to consider implications of this shift. Specifically, we propose that the shift from physical to virtual interactions mimics and amplifies the neoliberal individualist experience of abstraction from place associated with Eurocentric modernity. On the positive side, the shift from physical to virtual environments (...)
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  29. Intergenerational Justice and Institutions for the Long Term.Inigo Gonzalez-Ricoy - 2024 - In Klaus Goetz, The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford University Press USA.
    Institutions to address short-termism in public policymaking and to more suitably discharge our duties toward future generations have elicited much recent normative research, which this chapter surveys. It focuses on two prominent institutions: insulating devices, which seek to mitigate short-termist electoral pressures by transferring authority away to independent bodies, and constraining devices, which seek to bind elected officials to intergenerationally fair rules from which deviation is costly. The chapter first discusses sufficientarian, egalitarian, and prioritarian theories of our duties toward future (...)
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    Janus‐Faced Coherentism and the Forgotten Role of Formal Principles.Rodrigo Camarena González - 2021 - Ratio Juris 34 (3):263-281.
    Coherentists fail to distinguish between the individual revision of a conviction and the intersubjective revision of a rule. This paper fills this gap. A conviction is a norm that, according to an individual, ought to be ascribed to a provision. By contrast, a rule is a judicially ascribed norm that controls a case and is protected by the formal principles of competence, certainty, and equality. A revision of a rule is the invalidation or modification such a judicially ascribed norm, provided (...)
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    EEG Resting State Functional Connectivity in Adult Dyslexics Using Phase Lag Index and Graph Analysis.Gorka Fraga González, Dirk J. A. Smit, Melle J. W. van der Molen, Jurgen Tijms, Cornelis Jan Stam, Eco J. C. de Geus & Maurits W. van der Molen - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  32.  45
    The advocacy role of nurses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Verónica Tíscar-González, Montserrat Gea-Sánchez, Joan Blanco-Blanco, María Teresa Moreno-Casbas & Elizabeth Peter - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):333-347.
    Background: The decision whether to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation may sometimes be ethically complex. While studies have addressed some of these issues, along with the role of nurses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, most have not considered the importance of nurses acting as advocates for their patients with respect to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Research objective: To explore what the nurse’s advocacy role is in cardiopulmonary resuscitation from the perspective of patients, relatives, and health professionals in the Basque Country (Spain). Research design: An exploratory critical (...)
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  33. An Account of the Democratic Status of Constitutional Rights.Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (3):241-256.
    The paper makes a twofold contribution. Firstly, it advances a preliminary account of the conditions that need to obtain for constitutional rights to be democratic. Secondly, in so doing, it defends precommitment-based theories from a criticism raised by Jeremy Waldron—namely, that constitutional rights do not become any more democratic when they are democratically adopted, for the people could adopt undemocratic policies without such policies becoming democratic as a result. The paper shows that the reductio applies to political rights, yet not (...)
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  34. Author's response to peer commentaries: Mexico's rule of law and MRTs.César Palacios-González & María de Jesús Medina-Arellano - 2017 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 4 (3):623–629.
  35. Plato’s Lysis.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):69-90.
  36. Shattering Presence: Being as Change, Time as the Sudden Instant in Heidegger's 1930–31 Seminar on Plato's Parmenides.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (2):313-338.
    a central thesis of martin heidegger's first reading of a Platonic dialogue, the 1924/25 course on the Sophist, was that, "for the Greeks, being means precisely to be present, to be in the present [Anwesend-sein, Gegenwärtig-sein]."1 Heidegger saw this Greek interpretation of being as leading to Plato's specific interpretation of being as eidos or idea. Heidegger makes this clear in the following passage from another Plato course, the 1931–32 course On the Essence of Truth: "'Idea' is the look [der Anblick] (...)
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    On the Meaning of Connectives (Apropos of a Non-Necessitarianist Challenge).Luis Estrada-González - 2011 - Logica Universalis 5 (1):115-126.
    According to logical non-necessitarianism, every inference may fail in some situation. In his defense of logical monism, Graham Priest has put forward an argument against non-necessitarianism based on the meaning of connectives. According to him, as long as the meanings of connectives are fixed, some inferences have to hold in all situations. Hence, in order to accept the non-necessitarianist thesis one would have to dispose arbitrarily of those meanings. I want to show here that non-necessitarianism can stand, without disposing arbitrarily (...)
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    La pandemia como elemento transformador de la Vida individual Y social contemporánea en byung chul-Han.Verónica Benavides González - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 20 (2):09-22.
    El presente artículo pretende analizar los efectos transformadores que la pandemia por Covid-19 ha obrado en nuestras existencias individuales y en nuestra convivencia social cotidiana desde la propuesta analítica del filósofo surcoreano Byung Chul-Han. Dicha transformación es de tal profundidad que, para nuestro autor, viene a exacerbar los males de la sociedad contemporánea, como el agotamiento y el cansancio por autoexplotación y permanente optimización de sí mismo propiciados por el neoliberalismo globalizado y omnipresente en Occidente. Desde esta constatación analizaremos en (...)
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    The ethics of killing human/great-ape chimeras for their organs: a reply to Shaw et al.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):215-225.
    The aim of this paper is to critically examine David Shaw, Wybo Dondorp, and Guido de Wert’s arguments in favour of the procurement of human organs from human/nonhuman-primate chimeras, specifically from great-ape/human chimeras. My main claim is that their arguments fail and are in need of substantial revision. To prove this I first introduce the topic, and then reconstruct Shaw et al.’s position and arguments. Next, I show that Shaw et al.: (1) failed to properly apply the subsidiarity and proportionality (...)
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  40. The Razor Argument of Metaphysics A.9.José Edgar González-Varela - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (4):408-448.
    I discuss Aristotle’s opening argument against Platonic Forms in _Metaphysics_ A.9, ‘the Razor’, which criticizes the introduction of Forms on the basis of an analogy with a hypothetical case of counting things. I argue for a new interpretation of this argument, and show that it involves two interesting objections against the introduction of Forms as formal causes: one concerns the completeness and the other the adequacy of such an explanatory project.
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    A test of the argument engagement model in Romania.Ioana Cionea, Dale Hample, Fabio Paglieri & Lilian Bermejo-Luque - unknown
    Hample, Paglieri, and Na’s model of argument engagement proposes that people en-gage in arguments when they perceive the benefits of arguing to be greater than the costs of doing so. This paper tests the model in Romania, a different culture than the one in which the model was developed, by using a 2 x 2 design.
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  42. Descartes: Las intuiciones modales y la inteligencia artificial clásica.Rodrigo González - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 32:181-198.
    Descartes niega que una máquina pueda ser inteligente, pues los mecanismos son predecibles, inflexibles y limitados. Los seguidores de la Inteligencia Artificial clásica (o IA fuerte) argumentan lo contrario. Pese a esto, Descartes y la IA proponen que la mente podría no estar adscrita a propiedades físicas, posibilidad explorada por el primero a partir de una intuición modal que separa mente y cuerpo. La IA fuerte se acerca a esta tesis cuando reduce la mente a una Máquina de Turing cuya (...)
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    Dobzhansky and Dreyfus’s Group: The Introduction of Natural Population Genetics Studies in Brazil (1943–1960).José Franco Monte Sião & Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):244-276.
    An important center in which genetic research started and was carried out in Brazil during the 20thcentury was situated at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Linguistics of the University of São Paulo, led by André Dreyfus (1897–1952). Beginning in 1943, the Ukrainian geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900–1975) visited Dreyfus’s group four times. This paper evaluates the impact of Dobzhansky’s visits on the studies of genetics and evolution developed by the members of Dreyfus’s group during the 1940s and the 1950s. The (...)
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    Space of the cineclub of death to create mental health in the academic community.Janaina Luiza dos Santos, Ana Carolina Ferreira Castanho, Alexandre Diniz Breder, Lilian Cláudia Ulian Junqueira, Benita Caetano Lima de Souza, Yasmin de Miranda Sant’ Ana Valle, Ana Claudia Moreira Monteiro & Irene Bulcão - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:300-312.
    La película es una expresión artística que permite a los estudiantes entrar en contacto con temas sensibles, como la muerte, el duelo y los cuidados paliativos. Este Proyecto de Extensión tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia de la comunidad académica de una Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro con el Cineclube da Morte. Su propuesta metodológica es producir procesos de aprendizaje con el propósito de difundir y dilucidar temas relacionados con la finitud humana y cualquier tema que permea la muerte (...)
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    Factores de riesgo y bienestar psicológico en personas mayores institucionalizadas.Tatiane Poiani Mango, Márcia Helena Archilha Rani, Maria Goretti Alves Moreira, Lilian Cláudia Ulian Junqueira & Janaína Luiza dos Santos - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:325-341.
    En nuestros días con el aumento de la longevidad, es importante una discusión sobre la calidad de vida y la salud mental de las personas mayores. Más que eso, se abren nuevos caminos para comprender las soluciones que la sociedad presenta con el tema longevidad, como la creación de entidades de larga permanencia. Así ocurre el inicio de la categorización de las personas mayores institucionalizadas. Objetivo: este estudio tiene como objetivo comprender cómo la literatura científica presenta la salud mental de (...)
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  46.  16
    El «corte» como concepto operativo de permanencia en el arte, la arquitectura y el patrimonio construido. Luz, espacio, materia y memoria.Mario Fernández González - 2021 - Arbor 197 (801):a616.
    La ideación artística y arquitectónica está en gran medida configurada a partir de un concepto o metáfora que rige los diseños como síntesis de nuestro pensamiento y que, posteriormente, se ve confrontada con el lugar, creando con ello una cierta tensión entre paisaje e intervención proyectual. Este artículo explora el concepto de «corte» de Sverre Fehn, tomado como elemento simbólico de resistencia ligado al tiempo, al lugar y a la memoria, como idea generatriz, basada en analogías conceptuales que el artista (...)
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    Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Life During Pandemics. A Qualitative Study.Irene González-Ceballos, Montserrat Palma, Josep Maria Serra & Moisès Esteban-Guitart - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:670886.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the lives of people all over the world. In particular, an unprecedented educational crisis has occurred due to the circumstances of physical distancing and remote learning. This article focuses specifically on the meaningful learning experiences in the everyday lives of adolescents during the pandemic. 72 meaningful learning experiences were identified from 11 participants who recorded their specific learning experiences for a week by a means of a journal recorded by themselves. A content analysis was (...)
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  48. Girls in STEM: Is It a Female Role-Model Thing?Susana González-Pérez, Ruth Mateos de Cabo & Milagros Sáinz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Exploring self‐care practices and health beliefs among men in the context of emerging infectious diseases: Lessons from the Mpox pandemic in Brazil.Carolina da Silva Bulcão, Pedro E. G. Prates, Iago M. B. Pedrosa, Guilherme R. de Santana Santos, Layze B. de Oliveira, Jhonata de Souza Joaquim, Lilian C. G. de Almeida, Caíque J. N. Ribeiro, Glauber W. dos Santos Silva, Felipe A. Machuca-Contreras, Anderson R. de Sousa, Isabel A. C. Mendes & Álvaro F. L. de Sousa - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12635.
    Our goal was to explore self‐care practices among men who have sex with men in the context of Mpox in Brazil. This study used qualitative research methods, including interviews and thematic analysis, to collect and analyze data from male participants across the Brazilian territory. The narratives unveil men's perspectives on self‐care, risk reduction, and health beliefs during the Mpox pandemic. Our findings highlight a multifaceted approach to self‐care among men, encompassing hygiene, physical contact management, mask usage, skin lesion vigilance, and (...)
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    Forms as Objects of Thought in Aristotle’s On Ideas.Edgar Gonzalez-Varela - 2025 - Ancient Philosophy 45 (1):151-169.
    The argument from thinking in Aristotle’s On Ideas deals with the problem of ‘presence in absence’. It argues that, to solve it, one must posit Forms. Scholars claim that Aristotle takes the argument as valid either for Forms or for his own universals. I argue against both alternatives, for Aristotle thinks that the problem that motivates the argument does not require a metaphysical solution, but only a psychological solution.
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