Results for 'Lili︠a︡n Ganchev'

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  1. Filosofski kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii, t︠s︡ennosti i geostrategicheski idei v XXI vek: (Filosofii︠a︡, geopolitika, bŭdeshte. 2): tematichen sbornik, posveten na 75-godishnii︠a︡ i︠u︡bileĭ na prof. dfn, dpn Petko Ganchev.Petko D. Ganchev (ed.) - 2017 - V. Tŭrnovo: Izdatelstvo "Faber".
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    Initial segments of the enumeration degrees.Hristo Ganchev & Andrea Sorbi - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (1):316-325.
    Using properties of${\cal K}$-pairs of sets, we show that every nonzero enumeration degreeabounds a nontrivial initial segment of enumeration degrees whose nonzero elements have all the same jump asa. Some consequences of this fact are derived, that hold in the local structure of the enumeration degrees, including: There is an initial segment of enumeration degrees, whose nonzero elements are all high; there is a nonsplitting high enumeration degree; every noncappable enumeration degree is high; every nonzero low enumeration degree can be (...)
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    The jump operator on the ω-enumeration degrees.Hristo Ganchev & Ivan N. Soskov - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (3):289-301.
    The jump operator on the ω-enumeration degrees was introduced in [I.N. Soskov, The ω-enumeration degrees, J. Logic Computat. 17 1193–1214]. In the present paper we prove a jump inversion theorem which allows us to show that the enumeration degrees are first order definable in the structure of the ω-enumeration degrees augmented by the jump operator. Further on we show that the groups of the automorphisms of and of the enumeration degrees are isomorphic. In the second part of the paper we (...)
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    Interpreting true arithmetic in the local structure of the enumeration degrees.Hristo Ganchev & Mariya Soskova - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1184-1194.
    We show that the theory of the local structure of the enumeration degrees is computably isomorphic to the theory of first order arithmetic. We introduce a novel coding method, using the notion of a K-pair, to code a large class of countable relations.
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    (1 other version)A structural dichotomy in the enumeration degrees.Hristo A. Ganchev, Iskander Sh Kalimullin, Joseph S. Miller & Mariya I. Soskova - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-18.
    We give several new characterizations of the continuous enumeration degrees. The main one proves that an enumeration degree is continuous if and only if it is not half a nontrivial relativized K-pair. This leads to a structural dichotomy in the enumeration degrees.
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    Cupping and definability in the local structure of the enumeration degrees.Hristo Ganchev & Mariya I. Soskova - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):133-158.
    We show that every splitting of ${0}_{\mathrm{e}}^{\prime }$ in the local structure of the enumeration degrees, $$\mathcal{G}_{e} , contains at least one low-cuppable member. We apply this new structural property to show that the classes of all $\mathcal{K}$ -pairs in $\mathcal{G}_{e}$ , all downwards properly ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{2}^{0}$ enumeration degrees and all upwards properly ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{2}^{0}$ enumeration degrees are first order definable in $\mathcal{G}_{e}$.
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  7. Conditional Clauses: External and Internal Syntax.Liliane Haegeman - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (4):317-339.
    The paper focuses on the difference between event‐conditionals and premise‐conditionals. An event‐conditional contributes to event structure: it modifies the main clause event; a premise‐conditional structures the discourse: it makes manifest a proposition that is the privileged context for the processing of the associated clause. The two types of conditional clauses will be shown to differ both in terms of their ‘external syntax’ and in terms of their ‘internal syntax’. The peripheral structure of event conditionals will be shown to lack the (...)
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    The Bifurcated Subject.Lilian Alweiss - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (3):415-434.
    Michel Henry wishes to salvage Descartes’s first principle ‘I think, I am’ by claiming that there is no need to appeal to the world or others to make sense of the self. One of his main targets is Edmund Husserl, who claims that thought is necessarily intentional and thus necessarily about something that is other to thought. To show that this is not so, Henry draws on passages from Descartes’s texts which emphasize that we should not equate the cogito with (...)
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  9. Filosofii︠a︡ i sot︠s︡ialna deĭnost: istoricheskii︠a︡t materializŭm i formiraneto na bŭdeshteto.Petko D. Ganchev - 1982 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ta na universalnata istorii︠a︡ kato fundamentalna filosofii︠a︡.Petko D. Ganchev - 2016 - Sofii︠a︡: Izdatelstvo "Faber".
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  11. Istoricheskii︠a︡t materializum i predvizhdaneto na bŭdeshteto.Petko D. Ganchev - 1978
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  12. Sŭvremenni burzhoazni i oporti︠u︡nisticheski filosofski i sot︠s︡iologicheski techenii︠a︡: uchebnik.Petko D. Ganchev & T︠S︡vetanka T︠S︡vetkova (eds.) - 1986 - Sofii︠a︡: Akademii︠a︡ za obshtestveni nauki i sot︠s︡ialno upravlenie pri T︠S︡K na BKP.
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  13. Tekhnologii, tekhnologichno mislene, proektirane na sot︠s︡ialni tekhnologii.Petko D. Ganchev & Grudka Naneva (eds.) - 1987 - Sofii︠a︡: Mezhduokrŭzhna partiĭna shkola pri Sofiĭskii︠a︡ GK na BKP.
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    In the Air of the Natural History Museum: On Corporate Entanglement and Responsibility in Uncontained Times.Lilian Moncrieff - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (3):253-273.
    This paper discusses corporate entanglement, impactfulness and responsibility in the Anthropocene, amidst events and conditions that ‘uncontain’ time. It takes its direction of travel from artist Brian Jungen’s ‘Cetology’ (2002), a whalebone sculpture made out of cut-up plastic garden chairs, which conjoins the times of earth and world history, as it hangs in the air of the art gallery, ‘as if’ exhibited in the natural history museum. The paper relates ‘Cetology’s’ engagement with natural history, time, and commodification to matters of (...)
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    On Perceptual Experience.Lilian Alweiss - 2000 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 31 (3):264-276.
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    ENFOQUES DE ANÁLISIS DEL DISCURSO EN CIENCIAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN: cartografía de los enfoques predominantes y sus implicaciones.Liliane C. S. Sousa & Fábio Parra Furlanete - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7260.
    El Análisis del Discurso desempeña un papel importante en los estudios de Ciencias de la Información, no sólo como método de investigación, sino también como herramienta de reflexión que enriquece la práctica profesional. Proponemos mapear el uso del Análisis del Discurso en la investigación en Ciencias de la Información, ya que este mapeo permite identificar tendencias, lagunas y oportunidades de investigación, contribuyendo al avance del conocimiento en el campo. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar estos enfoques del AD en (...)
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    ‘Many Voices, Resonating from Different Times and Spaces’: a Script for an Imaginary Radiophonic Piece on Janete El Haouli.Lílian Campesato & Valéria Bonafé - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):141-149.
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    Challenges of genetic testing in adolescents with cardiac arrhythmia syndromes.Lilian Liou Cohen, Marina Stolerman, Christine Walsh, David Wasserman & Siobhan M. Dolan - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (3):163-167.
    The ability to sequence individual genomes is leading to the identification of an increasing number of genetic risk factors for serious diseases. Knowledge of these risk factors can often provide significant medical and psychological benefit, but also raises complex ethical and social issues. This paper focuses on one area of rapid progress: the identification of mutations causing long QT syndrome and other cardiac channel disorders, which can explain some previously unexplained deaths in infants (SIDS) and children and adults (SUDS) and (...)
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    Entropy and Entropic Differences in the Work of Michel Serres.Lilian Kroth - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (2):21-35.
    Michel Serres’s philosophy of entropy takes what he famously calls the ‘Northwest Passage’ between the sciences and the humanities. By contextualizing his approach to entropy and affirming the role of a philosophy of difference, this paper explores Serres’s approach by means of ‘entropic differences’. It claims that entropy – or rather, entropies – provide Serres with a paradigmatic case for critical translations between different domains of knowledge. From his early Hermès series, through to The Birth of Physics and later writings (...)
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    The "Soul" of the Primitive.The Ascent of Humanity.Lilian A. Clare & Gerald Heard - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41 (3):317-318.
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    Categorical Equivalence Between $$\varvec{PMV}{\varvec{f}}$$ PMV f -Product Algebras and Semi-Low $$\varvec{f}{\varvec{u}}$$ f u -Rings.Lilian J. Cruz & Yuri A. Poveda - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (6):1135-1158.
    An explicit categorical equivalence is defined between a proper subvariety of the class of \-algebras, as defined by Di Nola and Dvurečenskij, to be called \-algebras, and the category of semi-low \-rings. This categorical representation is done using the prime spectrum of the \-algebras, through the equivalence between \-algebras and \-groups established by Mundici, from the perspective of the Dubuc–Poveda approach, that extends the construction defined by Chang on chains. As a particular case, semi-low \-rings associated to Boolean algebras are (...)
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    Naturalism.Lilian R. Furst - 1971 - [London]: Methuen. Edited by Peter N. Skrine.
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  23. Filosofii︠a︡ i t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡: ochert︠s︡i za drevnoindiĭskata i drevnokitaĭskata t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i filosofii︠a︡.Petko D. Ganchev - 1988 - Sofii︠a︡: Nar. mladezh.
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  24. Fiziologicheskata osnova na sŭznanieto.Lili︠a︡n Borisov Ganchev - 1972
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  25. Kharakteristika na gnoseologicheskii︠a︡ obraz.Lili︠a︡n Ganchev - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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    Une édition féministe est-elle possible?Liliane Kandel - 2001 - Clio 13:13-13.
    Françoise Pasquier, qui vient de disparaître prématurément (Le Monde du 5 janvier 2001), était une figure marquante (bien que discrète) du mouvement féministe. Elle avait compris très vite qu’un mouvement politique qui ne peut pas faire connaître ses initiatives, ses analyses, ou son histoire, est condamné soit à la stérilité soit, à terme, à la disparition : elle engagea toute sa compétence, son talent, et une force de conviction peu commune dans la publication des textes issus du mouvement...
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    Fromme Einfalt und das atheistische Lumpenpack: Grenzbestimmungen im jiddischsprachigen Anarchismus.Lilian Türk - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 23 (1):133-158.
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    The World Unclaimed: A Challenge to Heidegger's Critique of Husserl.Lilian Alweiss - 2003 - Ohio University Press.
    The World Unclaimed argues that Heidegger's critique of modern epistemology in Being and Time is seriously flawed.
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  29. Between Internalism and Externalism: Husserl’s Account of Intentionality.Lilian Alweiss - 2009 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 52 (1):53-78.
    There is a strong consensus among analytic philosophers that Husserl is an internalist and that his internalism must be understood in conjunction with his methodological solipsism. This paper focuses on Husserl's early work the, Logical Investigations , and explores whether such a reading is justified. It shows that Husserl is not a methodological solipsist: He neither believes that meaning can be reduced to the individual, nor does he assign an explanatory role for meaning to the subject. Explanatory priority is assigned (...)
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    Biohacking y Transhumanismo: qué y por qué.Lílian Santos - 2021 - Relectiones 9:40-53.
    Un concepto que solía pertenecer al mundo de la informática (hacking) ahora se combina con las ciencias de la vida (bio). Sin gran dificultad, hemos empezado a ver la vida como un conjunto de datos, el ADN como un código, el cuerpo como una máquina y la mente como un software... todos susceptibles de ser leídos, manipulados y ahora incluso hackeados. ¿Pero manipulados por quiénes? Las comunidades de biohackers y DYIbio (do-it-yourself biology) quieren la biotecnología disponible para todos y la (...)
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  31. Beyond Existence and Non-Existence.Lilian Alweiss - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (3):448-469.
    When Husserl speaks of the so-called ‘transcendental reduction’ or ‘phenomenological epochē’ many believe that he is eschewing the question of truth or existence. Two reasons are given for this: First, Husserl explicitly states that when we perform the reduction, we should no longer naively ‘accept [the world] as it presents itself to me as factually existing’ (Id I §30, p. 53) and should suspend our judgement with regard to ‘the positing of its actual being’ (Id I §88, p. 182). Second, (...)
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Soares Outtes Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Milton Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry sector. (...)
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry (...)
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    A la recherche de la mère: Simone de Beauvoir et Annie Ernaux.Liliane Lazar - 2000 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 16 (1):123-134.
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  35. Giving Reasons, A Contribution to Argumentation Theory.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (3):273-278.
    En Giving Reasons: A Linguistic-pragmatic-approach to Argumentation Theory (Springer, 2011), propongo un nuevo modelo para la evaluación semántica y pragmática de la argumentación. Este modelo se basa en una caracterización de la argumentación como un acto de habla compuesto de segundo orden. Explico las ventajas de este modelo respecto de otras propuestas dentro de la Teoría de la Argumentación, tales como la Pragma-dialéctica, la Lógica Informal, la Nueva Retórica o el Enfoque Epistémico.
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  36. Self-Consciousness without an “I”: A Critique of Zahavi’s Account of the Minimal Self.Lilian Alweiss - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (1):84-119.
    This paper takes Zahavi’s view to task that every conscious experience involves a “minimal sense of self.” Zahavi bases his claim on the observation that experience, even on the pre-reflective level, is not only about the object, but also has a distinctive qualitative aspect which is indicative of the fact that it is for me. It has the quality of what he calls “for-meness” or “mineness.” Against this I argue that there are not two phenomena but only one. On the (...)
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  37. Against cartesian mistrust: Cavell, Husserl and the other mind sceptic.Lilian Alweiss - 2010 - Ratio 23 (3):241-259.
    This paper asks whether we should still be haunted by scepticism about other minds. It draws on the writings of Cavell and Husserl to show that there is some truth in the Cartesian premise that has given rise to scepticism about other minds, namely, that our self-awareness is of a fundamentally different type from our awareness of objects and other subjects. While this leads Cavell to argue that there is a truth to scepticism, it proves the opposite to Husserl, viz. (...)
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  38. Is there an ‘end’ to philosophical scepticism?Lilian Alweiss - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (3):395-411.
    P F Strawson advocates a descriptive metaphysics. Contrary to Kant, he believes that metaphysics should be ‘content to describe the actual structure of thought about the world’, there is no need of postulating a world that lies beyond our grasp. We neither need to refute nor accept scepticism since we can ignore it with good reasons. Yet this paper argues that Strawson fails to provide us with good reasons. He fails to realise that one cannot do metaphysics by construing its (...)
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    Animals in Celtic Life and Myth. Miranda Green.Liliane Bodson - 1995 - Isis 86 (3):470-472.
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    Sheng shi wei yan: Zheng Guanying wen wu ji.Lilian Chen & Xin Xu (eds.) - 2008 - [Aomen]: Aomen Tebie Xingzhengqu zheng fu wen hua ju.
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    Comentário ao artigo “Globalização econômica, desmonte do estado social e déficit político transnacional: uma análise crítica a partir de Jürgen Habermas” de Jorge Adriano Lubenow.Lilian S. Godoy Fonseca - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (2):127-132.
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    Social pragmatism.Lilian May] Fried - 1948 - London,: Watts.
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    Mezhdu minaloto i bŭdeshteto: epos v tri chasti.Petko D. Ganchev - 2005 - Sofii︠a︡: Argo Pŭblishing.
    Ch. 1. V sveta na zhivota i na filosofii︠a︡ta -- ch. 2. Filosofii︠a︡ta, politikata i bŭdeshteto -- ch. 3. Prekhodŭt. Parlamentŭt "Otvŭtre".
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    Populi︠a︡rna filosofii︠a︡ za det︠s︡a i vŭzrastni: (razgovori s moi︠a︡ta vnuchka Anna).Petko D. Ganchev - 2015 - V. Tŭrnovo: Faber.
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    The automorphism group and definability of the jump operator in the $$\omega $$ ω -enumeration degrees.Hristo Ganchev & Andrey C. Sariev - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (7):909-925.
    In the present paper, we show the first-order definability of the jump operator in the upper semi-lattice of the \-enumeration degrees. As a consequence, we derive the isomorphicity of the automorphism groups of the enumeration and the \-enumeration degrees.
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  46. From Deborah to Esther: Sexual Politics in the Hebrew Bible.Lilian R. Klein - 2003
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    The direction of force twitches evoked by TMS in a passive limb shift according to the direction of impending contralateral muscle activation.Chye Lilian, Riek Stephan, De Rugy Aymar & Carroll Tim - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  48. Criterios/Modelo ARG.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
  49. Modelo de Toulmin/Garantía/Respaldo/Reserva/Calificador.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Graphic skills, posture, and the evolution of intelligence.Liliane Lurçat - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):392-393.
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