Results for 'Lorenzo Chiuchiù'

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  1.  11
    Atleti del fuoco: undici studi tra arte, tragedia e rivolta.Lorenzo Chiuchiù - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis. Edited by Lorenzo Chiuchiù.
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    Is Tone at the Top Associated with Financial Reporting Aggressiveness?Lorenzo Patelli & Matteo Pedrini - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (1):3-19.
    The discussion about the relationship between tone at the top and financial reporting practices has been primarily focused on the oversight role played by the board of directors and other structural elements of corporate governance. Another relevant determinant of tone at the top is the corporate narrative language, since it is a fundamental way in which the chief executive officer enacts leadership. In this study, we empirically explore the association between financial reporting aggressiveness and five thematic indicators capturing different traits (...)
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    Philosophy and Geometry: Theoretical and Historical Issues.Lorenzo Magnani - 2001 - Kluwer Academic Publisher.
    The total irrelevance of absolute space to scientific observation and experiment led him early to a most radical conclusion: experience cannot teach us anything about the true structure of space; consequently, the choice of a geometry for the ...
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  4. What Is Street Art?Andrea Lorenzo Baldini - 2022 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 59 (1):1-21.
    What is street art? This paper offers a definition of street art as an art kind or art form based on its essential value: its subversiveness. It argues that street art is essentially subversive in virtue of using public space as a technical resource. By hijacking a portion of the urban landscape with its colourful forms and witty designs, street art challenges familiar ways of practising the city, while creating a ‘temporary autonomous zone’ of free expression. There, corporate control over (...)
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    Technological Rationality.Lorenzo C. Simpson - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 189–194.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References and Further Reading.
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    Environmental biosafety in the age of Synthetic Biology: Do we really need a radical new approach?Victor de Lorenzo - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (11):926-931.
  7.  19
    ‘I know this whole market is based on the trust you put in me and I don’t take that lightly’: Trust, community and discourse in crypto-drug markets.Matteo Di Cristofaro & Nuria Lorenzo-Dus - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (6):608-626.
    This study uses a Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies methodology to provide the first systematic analysis of how trust is discursively constructed in crypto-drug markets. The data come from two purpose-built corpora. One comprises all the forum messages posted on the flag ship crypto-drug market Silk Road during the years in which it traded on the hidden net. The other corpus comprises all the reports published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime during the same period. Our analysis of (...)
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    The World of Desire: Lacan between Evolutionary Biology and Psychoanalytic Theory.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (2):200-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The World Of Desire:Lacan Between Evolutionary Biology and Psychoanalytic TheoryLorenzo Chiesa (bio)The primary aim of this paper is to analyse the biological foundations of Lacan's notion of desire as expounded in his first two Seminars (1953-1955). These works provide us with his most detailed discussion of the species-specific preconditions that allow Homo sapiens to speak and establish symbolic pacts among individuals. Despite its irreducibility to the domain of animal (...)
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  9. Toward a Humean Virtue Ethics.Lorenzo Greco - 2012 - In Julia Peters (ed.), Aristotelian Ethics in Contemporary Perspective. New York: Routledge. pp. 210-23.
  10.  5
    Armonía y continuidad en el pensamiento de Leibniz: una ontología barroca.Lorenzo Peña Gonzalo - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:19-55.
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    Traces of a computational mind.Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio - 2003 - Revue de Synthèse 124 (1):43-59.
    L'image de l'écriture est singulièrement fréquente dans des explications cognitivistes du fonctionnement de l'esprit, non seulement comme métaphore mais également comme paradigme conceptuel: la machine de Turing, en particulier, montre un isomorphisme structural complet avec l'utilisation de l'écriture alphabétique. La machine de Turing effectue exactement les mêmes opérations effectuées par un homme écrivant avec le stylo et le papier et cela dépend de deux raisons: 1. il a été conçu dans l'image et la similarité de la pratique concrète humaine de (...)
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  12. Coherent obsessional experiments for linear logic proof-nets.Lorenzo Tortora de Falco - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):154-171.
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    (1 other version)La virtud de la prudencia en el pensamiento de Alasdair Macintyre.David Lorenzo Izquierdo - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 76:75-91.
    El concepto de virtud de Alasdair MacIntyre ha recibido, por parte de la crítica, un tratamiento no sistemático y poco profundo. En concreto, la virtud de la prudencia ha recibido escasa atención. La prudencia es una virtud muy importante en el pensamiento de MacIntyre, aunque el autor no la haya analizado de manera unitaria y sistemática. Sus principales propuestas sobre el ser humano y la investigación moral no pueden ser comprendidas sin la virtud de la prudencia. El objetivo de este (...)
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  14. ¿ Abstracción formal o separación? Desde Tomás de Aquino a Cayetano.Lorenzo Vicente-Burgoa - 2000 - Ciencia Tomista 127 (1):99-134.
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    Berkeley: Crítica de las ideas abstractas. La abstracción como simple semántica.Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa - 1996 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 12:49-60.
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  16. Reassessment of Leggett Inequality.Antonio Di Lorenzo - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (5):685-698.
    Leggett formulated an inequality that seems to generalize the Bell theorem to non-local hidden variable theories. Leggett inequality is violated by quantum mechanics, as was confirmed by experiment. However, a careful analysis reveals that the theory applies to a class of local theory. Contrary to what happens in the derivation of Bell inequality, it is not necessary to make the hypothesis of outcome independence to derive the Leggett inequality.
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  17. Of Bastard Man and Evil Woman, or, the Horror of Sex.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):199-212.
    Lars von Trier’s Antichrist (2009) has often been described as a ‘gothic’, if not straightforwardly ‘horror’ movie. While this claim could easily be challenged with regard to strict genre definitions, it is doubtless the case that the film deals very explicitly with fear, first and foremost the female protagonist’s fear of herself, which is placed at the top of the so-called ‘pyramid of fear’ drawn by her therapist/wanna-be-Saviour partner. My opinion is that Antichrist perfectly displays the horrific effects of the (...)
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  18.  26
    La venganza de Wilson: Una crítica a los enfoques seleccionistas analógicos de la evolución cultural.Lorenzo Baravalle - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (70):113-132.
    En este artículo se hace una crítica de los enfoques teóricos, aquí llamados por analogía o analógicos, que pretenden abstraer conceptos darwinistas del sustrato biológico para aplicarlos a dominios ontológicos (parcialmente) distintos, estrategia adoptada por versiones de la epistemología evolutiva y, sobre todo, por la teoría memética. Para ello se utiliza el argumento de la exclusión causal, tomado en préstamo de la filosofía de la mente; se hace evidente la existencia de un paralelismo entre causalidad mental y memética, y se (...)
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    Sulle dottrine psicofisiche di Niccolo Malebranche.Lorenzo Michelangelo Billia - 1901 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 14 (1):66-83.
  20. El gran Argumento Antiteísta contra la existencia de Dios.Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa - 2008 - Ciencia Tomista 135 (436):293-318.
    En el problema filosófico sobre la existencia de Dios se levanta, por la parte negativa, un famoso argumento, conocido ya y contestado desde antiguo, pero que algunos siguen exhibiendo triunfalmente como prueba irrecusable de ateísmo... Es de una forma u otra el argumento que se apoya en la existencia del mal.Pero son muy pocos los que han tomado la molestia de hacer un análisis racional de dicho argumento y de sus nada claras presuposiciones. Es lo que ahora vamos a intentar, (...)
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  21. La verdad periodística. En busca de un nuevo paradigma.José Manuel Chillon Lorenzo - 2007 - Universitas Philosophica 48:95-125.
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  22. El cultismo en el texto jurídico.Miguel Angel Puche Lorenzo - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Ingegnerie Della Conoscenza.Lorenzo Magnani - 1997 - Marcos y Marcos.
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    La moralidad distribuida y la tecnología. Cómo las cosas nos hacen morales.Lorenzo Magnani - 2006 - Isegoría 34:63-78.
    En el presente artículo se sostiene que, a través de la tecnología, las personas podemos simplificar y resolver tareas morales incluso en presencia de información incompleta o de una capacidad insuficiente para la acción moral. Muchas cosas externas, normalmente concebidas como inertes desde un punto de vista moral, pueden considerarse lo que aquí se denominarán mediadores morales. Por lo tanto, no todas las herramientas morales están en el interior de nuestra cabeza, sino que muchas están distribuidas en objetos y estructuras (...)
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    La obligación de aplicar las normas jurídicas vigentes.Lorenzo Peña - 2006 - Isegoría 35:221-244.
    Es tarea de todos aplicar una ley, o sea realizar y ejecutar aquellos actos jurídicos y hechos prácticos que desembocan en su cumplimiento o lo constituyen. Se aplica una norma de carácter implicativo cuando, ante la existencia de un supuesto de hecho previsto en ella, se concluye la obligación contenida en su consecuencia jurídica, actuándose de conformidad con ello. Eso es incompatible con la separación de lo normativo y lo fáctico, propia del normativismo de Kelsen. Y es que hay situaciones (...)
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    A Risky Enterprise: The Aldine Edition of Galen, the Failures of the Editors, and the Shadow of Erasmus of Rotterdam.Lorenzo Perilli - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (4):446-466.
    The Aldine edition of Galen, awaited for more than 25 years, was perhaps the most risky enterprise in the whole history of the publishing house, and it almost brought Aldus' heirs to bankruptcy. Although the editors were among the most renowned specialists of the time, the edition was harshly criticized by one former friend and collaborator of Aldus, Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. Why? Was the edition so bad, were the manuscripts on which the edition was based responsible for its quality? (...)
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    Critical Remarks Concerning Marcuse's Notion of Science.Lorenzo C. Simpson - 1983 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 13 (4):451-463.
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  28. Sui recenti sviluppi di una storiografia multietnica maori e Pakeha. Un'interpretazione rinnovata.Lorenzo Veracini - 1997 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 18:493-516.
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  29. Nota sulle traduzioni italiane di Spinoza (in margine all'edizione italiana delle'Opere'curata da Filippo Mignini.Lorenzo Vinciguerra - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (2):341-356.
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    “Le ressort de l'amour” Lacan's theory of love in his reading of plato's symposium.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2006 - Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 11 (3):61-81.
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    La sparizione del design. Parte III: More is Less.Lorenzo Marras & Andrea Mecacci - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (1):177-199.
    Computing has become ubiquitous and organic. The “new” human ecosystem is increasingly composed of "intelligent" objects. Since the Nineties there has been a constant application of the practice of disappearance of everyday objects. The daily experience changes, since the objects we use, in their disappearance and imperceptibility, do not divide us from the Life-World. At the same time, the designer is called to rewrite and amplify human experience, and design reflects a different conception of the aesthetic, which must be intended (...)
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    Un seminario sulla terminologia filosofica di Spinosa.Lorenzo Vinciguerra & Lexicon Sinoznum - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Reply to Valdas Noreika’s commentary on Zanasi, M., Calisti, F., Di Lorenzo, G., Valerio, G., & Siracusano, A. . Oneiric activity in schizophrenia: Textual analysis of dream reports. [REVIEW]Marco Zanasi, Fabrizio Calisti, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Giulia Valerio & Alberto Siracusano - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):353-354.
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    Keep Your Head in the Gutter: Engendering Empathy Through Participatory Delusion in Christian de Metter’s Graphic Adaptation of Shutter Island. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Servitje - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (3):181-198.
    This paper argues that the graphic adaptation of Dennis Lehane’s Shutter Island utilizes the medium to evoke an affective participation and investment from the reader. It explores the ways the graphic novel overcomes problematic representations of mental illness in the popular film version. Drawing on graphic fiction theory, I contend that readers’ engagement in and construction of the story between panels, in the “gutters,” allows them to participate in the protagonist’s persecutory delusion. Additionally, I draw on Foucault’s conceptualizations of the (...)
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    Democrito e l’Accademia. Studi sulla trasmissione dell’atomismo antico da Aristotele a Simplicio. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Perilli - 2010 - Ancient Philosophy 30 (2):412-415.
  36. Special section: Lorenzo Simpson's The Unfinished Project: Cosmopolitanism, humanism and meaning.Lorenzo C. Simpson - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (3):319-341.
  37. Ob rogatum meorum sociorum: studi in memoria di Lorenzo Pozzi.Lorenzo Pozzi, Stefano Caroti & Roberto Pinzani (eds.) - 2000 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Sextus Empiricus Against the Arithmeticians: Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Lorenzo Corti.Lorenzo Corti - 2023 - BRILL.
    This is the first dedicated commentary to Sextus Empiricus’ treatise _Against the Arithmeticians_, dealing with crucial issues in the history of the sceptical, Platonic and Pythagorean traditions and in the ancient philosophy of mathematics.
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  39. A Social Contract Account for CSR as an Extended Model of Corporate Governance : Rational Bargaining and Justification.Lorenzo Sacconi - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (3):259-281.
    This essay seeks to give a contractarian foundation to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, meant as an extended model of corporate governance of the firm. It focuses on justification according to the contractarian point of view. It begins by providing a definition of CSR as an extended model of corporate governance, based on the fiduciary duties owed to all the firm's stakeholders. Then, by establishing the basic context of incompleteness of contracts and abuse of authority, it analyses how the (...)
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    Understanding violence: the intertwining of morality, religion and violence: a philosophical stance.Lorenzo Magnani - 2011 - Berlin: Springer Verlag.
    This volume sets out to give a philosophical "applied" account of violence, engaged with both empirical and theoretical debates in other disciplines such as cognitive science, sociology, psychiatry, anthropology, political theory, ...
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    Abductive cognition: the epistemological and eco-cognitive dimensions of hypothetical reasoning.Lorenzo Magnani - 2009 - Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
    Theoretical and manipulative abduction conjectures and manipulations : the extra-theoretical dimension of scientific discovery. -- Non-explanatory and instrumental abduction : plausibility, implausibility, ignorance preservation. -- Semiotic brains and artificial minds : how brains make up material cognitive systems. -- Neuromultimodal abduction : pre-wired brains, embidiment, neurospaces. -- Animal abduction : from mindless organisms to srtifactual mediators. -- Abduction, affordances, and cognitive niches : sharing representations and creating chances through cognitive niche construction. -- Abduction in human and logical agents : hasty (...)
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  42.  82
    Model-theoretic semantics and revenge paradoxes.Lorenzo Rossi - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (4):1035-1054.
    Revenge arguments purport to show that any proposed solution to the semantic paradoxes generates new paradoxes that prove that solution to be inadequate. In this paper, I focus on revenge arguments that employ the model-theoretic semantics of a target theory and I argue, contra the current revenge-theoretic wisdom, that they can constitute genuine expressive limitations. I consider the anti-revenge strategy elaborated by Field and argue that it does not offer a way out of the revenge problem. More generally, I argue (...)
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  43.  28
    The Unfinished Project: Toward a Postmetaphysical Humanism.Lorenzo Charles Simpson - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    As humanity becomes increasingly interconnected through globalization, the question of whether community is possible within culturally diverse societies has returned as a principal concern for contemporary thought. Lorenzo Simpson charges that the current discussion is stuck at an impasse-between postmodernism's fragmented notions of cultural difference and humanism's homogeneous versions of community. Simpson proposes an alternative-one that bridges cultural differences without erasing them. He argues that we must establish common aesthetic and ethical standards incorporating sensitivity to difference if we are (...)
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  44.  68
    Morality in a Technological World: Knowledge as Duty.Lorenzo Magnani - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The technological advances of contemporary society have outpaced our moral understanding of the problems that they create. How will we deal with profound ecological changes, human cloning, hybrid people, and eroding cyberprivacy, just to name a few issues? In this book, Lorenzo Magnani argues that existing moral constructs often cannot be applied to new technology. He proposes an entirely different ethical approach, one that blends epistemology with cognitive science. The resulting moral strategy promises renewed dignity for overlooked populations, both (...)
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    Constitutional Dilemmas: Conflicts of Fundamental Legal Rights in Europe and the Usa.Lorenzo Zucca - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    The book deals with one of the most important issues of philosophy of law and constitutional thought: how to understand clashes of fundamental rights, such as the conflict between free speech and privacy, and develops a framework for adjudication.
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    The Role of the Board of Directors in Disseminating Relevant Information on Greenhouse Gases.Jose-Manuel Prado-Lorenzo & Isabel-Maria Garcia-Sanchez - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (3):391 - 424.
    In today's world, the corporate image of the largest companies is closely linked to their performance in the field of corporate social responsibility and the disclosure of information on that topic, specifically, on climate change. Since the Board of Directors is the body responsible for this process, the aim of this article is to show the role that companies' Boards of Directors play in the accountability process vis-à-vis stakeholders in relation to one specific aspect which has enormous significance in environmental (...)
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    The question of realism for powers.Lorenzo Azzano - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):329-354.
    In recent years, a new dispute has risen to prominence: the dispute between realists and anti-realists about causal powers. Albeit sometimes overlooked, the meta-ontological features of this “question of realism for powers” are quite peculiar. For friends and foes of causal powers have characterized their contrasting views in a variety of different ways; as existence claims, as semantic or truth-making claims, as fundamentality claims, as claims about the nature of certain properties. Not only does this multiplicity of interpretations make it (...)
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  48. Two Forms of Functional Reductionism in Physics.Lorenzo Lorenzetti - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2).
    Functional reductionism characterises inter-theoretic reduction as the recovery of the upper-level behaviour described by the reduced theory in terms of the lower-level reducing theory. For instance, finding a statistical mechanical realiser that plays the functional role of thermodynamic entropy allows for establishing a reductive link between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. This view constitutes a unique approach to reduction that enjoys a number of positive features, but has received limited attention in the philosophy of science. -/- This paper aims to clarify (...)
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  49.  43
    Language: The “Ultimate Artifact” to Build, Develop, and Update Worldviews.Lorenzo Magnani, Alger Sans Pinillos & Selene Arfini - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):461-470.
    What role does language play in the process of building worldviews? To address this question, in the first section of this paper we will clarify what we mean by worldviews and how they differ, in our perspective, from cosmovisions. In a nutshell, we define worldviews as the biological interpretations agents create of the world around them and cosmovision the more general cultural-based reflections on it. After presenting our definition for worldview, we will also present the multi-shaped viewpoint that frames our (...)
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    The Italian Differences: Between Nihilism and Biopolitics.Lorenzo Chiesa & Alberto Toscano (eds.) - 2009 - Re.Press.
    This volume brings together essays by different generations of Italian thinkers which address, whether in affirmative, problematizing or genealogical registers, ...
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