Results for 'Lorenzo Ghirelli'

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  1.  31
    La filosofia clinica di Wittgenstein.Lorenzo Ghirelli - 2016 - Nóema 7 (2).
    Intento del presente saggio è quello di tracciare le linee principali della filosofia di Wittgenstein definendone l’orizzonte operativo e la strategia d’azione. Seguiremo inizialmente i cambiamenti nella concezione del linguaggio e del significato del filosofo austriaco utilizzandoli come traccia per registrare le corrispondenti revisioni degli obiettivi, delle tecniche e delle forme del far filosofia da lui proposte. Cercheremo poi di analizzare la pratica filosofica prospettata dal Wittgenstein maturo evidenziandone alcuni aspetti che ci consentiranno di qualificarla come clinica.
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    Filosofia: maschile singolare: un problema di genere in filosofia.Lorenzo Gasparrini - 2024 - [Rome]: Tlon.
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  3. The Self as Narrative in Hume.Lorenzo Greco - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):699-722.
    In this paper, I return to the well-known apparent inconsistencies in Hume’s treatment of personal identity in the three books of A Treatise of Human Nature, and try to defend a Humean narrative interpretation of the self. I argue that in Book 1 of the Treatise Hume is answering (to use Marya Schechtman’s expressions in The Constitution of Selves) a “reidentification” question concerning personal identity, which is different from the “characterization” question of Books 2 and 3. That is, I maintain (...)
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  4. The Force of Sympathy in the Ethics of David Hume.Lorenzo Greco - 2012 - In Lorenzo Greco & Alessio Vaccari, Hume Readings. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. pp. 193-210.
  5.  2
    Autorialità, contingenza e polifonia nell’estetica di Michail Bachtin.Giordano Ghirelli - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 30.
    The notion of contingency seems to apply only improperly to storytelling. From Aristotle to Peter Brooks, the efficacy of a plot is in fact measured by its ability to bind the initial and final situation through a series of events connected according to the principle of causality. Within the plot, each element does not have value in itself, but for the link it has with the preceding and subsequent elements; what at first seemed sensational and fortuitous at a retrospective glance (...)
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    How to Model Mechanistic Hierarchies.Lorenzo Casini - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):946-958.
    Mechanisms are usually viewed as inherently hierarchical, with lower levels of a mechanism influencing, and decomposing, its higher-level behaviour. In order to adequately draw quantitative predictions from a model of a mechanism, the model needs to capture this hierarchical aspect. The recursive Bayesian network formalism was put forward as a means to model mechanistic hierarchies by decomposing variables. The proposal was recently criticized by Gebharter and Gebharter and Kaiser, who instead propose to decompose arrows. In this paper, I defend the (...)
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  7. Humean Reflections in the Ethics of Bernard Williams.Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (3):312-25.
    In this article, I maintain that the anti-theoretical spirit which pervades Williams's ethics is close to the Humean project of developing and defending an ethics based on sentiments which has its main focus in the virtues. In particular, I argue that there are similar underlying themes which run through the philosophies of Hume and Williams, such as the view that a correct ethical perspective cannot avoid dealing with a broader theory of human nature; the conviction that this inquiry cannot be (...)
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    Adding a Conditional to Kripke’s Theory of Truth.Lorenzo Rossi - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (5):485-529.
    Kripke’s theory of truth, 690–716; 1975) has been very successful but shows well-known expressive difficulties; recently, Field has proposed to overcome them by adding a new conditional connective to it. In Field’s theories, desirable conditional and truth-theoretic principles are validated that Kripke’s theory does not yield. Some authors, however, are dissatisfied with certain aspects of Field’s theories, in particular the high complexity. I analyze Field’s models and pin down some reasons for discontent with them, focusing on the meaning of the (...)
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  9. Il buon soldato e l’agente virtuoso: Hume e la military glory.Lorenzo Greco - 2014 - In Maurizio Balistreri & Maurizio Mori, Etica medica nella vita militare: per iniziare una riflessione, vol. 1. Value – Ananke. pp. 107-115.
  10. Reflection and the Limits of Philosophy.Lorenzo Greco - 2011 - Theoretical and Applied Ethics 1 (3):5-10.
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  11. Io morale.Lorenzo Greco - 2011 - Aphex 4.
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  12.  56
    A predictive nature for tactile awareness? Insights from damaged and intact central-nervous-system functioning.Lorenzo Pia, Francesca Garbarini, Dalila Burin, Carlotta Fossataro & Anna Berti - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:139874.
    In the present paper, we will attempt to gain hints regarding the nature of tactile awareness in humans. At first, we will review some recent literature showing that an actual tactile experience can emerge in absence of any tactile stimulus (e.g., tactile hallucinations, tactile illusions). According to the current model of tactile awareness, we will subsequently argue that such (false) tactile perceptions are subserved by the same anatomo-functional mechanisms known to underpin actual perception. On these bases, we will discuss the (...)
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  13.  54
    The many faces of altruism: selective pressures and human groups.Lorenzo Baravalle - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (1):97-120.
    No âmbito do debate sobre as unidades envolvidas nos processos seletivos, a controvérsia sobre a possibilidade de comportamentos genuinamente altruístas tem um lugar destacado. Partindo de uma posição declaradamente pluralista, discutir-se-ão, neste artigo, algumas questões relevantes para esse tópico. Em primeiro lugar, o altruísmo será concebido como uma propriedade fenotípica dos grupos biológicos, e não apenas de seus membros. Essa caraterização levará, em um segundo momento, à discussão sobre a relação entre grupos em sociedades complexas, como é o caso das (...)
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  14.  11
    Paul Ricoeur: Honoring and Continuing the Work.Lorenzo Altieri, Pamela Anderson, Patrick Bourgeois, Fred Dallmayr, Gregory Hoskins, Domenico Jervolino, Morny Joy, David M. Kaplan, Richard Kearney, Peter Kemp, Jason Springs, Henry Venema, John Wall & John Whitmire - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays is dedicated to the prolific career of Paul Ricoeur. Honoring his work, this anthology addresses questions and concerns that defined Ricoeur’s.
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    Sopravvenienza del sociale.Lorenzo Baravalle - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 33 (33):177-195.
    1 Introduzione Per Searle, la realtà sociale è un enorme ontologia invisibile che comprende obblighi, promesse, matrimoni, proprietà, governi e in generale tutti quegli enti che non sono solamente fisici, tangibili, ma neppure esclusivamente mentali, privati. Alla sua base c’è la capacità intrinseca all’uomo di attribuire funzioni agli oggetti che lo circondano. La costruzione della realtà sociale è precisamente un processo attraverso il quale l’intenzionalità umana dispone della possibilità,...
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    La imposible teodicea.Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa - 1999 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 18:169-176.
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  17.  46
    (1 other version)Ensayos inéditos de Kurt gödel.Javier de Lorenzo - 1995 - Theoria 10 (1):215-216.
  18. Russell ante el inicio de la Matemática.Javier de Lorenzo Martínez - 1972 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2 (8):45-54.
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    La trascendenza dello sguardo: Simone Weil e María Zambrano tra filosofia e mistica.Lorenzo Gianfelici - 2011 - Milano: Mimesis.
  20.  32
    Hume e l’etica contemporanea, Section “Nodi” of Iride 25(67) (2012): 537-615.Lorenzo Greco (ed.) - 2012 - Il Mulino.
  21.  41
    L’identità personale in David Hume: dalle passioni all’etica.Lorenzo Greco - 2014 - Thaumàzein 2:247-64.
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    Cercatori di libertà.Lorenzo Infantino - 2019 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
  23.  6
    Ortega y Gasset: una introduzione.Lorenzo Infantino - 1990 - Roma: Armando.
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  24. Schelling o Krause.Manuel Angel Fernández Lorenzo - 1982 - El Basilisco 14:41-48.
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    Letteratura, arte e conoscenza nel romanticismo. una sintesi.Lorenzo Oropallo - 2012 - Epistemologia 2:329-323.
    Un'indagine dello stato dei saperi artistici e scientifici nell'etŕ moderna deve necessariamente partire dall'epistemologia del primo romanticismo tedesco. Il sistema filosofico di Kant, infatti, analizza l'ambito di applicazione del pensiero umano, rilevando che l'arte, in quanto oggetto che sfugge all'indagine razionale della natura, non fornisce alcun tipo di conoscenza. Partendo da tale premessa, e dal ruolo che quindi Kant assegna preliminarmente all'arte, relegandola nell'ambito dell'estetica che č intesa come branca filosofica autonoma distinta dall'indagine razionale della scienza, Fichte, Schelling e i (...)
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    I paradigmi biblici della preghiera nel Peri euchês di Origene.Lorenzo Perrone - 1993 - Augustinianum 33 (1-2):339-368.
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    Sull'ingiustizia: i concetti di ingiustizia e "pleonexia" nel libro I della Repubblica di Platone e nel libro V dell'Etica Nicomachea di Aristotele.Lorenzo Picca - 2019 - Roma: Edizioni Efesto.
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  28. Speech on Ovid.Lorenzo Rossi - 1997 - Mediaeval Studies 59:151-152.
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    Anti-Immigration Backlashes as Constraints.Lorenzo Del Savio - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (1):201-222.
    Migration often causes what I refer to in this paper as ‘anti-immigration backlashes’ in receiving countries. Such reactions have substantial costs in terms of the undermining of national solidarity and the diffusion of political distrust. In short, anti-immigration backlashes can threaten the social and political stability of receiving countries. Do such risks constitute a reason against permissive immigration policies which are otherwise desirable? I argue that a positive answer may depend on a skeptical view based on the alleged constraints that (...)
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  30. Determinants of Food Choices as Justifications for Public Health Interventions.Lorenzo Savio - 2015 - In Thomas Schramme, New Perspectives on Paternalism and Health Care. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Human domestication and the roles of human agency in human evolution.Lorenzo Del Savio & Matteo Mameli - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (2):1-25.
    Are humans a domesticated species? How is this issue related to debates on the roles of human agency in human evolution? This article discusses four views on human domestication: Darwin’s view; the view of those who link human domestication to anthropogenic niche construction and, more specifically, to sedentism; the view of those who link human domestication to selection against aggression and the domestication syndrome; and a novel view according to which human domestication can be conceived of in terms of a (...)
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  32.  26
    La controversia anti-apollinarista in Severiano di Gabala.Lorenzo Torresi - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (2):417-439.
    To study Severian of Gabala from the point of view of anti-heretical polemic allows us to delve into a character who is obscure and often overlooked. When looking at the argument against the Apollinarists, a task which requires a capacity for extensive speculation, Severian comes out as less significant in comparison to the other great theologians of his time, like the Cappadocian Fathers, although he adheres to the same doctrinal line. The more demanding arguments – as in his homily De (...)
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  33.  55
    What’s unsettling about On Settling: discussing the settler colonial present.Lorenzo Veracini - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (2):235-251.
    This article considers the current relevance of settler colonial tropes, narratives and idioms by discussing the opening section of On Settling (2012), a recently published book authored by respected political scientist Robert E. Goodin. While Goodin argues that ‘settling’ should be considered a ‘normatively defensible practice’, my critique focuses on his assumed link between ‘settling’ in general and settler colonialism in particular. The first section of this article follows the narrative of settlement that underpins Goodin’s book. The second section discusses (...)
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  34. Maria Chiara Pievatolo, La giustizia degli invisibili. L'identificazione del soggetto morale, a ripartire da Kant (Roma: Carocci Editore, 1999). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 1999 - SWIF Recensioni Filosofiche 1 (3).
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  35. John Stuart Mill, Bentham e Coleridge. Due saggi (Napoli: Alfredo Guida Editore, 1999). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2002 - SWIF Recensioni Filosofiche 4 (4).
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  36. Mario Ricciardi, Diritto e natura. H.L.A. Hart e la filosofia di Oxford. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2009 - Mondoperaio 8:89-91.
  37. Mente e mondo fisico - Jaegwon Kim. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Baravalle - 2008 - Humana Mente 2 (5).
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    Ancient Logic - (M.) Alessandrelli, (M.) Nasti De Vincentis (edd.) La Logica nel Pensiero Antico. Atti del Colloquio, Roma, 28–29 novembre 2000. (Elenchos 52.) Pp. 295. Naples: Bibliopolis, 2009. Paper, €30. ISBN: 978-88-7088-585-9. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Corti - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):60-62.
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    Alessio Vaccari, Le etiche della virtù. La riflessione contemporanea a partire da Hume (Firenze: Le Lettere, 2012). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2014 - Rivista di Filosofia 105 (1):158-59.
  40.  54
    Bernard Williams, Vergogna e necessità (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia 99 (2):352-54.
  41.  34
    Charles Larmore e Alain Renaut, Dibattito sull’etica. Idealismo o realismo (Roma: Meltemi, 2007). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - ReF - Recensioni Filosofiche 23.
  42.  36
    Daniel Dubuisson, La formazione dell'io. Dalle saggezze antiche alla conquista della personalità (Bari: Dedalo, 2007). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia 98 (3):464-65.
  43.  28
    Federico Laudisa, Hume (Roma: Carocci, 2009). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia 101 (1):130-31.
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    Harry G. Frankfurt, Catturati dall'amore (Reggio Emilia: Diabasis, 2009). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia 101 (2):298-99.
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    Iris Murdoch, Esistenzialisti e mistici (Milano: Il Saggiatore, 2006). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia 98 (2):300-301.
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    Judith N. Shklar, Vizi comuni (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia 99 (2):349-50.
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    Martha C. Nussbaum, Capacità personale e democrazia sociale (Reggio Emilia: Diabasis, 2003). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2005 - Filosofia Politica 19 (2):307-308.
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    Michele Di Francesco, L’io e i suoi sé. Identità personale e scienza della mente (Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 1998). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (25):636-38.
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  49.  13
    Philip Pettit, Il repubblicanesimo (Milano: Feltrinelli, 2000). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia 92 (3):542-43.
  50.  26
    Quentin Skinner, La libertà prima del liberalismo (Torino: Einaudi, 2001). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia 93 (3):513-14.
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