Results for 'Lorna Sankey'

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    Bite Marks.Lorna Sankey - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-2.
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  2. How to Screw Things with Words.Lorna Finlayson - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (4):774-789.
    Since its influential rendering by Rae Langton in her 1993 paper, “Speech Acts and Unspeakable Acts,” the “silencing argument” against pornography has become the subject of a lively debate that continues to this day. My intention in this paper is not to join in the existing debate, but to give a critical overview of it. In its current form, I suggest, it is going nowhere . Yet the silencing argument, I believe, nevertheless contains an indispensable insight—and more radical potential than (...)
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  3. With radicals like these, who needs conservatives? Doom, gloom, and realism in political theory.Lorna Finlayson - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 16 (3):1474885114568815.
    This paper attempts to get some critical distance on the increasingly fashionable issue of realism in political theory. Realism has an ambiguous status: it is sometimes presented as a radical challenge to the _status quo_; but it also often appears as a conservative force, aimed at clipping the wings of more ‘idealistic’ political theorists. I suggest that what we might call ‘actually existing realism’ is indeed a conservative presence in political philosophy, and that its ambiguous status plays a part in (...)
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  4. Factivity or Grounds? Comment on Mizrahi.Howard Sankey - 2019 - Logos and Episteme 10 (3):333-4.
    This is a comment on Moti Mizrahi's paper ' You Can't Handle the Truth: Knowledge = Epistemic Certainty'. Mizrahi claims that the factivity of knowledge entails that knowledge requires epistemic certainty. But the argument that Mizrahi presents does not proceed from factivity to certainty. Instead, it proceeds from a premise about the relationship between grounds and knowledge to the conclusion about certainty.
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  5. Cultivating moral values in an age of neuroscience.Derek Sankey & Minkang Kim - 2016 - In Clarence W. Joldersma (ed.), Neuroscience and Education: A Philosophical Appraisal. New York: Routledge.
  6. The Incommensurability Thesis.Howard Sankey - 1994 - Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.
    This book presents a critical analysis of the semantic incommensurability thesis of Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend. In putting forward the thesis of incommensurability, Kuhn and Feyerabend drew attention to complex issues concerning the phenomenon of conceptual change in science. They raised serious problems about the semantic and logical relations between the content of theories which deploy unlike systems of concepts. Yet few of the more extreme claims associated with incommensurability stand scrutiny. The argument of this book is as follows. (...)
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    Sketch of a Consciousness Manifesto.Lorna Green - manuscript
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  8. If This Isn’t Racism, What Is? The Politics of the Philosophy of Immigration.Lorna Finlayson - 2020 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 94 (1):115-139.
    Alison Jaggar recommends a radical break with a dominant approach to the philosophy of immigration shared by both liberal cosmopolitans and liberal nationalists. This paper is intended as an exploration of Jaggar’s conclusions and as an attempt to carry them further. Building on her critique, I argue that the characteristic questions asked by both cosmopolitans and nationalists appear inappropriate when seen against the political reality of immigration. In the last part of the paper, I argue that liberal nationalist contributions in (...)
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    The Political is Political: Conformity and the Illusion of Dissent in Contemporary Political Philosophy.Lorna Finlayson - 2015 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book is a critical exposé of the ways in which mainstream political philosophy silences dissent.
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  10. How the epistemic relativist may use the sceptic’s strategy: A reply to Markus Seidel.Howard Sankey - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (1):140-144.
    This paper is a response to an objection that Markus Seidel has made to my analysis of epistemic relativism. Seidel argues that the epistemic relativist is unable to base a relativist account of justification on the sceptical problem of the criterion in the way that I have suggested in earlier work. In response to Seidel, I distinguish between weak and strong justification, and argue that all the relativist needs is weak justification. In addition, I explain my reasons for employing the (...)
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  11. Scientific Realism and the Rationality of Science.Howard Sankey - 2008 - Ashgate.
    Scientific realism is the position that the aim of science is to advance on truth and increase knowledge about observable and unobservable aspects of the mind-independent world which we inhabit. This book articulates and defends that position. In presenting a clear formulation and addressing the major arguments for scientific realism Sankey appeals to philosophers beyond the community of, typically Anglo-American, analytic philosophers of science to appreciate and understand the doctrine. The book emphasizes the epistemological aspects of scientific realism and (...)
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  12. Feyerabend and the Description Theory of Reference.Howard Sankey - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Research 16:223-232.
    In his early work Feyerabend argues that certain theories are incommensurable due to semantic variance. In this paper it is argued that Feyerabend relies on a description theory of reference in the course of his argument for incommensurability and in his analysis of the relevant kind of semantic variance. Against this it is objected that such reliance on the description theory eliminates ostensive reference determination and obscures the presence of theoretical conflict.
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  13. Realism and the Epistemic Objectivity of Science.Howard Sankey - 2021 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 35 (1):5-20.
    The paper presents a realist account of the epistemic objectivity of science. Epistemic objectivity is distinguished from ontological objectivity and the objectivity of truth. As background, T.S. Kuhn’s idea that scientific theory-choice is based on shared scientific values with a role for both objective and subjective factors is discussed. Kuhn’s values are epistemologically ungrounded, hence provide a minimal sense of objectivity. A robust account of epistemic objectivity on which methodological norms are reliable means of arriving at the truth is presented. (...)
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  14. To believe is to believe true.Howard Sankey - 2019 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 23 (1):131-136.
    It is argued that to believe is to believe true. That is, when one believes a proposition one thereby believes the proposition to be true. This is a point about what it is to believe rather than about the aim of belief or the standard of correctness for belief. The point that to believe is to believe true appears to be an analytic truth about the concept of belief. It also appears to be essential to the state of belief that (...)
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  15. Induction and Natural Kinds.Howard Sankey - 1997 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 1 (2):239-254.
    The paper sketches an ontological solution to an epistemological problem in the philosophy of science. Taking the work of Hilary Kornblith and Brian Ellis as a point of departure, it presents a realist solution to the Humean problem of induction, which is based on a scientific essentialist interpretation of the principle of the uniformity of nature. More specifically, it is argued that use of inductive inference in science is rationally justified because of the existence of real, natural kinds of things, (...)
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    Sarah Harriet Burney: Traits of Nature and Families.Lorna Clark - 2000 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 19:121.
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    The Family in the Novels of Sarah Harriet Burney.Lorna Clark - 2001 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 20:71.
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    The Hermitage: Late Gothic or Early Detective Fiction?Lorna Clark - 2004 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 23:165.
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  19. Together at the Limit: Jean-Luc Nancy, Art and Community.Lorna Collins - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus (eds.), Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  20. Workplace Surveillance.Lorna Collier - 2020 - In David Weitzner (ed.), Issues in business ethics and corporate social responsibility: selections from SAGE business researcher. Los Angeles: SAGE reference.
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    Decidability of the theory of modules over Prüfer domains with dense value groups.Lorna Gregory, Sonia L'Innocente & Carlo Toffalori - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (12):102719.
    We provide algebraic conditions ensuring the decidability of the theory of modules over effectively given Prüfer (in particular Bézout) domains whose localizations at maximal ideals have dense value groups. For Bézout domains, these conditions are also necessary.
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    Guiding Principles for the Planet, The New Paradigms: Medatations on Cartesian Themes.Lorna Green (ed.) - 2004 - iUniverse.
    Consciousness is the true basis of the universe, I offer new principles for connection with the Earth, the Earth is a living conscious spiritual being, interconnected, interdependent and One, in which we human beings are a small part.
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    The Reign of the Holy Spirit, Christ-Self: I am.Lorna Green (ed.) - 2005 - iUniverse.
  24.  17
    The torsion‐free part of the Ziegler spectrum of orders over Dedekind domains.Lorna Gregory, Sonia L'Innocente & Carlo Toffalori - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (1):20-36.
    We study the R‐torsion‐free part of the Ziegler spectrum of an order Λ over a Dedekind domain R. We underline and comment on the role of lattices over Λ. We describe the torsion‐free part of the spectrum when Λ is of finite lattice representation type.
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    The verification of metaphysical theories: ethics as basis for metaphysics.Lorna Green - 1985 - Margaree Valley, N.S.: Interface Press.
    Ethics traditionally has always been derived from metaphysics, but these days metaphysics is considered to be "mere interpretation". In the face of all scepticism and relativism I contend that ethics is more certian than metaphysics. And so, ethics can ground metaphysics. And I go on, in later works to ground ethics on the Earth. Ethics has always had something to do with God. I redefine ethics, and open into God in a completely new way. That ethics brings us into relationship (...)
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    Down the Rabbit Hole: Reflections on Thirteen Narratives of Living with the “Disabled” Label.Lorna Hallahan - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):229-234.
    These accounts are astonishing in their shared concerns and beautiful in their variety of styles and language. This paper employs a hermeneutic spiral to ask a series of related questions in seeking a deeper understanding of the writers’ accounts of what Inga Clendinnen has called “falling down the rabbit–hole”—experiences of existential discontinuity born of illness and disability.... The narratives of the thirteen authors are shown to address ways of exploring intersubjectivity and situation; affliction and respect; and refusal, resistance and solidarity. (...)
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    Review. Birth, death, and motherhood in classical Greece. N Demand.Lorna Hardwick - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):303-304.
  28.  22
    (1 other version)« Tela Botanica » : une fertilisation croisée des amateurs et des experts.Lorna Heaton, Florence Millerand & Serge Proulx - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):61.
    Nous chercherons ici à montrer comment le projet Tela Botanica permet à la fois une transformation et une actualisation du savoir botanique. Trois éléments particuliers retiendront notre attention : la libre circulation et la mise à disposition des données les plus récentes du travail des botanistes ; l’articulation nouvelle entre le travail scientifique des amateurs et celui des professionnels ; la création d’une forme organisationnelle hybride combinant des éléments propres au milieu associatif et à l’entreprise privée. Nous utiliserons ces trois (...)
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  29. The hellenistic-age of narratology+ a review of'neverending stories, toward a critical narratology'.Lorna Martens - 1996 - Semiotica 109 (1-2):187-193.
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    Rhetorical problems of emergent democracy: Political change and political discourse in Poland.Lorna Milne & Cezar M. Ornatowski - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):568-574.
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    Sex, Gender and the Right to Write: Patrick Chamoiseau and the Erotics of Colonialism.Lorna Milne - 2001 - Paragraph 24 (3):59-75.
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    Ethics and the public administrator, public official, government employee: a bibliography.Lorna Peterson - 1987 - Monticello, Ill., USA: Vance Bibliographies.
  33. Lakatos's Idea of Scientific Research Programs.Howard Sankey - 1998 - In Gregory A. Good (ed.), Sciences of the Earth: An encyclopedia of Events, People and Phenomena, Volume 2. Garland. pp. 499-502.
    Introductory discussion of Lakatos's idea of scientific research programmes, and an application to the case-study of continental drift.
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    Semantic Incommensurability and Scientific Realism.Howard Sankey - unknown
    This paper reviews the situation with respect to the referential approach to the problem of semantic incommensurability. It argues that the thesis of semantic incommensurability does not pose a significant threat to scientific realism. However, there exists a "non-realist" defence of incommensurability, according to which the referential approach begs the question against advocates of the incommensurability thesis. This defence is criticized, and the basis for a realist response to incommensurability is presented.
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    Writing the Voyage of Scientific Exploration: The Logbooks, Journals and Notes of the Baudin Expedition (1800–1804).Margaret Sankey - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):401-413.
    The 1800?4 scientific expedition that was commissioned by Bonaparte and captained by Nicolas Baudin was a vast note?producing machine. Recording information in the form of notes was indeed its mode of being. The expedition, conceived in the late eighteenth century, represents in its scope and achievements Enlightenment knowledge?gathering at its most ambitious: the exhaustive collection, measurement, description and classification of objects of the natural world. Aiming at encyclopædic inclusiveness and at the same time seeking accurate knowledge, the achievements of the (...)
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    Women and Political Violence: Female Combatants in Ethno-National Conflict.Lorna Lueker Zukas - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (6):813 - null.
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  37. Objective Facts.Howard Sankey - 2022 - Metaphysica: International Journal for Ontology and Metaphysics 23 (1):117-121.
    This is a brief exploration of the notion of an objective fact. The form of objectivity at issue is distinct from epistemic objectivity or objectivity about truth. It is an ontological form of objectivity. Objective facts may obtain whether or not we know, believe or are aware of them. They depend upon objects, for example, on the properties that objects have or the relationships into which objects enter. Setting scepticism to one side, there is a perfectly mundane sense in which (...)
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    An Introduction to Feminism.Lorna Finlayson - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    As well as providing a clear and critical introduction to the theory, this refreshing overview focuses on the practice of feminism with coverage of actions and activism, bringing the subject to life for newcomers as well as offering fresh perspectives for advanced students. Explanations of the main strands to feminism, such as liberalism, sit alongside an exploration of a range of approaches, such as radical, anarchist and Marxist feminism, and provide much-needed context against which more familiar historical themes may be (...)
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    Objectivity and Relativism in Science.Howard Sankey - 1999 - Ormond Papers 16:91-100.
    This is an introductory level discussion of the topic of objectivity and relativism in science. A distinction is made between kinds of objectivity. The topic is then explored within the context of the theory of method.
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    (1 other version)Alexithymic traits predict the speed of classifying non-literal statements using nonverbal cues.Lorna S. Jakobson & Pauline M. Pearson - forthcoming - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion:1-7.
  41. What to Do with Post-Truth.Lorna Finlayson - 2019 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 8:63-79.
    Recent political developments have made the notion of 'post-truth' ubiquitous. Along with associated terms such as 'fake news' and 'alternative facts', it appears with regularity in coverage of and commentary on Donald Trump, the Brexit vote, and the role – relative to these phenomena – of a half-despised, half-feared creature known as 'the public'. It has become commonplace to assert that we now inhabit, or are entering, a post-truth world. In this paper, I issue a sceptical challenge against the distinctiveness (...)
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  42. Some Radical New Ideas About Consciousness 2012 - Consciousness and the Cosmos: A New Copernican Reolution, Part 1 Science, Consciousness and the Universe.Lorna Green - manuscript
    Some Radical New Ideas About Consciousness Consciousness and the Cosmos: A New Copernican Revolution -/- Consciousness is our new frontier in modern science. Most scientists believe that it can be accomodated, explained, by existing scientific principles. I say that it cannot. That it calls all existing scientific principles into question. That consciousness is to modern science just exactly what light was to classical physics: All of our fundamental assumptions about the nature of Reality have to change. And I go on, (...)
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    Research through play: participatory methods in early childhood.Lorna Arnott & Kate Wall (eds.) - 2021 - Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
    Doing research with young children can be challenging for many reasons, but this book provides clear guidance on how to engage in appropriate methods. Focusing on researching through play, careful consideration is given to: · the founding principles of playful research · understanding young children's perspectives · prioritising the rights of the child and the voice of the child · examples of innovative research methods Real life examples and research projects are presented, to enable common challenges to be anticipated and (...)
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    Structural analysis of social behavior.Lorna Smith Benjamin - 1974 - Psychological Review 81 (5):392-425.
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    The Third Shift: the politics of representation and the psychological turn.Lorna Finlayson - unknown
    In the past few years, the situation and experiences of women in academic philosophy—and in academia more broadly—have received unprecedented attention. For feminist philosophers, a growing awareness of the problems facing women in the discipline is something to be welcomed. Nevertheless, this article raises some serious concerns about the framework within which these problems are often analyzed and addressed. I argue that the currently prevalent approach overemphasizes issues of representation and, additionally, risks becoming preoccupied with experimental psychology at the expense (...)
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    Auditory processing deficits are sometimes necessary and sometimes sufficient for language difficulties in children: Evidence from mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss.Lorna F. Halliday, Outi Tuomainen & Stuart Rosen - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):139-151.
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    Roberto Esposito's political philosophy of the gift.Lorna Weir - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (3):155-167.
    Roberto Esposito has extended the deconstructive theory of the gift into political philosophy, theorizing the gift as the transcendental form of political obligation. In Esposito's philosophy of communitas, the munus consists of the single obligation to give, a logic of donors without receivers, yet it simultaneously establishes relations of reciprocity, mutuality, debt and gratitude. I argue that that indebtedness and reciprocity are not logically possible in a gift system where donors are bound by the single obligation to give, as the (...)
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  48. Causation and Laws of Nature.Howard Sankey (ed.) - 1999 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This is a collection of articles which represents current research on the metaphysics of causation and laws of nature, mostly by authors working in or active in the Australasian region. The book provides an overview of current work on the theory of causation, including counterfactual, singularist, nomological and causal process approaches. It also covers work on the nature of laws of nature, with special emphasis on the scientific essentialist theory that laws of nature are, at base, the fundamental dispositions or (...)
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    Politics and Sovereign Power: Considerations on Foucault.Lorna Weir & Brian C. J. Singer - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (4):443-465.
    Foucault’s critique of early modern political theory aimed at displacing sovereignty as the principle of intelligibility of power. In the genealogical literature since Foucault, sovereignty has become a residual category lacking analytic specificity, largely displaced by governance, in turn equated with politics. We argue that Foucault and the Foucauldians have not understood that the flourishing of governance has presupposed a symbolic regime with a division of knowledge-power-law characteristic of the democratic sovereign. The conflation of governance with politics, together with the (...)
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  50. Scientific Realism and Basic Common Sense.Howard Sankey - 2014 - Kairos. Revista de Filosofia and Ciência 10:11-24.
    This paper considers the relationship between science and common sense. It takes as its point of departure, Eddington’s distinction between the table of physics and the table of common sense, as well as Eddington’s suggestion that science shows common sense to be false. Against the suggestion that science shows common sense to be false, it is argued that there is a form of common sense, basic common sense, which is not typically overthrown by scientific research. Such basic common sense is (...)
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