Results for 'Luz Gabriela Arango'

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  1.  19
    Soin de l'apparence, travail émotionnel et service au client.Luz Gabriela Arango Gaviria - 2013 - Multitudes 52 (1):180.
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    Soin de l'apparence, travail émotionnel et service au client.Luz Gabriela Arango - 2013 - Multitudes 1:180-185.
  3.  32
    Careful Speculations: Toward a Caring Science of Forensic Genetics in Colombia.María Fernanda Olarte-Sierra & Tania Pérez-Bustos - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):158-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:158 Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. María Fernanda Olarte-Sierra and Tania Pérez-Bustos Careful Speculations: Toward a Caring Science of Forensic Genetics in Colombia Feminist Science and Technology Studies (STS) has recently opened up the question of care as a set of practices related to the sustainability of life.1 The field of feminist studies more broadly has extensively 1. This literature mostly comes from (...)
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    Impact of brain overgrowth on sensorial learning processing during the first year of life.Gabriela López-Arango, Florence Deguire, Kristian Agbogba, Marc-Antoine Boucher, Inga S. Knoth, Ramy El-Jalbout, Valérie Côté, Amélie Damphousse, Samuel Kadoury & Sarah Lippé - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Macrocephaly is present in about 2–5% of the general population. It can be found as an isolated benign trait or as part of a syndromic condition. Brain overgrowth has been associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism during the first year of life, however, evidence remains inconclusive. Furthermore, most of the studies have involved pathological or high-risk populations, but little is known about the effects of brain overgrowth on neurodevelopment in otherwise neurotypical infants. We investigated the impact of brain overgrowth (...)
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    (1 other version)Alternatives of Informed Consent for Storage and Use of Human Biological Material for Research Purposes: Brazilian Regulation.Gabriela Marodin, Paulo Henrique Condeixa de França, Jennifer Braathen Salgueiro, Marcia Luz da Motta, Gysélle Saddi Tannous & Anibal Gil Lopes - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (3):127-131.
    Informed consent is recognized as a primary ethical requirement to conduct research involving humans. In the investigations with the use of human biological material, informed consent (IC) assumes a differentiated condition on account of the many future possibilities. This work presents suitable alternatives for IC regarding the storage and use of human biological material in research, according to new Brazilian regulations. Both norms – Resolution 441/11 of the National Health Council, approved on 12 May 2011, and Ordinance 2.201 (NATIONAL GUIDELINES (...)
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    À Luz Do Conceito de Esfera Pública de Jünger Habermas: Uma Abordagem de Controle de Licitação Pelo Tribunal de Contas.Gabriela Oliveira Freitas, Marisa Karla Vieira Leite & Renata Apolinário de Castro Lima - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 8 (2):59-76.
    O presente artigo faz uma reflexão sobre a esfera pública de Jünger Habermas, como uma via de abertura para o debate em todas as dimensões. Objetiva-se apresentar neste trabalho, como o conceito de esfera pública habermasiana pode justificar a atuação do Tribunal de Contas como mecanismo de fiscalização, controle e de construção do mérito administrativo, com foco, nesta pesquisa, para a atuação administrativa nos procedimentos licitatórios. Defende-se que o Tribunal de Contas deve atuar no controle de processos licitatórios, a fim (...)
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  7. ¿ser Por Azar O Producirse Por Azar?: Una reconstrucción de algunos aspectos de la discusión de Aristóteles contra el materialismo a la luz del problema del azar.Gabriela Rossi - 2011 - Elenchos 32 (1):21-54.
    In this paper I address some aspects of the discussion of Aristotle against materialism. I take as a starting point the inaugural sentence of Phys. 2.4, where Aristotle refers to the endoxon that there are things which are (einai), and things which become or are generated (gignesthai) by chance. In the first place, I show that Aristotle would have ascribed to the materialists (especially Empedocles) the opinion that things like animals and plants can be (and not only become) by chance. (...)
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    Tonic Immobility in PTSD: Exacerbation of Emotional Cardiac Defense Response.Carlos Eduardo Norte, Eliane Volchan, Jaime Vila, Jose Luis Mata, Javier R. Arbol, Mauro Mendlowicz, William Berger, Mariana Pires Luz, Vanessa Rocha-Rego, Ivan Figueira & Gabriela Guerra Leal de Souza - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    O Cosmopolitismo Kantiano: Uma Análise da Figura Do Refugiado À Luz Do Direito À Hospitalidade.Gabriela dos Santos Paixão - 2019 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (1):17.
    O objetivo é apresentar, do ponto de vista filosófico, a relação existente entre o cosmopolitismo kantiano e a figura do refugiado à luz do Direito à Hospitalidade. Orienta-se pelo procedimento da pesquisa bibliográfica. Apresenta o ideal filosófico de Kant para a instituição da Paz Perpétua com ênfase no Direito Cosmopolita. Demonstra a correspondência entre Direito Cosmopolita, Direitos Humanos e Direito Natural. Analisa o refugiado sob a perspectiva filosófica. Viabiliza o diálogo entre o cosmopolitismo e o refugiado. Por fim, conclui que (...)
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    Los zulos de la inclusión: reconocimiento, resentimiento y un paso atrás.Gabriela Méndez Cota - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 56 (157):148-189.
    Este ensayo relaciona, por una parte, el pensamiento inclusivo con la cuestión moral del reconocimiento y, por otra, con el problema existencial del resentimiento y la técnica en la globalización híper-industrial. Se contrastan e integran perspectivas como las de Anne Phillips, Axel Honneth, María Pía Lara, Bernard Stiegler y Cynthia Fleury, para argumentar que los desarrollos tecnoeconómicos y sociales de la última década obligan a recuperar el problema del reconocimiento, para replantearlo por fuera de una racionalidad normativa, esto es, a (...)
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    Influencia del proceso de codificación del derecho penal de la ilustración europea, en la República de la Nueva Granada.Alejandro Tascón Montoya, Gloria Lucía Arango Pajón & Julián Esteban Beltrán Echeverri - 2020 - Ratio Juris 15 (30).
    El lector se encontrará en el presente trabajo con dos capítulos en los cuales se aborda de manera clara e histórica el proceso de codificación europea en el periodo del iluminismo o siglo de las luces, sobre todo en lo que tiene que ver con la codificación en materia de Derecho Penal, en el segundo capítulo se aborda esa influencia del proceso de codificación europeo en el proceso de codificación en América Latina, haciendo énfasis en el impacto de dicho proceso (...)
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  12. La Psicología Platónica de la Acción a la luz de la relación República-Filebo.Gabriela Silva C. - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (34).
    La posibilidad de sentar las bases para una psicología platónica de la acción puede ser abordada desde la perspectiva de la conexión entre la doctrina del alma tripartita de República y la psicología del placer del Filebo. A la luz de dicha conexión, la noción del alma como fuente del deseo se constituye en factor determinante de nuestro carácter personal y nuestra forma de actuar, lo que hace posible construir una tipología de hombre basada en la primacía de una parte (...)
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    Sobre Placer- Dolor y otros opuestos en el Fedón de Platón.Maria Gabriela Casnati - 2023 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 24 (27):104-126.
    El _Fedón_ de Platón puede ser abordado tomando como eje la cuestión de los opuestos, que lo recorre en toda su extensión. En el presente trabajo nos enfocaremos en la referencia al placer y al dolor con la que Sócrates abre su participación en la obra, así como también en el primer argumento dedicado justamente al carácter cíclico de los opuestos. Examinaremos la amplia gama de ejemplos cualitativamente diferentes de contrarios que Platón ofrece y cómo esas diferencias repercuten en el (...)
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    A educação de superdotados na educação matemática crítica.Heloísa Gabriela Paterno, Kauane Ferrari Luiz, Larissa Hang & Paula Civiero - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:731-740.
    O presente artigo deriva de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho propositivo que busca levantar questões relacionadas à diferenciação e os atendimentos voltados para estudantes com Altas Habilidades ou Superdotação, à luz da educação matemática crítica. Para tal, é necessário compreender a definição, características, dificuldades e necessidades educacionais dos educandos com altas habilidades. Dentre estas necessidades estão o estímulo intelectual, o contato com pares, menos tempo em espera e desafios à altura de seu nível cognitivo, fatores que implicam na premência da (...)
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    Contraste de la frecuencia de salida del hogar ante la pandemia por COVID-19.Andrea Egas, Carmen Elena Santander, Marcelo Salazar & Alejandro Grijalva - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):40-45.
    En el siguiente estudio se evalúa un panorama con respecto al comportamiento sociológico en un preámbulo tanto antes durante y después de esta crisis social que se está viviendo debido a la pandemia de hoy en día. Por ello para sustentar dicha investigación se realizó un censo en el cuál, mediante el uso de herramientas estadísticas, se pudo realizar una comparación entre un antes y un durante de la pandemia, lo cual facilitaría intrínsicamente a la predicción de una denominada post (...)
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    Argumentation Theory for Mathematical Argument.Joseph Corneli, Ursula Martin, Dave Murray-Rust, Gabriela Rino Nesin & Alison Pease - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (2):173-214.
    To adequately model mathematical arguments the analyst must be able to represent the mathematical objects under discussion and the relationships between them, as well as inferences drawn about these objects and relationships as the discourse unfolds. We introduce a framework with these properties, which has been used to analyse mathematical dialogues and expository texts. The framework can recover salient elements of discourse at, and within, the sentence level, as well as the way mathematical content connects to form larger argumentative structures. (...)
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    Questões habermasianas sobre a integridade da informação.Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima, Cássia Angiolis, Ana Gabriela Clipes Ferreira & Letícia Souza - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7365.
    Neste artigo faz-se uma revisão sistemática da abordagem crítica a partir do filósofo alemão Jurgen Habermas do processo social atual da desinformação, em especial com as teorias do agir comunicativo e do Discurso. Faz-se uma breve apresentação das teorias do agir comunicativo e do Discurso de Habermas, e sua guinada pragmática. O método principal de investigação é uma revisão sistemática nas bases de dados Scopus e Web of Science. São usados como estratégia de busca os termos "Habermas" AND "disinformation OR (...)
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  18. Exploring “lucid sleep” and altered states of consciousness using meditation and visual stimulation: A case series study.Teresa Campillo-Ferrer, Adriana Alcaraz-Sánchez & Susana Gabriela Torres-Platas - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    The scientific study of lucid sleep, defined as the ability to retain critical self-awareness during ongoing sleep, has traditionally focused on lucid dreaming and induction techniques that specifically target REM sleep. Recently, interest has grown to include other forms of lucid sleep, such as out-of-body experiences, sleep paralysis, and “witnessing-sleep” episodes described in Indian philosophical traditions. Empirical data on these states remain limited, primarily due to the lack of specific induction techniques designed for their study. In this case series study, (...)
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    Persuasión, más allá de lo terrenal.Jairo Omar Delgado Mora & Luz Mireya Pamplona Camargo - 2019 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 7 (2):39-43.
    Permanentemente intentamos persuadir a alguien: vender un producto, conseguir empleo, lograr un descuento. De esta manera, el documento pretende determinar cuáles son esas cualidades de una persona capaz de persuadir. Inicialmente y como un primer valor agregado se ha considera el tema incluso desde la perspectiva divina, hecho instrumento de confrontación con otros autores con el objetivo de enriquecer el tema. Como un segundo valor agregado, al final se hace un ejercicio práctico a través del cual se hacen evidentes las (...)
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    A Network Approach to Compliance: A Complexity Science Understanding of How Rules Shape Behavior.Malouke Esra Kuiper, Monique Chambon, Anne Leonore de Bruijn, Chris Reinders Folmer, Elke Hindina Olthuis, Megan Brownlee, Emmeke Barbara Kooistra, Adam Fine, Frenk van Harreveld, Gabriela Lunansky & Benjamin van Rooij - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (2):479-504.
    To understand how compliance develops both in everyday and corporate environments, it is crucial to understand how different mechanisms work together to shape individuals’ (non)compliant behavior. Existing compliance studies typically focus on a subset of theories (i.e., rational choice theories, social theories, legitimacy theories, capacity theories, and opportunity theories) to understand how key variables from one or several of these theories shape individual compliance. The present study provides a first integrated understanding of compliance, rooted in complexity science, in which key (...)
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  21. Hago luego existo: las palabras y los actos de la psicología social.Adriana Gil Juárez, Joel Feliu I. Samuel-Lajeunesse & Luz María Martínez Martínez - 2007 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (27):199-204.
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    La ambigüedad de la justicia transnacional. El caso interamericano de los derechos humano.Gabriel Andrés Arévalo Robles, Luz Angela Arévalo Robles & Omaira Esperanza Castellanos Cortés - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:233-257.
    La justicia interamericana de derechos humanos es un fenómeno de transnacional influencia sobre los ordenamientos jurídicos de los Estados nacionales. La creciente interacción de la Corte Interamericana con los jueces nacionales y su labor como intérprete de la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos (CADH) ha promovido un excesivo optimismo que resulta necesario revisar críticamente en aras de una mejor comprensión de la justicia transnacional en derechos humanos. Para cumplir este cometido, el presente documento presentará las discusiones doctrinales sobre justicia, validez (...)
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    Electroencephalographic Correlate of Mexican Spanish Emotional Speech Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder: To a Social Story and Robot-Based Intervention.Mathilde Marie Duville, Luz Maria Alonso-Valerdi & David I. Ibarra-Zarate - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Socio-emotional impairments are key symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders. This work proposes to analyze the neuronal activity related to the discrimination of emotional prosodies in autistic children as follows. Firstly, a database for single words uttered in Mexican Spanish by males, females, and children will be created. Then, optimal acoustic features for emotion characterization will be extracted, followed of a cubic kernel function Support Vector Machine in order to validate the speech corpus. As a result, human-specific acoustic properties of emotional (...)
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    Perfil de Aspirantes a la Escuela Normal en Baja California y Puebla.Jihan García-Poyato Falcón, Luz del Carmen Montes Pacheco, Graciela Cordero Arroyo & Teresa Eugenia Brito Miranda - 2023 - Voces de la Educación 8 (15):149-174.
    Los estudios sobre el perfil de los aspirantes a la educación superior son escasos. Se compararon cuantitativamente características familiares, socioeconómicas y académicas de los aspirantes a la Licenciatura en Educación Primaria de las escuelas normales públicas de Baja California y Puebla. Perfil: mujer, soltera, 18 años, egresada de bachillerato general escolarizado. Se identificaron características más favorables en Baja California.
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  25. Remembering as a mental action.Santiago Arango-Munoz & Juan Pablo Bermúdez - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin (eds.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 75-96.
    Many philosophers consider that memory is just a passive information retention and retrieval capacity. Some information and experiences are encoded, stored, and subsequently retrieved in a passive way, without any control or intervention on the subject’s part. In this paper, we will defend an active account of memory according to which remembering is a mental action and not merely a passive mental event. According to the reconstructive account, memory is an imaginative reconstruction of past experience. A key feature of the (...)
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  26. Cognitive phenomenology and metacognitive feelings.Santiago Arango-Muñoz - 2018 - Mind and Language 34 (2):247-262.
    The cognitive phenomenology thesis claims that “there is something it is like” to have cognitive states such as believ- ing, desiring, hoping, attending, and so on. In support of this idea, Goldman claimed that the tip-of-the-tongue phe- nomenon can be considered as a clear-cut instance of non- sensory cognitive phenomenology. This paper reviews Goldman's proposal and assesses whether the tip-of-the- tongue and other metacognitive feelings actually constitute an instance of cognitive phenomenology. The paper will show that psychological data cast doubt (...)
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    Perspectivas de professoras sobre os desafios da docência na Educação Infantil.Walquíria de Souza Euzébio & Iza Rodrigues da Luz - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:158-175.
    RESUMO: Este artigo trata da docência e de seus desafios a partir da escuta de seis professoras de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil - EMEI, de Belo Horizonte, proporcionada por uma pesquisa realizada em 2017. Os resultados indicam que as professoras têm clareza da importância do trabalho de cuidado e educação das crianças, assim como percebem a sua desvalorização social. Como desafios indicaram questões relacionadas aos comportamentos das crianças e às relações com as famílias. Ressalta-se a necessidade de políticas (...)
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    A Cozinha Gaúcha: um resgate dos sabores e saberes da Gastronomia do Rio Grande do Sul.Tainá Bacellar Zaneti, Valdeni Terezinha Zani, Lorena Cândido Fleury, Isabel Cristina Kasper Machado, Caio Bonamigo Dorigon, Gabriela Pereira, Sara Schwambach de Almeida, Ariane Thiele Lima, João Lopes Martin Neto, Bruno Garcias, Yasmin Vellinho, Fábio Rohde, Sérgio Schneider & Carolina Pereira Kechinski - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):28.
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    El Paradigma de lo Complejo.Evelin Raiza Andrade Y. Cadenas, Luz María Pereira, Aura Torres & Eduardo Pachano - 2002 - Cinta de Moebio 14.
    This essay proposes a review of the conceptual basis of the Complex Paradigm o Complex Thought. It reviews its core assumptions and give examples in the social sciences.
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    Religious Fundamentalism Modulates Neural Responses to Error-Related Words: The Role of Motivation Toward Closure.Małgorzata Kossowska, Paulina Szwed, Miroslaw Wyczesany, Gabriela Czarnek & Eligiusz Wronka - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Palliative Care in Romania and Lithuania- Between the Necessity of Terminal Patient Assistance and the Rigors of Resource Allocation.Stefana Maria Moisa, Andrada Parvu & Beatrice Gabriela Ioan - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (1):53-67.
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    Regla de la suma para calcular probabilidades de dos o más eventos.Paula Andrea Rodas Rendón, Luz María Ospina Gutiérrez & Angela María Lanzas Duque - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Characterization and Agreement Between Application of Mobile Ecological Momentary Assessment and Accelerometry in the Identification of Prevalence of Sedentary Behavior in Young Adults.Catiana Leila Possamai Romanzini, Marcelo Romanzini, Cynthia Correa Lopes Barbosa, Mariana Biagi Batista, Gabriela Blasquez Shigaki & Enio Ricardo Vaz Ronque - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34. (1 other version)Calculating Machines or Leaky Jars? The Moral Psychology of Plato's Gorgias.Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2004 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 26:55-96.
  35. Scaffolded Memory and Metacognitive Feelings.Santiago Arango-Muñoz - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (1):135-152.
    Recent debates on mental extension and distributed cognition have taught us that environmental resources play an important and often indispensable role in supporting cognitive capacities. In order to clarify how interactions between the mind –particularly memory– and the world take place, this paper presents the “selection problem” and the “endorsement problem” as structural problems arising from such interactions in cases of mental scaffolding. On the one hand, the selection problem arises each time an agent is confronted with a cognitive problem, (...)
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  36. Liceo VAL (vida, amor, luz).“Hacia un aprendizaje significativo y autónomo”.Luz Esperanza Morales - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (2/1).
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  37. Epistemic Feelings and Epistemic Emotions (Focus Section).Santiago Arango-Muñoz & Kourken Michaelian - 2014 - Philosophical Inquiries.
    Philosophers of mind and epistemologists are increasingly making room in their theories for epistemic emotions (E-emotions) and, drawing on metacognition research in psychology, epistemic – or noetic or metacognitive – feelings (E-feelings). Since philoso- phers have only recently begun to draw on empirical research on E-feelings, in particular, we begin by providing a general characterization of E-feelings (section 1) and reviewing some highlights of relevant research (section 2). We then turn to philosophical work on E-feelings and E-emotions, situating the contributions (...)
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    El azar segun Aristoteles: estructuras de la causalidad accidental en los procesos naturales y en la accion.Gabriela Rossi - 2011 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    This work is the first monograph devoted to the interpretation of Aristotle’s theory of chance in Physics II 4-6 and its implications and projections in other treatises, including an original and comprehensive account of the Aristotelian conception of chance, of accidental causality in the realm of nature, and of accidental causality in the realm of human action. One of the main interpretative issues around Aristotle’s discussion of chance is its relation to the four causes and to teleology. In this sense, (...)
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  39. The nature of epistemic feelings.Santiago Arango-Muñoz - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (2):1-19.
    Among the phenomena that make up the mind, cognitive psychologists and philosophers have postulated a puzzling one that they have called ?epistemic feelings.? This paper aims to (1) characterize these experiences according to their intentional content and phenomenal character, and (2) describe the nature of these mental states as nonconceptual in the cases of animals and infants, and as conceptual mental states in the case of adult human beings. Finally, (3) the paper will contrast three accounts of the causes and (...)
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  40. Hedonism and the Pleasureless Life in Plato's Philebus.Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2000 - Phronesis 45 (4):257-283.
    This paper re-evaluates the role that Plato confers to pleasure in the "Philebus." According to leading interpretations, Plato there downplays the role of pleasure, or indeed rejects hedonism altogether. Thus, scholars such as D. Frede have taken the "mixed life" of pleasure and intelligence initially submitted in the "Philebus" to be conceded by Socrates only as a remedial good, second to a life of neutral condition, where one would experience no pleasure and pain. Even more strongly, scholars such as Irwin (...)
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  41. Re-envisioning the Philosophy Classroom through Metaphors.Alejandro Arango & Maria Howard - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 44 (2):121-144.
    What is a philosophy class like? What roles do teachers and students play? Questions like these have been answered time and again by philosophers using images and metaphors. As philosophers continue to develop pedagogical approaches in a more conscious way, it is worth evaluating traditional metaphors used to understand and structure philosophy classes. In this article, we examine two common metaphors—the sage on the stage, and philosophy as combat—and show why they fail pedagogically. Then we propose five metaphors—teaching philosophy as (...)
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  42. Two Levels of Metacognition.Santiago Arango-Muñoz - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (1):71-82.
    Two main theories about metacognition are reviewed, each of which claims to provide a better explanation of this phenomenon, while discrediting the other theory as inappropriate. The paper claims that in order to do justice to the complex phenomenon of metacognition, we must distinguish two levels of this capacity—each having a different structure, a different content and a different function within the cognitive architecture. It will be shown that each of the reviewed theories has been trying to explain only one (...)
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    Design Bioethics: A Theoretical Framework and Argument for Innovation in Bioethics Research.Gabriela Pavarini, Robyn McMillan, Abigail Robinson & Ilina Singh - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (6):37-50.
    Empirical research in bioethics has developed rapidly over the past decade, but has largely eschewed the use of technology-driven methodologies. We propose “design bioethics” as an area of conjoined theoretical and methodological innovation in the field, working across bioethics, health sciences and human-centred technological design. We demonstrate the potential of digital tools, particularly purpose-built digital games, to align with theoretical frameworks in bioethics for empirical research, integrating context, narrative and embodiment in moral decision-making. Purpose-built digital tools can engender situated engagement (...)
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    Argumentative Representation and Democracy: A Critique of Alexy's Defense of Judicial Review of Legislation.Esteban Buriticá-Arango & Julián Gaviria-Mira - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (2):160-177.
    Robert Alexy has argued that the democratic objection to judicial review of legislation can be successfully addressed by assuming that judges exercise a special form of argumentative representation. In this article we argue that Alexy does not explain (as he should) under what circumstances judicial review tends to produce better decisions than parliamentary procedure, nor does he explain how judicial review can have a greater intrinsic value than parliamentary procedure. Subsequently, we argue that the intrinsic value of argumentative representation depends (...)
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  45. Plato's Cosmology and its Ethical Dimensions.Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Although a great deal has been written on Plato's ethics, his cosmology has not received so much attention in recent times and its importance for his ethical thought has remained underexplored. By offering accounts of Timaeus, Philebus, Politicus and Laws X, the book reveals a strongly symbiotic relation between the cosmic and human sphere. It is argued that in his late period Plato presents a picture of an organic universe, endowed with structure and intrinsic value, which both urges our respect (...)
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    Historia de la inmortalidad del alma según Commentaria De anima y Summa theologica de Suárez.Antonio Ñahuincopa-Arango - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (1):206-241.
    En este trabajo de investigación se recoge y analiza una información bibliográfica valiosa sobre la inmortalidad del alma en el Estagirita según Suárez. Es sorprendente la amplitud de conocimiento sobre la historia de la filosofía del Doctor Eximio, que le sirve de inspiración y apoyo en el análisis de las fuentes, ya sea directa o indirectamente por referencia de otros. Así, hay tres referencias indirectas: Eusebio de Cesarea, Agustín Eugubino y Agustín Nifo. Las fuentes de inspiración del filósofo español sobre (...)
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  47. El ciudadano como ser político en la filosofía política aristotélica.Delio David Arango Navarro - 2009 - Escritos 17 (39):390-409.
    Aristóteles establece una relación muy estrecha entre la política y la ética en tanto la política se ocupa del conocimiento del bien supremo y permite asimismo la acción virtuosa, condiciones que llevan a la consecución de la felicidad, que, en definitiva, es el fin de la polis. Así la comunidad política se constituye en la comunidad humana por excelencia, comunidad natural, anterior a toda otra forma de asociación, espacio cívico en el que el hombre alcanza su pleno desarrollo y se (...)
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    Ethics Consultation in U.S. Pediatric Hospitals: Adherence to National Practice Standards.Helena Arango, Colette Gramszlo, Jaideep Grewal, Arzu Cetin, Meaghann Weaver & Jennifer K. Walter - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics.
    Background The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH), a professional organization that certifies ethics consultants who pass the qualifying examination, published standards for the conduct of ethics consultations (EC). A national survey of adult hospital ethics consultants identified adherence to these standards, but no assessment of pediatric hospitals’ adherence has been done.Methods In this cross-sectional study, a national questionnaire was distributed electronically in 2022 to pediatric ethics consultants at children’s hospitals, collecting information about adherence to the ASBH standards. Hospital (...)
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    Evolucionismo, monogenismo y pecado original.Miguel Cuervo Arango - 1954 - Salmanticensis 1 (2):259-300.
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    Presentación.Santiago Arango Muñoz - 2018 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 57:7-9.
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