Results for 'Lynette Schaverien'

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  1. Families' engagement with young children's science and technology learning at home.Robin L. Hall & Lynette Schaverien - 2001 - Science Education 85 (4):454-481.
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    The Persistence of the Self over Time in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease.Lynette J. Tippett, Sally C. Prebble & Donna Rose Addis - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  3.  33
    Implementation of a multi-disciplinary ethics unit.Lynette B. Fernandes, Nin Kirkham, Anna-Marie Babey & Dominique Blache - 2019 - International Journal of Ethics Education 4 (2):109-123.
    The multi-disciplinary unit Social Responsibility in Action was developed for students with an interest in ethics who were completing undergraduate degrees in Arts, Commerce, Design or Science at an Australian research-intensive university. The academic objectives of this unit were to increase student awareness, knowledge, understanding and critical thinking skills related to various ethical issues. Lecturers from five disciplines collaborated in the design and delivery of SRA, which comprised lectures, tutorials and a research-based project. Anonymous surveys were administered at the start (...)
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    Reliance on Advocacy is the Symptom Not the Disease.Lynette Hammond Gerido - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):86-88.
    In their article, “Rare Disease, Advocacy and Justice: Intersecting Disparities in Research and Clinical Care,” Halley et al. (2023) use three case examples to describe challenges patients with rar...
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  5. Triage of critical care resources in COVID-19: a stronger role for justice.Lynette Reid - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (8):526-530.
    Some ethicists assert that there is a consensus that maximising medical outcomes takes precedence as a principle of resource allocation in emergency triage of absolutely scarce resources. But the nature of the current severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 pandemic and the history of debate about balancing equity and efficiency in resource allocation do not support this assertion. I distinguish a number of concerns with justice and balancing considerations that should play a role in critical care triage policy, focusing on (...)
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    Public Opinion of DDR and Public Trust.Lynette Cederquist & Gabriel Schnickel - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):89-91.
    While much of the debate around the practice of normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) is focused on the potential violation of the dead donor rule (DDR), another concern is whether allowing this pr...
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  7. Gaskell's Industrial Idylls: Ideology and Formal Incongruence in Mary Barton and North and South.Lynette Felber - 1988 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 18 (1):55-72.
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    Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity.Lynette Hunter - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses affective practices in performance through the study of four contemporary performers – Keith Hennessy, Ilya Noé, Caro Novella, and duskin drum – to suggest a tentative rhetoric of performativity generating political affect and permeating attempts at social justice that are often alterior to discourse. The first part of the book makes a case for the political work done alongside discourse by performers practising with materials that are not-known, in ways that are directly relevant to people carrying out (...)
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  9. How to deal with lying.Rachel Lynette - 2009 - New York: PowerKids Press.
    What is lying? -- Why do people lie? -- Little lies -- Lying hurts! -- When someone lies to you -- What if you tell a lie? -- What if you get caught? -- Making it right -- Put an end to lying -- Start telling the truth.
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    The Israelite Woman.Lynette Steyn - 1997 - HTS Theological Studies 53 (1/2).
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    Long-term care, globalization, and justice, by Lisa A. Eckenwiler.Lynette Reid - 2013 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 6 (1):172-177.
    Lisa A. Eckenwiler, Long-term care, globalization, and justice, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012, reviewed by Lynette Reid.
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    Piketty and the Body: On the Relevance of Wealth Inequality to Bioethics.Lynette Reid - 2015 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 8 (2):250-265.
    In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty argues that markets, absent political intervention, tend toward economic divergence and that this has deleterious consequences for democratic ideals of equal voice and meritocracy. His goal is to foster a public conversation about what a society dominated by wealth—which we already beginning to experience as the twenty-first century begins—would look like if we wish to maintain an egalitarian ethos. His work will contribute to and further motivate several discussions in feminist bioethics, namely, (...)
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  13.  61
    Achieving a Balance in Human Resourcing Between Employee Rights and Care for the Individual.Lynette Harris - 2002 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 21 (2):45-60.
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    Exploring Environmental Factors in Nursing Workplaces That Promote Psychological Resilience: Constructing a Unified Theoretical Model.Lynette Cusack, Morgan Smith, Desley Hegney, Clare S. Rees, Lauren J. Breen, Regina R. Witt, Cath Rogers, Allison Williams, Wendy Cross & Kin Cheung - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  15. Professor Ferraiolo Philosophy 6 30 Nov. 2005 Buddhism: A Way to End Suffering.Lynette Boling - 2005 - Philosophy 6:30.
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    The Role of Distributive Justice in “Autonomy Versus Futility” Standoffs.Lynette Cederquist - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):61-62.
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  17. Unleashed a potentially global and fatal epidemic.Lynette J. Dumble - 1997 - Nexus 1998.
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    Power relations in IT education and work: the intersectionality of gender, race, and class.Lynette Kvasny, Eileen M. Trauth & Allison J. Morgan - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (2/3):96-118.
    PurposeSocial exclusion as a result of gender, race, and class inequality is perhaps one of the most pressing challenges associated with the development of a diverse information technology workforce. Women remain under represented in the IT workforce and college majors that prepare students for IT careers. Research on the under representation of women in IT typically assumes women to be homogeneous in nature, something that blinds the research to variation that exists among women. This paper aims to address these issues.Design/methodology/approachThe (...)
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    Political Thinking on Kingship in Democratic Athens.Lynette Mitchell - 2019 - Polis 36 (3):442-465.
    Democratic Athens seems to have been the first place in the Greek world where there developed systematically a positive theorising of kingship. Initially this might seem surprising, since the Athenians had a strong tradition of rejecting one-man-rule. The study of kingship among the political thinkers of the fifth and fourth century has not received much scholarly attention until recent years, and particularly not the striking fact that it was democratic Athens, or at least writers directing themselves to an Athenian democratic (...)
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    From the special issue editors.Lynette Reid, Josephine Johnston & Françoise Baylis - 2006 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 3 (1-2):11-13.
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  21. The interrogation of Meletus: Apology 24c4–28al.Lynette Reid Smith - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (02):372-.
    The interrogation of Meletus in the Apology at 24c4–28al is not infrequently seen as a typical case of all that is intellectually and artistically dissatisfying in Plato's practice of the genre of philosophical dialogue: not only are we presented with a philosopher who makes some claim to being committed to setting a particularly stringent standard for honesty in argumentation making sophistical arguments, but we are presented also with a cardboard interlocutor who is forced by the hand of Plato to acquiesce (...)
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    Diminishing returns? Risk and the duty to care in the Sars epidemic.Lynette Reid - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):348–361.
    The seriousness of the risk that healthcare workers faced during SARS, and their response of service in the face of this risk, brings to light unrealistic assumptions about duty and risk that informed the debate on duty to care in the early years of HIV/AIDS. Duty to care is not based upon particular virtues of the health professions, but arises from social reflection on what response to an epidemic would be consistent with our values and our needs, recognizing our shared (...)
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  23. A Reading of.Lynette Hunter - 1976 - The Chesterton Review 3 (1):118-128.
  24. Woman's Share in Primitive Culture: Science, Femininity and Anthropological Knowledge.Lynette Turner - 2002 - In Roger Luckhurst & Josephine McDonagh, Transactions and encounters: science and culture in the nineteenth century. New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave. pp. 182--203.
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    Responsible business practices: Aspects influencing decision-making in small, medium and micro-sized enterprises.Lynette Cronje, Edmund John Ferreira & Sumei van Antwerpen - 2017 - African Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1).
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    Truth or Spin? Disease Definition in Cancer Screening.Lynette Reid - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (4):385-404.
    Are the small and indolent cancers found in abundance in cancer screening normal variations, risk factors, or disease? Naturalists in philosophy of medicine turn to pathophysiological findings to decide such questions objectively. To understand the role of pathophysiological findings in disease definition, we must understand how they mislead in diagnostic reasoning. Participants on all sides of the definition of disease debate attempt to secure objectivity via reductionism. These reductivist routes to objectivity are inconsistent with the Bayesian nature of clinical reasoning; (...)
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    Medical Need: Evaluating a Conceptual Critique of Universal Health Coverage.Lynette Reid - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (2):114-137.
    Some argue that the concept of medical need is inadequate to inform the design of a universal health care system—particularly an institutional rather than a residual system. They argue that the concept contradicts the idea of comprehensiveness; leads to unsustainable expenditures; is too indeterminate for policy; and supports only a prioritarian distribution. I argue that ‘comprehensive’ understood as ‘including the full continuum of care’ and ‘medically necessary’ understood as ‘prioritized by medical criteria’ are not contradictory, and that UHC is a (...)
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  28. The development of the polis in archaic Greece.Lynette G. Mitchell & P. J. Rhodes (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    The Greek polis has been arousing interest as a subject for study for a long time, but recent approaches have shown that it is a subject on which there are still important questions to be asked and worthwhile issues to be explored. This book contains a selection of essays which embody the results of the latest research. Beyond the historical development of the Greek polis , the contributors ask questions about the civic institutions of ancient Greece as a whole and (...)
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    Listening to situated textuality: Working on differentiated public voices.Lynette Hunter - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (2):205-217.
    Ethics is enabling of agency, but also normative and conventional. At the moment a gendered ethics, or the gendering of ethics, is a helpful approach because it is concerned with issues to do with people often peripheral to and excluded from power. At the moment it can work to keep ethics responsive, but how do we halt the drift into the normative, both as prescriptive and as ideological? A feminist ethics maintains the responsive and undermines prescriptive categories, and is committed (...)
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    Compensation for Gamete Donation: The Analogy with Jury Duty.Lynette Reid, Natalie Ram & R. Brown - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (1):35-43.
    In Canada, laws and policies consistently reject the commodification of human organs and tissues, and Canadian practice is consistent with international standards in this regard. Until the Assisted Human Reproduction Act of 2004, gamete donation in Canada was an exception: Canadians could pay and be paid open market rates for gametes for use in in vitro fertilization. As sections of the AHR Act forbidding payment for gametes and permitting only reimbursement of receipted expenses gradually came into effect in 2005, Canada (...)
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    El Funcionalismo en derecho penal: libro homenaje al profesor Günther Jakobs.Eduardo Montealegre Lynett (ed.) - 2003 - Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
    Contentivo de las memorias del "III Seminario de Filosofía y Derecho Contemporáneo", en homenaje al profesor Günther Jakobs, en el cual se analizan algunos de los componentes del derecho penal al tenor de la filosofía del derecho. Esta obra retoma los conceptos de Günther Jakobs, Jaime Bernal Cuéllar, Manuel Cancio Meliá y Teresa Manso Porto, entre otros.
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  32. Energy Ethics in Science and Engineering Education.Lynette Osborne, Chad Monfreda, Frazier Benya, Clark Miller, Rachelle Hollander & Joseph Herkert - 2015 - In Byron Newberry, Carl Mitcham, Martin Meganck, Andrew Jamison, Christelle Didier & Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Springer Verlag.
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    Chinese publishing and copyright: how much has really changed? An historical perspective, 1982–2007.Lynette Owen - 2007 - Logos 18 (1):5-14.
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    (1 other version)Online rights trading: The way ahead – or just another technology-led diversion?Lynette Owen - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 12 (3):171-174.
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    The Changing Face of Copyright: A Personal View.Lynette Owen - 2009 - Logos 20 (1):103-109.
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    `Whiteness' and `Aboriginality' in Canada and Australia: Conversations and identities.Lynette Russell & Margery Fee - 2007 - Feminist Theory 8 (2):187-208.
    In writing about `whiteness' we are trying to enact a `way of talking' that draws in part on Aboriginal ideas about how to conduct a conversation or tell a story. We also use Homi Bhabha's ideas of `third space' (an `interruptive, interrogative, and enunciative' space) and hybridity as a related way to think through the problems of essentializing binaries and rigid identities. In Aboriginal cultures in Australia and Canada, rather than adopting the `neutral' or `objective' stance common in the academy, (...)
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    The Role of Social Capital in the Success of Fair Trade.Iain A. Davies & Lynette J. Ryals - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (2):317-338.
    Fair Trade companies have pulled off an astonishing tour de force. Despite their relatively small size and lack of resources, they have managed to achieve considerable commercial success and, in so doing, have put the fair trade issue firmly onto industry agendas. We analyse the critical role played by social capital in this success and demonstrate the importance of values as an exploitable competitive asset. Our research raises some uncomfortable questions about whether fair trade has 'sold out' to the mainstream (...)
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    Critiques of Knowing: Situated Textualities in Science, Computing and the Arts.Lynette Hunter - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _Critiques of Knowing_ explores what happens to science and computing when we think of them as texts. Lynette Hunter elegantly weaves together vast areas of thought: rhetoric, politics, AI, computing, feminism, science studies, aesthetics and epistemology. _Critiques of Knowing_ shows us that what we need is a radical shake-up of approaches to the arts if the critiques of science and computing are to come to any fruition.
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    Scientism in Medical Education and the Improvement of Medical Care: Opioids, Competencies, and Social Accountability.Lynette Reid - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (2):155-170.
    Scientism in medical education distracts educators from focusing on the content of learning; it focuses attention instead on individual achievement and validity in its measurement. I analyze the specific form that scientism takes in medicine and in medical education. The competencies movement attempts to challenge old “scientistic” views of the role of physicians, but in the end it has invited medical educators to focus on validity in the measurement of individual performance for attitudes and skills that medicine resists conceptualizing as (...)
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    Toward a Definition of Topos: Approaches to Analogical Reasoning.Lynette Hunter - 1991 - Macmillan.
    Allegories, rhetoric, imagery, commonplaces, cliches and archetypes are discussed in connection with the literary work of authors such as Montaigne, Shakespeare, Jules Verne, Emile Zola and James Joyce.
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  41. Wittgenstein’s Ladder: The Tractatus and Nonsense.Lynette Reid - 1998 - Philosophical Investigations 21 (2):97–151.
    I discuss some reservations about the exegetical power of the claim that the Tractatus is “anti-metaphysical.” The “resolute” reading has the virtue of fidelity to important and neglected features of the work, both its anti-metaphysical moves and its account of the nature of the activity of philosophy and its status. However, its proponents underestimate the barriers to maintaining a consistent fidelity to these features of the text. The image of a ladder suggests a mere instrumental means to arrive at a (...)
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    Decision making in healthy participants on the Iowa Gambling Task: new insights from an operant approach.Peter N. Bull, Lynette J. Tippett & Donna Rose Addis - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Disunified Aesthetics: Situated Textuality, Performativity, Collaboration.Lynette Hunter - 2014 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Diverse Nations, Diverse Responses provides a rich overview of the historical, demographic, and political forces that shape social cohesion. It also provides a comparative analysis of the policy goals that have been pursued, the programs that have been implemented, the ways that social cohesion has been defined and measured, and the effects of such issues on immigrants, minorities, and host communities. The volume provides a cross-national conversation on approaches to social cohesion and will appeal to researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners interested (...)
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    Answering the Empirical Challenge to Arguments for Universal Health Coverage Based in Health Equity.Lynette Reid - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (3):231-243.
    Temkin asks how we should distribute resources between the social determinants of health and health care; Sreenivasan argues that if our goal is fair opportunity, funding universal health coverage is the wrong policy. He argues that social equality in health has not improved under UHC and concludes that fair opportunity would be better served by using the resources to address the SDOH instead. His criticism applies more broadly than he claims: it applies to any argument for UHC based on health (...)
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    Does Population Health Have an Intrinsically Distributional Dimension?Lynette Reid - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):24-36.
    Verweij and Dawson claim that population health has a distributive dimension; Coggon argues that this presupposes a normative commitment to equity in the very definition of population health, which should, rather, be neutral. I describe possible sources of the distributive view, several of which do not presuppose egalitarian commitments. Two relate to the nature of health as a property of individuals ; two relate to the epistemology and pragmatics of public and population health. A fifth source of the distributive view (...)
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    Humanism, Capitalism, and Rhetoric in Early Modern England: The Separation of the Citizen From the Self.Lynette Hunter - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book offers an interdisciplinary approach to concepts of the self associated with the development of humanism in England, and to strategies for both inclusion and exclusion in structuring the early modern nation state. It addresses writings about rhetoric and behavior from 1495–1660, beginning with Erasmus’ work on sermo or the conversational rhetoric between friends, which considers the reader as an ‘absent audience’, and following the transference of this stance to a politics whose broadening democratic constituency needed a legitimate structure (...)
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    An Ethical Justification of Women's Studies; or What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?Lynette McGrath - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (2):137-151.
    The feminist in academe, says Paula Bennett, is like Procne married to Tereus, "inextricably wedded to the sources of her harm." An ethical justification of academic feminism can be found, not in cooperation and affiliation, but in the strategies currently necessary to ensure curricular and cultural diversity. Historically contextualized and strategically politicized, this ethic is founded on the claim that universities are places where we may all learn to know what is other than ourselves.
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: Precarious Solidarity—Preferential Access in Canadian Health Care.Lynette Reid - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (2):107-113.
    Systems of universal health coverage may aspire to provide care based on need and not ability to pay; the complexities of this aspiration call for normative analysis. This special issue arises in the wake of a judicial inquiry into preferential access in the Canadian province of Alberta, the Vertes Commission. I describe this inquiry and set out a taxonomy of forms of differential and preferential access. Papers in this special issue focus on the conceptual specification of health system boundaries and (...)
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    Academic integrity at doctoral level: the influence of the imposter phenomenon and cultural differences on academic writing. [REVIEW]Lynette Pretorius, Elham Manzari, Shaoru Zeng, Mehdi Moharami, Sweta Vijaykumar Patel, Yeni Karlina, Amarpreet Abraham & Jennifer Cutri - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    This conceptual review seeks to reframe the view of academic integrity as something to be enforced to an academic skill that needs to be developed. The authors highlight how practices within academia create an environment where feelings of inadequacy thrive, leading to behaviours of unintentional academic misconduct. Importantly, this review includes practical suggestions to help educators and higher education institutions support doctoral students’ academic integrity skills. In particular, the authors highlight the importance of explicit academic integrity instruction, support for the (...)
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    Medical Professionalism and the Social Contract.Lynette Reid - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (4):455-469.
    The professionalism movement has animated medical education and practice; an extensive literature expresses and categorizes many interpretations of the concept (Hafferty 2006a; Hafferty and Levinson 2008). The inception of the current wave of the movement was in the American Board of Internal Medicine's Project Professionalism. In the face of threats from the growth of managed care and public concerns about conflict of interest, the ABIM's "Physician Charter" called for the profession to publically commit to values of patient welfare, social justice, (...)
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