M. E. Szabo [10]Máté Szabó [5]Miklos Szabo [4]Manfred E. Szabo [3]
Marianna Szabó [3]Márton Szabó [3]M. Szabo [2]Margit Szabó [1]

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  1.  46
    Algebra of proofs.M. E. Szabo - 1978 - New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
    Provability, Computability and Reflection.
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  2.  34
    The Effect of Mindfulness Interventions for Parents on Parenting Stress and Youth Psychological Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Virginia Burgdorf, Marianna Szabó & Maree J. Abbott - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3.  20
    Development and Psychometric Properties of the DASS-Youth (DASS-Y): An Extension of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) to Adolescents and Children.Marianna Szabo & Peter F. Lovibond - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales is a set of psychometrically sound scales that is widely used to assess negative emotional states in adults. In this project, we developed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales for Youth and tested its psychometric properties. Data were collected from 2,121 Australian children and adolescents aged 7–18. This sample was split randomly into a calibration group and a cross-validation group. First, we used Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the calibration group to test the 3-factor DASS model on (...)
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  4.  18
    Perception of a Perpetrator as a Successful Person Predicts Decreased Moral Judgment of a Rape Case and Labeling it as Rape.Boglárka Nyúl, Anna Kende, Márton Engyel & Mónika Szabó - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  5.  18
    The Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale in Mothers of Children and Infants: Factor Structure and Associations With Child Internalizing Problems.Virginia Burgdorf & Marianna Szabó - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objectives: Mindful parenting, measured by the Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting scale, is beneficial for parents and children. However, the IMP has not been validated in English-speaking parents. Further, little is known about whether mindful parenting is similar in parents of children vs. infants, or how it reduces child internalizing problems. We sought to validate the IMP in English-speaking mothers of children and infants, and to examine relationships between the facets of mindful parenting, child internalizing problems and parent variables related to (...)
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  6.  37
    A categorical equivalence of proofs.Manfred E. Szabo - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (2):177-191.
  7.  26
    A cut elimination theorem for stationary logic.M. E. Szabo - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 33 (C):181-193.
  8.  86
    Kalmár's Argument Against the Plausibility of Church's Thesis.Máté Szabó - 2018 - History and Philosophy of Logic 39 (2):140-157.
    In his famous paper, An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory, Alonzo Church identified the intuitive notion of effective calculability with the mathematically precise notion of recursiveness. This proposal, known as Church's Thesis, has been widely accepted. Only a few papers have been written against it. One of these is László Kalmár's An Argument Against the Plausibility of Church's Thesis from 1959. The aim of this paper is to present Kalmár's argument and to fill in missing details based on his (...)
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  9.  27
    The continuous realizability of entailment.M. E. Szabo - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (4):219-233.
  10.  37
    “On the plausibility of nonstandard proofs in analysis”.E. J. Farkas & M. E. Szabo - 1984 - Dialectica 38 (4):297-310.
  11.  13
    On the programs-as-formulas interpretation of parallel programs in peano arithmetic.E. J. Farkas & M. E. Szabo - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 37 (2):111-127.
  12.  35
    Biological significance of molecular chirality in energy balance and metabolism.A. S. Garay, J. Czégé, L. Tolvaj, Matti Tóth & Margit Szabó - 1973 - Acta Biotheoretica 22 (1):34-43.
    In biological electron transport the spin, and thus the magnetic property of electrons, is neglected. Furthermore, no attention is paid to the fact that the great majority of biologically important molecules are chiral, and during excitation a magnetic moment is induced in them. It is shown, both theoretically and experimentally, that the magnetic moment of the electron and the magnetic transition moment of the optically active molecules may interact. The main consequences of such an interaction are a higher probability of (...)
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  13.  36
    An addendum to my paper: "A categorical equivalence of proofs".Manfred E. Szabo - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (1):78-78.
  14.  36
    The logic of closed categories.Manfred E. Szabo - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (3):441-457.
  15.  53
    Nonstandard methods in combinatorics and theoretical computer science.M. M. Richter & M. E. Szabo - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (3):181 - 191.
  16.  33
    Investigations into Logical Deduction.Introduction.John Riser, Gerhard Gentzen, M. E. Szabo & Paul Bernays - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):144.
  17.  9
    A közügy politikaelmélete.Márton Szabó - 2014 - Budapest: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem.
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  18.  38
    Coherence in cartesian closed categories and the generality of proofs.M. E. Szabo - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (3):285 - 297.
    We introduce the notion of an alphabetic trace of a cut-free intuitionistic prepositional proof and show that it serves to characterize the equality of arrows in cartesian closed categories. We also show that alphabetic traces improve on the notion of the generality of proofs proposed in the literature. The main theorem of the paper yields a new and considerably simpler solution of the coherence problem for cartesian closed categories than those in [11, 14].
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  19.  8
    Diszkurzív politikatudomány: bevezetés a politika interpretatív szemléletébe és kutatásba.Márton Szabó - 2016 - Budapest: Osiris Kiadó.
    Több politikatudománnyal foglalkozó kötettel jelentkezett már Szabó Márton, aki eddigi kutatásait összegezve, egy alternatív szemléletű politikatudomány szemléletébe és kutatásába kívánja bevezetni olvasóit. Célja, hogy bizonyítsa: a politika reális valóságában meghatározó módon jelen van az egyének nyilvános és közös értelmezése és diskurzusa. Hogy a politika ezért nem tekinthető pusztán csak objektív rendszernek, hanem emberek által teremtett és értelmezett valóság. A szerző ezen szemlélet jegyében hét nagyobb egységben mutatja be a politika minden fontos területét, kezdve a politikai tények összetett természetével, folytatva a (...)
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  20. New Constitutionalism Based on an Old Notion. The Rule of Law in the Mirror of the Decisions of Hungarian Constitutional Court.Mklös Szabö - 1995 - Rechtstheorie 27:291-303.
  21. On the original Gentzen consistency proof for number theory.Manfred Szabo - 1970 - In A. Kino, John Myhill & Richard Eugene Vesley (eds.), Intuitionism and proof theory. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 409.
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  22.  12
    Problems of Hungarian National Consciousness in the Second Half of the 20th Century.Miklos Szabo - 1988 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 55.
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  23.  72
    Review Article: The Conceptual History of Politics as the History of Political Conceptualizations.Márton Szabó - 2009 - European Journal of Political Theory 8 (2):275-284.
  24.  18
    Repertoires of Contention in Post-Communist Protest Cultures: An East Central European Comparative Survey.Máté Szabó - 1996 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 63.
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  25. ST Politique alternative par rapport à la technique, Mythe ou réalité?M. Szabo - 1986 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 22 (1).
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  26. Transition into the rule of law: Deconstruction, reconstruction, construction.Miklos Szabo - 2002 - Rechtstheorie 33 (2-4):283-295.
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  27.  9
    Une fibule celtique à Délos.Miklós Szabó - 1971 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 95 (2):503-514.
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  28.  43
    (1 other version)Variable truth.M. E. Szabo - 1984 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 30 (26‐29):401-414.
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  29.  84
    Reflexivity and the Whole Foods Market consumer: the lived experience of shopping for change. [REVIEW]Josée Johnston & Michelle Szabo - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (3):303-319.
    There has been widespread academic and popular debate about the transformative potential of consumption choices, particularly food shopping. While popular food media is optimistic about “shopping for change,” food scholars are more critical, drawing attention to fetishist approaches to “local” or “organic,” and suggesting the need for reflexive engagement with food politics. We argue that reflexivity is central to understanding the potential and limitations of consumer-focused food politics, but argue that this concept is often relatively unspecified. The first objective of (...)
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  30.  52
    F. William Lawvere. Introduction to part I. Model theory and topoi, A collection of lectures by various authors, edited by F. W. Lawvere, C. Maurer, and G. C. Wraith, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 445, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1975, pp. 3–14. - Orville Keane. Abstract Horn theories. Model theory and topoi, A collection of lectures by various authors, edited by F. W. Lawvere, C. Maurer, and G. C. Wraith, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 445, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1975, pp. 15–50. - Hugo Volger. Completeness theorem for logical categories. Model theory and topoi, A collection of lectures by various authors, edited by F. W. Lawvere, C. Maurer, and G. C. Wraith, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 445, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1975, pp. 51–86. - Hugo Volger. Logical categories, semantical categories and topoi. Model theory and topoi, A collection of lectures by various authors, edited by F. W. Lawvere, C. [REVIEW]M. E. Szabo - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (1):158-161.
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  31.  65
    The Vienna Circle in Hungary, edited by András Máté, Miklós Rédei and Friedrich Stadler, Springer, Wien–New York, 2011, 300 pp. [REVIEW]Máté Szabó - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (1):110-112.
    Review by: Maté Szabó The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 110-112, March 2013.
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