Results for 'Marcelo Alberto Sancinetti'

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  1.  11
    Casos de derecho panel: teoría del delito.Marcelo Alberto Sancinetti - 1975 - Buenos Aires: Cooperadora de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales.
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    Questa oblivione delle cose. Reflexiones sobre la cosmología de maquiavelo.Marcelo Alberto Barbuto - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 34:37-51.
    Whithin the critique literature scope there are two standpoints as regards Machiavellian Cosmos: On one hand the traditional standpoint embodied by Leo Straus that has belittled the impact of the forces of nature; whereas on the other hand the standpoint headed by Gennaro Sasso, Miguel Angel Granada y Anthony Parel has interpreted the Machiavellian text concerning the debate between neoplatonics and neoaristotelians The Machiavelli´s overuse of a cosmological schema- wherein the life of the politic bodies is explained through an adequate (...)
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  3. Full Bayesian Significance Test Applied to Multivariate Normal Structure Models.Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Julio Michael Stern & Shelemiahu Zacks - 2003 - Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 17:147-168.
    Abstract: The Pull Bayesian Significance Test (FBST) for precise hy- potheses is applied to a Multivariate Normal Structure (MNS) model. In the FBST we compute the evidence against the precise hypothesis. This evi- dence is the probability of the Highest Relative Surprise Set (HRSS) tangent to the sub-manifold (of the parameter space) that defines the null hypothesis. The MNS model we present appears when testing equivalence conditions for genetic expression measurements, using micro-array technology.
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    Faster might not be better: Pictures may not elicit a stronger unconscious priming effect than words when modulated by semantic similarity.Nicolás Marcelo Bruno, Iair Embon, Mariano Nicolás Díaz Rivera, Leandro Giménez, Tomás Ariel D'Amelio, Santiago Torres Batán, Juan Francisco Guarracino, Alberto Andrés Iorio & Jorge Mario Andreau - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 81:102932.
  5. A Straightforward Multiallelic Significance Test for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano, Silvio Rodrigues Faria & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2009 - Genetics and Molecular Biology 32 (3):619-625.
    Much forensic inference based upon DNA evidence is made assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) for the genetic loci being used. Several statistical tests to detect and measure deviation from HWE have been devised, and their limitations become more obvious when testing for deviation within multiallelic DNA loci. The most popular methods-Chi-square and Likelihood-ratio tests-are based on asymptotic results and cannot guarantee a good performance in the presence of low frequency genotypes. Since the parameter space dimension increases at a quadratic rate on (...)
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  6. Intentional Sampling by Goal Optimization with Decoupling by Stochastic Perturbation.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1490:189-201.
    Intentional sampling methods are non-probabilistic procedures that select a group of individuals for a sample with the purpose of meeting specific prescribed criteria. Intentional sampling methods are intended for exploratory research or pilot studies where tight budget constraints preclude the use of traditional randomized representative sampling. The possibility of subsequently generalize statistically from such deterministic samples to the general population has been the issue of long standing arguments and debates. Nevertheless, the intentional sampling techniques developed in this paper explore pragmatic (...)
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  7. The Full Bayesian Significance Test for Mixture Models: Results in Gene Expression Clustering.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2008 - Genetics and Molecular Research 7 (3):883-897.
    Gene clustering is a useful exploratory technique to group together genes with similar expression levels under distinct cell cycle phases or distinct conditions. It helps the biologist to identify potentially meaningful relationships between genes. In this study, we propose a clustering method based on multivariate normal mixture models, where the number of clusters is predicted via sequential hypothesis tests: at each step, the method considers a mixture model of m components (m = 2 in the first step) and tests if (...)
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  8. The Problem of Separate Hypotheses via Mixtures Models.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Silvio Rodrigues Faria & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2007 - AIP Conference Proceedings 954:268-275.
    This article describes the Full Bayesian Significance Test for the problem of separate hypotheses. Numerical experiments are performed for the Gompertz vs. Weibull life span test.
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  9. Ecosistema Turístico Litoral.Rubén Giordano, Héctor Alberto López, Marcelo Cerativ, Debora Quindt, Virginia Zabalegui, Carlos Foletto, Miguel Gallo, Mariano González & Conrado Enria - 1999 - Polis 1 (3):50-55.
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  10. La filosofía en la conquista americana.Roque Alberto Tula Abregú & Luis Marcelo Vásquez - 2002 - Universitas Philosophica 38:57-72.
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    Declínio da experiência e os desafios educacionais: uma abordagem a partir de Walter Benjamin. [REVIEW]Altair Alberto Fávero & Marcelo José Doro - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (3):459-476.
    Walter Benjamin fala da experiência como sendo o tipo de sabedoria que resulta do encontro de práticas individuais com o horizonte de sentido fornecido pela vida comunitária. Mas esse encontro tem se tornado mais difícil a partir do desenvolvimento da sociedade capitalista moderna. As novas dinâmicas de trabalho, somadas ao ritmo acelerado da vida urbana, favorecem o isolamento dos indivíduos e deturpam sua capacidade de filtrar, significativamente, os eventos que se acumulam no cotidiano. Muitas coisas acontecem, mas muito pouco permanece (...)
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    José Sazbón. Presentación de la antología comentada de su obra.Fernanda Tocho, Mariana Canavese, María Belforte, Marcelo Starcenbaum, Daniel Lvovich & Alberto Pérez - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e152.
    El viernes 01 de julio de 2022 se realizó, en el edificio Sergio Karakachoff de la UNLP, la presentación de los dos volúmenes de la "Antología comentada" de la obra de José Sazbón compilados por Alberto Pérez y Daniel Lvovich. La antología reúne el trabajo realizado durante décadas por el intelectual argentino José Sazbón, quien fuera profesor e investigador de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación y el primer Director de la Maestría en Historia y Memoria. (...)
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  13. Combining Optimization and Randomization Approaches for the Design of Clinical Trials.Julio Michael Stern, Victor Fossaluza, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2015 - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 118:173-184.
    t Intentional sampling methods are non-randomized procedures that select a group of individuals for a sample with the purpose of meeting specific prescribed criteria. In this paper we extend previous works related to intentional sampling, and address the problem of sequential allocation for clinical trials with few patients. Roughly speaking, patients are enrolled sequentially, according to the order in which they start the treatment at the clinic or hospital. The allocation problem consists in assigning each new patient to one, and (...)
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  14. A Weibull Wearout Test: Full Bayesian Approach.Julio Michael Stern, Telba Zalkind Irony, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2001 - Reliability and Engineering Statistics 5:287-300.
    The Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST) for precise hypotheses is presented, with some applications relevant to reliability theory. The FBST is an alternative to significance tests or, equivalently, to p-ualue.s. In the FBST we compute the evidence of the precise hypothesis. This evidence is the probability of the complement of a credible set "tangent" to the sub-manifold (of the para,rreter space) that defines the null hypothesis. We use the FBST in an application requiring a quality control of used components, based (...)
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  15. Hierarchical Forecasting with Polynomial Nets.Julio Michael Stern, Fabio Nakano, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2009 - Studies in Computational Intelligence 199:305-315.
    This article presents a two level hierarchical forecasting model developed in a consulting project for a Brazilian magazine publishing company. The first level uses a VARMA model and considers econometric variables. The second level takes into account qualitative aspects of each publication issue, and is based on polynomial networks generated by Genetic Programming (GP).
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  16. TORC3: Token-Ring Clearing Heuristic for Currency Circulation.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Humes, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira & Guilherme Frederico Gazineu Rafare - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1490:179-188.
    Clearing algorithms are at the core of modern payment systems, facilitating the settling of multilateral credit messages with (near) minimum transfers of currency. Traditional clearing procedures use batch processing based on MILP - mixed-integer linear programming algorithms. The MILP approach demands intensive computational resources; moreover, it is also vulnerable to operational risks generated by possible defaults during the inter-batch period. This paper presents TORC3 - the Token-Ring Clearing Algorithm for Currency Circulation. In contrast to the MILP approach, TORC3 is a (...)
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    The e-value and the Full Bayesian Significance Test: Logical Properties and Philosophical Consequences.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Luis Gustavo Esteves, Rafael Izbicki, Rafael Bassi Stern & Marcio Alves Diniz - unknown
    This article gives a conceptual review of the e-value, ev(H|X) – the epistemic value of hypothesis H given observations X. This statistical significance measure was developed in order to allow logically coherent and consistent tests of hypotheses, including sharp or precise hypotheses, via the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST). Arguments of analysis allow a full characterization of this statistical test by its logical or compositional properties, showing a mutual complementarity between results of mathematical statistics and the logical desiderata lying at (...)
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  18. The Artificial Moral Advisor. The “Ideal Observer” Meets Artificial Intelligence.Alberto Giubilini & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (2):169-188.
    We describe a form of moral artificial intelligence that could be used to improve human moral decision-making. We call it the “artificial moral advisor”. The AMA would implement a quasi-relativistic version of the “ideal observer” famously described by Roderick Firth. We describe similarities and differences between the AMA and Firth’s ideal observer. Like Firth’s ideal observer, the AMA is disinterested, dispassionate, and consistent in its judgments. Unlike Firth’s observer, the AMA is non-absolutist, because it would take into account the human (...)
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  19. What in the World Is Collective Responsibility?Alberto Giubilini & Neil Levy - 2018 - Dialectica 72 (2):191-217.
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    A Syncretistic Theory of Depiction.Alberto Voltolini - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What is depiction? This is a venerable question that has received many different answers throughout the whole history of philosophy, especially in contemporary times. A Syncretistic Theory of Depiction elaborates a new account on this matter by providing a theory of depiction that tries to combine the merits of the previous theories while dropping their defects. It is argued that a picture is a representation in a pictorial or figurative mode, and its 'figurativity' is given by a special perception, perceiving-in, (...)
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  21. Kant on the Nominal Definition of Truth.Alberto Vanzo - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (2):147-166.
    Kant claims that the nominal definition of truth is: “Truth is the agreement of cognition with its object”. In this paper, I analyse the relevant features of Kant's theory of definition in order to explain the meaning of that claim and its consequences for the vexed question of whether Kant endorses or rejects a correspondence theory of truth. I conclude that Kant's claim implies neither that he holds, nor that he rejects, a correspondence theory of truth. Kant's claim is not (...)
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  22. Robot Care Ethics Between Autonomy and Vulnerability: Coupling Principles and Practices in Autonomous Systems for Care.Alberto Pirni, Maurizio Balistreri, Steven Umbrello, Marianna Capasso & Federica Merenda - 2021 - Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8 (654298):1-11.
    Technological developments involving robotics and artificial intelligence devices are being employed evermore in elderly care and the healthcare sector more generally, raising ethical issues and practical questions warranting closer considerations of what we mean by “care” and, subsequently, how to design such software coherently with the chosen definition. This paper starts by critically examining the existing approaches to the ethical design of care robots provided by Aimee van Wynsberghe, who relies on the work on the ethics of care by Joan (...)
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    Different Kinds of Fusion Experiences.Alberto Voltolini - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (1):203-222.
    Some people have stressed that there is a close analogy between meaning experiences, i.e., experiences as of understanding concerning linguistic expressions, and seeing-in experiences, i.e., pictorial experiences of discerning a certain item – what a certain picture presents, viz. the picture’s subject – in another item – the picture’s vehicle, the picture’s physical basis. Both can be seen as fusion experiences, in the minimal sense that they are experiential wholes made up of different aspects. Actually, two important similarities between such (...)
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  24. La Historia en la Historieta: La revista Fierro (1984) y la representación de la Guerra de Malvinas.Nicolás Fazio - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (4):2 - 13.
    En el siguiente trabajo nos proponemos abordar el caso argentino en el que la historieta operó como un primer vehículo de representación por parte de la industria cultural de un acontecimiento traumático social, mas precisamente de los tópicos o marcas de la dictadura de 1976. Específicamente trabajaremos el caso particular de la revista "Fierro, historieta para sobrevivientes" (1984-1992) durante los años de la transición a la democracia, es decir entre 1984 y 1985. Asimismo hemos elegido de entre todas las historietas (...)
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  25. Carnap, Tarski and the search for truth.Alberto Coffa - 1987 - Noûs 21 (4):547-572.
  26. Indexinames.Alberto Voltolini - 1995 - In J. Hill & P. Kot'attko (eds.), Karlovy Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning. Filosofia. pp. 258-285.
    Insofar as the so-called new theory of reference has come to be acknowleged as the leading theoretical paradigm in semantic research, it has been widely accepted that proper names directly refer to their designation. In advancing some of the most convincing arguments in favour of this view of names, S. Kripke has however left somehow undecided what the role of context is in determining which is the direct referent for a name. According to one interpretation of his thought, context has (...)
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  27. Consequences of schematism.Alberto Voltolini - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (1):135-150.
    In his (2001a) and in some related papers, Tim Crane has maintained that intentional objects are schematic entities, in the sense that, insofar as being an intentional object is not a genuine metaphysical category, qua objects of thought intentional objects have no particular nature. This approach to intentionalia is the metaphysical counterpart of the later Husserl's ontological approach to the same entities, according to which qua objects of thought intentionalia are indifferent to existence. But to buy a metaphysically deflationary approach (...)
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  28. Divine management: Critical remarks on Giorgio Agamben's the kingdom and the glory.Alberto Toscano - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (3):125 - 136.
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    How many properties of spin does a particle have?Alberto Corti & Marco Sanchioni - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A:111–121.
    A common assumption in non-relativistic quantum mechanics is that self-adjoint operators mathematically represent properties of quantum systems. Focusing on spin, we argue that a natural view considers observables as determinable properties and their eigenvalues as their corresponding determinates. We provide a taxonomy of the different views that one can hold, once it is accepted that spin can be modelled with the determinable-determinate relation. In particular, we present the two main families of views, dubbed Spin Monism and Pluralism, and we show (...)
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    Expertise, disagreement, and trust in vaccine science and policy. The importance of transparency in a world of experts.Alberto Giubilini, Rachel Gur-Arie & Euzebiusz Jamrozik - 2022 - Diametros:1-21.
    We discuss the relationship between expertise, expert authority, and trust in the case of vaccine research and policy, with a particular focus on COVID-19 vaccines. We argue that expert authority is not merely an epistemic notion, but entails being trusted by the relevant public and is valuable if it is accompanied by expert trustworthiness. Trustworthiness requires, among other things, being transparent, acknowledging uncertainty and expert disagreement (e.g., around vaccines’ effectiveness and safety), being willing to revise views in response to new (...)
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    Beliefs, make-beliefs, and making believe that beliefs are not make-beliefs.Alberto Voltolini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):5061-5078.
    In this paper I want to hold, first, that one may suitably reconstruct the relevant kind of mental representational states that fiction typically involves, make-beliefs, as contextually unreal beliefs that, outside fiction, are either matched or non-matched by contextually real beliefs. Yet moreover, I want to claim that the kind of make-believe that may yield the mark of fictionality is not Kendall Walton’s invitation or prescription to imagine. Indeed, in order to appeal in terms of make-believe to a specific form (...)
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    Enhancing clinical ethics consultation: practical insights and challenges of the critical dialogue method.Alberto Boretti - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):19-20.
    Clinical ethics consultation has become an integral part of healthcare, serving as a mechanism to navigate complex moral dilemmas that arise in medical practice. The critical dialogue method, as described by Delany et al 1, presents a structured approach that emphasises the role of dialogue in resolving ethical issues. This method is designed to enhance moral clarity and confidence among healthcare professionals, thus improving clinical decision-making. The following commentary delves into the practical application of the critical dialogue method’s seven facilitation (...)
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  33. Classical Emotivism: Charles L. Stevenson.Alberto Oya - 2019 - Bajo Palabra 22:309-326.
    The aim of this paper is to reconstruct Charles L. Stevenson’s metaethical view. Since his metaethical view is a form of emotivism, I will start by explaining what the core claims of emotivism are. I will then explore and comment on the specific claims of Stevenson’s proposal. Last, I will offer an overview of the objections that have traditionally been raised against emotivism.
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  34. Editing the Genome of Human Beings: CRISPR-Cas9 and the Ethics of Genetic Enhancement.Marcelo de Araujo - 2017 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 27 (1):24-42.
    In 2015 a team of scientists used a new gene-editing technique called CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the genome of 86 non-viable human embryos. The experiment sparked a global debate on the ethics of gene editing. In this paper; I first review the key ethical issues that have been addressed in this debate. Although there is an emerging consensus now that research on the editing of human somatic cells for therapeutic purpose should be pursued further; the prospect of using gene-editing techniques for (...)
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  35. Tres partes del alma en la República.Alberto Vargas - 1991 - Dianoia 37 (37):37.
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    The dance of the mind. Physics and metaphysics in Gilles Deleuze and David Bohm.Alberto Gualandi - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (2):279-307.
    Over and above differences in terminology and cultural background, we try to show that the quantum physicist, David Bohm, and poststructuralist philosopher, Gilles Deleuze, shared a common aim in thought: to replace the classical image of reality, which is still dominant in our time, with a metaphysics finally in agreement with the concepts and results of relativity, quantum mechanics andcontemporary biology. For these two thinkers, the world of things that are well individuated in space and time, and ordered according to (...)
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  37. Recovery operators, paraconsistency and duality.Walter A. Carnielli, Marcelo E. Coniglio & Abilio Rodrigues Filho - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):624-656.
    There are two foundational, but not fully developed, ideas in paraconsistency, namely, the duality between paraconsistent and intuitionistic paradigms, and the introduction of logical operators that express meta-logical notions in the object language. The aim of this paper is to show how these two ideas can be adequately accomplished by the Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs) and by the Logics of Formal Undeterminedness (LFUs). LFIs recover the validity of the principle of explosion in a paraconsistent scenario, while LFUs recover the (...)
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    Filosofia e mistérios: leitura do Proêmio de Parmênides.Alberto Bernabé - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 10:37-55.
    Tem-se analisado, recorrentemente, a influência de Homero e de Hesíodo no proêmio do poema de Parmênides. As possíveis influências da poesia órfica tem sido apenas consideradas. Todavia, diversas descobertas de textos órficos aconselham voltar a analisar os vestígios da tradição mistérica, em geral, e órfica, em particular, no poema do filósofo de Eléia, sem minimizar, com isso, as outras influências já postas em relevo. O autor assinalou, em um trabalho anterior, algumas conexões entre Parmênides e os textos órficos; neste artigo, (...)
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    Overcoming the motivational gap: A preliminary path to rethinking intergenerational justice.Alberto Pirni - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (3):286-296.
    The paper frames the issue of intergenerational justice by addressing an historical source and a theoretical difficulty. In relation to the historical point of view, the paper offers a preliminary re-reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights aimed at revealing the intergenerational commitment that lies behind it (§1). In addressing the second point, it presents the issue of intergenerational justice from a phenomenological perspective (§2). In developing such a perspective, the paper articulates a comprehensive ethical question that is constitutively (...)
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    Why Frege cases do involve cognitive phenomenology but only indirectly.Alberto Voltolini - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (2):205-221.
    In this paper, I want to hold, first, that a treatment of Frege cases in terms of a difference in cognitive phenomenology of the involved experiential mental states is not viable. Second, I will put forward another treatment of such cases that appeals to a difference in intentional objects metaphysically conceived not as exotica, but as schematic objects, that is, as objects that have no metaphysical nature qua objects of thought. This allows their nature to be settled independently of their (...)
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  41. Is it Reasonable to Believe that Miracles Occur?Alberto Oya - 2019 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):39-50.
    Traditionally, miracles have been defined as supernaturally caused events which are outside the scope of scientific explicability. In this paper I will criticize the argument that, when we lack a scientific explanation for an event but it has an adequate explanation in theistic terms, then the most reasonable conclusion is to claim that the event is a miracle. I will defend that this argument would not work unless we had prior independent evidence for God’s existence. Furthermore, I will argue that (...)
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  42. Maximality in finite-valued Lukasiewicz logics defined by order filters.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert & Lluis Godo - 2019 - Journal of Logic and Computation 29 (1):125-156.
    In this paper we consider the logics L(i,n) obtained from the (n+1)-valued Lukasiewicz logics L(n+1) by taking the order filter generated by i/n as the set of designated elements. In particular, the conditions of maximality and strong maximality among them are analyzed. We present a very general theorem that provides sufficient conditions for maximality between logics. As a consequence of this theorem, it is shown that L(i,n) is maximal w.r.t. CPL whenever n is prime. Concerning strong maximality (i.e. maximality w.r.t. (...)
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    Il problema della vita contemplativa nel mondo greco-romano.Alberto Grilli - 1953 - Milano,: Fratelli Bocca.
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    Sein und Subjektivität bei Kant: Zum subjektiven Ursprung der Kategorien.Alberto Rosales - 2000 - De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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  45. How to get intentionality by language.Alberto Voltolini - 2005 - In Gábor Forrai & George Kampis (eds.), Intentionality: Past and Future. Rodopi. pp. 127-141.
    One is often told that sentences expressing or reporting mental states endowed with intentionality—the feature of being “directed upon” an object that some mental states possess—contain contexts that both prevent those sentences to be existentially generalized and are filled by referentially opaque occurrences of singular terms. Failure of existential generalization and referential opacity have been traditionally said to be the basic characterizations of intentionality from a linguistic point of view. I will call those contexts directional contexts. In what follows, I (...)
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  46. Can there be a uniform application of direct reference?Alberto Voltolini - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (1):75-98.
    There are two interpretations of what it means for a singular term to be referentially direct, one truth-conditional and the other cognitive. It has been argued that on the former interpretation, both proper names and indexicals refer directly, whereas on the latter only proper names are directly referential. However, these interpretations in fact apply to the same singular terms. This paper argues that, if conceived in purely normative terms, the linguistic meaning of indexicals can no longer be held to make (...)
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  47. Sobre la ontología inmaterialista: el concepto de idea en Berkeley.Alberto Luis López - 2019 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 31 (2):427-449.
    La filosofía inmaterialista de Berkeley ha sido muchas veces infravalorada por la mala comprensión de su propuesta ontológica, específicamente por la dificultad que presenta su concepto de idea. El propósito de este artículo es, entonces, esclarecer y explicar dicho concepto porque de ello depende entender correctamente la ontología y el inmaterialismo filosófico berkeleyano. Para realizar esto 1) mostraré algunos ejemplos de la mala comprensión que ha tenido la propuesta berkeleyana, debido principalmente a su concepto de idea; 2) rastrearé cómo se (...)
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    Tractat sobre els principis del coneixement humà.Alberto Oya & George Berkeley - 2019 - Editorial Círculo Rojo 1.
    Catalan translation and notes on George Berkeley’s A Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Published in Berkeley, George. Tractat sobre els principis del coneixement humà. Almería (Spain): Círculo Rojo, November 2019 (ISBN: 978–84–1338–476–4).
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  49. Annihilationism and the Eradication of All Sin.Alberto Oya - 2019 - Cauriensia 14 (1):551-556.
    Annihilationism claims that earthly death is followed by a divine judgment after which the wicked are condemned to a second death, while those who have lived their earthly life according to God's commands are blessed with a heavenly eternal existence. The aim of this essay is to show that, contrary to what defenders of annihilationism argue, the claim that God's victory over evil requires the complete eradication of all sin does not suffice alone to justify annihilationism.
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  50. The Content of a Seeing-As Experience.Alberto Voltolini - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):215-237.
    In this paper I will claim that the different phenomenology of seeing-as experiences of ambiguous figures matches a difference in their intentional content. Such a content is non-conceptual when the relevant seeing-as experience is just an experience of organizational seeing-as. It is partially conceptual when the relevant seeing-as experience is an overall experience of seeing something as a picture that is identical with Wollheim’s seeing-in experience and is constituted by an experience of organizational seeing-as (its configurational fold) and by an (...)
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