Results for 'March 11th'

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  1.  29
    March 11th: the Legal Framework of the Restoration of Independence (text only in Lithuanian).Vytautas Sinkevičius - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):55-71.
    The article deals with the legal acts which were adopted by the Supreme Council Reconstituting the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on 11 March 1990, and which are related to the restoration of the independent State of Lithuania. The author discloses the chronology of the legal acts adopted on that day and investigates why some particular act was adopted first, and only later another act was passed; he investigates the circumstances which determined the content of the legal acts (...)
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    The Disasters of March 11th.James Dwyer, Kenzo Hamano & Hsuan Hui Wei - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (4):11-13.
    On March 11, 2011, one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded occurred off the northeast coast of Japan. It destroyed buildings, damaged infrastructure, and killed people in the Tohoku region. The associated tsunami was even more destructive, engulfing coastal areas and obliterating whole towns. The earthquake and the tsunami together occasioned a third disaster: the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Like most people, Dr. Makoto Sato was horrified by the destruction and suffering that he saw. He (...)
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    The Disasters of March 11th.Hsuan Hui Wei - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (4):11-13.
    On March 11, 2011, one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded occurred off the northeast coast of Japan. It destroyed buildings, damaged infrastructure, and killed people in the Tohoku region. The associated tsunami was even more destructive, engulfing coastal areas and obliterating whole towns. The earthquake and the tsunami together occasioned a third disaster: the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.Like most people, Dr. Makoto Sato was horrified by the destruction and suffering that he saw. He wanted (...)
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    Case study. The disasters of March 11th. Commentary.Kenzo Hamano - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (4):12-12.
  5.  18
    Hans-Georg Gadamer: 11th February 1900–13th March 2002.Nicholas Davey - 2002 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 33 (3):343-344.
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    The Logic of Personal Knowledge: Essays Presented to M. Polanyi on His Seventieth Birthday, 11th March, 1961.Polanyi Festschrift Committee (ed.) - 1961 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1961. Michael Polanyi was a polymath who influenced economics and the sciences as well as philosophy. His wide-ranging research in physical science is as well-known as his work on freedom and knowledge and his arguments against positivism and reductionism. This collection of essays written for him touches on all aspects of his influence but rotates around his published lectures Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy. The contributors address four areas – The Scientist as Knower, Historical Perspectives, The (...)
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    Ethical Guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 Digital Tracking and Tracing Systems.Jessica Morley, Josh Cowls, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - In Josh Cowls & Jessica Morley (eds.), The 2020 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab. Springer Verlag. pp. 89-95.
    The World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on 11th March 2020, recognising that the underlying SARS-CoV-2 has caused the greatest global crisis since World War II. In this chapter, we present a framework to evaluate whether and to what extent the use of digital systems that track and/or trace potentially infected individuals is not only legal but also ethical.
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    After “Cool Japan”: A Study on Cultural Nationalism.Hiroshi Yoshioka - 2013 - Culture and Dialogue 3 (2):3-11.
    What is the meaning of “Japanese” culture? In earlier ages, it was about temples, Noh plays, Kabuki, Utamaro and Wabi-sabi. These traditional icons have, since the Meiji era (1868-1912), been identified as typically Japanese. Are they, however, still relevant today? Has there been any crucial mutation in the cultural identity of Japan? In the contemporary era, more and more people associate Japanese culture with Manga, animation and video games, in other words with cultural developments of the post-World War II era. (...)
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  9. REVIEW OF 1988. Saccheri, G. Euclides Vindicatus (1733), edited and translated by G. B. Halsted, 2nd ed. (1986), in Mathematical Reviews MR0862448. 88j:01013.John Corcoran - 1988 - MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS 88 (J):88j:01013.
    Girolamo Saccheri (1667--1733) was an Italian Jesuit priest, scholastic philosopher, and mathematician. He earned a permanent place in the history of mathematics by discovering and rigorously deducing an elaborate chain of consequences of an axiom-set for what is now known as hyperbolic (or Lobachevskian) plane geometry. Reviewer's remarks: (1) On two pages of this book Saccheri refers to his previous and equally original book Logica demonstrativa (Turin, 1697) to which 14 of the 16 pages of the editor's "Introduction" are devoted. (...)
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  10.  13
    Need help blurring the boundaries of your process archaeology? Don’t use agential realism. Try playing with clay.Paul Louis March - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-25.
    Over the last twenty years, archaeologists have used various process-oriented modes of enquiry to undermine the belief that humans are special. Barad (2007) developed Bohr’s indeterminist interpretation of quantum mechanics into agential realism which offers an ontological basis for distributing agency away from humans and plays a crucial role in underwriting some posthumanist archaeological agendas. But its origins in quantum physics make agential realism difficult to understand and evaluate. Despite the challenge, the first two parts of this paper are devoted (...)
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  11.  25
    Learning to be risk averse.James G. March - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (2):309-319.
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  12.  73
    Liberal Citizenship and the Search for an Overlapping Consensus: The Case of Muslim Minorities.Andrew F. March - 2006 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (4):373-421.
  13.  50
    Are Maxwell Gravitation and Newton-Cartan Theory Theoretically Equivalent?Eleanor March - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
  14. Is There a Right to Polygamy? Marriage, Equality and Subsidizing Families in Liberal Public Justification.Andrew March - 2011 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 8 (2):246-272.
    This paper argues that the four most plausible arguments compatible with public reason for an outright legal ban on all forms of polygamy are unvictorious. I consider the types of arguments political liberals would have to insist on, and precisely how strongly, in order for a general prohibition against polygamy to be justified, while also considering what general attitude towards "marriage" and legal recognition of the right to marry are most consistent with political liberalism. I argue that a liberal state (...)
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  15.  11
    Some Remarks on Recent Approaches to Torsionful Non-relativistic Gravity.Eleanor March, James Read, Nicholas J. Teh & William J. Wolf - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (6):1-13.
    Over the past decade, the physics literature on torsionful non-relativistic gravity has burgeoned; more recently, philosophers have also begun to explore this topic. As of yet, however, the connections between the writings of physicists and philosophers on torsionful non-relativistic gravity remain unclear. In this article, we seek to bridge the gap, in particular by situating within the context of the existing physics literature a recent theory of non-relativistic torsionful gravity developed by philosophers Meskhidze and Weatherall (Philos Sci,, 2023) we (...)
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  16.  38
    Theocrats Living under Secular Law: An External Engagement with Islamic Legal Theory.Andrew F. March - 2011 - Journal of Political Philosophy 19 (1):28-51.
  17. Speech and the Sacred.Andrew F. March - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (3):319-346.
    Some scholars have argued that religiously injurious speech poses a serious problem for secular liberal thought. It has been suggested that secular liberal thought and political practice often misrecognize the nature of the injury involved in speech that violates the sacred and that much secular thought about religious injury (and free exercise more generally) is premised on unacknowledged Protestant conceptions of what real religion is. In this essay, I argue against the ideas that secular liberalism tends to treat religion only (...)
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    Boy wanted: a book of cheerful counsel.Norah March - 1918 - The Eugenics Review 9 (4):352.
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    Taking people as they are: Islam as a 'realistic utopia' in the political theory of sayyid qutb.Andrew F. March - unknown
  20.  7
    The Gurdjieff years, 1929-1949: recollections of Louise March.Louise March - 1990 - Walworth, N.Y.: Work Study Association. Edited by Beth McCorkle.
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    Marriage, equality and subsidizing families in liberal public justification: Is there a right to polygamy?Andrew F. March - unknown
    This essay argues that the four most plausible arguments compatible with public reason for an outright legal ban on all forms of polygamy are unvictorious. My purpose is not to survey exhaustively the empirical literature on contemporary forms of polygamy, but to tease out the types of arguments political liberals would have to insist on, and precisely how strongly, in order for a general prohibition against polygamy to be justified. The most common objection to polygamy is on grounds of gender (...)
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  22. Marriage, sex and future persons in liberal public justification: Is there a right to incest?Andrew F. March - unknown
    In this article I consider whether there a right to incestuous marriage. I begin by suggesting that the liberal state get out of the "marriage" business by leveling down to a universal civil union or "registered domestic partnership" status. Removing the symbolism of the term "marriage" from political conflict, privatizing it in the same way as religion, would have the advantage of both consistency and political reconciliation. The question is then whether incestuous unions should be both legal and eligible for (...)
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  23.  52
    Robert Lamberton: Hesiod. Pp. xiv+172. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988. £22.50.Jennifer R. March - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (2):463-464.
  24.  52
    State ideology and the legitimation of authoritarianism: The case of post-soviet uzbekistan.Andrew F. March - unknown
    This article analyses the rhetorical legitimation strategy of post-Soviet Uzbekistan under Islam Karimov as an authoritarian state. I show that the most important mode of legitimation in this case is neither the consequentialist appeal to stability, order or welfare, nor a direct appeal to guardianship, i.e., special knowledge. Rather, Karimov and his court intellectuals seek to advance a conception of 'ideology' as the comprehensive pre-political consensus of the political community. Their concept of 'ideology' is used to advance a political logic (...)
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  25.  32
    Religion and Science as Systems of Causal Thought.Frederic March - 2010 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 18 (1):33-56.
    This essay proposes a Cognitive Process Model of the Mind and a Cognitive Sub-Model of Causal Thought to explain how our minds produce religion and science. Our purpose here is to explore how the findings of cognitive science, as expressed in these models, may be applied to improve the social effectiveness of the humanist movement.
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  26.  20
    Depopulation and eugenics. Part II.Lucien March - 1914 - The Eugenics Review 5 (4):343.
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    Evolution and psychology in art.Colley March - 1896 - Mind 5 (20):441-463.
  28.  6
    The Idea of China: Myth and Theory in Geographic Thought.Andrew L. March - 1974 - Praeger.
  29. Los diez primeros años de Circe.Carlos A. Ronchi March - 2006 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10:13-14.
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    Automatic threat processing shows evidence of exclusivity.David S. March, Michael A. Olson & Lowell Gaertner - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e131.
    De Neys argues against assigning exclusive capacities to automatic versus controlled processes. The dual implicit process model provides a theoretical rationale for the exclusivity of automatic threat processing, and corresponding data provide empirical evidence of such exclusivity. De Neys's dismissal of exclusivity is premature and based on a limited sampling of psychological research.
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    Critical Response - Speaking about Muhammad, Speaking for Muslims.Andrew F. March - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (4):806.
    In a recent article, Saba Mahmood has presented an intriguing account of what was at stake morally and emotionally for a large number of Muslims in the Danish cartoon controversy. In doing so, she offers a framework for thinking about such instances that takes the place of accounts that portray the conflict as one between a liberal, secular commitment to free speech and a religious commitment to combating blasphemy.
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  32.  18
    Eugenic aspects of national baby week.Norah March - 1917 - The Eugenics Review 9 (2):95.
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  33.  59
    Is political theory ever (not) comparative?Andrew F. March - unknown
    This paper examines what is involved in using comparative methods within political theory and whether there should be such a sub-field as "comparative political theory." It argues that "political theory" consists of multiple kinds of activities which are either primarily "scholarly" or "engaged." It is easy to imagine how scholarly forms of political theory can, and have been, comparative. The paper critiques, however, existing calls for the creation of "comparative political theory" (CPT) sub-field focused on the study of "non-Western" texts. (...)
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  34. Les organisations, problèmes psychosociologiques, « Organisation et sciences humaines », 3.J. March, H. A. Simon, J. C. Rouchy & M. Crozier - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (1):97-98.
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  35. Susan Sontag and heteroscedasticity.James G. March - 2014 - In Richard Swedberg (ed.), Theorizing in Social Science: The Context of Discovery. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
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  36.  17
    The next generation—a study in the physiology of inheritance.N. March - 1915 - The Eugenics Review 7 (2):139.
  37. Genealogies of Sovereignty in Islamic Political Theology.Andrew F. March - 2013 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 80 (1):293-320.
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  38.  58
    Islamic foundations for a social contract in non-muslim liberal democracies.Andrew F. March - unknown
    In this article I take up John Rawls's invitation to investigate the capacity of a given comprehensive ethical doctrine to endorse on principled grounds the liberal terms of social cooperation. In the case of Islamic political ethics, however, far more is at stake in affirming citizenship in a (non-Muslim) liberal democracy than state neutrality and individual autonomy. Islamic legal and political traditions have traditionally held that submission to non-Muslim political authority and bonds of loyalty and solidarity with non-Muslim societies are (...)
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  39.  40
    After Sovereignty: From a Hegemonic to Agonistic Islamic Political Thought.Andrew F. March - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (2):259-288.
    The phenomenon of “Muslim Democracy” has been analyzed by scholars for a number of years, at least since the mid-1990s. The standard view about Muslim Democracy is that (perhaps like its European counterpart Christian Democracy) it represents a nonideological, or postideological, pragmatic approach to electoral politics. The purpose of this article is to advance two primary arguments. The first is that the turn to Muslim Democracy as an ideology and practice should first be understood as a way of thinking about (...)
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  40.  44
    Islamic legal theory, secularism and religious pluralism: Is modern religious freedom sufficient for the shari'a 'purpose [maqsid]' of 'preserving religion [hifz al-din]?'.Andrew F. March - unknown
  41.  20
    Self and Landscape in Su Shih.Andrew L. March - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (4):377-396.
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    Categorical Equivalence and the Kinematics-Dynamics Distinction.Eleanor March - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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  43. Is the Deutsch-Wallace Theorem Redundant?Eleanor March - 2024 - Philosophy of Physics 2 (1).
    I defend the Deutsch-Wallace (DW) theorem against a dilemma presented by Dawid and Thébault (2014), and endorsed in part by Read (2018), and Brown and Porath (2020), according to which the theorem is either redundant or in conflict with general frequency-to-chance inferences. I argue that neither horn of the dilemma is well-posed. On the one hand, the DW theorem is not in conflict with general frequency-to-chance inferences on the most natural way of stating the theorem. On the other hand, the (...)
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  44. God's Tapestry: Reading the Bible In a World of Religious Diversity.W. Eugene March - 2009
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  45.  40
    Law as a vanishing mediator in the theological ethics of Tariq Ramadan.Andrew F. March - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (2):177-201.
    Tariq Ramadan’s recent book, Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation, boldly proclaims the need for Muslims to completely rethink the very meaning of Islamic law, traditionally the preeminent Islamic normative discourse and a primary distinguishing feature of Islam from other religions, replacing it with a more ecumenical applied ethics. He begins the book by rejecting the moderate reformist methods adopted in his previous books as insufficient for the ‘radical reform’ of their epistemologies and mentalities which he believes contemporary Muslims must (...)
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  46. Reading Tariq Ramadan: Political Liberalism, Islam, and "Overlapping Consensus".Andrew F. March - 2007 - Ethics and International Affairs 21 (4):399-413.
    "Much of the disagreement and controversy over Ramadan's significance arguably stems not from a disagreement over what he is on record as having asserted or done but from unexamined or unarticulated assumptions about liberal principles and what they demand of Muslims.".
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  47.  26
    Depopulation and eugenics—part I.Lucien March - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 5 (3):234.
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    Dauer und Wiederkehr: historisch-politische Konstanten.Ulrich March - 2005 - Schnellroda: Edition Antaios.
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    Probability density of electron separation in a uniform electron gas.N. H. March & W. H. Young - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (39):384-389.
  50.  33
    The Energy and Angular Distributions of the Protons from the Reaction60Ni60Co Induced by 13.5 MeV Neutrons.P. V. March & W. T. Morton - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (30):577-581.
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