Results for 'Maria A. Gómez-Martínez'

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  1.  19
    La justificación de las condiciones de trabajo y demandas laborales en España: órdenes de valor.Rocío González Martínez, José María González González & Pedro Francés Gómez - 2023 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 28 (2).
    In this article, the dominant legitimating discursive strategies around the ever-increasing labour demands and ever-declining standards of safety and well-being at work in Spain are analysed through the lens of Boltanski and Thévenot’s (2006) view of the transformation of capitalism. A qualitative methodology based on semi-structured interviews is used. Results show that the justificatory arguments most commonly put forward by managers and experts are the logic of supply and demand, and values related to flexibility, resilience and adaptability to change. In (...)
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    Análisis de la teoría genética a la luz de la estructura de las revoluciones científicas.Pedro Martínez-Gómez, Ana Cuevas-Badallo & María Cerezo - 2015 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 6:29-48.
    The Post-genomic Era includes features both from a methodological and epistemic point of view and from an ontological perspective. Firstly, it incorporates new methods of high-throughput sequencing of DNA and RNA, and the development of complete genomes that allow a precise reference of the molecular results obtained. In addition, from an ontological perspective, the centre of gravity of the molecular processes is placed on the expression of genes, and the way in which such expression is regulated; these features turn the (...)
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  3. Stability Over Time in the Preferences of Older Persons for Life-Sustaining Treatment.Ines M. Barrio-Cantalejo, Pablo Simón-Lorda, Adoración Molina-Ruiz, Fátima Herrera-Ramos, Encarnación Martínez-Cruz, Rosa Maria Bailon-Gómez, Antonio López-Rico & Patricia Peinado Gorlat - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (1):103-114.
    Objective: To measure the stability of life-sustaining treatment preferences amongst older people and analyse the factors that influence stability. Design: Longitudinal cohort study. Setting: Primary care centres, Granada (Spain). Eighty-five persons age 65 years or older. Participants filled out a questionnaire with six contexts of illness (LSPQ-e). They had to decide whether or not to receive treatment. Participants completed the questionnaire at baseline and 18 months later. Results: 86 percent of the patients did not change preferences. Sex, age, marital status, (...)
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  4. A Self-Applied Multi-Component Psychological Online Intervention Based on UX, for the Prevention of Complicated Grief Disorder in the Mexican Population During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Protocol of a Randomized Clinical Trial.Alejandro Dominguez-Rodriguez, Sofia Cristina Martínez-Luna, María Jesús Hernández Jiménez, Anabel De La Rosa-Gómez, Paulina Arenas-Landgrave, Esteban Eugenio Esquivel Santoveña, Carlos Arzola-Sánchez, Joabián Alvarez Silva, Arantza Mariel Solis Nicolas, Ana Marisa Colmenero Guadián, Flor Rocio Ramírez-Martínez & Rosa Olimpia Castellanos Vargas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: COVID-19 has taken many lives worldwide and due to this, millions of persons are in grief. When the grief process lasts longer than 6 months, the person is in risk of developing Complicated Grief Disorder. The CGD is related to serious health consequences. To reduce the probability of developing CGD a preventive intervention could be applied. In developing countries like Mexico, the psychological services are scarce, self-applied interventions could provide support to solve this problem and reduce the health impact (...)
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  5.  37
    Editorial: From Consumer Experience to Affective Loyalty: Challenges and Prospects in the Psychology of Consumer Behavior 3.0.María P. Martínez-Ruiz, Mónica Gómez-Suárez, Ana I. Jiménez-Zarco & Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Comparative Empirical Study on Mobile ICT Services, Social Responsibility and the Protection of Children.María De-Miguel-Molina & Mónica Martínez-Gómez - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (2):245-270.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Spanish mobile phone industry to determine how mobile phone companies and certain institutions can improve protection for children who use mobile phones. We carried out a multivariate statistical analysis using anonymous primary data from mobile phone companies, and institutions and associations that protect children, to compare these stakeholders’ opinions and to put forward solutions. We proved that, even though some European countries have made an effort to provide safer ICT services, all (...)
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    Editorial: Toward Consumer 4.0 Insights and Opportunities Under the Marketing 4.0 Scenario.María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz, Mónica Gómez-Suárez, Ana Isabel Jiménez-Zarco & Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    READ-COGvid: A Database From Reading and Media Habits During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain and Italy.Ladislao Salmerón, Barbara Arfé, Vicenta Avila, Raquel Cerdán, Raquel De Sixte, Pablo Delgado, Inmaculada Fajardo, Antonio Ferrer, María García, Laura Gil, Nadina Gómez-Merino, Álvaro Jáñez, Gemma Lluch, Amelia Mañá, Lucia Mason, Federica Natalizi, Marina Pi-Ruano, Luis Ramos, Marta Ramos, Javier Roca, Eva Rosa, Javier Rosales, Alba Rubio, Marian Serrano-Mendizábal, Noemi Skrobiszewska, Cristina Vargas, Marta Vergara-Martínez & Manuel Perea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  9.  17
    Desarrollo cognitivo y educación formal: análisis a partir de la propuesta de L. S. Vygotsky.Leonardo Gómez Martínez - 2017 - Universitas Philosophica 34 (69):53-75.
    The article explains the relationship between formal education and cog- nitive development in chapter 6 of Vygostky’s Thought and Language, “The development of scientific concepts in childhood; the design of a working hypothesis”. Subsequently, it frames the proposal of Vygotsky in Annette Karmiloff-Smith’s theory of cognitive development. The thesis is that formal education is fundamental in the child’s mental develop- ment because it enables the child to become aware of spontaneous thin- king, that is, to recognize spontaneous thinking as a (...)
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  10.  33
    LOI: el guía metodológico que mejora la eficiencia terminal.María Esther Alcántara Gutiérrez & Mireya Ramírez Martínez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-20.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo general fundamentar el mapa de funciones del docente de investigación -a quien las autoras han designado como LOI-, con el fin de que sirva de base a la generación del estándar de competencia en la enseñanza de la metodología para asegurar el aprendizaje significativo desde el enfoque constructivista. El estudio presenta los resultados alcanzados en dos conglomerados, uno que recibe la enseñanza tradicional de metodología y otro que considera el nuevo enfoque establecido en el Mapa (...)
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  11. La Constitución de Cádiz de 1812: el origen del régimen constitucional.María Valentina Gómez Mampaso - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (979):72-75.
    Estamos conmemorando este año un hito fundamental en la Historia del Constitucionalismo en España: las Cortes de Cádiz y la Constitución de 1812. En circunstancias harto difíciles, en el punto más alejado de la Península, Cádiz, cercado por as tropas napoleónicas y con la presencia de la fiebre amarilla, ambiente magistralmente recreado por Ramón Solís en su libro "El Cádiz de las Cortes", un grupo de españoles, de España y de Ultramar, van a llevar a cabo una página relevante de (...)
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  12.  31
    Análisis crítico del uso de Rúbricas en metodología de la investigación.María Esther Alcántara Gutiérrez & Mireya Ramírez Martínez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (5):1-12.
    En este artículo se formula un análisis crítico sobre el uso de Rúbricas durante los ejercicios de coevaluación entre pares sobre su desempeño en la investigación desarrollada en los estudios de posgrado. Las entrevistas a estudiantes y docentes muestran cómo se profundiza y amplía la comprensión de la descripción académica sobre el resultado que se busca por la aplicación de la metodología, debido a la observación contrastada del trabajo propio con el desempeño de los demás, de acuerdo con el sistema (...)
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    Defensione delle donne by Agostino Strozzi. Two mysterious manuscripts.María Dolores Ramírez Almazán & Ana Vargas Martínez - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:47-55.
    _Defensione delle donne_, de Agostino Strozzi, es una de las obras filóginas más significativas en lengua italiana compuesta a finales del siglo XV. Nos consta la existencia de dos versiones recogidas en dos manuscritos que presentan contrastes significativos entre ambas. Una de ellas más extensa y, sobre todo, más radical en sus argumentos en defensa de las virtudes femeninas, está dedicada a su prima Margherita Cantelmo. En esta comunicación se describe y profundiza en los contrastes presentes en ambas versiones o, (...)
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  14.  20
    SOS del sector cuero, calzado y marroquinería de la ciudad de Bogotá.María Yolanda Laverde Guzmán & Oswaldo Ospina Martínez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-12.
    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar necesidades del sector del cuero calzado y marroquinería de la ciudad de Bogotá, a nivel de digitalización. Investigación mixta de carácter exploratorio, de corte transversal, cuyos resultados evidencian la apremiante necesidad de programas y estrategias que permitan a pequeños y microempresarios generar sinergias diseñadas de manera explícita, que respondan a solucionar problemas neurálgicos para estas industria, en dinámicas de transferencia de conocimiento principalmente a nivel de competencias tecnológicas, acompañamiento en procesos de digitalización que (...)
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  15.  21
    Hábitos saludables de los trabajadores del CSIC durante el confinamiento por la COVID-19 en España.Elena H. De Diego, Belén Zapatera, Juana Frías & Sonia Gómez-Martínez - 2022 - Arbor 198 (806):a681.
    Objeto: la crisis de la COVID-19 ha causado un cambio profundo en el estilo de vida de la ciudadanía. Las olas previas han demostrado que en régimen de confinamiento se pueden desarrollar problemas de salud mental y hay efectos sobre la actividad física y cambios en los hábitos dietéticos. Tema y metodología: se envió a los trabajadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) un cuestionario en línea sobre sus costumbres relacionadas con la salud durante el confinamiento en España. Resultados: (...)
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  16. Las patentes farmaceúticas y biotecnológicas: generalidades.Agustín Alconada Rodríguez, María José Carrascosa Gómez, María García Prieto, Miguel Lorca Melton, Tomás Llamas González, Esther Martínez Bravo, Cristina Zabalo Corvi & Vicente González Díaz - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    itinerario didáctico teatralizado con perspectiva de género como recurso para la enseñanza de la historia moderna en Educación Secundaria.Rafael Guerrero Elecalde, Patricia Suárez Álvarez, Nuria López Rey & María Soledad Gómez Navarro - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:301-325.
    Se presenta una propuesta de innovación educativa, dirigida al alumnado de Educación Secundaria, fundamentada en el uso de los itinerarios didácticos teatralizados como recurso didáctico con perspectiva de género. Para su confección se pretende una metodología que privilegia los contenidos procedimentales y que fomenta el pensamiento histórico y, por ende, el pensamiento crítico. Los contenidos seleccionados están relacionados con el siglo XVI y XVII y, más concretamente, con la persecución y procesamiento de mujeres por brujería y hechicería por parte del (...)
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  18. Grieving for Job Loss and Its Relation to the Employability of Older Jobseekers.José Antonio Climent-Rodríguez, Yolanda Navarro-Abal, María José López-López, Juan Gómez-Salgado & Marta Evelia Aparicio García - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Introduction: Loss of employment is an experience that is lived and interpreted differently depending on a series of individual variables, including the psychological resources available to the affected person, as well as their perception of their degree of employability. Losing one’s job can be one of the most painful and traumatic events a person has to withstand. Following a dismissal, the worker needs to overcome a period of emotional adaptation to the loss. But that period of grieving can also condition (...)
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  19.  7
    Advance Directives and Proxies' Predictions About Patients' Treatment Preferences.Inés Maria Barrio-Cantalejo, Adoración Molina-Ruiz, Pablo Simón-Lorda, Carmen Cámara-Medina, Isabel Toral López, Maria del Mar Rodríguez del Águila & Rosa Maria Bailón-Gómez - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (1):93-109.
    The accuracy of proxies when they interpret advance directives or apply substituted decision-making criteria has been called into question. It therefore became important to know if the Andalusian Advance Directive Form (AADF) can help to increase the accuracy of proxies' predictions. The aim of this research was to compare the effect of the AADF on the accuracy of proxies' predictions about patients' preferences with that gained from informative and deliberative sessions about end-of-life decision making. A total of 171 pairs of (...)
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  20.  40
    El cuidado como responsabilidad: Consecuencias no deseadas en la aplicación de la Ley de Dependencia.Patricia Barbadillo Griñán & María Victoria Gómez García - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:45-54.
    El pensamiento y la actividad del movimiento feminista se ha traducido en una conquista de realidades nuevas y diferentes tendentes a lograr la transformación de la situación de dependencia y sumisión de las mujeres respecto a los hombres. Si bien es cierto que a lo largo de este proceso de emancipación las mujeres han cosechado un innegable éxito en las sociedades democráticas, al menos en lo que se refiere a la construcción legislativa, se mantiene una desigual posición de hombres y (...)
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  21.  18
    Aplicación de los ajustes razonables en Qatar. Un análisis sobre la garantía de la igualdad de las personas con discapacidad en el derecho común qatarí = Application of reasonable accommodation in Qatar. An analysis on the guarantee of the equality of persons with disabilities in the Qatari Law.Rafael de Asís Roig, María Carmen Barranco Avilés, María Laura Serra, Patricia Cuenca Gómez, Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig, Khalid Al Ali & Pablo Rodríguez del Pozo - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 27:110-126.
    RESUMEN: Este trabajo considera la conceptualización y aplicación de la figura de los ajustes razonables en Qatar tras nueve años desde la ratificación de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD). En él se trata de analizar la situación de igualdad y no discriminación de las personas con discapacidad utilizando como medida de impacto la figura de ajustes razonables. El artículo destaca las principales fallas y virtudes del Estado de Qatar respecto a esta figura y traza (...)
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  22.  26
    Reimaginar una comunidad sobre las bases de la vulnerabilidad. Reflexiones desde Judith Butler.Adriana María Ruiz & María Soledad Gómez Guzmán - 2020 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 60:201-228.
    Reimagining a community on the basis of vulnerability entails recognizing our responsibility vis-à-vis those who prosper and those who do not persist because they are abandoned or eliminated. The recognition of our vulnerability allows us to find other forms of community that, built upon the human bonds of protection, escape the abstraction of the value of life, bearing in mind, instead, the socio-political conditions that sustain it, especially when they fail. This is not an easy task in contexts marked by (...)
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    Manejo perianestésico para cirugía correctiva del síndrome braquicefálico.Ignacio Sández Cordero, Daniel Torralbo del Moral, María Soto & Jerónimo Martínez Pino - 2012 - Argos: Informativo Veterinario 140:50-51.
    Los pacientes con síndrome braquicefálico suponen un reto para el anestesiólogo, ya que la mayoría de ellos tienen alteraciones en el sistema respiratorio que convierten a estos animales en pacientes de riesgo.
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    Assessing Phonological Profiles in Children and Adolescents With Down Syndrome: The Effect of Elicitation Methods.Eliseo Diez-Itza, Patricio Vergara, María Barros, Manuela Miranda & Verónica Martínez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the context of comparing linguistic profiles across neurodevelopmental disorders, Down syndrome has captured growing attention for its uneven profile. Although specific weaknesses in grammatical and phonological processing have been reported, research evidence on phonological development remains scarce, particularly beyond early childhood. The purpose of this study was to explore the phonological profiles of children and adolescents with Down syndrome. The profiles were based on the frequency and relative proportion of the processes observed by classes, and they were compared to (...)
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  25.  25
    Resilience Assessment Scale for the Prediction of Suicide Reattempt in Clinical Population.David Sánchez-Teruel, María Auxiliadora Robles-Bello, José Antonio Muela-Martínez & Ana García-León - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective of this work was to construct and validate an instrument for assessing resilience to suicide attempts in a Spanish clinical population that has made a previous attempt, and to verify its efficacy for predicting future suicide reattempts at 6 months. For the construction of a Scale of Resilience to Suicide Attempts the theoretical-rational strategy was used. The constructed SRSA-18 consisted of 18 items and 3 subdimensions, had high internal consistency and a high positive correlation with the Suicide Resilience (...)
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  26. María G. Navarro: Interpretar argumentando.José María García Gómez-Heras - 2011 - Isegoría 44:366-372.
    Escribir hoy en día un libro sobre hermenéutica, que tal hermenéutica se refiera a la desarrollada por G. Gadamer en su conocido Verdad y método y que se pretenda añadir algo nuevo a lo mucho escrito sobre el tema parecería, a primera vista, empresa irrealizable. Que ambas pretensiones inspiren la sólida monografía de María G. Navarro —titulada Interpretar y argumentar— constituye empresa audaz y arriesgada, plena de coraje innovador, que provoca admiración, curiosidad e interés. Contra lo que pudiera parecer a (...)
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    Equivalences Among Polarity Algorithms.José-de-Jesús Lavalle-Martínez, Manuel Montes-Y.-Gómez, Luis Villaseñor-Pineda, Héctor Jiménez-Salazar & Ismael-Everardo Bárcenas-Patiño - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):371-395.
    The concept of polarity is pervasive in natural language. It relates syntax, semantics and pragmatics narrowly, Semantics: an international handbook of natural language meaning, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, 2011; Israel in The grammar of polarity: pragmatics, sensitivity, and the logic of scales, Cambridge studies in linguistics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014), it refers to items of many syntactic categories such as nouns, verbs and adverbs. Neutral polarity items appear in affirmative and negative sentences, negative polarity items cannot appear in affirmative (...)
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  28.  27
    Sesgos de género en la educación científico-tecnológica: el caso de la Universidad de La Laguna.Amparo Gómez, Antonio Fco Canales, Inmaculada Perdomo, Margarita Santana, Carolina Martínez & Rosana García - 2008 - Arbor 184 (733):935-947.
    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre la existencia de sesgos de género en la educación científico-tecnológica. En él se pretende demostrar con datos la existencia de creencias estereotipadas acerca de los géneros en el profesorado de ciencia y tecnología de la universidad y de la enseñanza secundaria. De esta manera se quiere establecer si lo que afirman ciertas disciplinas científicas acerca de las capacidades cognitivas, destrezas actitudes y comportamientos de las mujeres se transmite en la (...)
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  29.  31
    Why People Enter and Embrace Violent Groups.Ángel Gómez, Mercedes Martínez, Francois Alexi Martel, Lucía López-Rodríguez, Alexandra Vázquez, Juana Chinchilla, Borja Paredes, Mal Hettiarachchi, Nafees Hamid & William B. Swann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    We distinguish two pathways people may follow when they join violent groups: compliance and internalization. Compliance occurs when individuals are coerced to join by powerful influence agents. Internalization occurs when individuals join due to a perceived convergence between the self and the group. We searched for evidence of each of these pathways in field investigations of former members of two renowned terrorist organizations: the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and Islamist radical groups. Results indicated that ex-fighters joined LTTE for reasons (...)
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    Los acuerdos de Kierkegaard y Hegel sobre la demostración de la Existencia de Dios.Magdiel Martinez Gomez - 2021 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 23 (1):35-53.
    ResumoO objetivo da reflexão é conseguir um contato assertivo entre Hegel e Kierkegaard, quando ambos analisam a tarefa demonstrativa com a prova ontológica da existência de Deus. Trata-se de aproveitar que Kierkegaard reflete um pouco sobre a lógica do pensamento nas Migalhas filosóficas, para buscar um acordo com Hegel nessas áreas, além dos confrontos habituais entre o “existencialismo” de um e o “logicismo” do outro. Ao longo de quatro séries ou eixos argumentativos, ambos os autores, em seus respectivos modos, analisarão (...)
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    MalSEIRS: Forecasting Malware Spread Based on Compartmental Models in Epidemiology.Isabella Martínez Martínez, Andrés Florián Quitián, Daniel Díaz-López, Pantaleone Nespoli & Félix Gómez Mármol - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    Over the last few decades, the Internet has brought about a myriad of benefits to almost every aspect of our daily lives. However, malware attacks have also widely proliferated, mainly aiming at legitimate network users, resulting in millions of dollars in damages if proper protection and response measures are not settled and enforced. In this context, the paper at hand proposes MalSEIRS, a novel dynamic model, to predict malware distribution in a network based on the SEIRS epidemiological model. As a (...)
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    Neoliberal restructuring, neoregulation, and the Mexican poultry industry.Francisco Martinez-Gomez, Gilberto Aboites-Manrique & Douglas H. Constance - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (4):495-510.
    The US poultry industry based on flexible accumulation has been advanced as the model of agro-industrial development for agrifood globalization. Similarly, Mexico has been presented as a noteworthy example of the negative effects of neoliberal restructuring associated with the globalization project. In this paper we use both of these assertions as points of departure to guide an investigation of the case of the restructuring of the Mexican poultry industry. Informed by a commodity systems analysis, archival data and key informant interviews (...)
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    A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Service-Learning on Physical Education Teacher Education Students.María Maravé-Vivas, Jesús Gil-Gómez, Teresa Valverde-Esteve, Celina Salvador-Garcia & Oscar Chiva-Bartoll - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research examining Service-Learning in Physical Education Teacher Education is ample. However, long-term investigations are still scarce and literature demands the application of this type of design to uncover the effects of SL on the long run. This study followed a longitudinal quantitative approach; thus, the participants completed the Civic Attitudes and Skills Questionnaire in three occasions. Results show that there exist significant differences between mean values of the global outcomes of the CASQ; concretely, there was an improvement in the first (...)
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    " En torno a Aristóteles. Homenaje al profesor Pierre Aubenque", de Ángel Álvarez Gómez y Rafael Martínez Castro (comps.).María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):122-130.
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    Guerra Justa y Razón de Estado en Sor María Jesús de Ágreda.María Martín Gómez - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):241-249.
    En el siglo XVII la monja concepcionista sor María Jesús de Ágreda y el monarca español Felipe IV iniciaron una correspondencia epistolar en la que trataron cuestiones filosóficas y políticas de diversa índole. Este artículo analiza la aplicación que llevaron a cabo de los conceptos filosóficos de “guerra justa” y “razón de Estado” con el fin de salvaguardar una monarquía católica ya en declive.
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    Corporate governance, female directors and quality of financial information.María Consuelo Pucheta-Martínez, Inmaculada Bel-Oms & Gustau Olcina-Sempere - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):363-385.
    The aim of this study is to examine whether gender diversity on audit committees influences financial reporting quality by using panel data of Spanish listed firms. The financial reporting quality of firms is measured by the type of opinion received in the audit report. We estimate various panel data models of audit opinions and control for factors that are traditionally found to impact audit opinions. This study provides evidence to support the hypotheses that the percentage of females on ACs reduces (...)
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    Do Markets Punish or Reward Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling?Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero, Sana-Akbar Khan, Nazim Hussain & Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (6):1431-1467.
    This article analyzes the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) decoupling and financial market outcomes. CSR decoupling refers to the gap between CSR disclosure and CSR performance. More specifically, we analyze the effect of CSR decoupling on analysts’ forecast errors, cost of capital, and access to finance. We also examine the moderating effect of forecast errors on relationships between CSR decoupling and cost of capital and access to finance. For a sample of U.S. firms consisting of 7,681 firm-year observations for (...)
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  38.  41
    (1 other version)Practically wise ethical decision‐making: An ethnographic application to the UNE‐Millicom merger.David Andrés Díez Gómez & María del Pilar Rodríguez Córdoba - 2019 - Business Ethics 28 (4):494-505.
    Integrated approaches in the ethical decision-making (EDM) and practically wise decision-making literature are emerging as alternative perspectives to management theories that conceptualize decision-making in a rationalist and value-free manner. However, more dialogue between both perspectives and qualitative research that applies them is required. In addition, there is a need for empirical analysis on business engagement in the face of grand challenges in developing countries. This paper proposes an integrated practically wise EDM framework to study how Colombian councilors who, in 2013, (...)
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  39. El juez en el pensamiento de J. Rawls y Alf Ross.Gabriela Beatriz González-Gómez & María Lourdes González Chávez - 2005 - A Parte Rei 40:8.
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  40. La teoría de los sentimientos de Agnés Hêller en la función jurisdiccional de Alf Ross.Gabriela Beatriz González-Gómez & María De Lourdes González-Chávez - 2005 - A Parte Rei 42:7.
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  41. Imperio y causalidad en Tomás de Aquino.María Teresa Enríquez Gómez & Jorge Martín Montoya Camacho - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (1):329-355.
    Ante ciertos modelos causales del agente libre inspirados en Tomás de Aquino, resulta interesante atender al modelo causal presentado por Tomás mismo, especialmente en un texto a partir del cual se puede rastrear la exposición de la acción libre como el efecto de los cuatro sentidos causales aristotélicos. Se trata de la cuestión sobre los actos imperados (ST I–II, q. 17); en cuyos primeros cuatro artículos –y en sus textos paralelos– determina que la voluntad es causa agente; la razón práctica, (...)
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  42. Beyond the Altruistic Donor: Embedding Solidarity in Organ Procurement Policies.María Victoria Martínez-López, Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho, Belén Liedo, Jon Rueda & Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (5):107.
    Altruism and solidarity are concepts that are closely related to organ donation for transplantation. On the one hand, they are typically used for encouraging people to donate. On the other hand, they also underpin the regulations in force in each country to different extents. They are often used indistinctly and equivocally, despite the different ethical implications of each concept. This paper aims to clarify to what extent we can speak of altruism and solidarity in the predominant models of organ donation. (...)
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    The Level of Sustainability Assurance: The Effects of Brand Reputation and Industry Specialisation of Assurance Providers.Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero & Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):971-990.
    This research focuses on examining the relationship between some attributes of assurance providers and the level of sustainability assurance. By using the propensity to issue negative conclusions in the assurance statement as an indicator of the level of assurance, we examine whether the brand name and industry specialisation of the practitioners have an impact on the assurance opinion issued. Using an international sample of 1233 firm-year observations over the period 2007–2014, the findings document the impact of the brand reputation and (...)
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    Sustainability assurance and cost of capital: Does assurance impact on credibility of corporate social responsibility information?Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero & Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (3):223-239.
    This paper aims to examine the credibility value of sustainability assurance and the type of assurance provider on cost of capital. A large sample of international companies from the period 2007–2014 was used to develop our models of analysis. We find a greater decrease in cost of capital for companies that publish and assure their social and environmental reports. Thus, voluntary sustainability disclosures decrease the cost of capital. However, companies also have the opportunity to reinforce this decrease by providing an (...)
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  45. Ian Hacking's Proposal for the Distinction between Natural and Social Sciences.María Laura Martínez - 2009 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39 (2):212-234.
    This article explores the proposal offered by Ian Hacking for the distinction between natural and social sciences—a proposal that he has defined from the outset as complex and different from the traditional ones. Our objective is not only to present the path followed by Hacking’s distinction, but also to determine if it constitutes a novelty or not. For this purpose, we deemed it necessary to briefly introduce the core notions Hacking uses to establish his strategic approach to social sciences, under (...)
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  46. La historia de Nietzsche.Rosa María Arenas Martínez - 2002 - A Parte Rei 21:4.
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    Commitment of independent and institutional women directors to corporate social responsibility reporting.María Consuelo Pucheta‐Martínez, Inmaculada Bel‐Oms & Gustau Olcina‐Sempere - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):290-304.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Hans-Georg Gadamer y la filosofía española.María Martín Gómez - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (2):485-506.
    This article develops the relationship between Hans-Georg Gadamer and Spanish philosophers at the end of the 20th century after the completion of a research stay in the Deutsche Literatur Archiv in Marbach. New materials and unpublished correspondence recently found in the Deutsche Literatur Archiv in Marbach reveal common interests and intellectual links between Hans-Georg Gadamer and several Spanish philosophers: Jose Ortega y Gasset, Julián Marías, Laín Entralgo, Xavier Zubiri or Emilio Lledó. The letters, that Gadamer wrote and received, show that (...)
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    Female Institutional Directors on Boards and Firm Value.María Consuelo Pucheta-Martínez, Inmaculada Bel-Oms & Gustau Olcina-Sempere - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (2):343-363.
    The aim of this research is to examine what impact female institutional directors on boards have on corporate performance. Previous research shows that institutional female directors cannot be considered as a homogeneous group since they represent investors who may or may not maintain business relations with the companies on whose corporate boards they sit. Thus, it is not only the effect of female institutional directors as a whole on firm value that has been analysed, but also the impact of pressure-resistant (...)
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    The ignorance behind inconsistency toleration.María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz - 2020 - Synthese 198 (9):8665-8686.
    Inconsistency toleration is the phenomenon of working with inconsistent information without threatening one’s rationality. Here I address the role that ignorance plays for the tolerance of contradictions in the empirical sciences. In particular, I contend that there are two types of ignorance that, when present, can make epistemic agents to be rationally inclined to tolerate a contradiction. The first is factual ignorance, understood as temporary undecidability of the truth values of the conflicting propositions. The second is what I call “ignorance (...)
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