Results for 'Marie Pelé'

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  1.  14
    Editorial: Perceptions of Human-Animal Relationships and Their Impacts on Animal Ethics, Law and Research.Marie Pelé, Jean-Yves Georges, Tetsuro Matsuzawa & Cédric Sueur - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Fractals and artificial intelligence to decrypt ideography and understand the evolution of language.Cédric Sueur & Marie Pelé - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e254.
    Self-sufficient ideographies are rare because they are stifled by the issue of standardization. Similar issues arise with abstract art or drawings created by young children or great apes. We propose that mathematical indices and artificial intelligence can help us decode ideography, and if not to understand its meaning, at least to know that meaning exists.
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    Repenser la relation homme-animal: généalogie et perspectives.Aurélie Choné, Isabel Iribarren, Marie Pelé, Catherine Repussard & Cédric Sueur (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage, centré sur la question interdisciplinaire de la rencontre entre les animaux humains et non humains, cherche à créer des passerelles entre les différents courants des études animales. Des chercheurs issus des sciences de l'homme et des sciences de la nature questionnent les grandes étapes historiques, politiques et philosophiques qui ont marqué les relations que nous entretenons avec les animaux non humains depuis le Moyen Âge. Ce volume s'attache à mettre au jour les moments de rupture ainsi que le (...)
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    Making Drawings Speak Through Mathematical Metrics.Cédric Sueur, Lison Martinet, Benjamin Beltzung & Marie Pelé - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (4):400-424.
    Figurative drawing is a skill that takes time to learn, and it evolves during different childhood phases that begin with scribbling and end with representational drawing. Between these phases, it is difficult to assess when and how children demonstrate intentions and representativeness in their drawings. The marks produced are increasingly goal-oriented and efficient as the child’s skills progress from scribbles to figurative drawings. Pre-figurative activities provide an opportunity to focus on drawing processes. We applied fourteen metrics to two different datasets (...)
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    Improving the Quality of Host Country Ethical Oversight of International Research: The Use of a Collaborative ‘Pre‐Review’ Mechanism for a Study of Fexinidazole for Human A frican Trypanosomiasis.Carl H. Coleman, Chantal Ardiot, Séverine Blesson, Yves Bonnin, Francois Bompart, Pierre Colonna, Ames Dhai, Julius Ecuru, Andrew Edielu, Christian Hervé, François Hirsch, Bocar Kouyaté, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Dionko Maoundé, Eric Martinent, Honoré Ntsiba, Gérard Pelé, Gilles Quéva, Marie-Christine Reinmund, Samba Cor Sarr, Abdoulaye Sepou, Antoine Tarral, Djetodjide Tetimian, Olaf Valverde, Simon Van Nieuwenhove & Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):241-247.
    Developing countries face numerous barriers to conducting effective and efficient ethics reviews of international collaborative research. In addition to potentially overlooking important scientific and ethical considerations, inadequate or insufficiently trained ethics committees may insist on unwarranted changes to protocols that can impair a study's scientific or ethical validity. Moreover, poorly functioning review systems can impose substantial delays on the commencement of research, which needlessly undermine the development of new interventions for urgent medical needs. In response to these concerns, the Drugs (...)
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    Reductive Explanation in the Biological Sciences.Marie I. Kaiser - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    Back cover: This book develops a philosophical account that reveals the major characteristics that make an explanation in the life sciences reductive and distinguish them from non-reductive explanations. Understanding what reductive explanations are enables one to assess the conditions under which reductive explanations are adequate and thus enhances debates about explanatory reductionism. The account of reductive explanation presented in this book has three major characteristics. First, it emerges from a critical reconstruction of the explanatory practice of the life sciences itself. (...)
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    Medieval Imagination: Rhetoric and the Poetry of Courtly Love.Marie-Louise Ollier, Karen Woodward & Douglas Kelly - 1979 - Substance 8 (2/3):211.
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    The metamemory expectancy illusion in source monitoring affects metamemory control and memory.Marie Luisa Schaper & Ute J. Bayen - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104468.
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    Philosophical Historiography in Modern French Philosophy.Marie Louise Krogh - 2024 - In Daniel Whistler & Mark Sinclair (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern French Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 554-571.
    This chapter addresses major tendencies in the history of academic French historiographies of philosophy, from the establishment of history of philosophy as a university discipline in the early nineteenth century to feminist critiques of the philosophical canon in the twentieth century. Focusing on the ways in which the philosophical character of the history of philosophy has been conceptualised, it argues that the history of the historiography of philosophy in France is marked in two ways by the intellectual legacy of Victor (...)
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  10. Grammar in the philosophical investigations.Marie McGinn - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Sur l’épuisement subjectif comme problème féministe.Marie-Anne Casselot - 2021 - Symposium 25 (1):110-134.
    Dans cet article, je soutiens que l’épuisement subjectif fragilise l’individualité dans l’exécution des actes intentionnels de douter, se soucier, planifier et finalement se protéger. Ces quatre actes intentionnels sont intersubjectifs puisqu’ils sont orientés vers autrui et illustrent une relationnalité imposée. L’épuisement subjectif est relatif aux individus et il affecte la subjectivité parce qu’il empêche l’individu d’entreprendre des projets existentiels individuels. Cette relationnalité imposée et toujours orientée vers autrui affaiblit l’intentionnalité d’une personne et fragilise son individualité. Une description phénoménologique révèle ces (...)
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  12. Le vocabulaire de Teilhard de Chardin.Marie Christine Deckers - 1968 - Gembloux,: J. Cuculot.
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  13. In Defense of Bacon's Views on the Reform of Science.Marie Boas Hall - 1963 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 44 (4):437.
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    Nursing, ethics, & professional roles.Marie T. Hilliard - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (1):2.
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    Priesthood and the epistle to the hebrews.Marie E. Isaacs - 1997 - Heythrop Journal 38 (1):51–62.
    Current controversies about the ordination of women have shown the need for a re‐examination of what the Christian Church means by priesthood. This article looks at the Epistle to the Hebrews’ contribution to our understanding. To that end it focuses on the institution of priesthood in its first‐century Jewish context and shows the use made of it by the author of Hebrews in his presentation of Christian faith.Section 1 emphasizes some all‐important differences between the NT’s use of the language of (...)
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    The Spanish Plan of Civilization.Marie Madden - 1930 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 5 (1):52-65.
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    Rapid Serological Tests and Immunity Policies: Addressing Ethical Implications for Healthcare Providers and the Healthcare System as a Priority.Marie-Alexia Masella, Hortense Gallois & Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):177-179.
    Les prestataires de soins de santé (HCP) ont joué un rôle central dans l'endiguement de la pandémie de COVID-19. Bien que potentiellement très bénéfique, la mise en oeuvre de tests sérologiques rapides à grande échelle soulève des dilemmes éthiques et affecte la capacité des HCP à travailler dans des conditions optimales. À cet égard, nous appelons l'attention sur les questions éthiques spécifiques et urgentes qui affectent de manière distincte les HCP suite à la disponibilité et à l'éventuelle utilisation obligatoire de (...)
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    Nathalie Sage-Pranchère, Mettre au monde. Sages-femmes et accouchées en Corrèze au XIXe siècle.Marie-France Morel - 2009 - Clio 29.
    Si l’histoire des sages-femmes est relativement bien connue pour les XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, grâce aux ouvrages de Mireille Laget et Jacques Gélis, en revanche, pour le XIXe siècle, elle reste en grande partie à écrire. La situation parisienne a fait l’objet du livre de Scarlett Beauvalet-Boutouyrie sur la Maternité de Port-Royal et aussi de la thèse de IIIe cycle sur les sages-femmes parisiennes de Danielle Tucat, malheureusement non publiée. Pour la France profonde, on dispose d’un article...
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  19. Montague's semantics for intensional logic.Marie La Palme Reyes & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1989 - Logique Et Analyse 32 (128):319-335.
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    Einstein's unified field theory.Marie-Antoinette Tonnelat - 1966 - New York,: Gordon & Breach.
  21. Sense and Certainty.Marie Mcginn - 1989 - Mind 98 (392):635-637.
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    (1 other version)A qualitative study on existential suffering and assisted suicide in Switzerland.Marie-Estelle Gaignard & Samia Hurst - forthcoming - Most Recent Articles: Bmc Medical Ethics.
    In Switzerland, people can be granted access to assisted suicide on condition that the person whose wish is to die performs the fatal act, that he has his decisional capacity and that the assisting person...
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    The peoples of the Jos Plateau, Nigeria: their philosophy, manners, and customs.Marie Paul Neierdes - 1979 - Las Vegas: Lang.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis, Paris-Sorbonne, 1974.
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  24. La sagesse selon Aristote.Marie-Dominique Philippe - 1945 - Nova et Vetera 20:325-374.
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  25. Experimental music and the question of what a body can do.Marie Thompson - 2017 - In Pirkko Moisala, Taru Leppänen, Milla Tiainen & Hanna Väätäinen (eds.), Musical encounters with Deleuze and Guattari. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  26. Plato's Heracliteanism Reconsidered.Marie-Élise Zovko - 2002 - Dionysius 20.
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  27. Learning to Dialogue in Kindergarden, A Case Study.Marie-France Daniel - 2006 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 25 (3):23-52.
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    Jean-Luc Nancy.Marie-Eve Morin - 2012 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Jean-Luc Nancy is one of the leading contemporary thinkers in France today. Through an inventive reappropriation of the major figures in the continental tradition, Nancy has developed an original ontology that impacts the way we think about religion, politics, community, embodiment, and art. Drawing from a wide range of his writing, Marie-Eve Morin provides the first comprehensive and systematic account of Nancy’s thinking, all the way up to his most recent work on the deconstruction of Christianity. Without losing sight (...)
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    Learning to Think and to Speak.Marie-France Daniel & Ann-Marie Michel - 2000 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (3):17-25.
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    Les voix du signe: nature et origine du langage à la Renaissance (1480-1580).Marie-Luce Demonet - 1992 - Paris: H. Champion.
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  31. Sobre el peso y la elección del pasado: Una lectura crítica de El síndrome de Vichy.Marie-Claire Lavabre - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (5):19 - 9.
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  32. Thought of the Outside: Foucault contra Agamben.Marie-Christine Leps - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 175:22.
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    (3 other versions)Desire by lévinas.Marie-Anne Lescourret - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (s1):123-132.
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    « Cette continuité souterraine ne sera jamais brisée ». Retours sur l’histoire de l’URSS et la nature actuelle de la Russie.Jean-Jacques Marie & Jean-Numa Ducange - 2021 - Actuel Marx 1:137-148.
    Cet entretien revient sur l’histoire des oppositions de gauche en URSS (notamment trotskystes, mais pas uniquement) et sur l’évolution actuelle de la Russie post-soviétique. Il critique les approches considérant l’URSS comme un « capitalisme d’État » et analyse les transformations à l’œuvre de la Russie contemporaine, notamment en terme de rapports de propriété. La nomenklatura joue un rôle contradictoire, tenant à conserver le contrôle de l’État tout en impulsant une vague de privatisations sous pression internationale.
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    Devenir vieux en famille : les mamies et les papys de la littérature jeunesse.Marie-Claude Mietkiewicz & Benoît Schneider - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):83-98.
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    Coeur à coeur de jumeau--: correspondance avec Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin: 1901-1913. Alain & Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin - 2009 - Le Vésinet: Institut Alain. Edited by Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin.
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  37. Essai de Logique Naturelle.Marie Jeanne Borel, Jean-Blaise Grize & Denis Miéville - 1983
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  38. The Paradox of Inference and the Non-Triviality of Analytic Information.Marie Duží - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (5):473 - 510.
    The classical theory of semantic information (ESI), as formulated by Bar-Hillel and Carnap in 1952, does not give a satisfactory account of the problem of what information, if any, analytically and/or logically true sentences have to offer. According to ESI, analytically true sentences lack informational content, and any two analytically equivalent sentences convey the same piece of information. This problem is connected with Cohen and Nagel's paradox of inference: Since the conclusion of a valid argument is contained in the premises, (...)
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  39. Le parti pris de l'homme: Albert Camus-Paul Ricœur.Marie-Jeanne Coutagne - 2014 - In Jean-Marc Aveline & François-Xavier Amherdt (eds.), Humanismes et religions: Albert Camus et Paul Ricoeur. Berlin: Lit.
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  40. La función de la familia en el contexto de la infomedia.Marie González - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (3):61-69.
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  41. (2 other versions)Philosophy for Children Workshops: Reflections from Kalamazoo.Marie Hungerman & Michael Pritchard - unknown - Proceedings of the Heraclitean Society 15.
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    Les habiletés relationnelles chez les enseignantes à la maternelle au Québec : un domaine de compétences socio-émotionnelles à développer pour favoriser leur bien-être.Marie-Andrée Pelletier & Nancy Goyette - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (2-3):257-270.
    This article presents the results of qualitative research conducted with 16 kindergarten teachers. The overall goal was to identify the perceived priority in-service training needs related to the development of social-emotional competencies. To further explore the data collected, the teachers were interviewed in a semi-structured format. The results reveal, among other things, needs related to relational skills, one of the areas identified in several works of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning [CASEL] (Zins et al., 2004). These results (...)
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    Is Nothing Sacred? 1 Timothy and Clergy Sexual Abuse.Marie M. Fortune - 2021 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 75 (4):317-327.
    1 Timothy and the Pastoral Letters appear to be efforts to codify structure and roles in the early church. These efforts largely reflected the patriarchal social structures of the time and as such are not relevant to the twenty-first-century church. But some of the concerns identified herein, for example expectations of church leaders, are useful for a current discussion. What is missing is any acknowledgement of the potential for identified church leaders to take advantage of vulnerable congregants, particularly women and (...)
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  44. L'animal Au Service De La Représentation.Marie-Claude Payeur - 1991 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 16:27-35.
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    (1 other version)Lettre à un ami: itinéraire philosophique.Marie-Dominique Philippe - 1978 - Paris:
    Si la reprise de la recherche philosophique demande aujourd'hui à être menée d'une manière radicale, il ne suffit pas de compléter une philosophie déjà existante en y intégrant certains problèmes actuels. En effet, c'est l'esprit lui-même qui a été comme cassé. Le primat de la négation est allé si loin que l'intelligence, dans son fondement, dans sa relation même avec l'être, est véritablement brisée. Aussi est-il nécessaire de redécouvrir en premier lieu le point de départ de toute démarche philosophique, au-delà (...)
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    Commentary: Stimulation of the Posterior Cingulate Cortex Impairs Episodic Memory Encoding.Marie-Lucie Read & Rikki Lissaman - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:570878.
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    La singularité du drapé ou l'expressivité de l'ornement chez Aby Warburg.Marie Schiele - 2021 - Cahiers Philosophiques 162 (3):41-56.
    Loin d’être absente de l’œuvre de Warburg, la notion d’ornement brille par son éclatement et son caractère composite. Cet article se propose de restituer et d’étudier la pluralité des conceptions warburgiennes de l’ornement à partir d’un motif particulier, le drapé.
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  48. The structure of a semantic field: verbs of visual perception in German and French.Marie-Theres Schepping - 1985 - In Geer A. J. Hoppenbrouwers, Pieter A. M. Seuren & A. J. M. M. Weijters (eds.), Meaning and the lexicon. Cinnaminson, U.S.A.: Foris Publications. pp. 135--142.
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  49. Between metaphysics and nonsense: Elucidation in Wittgenstein's tractatus.Marie McGinn - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (197):491-513.
    There are currently two readings of Tractatus, the metaphysical and the therapeutic. I argue that neither of these is satisfactory. I develop a third reading, the elucidatory reading. This shares the therapeutic interpretation’s emphasis on the idea that Wittgenstein’s remarks are intended to work on the reader, but instead of seeing these remarks as directed (problematically) at revealing their own nonsensical status, I take the remarks to be aimed at bringing a certain order to the reader’s perception of language. The (...)
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  50. The everyday alternative to scepticism : Cavell and Wittgenstein on other minds.Marie McGinn - 2003 - In Denis McManus (ed.), Wittgenstein and Scepticism. New York: Routledge.
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