Results for 'Marie Price'

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  1.  4
    The Photograph: A Strange, Confined Space.Mary Price - 1994 - Stanford University Press.
    . The author first engages the problem of defining the value of a photograph, not in terms of its commercial or monetary value but of its actual or potential use. Walter Benjamin's influential writings on photography are discussed, notably his complex metaphor of "aura" as applied to both handmade art and the photograph, with the author challenging Benjamin's contention that works of art do not require titles, whereas photographs do.
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  2. Development of clinical ethics services in the UK: a national survey.Anne Marie Slowther, Leah McClimans & Charlotte Price - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):210-214.
    Background In 2001 a report on the provision of clinical ethics support in UK healthcare institutions identified 20 clinical ethics committees. Since then there has been no systematic evaluation or documentation of their work at a national level. Recent national surveys of clinical ethics services in other countries have identified wide variation in practice and scope of activities. Objective To describe the current provision of ethics support in the UK and its development since 2001. Method A postal/electronic questionnaire survey administered (...)
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    Memory for televised advertisements as a function of program context, viewer-involvement, and gender.Marie-Therese Price & Adrian Furnham - 2006 - Communications 31 (2):155-172.
    This study examined the recall of car and food advertisements within either a car or food television program to investigate the relationship between recall, program content, and viewer involvement. The participants, 92 sixth-form students, aged between 16–17 years, were randomly assigned to one of four conditions. As predicted, advertisements placed within a program of dissimilar content were recalled significantly better than if placed within a program of similar content. A gender bias in recall was found with females recalling female-orientated products (...)
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    Mae M. Ngai, Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press), 2004. 400 pages. $49.95. [REVIEW]Marie Price - 2007 - Human Rights Review 8 (3):289-292.
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    Ethical Becoming and Ethical Inquiry Among Earth Sciences Faculty.Grant A. Fore, Samuel Cornelius Nyarko, Justin L. Hess, Martin A. Coleman, Mary F. Price, Brandon H. Sorge & Elizabeth A. Sanders - 2024 - Teaching Ethics 24 (1):25-51.
    This study examines the outcomes of a four-year faculty learning community (FLC) that aimed to transform departmental ethics curriculum by supporting Earth Sciences faculty members as they ethically inquired into their teaching of ethics and refined existing courses in alignment with an Integrated Community-Engaged Learning and Ethical Reflection (ICELER) framework. We present ethnographic case studies that unpack processes through which three faculty members transformed undergraduate courses. We assembled case studies by triangulating interview data, course artifacts, and faculty reflections. We examine (...)
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  6.  9
    Transforming Ethics Education Through a Faculty Learning Community: “I’m Coming Around to Seeing Ethics as Being Maybe as Important as Calculus”.Justin L. Hess, Elizabeth Sanders, Grant A. Fore, Martin Coleman, Mary Price, Sammy Nyarko & Brandon Sorge - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-29.
    Ethics is central to scientific and engineering research and practice, but a key challenge for promoting students’ ethical formation involves enhancing faculty members’ ability and confidence in embedding positive ethical learning experiences into their curriculums. To this end, this paper explores changes in faculty members’ approaches to and perceptions of ethics education following their participation in a multi-year interdisciplinary faculty learning community (FLC). We conducted and thematically analyzed semi-structured interviews with 11 participants following the second year of the FLC. Qualitative (...)
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  7.  32
    Junior Medical Officers’ knowledge of advance care directives and substitute decision making for people without decision making capacity: a cross sectional survey.Rob Sanson-Fisher, Mathew Clapham, Mary-Ann Ryall, Anne Knight, Emma Price, Carolyn Hullick, Robert Pickles, Lindy Willmott, Ben P. White, Alison Bowman, Jamie Bryant & Amy Waller - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundJunior medical doctors have a key role in discussions and decisions about treatment and end-of-life care for people with dementia in hospital. Little is known about junior doctors’ decision-making processes when treating people with dementia who have advance care directives, or the factors that influence their decisions. To describe among junior doctors in relation to two hypothetical vignettes involving patients with dementia: their legal compliance and decision-making process related to treatment decisions; the factors influencing their clinical decision-making; and the factors (...)
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    Editorial: Implicit Price Control.Mary Midgley - 1978 - Philosophy 53:289.
  9.  3
    Correction: Transforming Ethics Education Through a Faculty Learning Community: “I’m Coming Around to Seeing Ethics as Being Maybe as Important as Calculus”.Justin L. Hess, Elizabeth Sanders, Grant A. Fore, Martin Coleman, Mary Price, Samuel Cornelius Nyarko & Brandon Sorge - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (6):1-2.
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  10.  28
    Natural MagickJohn Baptista Porta Derek J. Price.Marie Boas - 1959 - Isis 50 (1):76-76.
  11.  13
    Handbook of Research in the Social Foundations of Education.Steven Tozer, Bernardo P. Gallegos, Annette Henry, Mary Bushnell Greiner & Paula Groves Price (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Parts one and two of this volume present the theoretical lenses used to study the social contexts of education. These include long-established foundations disciplines such as sociology of education and philosophy of education as well as newer theoretical perspectives such as critical race theory, feminist educational theory, and cultural studies in education. Parts three, four, and five demonstrate how these theoretical lenses are used to examine such phenomena as globalization, media, popular culture, technology, youth culture, and schooling. This groundbreaking volume (...)
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    Redrawing the Boundaries of Feminist Disability StudiesInvalid Women: Figuring Feminine Illness in American Fiction and Culture, 1840-1940Monstrous ImaginationTattoo, Torture, Mutilation, and Adornment: The Denaturalization of the Body in Culture and TextFeminism and Disability. [REVIEW]Rosemarie Garland Thomson, Diane Price Herndl, Marie-Hélène Huet, Frances E. Mascia-Lees, Patricia Sharpe, Barbara Hillyer & Marie-Helene Huet - 1994 - Feminist Studies 20 (3):582.
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    Fairness in alternative food networks: an exploration with midwestern social entrepreneurs.Mary Margaret Saulters, Mary K. Hendrickson & Fabio Chaddad - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):611-621.
    The notion of fairness is frequently invoked in the context of food and agriculture, whether in terms of a fair marketplace, fair treatment of workers, or fair prices for consumers. In 2009, the Kellogg Foundation named fairness as one of four key characteristics of a “good” food system. The concept of fairness, however, is difficult to define and measure. The purpose of this study is to explore the notion of fairness, particularly as it is understood within alternative food dialogues. Specifically, (...)
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    XI- Naturalism and Placement, or, What Should a Good Quinean Say about Mathematical and Moral Truth?Mary Leng - 2016 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 116 (3):237-260.
    What should a Quinean naturalist say about moral and mathematical truth? If Quine’s naturalism is understood as the view that we should look to natural science as the ultimate ‘arbiter of truth’, this leads rather quickly to what Huw Price has called ‘placement problems’ of placing moral and mathematical truth in an empirical scientific world-view. Against this understanding of the demands of naturalism, I argue that a proper understanding of the reasons Quine gives for privileging ‘natural science’ as authoritative (...)
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  15.  25
    The Prescription Drug Pricing Moment: Using Public Health Analysis to Clarify the Fair Competition Debate on Prescription Drug Pricing and Consumer Welfare.Ann Marie Marciarille - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s1):45-49.
    Fair competition law and public health law talk past each other when discussing pharmaceutical pricing and distribution. The former cannot agree on the relevant definition of consumer welfare. The latter does not fully comprehend the highly complex but inherently collective nature of pharmaceutical drug acquisition in the United States. This essay proposes to inject public health discourse into this debate to enrich it, focus it, and render it more accessible to those who must live by its outcome.
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    The Value of Apology: How do Corporate Apologies Moderate the Stock Market Reaction to Non-Financial Corporate Crises?Marie Racine, Craig Wilson & Michael Wynes - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):485-505.
    In a crisis, managers are confronted with a dilemma between their ethical responsibility to respond to victims and their fiduciary responsibility to protect shareholder value. In this study, we use a unique and comprehensive dataset of 223 non-financial crises between 1983 and 2013 to investigate how corporate apologies affect stock prices. Our empirical evidence shows that the stock price response from apologizing depends on the firm’s level of responsibility for the crisis. We find that to protect shareholder value, management (...)
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  17.  34
    General Experimental Psychology. By A. G. Bills. (London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1934. Pp. x + 620. Price 16s.).Mary Collins - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (44):493-.
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    Braukmann Fabienne, Michaela Haug, Katja Metzmacher, and Rosalie Stolz (eds.): Being a Parent in the Field. Implications and Challenges of Accompanied Fieldwork. Bielefeld: transcript, 2020. 294 pp. ISBN: 978-​3-​8394-​4831-​1. Price: € 44,99. [REVIEW]Mari Korpela - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):218-219.
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    CSR Actions, Brand Value, and Willingness to Pay a Premium Price for Luxury Brands: Does Long-Term Orientation Matter?Mbaye Fall Diallo, Norchène Ben Dahmane Mouelhi, Mahesh Gadekar & Marie Schill - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):241-260.
    Sustainable luxury is a strategic issue for managers and for society, yet it remains poorly understood. This research seeks to clarify how corporate social responsibility actions directly and indirectly affect consumers’ willingness to pay a premium price for luxury brand products, as well as how a long-term orientation might moderate these relationships. A scenario study presents fictional CSR actions of two brands, representing different luxury products, to 1,049 respondents from two countries. The results of a structural equation modeling approach (...)
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  20.  45
    Emotion in the Thought of Sartre. By Joseph P. Fell III. (Columbia University Press, London. 1965. Pp. 254. Price £2 10s.). [REVIEW]Mary Warnock - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (159):96-.
  21.  30
    Social Development in Young Children: A Study in Beginnings. By Susan Isaacs. (London: Routledge & Sons, 1933. Pp. vii + 480. Price 15s.). [REVIEW]Mary Collins - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (34):250-.
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  22. The Problem of the Single Case.Huw Price - 1981 - Dissertation, Cambridge University
    This is my Cambridge PhD thesis, written under the supervision of Hugh Mellor and Richard Healey, and examined by Mary Hesse and Simon Blackburn. It addresses what it takes to be the core of the problem of single case probability, namely, the interpretation of claims such as ‘It is probable that P’ (where the probabilistic component occurs as a sentential or propositional operator). I argue that claims of this form are not genuinely truth-apt, and that such operators modify the force, (...)
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  23.  36
    Teaching Ethics in the Health Care Setting: Part II: Sample Syllabus.Mary Carrington Coutts - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (3):263-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Teaching Ethics in the Health Care SettingPart II: Sample SyllabusMary Carrington Coutts (bio)The National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics receives many inquiries from instructors at institutions that are just beginning to teach medical ethics. In an effort to assist those individuals, we have devised a syllabus that could be adapted for many uses. This is intended to be an introductory level syllabus, perhaps (...)
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  24. Tim Thornton, Wittgenstein on Language and Thought: The Philosophy of Content, 1998, Edinburgh University Press, ix+ 212, price» 40.00 hb,» 14.95 pb. Dale Jacquette, Wittgenstein's Thought in Transition, 1998, Purdue University Press, xix+ 356, no price[REVIEW]Marie McGinn - 2000 - Philosophical Investigations 23 (3).
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  25. Epistemological History: the Legacy of Bachelard and Canguilhem.Mary Tiles - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 21:141-156.
    Fifteen to twenty years ago one might have been forgiven for thinking that both the philosophy and history of science constituted specialized academic backwaters, far removed from debates in the forefront of either philosophic or public attention. But times have changed; science and technology have in many ways and in many guises become central foci of public debate, whether through concern over nuclear safety, the massive price to be paid for continued research in areas such as high energy physics, (...)
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  26.  37
    Neue Wege der Philosophie—Eine Einführung in die Philosophic der Gegen wart. By Fritz Heinemann. (Leipzig: Queller and Meyer. 1929. Pp. xxviii + 434. Price RM. 6.20.). [REVIEW]Mary E. Clarke - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (33):112-.
  27.  26
    Scientific Inference. By Sir Harold Jeffreys. (Cambridge University Press. Second edition. 1957. Pp. viii + 236. Price 25s.). [REVIEW]Mary B. Hesse - 1959 - Philosophy 34 (128):66-.
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  28. An unstable environment: The economic case for getting asylum decisions right first time.Marie Oldfield - 2022 - Pro Bono Economics 1 (1).
    Marie Oldfield, Pro Bono Economics & Refugee Council. Over half the total applications for asylum the UK receives each year are initially rejected, yet nearly a third of these initial rejections are subsequently overturned on appeal. This process that fails to get decisions right first time imposes significant costs, not just on the applicants themselves, but also more widely on UK taxpayers. Asylum seekers are not entitled to welfare benefits nor employment except in some limited cases, and are often (...)
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    Medicare Drug Pricing Negotiations: Assessing Constitutional Structural Limits.Erica N. White, Mary Saxon, James G. Hodge & Joel Michaels - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):956-960.
    A series of structural constitutional arguments lodged in multiple cases against Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) authorities to negotiate prescription drug prices via the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act threaten the legitimacy of CMS program and federal agency powers.
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    The Language of Modern Physics. By Ernest H. Hutten. (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. 278. Price 21s.). [REVIEW]Mary B. Hesse - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (124):74-.
  31.  9
    Modern Psychology and Education: A Text-Book of Psychology for Students in Training Colleges And.Mary & Oakden Sturt - 1999 - Routledge.
    Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.
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  32.  19
    The Ethics of the Health Care Market.Mary Cooke - 1996 - Nursing Ethics 3 (1):3-7.
    The free market theory has as its basis the assumption of equity. This equity is ascribed to both purchasers and providers in a perfectly balanced system so that there are seen to be no 'winners' or 'losers' in the market-place. The health system that is developing in the UK is structured as a managed market, but agency relationships between GPs and health authorities buffer the costing process of goods and therefore may be described as distorting the price. This could (...)
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    P. R. De Clerq . Nineteenth Century Scientific Instruments and their Makers: Papers Presented at the Fourth Scientific Instrument Symposium, Amsterdam 23–26 October 1984. Boerhaave Museum, Leiden, and Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1985. ISBN 90-6292-070-5 , ISBN 90-6203-917-0 . Pp. 275. No price given. [REVIEW]Mari Williams - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (3):358-359.
  34.  33
    John Flamsteed, Preface to Historia Coelestis Britannica. Edited and introduced by Allan Chapman, based on a translation by Alison Dione Johnson. Greenwich: National Maritime Museum, Maritime Monographs and Reports, No. 52, 1982. Pp. vi + 222. ISBN 0-905555-60-0. No price given. [REVIEW]Mari Williams - 1985 - British Journal for the History of Science 18 (1):103-103.
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    Chateaubriand and the Politics of (Im)mortality.Marie-Hélène Huet - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (3):28-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.3 (2000) 28-39 [Access article in PDF] Chateaubriand and the Politics of (Im)mortality Marie-hélène Huet In the twenty-sixth book of his Mémoires d'outre-tombe, Chateaubriand recounts his 1821 arrival at the French embassy in Berlin. He cites a flattering portrait of him written by the Baroness of Hohenhausen and published in the morning press on March 22: "M. de Chateaubriand is of a somewhat short, yet slender, stature. (...)
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    From Illiteracy to Literature: Psychoanalysis and Reading.Anne-Marie Picard - 2016 - Routledge.
    _From Illiteracy to Literature_ presents innovative material based on research with ‘non-reading’ children and re-examines the complex relationship between psychoanalysis and literature, through the lens of the psychical significance of reading: the forgotten adventure of our coming to reading. Anne-Marie Picard draws on two specific fields of interest: firstly the wish to understand the nature of literariness or the "literary effect", i.e. the pleasures we derive from reading; secondly research on reading pathologies carried out at St Anne’s Hospital, Paris. (...)
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  37.  50
    Leadership Ethics: An Introduction, by Terry L. Price Cambridge University Press, 2008.Barry L. Padgett & Mary Rau-Foster - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (3):601-604.
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  38. Socio-cultural processes behind the differential distribution of organic farming in Denmark: a case study. [REVIEW]Marie-Louise Risgaard, Pia Frederiksen & Pernille Kaltoft - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (4):445-459.
    Conversion to organic farming, along with its associated driving forces and barriers, has been explored intensively over the past decade, while studies on the distribution and impacts of local socio-cultural processes in relation to conversion to and diffusion of organic farming have been scarce. The concentration of organic farms in Denmark differs according to county and, moreover, there appears to be large within-county variation in the density of organic farms. The present study explores local aspects of conversion to organic farming (...)
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  39.  21
    Preserving cultural heritage through the valorization of Cordillera heirloom rice in the Philippines.Subir Bairagi, Marie Claire Custodio, Alvaro Durand-Morat & Matty Demont - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):257-270.
    For centuries, heirloom rice varieties have been grown on the terraces of the Cordillera Mountains of Luzon, Philippines, terroirs known for their significant historical, cultural, and aesthetic values. However, heritage heirloom rice farming is gradually being abandoned, mainly because of its lower productivity and the struggle of the sector to create a sustainable niche market for heirloom rice by branding its cultural, social, and nutritional values. We propose several demand-side intervention strategies for the valorization of heirloom rice. To support the (...)
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  40. Mary Wollstonecraft and Richard Price: The Theological and Philosophical Foundations of Freedom as Independence.Alan M. S. J. Coffee - 2024 - Women's Writing 31 (3):392–405.
    In Wollstonecraft’s early writings, she articulates the foundational theological and philosophical principles that would underpin her work throughout her career. One difference between her early and later work lies in the way that the values to which she refers are combined. Whereas Wollstonecraft at first appeals to the separate ideals of independence, equality, and virtue, from the 1790s onwards she integrates these into a characteristic republican framework that was in common use amongst dissenting theorists at the time. The set of (...)
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  41. At Any Rate.Jean-Luc Nancy, Marie Eve Morin & Travis Holloway - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    What does the word “value” mean? On the one hand, absolute value is an excellence that is beyond measure. On the other hand, value can also be interpreted as price, as what can be measured and exchanged. In both cases, value lies in relation and is of the same order as sense. But what is the relation between these two senses of value? And why is it so difficult to hold the two apart?
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  42.  46
    Urban agriculture, social capital, and food security in the Kibera slums of Nairobi, Kenya.Courtney M. Gallaher, John M. Kerr, Mary Njenga, Nancy K. Karanja & Antoinette M. G. A. WinklerPrins - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):389-404.
    Much of the developing world, including Kenya, is rapidly urbanizing. Rising food and fuel prices in recent years have put the food security of the urban poor in a precarious position. In cities worldwide, urban agriculture helps some poor people gain access to food, but urban agriculture is less common in densely populated slums that lack space. In the Kibera slums of Nairobi, Kenya, households have recently begun a new form of urban agriculture called sack gardening in which vegetables such (...)
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  43.  58
    Akujärvi, Johanna. Researcher, Traveller, Narrator: Studies in Pausanias' Periegesis. Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia 12. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell Interna-tional, 2005. xviii+ 314 pp. 4 tables. Paper, price not stated. Ancona, Ronnie, and Ellen Greene, eds. Gendered Dynamics in Latin Love Poetry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. xii+ 372 pp. Cloth, $55. [REVIEW]Charles Rowan Beye, W. Martin Bloomer, Mary T. Boatwright, Daniel J. Gargola & Richard Ja Talbert - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127:321-326.
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    Fair go: pay research participants properly or not at all.Olivia Grimwade, Julian Savulescu, Alberto Giubilini, Justin Oakley & Anne-Marie Nussberger - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):837-839.
    We thank the authors of the five commentaries for their careful and highly constructive consideration of our paper,1 which has enabled us to develop our proposal. Participation in research has traditionally been viewed as altruistic. Over time, payments for inconvenience and lost wages have been allowed, as have small incentives, usually in kind. The problem, particularly with controlled human infection model (CHIM) research or ‘challenge studies’, is that they are unpleasant and time-consuming. Researchers want to offer carrots to incentivise participation (...)
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    The Impact of Forest Certification on Firm Financial Performance in Canada and the U.S.Kais Bouslah, Bouchra M’Zali, Marie-France Turcotte & Maher Kooli - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (4):551 - 572.
    The purpose of this article is to examine empirically the impact of environmental certification on firm financial performance (FP). The main question is whether there is a "green premium" for certified firms, and, if so, for what kind of certification. We analyze the short-run and the long-run stock price performance using an event-study methodology on a sample of Canadian and U.S. firms. The results of short-run event abnormal returns indicate that forest certification does not have any significant impact on (...)
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    Anne‐Marie Søndergaard Christensen, Moral Philosophy and Moral Life (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021). pp. x + 226. Hardback (ISBN 978‐0‐19‐886669‐5) price $70.00. [REVIEW]Christopher Hamilton - 2022 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (3):381-384.
    Philosophical Investigations, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 381-384, July 2022.
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    Mary Midgley, Are You an Illusion? . viii + 167, price £12.99 pb. [REVIEW]Guy Stock - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 38 (1-2):155-158.
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    Journey through Utopia. By Marie Louise Bernari. (London 1950. Pp. xi + 339. Price 16s.M. H. Carré - 1951 - Philosophy 26 (98):285-.
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    François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire, Éléments de la philosophie de Newton, critical edition by Robert L. Walters and W. H. Barber. The Complete Works of Voltaire, 15. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, Taylor Institution, 1992. Pp. xxii + 850. ISBN 0-7294-0374-2. No price given. [REVIEW]Paolo Casini - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (3):360-361.
  50.  42
    Existentialism. By Mary Warnock. (Oxford University Press (Opus 52), 1970. Pp. 145. Price 45p.).Anthony Manser - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (177):270-.
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