Results for 'Mario Ludwig'

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    Die Sozialethik des John Stuart Mill.Mario Ludwig - 1963 - Zürich,: Polygraphischer Verlag.
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    Sind wir Bürger zweier Welten?: Freiheit und moralische Verantwortung im transzendentalen Idealismus.Mario Brandhorst, Andree Hahmann & Bernd Ludwig (eds.) - 2012 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    Es ist schwierig, Kant in der Frage der Willensfreiheit eine der heute üblichen philosophischen Sichtweisen zuzuordnen. Mithilfe des »transzendentalen Idealismus« meint Kant im Ergebnis die Vereinbarkeit von Freiheit und Naturnotwendigkeit begründen zu können. Zugleich hält er an einem Verständnis von Freiheit fest, demzufolge Freiheit »absolute Spontaneität« verlangt und deshalb nicht im Naturnotwendigen aufgehen kann. Seine Antwort verweist mit der Unterscheidung von »Ding an sich« und »Erscheinung« auf zwei verschiedene »Welten« oder »Standpunkte«, von denen aus unser Handeln beschrieben werden kann – (...)
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    Lo schopenhauerismo di Ludwig Wittgenstein.Mario Micheletti - 1973 - Padova,: La garangola.
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  4. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Simone Weil, and religious belief.Mario von der Ruhr - 2023 - In Jack Manzi (ed.), Between Wittgenstein and Weil Comparisons in Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Selves and brains: Tracing a path between interactionism and materialism.Thomas E. Ludwig - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (4):489-495.
    A dialog between Donald MacKay and Mario Bunge, printed in the journal Neuroscience over the course of two years beginning in 1977, provides a conscise summary of MacKay's views on the mind-body relationship. In this dialog, MacKay contrasts the dualistic interactionism theory of Popper and Eccles with Bunge's emergentist materialism theory, and then builds a case for a third alternative based on the notion of mental events embodied in, but not identical to, brain events. Although neuroscience has made tremendous (...)
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  6. The History of Moral Certainty as the Pre-History of Typicality.Mario Hubert - 2024 - Physics and the Nature of Reality: Essays in Memory of Detlef Dürr.
    This paper investigates the historical origin and ancestors of typicality, which is now a central concept in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics and Bohmian Mechanics. Although Ludwig Boltzmann did not use the word typicality, its main idea, namely, that something happens almost always or is valid for almost all cases, plays a crucial role for his explanation of how thermodynamic systems approach equilibrium. At the beginning of the 20th century, the focus on almost always or almost everywhere was fruitful for developing (...)
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    Mente e linguaggio in Ludwig Wittgenstein.Mario De Caro - 1998 - Rivista di Filosofia 89 (1):155-158.
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  8. Libertà e natura: la prospettiva di Ludwig Wittgenstein.Mario De Caro - 2010 - Philosophical News 1.
    Many philosophers have today a skeptic attitude toward the idea of free will, often because of arguments and evidence that come from neuroscience. Other philosophers claim however that no empirical evidence can shake our beliefs that we do enjoy free will and that, because of this, we are responsible for our choices and deeds. This article analyzes Wittgenstein’s view on the issue that went from the view advocated in the Tractatus to his later view that we are involved in two (...)
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  9. Lo schopenhauerismo di Wittgenstein.Mario Micheletti - 1967 - Bologna,: Zanichelli.
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  10. Naturalism and Normativity.Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Normativity concerns what we ought to think or do and the evaluations we make. For example, we say that we ought to think consistently, we ought to keep our promises, or that Mozart is a better composer than Salieri. Yet what philosophical moral can we draw from the apparent absence of normativity in the scientific image of the world? For scientific naturalists, the moral is that the normative must be reduced to the nonnormative, while for nonnaturalists, the moral is that (...)
  11.  51
    The view from outside: On a distinctively cinematic achievement.Mario De Caro & Enrico Terrone - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (2):154-170.
    What aesthetic interest do we have in watching films? In a much debated paper, Roger Scruton argued that this interest typically comes down to the interest in the dramatic representations recorded by such films. Berys Gaut and Catharine Abell criticized Scruton’s argument by claiming that films can elicit an aesthetic interest also by virtue of their pictorial representation. In this article, we develop a different criticism of Scruton’s argument. In our view, a film can elicit an aesthetic interest that does (...)
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    S. Pivato, "La storia leggera. L'uso pubblico della storia nella canzone italiana".Mario Baroni - 2003 - Polis 17 (3):525-528.
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    Konstruktivismus.Ludwig A. Pongratz - 2019 - In Gabriele Weiß & Jörg Zirfas (eds.), Handbuch Bildungs- Und Erziehungsphilosophie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 151-160.
    Die Rede von dem Konstruktivismus legt auf den ersten Blick die Vermutung nahe, es handele sich dabei um ein konsistentes, klar umrissenes Theoriegebäude. Doch wird auf den zweiten Blick schnell deutlich, dass ein ganzes Bündel von Referenztheorien zum Verständnis des Konstruktivismus in Betracht gezogen werden muss: etwa Evolutionstheorie, Neurobiologie, Kognitionstheorie, Kybernetik und Systemtheorie, um nur einige zu nennen. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass es den Konstruktivismus so nicht gibt.
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    Georges Bataille, Die Aufgaben des Geistes. Gespräche und Interviews 1948–1961, hg. v. Rita Bischof.Mario C. Wintersteiger - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (2):409-410.
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    Learning Conditional Information by Jeffrey Imaging on Stalnaker Conditionals.Mario Günther - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (5):851-876.
    We propose a method of learning indicative conditional information. An agent learns conditional information by Jeffrey imaging on the minimally informative proposition expressed by a Stalnaker conditional. We show that the predictions of the proposed method align with the intuitions in Douven, 239–263 2012)’s benchmark examples. Jeffrey imaging on Stalnaker conditionals can also capture the learning of uncertain conditional information, which we illustrate by generating predictions for the Judy Benjamin Problem.
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    Response elimination in noncorrection paired-associates learning.Ludwig Mosberg - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (1p1):94.
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    Tre lettere di Locke a Limborch sull'unità di Dio.Mario Montuori & John Locke - 1974 - Giannini.
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    Production Process and Technical Change.Mario Morroni - 1992 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book, first published in 1992, attempts to unify the economic analysis of the production process in order to understand the effects of technical change. It is both an analytical representation of the production process, taking into account the temporal, organizational, and qualitative dimensions of production, and a fact-finding model for studying the economic effects of technical change. The inclusion of temporal and organizational aspects allows the author to examine the analytical implications of research on the nature of firms and (...)
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    L’esthétique italienne, du Novecento au XXIe siècle.Mario Perniola & Paolo Quintili - 2015 - Rue Descartes 87 (4):101.
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  20. Storia dell'arte e lotta di classe.Mario Perniola - 1973 - Rivista di Estetica 18:83.
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    A Connexive Conditional.Mario Günther - 2022 - Logos and Episteme 13 (1):55-63.
    We propose a semantics for a connexive conditional based on the Lewis-Stalnaker conditional. It is a connexive semantics that is both classical and intuitive.
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  22. A proposito di una recensione.Mario Casotti - 1937 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 29:441.
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    Goethe and the Greeks.Ludwig Edelstein & Humphry Trevelyan - 1945 - American Journal of Philology 66 (1):70.
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    Untersuchungen zur Uberlieferungsgeschichte der hippokratischen Schrift De locis in homine.Ludwig Edelstein & K. Schubring - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (1):98.
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  25. (1 other version)Stanley L. Jaki osb.Mario Enrique Sacchi - forthcoming - Sapientia.
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    Revealed Preferences in Intertemporal Decision Making.Ludwig Von Auer - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56 (3):269-290.
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    Lebenslügen.Ludwig Hasler - 2016 - In Marcel Meier Kressig & Mathias Lindenau (eds.), Miteinander Leben: Ethische Perspektiven Eines Komplexen Verhältnisses. Vadian Lectures Band 2. Transcript Verlag. pp. 95-110.
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    (1 other version)The history of philosophy as science: An outline.Mario L. Rybarczyk - 1974 - Studies in East European Thought 14 (1-2):89-91.
    The article presents the results of a more extensive work on soviet historiography of philosophy. the first thing to note is that there is a well-developed soviet historiography of philosophy. it has developed remarkably since 1947--including expansion of the history of the philosophy of the peoples of the soviet union. the article also discusses the principles that underlie soviet historiography of philosophy: partisanship, and the unity of historicism and internationalism. an examination of the discussions about the object of history of (...)
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  29. Briefwechsel Iv.Ludwig Schweigert, W. Rüstow, G. Junghann, Konrad Haag, Schibich, Wilhelm Bolin, O. Lüning, Eduard Löwenthal, C. J. Duboc, Ferdinand Kampe, Jac Moleschott, Emma Herwegh & L. Feuerbach - 1996 - De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
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    B. Zur erklärung und kritik der Schriftsteller.Ludwig Schmidt, G. F. Unger, Heinrich Schiller & Heinrich Köstlin - 1881 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 40 (2):383-389.
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    Galileo the Emblem Maker.Mario Biagioli - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):230-258.
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    From Print to Patents: Living on Instruments in Early Modern Europe.Mario Biagioli - 2006 - History of Science 44 (2):139-186.
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  33. Patent republic: Representing inventions, constructing rights and authors.Mario Biagioli - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (4):1129-1172.
  34. Davidson's naturalism.D. E. Mario - 2008 - In Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo (eds.), Knowledge, Language, and Interpretation: On the Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Ontos Verlag. pp. 14--183.
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  35. Tiempo y sujeto IX: Estudio de la conciencia en el marco de una nueva teoría del tiempo.Mario Toboso Martín - 2005 - A Parte Rei 39:9.
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  36. (1 other version)La teoria aristotelica della scienza, 1 vol.Mario Mignucci - 1966 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 21 (3):425-425.
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    Vorbemerkung.Ludwig Landgrebe - 1928 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 9:277.
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    Weighing intellectual property: Can we balance the social costs and benefits of patenting?Mario Biagioli - 2019 - History of Science 57 (1):140-163.
    The scale is the most famous emblem of the law, including intellectual property (IP). Because IP rights impose social costs on the public by limiting access to protected work, the law can be justified only to the extent that, on balance, it encourages enough creation and dissemination of new works to offset those costs. The scale is thus a potent rhetorical trope of fairness and objectivity, but also an instrument the law thinks with – one that is constantly invoked to (...)
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    Memoirs of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America: Domenico Maffei.Mario Ascheri, Robert Somerville & Ken Pennington - 2011 - Speculum 86 (3):866-867.
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    (1 other version)A Century of Genocide.Mario Baccianini - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (70):154-161.
    The fact diat die first formal recognition of die crime of genocide (crimen lesae humanitatis) took place at Nuremberg in 1945 is extremely significant. Those who, to quote Adorno, record the extermination camps as “working incidents” in the victorious advance of civilization, or see “the martyrdom of die Jews as an irrelevant episode in the context of universal history,” fail to grasp die dominating trait of twentieth century atrocities: the perverse secularization of die religious motivations of genocide in modern totalitarian (...)
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    Codiees Latini Antiquiores.Ludwig Bieler & E. A. Lowe - 1957 - American Journal of Philology 78 (4):448.
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  42. II oficina do grupo de filosofia antigua e medieval do CFUL.Mário André Salvador Carreiro & Rui Manuel Matos Filipe - 2012 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 39:197-198.
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  43. (1 other version)The Science of Character.Ludwig Klages & W. H. Johnson - 1929 - Mind 38 (152):513-520.
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  44. (1 other version)Ursprünge der Seelenforschung.Ludwig Klages - 1942 - Leipzig,: P. Reclam jun..
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    The Amen of the Stones.Ludwig Theobul Kosengarten & Charles T. Brooks - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):152-153.
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  46. Michel Henry y la crítica del intuicionismo.Mario Lipsitz - 2000 - A Parte Rei 10:3.
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    Grotius and the Changing Image of the Present International System and its Legal Order and Political Disorder.Mario'N. Mushkat - 1980 - Grotiana 1 (1):53-64.
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    La filosofia della libertà di Isaiah Berlin.Mario Ricciardi - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (1):117-130.
  49. L'autodifesa in Tommaso d'Aquino: Metafisica e azione: Nuovi approcci al tomismo.Mario Ricciardi - 2001 - Divus Thomas 104 (2):62-89.
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  50. A Plea for Man.MARIO M. ROSSI - 1956 - Philosophy 32 (123):373-373.
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