Results for 'Marius Claudy'

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  1.  56
    Piggy in the Middle: How Direct Customer Power Affects First-Tier Suppliers’ Adoption of Socially Responsible Procurement Practices and Performance.Paul McGrath, Marius Claudy, Lucy McCarthy & Donna Marshall - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1081-1102.
    Companies are faced with a choice of which type of power to use in their efforts to persuade their first-tier suppliers to adopt socially responsible procurement practices with key second-tier suppliers. However, we know little about how first-tier suppliers will react to different types of power and which are most effective in encouraging the adoption of socially responsible procurement practices. We are also ignorant of the impact of these practices on first-tier suppliers’ performance. This paper uses bases of power theory (...)
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    (1 other version)Les enjeux de la création d’Universcience.Claudie Haigneré - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 61 (3):, [ p.].
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    Sobre el método y los problemas de la antropología estructural.Claudi Esteva Fabregat - 1969 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 30:3-54.
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    Le Modèle à la Renaissance.Claudie Balavoine, Jean Lafond & Pierre Laurens (eds.) - 1986 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Erik Bjerck Hagen: Kampen om litteraturen. Hovedlinjer i norsk litteraturforskning og -kritikk 1920–2011.Mads B. Claudi - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (3-4):415-430.
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    Kampen om litteraturen - Replikk til Erik Bjerck Hagen.Mads B. Claudi - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 32 (1-2):536-540.
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    L'odyssée d'Adorno et Horkheimer.Claudie Hamel - 2010 - [Paris]: Ollendorff & Desseins. Edited by Frédéric Coché.
    Cette lecture illustrée de l'Odyssée d'Homère nous introduit aux thèses de la Dialectique de la Raison de Theodor W. Adorno et Max Horkheimer, une des oeuvres maîtresses de l'école dite de " Francfort ", écrite entre 1941 et 1944 au moment où la civilisation basculait dans le gouffre. Les deux auteurs y démontraient comme la raison occidentale fondatrice de la société européenne est viciée en son essence : une terreur originelle la motive. Sa relation à la Nature est pensée dans (...)
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    Esprit et liberté.Claudie Lavaud - 2001 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1:107-118.
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    Entropy, Free Energy, and Symbolization: Free Association at the Intersection of Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience.Thomas Rabeyron & Claudie Massicotte - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:507186.
    Both a method of therapy and an exploration of psychic reality, free association is a fundamental element of psychoanalytical practices that refers to the way a patient is asked to describe what comes spontaneously to mind in the therapeutic setting. This paper examines the role of free association from the point of view of psychoanalysis and neuroscience in order to improve our understanding of therapeutic effects induced by psychoanalytic therapies and psychoanalysis. In this regard, we first propose a global overview (...)
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    A Propos De L’Etre et L’Esprit de Laude Brauaire.Claudie Lavaud - 1985 - International Studies in Philosophy 17 (3):73-78.
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    De la terre natale de la vérité au Dieu se manifestant..Claudie Lavaud - 2006 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 77 (2):179.
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    Le Chouan romanesque: Balzac, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Hugo.Dorothy Kelly & Claudie Bernard - 1991 - Substance 20 (3):135.
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    (1 other version)Genèse d'une réflexion sur les femmes aux XIe et XIIe siècles.Claudie Duhamel-Amado - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:3-3.
    Cet exercice historiographique se propose de suivre le cheminement du thème des femmes - femmes nobles aux XIe et XIIe siècles : - dans l’œuvre de Georges Duby, plus précisément dans son cours, son séminaire et ses publications. Trois phases peuvent être identifiées entre 1953 (année de la parution de sa thèse sur le Mâconnais) et 1996 (année de la publication de la trilogie Dames du XIIe siècle, année de sa mort). 1) 1953-1973 : les questions liées à la condition (...)
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    (1 other version)Un séminaire : Sénanque.Claudie Duhamel-Amado - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:12-12.
    Parmi les séminaires que Georges Duby dirigea toute sa vie, ceux de Sénanque occupent une place particulière. Pendant trois ans, entre 1981 et 1983, il réunit des universitaires et des chercheurs autour de questions spécifiquement liées à l’histoire de la vie privée. L’Association des Amis de Sénanque (et en son sein le Cercle d’Etudes Médiévales) assurait la bonne organisation matérielle. Son directeur, Emmanuel Muheim, accueillait dans l’abbaye cistercienne provençale, pendant quelques jour..
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    Points of Contact: Integrating Traditional and Scientific Knowledge for Biocultural Conservation.Brendan Mackey & David Claudie - 2015 - Environmental Ethics 37 (3):341-357.
    Every region of the world is confronted with ongoing ecosystem degradation, species extinctions, and the loss of cultural diversity and knowledge associated with indigenous peoples. We face a global biocultural extinction crisis. The proposition that traditional knowledge along with scientific understanding can inform approaches to solving practical conservation problems has been widely accepted in principle. Attempts to promote a more bilateral approach, however, are hampered by the lack of a common framework for integrating the two knowledge systems in a way (...)
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    Motor Consciousness during Intention-Based and Stimulus-Based Actions: Modulating Attention Resources through Mindfulness Meditation.Yvonne Nathalie Delevoye-Turrell & Claudie Bobineau - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  17. L'ornementation métallique et ses altérations: Maître de Burgo de Osma..Elisabeth Martin, Myriam Eveno & Claudie Ressort - 1998 - Techne 7:105-108.
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    Exploring the relation between visual mental imagery and affect in the daily life of previously depressed and never depressed individuals.Christien Slofstra, Maaike H. Nauta, Emily A. Holmes, Elisabeth H. Bos, Marieke Wichers, Nikolaos Batalas, Nicola S. Klein & Claudi L. H. Bockting - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):1131-1138.
    ABSTRACTPreviously depressed individuals experience disturbances in affect. Affective disturbances may be related to visual mental imagery, given that imagery-based processing of emotional stimuli causes stronger affective responses than verbal processing in experimental laboratory studies. However, the role of imagery-based processing in everyday life is unknown. This study assessed mental imagery in the daily life of previously and never depressed individuals. Higher levels of visual mental imagery was hypothesised to be associated with more affective reactivity to both negatively and positively valenced (...)
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    Videoconferencing Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Outcome and Treatment Processes From a Non-randomized Non-inferiority Trial.Stéphane Bouchard, Micheline Allard, Geneviève Robillard, Stéphanie Dumoulin, Tanya Guitard, Claudie Loranger, Isabelle Green-Demers, André Marchand, Patrice Renaud, Louis-Georges Cournoyer & Giulia Corno - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Decline of Roman Statesmanship in Plutarch's Pyrrhus-Marius.Gaius Marius & T. F. Carney - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55:481-497.
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    The time course of perceptual choice: The leaky, competing accumulator model.Marius Usher & James L. McClelland - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (3):550-592.
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  22. A Statistical Referential Theory of Content: Using Information Theory to Account for Misrepresentation.Marius Usher - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (3):311-334.
    A naturalistic scheme of primitive conceptual representations is proposed using the statistical measure of mutual information. It is argued that a concept represents, not the class of objects that caused its tokening, but the class of objects that is most likely to have caused it (had it been tokened), as specified by the statistical measure of mutual information. This solves the problem of misrepresentation which plagues causal accounts, by taking the representation relation to be determined via ordinal relationships between conditional (...)
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  23. Kant's Natural Philosophy.Marius Stan - 2025 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element analyzes Kant's metaphysics and epistemology of the exact science of nature. It explains his theory of true motion and ontology of matter. In addition, it reconstructs the patterns of evidential reasoning behind Kant's foundational doctrines.
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  24. Emilie du Chatelet's Metaphysics of Substance.Marius Stan - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (3):477-496.
    Much early modern metaphysics grew with an eye to the new science of its time, but few figures took it as seriously as Emilie du Châtelet. Happily, her oeuvre is now attracting close, renewed attention, and so the time is ripe for looking into her metaphysical foundation for empirical theory. Accordingly, I move here to do just that. I establish two conclusions. First, du Châtelet's basic metaphysics is a robust realism. Idealist strands, while they exist, are confined to non-basic regimes. (...)
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    L'année 1790: Kant : Critique de la faculté de juger, beauté, vie, liberté : composé des actes du Colloque international tenu à Bordeaux du 5 au 8 avril 2006, sous le patronage de la Société d'Études Kantiennes de Langue Française, (Dijon, 13-15 mai 1993).Christophe Bouton, Fabienne Brugère & Claudie Lavaud - 2008 - Vrin.
    La Critique de la faculté de juger est l’une des œuvres de Kant qui a été la plus lue et discutée, de sa parution en 1790 à nos jours. Elle doit ce succès à la nouveauté et à la richesse de ses thématiques, qui s’organisent autour de trois concepts fondamentaux : beauté, vie, liberté.Les études rassemblées dans ce volume abordent la Critique de la faculté de juger selon ses aspects esthétiques et téléologique, tout en accordant une place importante à la (...)
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  26. Newtonianism and the physics of du Châtelet's Institutions de physique.Marius Stan - 2022 - In Anna Marie Roos & Gideon Manning (eds.), Collected Wisdom of the Early Modern Scholar: Essays in Honor of Mordechai Feingold. Springer. pp. 277-97.
    Much scholarship has claimed the physics of Emilie du Châtelet’s treatise, Institutions de physique, is Newtonian. I argue against that idea. To do so, I distinguish three strands of meaning for the category ‘Newtonian science,’ and I examine her book against them. I conclude that her physics is not Newtonian in any useful or informative sense. To capture what is specific about it, we need better interpretive categories.
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  27. Agency, Teleological Control and Robust Causation.Marius Usher - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (2):302-324.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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    Loss Aversion and Inhibition in Dynamical Models of Multialternative Choice.Marius Usher & James L. McClelland - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (3):757-769.
  29. Kant’s third law of mechanics: The long shadow of Leibniz.Marius Stan - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):493-504.
    This paper examines the origin, range and meaning of the Principle of Action and Reaction in Kant’s mechanics. On the received view, it is a version of Newton’s Third Law. I argue that Kant meant his principle as foundation for a Leibnizian mechanics. To find a ‘Newtonian’ law of action and reaction, we must look to Kant’s ‘dynamics,’ or theory of matter. I begin, in part I, by noting marked differences between Newton’s and Kant’s laws of action and reaction. I (...)
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    Activating episodic simulation increases affective empathy.Marius C. Vollberg, Brendan Gaesser & Mina Cikara - 2021 - Cognition 209 (C):104558.
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    No time for powers.Marius Backmann - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (9-10):979-1007.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper, I will investigate the compatibility of different metaphysics of time with the powers view. At first sight, it seems natural to combine some sort of powers ontology with a dy...
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  32. Consciousness without Report: Insights from Summary Statistics and Inattention ‘Blindness’.Marius Usher, Zohar Bronfman, Shiri Talmor, Hilla Jacobson & Baruch Eitam - 2018 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 (1755).
    We contrast two theoretical positions on the relation between phenomenal and access consciousness. First, we discuss previous data supporting a mild Overflow position, according to which transient visual awareness can overflow report. These data are open to two interpretations: (i) observers transiently experience specific visual elements outside attentional focus without encoding them into working memory; (ii) no specific visual elements but only statistical summaries are experienced in such conditions. We present new data showing that under data-limited conditions observers cannot discriminate (...)
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    Parts of me: Identity-relevance moderates self-prioritization.Marius Golubickis, Johanna K. Falbén, Nerissa S. P. Ho, Jie Sui, William A. Cunningham & C. Neil Macrae - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 77:102848.
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    Sticky me: Self-relevance slows reinforcement learning.Marius Golubickis & C. Neil Macrae - 2022 - Cognition 227 (C):105207.
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  35. Laws and natural philosophy.Marius Stan - forthcoming - In _The History and Philosophy of Science, 1450 to 1750._. Bloombury Press.
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  36. Consequentializing and Underdetermination.Marius Baumann - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):511-527.
    abstractThe paper explores a new interpretation of the consequentializing project. Three prominent interpretations are criticized for neglecting the explanatory dimension of moral theories. Instead...
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  37. Absolute Time: The Limit of Kant's Idealism.Marius Stan - 2019 - Noûs 53 (2):433-461.
    I examine here if Kant can explain our knowledge of duration by showing that time has metric structure. To do so, I spell out two possible solutions: time’s metric could be intrinsic or extrinsic. I argue that Kant’s resources are too weak to secure an intrinsic, transcendentally-based temporal metrics; but he can supply an extrinsic metric, based in a metaphysical fact about matter. I conclude that Transcendental Idealism is incomplete: it cannot account for the durative aspects of experience—or it can (...)
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  38. From metaphysical principles to dynamical laws.Marius Stan - 2021 - In David Marshall Miller & Dana Jalobeanu (eds.), The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 387-405.
    My thesis in this paper is: the modern concept of laws of motion—qua dynamical laws—emerges in 18th-century mechanics. The driving factor for it was the need to extend mechanics beyond the centroid theories of the late-1600s. The enabling result behind it was the rise of differential equations. -/- In consequence, by the mid-1700s we see a deep shift in the form and status of laws of motion. The shift is among the critical inflection points where early modern mechanics turns into (...)
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  39. Kant’s Early Theory of Motion.Marius Stan - 2009 - The Leibniz Review 19:29-61.
    This paper examines the young Kant’s claim that all motion is relative, and argues that it is the core of a metaphysical dynamics of impact inspired by Leibniz and Wolff. I start with some background to Kant’s early dynamics, and show that he rejects Newton’s absolute space as a foundation for it. Then I reconstruct the exact meaning of Kant’s relativity, and the model of impact he wants it to support. I detail (in Section II and III) his polemic engagement (...)
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  40. Newton's Concepts of Force among the Leibnizians.Marius Stan - 2017 - In Mordechai Feingold (ed.), The Reception of Isaac Newton in Europe. Cambridge University Press. pp. 244-289.
    I argue that the key dynamical concepts and laws of Newton's Principia never gained a solid foothold in Germany before Kant in the 1750s. I explain this absence as due to Leibniz. Thus I make a case for a robust Leibnizian legacy for Enlightenment science, and I solve what Jonathan Israel called “a meaningful historical problem on its own,” viz. the slow and hesitant reception of Newton in pre-Kantian Germany.
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  41. Doctrines of force in the Enlightenment.Marius Stan - forthcoming - In Aaron Garrett & James Schmidt (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of the Enlightenment. Oxford University Press.
  42. Newton and Wolff: The Leibnizian reaction to the Principia, 1716-1763.Marius Stan - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (3):459-481.
    Newton rested his theory of mechanics on distinct metaphysical and epistemological foundations. After Leibniz's death in 1716, the Principia ran into sharp philosophical opposition from Christian Wolff and his disciples, who sought to subvert Newton's foundations or replace them with Leibnizian ideas. In what follows, I chronicle some of the Wolffians' reactions to Newton's notion of absolute space, his dynamical laws of motion, and his general theory of gravitation. I also touch on arguments advanced by Newton's Continental followers, such as (...)
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    Wittgenstein’s Metametaphysics and the Realism-Idealism Debate.Marius Bartmann - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book develops a new Wittgenstein interpretation called Wittgenstein’s Metametaphysics. The basic idea is that one major strand in Wittgenstein’s early and later philosophy can be described as undermining the dichotomy between realism and idealism. The aim of this book is to contribute to a better understanding of the relation between language and reality and to open up avenues of dialogue to overcome deep divides in the research literature. In the course of developing a comprehensive and in-depth interpretation, the author (...)
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    Human-Level, but Non-Humanlike.Marius Dorobantu - 2021 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 8 (1):81.
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  45. Huygens on Inertial Structure and Relativity.Marius Stan - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (2):277-298.
    I explain and assess here Huygens’ concept of relative motion. I show that it allows him to ground most of the Law of Inertia, and also to explain rotation. Thereby his concept obviates the need for Newton’s absolute space. Thus his account is a powerful foundation for mechanics, though not without some tension.
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  46. Absolute Space and the Riddle of Rotation: Kant’s Response to Newton.Marius Stan - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 7:257-308.
    Newton had a fivefold argument that true motion must be motion in absolute space, not relative to matter. Like Newton, Kant holds that bodies have true motions. Unlike him, though, Kant takes all motion to be relative to matter, not to space itself. Thus, he must respond to Newton’s argument above. I reconstruct here Kant’s answer in detail. I prove that Kant addresses just one part of Newton’s case, namely, his “argument from the effects” of rotation. And, to show that (...)
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  47. Newton's Metaphysics: Essays by Eric Schliesser (review).Marius Stan - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (1):157-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Newton's Metaphysics: Essays by Eric SchliesserMarius StanEric Schliesser. Newton's Metaphysics: Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 328. Hardback, $99.90.Newton owes his high regard to the quantitative science he left us, but his overall picture of the world had some robustly metaphysical threads woven in as well. Posthumous judgment about the value of these threads has varied wildly. Christian Wolff thought him a metaphysical rustic, as did Hans (...)
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  48. Metaphysical Foundations of Neoclassical Mechanics.Marius Stan - 2017 - In Michela Massimi & Angela Breitenbach (eds.), Kant and the Laws of Nature. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 214-234.
    I examine here if Kant’s metaphysics of matter can support any late-modern versions of classical mechanics. I argue that in principle it can, by two different routes. I assess the interpretive costs of each approach, and recommend the most promising strategy: a mass-point approach.
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  49. Phoronomy: space, construction, and mathematizing motion.Marius Stan - 2022 - In Michael Bennett McNulty (ed.), Kant's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 80-97.
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    What’s in a gold standard? In defence of randomised controlled trials.Marius Backmann - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (4):513-523.
    The standardised randomised clinical trial (RCT) has been exceedingly popular in medical research, economics, and practical policy making. Recently, RCTs have faced criticism. First, it has been argued by John Worrall that we cannot be certain that our sample is not atypical with regard to possible confounding factors. I will argue that at least in the case of medical research, we know enough about the relevant causal mechanisms to be justified to ignore a number of factors we have good reason (...)
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