Results for 'Mark Garrison'

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  1.  18
    Zwischen Persepolis und Firuzabad: Gräber, Paläste, und Felsreliefs im alten PersienZwischen Persepolis und Firuzabad: Graber, Palaste, und Felsreliefs im alten Persien.Mark B. Garrison, Leo Trümpelmann & Leo Trumpelmann - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):275.
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    Relativity, Complementarity, Indeterminacy, and Psychological Theory.Mark Garrison - 1988 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 9 (2).
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    Introduction: Sharing Data in a Medical Information Commons.Amy L. McGuire, Mary A. Majumder, Angela G. Villanueva, Jessica Bardill, Juli M. Bollinger, Eric Boerwinkle, Tania Bubela, Patricia A. Deverka, Barbara J. Evans, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, David Glazer, Melissa M. Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Scott D. Kahn, Bartha M. Knoppers, Barbara A. Koenig, J. Mark Lambright, John E. Mattison, Christopher O'Donnell, Arti K. Rai, Laura L. Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, Sharon F. Terry, Adrian M. Thorogood, Michael S. Watson, John T. Wilbanks & Robert Cook-Deegan - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):12-20.
    Drawing on a landscape analysis of existing data-sharing initiatives, in-depth interviews with expert stakeholders, and public deliberations with community advisory panels across the U.S., we describe features of the evolving medical information commons. We identify participant-centricity and trustworthiness as the most important features of an MIC and discuss the implications for those seeking to create a sustainable, useful, and widely available collection of linked resources for research and other purposes.
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  4. The Mark of the Cognitive.Fred Adams & Rebecca Garrison - 2013 - Minds and Machines 23 (3):339-352.
    It is easy to give a list of cognitive processes. They are things like learning, memory, concept formation, reasoning, maybe emotion, and so on. It is not easy to say, of these things that are called cognitive, what makes them so? Knowing the answer is one very important reason to be interested in the mark of the cognitive. In this paper, consider some answers that we think do not work and then offer one of our own which ties cognition (...)
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    The Mark of the Cognitive: Reply to Elpidorou.Fred Adams & Rebecca Garrison - 2014 - Minds and Machines 24 (2):213-216.
    In a recent paper, Adams and Garrison offer an hypothesis about what constitutes the mark of the cognitive. In an even more recent paper, Elpidorou offers criticisms of our account. In this paper, we respond to Elpidourou’s criticisms and defend our account of the mark of the cognitive.
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    Exploring "The Vital Depths of Experience": A Reader's Response to Henning.Jim Garrison - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (1):90-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Exploring "The Vital Depths of Experience":A Reader's Response to HenningJim Garrisonbethany henning's dewey and the aesthetic unconscious is a much-needed and marvelous book. It explores the pragmatic unconscious as it reveals itself in the qualitative unity of artistic expression integrated with aesthetic appreciation and response. By illuminating the role of often unconscious impulses, feelings, desires, memories, imaginaries, habits, meanings, and more, that goes into creating or appreciating a work (...)
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    Refurbishing learning via complexity theory: Buddhist co-origination meets pragmatic transactionalism.Jim Garrison - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (5):420-428.
    Hager and Beckett assert that a ‘characteristic feature of … assorted co-present groups is that their processes and outputs are marked by the full gamut of human experiences involved in their functioning’. My paper endorses and further develops this claim. I begin by expanding on their emphasis upon the priority of relations in terms of Dewey and Bentley’s transactionalism and Buddhist dependent co-origination and emptiness. Next, I emphasize the importance of embodied perspectives in acquiring meaning and transforming the world. Here, (...)
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    Searching for a prophetic, tactful pedagogy: An attempt to deepen the knowledge, skills, and dispositions discourse around good teaching.Mark D. Vagle - 2008 - Education and Culture 24 (1):pp. 49-65.
    In this article, I attempt to deepen the Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions discourse around good teaching by appropriating Dewey's (1938) assertion that intelligent theorizing proceeds in a deep and inclusive manner. First, I highlight Darling-Hammond and Bransford's (2005) framework for good teaching and learning. I then locate pedagogical knowledge within this framework and draw upon Garrison's (1997) notion of prophetic teaching and van Manen's (1991a) notion of tactful teaching. I close by reflecting on how these notions are part of (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Reasoning About the Mark of the Cognitive: A Response to Adams and Garrison[REVIEW]Andreas Elpidorou - 2013 - Minds and Machines (2):1-11.
    I critically examine Adams and Garrison’s proposed necessary condition for the mark of the cognitive (Adams and Garrison in Minds Mach 23(3):339–352, 2013). After a brief presentation of their position, I argue not only that their proposal is in need of additional support, but also that it is too restrictive.
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    Garrison on Beauty in Artworks as a Response to Regulatory Power: A Focus on Butler and Kant.Kelly Coble - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):821-833.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Garrison on Beauty in Artworks as a Response to Regulatory PowerA Focus on Butler and KantKelly Coble (bio)As Garrison concedes, critical theory and Confucian philosophy will strike many of his readers as unlikely interlocutors. One would be hard-pressed to find two intellectual traditions more historically and culturally remote, and at least at first glance, more antithetical in their stances on authority and cultural power. In Reconsidering the (...)
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    Elam and Persia. Edited by Javier Álvarez-Mon and Mark B. Garrison.Edwin Yamauchi - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (1).
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    Ways of Meaning: An Introduction to a Phiosophy of Language.Mark de Bretton Platts - 1979 - Boston: MIT Press.
    This second edition of the book contains a new chapter on the notions of natural-kind words and natural kinds.
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  13. Talk about Beliefs.Mark Crimmins - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (3):420-421.
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    Cultural History and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges.Mark Poster & Professor Mark Poster - 1997 - Columbia University Press.
    In a series of incisive readings of signature historical works, Mark Poster charts the move from social history to new practices of cultural history that are drawing strength from poststructuralist interpretive strategies and raising issues found in feminist and postcolonialist discourse. In the process, he sets forth an outline for a postmodern historiography that can negotiate the contested terrain between the ambiguities of discourse and the pull of the "real." As Poster provides close readings of leading historians and theorists (...)
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    Ottoman Archaeology of the Middle Nile Valley in the Sudan.Intisar Elzein - 2009 - In A. C. S. Peacock (ed.), The Frontiers of the Ottoman World. British Academy. pp. 371.
    This chapter aims to provide an outline of the archaeological remains reflecting the Ottoman presence on the Middle Nile, with preliminary interpretation and suggestions for areas in which future research could most profitably concentrate. The Nubian frontier region of the Ottoman Empire is one of its least-known areas. It raises numerous questions relating to both Sudanese and Ottoman history, as well as the nature of relations between the Ottomans and the Funj, in which the Ottoman garrisons on the Middle Nile (...)
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  16. (1 other version)The Logic of the History of Ideas.Mark Bevir - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (200):407-409.
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    A Defense of Simulated Experience: New Noble Lies.Mark Silcox - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophers from Plato and Augustine to Heidegger, Nozick, and Baudrillard have warned us of the dangers of living on too heavy a diet of illusion and make-believe. But contemporary cultural life provides broader, more attractive opportunities to do so than have existed at any other point in history. The gentle forms of self-deceit that such experiences require of us, and that so many have regarded as ethically unwholesome or psychologically self-destructive, can in fact serve as vital means to political reconciliation, (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Borg’s Minimalism and the Problem of Paradox.Mark Pinder - 2014 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Semantics and Beyond: Philosophical and Linguistic Inquiries. Preface. De Gruyter. pp. 207-230.
    According to Emma Borg, minimalism is (roughly) the view that natural language sentences have truth conditions, and that these truth conditions are fully determined by syntactic structure and lexical content. A principal motivation for her brand of minimalism is that it coheres well with the popular view that semantic competence is underpinned by the cognition of a minimal semantic theory. In this paper, I argue that the liar paradox presents a serious problem for this principal motivation. Two lines of response (...)
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  19. What is blame and why do we love it?Mark D. Alicke, Ross Rogers & Sarah Taylor - 2018 - In Kurt Gray & Jesse Graham (eds.), Atlas of Moral Psychology. Guilford. pp. 382.
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  20. The natural environment is valuable but not infinitely valuable.Mark Colyvan, James Justus & Helen M. Regan - 2010 - Conservation Letters 3:224-228.
    It has been argued in the conservation literature that giving conservation absolute priority over competing interests would best protect the environment. Attributing infinite value to the environment or claiming it is ‘priceless’ are two ways of ensuring this priority (e.g. Hargrove 1989; Bulte and van Kooten 2000; Ackerman and Heinzerling 2002; McCauley 2006; Halsing and Moore 2008). But such proposals would paralyse conservation efforts. We describe the serious problems with these proposals and what they mean for practical applications, and we (...)
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  21. Ricardian Economics: A Historical Study.Mark Blaug - 1959 - Science and Society 23 (3):263-266.
  22. Intuition and Ineffability: Tacit Knowledge and Engineering Design.Mark Young - 2018 - In Albrecht Fritzsche & Sascha Julian Oks (eds.), The Future of Engineering: Philosophical Foundations, Ethical Problems and Application Cases. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Introduction to Call for Papers on Ethics of War.Maciej Zając - 2024 - Etyka 59 (1-2):7-9.
    The field of war ethics changes its focus, and grows, in reaction to salient conflicts of the day – and this is how things should be. World War II made the deficiencies of contemporary law and policy crystal clear, remaining the obvious reference point up to this day. It was in reaction to the atrocities of the Vietnam War that Michael Walzer and others made just war theory relevant again, featured in military academies and politician’s speeches. The Iraq War inspired (...)
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    Demarcating the Realm of Cognition.Somogy Varga - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie (3):435-450.
    The Extended Mind Hypothesis has given rise to stimulating philosophical debates about the boundaries of the realm of the cognitive. This paper first investigates the usefulness of a “mark of the cognitive,” and then focuses on two accounts that aim to provide such a mark, put forward by Fred Adams and Rebecca Garrison on one side and Mark Rowlands on the other. The paper provides a critical assessment of these accounts and uses empirical work on emotion (...)
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  25. Society and Sentiment: Genres of Historical Writing in Britain, 1740–1820.MARK SALBER PHILLIPS - 2000
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    Overzicht van het Vlaamse politiek gebeuren in 1999.Mark Deweerdt - 2000 - Res Publica 42 (2-3):305-332.
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    Overzicht van het Belgisch politiek gebeuren.Mark Deweerdt - 1994 - Res Publica 36 (3-4):233-268.
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  28. The ways of Machiavelli and the ways of politics.Mark Fleisher - 1995 - History of Political Thought 16 (3):330-355.
    The contemporary canon of what constitutes ancient political thought was fixed in the course of the nineteenth century by the then newly reigning discipline of the philosophy of history. It made little difference whether this discipline was positivistically or dialectically inclined. Whatever the methodological commitment there was general agreement that the sources of ancient wisdom on the nature and ends of social and political life were to be found in the political and ethical writings of Plato and Aristotle and, to (...)
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    Reliabilism, Lotteries, and Safaris.Mark V. McEvoy - 2018 - Philosophical Forum 49 (3):325-333.
    Lottery puzzles involve an ordinary piece of knowledge which seems to imply knowledge of a so-called “lottery proposition,” which itself seems unknown: I might be said to know that I won’t be going on safari next year. But if I were to win the lottery, I would go, and I don’t know that I won’t win the lottery. Examples can be multiplied. Thus we seem left either with the paradoxical position of knowing certain ordinary propositions, but failing to know the (...)
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  30. In)Digitizing Cáuigú historical geographies : technoscience as a postcolonial discourse.Mark H. Palmer - 2012 - In Alexander von Lünen & Charles Travis (eds.), History and GIS: epistemologies, considerations and reflections. Dordrecht: Springer.
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    Counterfactuals in epistemology.Mark Pastin - 1977 - Synthese 34 (4):479 - 495.
  32. Aesacus Risen.Mark Rudman - forthcoming - Arion.
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  33. A neglected issue in the 3d/4d debate.Mark Scala - manuscript
    If temporal parts are bona fide parts, then it is fitting to clarify and extend that notion (and related ones) using the resources of a theory of parts. But it often seems that those engaged in the 3D/4D debate appear to take for granted that, aside from introducing a welcome measure of rigor to the discussion, issues regarding theories of parthood can be allowed to recede into the background. What follows challenges that assumption — I demonstrate that the nature of (...)
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  34. Extracellular Matrix: Chemistry, Biology, and Pathobiology with Emphasis on the Liver.Mark A. Zern & Lola M. Reid - 1994 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 38 (1):139.
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    Autobiography as a Politics of Metissage: A Pedagogy of Encounter.Mark Zuss - 1995 - Education and Culture 12 (2):5.
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    Current Controversies in Virtue.Mark Alfano (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Virtue is among the most venerable concepts in philosophy, and has recently seen a major revival. However, new challenges to conceptions of virtue have also arisen. In _Current Controversies in Virtue Theory_, five pairs of cutting-edge philosophers square off over central topics in virtue theory: the nature of virtue, the connection between virtue and flourishing, the connection between moral and epistemic virtues, the way in which virtues are acquired, and the possibility of attaining virtue. Mark Alfano guides his readers (...)
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    Dewey and the Logic of Legal Reasoning.Mark Mendell - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (3):575 - 635.
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    Liberalism, Environmentalism, and the Principle of Neutrality.Mark A. Michael - 2000 - Public Affairs Quarterly 14 (1):39-56.
  39. The Personhood of the Separated Soul.Mark K. Spencer - 2014 - Nova et Vetera 12 (3).
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    Rational analysis as a link between human memory and information retrieval.Mark Steyvers & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2008 - In Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford (eds.), The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 329--349.
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    In Defense of the Intention/Foresight Distinction.Mark P. Aulisio - 1995 - American Philosophical Quarterly 32 (4):341 - 354.
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    When God was a bird: Christianity, Animism, and the re-enchantment of the world.Mark I. Wallace - 2018 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    New scholarship paves the way for Earth-loving spirituality grounded in the ancientChristian image of God as an avian life form.
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  43. Introduction: Hubert Dreyfus and the phenomenology of human intelligence.Mark A. Wrathall - 2014 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus (ed.), Skillful Coping: Essays on the Phenomenology of Everyday Perception and Action. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    In, Out Me, You Mental, Moral Where Do I Begin?Mark D. Rego - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):331-334.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In, Out Me, You Mental, Moral Where Do I Begin?Mark D. Rego (bio)I once attended a Buddhist meditation retreat, led by an American meditation teacher. The instructor had studied and practiced is Asia for many years and was well versed in the practices and teachings of Buddhism. Among his opening remarks was something along the line of the following: "One question that is asked on every retreat is, (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Journeys to Selfhood: Hegel and Kierkegaard.Mark C. Taylor - 1981. - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (4):245-246.
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  46. Revivals of Non-Cognitivism.Mark Alfano - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (3):330-331.
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  47. Apologetics.Mark Edwards - 2008 - In Susan Ashbrook Harvey & David G. Hunter (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies. Oxford University Press.
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    4 The Classical Reveries of Modern Yoga.Mark Singleton - 2008 - In Mark Singleton & Jean Byrne (eds.), Yoga in the modern world: contemporary perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 7--77.
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  49. Administering Civil Society: Towards a Theory of State Power.Mark Neocleous - 1996
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    Animal century: a celebration of changing attitudes to animals.Mark Gold - 1998 - Charlbury, Oxfordshire: J. Carpenter.
    Animal Century records some of the most important events and influences behind this often overlooked element of our social history, paying tribute to the courage and endurance that has helped to create a groundswell of public sympathy for our fellow creatures in many countries of the world. Mark Gold's moving and thought-provoking account includes in-depth previously unpublished interviews with many key players - including Maneka Gandhi, Jane Goodall, Celia Hammond, Virginia McKenna and Peter Singer - and celebrates the compassion (...)
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