Results for 'Marta Genu Soares'

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  1.  12
    Improved Perception of Aggression Under (un)Related Threat of Shock.Fábio Silva, Marta I. Garrido & Sandra C. Soares - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (5):e13451.
    Anxiety shifts visual attention and perceptual mechanisms, preparing oneself to detect potentially threatening information more rapidly. Despite being demonstrated for threat‐related social stimuli, such as fearful expressions, it remains unexplored if these effects encompass other social cues of danger, such as aggressive gestures/actions. To this end, we recruited a total of 65 participants and asked them to identify, as quickly and accurately as possible, potentially aggressive actions depicted by an agent. By introducing and manipulating the occurrence of electric shocks, we (...)
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    Social anxiety under load: the effects of perceptual load in processing emotional faces.Sandra C. Soares, Marta Rocha, Tiago Neiva, Paulo Rodrigues & Carlos F. Silva - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Can Finance Be a Virtuous Practice? A MacIntyrean Account.Marta Rocchi, Ignacio Ferrero & Ron Beadle - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (1):75-105.
    ABSTRACTFinance may suffer from institutional deformations that subordinate its distinctive goods to the pursuit of external goods, but this should encourage attempts to reform the institutionalization of finance rather than to reject its potential for virtuous business activity. This article argues that finance should be regarded as a domain-relative practice. Alongside management, its moral status thereby varies with the purposes it serves. Hence, when practitioners working in finance facilitate projects that create common goods, it allows them to develop virtues. This (...)
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    Towards an Integrated View of the Neoplastic Phenomena in Cancer Research.Marta Bertolaso - 2009 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 31 (1):79 - 97.
    Cancer research has been at the forefront of biomedical activity in recent decades, and advances in molecular biology have provided a growing amount of information on the mechanisms involved in the etiopathogenesis of tumors. Nevertheless, despite these advances, the complexity of cancer is more evident, especially as different levels of phenomena are considered to explain the heterogeneity of the neoplastic process. A synthetic analysis of advances in cancer research illustrates these changes. In attempting to overcome the limits of epistemological reductionism, (...)
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  5. Husserlian Horizons, Cognitive Affordances and Motivating Reasons for Action.Marta Jorba - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (5):1-22.
    According to Husserl’s phenomenology, the intentional horizon is a general structure of experience. However, its characterisation beyond perceptual experience has not been explored yet. This paper aims, first, to fill this gap by arguing that there is a viable notion of cognitive horizon that presents features that are analogous to features of the perceptual horizon. Secondly, it proposes to characterise a specific structure of the cognitive horizon—that which presents possibilities for action—as a cognitive affordance. Cognitive affordances present cognitive elements as (...)
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  6. Presupposition cancellation: explaining the ‘soft–hard’ trigger distinction.Márta Abrusán - 2016 - Natural Language Semantics 24 (2):165-202.
    Some presuppositions are easier to cancel than others in embedded contexts. This contrast has been used as evidence for distinguishing two fundamentally different kinds of presuppositions, ‘soft’ and ‘hard’. ‘Soft’ presuppositions are usually assumed to arise in a pragmatic way, while ‘hard’ presuppositions are thought to be genuine semantic presuppositions. This paper argues against such a distinction and proposes to derive the difference in cancellation from inherent differences in how presupposition triggers interact with the context: their focus sensitivity, anaphoricity, and (...)
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    Baby schema in human and animal faces induces cuteness perception and gaze allocation in children.Marta Borgi, Irene Cogliati-Dezza, Victoria Brelsford, Kerstin Meints & Francesca Cirulli - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The spectrum of perspective shift: protagonist projection versus free indirect discourse.Márta Abrusán - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (4):839-873.
    This paper examines a little studied type of perspective shift that I call protagonist projection, following Holton :625–628, 1997). PP is a way of describing the mental state of a protagonist that conveys, to some extent, her perspective. Similarly to its better known cousin free indirect discourse, the shift in perspective is achieved without an overt operator. Unlike FID, PP is not based on a presumed speech-act of a protagonist. Rather, it gives a linguistic form to pre-verbal perceptual content, sensations, (...)
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  9. A note on degrees of subsets.Robert I. Soare - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (2):256.
    In [2] we constructed an infinite set of natural numbers containing no subset of higher (Turing) degree. Since it is well known that there are nonrecursive sets (e.g. sets of minimal degree) containing no nonrecursive subset of lower degree, it is natural to suppose that these arguments may be combined, but this is false. We prove that every infinite set must contain a nonrecursive subset of either higher or lower degree.
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  10. Corporate versus individual moral responsibility.C. Soares - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (2):143 - 150.
    There is a clear tendency in contemporary political/legal thought to limit agency to individual agents, thereby denying the existence and relevance of collective moral agency in general, and corporate agency in particular. This tendency is ultimately rooted in two particular forms of individualism – methodological and fictive (abstract) – which have their source in the Enlightenment. Furthermore, the dominant notion of moral agency owes a lot to Kant whose moral/legal philosophy is grounded exclusively on abstract reason and personal autonomy, to (...)
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  11. But I Was So Sure! Metacognitive Judgments Are Less Accurate Given Prospectively than Retrospectively.Marta Siedlecka, Borysław Paulewicz & Michał Wierzchoń - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  12.  28
    Conceitos sem fronteiras: Frege e Wittgenstein.Maria Luísa Couto Soares - 2014 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 23 (45):175-192.
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  13. O mito de Ariadna.Carmen Soares - 2006 - Humanitas 58:45-52.
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    Metaphors of intersectionality: Reframing the debate with a new proposal.Marta Jorba & Maria Rodó-Zárate - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1):23-38.
    Whereas intersectionality presents a fruitful framework for theoretical and empirical research, some of its fundamental features present great confusion. The term ‘intersectionality’ and its metaphor of the crossroads seem to reproduce what it aims to avoid: conceiving categories as separate. Despite the attempts for developing new metaphors that illustrate the mutual constitution relation among categories, gender, race or class keep being imagined as discrete units that intersect, mix or combine. Here we identify two main problems in metaphors: the lack of (...)
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  15. The infinite injury priority method.Robert I. Soare - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (2):513-530.
  16.  47
    Motor response influences perceptual awareness judgements.Marta Siedlecka, Justyna Hobot, Zuzanna Skóra, Borysław Paulewicz, Bert Timmermans & Michał Wierzchoń - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 75:102804.
  17. Phenomenal contrast arguments: What they achieve.Marta Jorba & Agustín Vicente - 2019 - Mind and Language 35 (3):350-367.
    Phenomenal contrast arguments (PCAs) are normally employed as arguments showing that a certain mental feature contributes to (the phenomenal character of) experience, that certain contents are represented in experience and that kinds of sui generis phenomenologies such as cognitive phenomenology exist. In this paper we examine a neglected aspect of such arguments, i.e., the kind of mental episodes involved in them, and argue that this happens to be a crucial feature of the arguments. We use linguistic tools to determine the (...)
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    Pet Face: Mechanisms Underlying Human-Animal Relationships.Marta Borgi & Francesca Cirulli - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    (1 other version)Comparing and combining covert and overt untruthfulness.Marta Dynel - 2016 - Pragmatics and Cognition 23 (1):174-208.
    This paper aims to differentiate between lying and irony, typically addressed independently by philosophers and linguists, as well as to discuss the cases when deception co-occurs with, and capitalises on, irony or metaphor. It is argued that the focal distinction can be made with reference to Grice’s first maxim of Quality, whose floutings lead to overt untruthfulness, and whose violations result in covert untruthfulness. Both types of untruthfulness are divided into explicit and implicit subtypes depending on the level of meaning (...)
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  20.  18
    Research, education, ethics consultation: evaluating a Bioethics Unit in an Oncological Research Hospital.Marta Perin, Elena Turola, Giovanna Artioli, Luca Ghirotto, Massimo Costantini, Morten Magelssen & Ludovica De Panfilis - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundThis study aims to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the activities of a Bioethics Unit (BU) 5 years since its implementation (2016–2020). The BU is a research unit providing empirical research on ethical issues related to clinical practice, clinical ethics consultation, and ethical education for health care professionals (HPS).MethodsWe performed an explanatory, sequential, mixed-method, observational study, using the subsequent qualitative data to explain the initial quantitative findings. Quantitative data were collected from an internal database and analyzed by descriptive analysis. Qualitative evaluation (...)
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  21.  17
    The Virtues of Shame: Aristotle on the Positive Role of Shame in Moral Development.Marta Jimenez - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
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    Proof Theory for Positive Logic with Weak Negation.Marta Bílková & Almudena Colacito - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):649-686.
    Proof-theoretic methods are developed for subsystems of Johansson’s logic obtained by extending the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic with weak negations. These methods are exploited to establish properties of the logical systems. In particular, cut-free complete sequent calculi are introduced and used to provide a proof of the fact that the systems satisfy the Craig interpolation property. Alternative versions of the calculi are later obtained by means of an appropriate loop-checking history mechanism. Termination of the new calculi is proved, and (...)
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  23.  92
    Conceptual Challenges in the Theoretical Foundations of Systems Biology.Marta Bertolaso & Emanuele Ratti - 2018 - In Mariano Bizzarri (ed.), Systems Biology. Springer, Humana Press. pp. 1-13.
    In the last decade, Systems Biology has emerged as a conceptual and explanatory alternative to reductionist-based approaches in molecular biology. However, the foundations of this new discipline need to be fleshed out more carefully. In this paper, we claim that a relational ontology is a necessary tool to ground both the conceptual and explanatory aspects of Systems Biology. A relational ontology holds that relations are prior—both conceptually and explanatory—to entities, and that in the biological realm entities are defined primarily by (...)
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  24.  7
    The Flesh of Images: Merleau-Ponty Between Painting and Cinema.Marta Nijhuis (ed.) - 2015 - State University of New York Press.
    _Highlights Merleau-Ponty’s interest in film and connects it to his aesthetic theory._.
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    The Recognition of Emotions in Music and Landscapes: Extending Contour Theory.Marta Benenti & Cristina Meini - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (3):647-664.
    While inanimate objects can neither experience nor express emotions, in principle they can be expressive of emotions. In particular, music is a paradigmatic example of something expressive of emotions that surely cannot feel anything at all. The Contour theory accounts for music expressiveness in terms of those resemblances that hold between its external and perceivable properties and the typical contour of human emotional behavior. Provided that some critical aspects are emended – notably, the stress on the perception of similarity instead (...)
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  26.  47
    Corporate Legal Responsibility: A Levinasian Perspective.Conceição Soares - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):545-553.
    In this article I will look into Corporate Legal Responsibility taking into account Levinas’s notion of infinite responsibility, as well as his understanding of ethical language. My account of Levinas’s philosophy will show that it challenges – breaking down – deeply entrenched distinctions in the dominant strands of moral philosophy, within which the theory of individual responsibility is embedded, such as between:(1) duty to others on the one hand and supererogation on the other; (2) perfect duty to others on the (...)
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  27.  26
    Aesthetic Pragmatism and Feminism of Jane Addams.Marta Vaamonde Gamo - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (1).
    This article aims to contribute to the recognition of Jane Addams' aesthetic reflections. Her reflections extended pragmatism by anticipating some themes of Dewey’s aesthetics and some of its current aesthetic derivations. Addams broke down the barriers that separated art and life with the practices at Hull House in which immigrants of different ethnicities and women had an active and leading part. She thus expanded the social meaning of some of the avant-garde art movements that influenced her, such as the Art (...)
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    Firms Talk, Suppliers Walk: Analyzing the Locus of Greenwashing in the Blame Game and Introducing ‘Vicarious Greenwashing’.Marta Pizzetti, Lucia Gatti & Peter Seele - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):21-38.
    Greenwashing is a phenomenon that is linked to scandals that often occur at the supply-chain level. Nevertheless, research on this subject remains in its infancy; much more is needed to advance our understanding of stakeholders’ reactions to greenwashing. We propose here a new typology of greenwashing, based on the locus of discrepancy, i.e. the point along the supply-chain where the discrepancy between ‘responsible words’ and ‘irresponsible walks’ occurs. With three experiments, we tested how the different forms of greenwashing affect stakeholders’ (...)
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  29.  17
    False friends or real friends? False cognates show advantage in word form learning.Marta Marecka, Jakub Szewczyk, Agnieszka Otwinowska, Joanna Durlik, Małgorzata Foryś-Nogala, Katarzyna Kutyłowska & Zofia Wodniecka - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104477.
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    (1 other version)Smart cities: reviewing the debate about their ethical implications.Marta Ziosi, Benjamin Hewitt, Prathm Juneja, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-16.
    This paper considers a host of definitions and labels attached to the concept of smart cities to identify four dimensions that ground a review of ethical concerns emerging from the current debate. These are: network infrastructure, with the corresponding concerns of control, surveillance, and data privacy and ownership; post-political governance, embodied in the tensions between public and private decision-making and cities as post-political entities; social inclusion, expressed in the aspects of citizen participation and inclusion, and inequality and discrimination; and sustainability, (...)
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    The near-failure of advance directives: why they should not be abandoned altogether, but their role radically reconsidered.Marta Spranzi & Véronique Fournier - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (4):563-568.
    Advance directives have been hailed for two decades as the best way to safeguard patients’ autonomy when they are totally or partially incompetent. In many national contexts they are written into law and they are mostly associated with end-of-life decisions. Although advocates and critics of ADs exchange relevant empirical and theoretical arguments, the debate is inconclusive. We argue that this is so for good reasons: the ADs’ project is fraught with tensions, and this is the reason why they are both (...)
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    Visual awareness judgments are sensitive to accuracy feedback in stimulus discrimination tasks.Marta Siedlecka, Michał Wereszczyński, Borysław Paulewicz & Michał Wierzchoń - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 86:103035.
  33.  13
    Acquisition of a Transparent Gender System: A Comparison of Italian and Croatian.Marta Velnić - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  34. Aristotelian dialectic and the discovery of truth.Marta Wlodarczyk - 2000 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 18:153-210.
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    The virtues of COVID‐19 pandemic: How working from home can make us the best (or the worst) version of ourselves.Marta Rocchi & Caleb Bernacchio - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (3):685-700.
    The combined effect of technological innovations in the workplace and the lockdowns imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly increased the prominence of remote working, with an undeniable impact on both business and society. In light of this organizational and sociological change, this article analyzes how this renewed work environment can be the place where workers can develop several relevant virtues, specifically moderation, integrity, and mercy. This new environment may also present the opportunity to develop a number of opposing vices, (...)
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    Dynamic properties of computably enumerable sets.Robert I. Soare - 1996 - In S. B. Cooper, T. A. Slaman & S. S. Wainer (eds.), Computability, enumerability, unsolvability: directions in recursion theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 224--105.
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  37. Confiança e Medo na Cidade/Zygmund Bauman.Maria Lúcia de Amorim Soares & Eliete Jussara Nogueira - 2009 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 11 (1).
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  38. O neoconstitucionalismo E a concretização da dignidade da Pessoa idosa.Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares & Gilson Alves de Santana Júnior - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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    Staging the self by performing the other: Global fantasies and the migration of the projective imagination 1.Luiz E. Soares - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (2):288-304.
    (1998). Staging the self by performing the other: Global fantasies and the migration of the projective imagination 1. Cultural Values: Vol. 2, No. 2-3, pp. 288-304.
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  40. Engaging in Creativity Broadens Attentional Scope.Marta K. Wronska, Alina Kolańczyk & Bernard A. Nijstad - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    ¿Predicando la Moral en Calzoncillos?Marta B. Calás & Linda Smircich - 1997 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:50-79.
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  42.  19
    Heritage-based tribalism in Big Data ecologies: Deploying origin myths for antagonistic othering.Marta Krzyzanska & Chiara Bonacchi - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    This article presents a conceptual and methodological framework to study heritage-based tribalism in Big Data ecologies by combining approaches from the humanities, social and computing sciences. We use such a framework to examine how ideas of human origin and ancestry are deployed on Twitter for purposes of antagonistic ‘othering’. Our goal is to equip researchers with theory and analytical tools for investigating divisive online uses of the past in today’s networked societies. In particular, we apply notions of heritage, othering and (...)
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  43.  29
    Does Music Training Improve Emotion Recognition Abilities? A Critical Review.Marta Martins, Ana P. Pinheiro & César F. Lima - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (3):199-210.
    There is widespread interest in the possibility that music training enhances nonmusical abilities. This possibility has been examined primarily for speech perception and domain-general abilities su...
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    Inductive Reasoning with Multi-dimensional Concepts.Marta Sznajder - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (2):465-484.
    Attribute spaces are a type of conceptual spaces which Carnap introduced in his late basic system of inductive logic. This article shows how to extend Carnap's use of them into a full model of inductive reasoning with geometrically represented concepts, extending my earlier work. The proposed model draws on Bayesian non-parametric techniques in order to define a probability distribution over the attribute space and a way of updating it with data. The model is another example of conceptual and formal continuity (...)
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    Socioemotional Features and Resilience in Italian University Students with and without Dyslexia.Marta Ghisi, Gioia Bottesi, Anna M. Re, Silvia Cerea & Irene C. Mammarella - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    When Living and Working Well Together in Organizations Changes Into Good Social Coexistence: The Talent Club Case.Marta Elena, Marzana Daniela, Aresi Giovanni & Pozzi Maura - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):266-283.
    In our contemporary age, where a combination of individualism and mutual distrust is unhappily common among people and society is “liquid” and disoriented, so-called intermediate units are a precious resource that promotes positive coexistence within organizations and in local communities, too. The present contribution describes an example of such an intermediate unit, the Talent Club, located in a peripheral neighborhood of a metropolitan area in northern Italy. This case study shows the development of positive living and working together in organizations (...)
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  47.  39
    Intersectionality as emergence.Marta Jorba & Dan López de Sa - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (6):1455-1475.
    Intersectionality is the notion that concerns the complexity of the experiences of individuals in virtue of their belonging to multiple socially significant categories. One of its main insights is that the way society is structured around categories such as gender, race, sexuality, class, etc., produces distinctive and specific forms of discrimination and privilege for groups in the intersections. In this paper, we suggest conceiving intersectionality as a general metaphysical framework wherein specific claims to the effect that the experiences of discrimination (...)
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    Metaphysical Explanation Separated from Grounding.Márta Ujvári - 2020 - Metaphysica 21 (1):55-69.
    Grounding is typically associated to metaphysical explanation on the basis of the explanatory role’s being characteristic of grounding as well. Some even say that all what metaphysical explanation does is tracking the grounding relation. However, recently Maurin has argued that grounding does not “inherit” its properties from metaphysical explanation and, consequently, we should be “separatists”. In this paper separatism will be defended from the perspective of metaphysical explanation thus giving a turn to the separatist strategy. In particular, the structural difference (...)
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    Systems biology reveals biology of systems.Marta Bertolaso, Alessandro Giuliani & Laura De Gara - 2011 - Complexity 16 (6):10-16.
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    Turning speaker meaning on its head: Non-verbal communication an intended meanings.Marta Dynel - 2011 - Pragmatics and Cognition 19 (3):422-447.
    This article addresses the issue of non-verbal communication in the light of the Gricean conceptualisation of intentionally conveyed meanings. The first goal is to testify that non-verbal cues can be interpreted as nonnatural meanings and speaker meanings, which partake in intentional communication. Secondly, it is argued that non-verbal signals, exemplified by gestures, are similar to utterances which generate the communicator's what is said and/or conversational implicatures, together with their different subtypes and manifestations. Both of these objectives necessitate a critical overview (...)
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