Results for 'Martin Reddington'

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  1.  27
    Funding the frontier – the Human Frontier Science Program.Martin Reddington - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (10):842-844.
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    DNA methylation reprogramming in cancer: Does it act by re‐configuring the binding landscape of Polycomb repressive complexes?James P. Reddington, Duncan Sproul & Richard R. Meehan - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):134-140.
    DNA methylation is a repressive epigenetic mark vital for normal development. Recent studies have uncovered an unexpected role for the DNA methylome in ensuring the correct targeting of the Polycomb repressive complexes throughout the genome. Here, we discuss the implications of these findings for cancer, where DNA methylation patterns are widely reprogrammed. We speculate that cancer‐associated reprogramming of the DNA methylome leads to an altered Polycomb binding landscape, influencing gene expression by multiple modes. As the Polycomb system is responsible for (...)
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    The Ethical Implications of Using Genetic Information in Personnel Selection.Brent B. Clark, Chet E. Barney & Tyler Reddington - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (2):144-162.
    Biology, during the last decade in particular, is making substantial headway into our social theories of business and behavior. While the social sciences rush to keep up with the advancement of knowledge, we highlight the need for an ethics discussion to also keep pace. Although the implications to theory are important, our focus is on how new knowledge has the capacity to alter the formulation and practice of business policy, which we believe is potentially profound. Furthermore, the ethicality of a (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant and the problem of metaphysics.Martin Heidegger - 1962 - Bloomington,: Indiana University Press.
    The work is significant not only for its illuminating assessment of Kant's thought but also for its elaboration of themes first broached in Being and Time, ...
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    Prolegomena zur Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs.Martin Heidegger & Petra Jaeger - 1979 - Verlag Vittorio Klostermann.
    Heidegger hielt die unter dem Titel Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs angekundigte Vorlesung im Sommer-Semester 1925 in der Marburger Universitat. Er gelangte jedoch nicht mehr zur Ausfuhrung der zentralen Thematik. Der Themenkreis der Vorlesung ist mit der Nennung des Untertitels abgesteckt: Prolegomena zu einer Phanomenologie von Geschichte und Natur. Heideggers thematische Uberlegungen beginnen mit einer Kennzeichnung der Situation von Philosophie und Wissenschaft in der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts und stellen das seiner Deutung nach entscheidende Ereignis dieser Zeit heraus: den Durchbruch der (...)
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    Holzwege.Martin Heidegger - 1950 - Frankfurt a. M.,: V. Klostermann. Edited by Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann.
    Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes.--Die Zeit des Weltbildes.--Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung.--Nietzsches Wort "Gott ist tot".--Wozu Dichter?--Der Spruch des Anaximander.
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  7.  36
    Die Technik und die Kehre.Martin Heidegger - 1962 - [Pfullingen]: Neske.
    Wie kein anderer Philosoph vor oder nach ihm thematisierte Heidegger die metaphysischen Denkschemata, die der abendländisch-neuzeitlichen Technikentwicklung zugrunde liegen. Auf verständliche Weise rekonstruiert dieses Buch Heideggers radikal metaphysikkritischen Ansatz vor dem Hintergrund seiner frühen und mittleren Schriften. Dabei wird nicht nur deutlich, wie sehr sein spätes Denken der Technik in Kontinuität zu seinem frühen fundamentalontologischen Projekt (und dessen Scheitern) steht, sondern es werden auch die Alternativen zum rechnenden Denken und Handeln in Kunst und Dichtung aufgezeigt. (Quelle:
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    Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Logik im Ausgang von Leibniz.Martin Heidegger & Klaus Held - 1978 - V. Klostermann.
  9.  10
    Logik: die Frage nach der Wahrheit.Martin Heidegger & Walter Biemel - 1976 - Verlag Vittorio Klostermann.
    Im ersten Hauptstück dieser Vorlesung interpretiert Heidegger die Wahrheitsfrage bei Aristoteles, insbesondere das Kapitel 10 des IX. Buches der Metaphysik. Das zweite Hauptstück entfaltet ein radikalisiertes Fragen nach der Wahrheit im Sinne der Zeitproblematik, wie sie die Daseinsanalytik ermöglicht; hier steht die Interpretation von Kants 'Kritik der reinen Vernunft' im Zentrum. Zum Verständnis der Genese von Heideggers Denken ist die Kenntnis dieser Vorlesung unentbehrlich.
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    The Right to Higher Education: A Political Theory.Christopher Martin - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    "Is higher education a right, or a privilege? This author argues that all citizens in a free and open society should have an unconditional right to higher education. Such an education should be costless for the individual and open to everyone regardless of talent. A readiness and willingness to learn should be the only qualification. It should offer opportunities that benefit citizens with different interests and goals in life. And it should aim, as its foundational moral purpose, to help citizens (...)
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  11. Sensory-perceptual episodic memory and its context: autobiographical memory.Martin A. Conway - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway, Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press.
  12.  54
    The Virtues and Vices of Innovators.Martin Sand - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):79-95.
    Innovation processes are extremely complex and opaque, which makes it tough or even impossible to govern them. Innovators lack control of large parts of these developments and lack of foreknowledge about the possible consequences of emerging technologies. Because of these features some scholars have argued that innovation processes should be structurally reformed and the agent-centered model of responsibility for innovation should be dismissed altogether. In the present article it will be argued that such a structural idea of responsible research and (...)
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    Remembering, imagining, false memories & personal meanings.Martin A. Conway & Catherine Loveday - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:574-581.
  14. Seeing Absence or Absence of Seeing?Jean-Rémy Martin & Jérôme Dokic - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):117-125.
    Imagine that in entering a café, you are struck by the absence of Pierre, with whom you have an appointment. Or imagine that you realize that your keys are missing because they are not hanging from the usual ring-holder. What is the nature of these absence experiences? In this article, we discuss a recent view defended by Farennikova (2012) according to which we literally perceive absences of things in much the same way as we perceive present things. We criticize and (...)
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    Another Look at Reflection.Martin Fischer - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):479-509.
    Reflection principles are of central interest in the development of axiomatic theories. Whereas they are independent statements they appear to have a specific epistemological status. Our trust in those principles is as warranted as our trust in the axioms of the system itself. This paper is an attempt in clarifying this special epistemic status. We provide a motivation for the adoption of uniform reflection principles by their analogy to a form of the constructive \(\omega \) -rule. Additionally, we analyse the (...)
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    Language Processing as Cue Integration: Grounding the Psychology of Language in Perception and Neurophysiology.Andrea E. Martin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  17.  18
    Microchimerism in the Mother(land): Blurring the Borders of Body and Nation.Aryn Martin - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (3):23-50.
    This article traces the ubiquitous geopolitical metaphors used by researchers in the field of pregnancy-related microchimerism. In this research domain, immunologists and medical geneticists locate ‘non-self’ cells in women by marking Y chromosomes in cells derived from their sons. In the course of this research trajectory, experiments have yielded a number of surprises, beginning with the very presence of these cells in women decades after pregnancy. This finding confounded the expectations predicted by classical immunology, which posits the destruction of such (...)
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  18. The Epistemology of Religion.Martin Smith - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):135-147.
    The epistemology of religion is the branch of epistemology concerned with the rationality, the justificatory status and the knowledge status of religious beliefs – most often the belief in the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient and loving God as conceived by the major monotheistic religions. While other sorts of religious beliefs – such as belief in an afterlife or in disembodied spirits or in the occurrence of miracles – have also been the focus of considerable attention from epistemologists, I shall (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Zur Seinsfrage.Martin Heidegger - 1959 - Frankfurt am Main,: V. Klostermann.
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    Lived Time and Psychopathology.Martin Wyllie - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (3):173-185.
    Some psychopathologic experiences have as one of their structural aspects the experience of restructured temporality. The general argument is that one of the universal microstructures of experience, namely, lived time offers a particular perspective relevant to certain psychopathologic experiences. Lived time is connected with the experience of the embodied human subject as being driven and directed towards the world in terms of bodily potentiality and capability. The dialectical relationship between the embodied human subject and the world results in a sense (...)
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  21. The Metaphysical Challenge of Loop Quantum Gravity.Martin Calamari - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 86 (C):68-83.
  22. Towards a scientifically tenable description of objective idealism.Martin Korth -
    The tremendous advances of research into artificial intelligence as well as neuroscience made over the last two to three decades have given further support to a renewed interest into philosophical discussions of the mind-body problem. Especially the last decade has seen a revival of panpsychist and idealist considerations, often focused on solving philosophical puzzles like the socalled hard problem of consciousness.1–9 While a number of respectable philosophers advocate some sort of panpsychistic solution to the mind-body problem now, fewer advocate that (...)
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  23. Two comments on Chalmers classification of idealism.Martin Korth - manuscript
    Interest in idealism has increased substantially since the publication of Sprigge’s Vindication of Absolute Idealism in 1984,1 and again with more vigor over the last decade in the context of the mind-body problem and panpsychism. This will probably not come as a surprise to objective idealists, among which Vittorio Hosle has proposed that philosophy cycles through stages with some form of idealism as end point of each cycle.2 More recently, David Chalmers mused about a corresponding development in the worldview of (...)
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    How to conceive of science for the benefit of society: prospects of responsible research and innovation.Martin Carrier - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 19):4749-4768.
    Responsible research and innovation features the dialog of science “with society,” and research performed “for society,” i.e., for the benefit of the people. I focus on this latter, outcome-oriented notion of RRI and discuss two kinds of problems. The first one concerns options to anticipate the future course of science and technology. Such foresight knowledge seems necessary for subjecting research to demands of social and moral responsibility. However, predicting science and technology is widely considered impossible. The second problem concerns moral (...)
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  25. A Royal Road to Consequentialism?Martin Peterson - 2010 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (2):153-169.
    To consequentialise a moral theory means to account for moral phenomena usually described in nonconsequentialist terms, such as rights, duties, and virtues, in a consequentialist framework. This paper seeks to show that all moral theories can be consequentialised. The paper distinguishes between different interpretations of the consequentialiser’s thesis, and emphasises the need for a cardinal ranking of acts. The paper also offers a new answer as to why consequentialising moral theories is important: This yields crucial methodological insights about how to (...)
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  26.  56
    Die Frage nach dem Ding: zu Kants Lehre von den transzendentalen Grundsätzen.Martin Heidegger & Petra Jaeger (eds.) - 1987 - de Gruyter.
    Die Schrift bringt den Text einer Vorlesung, die im Wintersemester 1935/36 unter dem Titel »Grundfragen der Metaphysik« an der Universität Freiburg/Br. gehalten wurde. Sie ist zu einem wesentlichen Teil Auslegung der Lehre Kants vom 'System aller Grundsätze des reinen Verstandes' in der »Kritik der reinen Vernunft« und führt fort, was in der Abhandlung »Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik« (1929) begonnen wurde.
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    Banking on Living Kidney Donors—A New Way to Facilitate Donation without Compromising on Ethical Values.Dominique E. Martin & Gabriel M. Danovitch - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (5):537-558.
    Public surveys conducted in many countries report widespread willingness of individuals to donate a kidney while alive to a family member or close friend, yet thousands suffer and many die each year while waiting for a kidney transplant. Advocates of financial incentive programs or “regulated markets” in kidneys present the problem of the kidney shortage as one of insufficient public motivation to donate, arguing that incentives will increase the number of donors. Others believe the solutions lie—at least in part—in facilitating (...)
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  28. A new interpretation of quantum theory, based on a bundle-theoretic view of objective idealism.Martin Korth - manuscript
    After about a century since the first attempts by Bohr, the interpretation of quantum theory is still a field with many open questions.1 In this article a new interpretation of quantum theory is suggested, motivated by philosophical considerations. Based on the findings that the ’weirdness’ of quantum theory can be understood to derive from a vanishing distinguishability of indiscernible particles, and the observation that a similar vanishing distinguishability is found for bundle theories in philosophical ontology, the claim is made that (...)
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  29. Analysing Holocaust Survivor Testimony.Martin Kusch - 2017 - In On Testimony. Rowman & Littlefied. pp. 137-167.
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    The ‘genie of the storm’: cyclonic reasoning and the spaces of weather observation in the southern Indian Ocean, 1851–1925.Martin Mahony - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (4):607-633.
    This article engages with debates about the status and geographies of colonial science by arguing for the significance of meteorological knowledge making in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Mauritius. The article focuses on how tropical storms were imagined, theorized and anticipated by an isolated – but by no means peripheral – cast of meteorologists who positioned Mauritius as an important centre of calculation in an expanding infrastructure of maritime meteorology. Charles Meldrum in particular earned renown in the mid-nineteenth century for (...)
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  31.  22
    Mosaic bacterial chromosomes: a challenge en route to a tree of genomes.William Martin - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (2):99-104.
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    Beiträge zur Philosophie: vom Ereignis.Martin Heidegger & Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 1994 - V. Klostermann.
    Die 'Beiträge zur Philosophie. Vom Ereignis' dürfen mit Fug und Recht nach 'Sein und Zeit' als das zweite Hauptwerk Heideggers bezeichnet werden. Denn sie enthalten nach der fundamentalontologischen Ausarbeitung der Seinsfrage in 'Sein und Zeit' die erste Durchgestaltung des seinsgeschichtlichen Weges derselben Frage. Das seinsgeschichtliche Denken entfaltet das Wesen des Seins nicht mehr im Überstieg (Transzendenz) über das Seiende auf dessen Wahrheit hin (Horizont), sondern im Vollzug des ereigneten Entwurfs aus dem ereignenden Zuwurf der Wahrheit des Seins. 'Ereignis' ist der (...)
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    Recollections of true and false autobiographical memories.Martin A. Conway, Alan F. Collins, Susan E. Gathercole & Stephen J. Anderson - 1996 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 125 (1):69.
  34.  41
    Human rights in a moderate communitarian political framework.Martin Odei Ajei - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (4):491-503.
    The International Bill of Human Rights (IBHR) enjoys universal acclaim as the source of the best standards and definition of human rights. This paper argues that the IBHR is inspired by liberalism and harbours ambiguities that open the door to a neoliberal seizure of the rights agenda; and that this effectively destabilises the focus on the IBHR on socio-economic and community rights, and therefore its stated ideal of the equal value of all human rights. I argue that Kwame Gyekye's moderate (...)
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  35.  12
    Sendas perdidas: Holzwege.Martin Heidegger - 1960 - Losada.
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    Experiences of activity and causality in schizophrenia: When predictive deficits lead to a retrospective over-binding.Jean-Rémy Martin - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1361-1374.
    In this paper I discuss an intriguing and relatively little studied symptomatic expression of schizophrenia known as experiences of activity in which patients form the delusion that they can control some external events by the sole means of their mind. I argue that experiences of activity result from patients being prone to aberrantly infer causal relations between unrelated events in a retrospective way owing to widespread predictive deficits. Moreover, I suggest that such deficits may, in addition, lead to an aberrant (...)
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  37. Philosophical Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence.Martin Ringle (ed.) - 1979 - Humanities Press.
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    A brief chronicle of research on human pluripotent stem cells.Martin F. Pera - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400092.
    Today, human pluripotent stem cell technologies find widespread application across biomedical research, as models for early human development, as platforms for functional human genomics, as tools for the study of disease, drug screening and toxicology, and as a renewable source of cellular therapeutics for a range of intractable diseases. The foundations of this human pluripotent stem cell revolution rest on advances in a wide range of disciplines, including cancer biology, assisted reproduction, cell culture and organoid technology, somatic cell nuclear transfer, (...)
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    Moral creativity in science and engineering.Mike W. Martin - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (3):421-433.
    Creativity in science and engineering has moral significance and deserves attention within professional ethics, in at least three areas. First, much scientific and technological creativity constitutes moral creativity because it generates moral benefits, is motivated by moral concern, and manifests virtues such as beneficence, courage, and perseverance. Second, creativity contributes to the meaning that scientists and engineers derive from their work, thereby connecting with virtues such as authenticity and also faults arising from Faustian trade-offs. Third, morally creative leadership is important (...)
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    Some Versions of the Number Problem Have No Solution.Martin Peterson - 2010 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (4):439-451.
    This article addresses Taruek’s much discussed Number Problem from a non-consequentialist point of view. I argue that some versions of the Number Problem have no solution, meaning that no alternative is at least as choice-worthy as the others, and that the best way to behave in light of such moral indeterminacy is to let chance make the decision. I contrast my proposal with F M Kamm ’s nonconsequentialist argument for saving the greatest number, the Argument for Best Outcomes, which I (...)
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    Fighting for the mantle of science : the epistemological foundations of neoliberalism, 1931-1951.Martin Beddeleem - 2017 - Dissertation, Université de Montréal
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  42. Summa Contra Scepticos.Martin Kusch - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (270):184-193.
    This critical notice concerns Duncan Pritchard's Epistemic Angst. After a summary of the book, I offer some brief critical comments on five issues: the distinction between overriding and undercutting strategies against scepticism, epistemic relativism, foundationalist hinge epistemology, the relationship between hinge propositions and evidence, and the universality of rational evaluation. Epistemic Angst is Duncan Pritchard's to-date most comprehensive attempt to defuse Cartesian epistemic scepticism. The argument builds on Pritchard's more than sixty previous publications on the same general topic. Given limitations (...)
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    Mr. Farrell and the refutability of psychoanalysis.Michael Martin - 1964 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 7 (1-4):80 – 98.
    Mr. B. A. Farrell has argued that psychoanalysis is refutable, without clarifying different senses of 'refutable'. Once this clarification is done and the relevant literature examined, however, it is seen that psychoanalysis is not refutable in several important senses of 'refutable', although it is refutable in a sense that is quite uninteresting.
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    Methodology is content: Indigenous approaches to research and knowledge.Brian Martin - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (14):1392-1400.
    There has been extensive work in the space of Indigenous epistemological approaches to research. Because Australian Indigenous peoples have been researched significantly, there are guidelines around the ethical and cultural conduct of this type of research. Via investigating the Academy’s approach to research in general, we can illuminate the vast differences between empirical approaches to research from the ‘West’ compared to knowledge acquisition and sharing through ‘relationality’ from an Indigenous perspective. This paper investigates this dichotomy and brings into question the (...)
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  45.  10
    Der europäische Nihilismus.Martin Heidegger - 1967 - (Pfullingen): Neske.
    Der europäische Nihilismus.--Die seinsgeschichtliche Bestimmung des Nihilsmus.
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    Gesamtausgabe: Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie (1919/20) : [frühe Freiburger Vorlesung Wintersemester 1919/20] / [hrsg. von Hans-Helmuth Gander].Martin Heidegger & Hans-Helmuth Gander - 2010 - Verlag Vittorio Klostermann.
    Phanomenologie als Ursprungswissenschaft vom Leben in ihren Strukturen und thematischen Bereichen aufzuweisen, steckt Rahmen und Ziel dieser Freiburger Dozentenvorlesung ab. In dieser Grundtendenz ist die Vorlesung ein bedeutendes Zeugnis des Durchbruchs des Heideggerschen Denkens hin zur Position von Sein und Zeit. Sie ist aber mit Blick auf Heideggers Denkweg nicht nur entwicklungsgeschichtlich von Interesse, sondern sie bezieht ihr Gewicht zudem auch aus ihrer Anlage als systematische Vorlesung. Mit kritischem Blick auf die Tradition, insbesondere aber im Bemuhen um Distanzgewinnung zur zeitgenossischen (...)
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    Beyond Charity: Helping NGOs Lead a Transformative New Public Discourse on Global Poverty and Social Justice.Martin Kirk - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (2):245-263.
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  48. 100 years of Zermelo’s axiom of choice: what was the problem with it?Per Martin-Löf - 2006 - Computer Journal 49 (3):345–350.
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    Educational Justice and the Value of Knowledge.Christopher Martin - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (1):164-182.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Logic programming as classical inference.Eric A. Martin - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (3):316-369.
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