Results for 'Merrile Sing'

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  1.  11
    Using Encounter Data from Medicaid HMOs for Research and Monitoring.Merrile Sing - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (3):336-346.
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    In touch: Cardiac and respiratory patterns synchronize during ensemble singing with physical contact.Elke B. Lange, Diana Omigie, Carlos Trenado, Viktor Müller, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann & Julia Merrill - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Musical ensemble performances provide an ideal environment to gain knowledge about complex human interactions. Network structures of synchronization can reflect specific roles of individual performers on the one hand and a higher level of organization of all performers as a superordinate system on the other. This study builds on research on joint singing, using hyperscanning of respiration and heart rate variability from eight professional singers. Singers performed polyphonic music, distributing their breathing within the same voice and singing without and with (...)
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    Metaphysik als Wissenschaft: Festschrift für Klaus Düsing zum 65. Geburtstag.Klaus Düsing & Dirk Fonfara (eds.) - 2006 - Freiburg: K. Alber.
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    Hume and the Politics of Enlightenment.Thomas W. Merrill - 2015 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    'Methinks I am like a man, who having narrowly escap'd shipwreck', David Hume writes in A Treatise of Human Nature, 'has yet the temerity to put out to sea in the same leaky weather-beaten vessel, and even carries his ambition so far as to think of compassing the globe'. With these words, Hume begins a memorable depiction of the crisis of philosophy and his turn to moral and political philosophy as the path forward. In this groundbreaking work, Thomas W. Merrill (...)
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    (1 other version)Legacy of wisdom: great thinkers and journalism.John Calhoun Merrill - 1994 - Ames: Iowa State University Press.
    Legacy of Wisdom: Great Thinkers and Journalism introduces the reader to the ideas of more than 30 great philosophers, writers, and intellectuals - from Confucius and Plato, to Machiavelli and Kant, to Simone de Beauvoir and Sissela Bok - and the ways their ethical systems apply to journalism and journalists today. Author John C. Merrill provides brief sketches of each thinker as "intellectual springboards" for journalists and journalism students seeking motivation and ethical guidance in their professional lives.
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    On De Morgan's argument.Daniel D. Merrill - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (1):133-139.
  7.  68
    Investigating Wittgenstein.Merrill B. Hintikka - 1986 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. Edited by Jaakko Hintikka.
  8. Creed of Our Hope: The Meaning of the Apostles' Creed for Today.Merrill Abbey - 1954
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    Neurolinguistics must be more experimental before it can be effectively computational.Merrill Garrett & Edgar Zurif - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):465-466.
  10.  7
    Ideals and institutions their parallel development..John Ernest Merrill - 1894 - Hartford: Hartford seminary press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Muslim Expansion and Byzantine Collapse in North Africa. By Walter E. Kaegi.A. H. Merrills - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
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    The Fresh Prince of Wakanda – a Žižekian Analysis of Black America and Identity Politics.Julian Paul Merrill - 2019 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 13 (2).
    This paper introduces a new hypothesis for the rise of the politically correct left via an analysis of Black America. Drawing on Žižekian and psychoanalytical theory, it explores the ideological role of ‘symptom’ within America’s cultural landscape - of that which states that society ‘doesn’t work’ - by way of examining prominent African American figures and how they relate to this ‘symptom’: Will Smith and the ‘hystericization of the symptom’; Barack Obama and the ‘identification with the symptom’; the PC left (...)
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    The Imperative of Freedom: A Philosophy of Journalistic Autonomy.John Calhoun Merrill - 1974 - Freedom House.
    Since the first version of this classic work was published in 1974, major events in which American journalism has played a decisive role have cast the reporter increasingly as the subject for public examination. The newsman has become news. Though there are more serious, responsible journalists today than at any time in America, the less serious, less responsible also have great exposure. The loss of credibility of the mass media is widely acknowledged, and is a considerable concern to serious journalists. (...)
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  14. Ontological Realism: Methodology or Misdirection?Gary H. Merrill - 2010 - Applied ontology 5 (2):79-108.
    In a series of papers over a period of several years Barry Smith andWerner Ceusters have offered a number of cogent criticisms of historical approaches to creating, maintaining, and applying biomedical terminologies and ontologies. And they have urged the adoption of what they refer to as a “realism-based” approach. Indeed, at times they insist that the realism-based approach not only offers clear advantages and a well-founded methodological basis for ontology development and evaluation, but that such a realist perspective is in (...)
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  15.  55
    Disorders of lexical selection.Merrill Garrett - 1992 - Cognition 42 (1-3):143-180.
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    Local All-Age Bicycle Helmet Ordinances in the United States: A Review and Analysis.Molly Merrill-Francis, Jon S. Vernick & Keshia M. Pollack Porter - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (2):283-291.
    Bicycle helmets protect against head injury. Mandatory helmet laws likely increase their use. Although 21 states and Washington, DC have mandatory helmet laws for youth bicyclists, no U.S. state has a mandatory helmet law that applies to all ages; however, some localities have all-age helmet laws for bicyclists. This study abstracted local helmet laws applicable to all-ages to examine their elements.
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  17.  38
    Knowledge: The Cessation of Belief.Merrill Ring - 1977 - American Philosophical Quarterly 14 (1):51 - 59.
  18. The model-theoretic argument against realism.G. H. Merrill - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (1):69-81.
    In "Realism and Reason" Hilary Putnam has offered an apparently strong argument that the position of metaphysical realism provides an incoherent model of the relation of a correct scientific theory to the world. However, although Putnam's attack upon the notion of the "intended" interpretation of a scientific theory is sound, it is shown here that realism may be formulated in such a way that the realist need make no appeal to any "intended" interpretation of such a theory. Consequently, it can (...)
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  19.  83
    Experimental pragmatics: Testing for implicitures.Merrill Garrett & Robert M. Harnish - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (1):65-90.
    Grice proposed to investigate 'the total signification of the utterance'. One persistent criticism of Grice's taxonomy of signification is that he missed an important category of information. This content, and/or the process of providing it, goes by a variety of labels: 'generalized implicature', 'explicature', 'unarticulated constituents', 'default heuristics', 'impliciture'. In this study we first take a sample of such phenomena and, from the point of view of pure pragmatics, survey the central descriptions of the content expressed and the mechanisms that (...)
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    Confirmation and prediction.G. H. Merrill - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (1):98-117.
    It is argued that Hempel's original rejection of the prediction criterion of confirmation in [8] (on the grounds that it leads to a circular definition of confirmation) was ill-conceived, and that his own approach exhibits undesirable consequences to the degree that it deviates from this criterion. A version of the prediction criterion is formulated which, in addition to being-non circular, escapes the criticisms advanced against Hempel's satisfaction criterion, offers certain clear advantages over alternative approaches, and may serve as the basis (...)
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    Sacred law reconsidered.Manfred Sing - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (1):97-121.
    People everywhere search for answers by using the resources of their traditions. They wish to do so in a legitimate way, and so they consult official institutions, specialists, and skilled individuals for their opinions; regardless of religious or cultural contexts, the common aim of these experts is to produce security, unity, and trust. Therefore, the norm-finding processes in Islamic and Western contexts share fundamental similarities: the problem of finding a final ground for judgment, the strategies of constructing coherence and of (...)
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  22. Discovering Reality Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science /Edited by Sandra Harding and Merrill B. Hintikka. --. --.Merrill B. Hintikka & Sandra G. Harding - 1983 - D. Reidel Sold and Distributed in the Usa and Canada by Kluwer Boston, C1983.
  23.  15
    Defining Personhood: Toward the Ethics of Quality in Clinical Care.Sarah Bishop Merrill (ed.) - 1998 - Atlanta, Ga.: Brill | Rodopi.
    Many debates in biomedical ethics today involve inconsistencies in defining the key term, person. Both sides of the abortion debate, for instance, beg the question about what constitutes personhood. This book explores the arguments concerning definitions of personhood in the history of modern philosophy, and then constructs a superior model, defined in terms of distinctive features. This model is shown to have distinct advantages over the necessary and sufficient condition models of personhood launched by essentialists. Philosophers historically have been correct (...)
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    Rendimento Básico Incondicional Uma Defesa da Liberdade.Roberto Merrill, Sara Bizarro, Jorge Pinto & Gonçalo Marcelo - 2019 - Lisbon, Portugal: Almedina.
    This book intends to make known, in a detailed but accessible way to the general public, an old idea, but which has had a renewed interest in recent years: the proposal of attributing an unconditional basic income for all. This idea, often discarded and disqualified for allegedly belonging to the mere domain of utopia, understood in a pejorative sense as something unrealizable, has been the target of the interest of many people (academics, politicians, businesspeople, activists and, of course, all citizens (...)
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    Augustus De Morgan and the Logic of Relations.Daniel D. Merrill - 1990 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The middle years of the nineteenth century saw two crucial develop ments in the history of modern logic: George Boole's algebraic treat ment of logic and Augustus De Morgan's formulation of the logic of relations. The former episode has been studied extensively; the latter, hardly at all. This is a pity, for the most central feature of modern logic may well be its ability to handle relational inferences. De Morgan was the first person to work out an extensive logic of (...)
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  26.  30
    Purpose and human historicity.Sing-Nan Fen - 1967 - World Futures 6 (1):84-87.
  27. Wittgenstein über private Erfahrung.Merrill B. Hintikka und Jaakko Hintikka - 1985 - In Dieter Birnbacher & Armin Burkhardt (eds.), Sprachspiel und Methode: zum Stand der Wittgenstein-Diskussion. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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    University of New England (from page 9).Jane Merrill & Kristine L. Jones - 1991 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 7 (2):29-29.
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  29. 9 The Energy of Play.Susan Saint Sing - 2011 - In S. Jim Parry, Mark Nesti & Nick Watson (eds.), Theology, ethics and transcendence in sports. New York: Routledge.
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    Realism and Reference Ontologies: Considerations, Reflections, and Problems.Gary H. Merrill - 2010 - Applied ontology 5 (3-4):189-221.
    In “Ontological realism: Methodology or misdirection?” I offered a detailed critique of the position referred to as “realism” taken by Barry Smith and Werner Ceusters. This position is claimed to serve as the basis for a “realist methodology” that they seek to impose on the development of scientific ontologies, particularly within the biomedical sciences. Here, in part responding to a reply to those criticisms by Smith and Ceusters, I return the focus to an examination of fundamental incoherencies in this realist (...)
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    Functions of Parental Intergenerational Narratives Told by Young People.Natalie Merrill, Jordan A. Booker & Robyn Fivush - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):752-773.
    Merrill, Booker and Fivush examine the social functions associated with transmitting intergenerational narratives to adolescents and emerging adults and how these family stories affect identity formation in early adulthood. Merrill et al. observed that the intergenerational stories of parents’ transgression and proud moments told by adolescents and emerging adults operate as a way to transmit life lessons, strengthen relationships with the parent and give insights into their parents and their self.
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    Die Teleologie in Kants Weltbegriff.Klaus Düsing - 1968 - Bonn,: Bouvier.
  33.  54
    Machiavellian journalism: With a brief interview on ethics with old Nick.John C. Merrill - 1992 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 7 (2):85 – 96.
    In this article John Merrill, a long-time observer of the journalistic scene and author/co-author of more than two-dozen books, picks the brain of Niccolo Machiavelli, who, if he had been asked, might have had some interesting observations about the ethics of journalism.
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  34. How Can Language be Sexist?Merrill B. Hintikka & Jaakko Hintikka - 2003 - In Sandra G. Harding & Merrill B. Hintikka (eds.), Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 139-148.
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    Philosophy and Journalism.John Calhoun Merrill & S. Jack Odell - 1983 - Longman Publishing Group.
  36.  55
    Three Forms of Realism.G. H. Merrill - 1980 - American Philosophical Quarterly 17 (3):229 - 235.
  37. Against Definitions.Jerry Fodor, Garrett A., F. Merrill, Edward Walker, Parkes C. T. & H. Cornelia - 1999 - In Jerry Fodor, Garrett A., F. Merrill, Edward Walker, Parkes C. T. & H. Cornelia (eds.), Concepts: Core Readings. MIT Press. pp. 263--367.
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    Hume's "of miracles," Peirce, and the balancing of likelihoods.Kenneth R. Merrill - 1991 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (1):85 - 113.
    The most important thesis of "Of Miracles" has no special connection with miracles: I mean the perfectly general thesis that testimonial evidence should be evaluated by the method of balancing likelihoods, which is a relatively informal version of the calculus of changes (or of probabilities). C. S. Peirce argues that the method is radically unsuited to the assessment of historical testimony. In this paper, I do essentially two things: (1) set out both an informal and a formal account of Hume’s (...)
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    A study of latent learning.Merrill T. Eaton - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (6):683.
  40. Investigations sur Wittgenstein.Merril B. Hintikka & Jaakko Hintikka - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (3):350-350.
  41.  26
    Communication and Hermeneutics: A Confucian Postmodern Point of View.Thomas In Sing Leung - forthcoming - Journal of Chinese Philosophy.
    The post-modern represents a cultural break from the modern. The culture of postmodernity is conditional by information. Meanwhile, postmodernism provides an immanent critique of enlightenment. The focal point of philosophy then is how to communicate and to understand. The Confucian concepts of "Jen" (real humanity), "Tao" (the way), "Huseh" (learning, "chih" (understand), "hsing" (actions) are ground for communication and understanding. "Jen" as real humanity provides a process ontology which makes an open hermeneutical process possible. Through reflection and critique on pre-understanding (...)
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    (2 other versions)Sensations and kinaesthetic knowledge.Merrill Ring - 1982 - Philosophy Research Archives, No. NO 1485:111-168.
    When Wittgenstein said psychology contains conceptual confusions and experimental results, one item he had in mind was the psycho-physiological theory of kinaesthesis, which offers an account of how we know limb movement and position. The aim of this essay is to develop and evaluate the objections to that theory which have been produced by Wittgenstein, Melden and Anscombe. That project involves specifying clearly what is involved in the theory, resolving various disagreements between the critics, showing the pattern of the objections, (...)
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    The gender of space.Ina Ro¨Sing - 2003 - Philosophy and Geography 6 (2):189 – 211.
    A systematic review of studies on space and on gender in general anthropology, sociology, architecture and other related social science fields allows us to distinguish four different types of approaches. Studies on gender, space, on gender and space (including gendered space), and the gender of space. Unlike genderized space, where biologically determined gender is a factor, gender of space is a symbolic genderization of space wherein three levels may be distinguished: 1) imagery, 2) iconography, 3) choreography. Gender of space is (...)
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    Who Should Pay for Climate Adaptation? Public Attitudes and the Financing of Flood Protection in Florida.Samuel Merrill, Jack Kartez, Karen Langbehn, Frank Muller-Karger & Catherine J. Reynolds - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (5):535-557.
    An investigation of public support for coastal adaptation options and public finance options in Florida evaluated stakeholder judgments and how they changed through a participatory engagement process. The study found that public finance mechanisms that imposed fiscal burdens on those who directly benefit from hazard reduction were rated as more acceptable than others. Significantly, visualisations and data on local economic damage and return on investment of potential adaptation options further increased acceptability ratings. The question of whether a development fee for (...)
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  45. Exploring the limits of modularity.Merrill F. Garrett - 2017 - In Roberto G. De Almeida & Lila R. Gleitman (eds.), On Concepts, Modules, and Language: Cognitive Science at its Core. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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    Vocal Features of Song and Speech: Insights from Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire.Julia Merrill & Pauline Larrouy-Maestri - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Zur Philosophie der Individualität: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. phil. Edith Düsing zu ihrem 45. Geburtstag.Edith Düsing, Thorsten Dietz & Yurie A. Ignatieff (eds.) - 1996 - Aachen: Shaker.
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    Why Do We Run Basic Income Experiments? From Empirical Evidence to Collective Debate.Roberto Merrill & Bru Laín - 2021 - Basic Income Studies 16 (1):27-38.
    There are two major possible responses to the question: what (if anything) can justify a basic income experiment? An experiment might be justified either because it gathers positive empirical evidence supporting rolling out a basic income, or because it justifies the moral desirability of such a measure. This paper critically explores both responses, the “empirical” and “ethical claim” in light of the Barcelona B-MINCOME pilot, alongside other similar experiments. We sustained that although the empirical claim is necessary, there seems to (...)
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  49. Ontology, Ontologies, and Science.Gary H. Merrill - 2011 - Topoi (1):71-83.
    Philosophers frequently struggle with the relation of metaphysics to the everyday world, with its practical value, and with its relation to empirical science. This paper distinguishes several different models of the relation between philosophical ontology and applied (scientific) ontology that have been advanced in the history of philosopy. Adoption of a strong participation model for the philosophical ontologist in science is urged, and requirements and consequences of the participation model are explored. This approach provides both a principled view and justification (...)
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    Ethics and the press: readings in mass media morality.John Calhoun Merrill & Ralph D. Barney (eds.) - 1975 - New York: Hastings House.
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