Results for 'Manfred Sing'

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  1.  22
    Sacred law reconsidered.Manfred Sing - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (1):97-121.
    People everywhere search for answers by using the resources of their traditions. They wish to do so in a legitimate way, and so they consult official institutions, specialists, and skilled individuals for their opinions; regardless of religious or cultural contexts, the common aim of these experts is to produce security, unity, and trust. Therefore, the norm-finding processes in Islamic and Western contexts share fundamental similarities: the problem of finding a final ground for judgment, the strategies of constructing coherence and of (...)
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    Zur Vorgeschichte des Ausgangs -Ena des Instr. Sing. der A-Stämme des AltindischenZur Vorgeschichte des Ausgangs -Ena des Instr. Sing. der A-Stamme des Altindischen. [REVIEW]Manfred Mayrhofer & Christoph Hauri - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (3):283.
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  3. Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.Manfred Krifka - 1989 - In Renate Bartsch, Johan van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expression. Providence RI, U.S.A.: Foris Publications. pp. 75--115.
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  4. Kant: A Biography.Manfred Kuehn - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (216):476-479.
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    Additive Particles under Stress.Manfred Krifka - unknown
    It is customary to identify three broad classes of grading particles: additive particles like also, exclusive particles like only, and scalar particles like even (cf. König (1991); in the examples, grave accent stands for the main, falling accent).
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  6. Righteousness and Profitableness: The Moral Choices of Contemporary Confucian Entrepreneurs.Tak Sing Cheung & Ambrose Yeo-Chi King - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (3):243-257.
    The present study takes Confucian entrepreneurs as an entry point to portray the dynamics and problems involved in the process of putting moral precepts into practice, a central issue in business ethics. Confucian entrepreneurs are defined as the owners of manufacturing or business firms who harbor the moral values of Confucianism. Other than a brief account of their historical background, 41 subjects from various parts of Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur were selected for in-depth interviews. By (...)
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    Response particles as propositional anaphors.Manfred Krifka - 2013 - Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 23:1-18..
    The paper explains response particles like yes and no as anaphoric elements that pick up propositional discourse referents that are introduced by preceding sentences. It is argued that negated antecedent clauses introduce two propositional discourse referents, which results in ambiguities of answers that are partly resolved by pragmatic optimization. The paper also discusses response particles like okay, right, uh-huh, uh-uh, and German ja, nein and doch.
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    Moral Theory and Medical Practice.Manfred Spitzer - 1993 - Noûs 27 (3):401-403.
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  9. Alltagslogik: Struktur und Funktion von Argumentationsmustern.Manfred Kienpointner & Douglas N. Walton - 1994 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 27 (3):270-275.
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    Attributive concept descriptions with complements.Manfred Schmidt-Schauß & Gert Smolka - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 48 (1):1-26.
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    (1 other version)Der unendliche Mangel an Sein: Schellings Hegelkritik und die Anfänge der Marxschen Dialektik.Manfred Frank - 1975 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag.
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  12. Varieties of semantic evidence.Manfred Krifka - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn (eds.), Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
    Meanings are the most elusive objects of linguistic research. The article summarizes the type of evidence we have for them: various types of metalinguistic activities like paraphrasing and translating, the ability to name entities and judge sentences true or false, as well as various behavioral and physiological measures such as reaction time studies, eye tracking.
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    Bare NPs: Kind-referring, Indefinites, Both, or Neither?Manfred Krifka - 2003 - Semantics and Linguistic Theory 13:180.
    It is generally assumed that there are two types of genericity, called characterizing statements and kind reference in Krifka et al. (1995). Characterizing statements express generalizations about sets of entities or situations, cf. (1); kind reference involves reference to an entity that is related to specimens, cf. (2).
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  14. A Model of Hospitality for our Times.Yiu Sing Luke Chan - 2006 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 10 (3):21-46.
  15.  18
    Intrinsic Motivation and Sophisticated Epistemic Beliefs Are Promising Pathways to Science Achievement: Evidence From High Achieving Regions in the East and the West.Ching Sing Chai, Pei-Yi Lin, Ronnel B. King & Morris Siu-Yung Jong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research on self-determination theory emphasizes the importance of the internalization of motivation as a crucial factor for determining the quality of motivation. Hence, intrinsic motivation is deemed as an important predictor of learning. Research on epistemic beliefs, on the other hand, focuses on the nature of knowledge, and learning with more sophisticated epistemic beliefs associated with more adaptive outcomes. While learning and achievement are multiply determined, a more comprehensive theoretical model that takes into account both motivational quality and epistemic beliefs (...)
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    II. TRANSZENDENTALPHILOSOPHIE: Eine Studie zur Geschichte der Erkenntnistheorie im 20. Jahrhundert.Manfred Brelage - 1965 - In I. studien zur transzendentalphilosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 72-229.
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    Deduktion und Beweis in Kants Transzendentalphilosophie: Untersuchungen zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Manfred Baum - 1986
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  18. Self–consciousness and Self–knowledge: On Some Difficulties with the Reduction of Subjectivity.Manfred Frank - 2002 - Constellations 9 (3):390-408.
  19.  12
    A critical view of ‘the educational theory of John dewey’ by Charles D. Hardie.Sing-nan Fen - 1964 - Educational Theory 14 (4):294-304.
  20.  16
    香港抗疫的倫理焦點.A. U. Kit Sing Derrick - 2022 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (1):9-25.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 本文回顧及討論2021年1月至2022年4月COVID-19疫情期間香港抗疫中曾在公共領域提出或引起關注的倫理問題。新型的傳染病是複雜和具有不確定的挑戰,COVID-19全球大流行引起的倫理問題有普世 的性質,但亦必須結合本地具體的情況討論。作者對其中的倫理焦點提出觀察分析,包括接種COVID-19疫苗的知情同意程序及其局限性,以及為精神上無行為能力的老年人接種疫苗決定的特殊挑戰。 This article reviews and discusses ethical issues that emerged in the public realm in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong, between January 2021 and March 2022. Emerging infectious diseases are complex and bring about uncertain challenges. Although many of the ethical issues during the pandemic were universally experienced, it is important to understand them within the local contexts in which they arose. The paper (...)
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    Husserl und die Philosophie des Geistes.Manfred Frank & Niels Weidtmann (eds.) - 2010 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  22.  17
    Approximate postdictive reasoning with answer set programming.Manfred Eppe & Mehul Bhatt - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):676-719.
  23.  27
    Advances in Modelling, Monitoring, and Control for Complex Industrial Systems.Zhiwei Gao, Sing Kiong Nguang & De-Xing Kong - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-3.
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    Kant's Teachers in the Exact Sciences.Manfred Kuehn - 2000 - In Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant and the Sciences. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    This paper describes the local context of Kant’s scientific education. It provides an informed sense of what Kant’s scientific training was like by presenting each relevant member of the philosophy faculty at the university in Königsberg where Kant was a student, and the scientific activities each one was engaged in. On the basis of this picture, it is argued that Kant’s relationship with one of his teachers, Martin Knutzen, may have been much more negative or critical than is typically supposed. (...)
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  25. Schelling’s Critique of Hegel and the Beginnings of Marxian Dialectics.Manfred Frank - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (3):251-268.
    The history of western philosophy provides many occasions for verifying a general experience: theoretical innovations gain immediate appreciation only if they do not demand too much of the ability of contemporaries to integrate them into their worldview. If they emerge hastily and lack clear connection to their epoch’s expectations about meaning, they will be dismissed as an “untimely growth.” This is, of course, easy enough to understand. What is remarkable, though, is that even subsequent generations that have come to accept (...)
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  26. Prinzip Subjektivität: Allgemeine Theorie. Zweiter Halbband: Natur, Gesellschaft, konkrete Subjektivität.Manfred Wetzel - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (2):431-432.
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    Semantic and Pragmatic Conditions for the Dative Alternation.Manfred Krifka - unknown
    One of the difficult areas for persons learning a foreign language is to grasp the range of usages of syntactic patterns that exist in the foreign language. It is not sufficient to learn how passive formation works, or how pre- or postpositional phrases are constructed, or how perfect tenses are expressed. One also has to learn which verbs can passivize at all, which verbs go with which pre- or postpositions, and, in case perfect tenses are expressed, as in a number (...)
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    Philosophische Probleme der relativistischen Quantenmechanik.Manfred Stöckler - 1984 - Erfahrung und Denken.
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    It is not just ‘the opposite of jealousy’: a Buddhist perspective on the emotion of compersion in consensually non-monogamous relationships.Hin Sing Yuen, Luu Zörlein & Sven Walter - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-29.
    Compersion is an affective state commonly discussed in the context of consensually non-monogamous relationships. It is typically described as a positive emotional reaction to one’s partner’s enjoying time and/or intimacy with another person, sort of ‘the opposite of jealousy’. Recent years have seen an increased interest in this seemingly startling emotion. Part of what makes understanding compersion so difficult is the mononormative expectations of our culture. We suggest that a non-Western, in particular Buddhist, perspective might be more helpful to understand (...)
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  30. Deduktion und Beweis in Kants Transzendentalphilosophie. Untersuchungen zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Manfred Baum - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (1):150-154.
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    Critical Thinking as a Normative Practice in Life: A Wittgensteinian Groundwork.Kenny Siu Sing Huen - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1065-1087.
    On the point that, in practices of critical thinking, we respond spontaneously in concrete situations, this paper presents an account on behalf of Wittgenstein. I argue that the ‘seeing-things-aright’ model of Luntley's Wittgenstein is not adequate, since it pays insufficient attention to radically new circumstances, in which the content of norms is updated. While endorsing Bailin's emphasis on criteria of critical thinking, Wittgenstein would agree with Papastephanou and Angeli's demand to look behind criteriology. He maintains the primacy of the practical, (...)
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  32.  32
    Third-Eye Theology: Theology in Formation in Asian Leung & Choan-Seng Song - 1984 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 4:152.
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    Karl Popper, World 3, and the Arts.Manfred Lube - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (4):412-432.
    The fine arts are considered as one of several pathways toward insight, knowledge, and understanding. My reflections on this are deliberately not based on aesthetics or on philosophy of art. Speculations on fine art observe two characteristics of specific epistemic processes: first, a tacit knowledge that is not enunciated by ordinary language and, second, a present and effective logic, which has a different pattern from the logic of scientific knowledge. The latter leads to change because it is built upon accumulated (...)
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    Die Autographen sind schuld: Jean Pauls absichtliche Errata.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 204-214.
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    Der Buchdruckerjunge aber klopfte und verlangte Manuscript: Lessings Arbeitsweise und ihre mögliche Konsequenz für eine historisch-kritische Ausgabe.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 130-143.
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    Oskar Maria Graf bearbeitet und gibt seine Erzählungen heraus.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 377-383.
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    Wie macht man einen best-seller?: Verlagsmethoden und Revisionsstrategien bei Arcangelo Corellis Violinsonaten Op. V.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 42-63.
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    Quantification and Information Structure.Manfred Krifka - 2016 - In Caroline Féry & Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford University Press UK.
    The chapter provides an overview of the interaction between quantification and information-structural properties, especially focus, givenness, and topic. While quantification affects truth conditions, information-structuring devices can have an effect on the interpretation of quantificational expressions. After a short introduction to the nature of quantification, the chapter covers the main areas where such effects have been identified, in particular in adverbial quantification, in generic clauses, in conditional sentences, and in sentences with nominal quantification, including intersective determiners and comparative determiners like most. (...)
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  39.  52
    The Moral Dimension of Kant's Inaugural Dissertation.Manfred Kuehn - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 1:373-392.
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    Anfänge des utopischen Denkens: Emst Blochs Vision vom europäischen „Vaterland der Zeit“.Manfred Riedel - 1992 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40 (10):1107-1127.
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    Moralnormen und moralisches Begründen.Manfred Riedel - 1978 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 4:193-213.
  42.  14
    (1 other version)Bio-bibliographisches Korrespondentenverzeichnis.Manfred Rudersdorf, Michael Schlott, Rüdiger Otto & Detlef Döring - 2007 - In Manfred Rudersdorf, Michael Schlott, Rüdiger Otto & Detlef Döring (eds.), Briefwechsel 1734-1735: Unter Einschluß des Briefwechsels von Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Verzeichnis der Absendeorte.Manfred Rudersdorf, Michael Schlott, Rüdiger Otto & Detlef Döring - 2007 - In Manfred Rudersdorf, Michael Schlott, Rüdiger Otto & Detlef Döring (eds.), Briefwechsel 1734-1735: Unter Einschluß des Briefwechsels von Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched. Walter de Gruyter.
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    (1 other version)Verzeichnis der in den Briefen erwähnten Orte, Regionen und Länder.Manfred Rudersdorf, Michael Schlott, Rüdiger Otto & Detlef Döring - 2007 - In Manfred Rudersdorf, Michael Schlott, Rüdiger Otto & Detlef Döring (eds.), Briefwechsel 1734-1735: Unter Einschluß des Briefwechsels von Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched. Walter de Gruyter.
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  45. Topic and Focus: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective.Manfred Krifka - 2004 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Wesen und Wirken der späthumanistischen Gelehrtenrepublik in Schlesien.Manfred P. Fleischer - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 35 (4):323-334.
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  47. Thinking in Eigenbehaviors as a Transdisciplinary Approach.Manfred Füllsack & Alexander Riegler - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (3):239-245.
    Context: By proposing to regard objects as “tokens for eigenbehavior,” von Foerster’s seminal paper opposes the intuitive subject-object dualism of traditional philosophy, which considers objects to be instances of an external world Problem: We argue that this proposal has two implications, one for epistemology and one for the demarcation between the natural sciences and the humanities. Method: Our arguments are based on insights gained in computational models and from reviewing the contributions to this special issue. Results: Epistemologically, von Foerster’s proposal (...)
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  48. Comment fonder une morale aujourd'hui? in Kant: la Critique de la Raison pratique.Manfred Frank - 1988 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 42 (166):361-382.
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    Die Frage nach dem Subjekt.Manfred Frank, Gérard Raulet & Willem van Reijen (eds.) - 1988 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    "Wechselgrundsatz". Friedrich Schlegels philosophischer Ausgangspunkt. Bernhard Böschenstein zum 65. Geburtstag.Manfred Frank - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (1/2):26 - 50.
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