Results for 'Meta-metaphysics'

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  1. Meta-metaphysics: On Metaphysical Equivalence, Primitiveness, and Theory Choice.Jiri Benovsky - 1st ed. 2016 - Springer.
    Metaphysical theories are beautiful. At the end of this book, Jiri Benovsky defends the view that metaphysical theories possess aesthetic properties and that these play a crucial role when it comes to theory evaluation and theory choice.Before we get there, the philosophical path the author proposes to follow starts with three discussions of metaphysical equivalence. Benovsky argues that there are cases of metaphysical equivalence, cases of partial metaphysical equivalence, as well as interesting cases of theories that are not equivalent. Thus, (...)
  2. Meta-metaphysics.Tuomas Tahko - 2018 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Meta-metaphysics concerns the nature and methodology of metaphysics and metaphysical inquiry. The emergence of meta-metaphysics as a systematic area of study is relatively recent, going back to the late 1990s. But the issues pursued in meta-metaphysics are certainly not novel: an age old question about the nature of metaphysics is whether it is possible to obtain knowledge about metaphysical matters in the first place, and if it is, how this knowledge is obtained.
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    The meta-metaphysics of group beliefs: in search of alternatives.Krzysztof Poslajko - 2023 - Synthese 113 (4):1-18.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that our understanding of the issue of institutional group minds might be broadened if we consider alternative meta-metaphysical frameworks to those which are presently presupposed in the field. I argue that the two major camps in the contemporary philosophical debate about group beliefs, namely strong realism and eliminative reductionism, share a commitment to some form of meta-philosophical realism. Two alternative metaontological frameworks for the discussion of the issue of group belief (...)
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  4. Meta-Metaphysics, Constructivism, and Psychology as Queen of the Sciences.James A. Mollison - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-10.
    Remhof contends that Nietzsche is a metaphysician. According to his Meta-Metaphysical Argument, Nietzsche’s texts satisfy the criteria for an adequate conception of metaphysics. According to his Constructivist Argument, Nietzsche adopts a metaphysical position on which concepts’ application conditions constitute the identity conditions of their objects. This article critically appraises these arguments. I maintain that the criteria advanced in the Meta-Metaphysical Argument are collectively insufficient for delineating metaphysics as a distinct field of inquiry and that the Constructivist (...)
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  5. Meta-Metaphysics: On Metaphysical Equivalence, Primitiveness, and Theory Choice. By Jiri Benovsky. [REVIEW]Tuomas E. Tahko - 2016 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 723.
    Review of Meta-Metaphysics: On Metaphysical Equivalence, Primitiveness, and Theory Choice (Springer, Synthese Library, 2016). By Jiri Benovsky.
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  6. The (meta)metaphysics of science: the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanics.Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo & Jonas R. B. Arenhart - 2022 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 63 (152):275-296.
    Traditionally, being a realist about something means believing in the independent existence of that something. In this line of thought, a scientific realist is someone who believes in the objective existence of the entities postulated by our best scientific theories. In metaphysical terms, what does that mean? In ontological terms, i.e., in terms of what exists, scientific realism can be understood as involving the adoption of a scientifically informed ontology. But according to some philosophers, a realistic attitude must go beyond (...)
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  7. On Haslanger’s Meta-Metaphysics: Social Structures and Metaphysical Deflationism.E. Díaz-León - 2018 - Disputatio 10 (50):201-216.
    The metaphysics of gender and race is a growing area of concern in contemporary analytic metaphysics, with many different views about the nature of gender and race being submitted and discussed. But what are these debates about? What questions are these accounts trying to answer? And is there real disagreement between advocates of differ- ent views about race or gender? If so, what are they really disagreeing about? In this paper I want to develop a view about what (...)
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    Semanticizing: studies in analytic meta-metaphysics.Blagovest S. Mollov - 2017 - [Sofia]: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.
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  9. The game of metaphysics: towards a fictionalist (meta)metaphysics of science.Raoni Arroyo & Matteo Morganti - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    Metaphysics is traditionally conceived as aiming at the truth — indeed, the most fundamental truths about the most general features of reality. Philosophical naturalists, urging that philosophical claims be grounded on science, have often assumed an eliminativist attitude towards metaphysics, consequently paying little attention to such a definition. In the more recent literature, however, naturalism has instead been taken to entail that the traditional conception of metaphysics can be accepted if and only if one is a scientific (...)
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    Simplicity: A Meta-Metaphysics.Craig Dilworth - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Simplicity provides a new logic with which to approach intellectual situations. Using the simplicity way of thinking as a tool helps clarify intellectual standpoints and conceptually problematic situations in philosophy, mathematics and physics.
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  11. Doing Ontology and Doing Justice: What Feminist Philosophy Can Teach Us About Meta-Metaphysics.Mari Mikkola - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (7-8):780-805.
    Feminist philosophy has recently become recognised as a self-standing philosophical sub-discipline. Still, metaphysics has remained largely dismissive of feminist insights. Here I make the case for the value of feminist insights in metaphysics: taking them seriously makes a difference to our ontological theory choice and feminist philosophy can provide helpful methodological tools to regiment ontological theories. My examination goes as follows. Contemporary ontology is not done via conceptual analysis, but via quasi-scientific means. This takes different ontological positions to (...)
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    Presentism and the Specious Present: From Temporal Experience to MetaMetaphysics.Olla Solomyak - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (1-2):247-266.
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    Simplicity: A Meta-Metaphysics by Craig Dilworth. [REVIEW]J. K. Swindler - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 68 (3):649-651.
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    Transmaterialism Ending the Psi Wars with a New Meta-Metaphysics.Andy Hilton - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (9):175-199.
    The term 'psi wars' refers to a conflict between those who admit and those who reject the veridicality of psi. Some sort of 'peace' with regard to psi and related topics could be beneficial, particularly as part of a paradigm shift that is arguably already upon us. Here, the area of interest is first conceptualized as a subject–object dichotomy ranging between the poles of the 'supernormal' and 'paranatural'. Parallel to this schema, the domain and its evidential base are sketched through (...)
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    Review of 'Metametaphysics: On Metaphysical Equivalence, Primitiveness, and Theory Choice'. [REVIEW]James Miller - 2017 - Dialectica 71 (4):623-628.
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    The Platonism vs. Nominalism Debate from a Meta-metaphysical Perspective.Guido Imaguire - 2015 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 71 (2-3):375-398.
    Resumo Neste artigo o autor apresenta cinco abordagens diferentes ao debate entre o platonismo e o nominalismo: a quantificacional, a reducionista, a dependência da mente / linguagem, a extensional versus intensional, a hierárquica. Cada uma apresenta suas vantagens e desvantagens que devem ser discutidas em detalhe. Palavras-chave : existência, meta-metafísica, nominalismo, platonismoIn this paper I present five different approaches to the debate between Platonism and Nominalism: the quantifier approach, the reductionist approach, the mind / language dependence approach, the extension (...)
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    “God’s Acting upon the World” – A Meta-metaphysical Perspective.Christina Schneider - 2017 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 1 (1):171-187.
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  18. Personalistic Metaphysics Or Meta-Antropology? Foundational Issue About Absolute Being In Max Scheler’s Philosophy.Martina Properzi - forthcoming - Analecta Husserliana.
    In this article, I propose a philosophical reading of Max Schelers work centered on the theme of metaphysics. This is in order to understand what the unique contribution offered by the author is, in an open debate towards contemporary philosophical reflection. The argument will be divided into four main steps : 1) to show how the theme of metaphysics emerges within Scheler's philosophy ; 2) to examine the model proposed by the author, especially highlighting how Scheler here attempts (...)
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  19. Finean Feminist Metaphysics.Asya Passinsky - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (9):937-954.
    Feminist metaphysicians have recently argued that many of the most influential contemporary meta-metaphysical frameworks are at odds with feminist metaphysics. In this paper I argue that the Finean framework of grounding, essence, and reality evades the main challenges that have been raised for alternative frameworks. The upshot of my discussion is that the Finean framework is an apt one for feminist metaphysics.
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  20. Noumenautics: MetaphysicsMeta-ethics – Psychedelics.Peter Sjöstedt-H. - 2015 - Falmouth, UK: Psychedelic Press.
    Philosopher Peter Sjöstedt-H’s Noumenautics traverses the mindscape of metaphysics, nihilism and psychedelic phenomenology. It navigates through subjects such as the sentience of cells, the constrictions of consciousness, the metaphysics of might, the magic of mushrooms, the narcotics of Nietzsche, and the neologism of neo-nihilism – the last of which may itself cause flashbacks. -/- Tracing the fall of western morality through Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, the book descends deeper still into a metaphysics further upheld by Henri Bergson (...)
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  21. Semantics, meta-semantics, and ontology: A critique of the method of truth in metaphysics.Brian A. Ball, Dorothy Edgington & John Hawthorne - unknown
    In this thesis, Semantics, Meta-Semantics, and Ontology, I provide a critique of the method of truth in metaphysics. Davidson has suggested that we can determine the metaphysical nature and structure of reality through semantic investigations. By contrast, I argue that it is not semantics, but meta-semantics, which reveals the metaphysically necessary and sufficient truth conditions of our claims. As a consequence I reject the Quinean criterion of ontological commitment. In Part I, chapter 1, I argue that the (...)
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  22. From Metaphysics to Meta-humanity.Georges Gusdorf - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  23. Metaphysical Naturalism, Semantic Normativity, and Meta-Semantic Irrealism.Terry Horgan & Mark Timmons - 1993 - Philosophical Issues 4:180 - 204.
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    Contemporary Metaphysics – A Picture of the Landscape.Stanisław Jędrczak - 2022 - Filozofia Nauki 30 (4):129-145.
    E. J. Lowe and Ontology, edited by Mirosław Szatkowski, is the outcome of the international conference Jonathan Lowe and Ontology, which took place in Warsaw on 21–23 May 2019. The book consists of fifteen essays by philosophers of international renown; it concerns, among others, meta-ontology, theory of categories, persistence in time, agency, and mental causation. In addition to summarizing the book’s contribution to contemporary formal ontology, this review includes a critical discussion of selected chapters on meta-metaphysics, as (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Kindness: Comparative Studies in Religious Meta-Ethics.Asher Walden - 2015 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This book explores the problem of moral metaphysics through investigations of four pivotal philosophers. It uses the contemporary idea of moral sentimentalism as a comparative category to explore the problems and challenges inherent in the project of moral metaphysics.
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    Metaphysics from a biological point of view.Stephen Boulter - 2013 - New York, N.Y.: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    One of the most remarkable features of mid-to-late twentieth century analytic philosophy is the revival of interest in the traditional problems of metaphysics. However, given the long period of neglect from which metaphysics in only now emerging, it is perhaps not surprising that philosophers in the analytic tradition are still finding their metaphysical feet, particularly on meta-metaphysical and methodological matters. Thus contemporary metaphysicians find themselves in an exciting but ultimately unstable position: We are convinced that metaphysical questions (...)
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    Reconstructing Metaphorical Metaphysics in Traditional Chinese Philosophy: Meta-One and Harmony.Derong Chen - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book proposes three new metaphysical categories: Meta-One (元一), Multi-One (殊一), and Utter-One (全一). The author argues that this new system of metaphorical metaphysics is rooted in and developed from traditional Chinese philosophy and is the metaphysical foundation of twenty-first century philosophy.
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  28. (1 other version)Metaphysics of Science: A Systematic and Historical Introduction.Markus Andreas Schrenk - 2014 - London & New York: Routledge.
    Metaphysics and science have a long but troubled relationship. In the twentieth century the Logical Positivists argued metaphysics was irrelevant and that philosophy should be guided by science. However, metaphysics and science attempt to answer many of the same, fundamental questions: What are laws of nature? What is causation? What are natural kinds? -/- In this book, Markus Schrenk examines and explains the central questions and problems in the metaphysics of science. He reviews the development of (...)
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    Physics, Meta‐Physics, and Metaphysics: A Modest Demarcation Proposal.Erazim V. Kohak - 1974 - Metaphilosophy 5 (1):18-35.
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    Metaphysics, metaphor, meta-metaphor, and magic.Harold Morowitz - 1998 - Complexity 3 (4):19-20.
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    Metaphysics, reference and (meta-) theory.C. A. Hooker - 1978 - Metaphilosophy 9 (2):133–149.
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    Metaphysics as Logic.Andrea Strollo - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:7-20.
    Philosophy, and analytic metaphysics in particular, is usually described as an armchair discipline, and exactly for such an armchair methodology it has been the target of ferocious criticisms. In this paper, I argue that the theoretical right to conduct metaphysics from the armchair can be defended understanding metaphysics as a form of Logic (broadly understood as including applied logics, philosophical logics and, especially, philosophy of logic). So characterized, the typical practice of metaphysics is not more problematic (...)
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    Metaphysical perspectives on YHWH as a fictional entity in the Hebrew Bible.Jacobus W. Gericke - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-6.
    Within a literary ontology, YHWH in the Hebrew Bible is technically also a fictional entity or object. In Hebrew Bible scholarship, a variety of philosophical issues surrounding fiction have received sustained and in-depth attention. However, the mainstream research on these matters tends to focus on the philosophical foundations of or backgrounds to a particular literary theory, rather than on metaphysical puzzles as encountered in the philosophy of fiction proper. To fill this gap, the present article seeks to provide a (...)-theoretical overview of the main contemporary philosophical perspectives on the metaphysics of fictional objects. Three views are discussed, namely possibilism, Meinongianism and creationism. Each view's theory is introduced and critically appropriated with reference to what is implied to be an answer to the question of what exactly the biblical character YHWH can meaningfully be said to be in the context of the metaphysics of fictional objects. In this way, the present study also goes beyond the traditional concern with the nature of God in Old Testament theology. (shrink)
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    Metaphysical naturalism, semantic normativity, and meta-semantic irrealism.Terence E. Horgan & Mark Timmons - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Philosophical Issues. Atascadero: Ridgeview. pp. 180-204.
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    Ethics, Metaphysics and Sociology.H. J. McCloskey - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (1):109 - 138.
    The three works to be examined here are concerned in their various ways with the rationality of ethics. Baier is concerned almost exclusively with bringing out the rationality of ethics, and in the process develops a new/old ethical theory. Ginsberg's concern with "the rational ethic" is rather subsidiary to his main themes, namely the unsoundness of cultural relativism and the truth concerning the relevance of the findings of sociology and other social sciences to ethics. Mackinnon is largely concerned with the (...)
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  36. Is Kant's Critique of Metaphysics Obsolete?Nicholas Stang - manuscript
    I raise a problem about the possibility of metaphysics originally raised by Kant: what explains the fact that the terms in our metaphysical theories (e.g. “property”) refer to entities and structures (e.g. properties) in the world? I distinguish a meta-metaphysical view that can easily answer such questions (“deflationism”) from a meta-metaphysical view for which this explanatory task is more difficult (which I call the “substantive” view of metaphysics). I then canvass responses that the substantive metaphysician can (...)
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  37. The Metaphysics of Science and Aim-Oriented Empiricism: A Revolution for Science and Philosophy.Nicholas Maxwell - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
    This book gives an account of work that I have done over a period of decades that sets out to solve two fundamental problems of philosophy: the mind-body problem and the problem of induction. Remarkably, these revolutionary contributions to philosophy turn out to have dramatic implications for a wide range of issues outside philosophy itself, most notably for the capacity of humanity to resolve current grave global problems and make progress towards a better, wiser world. A key element of the (...)
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  38. Naturalistic Metaphysics at Sea.Matthew Haug - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiries 6 (1):95-122.
    In this paper I return to the mid-20th-century debate between Quine and Carnap on the status of metaphysics questions with an eye toward advancing contemporary debates about whether naturalists can coherently undertake substantive metaphysical inquiry. Following Huw Price, I take the debate between Quine and Carnap to hinge, in part, on whether human inquiry is functionally unified. However, unlike Price, I suggest that this question is not best understood as a question about the function(s) of descriptive discourse. This goes (...)
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    Metaphysics, Books Gamma, Delta, Epsilon. [REVIEW]J. R. J. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):119-120.
    This translation and commentary is a valuable addition to the Aristotle Series begun by the late professor J. L. Austin and continued by J. L. Ackrill. The translation offers the English reader a fresh approach to the nature of Aristotle's metaphysical inquiry contained in books Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. The opening lines of book Gamma which are traditionally read as "There is a science which studies being qua being," is rendered here as "There is a discipline which studies that which (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Spin.Alberto Corti - 2022 - Dissertation, Université de Genève
    _The thesis investigates metaphysical models of spin as a physical property instantiated by microphysical systems as described in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The thesis is dived into two parts. The first part concerns foundational issues in meta-metaphysics. In particular, the author defends a naturalized approach to metaphysics, according to which metaphysical investigations have to be motivated and supported by our current best scientific theories. Furthermore, it is argued that naturalized metaphysics is in tension with (standard presentations of) (...)
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    Metaphysics as an Aristotelian science.Ian Bell - 2004 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    The dissertation's primary task is to discern to what extent the investigations contained in Aristotle's Metaphysics conform to the model of science developed in the Posterior Analytics. It concludes that the Metaphysics substantially follows the model of the Analytics in studying the causes and attributes of a specific nature, although it makes significant departures especially in its conception of the principles of being and substance. ;Two introductory chapters discuss respectively Aristotle's conception of science in the Analytics and the (...)
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    Metaphysics (Critical Concepts in Philosophy).Michael C. Rea (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Vol. I: Foundations • Meta-Ontology • Propositions, States of Affairs, and Events • Universals, Properties, and Kinds • Substances, Bundles, and Substrata -/- Vol. II: Metaphysics of Modality • Possible Worlds • Actualism and Possibilism • Essentialism • Causation and Laws of Nature • Reduction and Supervenience -/- Vol. III: Time and Identity • Time • Individuation • Composition and Material Constitution • Change and Persistence • Realism, Anti-Realism, and Vagueness -/- Vol. IV: God and Persons • The (...)
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    On the Metaphysics of Relation-Response Properties.Spencer Smith - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (3).
    Certain properties of great interest to philosophers—e.g., blameworthiness, praiseworthiness, desirability, etc.—appear on the basis of their standard English forms of designation to have _relation-response structure_. In other words, each such property appears on the basis of its standard English forms of designation to be a relational property of a certain sort, namely, the property of standing in a given relation to a given type of response. This presents a question: When we set out to theorize any such property, how seriously (...)
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  44. A Formal Apology for Metaphysics.Samuel Baron - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5.
    There is an old meta-philosophical worry: very roughly, metaphysical theories have no observational consequences and so the study of metaphysics has no value. The worry has been around in some form since the rise of logical positivism in the early twentieth century but has seen a bit of a renaissance recently. In this paper, I provide an apology for metaphysics in the face of this kind of concern. The core of the argument is this: pure mathematics detaches (...)
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  45. Generalism and the Metaphysics of Ontic Structural Realism.David Glick - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):751-772.
    Ontic structural realism claims that all there is to the world is structure. But how can this slogan be turned into a worked-out metaphysics? Here I consider one potential answer: a metaphysical framework known as ‘generalism’. According to the generalist, the most fundamental description of the world is not given in terms of individuals bearing properties, but rather, general facts about which states of affairs obtain. However, I contend that despite several apparent similarities between the positions, generalism is unable (...)
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  46. Generalism and the Metaphysics of Ontic Structural Realism.David Glick - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axy008.
    Ontic structural realism (OSR) claims that all there is to the world is structure. But how can this slogan be turned into a worked-out metaphysics? Here I consider one potential answer: a metaphysical framework known as generalism (Dasgupta, 2009, 2016). According to the generalist, the most fundamental description of the world is not given in terms of individuals bearing properties, but rather, general facts about which states of affairs obtain. However, I contend that despite several apparent similarities between the (...)
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    Tübingen Metaphysics Workshop - Existence, Truth and Fundamentality.Fabio Ceravolo, Mattia Cozzi & Mattia Sorgon - 2014 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 5 (1):94-123.
    Since last year, major initiatives have been undertaken by the chair of theoretical philosophy at the University of Tübingen in order to enhance the reception of analytic metaphysics in the European landscape. Here we review the 2013 summer workshop, intended to be the first of an annual series, on “Existence, Truth and Fundamentality”, the invited speakers being Graham Priest (Melbourne), Stephan Leuenberger (Glasgow), Dan López de Sa (Barcelona), Francesco Berto (Aberdeen), Friederike Moltmann (Paris – Pantheon Sorbonne) and Jason Turner (...)
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    A Set of Meta-Systemetic Assumptions for Dovetailing Jaina Logic Into Jaina Metaphysics.Tushar K. Sarkar - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (1-2):101-121.
    This paper presents an integralist approach to Jaina logic. This is built around an analysis of the pivotal notion of antarvyāpti in Jaina logic. It is shown in this connection why antarvyāpti needs to be considered the ‘Core Perspective/problem’ of Jaina logic. Next, it is shown how all the salient features of Jaina logic (as viewed from its language-oriented perspective and the epistemic perspective respectively) stand intimately related to the so-called core perspective. In the remaining sections of the paper topics (...)
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    Bergman's Persona: The Metaphysics of Meta-Cinema.David L. Vierling - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (2):48.
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  50. Riddles of Existence: A Guided Tour of Metaphysics: New Edition.Earl Brink Conee & Theodore Sider - 2005 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Theodore Sider.
    This is an introduction to metaphysics for students and non-philosophers. (Philosophers: it's supposed to be the kind of book you can give to your friends and family, when they ask what you do for a living.) Contents: personal identity, fatalism, time, God, why not nothing?, free will, constitution, universals, necessity and possibility, what is metaphysics? (There is a second edition, which adds chapters on meta-metaphysics and the metaphysics of ethics.).
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