Results for 'Mind Design'

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  1. (1 other version)Mind Design: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence.John Haugeland (ed.) - 1981 - MIT Press.
    Semantic Engines: An Introduction to Mind Design, John C. Haugeland; Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry: Symbols and Search, Alan Newell and Herbert A. Simon; Complexity and the Study of Artificial and Human Intelligence, Zenon Pylyshyn; A Framework for Representing Knowledge, Marvin Minsky; Artificial Intelligence---A Personal View, David Marr; Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Stupidity, Drew McDermott; From Micro-Worlds to Knowledge Representation: AI at an Impasse, Hubert L. Dreyfus; Reductionism and the Nature of Psychology, Hilary Putnam; Intentional Systems, Daniel C. (...)
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    Mind Design and Minimal Syntax.Wolfram Hinzen - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book introduces generative grammar as an area of study and asks what it tells us about the human mind. Wolfram Hinzen lays the foundation for the unification of modern generative linguistics with the philosophies of mind and language. He introduces Chomsky's program of a 'minimalist' syntax as a novel explanatory vision of the human mind. He explains how the Minimalist Program originated in work in cognitive science, biology, linguistics, and philosophy, and examines its implications for work (...)
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Shannon Sullivan, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.John Haugeland & Mind Design - 1997 - Teaching Philosophy 20 (4).
  4. Mind Design.J. Haugel (ed.) - 1981 - MIT Press.
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    Mind Design III: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence, edited by John Haugeland, Carl F. Craver, and Colin Klein.Furkan Yazıcı - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (1):136-138.
  6. Mind Design III.Julia Haas (ed.) - forthcoming
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    Mind Design II. [REVIEW]Asher Seidel - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (2):204-207.
  8. John Haugeland, ed., Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence[REVIEW]Varol Akman - 1998 - ACM SIGART Bulletin 9 (3-4):33-36.
    This is a review of Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence, edited by John Haugeland and published by The MIT Press in 1997.
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    Sixteen years of artificial intelligence: Mind design and mind design II.Andrew beedle - 1998 - Philosophical Psychology 11 (2):243 – 250.
    John Haugeland's Mind design and Mind design II are organized around the idea that the fundamental idea of cognitive science is that, “intelligent beings are semantic engines — in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense”. The goal of artificial intelligence research, or the problem of “mind design” as Haugeland calls it, is to develop computers that are in fact semantic engines. This paper canvasses the changes in artificial (...)
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    The Mind Technology Problem and the Deep History of Mind Design.Robert W. Clowes, Klaus Gärtner & Inês Hipólito - 2021 - In Inês Hipólito, Robert William Clowes & Klaus Gärtner, The Mind-Technology Problem : Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artefacts. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-45.
    We are living through a new phase in human development where much of everyday life – at least in the most technologically developed parts of the world – has come to depend upon our interaction with “smart” artefacts. Alongside this increasing adoption and ever-deepening reliance on intelligent machines, important changes have been taking place, often in the background, as to how we think of ourselves and how we conceptualize our relationship with technology. As we design, create and learn to (...)
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  11. Semantic engines: An introduction to mind design.John Haugeland - 1981 - In J. Haugel, Mind Design. MIT Press.
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    Review of Haugeland, Mind Design II. [REVIEW]J. L. Garfield - 1999 - Metascience 8 (3):487-489.
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  13. John Haugeland (ed.), Mind Design II. [REVIEW]T. Rockwell - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (3):247-247.
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    INTERLUDE. The Science Fiction of Mind Design.Nomy Arpaly - 2006 - In Merit, Meaning, and Human Bondage: An Essay on Free Will. Princeton University Press. pp. 109-116.
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    Logic Made Easy;: Or a Short View of the Aristotelic System of Reasoning, and Its Application to Literature, Science, and the General Improvement of the Mind. Designed Chiefly for the Students of the University of Oxford.Henry Kett, J. Parker & F. C. And J. Rivington - 1809 - Printed at the University Press for the Author; : And Sold by J. Parker, Oxford, : And F.C. And J. Rivington, London.
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    Challenges of creating alliances across borders: midterm reflections from the Alliance for African partnership.Isaac Minde & Jamie Monson - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 15 (2):155-167.
    ABSTRACTThis paper seeks to share cross-border challenges in the ethical design, establishment, implementation, and evaluation of the performance of alliance...
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    Moral Minds: How Nature Designed Our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong.Marc Hauser - 2006 - Harper Collins.
    Marc Hauser puts forth the theory that humans have evolved a universal moral instinct, unconsciously propelling us to deliver judgments of right and wrong independent of gender, education, and religion. Combining his cutting-edge research with the latest findings in cognitive psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, economics, and anthropology, Hauser explores the startling implications of his provocative theory vis-à-vis contemporary bioethics, religion, the law, and our everyday lives.
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  18. Brainchildren: Essays on Designing Minds.Daniel C. Dennett - 1995 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    This book brings together his essays on the philosphy of mind, artificial intelligence, and cognitive ethology that appeared in inaccessible journals from 1984...
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  19. Book: Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds.Antonio Lieto - 2021 - London, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd.
    Book Description (Blurb): Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds explains the crucial role that human cognition research plays in the design and realization of artificial intelligence systems, illustrating the steps necessary for the design of artificial models of cognition. It bridges the gap between the theoretical, experimental and technological issues addressed in the context of AI of cognitive inspiration and computational cognitive science. -/- Beginning with an overview of the historical, methodological and technical issues in the field of (...)
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    The Design of Material, Organism, and Minds: Different Understandings of Design.Michael Hampe & Silke Lang (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    Design is eminent throughout different disciplines of science, engineering, humanities, and art. However, within these disciplines, the way in which the term design is understood and applied differs significantly. There still is a profound lack of interdisciplinary research on this issue. The same term is not even guaranteed to carry the same meaning as soon as one crosses over to other disciplines. Therefore, related synergies between disciplines remain largely unexplored and unexploited.This book will address design in the (...)
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    The Design-Based Approach to the Study of Mind (in humans, other animals, and machines), Including the Study of Behaviour Involving Mental Processes.Aaron Sloman - manuscript
    When scientists attempt to explain observations of behaviour in humans and other animals, they often use language that evolved for informal discourse among people engaged in every day social interaction, like this: What does the infant/child/adult/chimp/crow perceive/understand/learn/intend? What is he/she/it conscious of? What does he/she/it experience/enjoy/desire? What is he/she/it attending to? Why did he/she/it do X, start Xing, stop Xing, speed up Xing...? Does he/she/it know that...? What did/does he/she/it expect will happen, if...? Similar comments can be made about the (...)
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    Mind Scripting: A Method for Deconstructive Design.Doris Allhutter - 2012 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 37 (6):684-707.
    The interventionist turn in science and technology studies increasingly involves researchers with practices of technology development and thus entails the need for appropriate methodologies. Based in software engineering, this article introduces the deconstructive technique of “mind scripting” as a method for analyzing processes of the co-materialization of gender and technology and as a tool to support cooperative, reflective work practices. Anchored in critical design approaches, “mind scripting” is a means for development teams to disclose discourses implicitly guiding (...)
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  23. Rigid designators and mind-brain identity.Grover Maxwell - 1979 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9:9.
  24. Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, and Minds—a Reply to John Beaudoin.Elliott Sober - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (4):443-446.
    In my paper “Intelligent Design Theory and the Supernatural—the ‘God or Extra-Terrestrial’ Reply,” I argued that Intelligent Design (ID) Theory, when coupled with independently plausible further assumptions, leads to the conclusion that a supernatural intelligent designer exists. ID theory is therefore not neutral on the question of whether there are supernatural agents. In this respect, it differs from the Darwinian theory of evolution. John Beaudoin replies to my paper in his “Sober on Intelligent Design Theory and the (...)
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    Savage mind to savage machine: racial science and twentieth-century design.Ginger Nolan - 2020 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    The Architecture Machine: Industrial Design and Theories of Racial Evolution -- The Bauhaus and the Aura of Authorship: Class and Race in the Age of Technological Reproducibility -- Post-War European Modernism: Or, What the Primitive Hut Really Said -- Bricolage, Megastructure, Interface: Yona Friedman and the Humanitarian Machine -- The Earth Unfolded: Aspen, Africa, and the Geopolitics of Environment -- Harlem Speaks to Aspen: Environmental Politics versus Environmental Design -- Pentecostal Technologies: The Architecture Machine (Again) -- Technological Sovereignty (...)
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    Designed in the Mind: Western Visions of Science, Nature and Humankind.Alistair C. Crombie - 1988 - History of Science 26 (1):1-12.
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    Design of Life Expansion and the Human Mind.Natasha Vita-More - 2014 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick, Intelligence Unbound. Wiley. pp. 240–247.
    A goal of expanding life over time, space, and substrate requires that we look beneath the surface of technology and the universal norms placed on human nature to a vision of its future that could be realized. There is a visible fracturing of the personal and social behaviors of its hybrid users – a process that we might call data‐clatter. While life expansion seeks the continuation of persons over time and space and beyond the physical body, there is no current (...)
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  28. A Design for a Human Mind.Edmond Wright - 1985 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 19 (47):21-37.
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    The design-based approach to the study of mind (in humans, other aniamls, and machines).Aaron Sloman - unknown
    When scientists discuss experimental observations, they often, unfortunately, use language that evolved for informal discourse among people engaged in every day social interaction, like this: What does the infant/child/adult/chimp/crow (etc) perceive/understand/learn/intend (etc)? What is he/she/it conscious of? What does he/she/it experience/enjoy/desire? What is he/she/it attending to? Similar comments can be made about the terminology used in many philosophical discussions about minds, cognition, language, and the relationships between evolution and learning.
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    Design in mind.Ann Heylighen, Humberto Cavallin & Matteo Bianchin - 2009 - Design Issues 25 (1):94-105.
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    Mind the gap: students’ expectations, conceptions and reality of self-regulation in a 3D design team project.Tsai-Yun Mou - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-14.
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  32. Reconsidering the mind-wandering reader: predictive processing, probability designs, and enculturation.Regina Fabry & Karin Kukkonen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:1-14.
    Studies on mind-wandering frequently use reading as an experimental task. In these studies, reading is conceived as a cognitive process that potentially offers a contrast to mind-wandering, because it seems to be task-related, goal-directed and stimulus-dependent. More recent work attempts to avoid the dichotomy of successful cognitive processes and processes of mind-wandering found in earlier studies. We approach the issue from the perspective that texts provoke modes of cognitive involvement different from the information processing and recall account (...)
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  33. Yet another design for a brain? Review of Port and van Gelder Mind as Motion.Rick Grush - unknown
    It is the aim of work in theoretical cognitive science to produce good theories of what exactly cognition amounts to, preferably theories which not only provide a framework for fruitful empirical investigation, but which also shed light on cognitive activity itself, which help us to understand our place, as cognitive agents, in a complex causally determined physical universe. The most recent such framework to gain significant fame is the so-called dynamical approach to cognition. Explaining and exploring DST is the purpose (...)
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    From Intelligence to Rationality of Minds and Machines in Contemporary Society: The Sciences of Design and the Role of Information.Wenceslao J. Gonzalez - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (3):397-424.
    The presence of intelligence and rationality in Artificial Intelligence and the Internet requires a new context of analysis in which Herbert Simon’s approach to the sciences of the artificial is surpassed in order to grasp the role of information in our contemporary setting. This new framework requires taking into account some relevant aspects. In the historical endeavor of building up AI and the Internet, minds and machines have interacted over the years and in many ways through the interrelation between scientific (...)
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  35. Design and syntax in pictures.Robert Hopkins - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (3):312-329.
    Many attempts to define depiction appeal to viewers' perceptual responses. Such accounts are liable to give a central role in determining depictive content to picture features responsible for the response, design. A different project is to give a compositional semantics for depictive content. Such attempts identify syntax: picture features systematically responsible for the content of the whole. Design and syntax are competitors. But syntax requires system, in how picture features contribute to content, that design does not. By (...)
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    Iconic Mathematics: Math Designed to Suit the Mind.Peter Kramer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mathematics is a struggle for many. To make it more accessible, behavioral and educational scientists are redesigning how it is taught. To a similar end, a few rogue mathematicians and computer scientists are doing something more radical: they are redesigning mathematics itself, improving its ergonomic features. Charles Peirce, an important contributor to ordinary symbolic logic, also introduced a rigorous but non-symbolic, graphical alternative to it that is easier to picture. In the spirit of this iconic logic, George Spencer-Brown founded iconic (...)
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  37. Dancing memes, minds and designs.Shirley McKechnie - 2005 - In Robin Grove, Kate Stevens & Shirley McKechnie, Thinking in Four Dimensions: creativity and cognition in contemporary dance. Melbourne UP. pp. 81--94.
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  38. (1 other version)Syllabus Design and World-Making.Rima Basu - forthcoming - In Brynn Welch, The Art of Teaching. Bloomsbury.
    There are many commonalities between the framework of roleplaying games such as Dungeons & Dragons and the way in which we design classes and assignments. The professor (the dungeon master) selects a number of readings with some end goal in mind (the campaign). Along the way the students are expected to be active participants (roleplay) and the professor designs progressively harder assignments (quests) in order to test the students’ abilities and to promote learning and growth (leveling up). This (...)
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    Challenging Design: How Best to Account for the World as It Really Is.Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair - 2003 - Zygon 38 (3):543-558.
    Evolutionary psychology and intelligent‐design theory both need to be able to account for the empirical world, or the world as it is. This essay is an attempt to clarify the challenges these theories need to meet, if the relevant empirical findings are replicable. There is evidence of change in the biological world and of modularity of mind, and there is a growing body of work that finds evolutionary theory a convincing and fruitful account of the “design” of (...)
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  40. Intelligent Design Theory and the Supernatural—the ‘God or Extra-Terrestrials’ Reply.Elliot Sober - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (1):72-82.
    When proponents of Intelligent Design (ID) theory deny that their theory is religious, the minimalistic theory they have in mind (the mini-ID theory) is the claim that the irreducibly complex adaptations found in nature were made by one or more intelligent designers. The denial that this theory is religious rests on the fact that it does not specify the identity of the designer—a supernatural God or a team of extra-terrestrials could have done the work. The present paper attempts (...)
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  41. Towards a design-based analysis of emotional episodes.Ian Wright, Aaron Sloman & Luc P. Beaudoin - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (2):101-126.
    he design-based approach is a methodology for investigating mechanisms capable of generating mental phenomena, whether introspectively or externally observed, and whether they occur in humans, other animals or robots. The study of designs satisfying requirements for autonomous agency can provide new deep theoretical insights at the information processing level of description of mental mechanisms. Designs for working systems (whether on paper or implemented on computers) can systematically explicate old explanatory concepts and generate new concepts that allow new and richer (...)
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  42. Evolution: The Computer Systems Engineer Designing Minds.Aaron Sloman - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (2):45-69.
    What we have learnt in the last six or seven decades about virtual machinery, as a result of a great deal of science and technology, enables us to offer Darwin a new defence against critics who argued that only physical form, not mental capabilities and consciousness could be products of evolution by natural selection. The defence compares the mental phenomena mentioned by Darwin’s opponents with contents of virtual machinery in computing systems. Objects, states, events, and processes in virtual machinery which (...)
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  43. Designed for Death: Controlling Killer Robots.Steven Umbrello - 2022 - Budapest: Trivent Publishing.
    Autonomous weapons systems, often referred to as ‘killer robots’, have been a hallmark of popular imagination for decades. However, with the inexorable advance of artificial intelligence systems (AI) and robotics, killer robots are quickly becoming a reality. These lethal technologies can learn, adapt, and potentially make life and death decisions on the battlefield with little-to-no human involvement. This naturally leads to not only legal but ethical concerns as to whether we can meaningful control such machines, and if so, then how. (...)
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  44. Property Designators, Predicates, and Rigidity.Benjamin Sebastian Schnieder - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 122 (3):227-241.
    The article discusses an idea of how to extend the notion of rigidity to predicates, namely the idea that predicates stand in a certain systematic semantic relation to properties, such that this relation may hold rigidly or nonrigidly. The relation (which I call signification) can be characterised by recourse to canonical property designators which are derived from predicates (or general terms) by means of nominalization: a predicate signifies that property which the derived property designator designates. Whether signification divides into rigid (...)
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  45. Rigid Designators for Properties.Joseph LaPorte - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (2):321-336.
    Here I defend the position that some singular terms for properties are rigid designators, responding to Stephen P. Schwartz’s interesting criticisms of that position. First, I argue that my position does not depend on ontological parsimony with respect to properties – e.g., there is no need to claim that there are only natural properties – to get around the problem of “unusual properties.” Second, I argue that my position does not confuse sameness of meaning across possible worlds with sameness of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities.William Albert Dembski - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Shoot an arrow at a wall, and then paint a target around it so that the arrow sticks squarely in the bull's eye. Alternatively, paint a fixed target on a wall, and then shoot an arrow so that it sticks squarely in the bull's eye. How do these situations differ? In both instances the precise place where the arrow lands is highly improbable. Yet in the one, one can do no better than attribute the arrow's landing to chance, whereas in (...)
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  47. Is design relative or real? Dennett on intentional relativism and physical realism.Reese M. Heitner - 2000 - Minds and Machines 10 (2):267-83.
    Dennett's intended rapprochement between physical realism and intentional relativism fails because it is premised upon conflicting arguments governing the status of design. Indeed, Dennett's remarks on design serve to highlight tensions buried deep within his theory. For inasmuch as Dennett succeeds in objectifying attributions of design, attributions of intentionality readily follow suit, leading to a form of intentional realism. But inasmuch as Dennett is successful in relativizing attributions of design, scientific realism at large is subject to (...)
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  48. Promoting Vices: Designing the Web for Manipulation.Lukas Schwengerer - 2022 - In Michael Klenk & Fleur Jongepier, The Philosophy of Online Manipulation. Routledge. pp. 292-310.
    This chapter discusses a problematic relation between user-friendly design and manipulation. Some specific features of the design of a website can make it a more or less potent tool for manipulation. In particular, features that can be summed up as creating a user-friendly experience are also manipulation-friendly. The ease of using a website also makes it easier to be manipulated via the website. The chapter provides an argument that this can be explained as a less intellectually virtuous engagement (...)
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  49. The logic of design as a conceptual logic of information.Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (3):495-519.
    In this article, I outline a logic of design of a system as a specific kind of conceptual logic of the design of the model of a system, that is, the blueprint that provides information about the system to be created. In section two, I introduce the method of levels of abstraction as a modelling tool borrowed from computer science. In section three, I use this method to clarify two main conceptual logics of information inherited from modernity: Kant’s (...)
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    World Without Design: The Ontological Consequences of Naturalism.Michael C. Rea - 2002 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Philosophical naturalism, according to which philosophy is continuous with the natural sciences, has dominated the Western academy for well over a century; but Michael Rea claims that it is without rational foundation, and that the costs of embracing it are surprisingly high. The first part of World Without Design aims to provide a fair and historically informed characterization of naturalism. Rea then argues compellingly to the surprising conclusion that naturalists are committed to rejecting realism about material objects, materialism, and (...)
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