Results for 'Mitchell Brigell'

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  1.  13
    Bending the parallels of the Poggendorff figure.Mitchell Brigell & John Uhlarik - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (1):1-4.
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    The importance of the within-trial interval in the superiority of the recall over anticipation method of paired-associate learning.Mitchell G. Brigell, Charles P. Thompson & Sam C. Brown - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (2):131-133.
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    Children's Early Understanding of Mind: Origins and Development.Charlie Lewis & Peter Mitchell - 1994 - Psychology Press.
    Drawing together researchers from diverse theoretical positions, the aim of this book is to work towards a coherent and unified account of how we develop an understanding of one's and others' mental states.
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    Legal Briefing: Crisis Standards of Care and Legal Protections during Disasters and Emergencies.Thaddeus M. Pope & Mitchell F. Palazzo - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (4):358-367.
    This article outlines current safe harbors in the law for healthcare practitioners who work in a disaster setting. It reviews available legal protection in crisis situations with respect to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), criminal liability, and licensure.
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  5. Folk psychological and phenomenological accounts of social perception.Mitchell Herschbach - 2008 - Philosophical Explorations 11 (3):223 – 235.
    Theory theory and simulation theory share the assumption that mental states are unobservable, such that mental state attribution requires an extra psychological step beyond perception. Phenomenologists deny this, contending that we can directly perceive people's mental states. Here I evaluate objections to theory theory and simulation theory as accounts of everyday social perception offered by Dan Zahavi and Shaun Gallagher. I agree that their phenomenological claims have bite at the personal level, distinguishing direct social perception from conscious theorizing and simulation. (...)
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  6. On the role of social interaction in social cognition: a mechanistic alternative to enactivism.Mitchell Herschbach - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (4):467-486.
    Researchers in the enactivist tradition have recently argued that social interaction can constitute social cognition, rather than simply serve as the context for social cognition. They contend that a focus on social interaction corrects the overemphasis on mechanisms inside the individual in the explanation of social cognition. I critically assess enactivism’s claims about the explanatory role of social interaction in social cognition. After sketching the enactivist approach to cognition in general and social cognition in particular, I identify problems with an (...)
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    (Dis)-Trust in transitioning ventilator-dependent children from hospital to homecare.Kiran Pohar Manhas & Ian Mitchell - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):913-927.
    Background: Scholarly work is needed to develop the conceptual and theoretical understanding of trust to nursing practice. The transition from hospital care to complex pediatric homecare involves nurses in myriad roles, including management and care provision. Complex pediatric homecare transforms children, families, professionals, and communities, but its exact implications are unclear. Research objectives: To conduct an ethical inquiry into the role and responsibilities of nurses in the qualitative experience of adults involved in the hospital-to-home transition of young, ventilator-dependent children. Research (...)
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  8. Rehabilitating Retributivism.Mitchell N. Berman - 2013 - Law and Philosophy 32 (1):83-108.
    This review essay of Victor Tadros’s new book, “The Ends of Harm: The Moral Foundations of Criminal Law,” responds to Tadros’s energetic and sophisticated attacks on retributivist justifications for criminal punishment. I argue, in a nutshell, that those attacks fail. In defending retributivism, however, I also sketch original views on two questions that retributivism must address but that many or most retributivists have skated past. First, what do wrongdoers deserve – to suffer? to be punished? something else? Second, what does (...)
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  9. The Copycat Project.Douglas Hofstadter & Melanie Mitchell - 1995 - In Douglas Hofstadter & Melanie Mitchell (eds.), Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies.
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    Perspectives on Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: Proceedings Volume in the Santa Fe Institute Studies.Lashon Booker, Stephanie Forrest, Melanie Mitchell & Rick Riolo (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book is a collection of essays exploring adaptive systems from many perspectives, ranging from computational applications to models of adaptation in living and social systems. The essays on computation discuss history, theory, applications, and possible threats of adaptive and evolving computations systems. The modeling chapters cover topics such as evolution in microbial populations, the evolution of cooperation, and how ideas about evolution relate to economics. The title Perspectives on Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems honors John Holland, whose 1975 (...)
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  11. Anthropomorphism and anecdotes: a guide for the perplexed.Robert W. Mitchell - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles (eds.), Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 407--427.
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    Hexagonal networks of linear imperfections in single crystals of cadmium.J. C. Crump & J. W. Mitchell - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (85):59-69.
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    The Role of Analogy in Adaptive Explanation.Adrian Mitchell Currie - unknown
    Cases of 'convergence' could play an important role in the construction and corroboration of adaptive hypotheses. In particular, they could inform us about the evolutionary histories of novel traits. However, there is a problem of causal depth in the use of analogies. Natural Selection's affect on phenotype is constrained by phylogenetic history to a degree that we are unfounded in projecting adaptive stories from one lineage to another. I will argue for two approaches to resolve this issue. First, by constraining (...)
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    Automatism and dissociation: Disturbances of consciousness and volition from a psychological perspective.Hamish J. McLeod, Mitchell K. Byrne & Rachel Aitken - 2004 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 27 (5):471-487.
  15.  29
    The demands of mental travel: demand characteristics of mental imagery experiments.Charles L. Richman, David B. Mitchell & J. Steven Reznick - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):564-565.
  16.  44
    Types, Styles, and Spaces of Possibility : Phenomenology and Musical Improvisation.Mitchell Atkinson - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (3):253-270.
    Summary I outline an approach to the phenomenology of improvised music which takes typification and the development of multi‐ordered phenomenological structures as central. My approach here is firmly in line with classical Husserlian phenomenology, taking the discussion of types in Experience and Judgment (Husserl, 1973) and Brudzińska (2015) as guide. I provide a phenomenological analysis of musical types as they are found in improvisational contexts, focusing on jazz in the 20th century. Styles are higher‐order musical types. Musical types are structures (...)
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  17. Defending a Law of Peoples: Political Liberalism and Decent Peoples.Mitchell Avila - 2007 - The Journal of Ethics 11 (1):87-124.
    In this paper I reconstruct and defend John Rawls' The Law of Peoples, including the distinction between liberal and decent peoples. A “decent people” is defined as a people who possesses a comprehensive doctrine and uses that doctrine as the ground of political legitimacy, while liberal peoples do not possess a comprehensive doctrine. I argue that liberal and decent peoples are bound by the same normative requirements with the qualification that decent peoples accept the same normative demands when they are (...)
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    The Philosophy of Protest: Fighting for Justice without Going to War.Jennifer Kling & Megan Mitchell - 2021 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Rather than looking at protest in the ideal case, this book looks at how protest is actually practiced and argues that suitably constrained violent political protest is sometimes justified.
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    Instrumental Perspectivism: Is AI Machine Learning Technology like NMR Spectroscopy?Sandra D. Mitchell - unknown
    The question, “Will science remain human?” expresses a worry that deep learning algorithms will replace scientists in making crucial judgments of classification and inference and that something crucial will be lost if that happens. Ever since the introduction of telescopes and microscopes humans have relied on technologies to “extend” beyond human sensory perception in acquiring scientific knowledge. In this paper I explore whether the ways in which new learning technologies “extend” beyond human cognitive aspects of science can be treated instrumentally. (...)
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    Relating Bayes to cognitive mechanisms.Mitchell Herschbach & William Bechtel - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (4):202-203.
    We support Enlightenment Bayesianism's commitment to grounding Bayesian analysis in empirical details of psychological and neural mechanisms. Recent philosophical accounts of mechanistic science illuminate some of the challenges this approach faces. In particular, mechanistic decomposition of mechanisms into their component parts and operations gives rise to a notion of levels distinct from and more challenging to accommodate than Marr's.
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    The Wager of Lucien Goldmann: Tragedy, Dialectics, and a Hidden God.Mitchell Cohen - 1994 - Princeton University Press.
    In The Wager of Lucien Goldmann, Mitchell Cohen provides the first full-length study of this major figure of postwar French intellectual life and champion of socialist humanism. While many Parisian leftists staunchly upheld Marxism's "scientificity" in the 1950s and 1960s, Lucien Goldmann insisted that Marxism was by then in severe crisis and had to reinvent itself radically if it were to survive. He rejected the traditional Marxist view of the proletariat and contested the structuralist and antihumanist theorizing that infected (...)
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  22.  18
    Wissenschaftsgeschichte in der Geschichtswissenschaft.Mitchell G. Ash - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):329-332.
    History of Science in History. This position paper discusses the position of history of science within the field of history and presents arguments for maintaining and expanding that position in future.
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  23. Special issue of.J. Earman, C. Glymour & S. Mitchell - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
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    Spirituality and impact evaluation design: The case of an addiction recovery faith-based organisation in Argentina.Severine Deneulin & Ann Mitchell - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-9.
    The importance of the spiritual dimension in the lives of people living in conditions of poverty and social exclusion and the often-critical role of faith-based organisations has gained increasing relevance in development research and practice. A growing line of research focuses on how to integrate the faith dimension into the evaluation of social programmes and on quantifying the effects of faith. The objective of this article is to propose a framework for integrating a spiritual dimension into the design and practice (...)
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    Audit committee features and earnings management: further evidence from Singapore.J.-L. W. Mitchell Van Der Zahn & Greg Tower - 2004 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (2/3):233.
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    The annealing of graphite irradiated with electrons at 80°K.C. B. Davies & E. W. J. Mitchell - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (157):57-81.
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    It is not evolution, but a better game would need a better agent.Christian Huyck & Ian Mitchell - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):499-500.
    Steels & Belpaeme (S&B) refer to the neural plausibility and evolutionary plausibility of their algorithms. Although this is not central to their goal of effective artificial agents, their algorithms are not neurally or evolutionarily plausible. Their communication games are interesting, and more complex games would lead to more effective agents. However, the algorithms could be improved either by using standard subsymbolic algorithms or by algorithms that are really neurally or evolutionarily plausible.
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    What is educational entrepreneurship? Strategic action, temporality, and the expansion of US higher education.Alexander T. Kindel & Mitchell L. Stevens - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):577-605.
    The massive expansion of US higher education after World War II is a sociological puzzle: a spectacular feat of state capacity-building in a highly federated polity. Prior scholarship names academic leaders as key drivers of this expansion, yet the conditions for the possibility and fate of their activity remain under-specified. We fill this gap by theorizing what Randall Collins first callededucational entrepreneurshipas a special kind of strategic action in the US polity. We argue that the cultural authority and organizational centrality (...)
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    (1 other version)A study in moral problems.Bertram Mitchell Laing - 1922 - New York,: Macmillan.
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    ‘Inglan is a bitch’: hostile NHS charging regulations contravene the ethical principles of the medical profession.Josephine Mary Katharine Reynolds & Caroline Mitchell - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (8):497-503.
    Following the recent condemnation of the National Health Service charging regulations by medical colleges and the UK Faculty of Public Health, we demonstrate that through enactment of this policy, the medical profession is betraying its core ethical principles. Through dissection of the policy using Beauchamp and Childress’ framework, a disrespect for autonomy becomes evident in the operationalisation of the charging regulations, just as a disregard for confidentiality was apparent in the data sharing Memorandum of Understanding. Negative consequences of the regulations (...)
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    the Materiality of Metaphor.David Mitchell & Sharon Snyder - 1997 - In Lennard J. Davis (ed.), The Disability Studies Reader. Psychology Press. pp. 205.
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  32. A (neo) American in Paris: Bourdieu, Mead, and Pragmatism.Mitchell Aboulafia - 1999 - In Richard Shusterman (ed.), Bourdieu. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 153-174.
  33.  6
    Modernism, modernity, and politics in the general history of science: Implications of Herbert Mehrtens‘ work, from “Vienna 1900” to the Nazi era, and beyond.Mitchell G. Ash - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (4):336-350.
    ArgumentHerbert Mehrtens‘ work and the implications of the historical ideas he advanced went beyond the history of any single discipline. The article therefore addresses three broad issues: (1) Mehrtens‘ reconceptualization of mathematical modernism, in his field-changing book Moderne—Sprache—Mathematik (1990) and other works, as an epistemic and cultural phenomenon in a way that could potentially reach across and also beyond the sciences and also link scientific and cultural modernisms; (2) the extension of his work to the history of modernity itself via (...)
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  34. Gestalt psychology in Weimar culture.Mitchell G. Ash - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (3):395-415.
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    The justification of religious belief.Basil Mitchell - 1973 - New York,: Seabury Press.
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    Habit, Type, and Alterity in Social Life. Recoiling Protentions and Social Invisibility.Mitchell Atkinson - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (1):129-142.
    The question of the possibility of a phenomenological sociology is of the utmost importance today. In this paper, techniques in transcendental-genetic phenomenology are introduced as applicable to sociological work. I introduce the concept of recoil, a habit of thought which negatively determines protentions and expectations concerning types sedimented in far retention. Recoil is seen to be an important element in the theory of alterity in social life, including the understanding of alters as invisible. Finally, arguments in favor of the use (...)
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    The bremen lectures.Andrew J. Mitchell - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 243.
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    Floating AuthorshipAgainst Theory: Literary Studies and the New Pragmatism.Peggy Kamuf & W. J. T. Mitchell - 1986 - Diacritics 16 (4):2.
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    Engaging Philosophy: A Brief Introduction.Mitchell S. Green - 2006 - Hackett.
    This brief book introduces students and general readers to philosophy through core questions and topics -- particularly those involving ethics, the existence of God, free will, the relation of mind and body, and what it is to be a person. It also features a chapter on reasoning, both theoretical and practical, that develops an account of both cogent logical reasoning and rational decision-making. Throughout, the emphasis is on initiating newcomers to philosophy through rigorous yet lively consideration of some of the (...)
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  40.  8
    (1 other version)Practising Public Scholarship: Experiences and Possibilities Beyond the Academy.Katharyne Mitchell (ed.) - 2008 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    A cross-disciplinary collection of 20 essays describing the journey to public scholarship, exploring the pleasures and perils associated with breaching the town-gown divide. Includes contributions from departments of geography, comparative literature, sociology, communications, history, English, public health, and biology Discusses their efforts to reach beyond the academy and to make their ideas and research broadly accessible to a wider audience Opens the way for a new kind of democratic politics—one based on grounded concepts and meaningful social participation Includes deeply personal (...)
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    The Psychology of Human Deception.Robert Mitchell - 1996 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 63.
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    Interactions between dislocations with burgers vectors at 120° in crystals of silver bromide.J. T. Bartlett & J. W. Mitchell - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (62):271-275.
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    New Zealand Education TodayEducation in Change.J. M. Keady & F. W. Mitchell - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (3):318.
  44.  21
    Orientation dependence of the threshold displacement energy in copper and vanadium.E. A. Kenik & T. E. Mitchell - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (4):815-831.
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    Case Study: How Best Shall We Serve?Paul B. Hofmann, Mitchell T. Rabkin, Corrine Bayley & Dan E. Beauchamp - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (2):29.
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    Commentary: Cooperation Not Competition: Bihemispheric tDCS and fMRI Show Role for Ipsilateral Hemisphere in Motor Learning.Brenton Hordacre & Mitchell R. Goldsworthy - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Residents and Tourists Knowledge of Sea Lions in the Galapagos.Rosanne Lorden, Richard Sambrook & Robert W. Mitchell - 2012 - Society and Animals 20 (4):342-363.
    This study examined knowledge of sea lions for both residents and tourists on San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos, a famous nature tourism destination. Participants obtained through convenience and snowball sampling answered questionnaires about their knowledge of sea lions. Participants with higher education received higher overall scores, but participants’ education and age influenced answers on only a few questions. Residents and tourists obtained comparable overall scores, exhibiting extensive knowledge of sea lion behavior and life history. Whether participants were residents or (...)
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  48.  26
    A Legacy Builder... Dedicated to Lewis R. Gordon.Donna Mitchell - 2008 - CLR James Journal 14 (1):7-7.
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    Benjamin Britten: A Commentary on His Work by a Group of Specialists.Donald Mitchell & Hans Keller - 1954 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (3):402-403.
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  50. Books etcetera-apes, language, and the human mind.Robert J. Mitchell - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (6):207.
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