Results for 'N. Toledo'

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  1. El universo ̂es una evolución?Hernán Briones Toledo - 1966 - Santiago de Chile,: Editorial del Pacífico.
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  2. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin y otros ensayos.Hernán Briones Toledo - 1966 - [Santiago de Chile]: Editorial Andrés Bello.
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  3. Ciencia y Pseudociencia en Lakatos. La falsación del falsacionismo y el problema de la demarcación.N. Toledo - 1999 - Cinta de Moebio 5.
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    ¿Existe el orden?: la norma, la ley y la transgresión.Ramón Alvarado, Gustavo Leyva, Sergio Pérez Cortés & Ricardo Espinoza Toledo (eds.) - 2010 - México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
    La presencia del orden se nos impone con singular insistencia. La reflexión sobre el orden, las posibilidades de su emergencia y las condiciones de su articulación y de su crítica, al igual que de su transgresión o transformación, ha constituido un eje central en el pensamiento filosófico y social continental a lo largo del siglo XX. Los trabajos que aparecen en este libro proceden de pensadores provenientes de Alemania, Francia y México y se proponen contribuir a una reflexión amplia, sistemática (...)
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    Two Decision Procedures for da Costa’s $$C_n$$ C n Logics Based on Restricted Nmatrix Semantics.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Guilherme V. Toledo - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (3):601-642.
    Despite being fairly powerful, finite non-deterministic matrices are unable to characterize some logics of formal inconsistency, such as those found between mbCcl and Cila. In order to overcome this limitation, we propose here restricted non-deterministic matrices (in short, RNmatrices), which are non-deterministic algebras together with a subset of the set of valuations. This allows us to characterize not only mbCcl and Cila (which is equivalent, up to language, to da Costa's logic C_1) but the whole hierarchy of da Costa's calculi (...)
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    Guide for the perplexed: a 15th century Spanish translation by Pedro de Toledo (Ms. 10289, B.N. Madrid).Moses Maimonides, Moshe Lazar, Robert J. Dilligan, Pedro de Toledo & Biblioteca Nacional - 1989 - Culver City, Calif.: Labyrinthos. Edited by Pedro, Moshe Lazar & Robert J. Dilligan.
    Written in the 12th century in Arabic by a faithful Jewish man, "The Guide" is a work that explores the contradiction a very intelligent mind clearly saw between the tradition he was raised to believe inherently and the growing philosophy of Arabian and Western culture. In Maimonides' time, there was an emerging disparity between the Law and a new level of philosophical sophistication, which he attempts to bridge in this work, primarily through the use of metaphor, though also acknowledging this (...)
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  7. Orden político y orden constitucional,¿ para qué?Ricardo Espinoza Toledo - 2010 - In Ramón Alvarado, Gustavo Leyva, Sergio Pérez Cortés & Ricardo Espinoza Toledo (eds.), ¿Existe el orden?: la norma, la ley y la transgresión. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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  8. Tiempo fenomenlógico y yo puro.Carlos Alberto Toledo - 2013 - In Germán Vargas Guillén (ed.), La región de lo espiritual en el centenario de la publicación de Ideas I de E. Husserl. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
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    Libro llamado Fedrón: Plato's Phaedo.Nicholas Grenville Plato, Pero Round & Díaz de Toledo - 1993 - Rochester, NY: Distributors, United States and Canada, Boydell & Brewer. Edited by Pero Díaz de Toledo & Nicholas Grenville Round.
    The earliest -- c.1446-7 --complete translation of an authentic dialogue of Plato into a Western vernacular language.
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    Languages and mobility in and around italy - ( J.) clackson, (p.) James, (k.) McDonald, (l.) tagliapietra, (n.) zair (edd.) Migration, mobility and language contact in and around the ancient mediterranean. Pp. XXII + 354, ills, map. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2020. Cased, £90, us$120. Isbn: 978-1-108-48844-0. [REVIEW]Rodrigo Verano & Álvaro S. Octavio De Toledo Y. Huerta - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):558-560.
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  11. La región de lo espiritual y la representación : die phantasie y artefactos.Sonia Cristina Gamboa & Camilo Andrés Toledo Parra - 2013 - In Germán Vargas Guillén (ed.), La región de lo espiritual en el centenario de la publicación de Ideas I de E. Husserl. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
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    St. Julian of toledo in the middle ages.J. N. Hillgarth - 1958 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 21 (1/2):7-26.
  13. Julian of toledo in the liber floridus.J. N. Hillgarth - 1963 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 26 (1/2):192-196.
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    Lei de cotas – reserva de vagas e ações afirmativas no médio integrado do IFTO – Campus Dianópolis.Roselaine Gusson Mendes & Maria do Carmo Meirelles Toledo Cruz - 2022 - Odeere 7 (2):155-173.
    Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a análise das matrículas e da implementação da Lei Federal n. 12.711/2012, conhecida como Lei de Cotas e Ações Afirmativas, para ingresso nos Cursos Técnicos de Agropecuária e Informática na forma Integrada ao Ensino Médio, no Instituto Federal do Tocantins (IFTO) – Campus Dianópolis, no período de 2014 a 2018. A partir do estudo dessa Lei, do Decreto n. 7.824/2012, da Portaria Normativa do Ministério da Educação (MEC) n. 18/2012 e dos editais publicados pelo Instituto, foi realizado (...)
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    Biografía de las ideas de Isaiah Berlin: de cómo los liberales-conservadores fabrican sus mitos: adenda para españoles dormidos y encantados. Cerín - 2020 - Madrid: Editorial Verbum.
    Censurado durante la última década, sale finalmente a la luz Biografía de las ideas, de Isaiah Berlin. El libro pone de relieve el modo en que el sector liberal-conservador más poderoso, con sede en Oxford, ha construido la ficción en torno a la figura de Isaiah Berlin. Sir Isaiah Berlin es conocido como una lumbrera del pensamiento político del siglo XX, uno de los máximos exponentes intelectuales del liberalismo democrático, un pensador moralmente comprometido con la causa de la libertad y (...)
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  16. The Origins of a Modern View of Causation: Descartes and His Predecessors on Efficient Causes.Helen N. Hattab - 1998 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    This dissertation presents a new interpretation of Rene Descartes' views on body/body causation by examining them within their historical context. Although Descartes gives the impression that his views constitute a complete break with those of his predecessors, he draws on both Scholastic Aristotelian concepts of the efficient cause and existing anti-Aristotelian views. ;The combination of Aristotelian and anti-Aristotelian elements in Descartes' theory of causation creates a tension in his claims about the relationship between the first cause, God, and the secondary (...)
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    Julian of Toledo, Opera, pars I: Idalii Barcelonis Episcopi epistulae, Prognosticum futuri saeculi libri tres, Apologeticum de tribus capitulis, De comprobatione sextae aetatis libri tres. Edited by J. N. Hillgarth. Historia Wambae Regis. Edited by W. Levison. Epistula ad Modoenum. Edited by B. Bischoff. Turnhout: Brepols, 1976. Paper. Pp. lxxxiv, 263. [REVIEW]E. Ann Matter - 1980 - Speculum 55 (3):624-625.
  18. Pensamiento y mística hispanojudía y sefardí: X Curso de Cultura Hispano-Judía y Sefardí de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: curso organizado por la Asociación de Amigos del Museo Sefardí y el Museo Sefardí de Toledo.J. Fernández Vallina, Judit Targarona Borrás, Angel Sáenz-Badillos & Ricardo Izquierdo Benito (eds.) - 2001 - Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
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    The Problem with Rescue Medicine.N. S. Jecker - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (1):64-81.
    Is there a rational and ethical basis for efforts to rescue individuals in dire straits? When does rescue have ethical support, and when does it reflect an irrational impulse? This paper defines a Rule of Rescue and shows its intuitive appeal. It then proceeds to argue that this rule lacks support from standard principles of justice and from ethical principles more broadly, and should be rejected in many situations. I distinguish between agent-relative and agent-neutral reasons, and argue that the Rule (...)
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    Consideraciones historiográficas para una historia de la ontología [Historiographical considerations for a history of ontology].Paulo Vélez León - 2014 - In Tobies Grimaltos, Pablo Rychter & Pablo Aguayo (eds.), XX Congrés Valencià de Filosofia. Societat de Filosofia del País Valencià. pp. 347-362.
    [ES]Una historia de la ontología que pretenda dar cuenta de su acontecer de manera integral y equilibrada, ha de considerar tanto los aspectos historiográficos y filosóficos de sus fuentes así como los relativos a su contexto socio-cultural y necesariamente en relación con los de la metafísica, pues sus historias están indisolublemente ligadas, aunque ello no significa que necesariamente sean las mismas. En este trabajo, se intenta de manera elemental y mínima bosquejar dichas consideraciones, a través de una breve revisión historiográfica (...)
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    Thermal-mechanical analysis of the briquetting machine segments in steel industries.Saul Jaimes - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):43-57.
    A thermal-mechanical analysis of the behavior of the segments of the rollers of the briquetting machines is carried out due to the effect of thermal shock and efforts exerted on the part. It is intended to obtain the main causes that generate this problem, through a mechanical analysis that simulated the behavior in the presence of several thermal gradients. The purpose of the study is to reduce maintenance costs and the continuous replacement and repair of segments, as well as losses (...)
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  22. Authority, Illocutionary Accommodation, and Social Accommodation.N. P. Adams - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (3):560-573.
    By appeal to the phenomenon of presupposition accommodation, Rae Langton and others have proposed that speakers can gain genuine authority over their audiences when they implicitly claim such autho...
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    Hybrid systems in electrical distribution design with genetic algorithm.Angel Nunez - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):32-42.
    The incorporation of hybrid systems based on renewable sources for the optimization of electricity distribution systems and planning of power supply strategies using genetic algorithms is studied. A series of characteristics of electrical sub-stations was chosen and through simulations, data were obtained for the optimization of the existing infrastructure, which provides reliability, security, economic supply and quality of service. An algorithm was obtained with the optimal configuration of various components: photovoltaic panels, batteries, AC generator, fuel cell and inverter, which in (...)
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    (1 other version)Is every truth knowable? Reply to hand and Kvanvig.N. Tennant - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (1):107 – 113.
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    Liber de Causis.Alexander Fidora & Jordi Pardo Pastor - 2001 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 8:133-154.
    Traducción y notas de Alexander Fidora y Jordi Pardo Pastor . Nuestra traducción sigue el texto latino de Alexander Fidora y Andreas Niederberger, Von Bagdad nach Toledo ? "Das Buch der Ursachen" und seine Rezeption fin Mittelalter. Mainz, Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2001, donde se ofrece una nueva edición del texto latino presentado en su día por Adriaan Pattin revisándolo teniendo en cuenta las importantes sugerencias del arabista Richard Taylor . Éstas, a su vez, resultan, en su mayoría. del cotejo del (...)
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    Bare Statistical Evidence and the Right to Security.N. P. Adams - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 24 (2).
    Courts and jurors sometimes refuse to assign liability to defendants on the basis of statistics alone, despite their apparent reliability. I argue that this refusal is best understood as a recognition of defendants’ right to security. Understood as a robust good in Philip Pettit’s sense, security requires that someone risking harm to others’ protected interests adopt a disposition of concern that controls against wrongfully harming them. Since trials risk harm, the state must adopt such a disposition. Statistics leave open the (...)
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  27. Doing Philosophy in Style: A New Look at the Analytic/Continental Divide.N. N. Trakakis - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (12):919-942.
    Questions of style are often deemed of marginal importance in philosophy, as well as in metaphilosophical debates concerning the analytic/Continental divide. I take issue with this common tendency by showing how style – suitably conceived not merely as a way of writing, but as a form of expression intimately linked to a form of life – occupies a central role in philosophy. After providing an analysis of the concept of style, I take a fresh look at the analytic/Continental division by (...)
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    Sih nigarah-yi Ṣadrāyī.Javād Khurramiyān - 2006 - Tihrān: Daftar-i Pizhūhish va Nashr-i Suhravardī.
    Savīyahʹhā-yi maʻrifatʹāfarīn-i nafs -- Falsafah-yi Ṣadrā -- Falsafahʹī barā-yi zīstan-i safar-i ʻishq.
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    A Chapter In The History of Scholia.N. G. Wilson - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (2):244-256.
    The question to be discussed in this paper can be put in simple terms: at what date were the collections of scholia on classical Greek authors compiled? Scholars have given two conflicting answers. The first was put forward by J. W. White in his edition of the scholia to Aristophanes' Birds. Developing an opinion of Dindorf, he suggested that the archetype of the scholia was a large parchment codex of the fourth or fifth century, which contained in the margins a (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Mīmāṁsā-paribhāṣā of Kr̥ṣṇa Yajvan. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1987 - Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Madhavananda.
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  31. Metacognition and inferential accounts of communication.N. Allott - 2019 - In Anders Nes & Timothy Hoo Wai Chan (eds.), Inference and Consciousness. London: Routledge.
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    Homenaje a Ricardo Franco Guzmán: 50 años de vida académica.Ricardo Franco Guzmán (ed.) - 2008 - México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales.
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    Aproximaciones al pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch.Pablo Javier Aguzín, Darío Maroño & Gabriel Miranda (eds.) - 2019 - Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina: Editorial Fundación Ross.
    Aproximación al pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch -- Canto e identidad en el Martín Fierro según Carlos Astrada y Rodolfo Kusch -- Donde el barro se subleva -- La rehabilitación del saber seminal como camino hacia una mística popular -- Kusch y el impulso social de nuestra época -- La barbarización de la civilización, una grieta de antaño -- ¿De dónde pensarnos?
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    Założenia algebry uniwersalnej [z lektury klasyków] A.N. Whitehead, A Treatise on Universal Algebra, 1898.Alfred N. Whitehead - 1996 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 19.
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    An interview with Nancy Cartwright.N. Cartwright - 1995 - Cogito 9 (3):203-215.
  36. Andrés López de Medrano, ilustración y hermenéutica.Román García Fernández - 2015 - In Artidiello Moreno, M. Mabel & Julio Minaya (eds.), Memoria del bicentenario de la Lógica de Andrés López de Medrano. Santo Domingo: Ministerio de Cultura.
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  37. Chantal Mouffe : la democracia radical, una visión desde lo político.Simón E. Hernández Henríquez - 2015 - In O. Astorga (ed.), La democracia radical. [Caracas]: La Hoja del Norte.
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    Mā bayna al-shakk wa-al-yaqīn: kitāb li-man yajruʼūn.Jūd Abū Ṣawwān - 2019 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Bīsān.
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  39. The emergence of the land ethic: Aldo Leopold's idea of ultimate reality and meaning.N. E. Boulting - 1996 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 19 (3):168-188.
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    Argumente für eine Psychologie des Reflexiven Subjekts: Paradigmawechsel vom behavioralen zum epistemologischen Menschenbild.N. Groeben & B. Scheele - 1977 - Darmstadt: Steinkopff. Edited by Brigitte Scheele.
    Die Herrschaft des Behaviorismus in der Psychologie ist gebrochen! Das ist die Ausgangsthese dieses Buches, die im Rahmen des Modells revolutionärer Wissenschaftsentwicklung (Kuhn) als Behauptung eines Paradigmawechsels präzisiert wird. Die Argumentation beschränkt sich nicht nur auf den Nachweis des Niedergangs des Behaviorismus, sondern gibt auch konstruktiv das mögliche neue Paradigma an: als Psychologie des reflexiven Subjekts, das wie der Wissenschaftler (subjektive) Theorien aufstellt, überprüft, bewertet. Der Aufriss einer solchen Psychologie des epistemischen Subjekts unter allgemein-, sozial-, pädagogisch- und klinisch-psychologischem Aspekt thematisiert (...)
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    La Crise de la psychologie experimentale.N. Kostyleff - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:239.
  42. Brian Beakley and Peter Ludlow (eds.), The Philosophy of Mind: Classical Problems/Contemporary Issues.N. Power - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6:438-442.
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    (1 other version)The Logic of Religious Language.N. H. G. Robinson - 1968 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 2:1-19.
    By ‘the logic of religious language’ I understand both a problem: What is the correct account of the logic of religious language? and a theme, a recurrent theme in the modern philosophical discussion of religion, which raises a related but distinguishable question: Is the approach to religion of linguistic analysis an adequate approach? Can we do justice to the logic of religious language by attending to the recognition and analysis of different linguistic forms?
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    The Conservative Imagination of Roger Scruton.N. S. Glazkov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 12:114-126.
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  45. Psychoanalysis, Historiography and Feminist Theory: The Search for Critical Method. By Katherine Kearns.N. Gold - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:135-135.
  46. Filosofii︠a︡ Nikolai︠a︡ Gartmana.Tatʹi︠a︡na Nikolaevna Gornshteĭn - 1969
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    Self-diffusion in compounds with spinel structure.N. W. Grimes - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 25 (1):67-76.
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  48. Le denombrement des sphères d'Aristote.N. R. Hanson - 1963 - Scientia 57 (98):du Supplém. 119.
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    Scientific tractability and relevance theory.N. Allott - 2017 - In Kate Scott, Billy Clark & Robyn Carston (eds.), Relevance, Pragmatics and Interpretation. Cambridge University Press.
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    al-Manhajīyah al-ʻilmīyah fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-muʻāṣir: ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Ṣabrah wa-Aḥmad Fuʼād Bāshā anmūdhajān.Amīrah ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Sarḥān - 2020 - al-Qāhirah: Maṭbaʻat Dār al-Kutub wa-al-Wathāʼiq al-Qawmīyah bi-al-Qāhirah.
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