Results for 'Nadine Farghaly'

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  1.  29
    Unraveling Resident Evil: essays on the complex universe of the games and films.Nadine Farghaly (ed.) - 2014 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
    Resident Evil is a multidimensional, multimedia universe. The essays written for this volume will focus on this particular zombie manifestation and its significance in popular culture, cover a wide range, and discuss numerous issues. Among them are game theory, the idea of silence as well as memory, the connection to iconic stories, posthumanism and much more.
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    An auditory multiclass brain-computer interface with natural stimuli: Usability evaluation with healthy participants and a motor impaired end user.Nadine Simon, Ivo Kã¤Thner, Carolin A. Ruf, Emanuele Pasqualotto, Andrea Kã¼Bler & Sebastian Halder - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Kriegsberichterstattung.Nadine Bilke - 2010 - In Christian Schicha & Carsten Brosda, Handbuch Medienethik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 442--453.
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    Cécile Wick. Colored Waters: Drawings and Photographs.Nadine Olonetzky & Martin Jaeggi - 2011 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Cécile Wick's work, oscillating among photography, painting, and drawing, is one of the most important oeuvres in contemporary Swiss art. Solo exhibitions in various galleries and a large retrospective at the Museum of Fine Art in Berne have recently showcased her prints and etchings to great acclaim. Cécile Wick. Colored Waters offers readers the first glimpse of the artist's more recent photographs and, in particular, drawings. Watercolors, ink drawings, inkjet prints and photographs are presented in series, putting media and motifs (...)
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    Tobias Madörin - Topos: Photographs 1991-2011.Nadine Olonetzky (ed.) - 2014 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    For more than twenty years, Swiss photographer Tobias Madörin has been working on his photo series Topos. Creating staged tableaux in the manner of nineteenth-century painters, Madörin investigates the interaction between the inhabitants and their surrounding environments in countries as diverse as Spain, Uganda, Indonesia, and Japan. His large-scale images examine communal spaces, the outskirts of metropolises, waste disposals sites, and landscapes marked by agriculture and mining. Madörin's work reveals that these locations are the products of human visions and ideals, (...)
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  6. Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide.Nadine Spigel - 2005 - Penn Bioethics Journal 1 (1).
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  7. In Memoriam. Solomon Marcus.Mihai Nadin - 2016 - Q Magazine.
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  8. Kʻaltʻa dakʻvemdebareba da kanonis roli.Elizabetʻ Šnaideri Nadin Taubi & Giorgi Čʻubiniżis tʻargmani - 2018 - In Tʻamar Cʻxadaże, Etʻuna Noġaideli, Adrienne Rich, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Nadine Taub, Susan Moller Okin, Uma Narayan & Cynthia H. Enloe, Pʻeministuri sakitʻxavi: debatebi kulturis, kanonisa da sekʻsualobis šesaxeb = Feminist anthology: debates about culture, law, and sexuality. Tʻbilisi: Heinrich Böll Stiftung South Caucasus.
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    Worterbuch der SemiotikAllgemeine Zeichenlehre: Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der SemiotikSemiotische Prozesse und Systeme.Mihai Nadin, Max Bense & Elizabeth Walther - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (4):497.
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  10. Le regard, la flèche... la cible: (ou Saint Sébatien selon Fiona Tan).Nadine Plateau - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:137-148.
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    Machines in the Triangle: a Pragmatic Interactive Approach to Information.Nadine Schumann & Yaoli Du - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-17.
    A recurrent theme of human–machine interaction is how interaction is defined and what kind of information is relevant for successful communication. In accordance with the theoretical strategies of social cognition and technical philosophy, we propose a pragmatic interactive approach, to understand the concept of information in human–machine interaction. We start with the investigation of interpersonal interaction and human–machine interaction by concerning triangulation as guiding principle. To illustrate human–machine interaction, we will mainly focus on the interactive relationship between human cognitive skills (...)
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  12. The Profession of the Architect in Late Antique Byzantium.Nadine Schibille - 2009 - Byzantion 79:360-379.
    This article re-examines the profession of the late antique mechanikos, who is identified as a practising architect with a sound liberal arts education as well as practical training. Despite the practical orientation of his profession, the mechanikos was of high social standing. This was possible because the practical utility of a vocation was increasingly acknowledged favourably in late antiquity and is reflected in early Byzantine portrayals of patrons, who allegedly invested hard labour in prestigious building campaigns and posed as the (...)
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  13. Academic and artistic freedom.Nadine Strossen - forthcoming - Ethics, Information and Technology: Readings. Mcfarland and Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson, Nc.
  14. Vignette : BMK's Garden : Growing Where You Are Planted.Nadine Thorsen - 2025 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers, E. S. Dove, Vasiliki Rahimzadeh & Michael J. S. Beauvais, Promoting the "human" in law, policy, and medicine: essays in honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    Maintenance Versus Transmission Deficits: The Effect of Delay on Naming Performance in Aphasia.Nadine Martin & Gary S. Dell - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Guido Baselgia - Light Fall: Photographs 2006-2014.Nadine Olonetzky (ed.) - 2014 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    The artistic work of photographer Gudio Baselgia focuses on landscapes formed by nature s forces and, more recently, on the sky with the stellar and solar movements and phenomena as we see them from earth. Celestial mechanics have fascinated mankind in all known cultures, the Babylonians and ancient Egyptians as well as the Greek and Celts, the Maya, or the ancient Indians and Chinese. Until the present day we look at the sky and keep being amazed, and try to read (...)
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    Freude und gutes Leben: eine Untersuchung des individualethischen Hedonismus.Nadine Köhne - 2015 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Cross-modal priming facilitates production of low imageability word strings in a case of deep-phonological dysphasia.Martin Nadine, Mccarthy Laura, Kohen Francine, Kalinyak-Fliszar Michelene & Berkowitz Rebecca - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Values in Post-Modern Art.Mihai Nadin - 1983 - Semiotics:623-628.
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    Ci-gît l'État.Nadine Ribault & Thierry Ribault - 2012 - Multitudes 48 (1):184-187.
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  21. Neural correlates of auditory temporal predictions during sensorimotor synchronization.Nadine Pecenka, Annerose Engel & Peter E. Keller - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Editorial: Dynamic Personality Science. Integrating between-Person Stability and within-Person Change.Nadin Beckmann & Robert E. Wood - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    (Erzählte) Zeit des Wartens: Semantiken und Narrative eines temporalen Phänomens.Nadine Benz - 2013 - Göttingen: V&R Unipress.
    Aus einer philosophisch-phanomenologischen und literaturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive heraus gewinnt Nadine Benz nahere Erkenntnisse uber das temporale Phanomen des Wartens. Zunachst wird die historische Entwicklung der Zeitvorstellung aus philosophisch-phanomenologischer Sicht thematisiert, spezifisch im Hinblick auf die Fragen nach Messbarkeit, Vermitteltheit und nach objektiven und subjektiven Komponenten von Zeiterfahrung in ihrer Aporetik. Im Anschluss wird vom Konzept der Lebenswelt zur Literatur ubergeleitet: Die vorliegende Studie bindet die Aporien der Zeit zunachst theoretisch in eine Narratologie von Zeiterfahrung ein, die vor allem den Faktor (...)
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    Assessing Cognitive Change and Quality of Life 12 Months After Epilepsy Surgery—Development and Application of Reliable Change Indices and Standardized Regression-Based Change Norms for a Neuropsychological Test Battery in the German Language.Nadine Conradi, Marion Behrens, Anke M. Hermsen, Tabitha Kannemann, Nina Merkel, Annika Schuster, Thomas M. Freiman, Adam Strzelczyk & Felix Rosenow - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:582836.
    Objective The establishment of patient-centered measures capable of empirically determining meaningful cognitive change after surgery can significantly improve the medical care of epilepsy patients. Thus, this study aimed to develop reliable change indices (RCIs) and standardized regression-based (SRB) change norms for a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery in the German language. Methods Forty-seven consecutive patients with temporal lobe epilepsy underwent neuropsychological assessments, both before and 12 months after surgery. Practice-effect-adjusted RCIs and SRB change norms for each test score were computed. To (...)
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    The study of lysogeny at the Pasteur Institute : an epistemologically open system.Nadine Peyrieras & Michel Morange - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):419-430.
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    Deadly biocultures: the ethics of life-making.Nadine Ehlers - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Edited by Shiloh R. Krupar.
    This book project intends to serve as a course adoption book unpacking theories of biopolitical life-making and death-making, with chapters dedicated to specific objects that ostensibly affirm life (and argue for life's inextricable links to capital), but that ultimately reify a politics of death and erasure. Specific objects, such as the pink Kommen Foundation-branded handgun, the 'super user' of health care resources, and fat cells allow the authors to discuss the political junctures at which determinations of healthy and unhealthy, life (...)
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  27. Life "itself".Nadine Ehlers - 2020 - In Sherryl Vint, After the Human: Culture, Theory and Criticism in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Russell’s Misunderstanding of the Tractatus on Ordinary Language.Nadine Faulkner - 2008 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 28 (2):143-162.
    It is widely accepted that Russell wrongly took Wittgenstein to be concerned with the conditions required for an ideal language in his _Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus_. Given Russell’s relatively extensive communications with Wittgenstein, this misunderstanding is puzzling. I argue that Russell’s mistake rests on two prior assumptions for which he had some justification. First, communications with Wittgenstein were plausibly interpreted by Russell as confirming, rather than refuting, the belief that Wittgenstein shared with him the view that psychology, epistemology, and logic are interdependent. (...)
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    Leading and Managing Early Childhood Settings: Inspiring People, Places and Practices.Nadine McCrea - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Leading and Managing Early Childhood Settings: Inspiring People, Places and Practices examines what it means to be a leader, manager and administrator across the early childhood education field. The first section of the book introduces readers to core concepts, including self-understanding through professional reflection and consideration of people's beliefs and values. These chapters explore the challenges of working within various early childhood settings and the importance of connecting and communicating with families and the broader community. The second section considers four (...)
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    The Meaning of the Image.Mihai Nadin - 1982 - Semiotics:415-424.
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    Mistaking imagination for reality: Congruent mental imagery leads to more liberal perceptual detection.Nadine Dijkstra, Matan Mazor, Peter Kok & Stephen Fleming - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104719.
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  32. How emotions affect logical reasoning: evidence from experiments with mood-manipulated participants, spider phobics, and people with exam anxiety.Nadine Jung, Christina Wranke, Kai Hamburger & Markus Knauff - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  33. Mapping ethical issues in the use of smart home health technologies to care for older persons: a systematic review.Nadine Andrea Felber, Yi Jiao Tian, Félix Pageau, Bernice Simone Elger & Tenzin Wangmo - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-13.
    Background The worldwide increase in older persons demands technological solutions to combat the shortage of caregiving and to enable aging in place. Smart home health technologies (SHHTs) are promoted and implemented as a possible solution from an economic and practical perspective. However, ethical considerations are equally important and need to be investigated. Methods We conducted a systematic review according to the PRISMA guidelines to investigate if and how ethical questions are discussed in the field of SHHTs in caregiving for older (...)
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    ‘New’ Dutch Civic Integration: learning ‘Spontaneous Compliance’ to address inherent difference.Nadine Blankvoort, Debbie Laliberte Rudman, Margo van Hartingsveldt & Anja Krumeich - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (4):463-481.
    In January 2022 the new Dutch Civic Integration programme was launched together with promises of improvements it would bring in facilitating the ‘integration’ of newcomers to the Netherlands. This study presents a critical discourse analysis of texts intended for municipalities to take on their new coordinating role in this programme. The analysis aims to understand the discourse in the texts, which actors are mobilized by them, and the role these texts and these actors play in processes of governmental racialization. The (...)
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    An evolutionary perspective on the patterning of maternal investment in pregnancy.Nadine Peacock - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (4):351-385.
    Pregnancy is thought to be a metabolically very expensive endeavor, yet investigations have produced inconsistent results concerning the responsiveness of human birth weight to maternal nutritional stress or nutritional intervention. These findings have led some researchers to conclude that fetal growth is strongly buffered against fluctuations in maternal energy balance, making the fetus in effect a “nearly perfect parasite.” This buffering would appear to be a reasonable adaptive response given the high risk of morbidity and mortality associated with low birth (...)
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    Georges Bataille.Nadine Hartmann - 2017 - In Adam Kotsko & Carlo Salzani, Agamben's Philosophical Lineage. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 109-116.
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    Feminism’s family drama: Female genealogies, feminist historiography, and Kate Walbert’s A Short History of Women.Nadine Muller - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (1):17-34.
    This article considers Kate Walbert’s A Short History of Women (2009), a novel that tells the stories of a hunger striking suffragette and four generations of her female descendants. Tracing feminist history through female genealogy, Walbert’s historiographic metafiction helps us think through the perils and potentials of the generational methods that have long dominated feminist historiography. Critically engaging with what has arguably become a feminist family drama, the novel makes an invaluable contribution to contemporary feminist theory and feminist historiography, illustrating (...)
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    Zeichen und Wert.Mihai Nadin - 1981 - Dresden University Press.
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    Popularizing the Ancestry of Man: Robert Ardrey and the Killer Instinct.Nadine Weidman - 2011 - Isis 102 (2):269-299.
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    EXH passes on alternatives: a comment on Fox and Spector.Nadine Bade & Konstantin Sachs - 2019 - Natural Language Semantics 27 (1):19-45.
    Fox and Spector use multiple instances of the exhaustivity operator EXH to derive the correct meaning of utterances that include pitch-focus marked disjunction in downward-entailing environments. They argue that the \ operator evaluates alternatives to be used by EXH. Though the method is sound and gets the right result, we argue that the way in which EXH would need to interact with other instances of EXH, as well as other focus-sensitive elements, is at odds with how EXH is used to (...)
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  41. Supervenient Freedom and the Free Will Deadlock.Nadine Elzein & Tuomas K. Pernu - 2017 - Disputatio (45):219-243.
    Supervenient libertarianism maintains that indeterminism may exist at a supervening agency level, consistent with determinism at a subvening physical level. It seems as if this approach has the potential to break the longstanding deadlock in the free will debate, since it concedes to the traditional incompatibilist that agents can only do otherwise if they can do so in their actual circumstances, holding the past and the laws constant, while nonetheless arguing that this ability is compatible with physical determinism. However, we (...)
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  42. Transcendence in Simone de beauvoir's the second sex: Revisiting masculinist ontology.Nadine Changfoot - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (4):391-410.
    A large number of feminist philosophers and social critics accept that Simone de Beauvoir's conception of transcendence in The Second Sex relies on masculinist ontology. In contrast with feminist interpretations that see Beauvoir claiming the success of masculinist ontology, this article argues that transcendence as masculinist ontology does not succeed in The Second Sex because it requires a relation of domination, something contrary to its own definition of freedom-producing relations. The Second Sex obliquely reveals this failure, but Beauvoir does not (...)
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    Sport im Inklusionsprofil der Bevölkerung Deutschlands - Ergebnisse einer differenzierungstheoretisch angelegten empirischen Untersuchung / Sports as an Inclusion Profile of the German Population - Results of a Differential-Theoretical Designed Empirical Study.Nadine M. Schöneck & Uwe Schimank - 2006 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 3 (1):5-32.
    Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag stellt eine differenzierungstheoretische Perspektive auf Sportbeteiligung und Sportinteresse der Erwachsenenbevölkerung vor. Zugrunde liegen empirische Daten aus einer eigenen repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage in Deutschland vom Herbst 2003, in der die Inklusion der Erwachsenen in sämtliche gesellschaftlichen Teilsysteme ermittelt wurde. Die Inklusion in den Sport wird mit Bezug auf die sekundäre Leistungsrolle des Breitensportlers und die Publikumsrolle des Sportzuschauers betrachtet; sodann wird möglichen Zusammenhängen zwischen der Ausprägung der Inklusion in den Sport mit ungleichheitstheoretisch geläufigen Merkmalen sozialer Lage, darüber hinaus dann (...)
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  44. The concept of social dignity as a yardstick to delimit ethical use of robotic assistance in the care of older persons.Nadine Andrea Felber, Félix Pageau, Athena McLean & Tenzin Wangmo - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1):99-110.
    With robots being introduced into caregiving, particularly for older persons, various ethical concerns are raised. Among them is the fear of replacing human caregiving. While ethical concepts like well-being, autonomy, and capabilities are often used to discuss these concerns, this paper brings forth the concept of social dignity to further develop guidelines concerning the use of robots in caregiving. By social dignity, we mean that a person’s perceived dignity changes in response to certain interactions and experiences with other persons. In (...)
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  45. Feminism, animals and science: The naming of the Shrew by Lynda Birke Open University Press, Buckingham, UK, 1994, pp. 167, ⩄37.50 ⩄11.99 ISBN 0-355-19197-5. [REVIEW]Nadine Brummer - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):316-317.
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    No more than discomfort: the trauma film paradigm meets definitions of minimal-risk research.Nadine S. J. Stirling, Reginald D. V. Nixon & Melanie K. T. Takarangi - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (1):1-17.
    ABSTRACT Despite Institutional Review Board concerns about psychological harm arising from research participation, evidence from trauma-questionnaire research suggests that participation is typically well-tolerated by participants. Yet, it is unclear how participant experiences of in-lab trauma simulations align with IRB ethical guidelines. Thus, we compared reactions to a trauma film paradigm with reactions to a positive film task or cognitive tasks. Overall, relative to other conditions, the trauma film was well-tolerated by participants: they generally reported low-to-moderate negative emotions, moderate benefits, and (...)
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    Denn as a highlighting-sensitive particle.Nadine Theiler - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (2):323-362.
    This paper develops an account of the German discourse particle denn that captures the meaning contribution of this particle in polar questions, wh-questions, and certain conditional antecedents in a unified way. It is shown that the behavior of denn exhibits an asymmetry between polar and wh-interrogatives, which can be captured by treating the particle as sensitive to the property highlighted by its containing clause, in the sense of Roelofsen and Farkas :359–414, 2015). In addition, the paper argues that highlighting-sensitivity should (...)
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    Sex and Death in True Detective. A Story of Power.Nadine Boudou - 2018 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 2 (1).
    The paper aims to show how the Tv series True Detective (season 1, 2014 – created and written by Nic Pizzolatto) aids us understanding the status of power whether in its political, judicial or religious form. The conjunction of sex and death is depicted through acts of paedophilia, rape, and murder of women and children. The study aims to elucidate the logic which is inherent to those acts of violence and which founds the reproduction of social domination mechanisms.
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    The Radical Potential of Mothering during the Egyptian Revolution.Nadine Naber - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):62-93.
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  50. Ästhetische Zeichenprozesse und der ästhetische Wert.Mihai Nadin - 1981 - In Hermann Sturm & Achim Eschbach, Ästhetik & Semiotik: zur Konstitution ästhetischer Zeichen. Tübingen: Narr.
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