Results for 'Nanni Russo'

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  1. Il laico cristiano: una nuova cittadinanza nella Chiesa e nella società.Romolo Pietrobelli, Paolo Rabitti, Giovanni Bachelet, Bruno Musso, Nanni Russo, Edoardo Perollo & Lello Terminiello - 2003 - Studium 99 (1):95-143.
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    The porosity of the self: Husserl's philosophy of self and personhood.Laura Jane Nanni - 2024 - Lanham: The Rowman & Littlefield.
    The Porosity of the Self delivers an original interpretation of the philosophy of Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology and one of the most important philosophers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Laura Jane Nanni provides a unique exploration of the philosophical problem of the self, challenging prevailing accounts of self and personhood that are predominantly one-dimensional and fail to capture the intricate double-sidedness of how we experience ourselves, others, and the world around us in everyday life. Nanni (...)
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  3. Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment.Mirco Nanni, Gennady Andrienko, Albert-László Barabási, Chiara Boldrini, Francesco Bonchi, Ciro Cattuto, Francesca Chiaromonte, Giovanni Comandé, Marco Conti, Mark Coté, Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Paolo Ferragina, Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti, Dirk Helbing, Kimmo Kaski, Janos Kertesz, Sune Lehmann, Bruno Lepri, Paul Lukowicz, Stan Matwin, David Megías Jiménez, Anna Monreale, Katharina Morik, Nuria Oliver, Andrea Passarella, Andrea Passerini, Dino Pedreschi, Alex Pentland, Fabio Pianesi, Francesca Pratesi, Salvatore Rinzivillo, Salvatore Ruggieri, Arno Siebes, Vicenc Torra, Roberto Trasarti, Jeroen van den Hoven & Alessandro Vespignani - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (S1):1-6.
    The rapid dynamics of COVID-19 calls for quick and effective tracking of virus transmission chains and early detection of outbreaks, especially in the “phase 2” of the pandemic, when lockdown and other restriction measures are progressively withdrawn, in order to avoid or minimize contagion resurgence. For this purpose, contact-tracing apps are being proposed for large scale adoption by many countries. A centralized approach, where data sensed by the app are all sent to a nation-wide server, raises concerns about citizens’ privacy (...)
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    Anmerkungen.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 225-292.
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    Bibliografie.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 293-322.
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    Bildnachweise.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 323-325.
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    Dank.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 331-332.
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    Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - De Gruyter.
    Zum ersten Mal wird in dieser Publikation die Fotomontage im Faschismus als Propagandamittel von offizieller, aber auch von privater und kommerzieller Seite erforscht. Das bislang höchstens marginal erwähnte Thema wird anhand von zahlreichen, auch bislang unbekannten Beispielen aus den 1930er Jahren behandelt, die in den Zusammenhang kultureller und politischer Ereignisse in Italien gestellt werden. Die analysierten Fotomontagen werden damit in ihrer historischen Bedingtheit erfasst, die Lektüre der Bilder erfolgt in der Verbindung der politischen Ikonografie mit der Ikonologie als historisch-hermeneutischer Methode (...)
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    Die italienische Fotomontage als terra incognita.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 11-12.
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    Einleitung.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 9-10.
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    Fotogeschichtsschreibung.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 10-11.
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    I. Bild und Fotomontage: Geschichte, Propaganda und Begrifflichkeit.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 13-40.
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    III. Der Duce im Wettstreit mit Papst und Antike.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 171-224.
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    II. Italien in den 1930er Jahren: Die Fotomontage in Ausstellungen, Publikationen und in der Architektur.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 41-170.
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    Namensregister.Nanni Baltzer - 2015 - In Die Fotomontage Im Faschistischen Italien: Aspekte der Propaganda Unter Mussolini. De Gruyter. pp. 326-330.
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    and Sex, 1831-1900.Nannie Burroughs - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal, Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    Dependence of Gravitational Action on Chemical Composition: New Series of Experiments.Mario Nanni - 2000 - Apeiron 7 (3-4):195.
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    Gravitational Differences of a Chemical Nature.Mario Nanni - 2001 - Apeiron 8 (1).
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    I cosmi, il metodo: diario d'arte e di epistemologia 1979/1989.Luciano Nanni - 1994 - Castel Maggiore (BO): Book Editore.
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  20. Lettere di Benedetto Croce e Giovanni Gentile a Giuseppina Fumagalli.Romano Nanni - 2007 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (3):508-526.
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  21. L'ermeneutica ontologico-linguistica-universale di HG Gadamer.A. Nanni - 1983 - Aquinas 26 (1-2):124-171.
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  22. Lucrecio: "un ennesimo candidato per la 'filosofia' di Leonardo".Romano Nanni - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):463-491.
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  23. ""Lucretius:" Yet another candidate for the" philosophy" of Leonardo".Romano Nanni - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):463 - +.
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    Musikalische Diagramme zwischen Spätantike und Karolingerzeit.Matteo Nanni - 2017 - Das Mittelalter 22 (2):273-293.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Das Mittelalter Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 2 Seiten: 273-293.
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    Per una nuova semiologia dell'arte.Luciano Nanni - 1980 - Milano: Garzanti.
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    Simple experiments to test the dependence of gravitational action on chemical composition.Mario Nanni & Via Romolo Conti - 1997 - Apeiron 4 (1):1-6.
  27. Selections on Bolshevism, Fascism and Mussolini.Torquato Nanni - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (133):154-171.
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    Tesi di estetica.Luciano Nanni - 1991 - Bologna: Book editore.
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  29. Politica e nonviolenza.Nanni Salio - forthcoming - Etica E Politica.
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  30. Graphical models: overview.Nanny Wermuth & D. R. Cox - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 9--6379.
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  31. Interpreting causality in the health sciences.Federica Russo & Jon Williamson - 2007 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 21 (2):157 – 170.
    We argue that the health sciences make causal claims on the basis of evidence both of physical mechanisms, and of probabilistic dependencies. Consequently, an analysis of causality solely in terms of physical mechanisms or solely in terms of probabilistic relationships, does not do justice to the causal claims of these sciences. Yet there seems to be a single relation of cause in these sciences - pluralism about causality will not do either. Instead, we maintain, the health sciences require a theory (...)
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    Critical data studies: An introduction.Federica Russo & Andrew Iliadis - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Critical Data Studies explore the unique cultural, ethical, and critical challenges posed by Big Data. Rather than treat Big Data as only scientifically empirical and therefore largely neutral phenomena, CDS advocates the view that Big Data should be seen as always-already constituted within wider data assemblages. Assemblages is a concept that helps capture the multitude of ways that already-composed data structures inflect and interact with society, its organization and functioning, and the resulting impact on individuals’ daily lives. CDS questions the (...)
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  33. Causality and causal modelling in the social sciences.Federica Russo - 2009 - Springer, Dordrecht.
    The anti-causal prophecies of last century have been disproved. Causality is neither a ‘relic of a bygone’ nor ‘another fetish of modern science’; it still occupies a large part of the current debate in philosophy and the sciences. This investigation into causal modelling presents the rationale of causality, i.e. the notion that guides causal reasoning in causal modelling. It is argued that causal models are regimented by a rationale of variation, nor of regularity neither invariance, thus breaking down the dominant (...)
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  34. Investigating Stakeholder Theory and Social Capital: CSR in Large Firms and SMEs.Angeloantonio Russo & Francesco Perrini - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):207-221.
    The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been widely investigated, but a generally accepted theoretical framework does not yet exist. This paper argues that the idiosyncrasies of large firms and SMEs explains the different approaches to CSR, and that the notion of social capital is a more useful way of understanding the CSR approach of SMEs, whereas stakeholder theory more closely addresses the CSR approach of large firms. Based on the extant literature, we present a comparison of large firm (...)
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  35. EnviroGenomarkers: The Interplay Between Mechanisms and Difference Making in Establishing Causal Claims.Federica Russo & Jon Williamson - 2012 - Medicine Studies 3 (4):249-262.
    According to Russo and Williamson (Int Stud Philos Sci 21(2):157–170, 2007, Hist Philos Life Sci 33:389–396, 2011a, Philos Sci 1(1):47–69, 2011b ), in order to establish a causal claim of the form, ‘_C_ is a cause of _E_’, one typically needs evidence that there is an underlying mechanism between _C_ and _E_ as well as evidence that _C_ makes a difference to _E_. This thesis has been used to argue that hierarchies of evidence, as championed by evidence-based movements, tend (...)
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  36. Epistemic causality and evidence-based medicine.Federica Russo & Jon Williamson - 2011 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33 (4).
    Causal claims in biomedical contexts are ubiquitous albeit they are not always made explicit. This paper addresses the question of what causal claims mean in the context of disease. It is argued that in medical contexts causality ought to be interpreted according to the epistemic theory. The epistemic theory offers an alternative to traditional accounts that cash out causation either in terms of “difference-making” relations or in terms of mechanisms. According to the epistemic approach, causal claims tell us about which (...)
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  37. Connecting ethics and epistemology of AI.Federica Russo, Eric Schliesser & Jean Wagemans - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-19.
    The need for fair and just AI is often related to the possibility of understanding AI itself, in other words, of turning an opaque box into a glass box, as inspectable as possible. Transparency and explainability, however, pertain to the technical domain and to philosophy of science, thus leaving the ethics and epistemology of AI largely disconnected. To remedy this, we propose an integrated approach premised on the idea that a glass-box epistemology should explicitly consider how to incorporate values and (...)
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    Formal vs. Informal CSR Strategies: Evidence from Italian Micro, Small, Medium-sized, and Large Firms.Angeloantonio Russo & Antonio Tencati - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):339-353.
    Recent research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) suggests the need for further exploration into the relationship between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and CSR. SMEs rarely use the language of CSR to describe their activities, but informal CSR strategies play a large part in them. The goal of this article is to investigate whether differences exist between the formal and informal CSR strategies through which firms manage relations with and the claims of their stakeholders. In this context, formal CSR strategies (...)
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  39. On the Moral Problems Raised by the Existence of Personites.Andrew Russo & Martin Montminy - 2024 - Mind (531):677-695.
    According to the worm theory, persons are (maximal) aggregates of person-stages existing at different times. Personites, on the other hand, are non-maximal aggregates of stages that are very much like persons. Their existence appears to make instances of prudential self-sacrifice morally problematic: the personites that exist at the time of the sacrifice but not at the time of the reward seem not to receive future compensation for their sacrifice. Instances of punishment appear to give rise to a similar problem. We (...)
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  40. Worms, Stages, and Sometimes Neither: A Contextualist Semantics for Four-Dimensionalism.Andrew Russo & Martin Montminy - manuscript
    We argue that four-dimensionalists should adopt a contextualist semantics, according to which ordinary speakers’ judgments may concern person-stages, person-segments or person-worms, depending on the context. We explain how context helps select the boundaries of the temporal parts we refer to or quantify over and show that contextualism offers the best treatment of ordinary predications and ordinary counting judgments. Contextualism implies an error theory; however, we explain why this error theory is less problematic than those entailed by the worm and stage (...)
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    La rivoluzione intellettuale di Franz Brentano: "al servizio del maggior bene collettivo".Antonio Russo - 2022 - [Trezzano sul Naviglio]: Unicopli.
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  42. Kim’s dilemma: why mental causation is not productive.Andrew Russo - 2016 - Synthese 193 (7):2185-2203.
    Loewer (in: Physicalism and its discontents, 2001; Philos Phenomenol Res 65:655–663, 2002; in: Contemporary debates in philosophy of mind, 2007) has argued that the nonreductive physicalist should respond to the exclusion problem by endorsing the overdetermination entailed by their view. Kim’s (Physicalism, or something near enough, 2005; in: Contemporary debates in the philosophy of mind, 2007) argument against this reply is based on the premise that mental causation must be a productive relation in order to sustain human agency. In this (...)
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  43. Variational Causal Claims in Epidemiology.Federica Russo - 2009 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 52 (4):540-554.
    The paper examines definitions of ‘cause’ in the epidemiological literature. Those definitions all describe causes as factors that make a difference to the distribution of disease or to individual health status. In the philosophical jargon, causes in epidemiology are difference-makers. Two claims are defended. First, it is argued that those definitions underpin an epistemology and a methodology that hinge upon the notion of variation, contra the dominant Humean paradigm according to which we infer causality from regularity. Second, despite the fact (...)
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  44. Correlational Data, Causal Hypotheses, and Validity.Federica Russo - 2011 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (1):85 - 107.
    A shared problem across the sciences is to make sense of correlational data coming from observations and/or from experiments. Arguably, this means establishing when correlations are causal and when they are not. This is an old problem in philosophy. This paper, narrowing down the scope to quantitative causal analysis in social science, reformulates the problem in terms of the validity of statistical models. Two strategies to make sense of correlational data are presented: first, a 'structural strategy', the goal of which (...)
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    Philosophers and Einstein's Relativity: The Early Philosophical Reception of the Relativistic Revolution.Chiara Russo Krauss & Luigi Laino (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers an up-to-date insight into the early philosophical debate on Einsteinian relativity. The essays explore the reception and interpretation of Einstein’s ideas by some of the most important philosophical schools of the time, such as logical positivism (Reichenbach), neo-Kantianism (Cassirer, Natorp), critical realism (Sellars), and radical empiricism (Mach). The book is aimed at physicists and historians of science researching the epistemological implications of the theory of relativity, as well as to scholars in philosophy interested in understanding how leading (...)
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    Wundt, Avenarius, and Scientific Psychology: A Debate at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.Chiara Russo Krauss - 2019 - New York: Palgrave McMillan.
    This book reconstructs the rise and fall of Wilhelm Wundt’s fortunes, focusing for the first time on the role of Richard Avenarius as catalyst for the so-called “positivist repudiation of Wundt.” Krauss specifically looks at the progressive disavowal of Wundtian ideas in the world of scientific psychology, and especially by his former pupils. This book provides important historical context and a critical discussion of the current state of research, in addition to a detailed consideration of Wundt’s and Avenarius’ systems of (...)
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    Digital Technologies, Ethical Questions, and the Need of an Informational Framework.Federica Russo - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):655-667.
    Technologies have always been bearers of profound changes in science, society, and any other aspect of life. The latest technological revolution—the digital revolution—is no exception in this respect. This paper presents the revolution brought about by digital technologies through the lenses of a specific approach: the philosophy of information. It is argued that the adoption of an informational approach helps avoiding utopian or dystopian approaches to technology, both expressions of technological determinism. Such an approach provides a conceptual framework able to (...)
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  48. The Rationale of Variation in Methodological and Evidential Pluralism.Federica Russo - 2006 - Philosophica 77 (1).
    Causal analysis in the social sciences takes advantage of a variety of methods and of a multi-fold source of information and evidence. This pluralistic methodology and source of information raises the question of whether we should accordingly have a pluralistic metaphysics and epistemology. This paper focuses on epistemology and argues that a pluralistic methodology and evidence don’t entail a pluralistic epistemology. It will be shown that causal models employ a single rationale of testing, based on the notion of variation. Further, (...)
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  49. Worm-theoretic Persistence and Temporal Predication.Andrew Russo - 2022 - Southwest Philosophy Review 38 (1):227-236.
    Mark Johnston (2016, 2017) has raised concerns that a worm-theoretic account of persistence through time is incompatible with ethical singularity: that within the life of any actual person, there is only one morally considerable being, namely that person. To deny ethical singularity is to deny a core feature of our ordinary ethical and prudential thinking. The worm theory, Johnston concludes, proves to be “disastrous … for our ordinary moral outlook”. This paper defends the worm theory from Johnston’s argument. Though I (...)
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    Counteracting Informal Coercion from Within Coercive Contexts: Can a Wrong Approach Be Practiced Rightly?Jasna Russo - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):98-101.
    Psychiatry is the only branch of medicine legally ­permitted to treat people against their will. In most countries, decisions related to involuntary detention and treatment involve a brief court pr...
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