Results for 'Neera Desai'

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  1. Self-Interest and Virtue*: NEERA K. BADHWAR.Neera K. Badhwar - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (1):226-263.
    The Aristotelian view that the moral virtues–the virtues of character informed by practical wisdom–are essential to an individual's happiness, and are thus in an individual's self-interest, has been little discussed outside of purely scholarly contexts. With a few exceptions, contemporary philosophers have tended to be suspicious of Aristotle's claims about human nature and the nature of rationality and happiness. But recent scholarship has offered an interpretation of the basic elements of Aristotle's views of human nature and happiness, and of reason (...)
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  2. Is realism really bad for you? A realistic response Neera K. Badhwar 25th november, 2007.Neera Badhwar - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy (No. 2):85-107..
    Someone who is reality-oriented and in touch with important features of her life is realistic. Realism has long been regarded as a hallmark of mental health and well-being, understood as happiness in an objectively worthy life. This view has also long invited the objection that ignorance can be bliss. Another objection, of recent vintage, comes from social psychology. Taylor and Brown claim that mildly deluded people are healthier and happier than highly realistic people. I argue against both objections that, properly (...)
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  3. Meghnad Desai's Vision of Capitalism: Neoliberalism or Marxism?Meghnad Desai - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (3):225-234.
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  4. Altruism Versus Self-Interest: Sometimes a False Dichotomy.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (1):90-117.
    In the moral philosophy of the last two centuries, altruism of one kind or another has typically been regarded as identical with moral concern. When self-regarding duties have been recognized, motivation by duty has been sharply distinguished from motivation by self-interest. I think this view is wrong: self-interest can be the motive of a moral act. My chief concern is to argue that self-interested action -- i.e., action motivated by rational self-interest -- can be moral, but the data I use (...)
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    Well-Being: Happiness in a Worthwhile Life.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 2014 - , US: Oup Usa.
    This book offers a new argument for the ancient claim that well-being as the highest prudential good -- eudaimonia -- consists of happiness in a life according to virtue. Virtue is a source of happiness, but happiness also requires external goods.
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  6. Friendship: a philosophical reader.Neera Kapur Badhwar (ed.) - 1993 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Introduction: The Nature and Signif1cance of Friendship Neera Kapur Badhwar Philosophers have long recognized that friendship plays a central role in a ...
  7. The limited unity of virtue.Neera Badhwar - 1996 - Noûs 30 (3):306-329.
  8. Love.Neera K. Badhwar - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 42.
    "[L]ove is not merely a contributor - one among others - to meaningful life. In its own way it may underlie all other forms of its very nature love is the principal means by which creatures like us seek affective relations to persons, things, or ideals that have value and importance for us. I. The Look of Love.
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  9. How much is enough, Mr Thomas? How much will ever be enough?".Neera Chandhoke - 2010 - In Alison Jaggar (ed.), Thomas Pogge and His Critics. Malden, MA: Polity.
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    Talking Secession.Neera Chandhoke - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 4 (1).
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  11. Friends as ends in themselves.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 48 (1):1-23.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research is currently published by International Phenomenological Society.
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  12. Is Virtue Only a Means to Happiness?: An Analysis of Virtue and Happiness in Ayn Rand's Writings.Neera Badhwar - 1999 - Reason Papers 24:27-44.
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  13. Why it is wrong to be always guided by the best: Consequentialism and friendship.Neera Badhwar Kapur - 1991 - Ethics 101 (3):483-504.
    I take friendship to be a practical and emotional relationship marked by mutual and (more-or-less) equal goodwill, liking, and pleasure. Friendship can exist between siblings, lovers, parent and adult child, as well as between otherwise unrelated people. Some friendships are valued chiefly for their usefulness. Such friendships are instrumental or means friendships. Other friendships are valued chiefly for their own sakes. Such friendships are noninstrumental or end friendships. In this paper I am concerned only with end friendships, and the challenge (...)
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    Medical ethics in india.Prakash N. Desai - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (3):231-255.
    Medical ethics in the Indian context is closely related to indigenous classical and folk traditions. This article traces the history of Indian conceptions of ethics and medicine, with an emphasis on the Hindu tradition. Classical Ayurvedic texts including Carakasamhita and Susrutasamhita provide foundational assumptions about the body, the self, and gunas, which provide the underpinnings for the ethical system. Karma, the notion that every action has consequences, provides a foundation for medical morality. Conception, prolongation of one's blood-line is an important (...)
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    Getting to the source of the illusion of consensus.Saoirse Connor Desai, Belinda Xie & Brett K. Hayes - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105023.
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    Do All Interesting Experiences Add to the Quality of Life?Neera K. Badhwar - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Research 48:247-251.
    In “ReImagining the Quality of Life,” Lorraine Besser challenges the frameworks typically used for evaluating the quality of people’s lives, especially those with Alzheimer’s disease or those in minimally conscious states (MCS). These frameworks rely on two standards: agency and sentience. The first assumes that the absence of agency makes a life prudentially worthless (worthless to the individual whose life it is), because cognitive activity is prudentially valuable “only when it reflects agency;” whereas the second assumes that the absence of (...)
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    Superson, Anita M. The Moral Skeptic . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009 . Pp. 250. $24.95 (paper).Neera K. Badhwar - 2010 - Ethics 120 (3):635-639.
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    Magic, Realism and the State in Post-Apartheid South Africa.Ashwin Desai - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (4):383-403.
  19.  52
    Justice within the limits of human nature alone.Neera K. Badhwar - 2016 - Social Philosophy and Policy 33 (1-2):193-213.
    Abstract: Contra John Rawls, G. A. Cohen argues that the fundamental principles of justice are not constrained by the limits of our nature or the nature of society, even at its historical best. Justice is what it is, even if it will never be realized, fully or at all. Likewise, David Estlund argues that since our innate motivations can be justice-tainting, they cannot be a constraint on the right conception of justice. Cohen and Estlund agree that if the attempt to (...)
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    Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX [2020] UKSC 14.Neera Bhatia - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):455-460.
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  21. Minority rights, secularism, and justice.Neera Chandhoke - 2018 - In Jean-Marc Coicaud (ed.), Conversations on justice from national, international, and global perspectives: dialogues with leading thinkers. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Re-presenting Secularism.Neera Chandhoke - 2012 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 25 (2):335-348.
  23. The quest for justice: evoking Gandhi.Neera Chandhoke - 2010 - In Aakash Singh & Silika Mohapatra (eds.), Indian political thought: a reader. New York: Routledge.
  24.  28
    Do Child Welfare Clinics Influence Growth?Patricia Desai, Leotta M. Clarke & Catherine E. Heron - 1970 - Journal of Biosocial Science 2 (4):305-315.
    Child welfare clinics established in a rural Jamaican community for research purposes are described. These special clinics were able to devote more resources to the care of their children than is usual, yet the growth and health of these children were very similar to those in another group to whom this service was not available and who attended routine government welfare clinics only infrequently.
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    Heidegger, Rorty, and the Eastern thinkers: A hermeneutics of cross-cultural understanding.Miraj U. Desai - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (2):313-316.
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    Karl Polanyi and twenty-first-century capitalism.Radhika Desai & Kari Polanyi-Levitt (eds.) - 2020 - Manchester University Press.
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  27. Michio Morishima 1923-2004.Meghnad Desai - 2006 - In Desai Meghnad (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V. pp. 259-281.
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    Promoting an “Auteur Theory” for Young Scientists: Preserving Excitement and Creativity ….Arshad Desai & Suckjoon Jun - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (11):1800147.
  29.  7
    Psalms of Saint Siva.B. B. Desai - 1949 - Rishikesh,: Sivananda Publication League.
  30.  11
    Troubling the Southern turn in feminisms.Manisha Desai - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (4):381-393.
    In this article, I focus on the work of the South Asian Network for Gender Transformation to show how it goes beyond the current turn to the Global South in much contemporary transnational feminisms. It does so in two ways. One, as evident in the name, it defines a regional imaginary, which is place-based and informed by the long history of interactions in the area beyond the colonial, postcolonial, and recent global forces, as well as in conversation with discourses and (...)
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  31. Thoreau's Walden as a Phenomenological Manifesto and Precursor of Husserl's Ideas.Rupin W. Desai - 1979 - Thoreau Journal Quarterly 11:5-19.
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    The Yoga-sūtras of Patanjali: a commentary.M. R. Desai - 1972 - Kolhapur: Prin. Desai Publication Trust. Edited by Patañjali.
    On classic Hindu Yoga philosophy; a study.
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    Autonomy, Liberty, and Utility.Neera Badhwar Kapur - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (3):487-.
    Lawrence Haworth's book, Autonomy, discusses “Autonomy as a Psychological Idea”, and “Autonomy as a Normative Idea”. Part 1 discusses autonomy in relation to rationality, agency, and responsibility, defends it against Skinnerian sceptics, and outlines a theory of autonomous decision-making and the autonomous task environment. Haworth's conception of autonomy integrates and builds on the concepts of S. I. Benn, G. Dworkin, H. Frankfurt, and R. W. White. Part 2 centres on social/political theory, and not, despite the book's subtitle, on ethics as (...)
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    Mahadevi Varma: Simone de Beauvoir’s Contemporary and a Leading Poet and Writer from India.Neera Kuckreja Sohoni - 1994 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 11 (1):115-122.
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    Women, Culture, and Development: A Study of Human Capabilities.Neera K. Badhwar - 1997 - Ethics and the Environment 2 (1):91-94.
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    Nationalist Thought in Modern India: Exploration of the Idea of Freedom.Prakash Desai - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (2):99-108.
    Modern Indian nationalist thought has dealt with political ideas such as freedom, equality, liberty, democracy, so on and so forth. The idea of freedom received enough attention on the part of most of the modern Indian political thinkers. However, the idea of freedom as envisaged by the nationalist thinkers did not receive positive response from the other stream of modern Indian thought. Dalit-Bahujan political thinkers questioned the narration of freedom as propagated by the nationalist thinkers. Nationalist thinkers aspired for universal (...)
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  37. Moral Agency, Commitment, and Impartiality.Neera K. Badhwar - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (1):1-26.
    Communitarians reject the impartial and universal viewpoint of liberal morality in favor of the "situated" viewpoint of the agent's community, and elevate political community into the moral community. I show that the preeminence of political community in communitarian morality is incompatible with concern for people's lives in the partial communities of family, friends, or others. Ironically, it is also incompatible with the communitarian thesis about the situated nature of moral agency. Political community is preeminent in communitarianism because of its unargued-for (...)
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  38. The Milgram Experiments, Learned Helplessness, and Character Traits.Neera K. Badhwar - 2009 - The Journal of Ethics 13 (2):257-289.
    The Milgram and other situationist experiments support the real-life evidence that most of us are highly akratic and heteronomous, and that Aristototelian virtue is not global. Indeed, like global theoretical knowledge, global virtue is psychologically impossible because it requires too much of finite human beings with finite powers in a finite life; virtue can only be domain-specific. But unlike local, situation-specific virtues, domain-specific virtues entail some general understanding of what matters in life, and are connected conceptually and causally to our (...)
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    Friendship, Justice and Supererogation.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 1985 - American Philosophical Quarterly 22 (2):123 - 131.
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    With crisis comes opportunity: Building ethical competencies in light of COVID-19.Alisha Desai, C. Lankford & J. Schwartz - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (6):401-413.
    ABSTRACT The emergence of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has wide-ranging implications for the field of professional psychology. As clinical practice has rapidly adapted to ensure continuity of care, doctoral students have encountered unique opportunities for ethics-related competency development across practicum training settings. This article discusses the relevant American Psychological Association Ethics Code standards and additional ethical considerations facing trainees as they navigate their foundational clinical experiences and develop as professional psychologists in light of a pandemic.
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    A precis to Contested Secessions. Rights, Self-determination, Democracy and Kashmir.Neera Chandhoke - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 4 (1).
  42. Is Realism Really Bad for You? A Realistic Response.Neera K. Badhwar - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (2):85-107.
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    We Need to Talk About Rationing: The Need to Normalize Discussion About Healthcare Rationing in a Post COVID-19 Era.Neera Bhatia - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):731-735.
    The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought the issue of rationing finite healthcare resources to the fore. There has been much academic debate, media attention, and conversation in the homes of everyday individuals about the allocation of medical resources, diagnostic testing kits, ventilators, and personal protective equipment. Yet decisions to prioritize treatment for some individuals over others occur implicitly and explicitly in everyday practices. The pandemic has propelled the socially taboo and unavoidably prickly issue of healthcare rationing into the public spotlight—and (...)
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  44. The nature and significance of friendship.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 1993 - In Friendship: a philosophical reader. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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  45. The circumstances of justice: Pluralism, community, and friendship.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 1993 - Journal of Political Philosophy 1 (3):250–276.
    Liberal political theory sees justice as the "first virtue" of a good society, the virtue that guides individuals' conceptions of their own good, and protects the equal liberty of all to pursue their ends, so long as these ends and pursuits are just. But ever since Marx's declaration that "liberty as a right of man is not founded upon the relations between man and man, but rather upon the separation of man from man...,"i liberal society has been frequently criticized for (...)
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    Travel and Movement in Clinical Psychology: The World Outside the Clinic.Miraj Desai - 2018 - Palgrave Macmillan Uk.
    This book concerns clinical psychology, but it is most concerned with the world outside the clinic. That world—where culture, history, and economy are found—radically impacts the public’s mental health. However these worldly considerations often do not feature centrally in the science and practice of clinical psychology, a subfield of psychology seemingly dedicated to mental health. Desai offers a corrective by travelling out of the clinic and into the world, exploring ideas, movements, and thinkers that help broaden our approach to (...)
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    Love.Neera K. Badhwar - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 42.
    "[L]ove is not merely a contributor - one among others - to meaningful life. In its own way it may underlie all other forms of its very nature love is the principal means by which creatures like us seek affective relations to persons, things, or ideals that have value and importance for us. I. The Look of Love.
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    Global ethics: An integrative framework for MNEs. [REVIEW]Ashay B. Desai & Terri Rittenburg - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (8):791-800.
    Global ethics has recently emerged as a popular concept among researchers in the field of international management and is of immediate concern among managers of multinational enterprizes (MNEs). This paper presents an integrative framework covering a range of factors and issues relevant to multinationals with respect to ethical decision making. The paper provides an overview of the existing literature on the topic, and framework is aimed at providing the managers of multinationals with a basis for relating and synthesizing the perspectives (...)
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    The rational continued influence of misinformation.Saoirse A. Connor Desai, Toby D. Pilditch & Jens K. Madsen - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104453.
  50.  12
    Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust v WV [2022] EWCOP 9: The Court of Protection: On balancing risks; best interests and kidney transplantation.Neera Bhatia - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (3):357-361.
    At first glance, this case might give the impression that a resolution would have been straightforward. A 17-year-old young man with moderate to severe learning disabilities and other conditions discussed below required a kidney transplant–the Court of Protection was tasked with determining whether this was in his best interests. However, the case of WV was in fact far more technical and required nuanced discussion and expert medical evidence from a range of specialists to objectively balance the needs of WV and (...)
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