Results for 'Nicole Baur'

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  1.  40
    Reversing Rawls: Criteriology, contractualism and the primacy of the practical.Nicole Baur - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (3):251-296.
    In this paper, I offer an immanent critique of John Rawls's theory of justice which seeks to show that Rawls's understanding of his theory of justice as criteriological and contractarian is ultimately incompatible with his claim that the theory is grounded on the primacy of the practical. I agree with Michael Sandel's observation that the Rawlsian theory of justice rests on substantive metaphysical and epistemological claims, in spite of Rawls's assurances to the contrary. But while Sandel argues for even more (...)
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    New Malaise: Bioethics and Human Rights in the Global Era.Paul Farmer & Nicole Gastineau Campos - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):243-251.
    First, to what level of quality can medical ethics a spire, if it ignores callous discrimination in medrcal practice against large populations of the innocent poor? Second, how effective can such theories be in addressing the critical issues of medical and clinical ethics if they are unable to contribute to the closing of the gap of sociomedical disparity?Marcio Fabri dos Anjos, Medical Ethics in the Developing World: A Liberation Theology Perspective.
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    Creating ‘Local Publics’: Responsibility and Involvement in Decision-Making on Technologies with Local Impacts.Udo Pesch, Nicole M. A. Huijts, Gunter Bombaerts, Neelke Doorn & Agnieszka Hunka - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):2215-2234.
    This paper makes a conceptual inquiry into the notion of ‘publics’, and forwards an understanding of this notion that allows more responsible forms of decision-making with regards to technologies that have localized impacts, such as wind parks, hydrogen stations or flood barriers. The outcome of this inquiry is that the acceptability of a decision is to be assessed by a plurality of ‘publics’, including that of a local community. Even though a plurality of ‘publics’ might create competing normative demands, its (...)
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  4. The Harms of the Internalized Oppression Worry.Nicole Dular & Madeline Ward - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    In this paper, we locate a general rhetorical strategy employed in theoretical discourse wherein philosophers argue from the mere existence of internalized oppression to some kind of epistemic, moral, political, or cognitive deficiency of oppressed people. We argue that this strategy has harmful consequences for oppressed people, breaking down our analysis in terms of individual and structural harms within both epistemic and moral domains. These harms include attempting to undermine the self-trust of oppressed people, reinforcing unjust epistemic power hierarchies, undermining (...)
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    Painful Experience and Constitution of the Intersubjective Self: A Critical-Phenomenological Analysis.Jessica Stanier & Nicole Miglio - 2021 - In Susi Ferrarello (ed.), Phenomenology of Bioethics: Technoethics and Lived Experience. Springer. pp. 101-114.
    In this paper, we discuss how phenomenology might cogently express the way painful experiences are layered with complex intersubjective meaning. In particular, we propose a critical conception of pain as an intricate multi-levelled phenomenon, deeply ingrained in the constitution of one’s sense of bodily self and emerging from a web of intercorporeal, social, cultural, and political relations. In the first section, we review and critique some conceptual accounts of pain. Then, we explore how pain is involved in complex ways with (...)
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  6.  54
    Universality Revisited.Nicole L. Nelson & James A. Russell - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):8-15.
    Evidence does not support the claim that observers universally recognize basic emotions from signals on the face. The percentage of observers who matched the face with the predicted emotion (matching score) is not universal, but varies with culture and language. Matching scores are also inflated by the commonly used methods: within-subject design; posed, exaggerated facial expressions (devoid of context); multiple examples of each type of expression; and a response format that funnels a variety of interpretations into one word specified by (...)
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    La gauche dans les gouvernements locaux.Washington Estellano, Nicole Beaurain & Jacques Texier - 1994 - Actuel Marx 16 (2):57.
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    Contrast reversal of the iris and sclera increases the face sensitive N170.Kelly J. Jantzen, Nicole McNamara, Adam Harris, Anna Schubert, Michael Brooks, Matthew Seifert & Lawrence A. Symons - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:987217.
    Previous research has demonstrated that reversing the contrast of the eye region, which includes the eyebrows, affects the N170 ERP. To selectively assess the impact of just the eyes, the present study evaluated the N170 in response to reversing contrast polarity of just the iris and sclera in upright and inverted face stimuli. Contrast reversal of the eyes increased the amplitude of the N170 for upright faces, but not for inverted faces, suggesting that the contrast of eyes is an important (...)
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  9.  35
    On the genealogy of machine learning datasets: A critical history of ImageNet.Hilary Nicole, Andrew Smart, Razvan Amironesei, Alex Hanna & Emily Denton - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    In response to growing concerns of bias, discrimination, and unfairness perpetuated by algorithmic systems, the datasets used to train and evaluate machine learning models have come under increased scrutiny. Many of these examinations have focused on the contents of machine learning datasets, finding glaring underrepresentation of minoritized groups. In contrast, relatively little work has been done to examine the norms, values, and assumptions embedded in these datasets. In this work, we conceptualize machine learning datasets as a type of informational infrastructure, (...)
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  10.  63
    Organizational Reintegration and Trust Repair after an Integrity Violation: A Case Study.Nicole Gillespie, Graham Dietz & Steve Lockey - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (3):371-410.
    This paper presents a holistic, contextualised case study of reintegration and trust repair at a UK utilities firm in the wake of its fraud and data manipulation scandal. Drawing upon conceptual frameworks of reintegration and organizational trust repair, we analyze the decisions and actions taken by the company in its efforts to restore trust with its stakeholders. The analysis reveals seven themes on the merits of proposed approaches for reintegration after an integrity violation , and novel insights on the role (...)
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  11.  77
    Avoiding bias in medical ethical decision-making. Lessons to be learnt from psychology research.Heidi Albisser Schleger, Nicole R. Oehninger & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (2):155-162.
    When ethical decisions have to be taken in critical, complex medical situations, they often involve decisions that set the course for or against life-sustaining treatments. Therefore the decisions have far-reaching consequences for the patients, their relatives, and often for the clinical staff. Although the rich psychology literature provides evidence that reasoning may be affected by undesired influences that may undermine the quality of the decision outcome, not much attention has been given to this phenomenon in health care or ethics consultation. (...)
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  12.  12
    Les groupements européens de partis politiques.Paul Claeys & Nicole Loeb-Mayer - 1977 - Res Publica 19 (4):559-577.
    The prospect of European elections has begun to alter the conditions under which national poli tical parties exercise their functions. It has brought parties to negociate common platforms and to strengthen transnational organizations. How these organizations wilt be structured, what functions they wilt assume, will be determined largely by the issue of a conflict-solving process between existing national structures, by the ability of national parties to accomplish new functions in a European system, and by the demands of that system.This study (...)
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    Réponse à Dermot Moran et Dale Jacquette.Jaakko Hintikka & Nicole G. Albert - 2014 - Diogène 242 (2):64-67.
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    How Does a Helicase Unwind DNA? Insights from RecBCD Helicase.Timothy M. Lohman & Nicole T. Fazio - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (6):1800009.
    DNA helicases are a class of molecular motors that catalyze processive unwinding of double stranded DNA. In spite of much study, we know relatively little about the mechanisms by which these enzymes carry out the function for which they are named. Most current views are based on inferences from crystal structures. A prominent view is that the canonical ATPase motor exerts a force on the ssDNA resulting in “pulling” the duplex across a “pin” or “wedge” in the enzyme leading to (...)
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    Against vaccine nationalism.Nicole Hassoun - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (11):773-774.
    While rich countries like the USA and UK are starting to vaccinate their populations against COVID-19, poor countries may lack access to a vaccine for years. A global effort to provide vaccines through the COVAX facility Accelerator) aims to distribute 2 billion vaccinations by the end of next year, but the USA has refused to join and even those rich countries that have joined are entering into bilateral deals with pharmaceutical companies to buy up the supply. Canada, for instance, has (...)
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  16. Human Rights and the Minimally Good Life.Nicole Hassoun - 2013 - Res Philosophica 90 (3):413-438.
    All people have human rights and, intuitively, there is a close connection between human rights, needs, and autonomy. The two main theories about the natureand value of human rights often fail to account for this connection. Interest theories, on which rights protect individuals’ important interests, usually fail to capturethe close relationship between human rights and autonomy; autonomy is not constitutive of the interests human rights protect. Will theories, on which human rights protect individuals’ autonomy, cannot explain why the nonautonomous have (...)
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  17.  54
    Sufficiency and the Minimally Good Life.Nicole Hassoun - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (3):321-336.
    What, if anything, do we owe others as a basic minimum? Sufficiency theorists claim that we must provide everyone with enough – but, to date, few well-worked-out accounts of the sufficiency threshold exist, so it is difficult to evaluate this proposition. Previous theories do not provide plausible, independent accounts of resources, capabilities, or welfare that might play the requisite role. Moreover, I believe existing accounts do not provide nearly enough guidance for policymakers. So, this article sketches a mechanism for arriving (...)
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  18.  29
    A Multifocal and Integrative View of the Influencers of Ethical Attitudes Using Qualitative Configurational Analysis.Nicole A. Celestine, Catherine Leighton & Chris Perryer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (1):103-122.
    Ethical attitudes and behaviour are complex. This complexity extends to the influencers operating at different levels both outside and within the organisation, and in different combinations for different individuals. There is hence a growing need to understand the proximal and distal influencers of ethical attitudes, and how these operate in concert at the individual, organisational, and societal levels. Few studies have attempted to combine these main research streams and systematically examine their combined impact. The minority of studies that have taken (...)
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  19.  26
    Moral obligations in conducting stem cell-based therapy trials for autism spectrum disorder.Nicole Shu Ling Yeo-Teh & Bor Luen Tang - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Unregulated patient treatments and approved clinical trials have been conducted with haematopoietic stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells for children with autism spectrum disorder. While the former direct-to-consumer practice is usually considered rogue and should be legally constrained, regulated clinical trials could also be ethically questionable. Here, we outline principal objections against these trials as they are currently conducted. Notably, these often lack a clear rationale for how transplanted cells may confer a therapeutic benefit in ASD, and thus, have ill-defined (...)
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  20.  69
    Epistemic Reasons, Transparency, and Evolutionary Debunking.Nicole Dular & Nikki Fortier - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1455-1473.
    Recently, evidentialists have argued that only they can explain transparency--the psychological phenomena wherein the question of doxastic deliberation of whether to believe p immediately gives way to the question of whether p--and thus that pragmatism about epistemic reasons is false. In this paper, we provide a defense of pragmatism. We depart from previous defenses of pragmatism which argue against the evidentialist explanation of transparency or the fact of transparency itself, by instead arguing that the pragmatist can provide a sound explanation (...)
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  21. Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood: Pedagogies of Inquiry and Relationships.Wendy Boyd, Nicole Green & Jessie Jovanovic - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood: Pedagogies of Inquiry and Relationships is an introduction for early childhood educators beginning their studies. Reflecting the fact that there is no single correct approach to the challenges of teaching, this book explores teaching through two lenses: teaching as inquiry and teaching as relating. The first part of the book focuses on inquiry, covering early childhood learning environments, learning theories, play pedagogies, approaches to teaching and learning, documentation and assessment, and the policy, curriculum and (...)
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  22.  21
    L’amitié et la piété filiale chez les néo-confucianistes de la dynastie Ming.Miaw-fen Lu & Nicole G. Albert - 2020 - Diogène n° 265-265 (1-2):61-84.
    Cet article porte sur l'amitié et la piété filiale dans le néo-confucianisme de l’époque Ming, notamment dans l’enseignement de Wang Yangming. J’avance que les jianghui cultivant la pensée de Yangming offrirent un environnement social idéal pour ennoblir l’amitié. On considérait la véritable amitié comme un vecteur de perfectionnement moral et le moyen de réduire le risque de subjectivisme dans la philosophie inspirée de Yangming. Je reconsidère également la question de savoir si les néo-confucianistes de l’époque Ming ont contesté l’ordre des (...)
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    Patterns of evolution in human speech processing and animal communication.Michael J. Ryan, Nicole M. Kime & Gil G. Rosenthal - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):282-283.
    We consider Sussman et al. 's suggestion that auditory biases for processing low-noise relationships among pairs of acoustic variables is a preadaptation for human speech processing. Data from other animal communication systems, especially those involving sexual selection, also suggest that neural biases in the receiver system can generate strong selection on the form of communication signals.
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    “Why Should We Care about Marriage Equality?”: Political Advocacy as a Part of Corporate Responsibility.Florian Wettstein & Dorothea Baur - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (2):199-213.
    More and more companies are publicly taking a stand on social and political issues such as gay marriage legislation. This paper argues that this type of engagement, which can be called “corporate political advocacy,” raises new conceptual and normative challenges especially for theories of corporate responsibility. Furthermore, it poses practical challenges for managers who are confronted with it. This paper addresses all three challenges: first, it defines and conceptualizes corporate political advocacy and distinguishes it from other forms of corporate political (...)
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  25.  27
    Opposition and dissidence: Two modes of resistance against international rule.Christopher Daase & Nicole Deitelhoff - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 15 (1):11-30.
    Rule is commonly conceptualized with reference to the compliance it invokes. In this article, we propose a conception of rule via the practice of resistance instead. In contrast to liberal approaches, we stress the possibility of illegitimate rule, and, as opposed to critical approaches, the possibility of legitimate authority. In the international realm, forms of rule and the changes they undergo can thus be reconstructed in terms of the resistance they provoke. To this end, we distinguish between two types of (...)
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  26.  51
    Informed consent for MRI and fMRI research: Analysis of a sample of Canadian consent documents.Nicole Palmour, William Affleck, Emily Bell, Constance Deslauriers, Bruce Pike, Julien Doyon & Eric Racine - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):1.
    BackgroundResearch ethics and the measures deployed to ensure ethical oversight of research (e.g., informed consent forms, ethics review) are vested with extremely important ethical and practical goals. Accordingly, these measures need to function effectively in real-world research and to follow high level standards.MethodsWe examined approved consent forms for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) studies approved by Canadian research ethics boards (REBs).ResultsWe found evidence of variability in consent forms in matters of physical and psychological risk reporting. (...)
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  27.  74
    Environmental Virtue Aesthetics.Nicole Hall & Emily Brady - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (1):109-126.
    How should we characterize the interaction between moral and aesthetic values in the context of environmental aesthetics? This question is important given the urgency of many environmental problems and the particular role played by aesthetic value in our experience of environment. To address this question, we develop a model of Environmental Virtue Aesthetics (EVA) that, we argue, offers a promising alternative to current theories in environmental aesthetics with respect to the relationship between aesthetics and ethics. EVA counters environmental aesthetic theories (...)
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  28.  10
    L’organisation sociale d’une diaspora urbaine : corporations, factions et réseaux chez les Sino-Malaisiens de Penang.Christian Giordano & Nicole G. Albert - 2016 - Diogène n° 251-252 (3):147-159.
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    The impact of intrastate variation in higher education funding on intrastate research and development expenditures.Stephanie Nicole Gosnell - 2003 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 4.
  30.  16
    Dimensions of Research-Participant Interaction: Engagement is Not a Replacement for Consent.Emily Shearer, Nicole Martinez & David Magnus - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):183-184.
  31.  7
    Yoga and the five elements: spiritual wisdom for everyday living.Nicole Goott - 2022 - Washington, USA: Mantra Books.
    Who am I? What is my purpose in life? These are timeless questions. Indian philosophy and the yoga tradition offer a comprehensive understanding of the human being, from its conception of the mind to the nature of the soul, a path of self-discovery and doorway to inner liberation. With a fresh and modern interpretation of the five elements: earth, water, air, fire, and space, readers are presented with a practical and assessable approach to knowing themselves more deeply, illuminating how we (...)
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    Making Free Trade Fair.Nicole Hassoun - 2011 - New Waves in Ethics.
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  33. Standpoint Moral Epistemology: The Epistemic Advantage Thesis.Nicole Dular - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (8):1813-1835.
    One of standpoint theory’s main claims is the thesis of epistemic advantage, which holds that marginalized agents have epistemic advantages due to their social disadvantage as marginalized. The epistemic advantage thesis has been argued to be true with respect to knowledge about particular dominant ideologies like classism and sexism, as well as knowledge within fields as diverse as sociology and economics. However, it has yet to be analyzed with respect to ethics. This paper sets out to complete this task. Here, (...)
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    Blame, desert and compatibilist capacity: a diachronic account of moderateness in regards to reasons-responsiveness.Nicole A. Vincent - 2013 - Philosophical Explorations 16 (2):178-194.
    This paper argues that John Fischer and Mark Ravizza's compatibilist theory of moral responsibility cannot justify reactive attitudes like blame and desert-based practices like retributive punishment. The problem with their account, I argue, is that their analysis of moderateness in regards to reasons-responsiveness has the wrong normative features. However, I propose an alternative account of what it means for a mechanism to be moderately reasons-responsive which addresses this deficiency. In a nut shell, while Fischer and Ravizza test for moderate reasons-responsiveness (...)
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    Pupillary responses reveal infants’ discrimination of facial emotions independent of conscious perception.Sarah Jessen, Nicole Altvater-Mackensen & Tobias Grossmann - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):163-169.
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    Functional interpretation of non‐coding sequence variation: Concepts and challenges.Dirk S. Paul, Nicole Soranzo & Stephan Beck - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):191-199.
    Understanding the functional mechanisms underlying genetic signals associated with complex traits and common diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, is a formidable challenge. Many genetic signals discovered through genome‐wide association studies map to non‐protein coding sequences, where their molecular consequences are difficult to evaluate. This article summarizes concepts for the systematic interpretation of non‐coding genetic signals using genome annotation data sets in different cellular systems. We outline strategies for the global analysis of multiple association intervals and the in‐depth (...)
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  37.  24
    Testing Environmental Effects on Age at Menarche and Sexual Debut within a Genetically Informative Twin Design.George B. Richardson, Nicole Barbaro, Joseph L. Nedelec & Hexuan Liu - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (2):324-356.
    Life-history-derived models of female sexual development propose menarche timing as a key regulatory mechanism driving subsequent sexual behavior. The current research utilized a twin subsample of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health; _n_ = 514) to evaluate environmental effects on timings of menarche and sexual debut, as well as address potential confounding of these effects within a genetically informative design. Results show mixed support for each life history model and provide little evidence rearing environment is (...)
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  38.  21
    Brain Activity Associated With Regulating Food Cravings Predicts Changes in Self-Reported Food Craving and Consumption Over Time.Nicole R. Giuliani, Danielle Cosme, Junaid S. Merchant, Bryce Dirks & Elliot T. Berkman - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  39.  15
    La globalisation de l’histoire de la philosophie et l’idée d’une phénoménologie transformative.Rolf Elberfeld & Nicole G. Albert - 2021 - Diogène n° 271-272 (3):71-89.
    Depuis le début du XXI e siècle, la globalisation est devenue un thème central dans les sciences humaines, même si la mondialisation croissante des discours dans les sciences humaines apparaît en réalité dès le XX e siècle. Dans le domaine de la philosophie, la mondialisation du cadre thématique a été encouragée en particulier par les Congrès mondiaux de philosophie depuis 1900. Sous l’impulsion de ces évolutions, les histoires de différentes philosophies ont émergé à travers le monde et dans de nombreuses (...)
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    The Curious Case of Baby Formula in the United States in 2022: Cries for Urgent Action Months after Silence in the Midst of Alarm Bells.Brenna Ellison, Nicole Olynk Widmar & Jinho Jung - 2022 - Food Ethics 8 (1):1-8.
    The shortages of baby formula in the US resulting from the voluntary recall of contaminated products and shutdown of manufacturing facility in February led to increases in the national out-of-stock rate of the baby formula from 18 to 70% over the summer of 2022. This study utilizes social media listening and data analysis to examine how online media reactions to the physical shortage changed over time and how the reaction to the shortage differed from to the initial recall announcements. Improved (...)
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  41. SANDEL, Michael J. Contra a perfeição: ética na era da engenharia genética.Quétlin Nicole Meurer - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (2):230-247.
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    Compte rendu.James Adam Redfield & Nicole G. Albert - 2014 - Diogène 241 (1):131-136.
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    Repression by the Mad-Sin3 complex.Nicole Schreiber-Agus & Ronald A. DePinho - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (10):808-818.
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    Cognitive aging and hearing acuity: modeling spoken language comprehension.Arthur Wingfield, Nicole M. Amichetti & Amanda Lash - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    El cuerpo como lienzo aleccionador en “Ciudadanía” de Denise Phé-Funchal y “Locaciones” de Carla Pravisani.Nicole Masís-Chacón - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (34):23-48.
    Este trabajo analiza los cuentos “Ciudadanía” (2011) de Denise Phé-Funchal y “Locaciones” (2014) de Carla Pravisani. El objetivo es revisar la representación de la segregación y el poder biopolítico sobre los cuerpos desde la ironía. Ambos cuentos construyen personajes atravesados por prácticas corporales (Muñiz, 2014) que evidencian un uso de los cuerpos como exhibiciones didáctico moralizantes. Además, estos cuerpos son segregados y excluidos del entorno social, según la mixofobia propuesta de Bauman (2015) para transformarse en prácticas deshumanizantes y biopolíticas propias (...)
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    Par-delà la raison pratique : l'Indian Evidence Act et sa nature performative.Ranabir Samaddar & Nicole G. Albert - 2013 - Diogène n° 239-239 (3/4):86-108.
    This article is about the Indian Evidence Act. It also explains how evidence is the script that carries law’s unconscious. One one hand, evidence is the site of reason, on the other hand it is also the performative site of the unconscious. The operation of the Evidence Act requires a court, arguments, ways of producing evidence, counter-arguments, scrutiny of the nature of the evidence submitted, and finally the disputation around what constitutes an evidence, and then the judgement. The article argues (...)
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  47. Logica, Sive Ars Cogitandi. In Qua Praeter Vulgares Regulas Plura Nova Habentur Ad Rationem Dirigendam Utilia.Antoine Arnauld & Pierre Nicole - 1674 - Typis Andr. Clark, Impensis Joh. Martyn Sub Signo Campanae in D. Pauli Coemeterio..
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    Entangled Humanism as a Political Project: William Connolly’s Facing the Planetary.Anatoli Ignatov, Nicole Grove, Alexander Livingston & William E. Connolly - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (1):115-134.
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    Les transformations du féminin monstrueux dans le Nouveau cinéma asiatique de femmes fantômes.Hunju Lee & Nicole G. Albert - 2015 - Diogène 245 (1):155-176.
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    Attitudes, beliefs, and prevalence of dumpster diving as a means to obtain food by Midwestern, low-income, urban dwellers.Nicole Eikenberry & Chery Smith - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (2):187-202.
    “Dumpster diving” is a term generally used for obtaining items, in this case food for consumption, from dumpsters. This study evaluates the prevalence of dumpster diving in two low-income urban communities in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Additionally, attitudes and beliefs of adults who engage in this behavior are reported. Surveys (n=396) were used to collect data including individual dumpster diving behavior, food security, health, and demographic data. Nearly one-fifth of those surveyed had used dumpster diving as a means to obtain food. Focus (...)
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