Results for 'Nonseparability'

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  1. Nonseparability, Potentiality, and the Context-Dependence of Quantum Objects.Vassilios Karakostas - 2007 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 38 (2):279-297.
    Standard quantum mechanics undeniably violates the notion of separability that classical physics accustomed us to consider as valid. By relating the phenomenon of quantum nonseparability to the all-important concept of potentiality, we effectively provide a coherent picture of the puzzling entangled correlations among spatially separated systems. We further argue that the generalized phenomenon of quantum nonseparability implies contextuality for the production of well-defined events in the quantum domain, whereas contextuality entails in turn a structural-relational conception of quantal objects, (...)
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  2. Nonseparability, Classical, and Quantum.Wayne C. Myrvold - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (2):417-432.
    This article examines the implications of the holonomy interpretation of classical electromagnetism. As has been argued by Richard Healey and Gordon Belot, classical electromagnetism on this interpretation evinces a form of nonseparability, something that otherwise might have been thought of as confined to nonclassical physics. Consideration of the differences between this classical nonseparability and quantum nonseparability shows that the nonseparability exhibited by the classical electromagnetism on the holonomy interpretation is closer to separability than might at first (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Quantum holism: nonseparability as common ground.Jenann Ismael & Jonathan Schaffer - 2020 - Synthese 197 (10):4131-4160.
    Quantum mechanics seems to portray nature as nonseparable, in the sense that it allows spatiotemporally separated entities to have states that cannot be fully specified without reference to each other. This is often said to implicate some form of “holism.” We aim to clarify what this means, and why this seems plausible. Our core idea is that the best explanation for nonseparability is a “common ground” explanation, which casts nonseparable entities in a holistic light, as scattered reflections of a (...)
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  4. Nonseparable processes and causal explanation.Richard Healey - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (3):337-374.
    If physical reality is nonseparable, as quantum mechanics suggests, then it may contain processes of a quite novel kind. Such nonseparable processes could connect space-like separated events without violating relativity theory or any defensible locality condition. Appeal to nonseparable processes could ground theoretical explanations of such otherwise puzzling phenomena as the two-slit experiment, and EPR- type correlations. We find such phenomena puzzling because they threaten cherished conceptions of how causes operate to produce their effects. But nonseparable processes offer us an (...)
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    Nonseparability of shared intentionality.Christian Flender, Kirsty Kitto & Peter D. Bruza - unknown
    According to recent studies in developmental psychology and neuroscience, symbolic language is essentially intersubjective. Empathetically relating to others renders possible the acquisition of linguistic constructs. Intersubjectivity develops in early ontogenetic life when interactions between mother and infant mutually shape their relatedness. Empirical fndings suggest that the shared attention and intention involved in those interactions is sustained as it becomes internalized and embodied. Symbolic language is derivative and emerges from shared intentionality. In this paper, we present a formalization of shared intentionality (...)
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  6. Causal nonseparability and its implications for spatiotemporal relations.Laurie Letertre - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 95 (C):64-74.
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  7. Forms of quantum nonseparability and related philosophical consequences.Vassilios Karakostas - 2004 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 35 (2):283 - 312.
    Standard quantum mechanics unquestionably violates the separability principle that classical physics (be it point-like analytic, statistical, or field-theoretic) accustomed us to consider as valid. In this paper, quantum nonseparability is viewed as a consequence of the Hilbert-space quantum mechanical formalism, avoiding thus any direct recourse to the ramifications of Kochen-Specker’s argument or Bell’s inequality. Depending on the mode of assignment of states to physical systems – unit state vectors versus non-idempotent density operators – we distinguish between strong/relational and weak/deconstructional (...)
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  8. Nonseparability and quantum chaos.Frederick M. Kronz - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (1):50-75.
    Conventional wisdom has it that chaotic behavior is either strongly suppressed or absent in quantum models. Indeed, some researchers have concluded that these considerations serve to undermine the correspondence principle, thereby raising serious doubts about the adequacy of quantum mechanics. Thus, the quantum chaos question is a prime subject for philosophical analysis. The most significant reasons given for the absence or suppression of chaotic behavior in quantum models are the linearity of Schrödinger’s equation and the unitarity of the time-evolution described (...)
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    Holism and nonseparability by analogy.Aristidis Arageorgis - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (3):206-214.
    This paper explores the issues of holism and nonseparability in relativistic quantum field theory by focusing on an analog of the typical model featuring in many discussions of holism and nonseparability in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. It is argued that the quantum field theoretic model does exhibit holism in a metaphysical sense and that there are plausible grounds to view QFT holistic in an epistemological sense. However, the complexities arising from the fact that quantum fields have infinite degrees of (...)
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  10. Bell's theorem, nonseparability, and spacetime individuation in quantum mechanics.Darrin W. Belousek - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):46.
    We first examine Howard's analysis of the Bell factorizability condition in terms of 'separability' and 'locality' and then consider his claims that the violations of Bell's inequality by the statistical predictions of quantum mechanics should be interpreted in terms of 'nonseparability' rather than 'nonlocality' and that 'nonseparability' implies the failure of spacetime as a principle of individuation for quantum-mechanical systems. We will argue that his argument for the first claim is less than compelling and that any argument for (...)
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  11. Holism and nonseparability in physics.Richard Healey - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    It has sometimes been suggested that quantum phenomena exhibit a characteristic holism or nonseparability, and that this distinguishes quantum from classical physics. One puzzling quantum phenomenon arises when one performs measurements of spin or polarization on certain separated quantum systems. The results of these measurements exhibit patterns of statistical correlation that resist traditional causal explanation. Some have held that it is possible to understand these patterns as instances or consequences of quantum holism or nonseparability. Just what holism and (...)
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  12.  33
    Nonseparability and Quantum Logic.B. D'espagnat - 1977 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 5 (2):57-62.
  13.  75
    A versus b! Topological nonseparability and the Aharonov-Bohm effect.Tim Oliver Eynck, Holger Lyre & Nicolai von Rummell - 2001
    Since its discovery in 1959 the Aharonov-Bohm effect has continuously been the cause for controversial discussions of various topics in modern physics, e.g. the reality of gauge potentials, topological effects and nonlocalities. In the present paper we juxtapose the two rival interpretations of the Aharonov-Bohm effect. We show that the conception of nonlocality encountered in the Aharonov-Bohm effect is closely related to the nonseparability which is common in quantum mechanics albeit distinct from it due to its topological nature. We (...)
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    Microphysical nonseparability and relativistic signals.Daniel Evrard & Francçois Thieffine - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (5):575-583.
    Bell's proof and recent experiments sugested by it raised questions concerning the existence of supraluminal influences and the status of these with respect to Einstein's theory of relativity. These questions are briefly examined via an approach which is independent of any model. This approach generates a clear distinction between information perceivable by an observer, which is found to be transmited with infraluminal speed and influences acting inside the microphenomena. An informational treatment gives a quantitative indication concerning acting information.
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  15. Einstein, bell, and nonseparable realism.Federico Laudisa - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (3):309-329.
    In the context of stochastic hidden variable theories, Howard has argued that the role of separability—spatially separated systems possess distinct real states—has been underestimated. Howard claims that separability is equivalent to Jarrett‘s completeness: this equivalence should imply that the Bell theorem forces us to give up either separability or locality. Howard's claim, however, is shown to be ill founded since it is based on an implausible assumption. The necessity of sharply distinguishing separability and locality is emphasized: a quantitative formulation of (...)
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  16. Holism and Nonseparability.Richard A. Healey - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (8):393.
  17.  13
    Voiculescu’s theorem for nonseparable -algebras.Andrea Vaccaro - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2):624-631.
    We prove that Voiculescu’s noncommutative version of the Weyl-von Neumann Theorem can be extended to all unital, separably representable $\mathrm {C}^\ast $ -algebras whose density character is strictly smaller than the cardinal invariant $\mathfrak {p}$. We show moreover that Voiculescu’s Theorem consistently fails for $\mathrm {C}^\ast $ -algebras of larger density character.
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    On becoming, relativity, and nonseparability.Mauro Dorato - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (4):585-604.
    In a reply to Nicholas Maxwell, Stein has proved that Minkowski spacetime can leave room for the kind of indeterminateness required both by certain interpretations of quantum mechanics and by objective becoming. By examining the consequences of outcome dependence in Bell-type experiments for the co-determinateness of spacelike-related events, I argue that the only becoming relation that is compatible with both causal and noncausal readings of the quantum correlations is the universal relation. This result might also undermine interpretations of quantum mechanics (...)
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    Some Existence Results for a System of Nonlinear Sequential Fractional Differential Equations with Coupled Nonseparated Boundary Conditions.Muath Awadalla - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-17.
    This article concerns with the existence and uniqueness theory of solutions for sequential fractional differential system involving Caputo fractional derivatives of order 1
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  20. Metaphysical implications of causal non separability.Laurie Letertre - 2022 - Dissertation, Universite Grenoble Alpes
    In quantum mechanics, quantum nonseparability is at the core of philosophical debates regarding its meaning. In the context of the process matrix formalism, causal nonseparability characterises quantum processes (connecting the inputs and outputs of different local quantum operations) that are incompatible with any definite causal structure among interacting parties. One talks about indefinite causal orders. A famous example of causally nonseparable processes is called the quantum switch (QS). It is extensively studied in the literature in virtue of its (...)
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    Some Calkin algebras have outer automorphisms.Ilijas Farah, Paul McKenney & Ernest Schimmerling - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (5-6):517-524.
    We consider various quotients of the C*-algebra of bounded operators on a nonseparable Hilbert space, and prove in some cases that, assuming some restriction of the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis, there are many outer automorphisms.
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    Light as a Solution to Puzzles AboutLight.David Grandy - 2002 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (2):369-379.
    Light is puzzling in modern physics–witness wave-particle duality, the two-slit experiment, and the invariant speed of light. These puzzles are not intrinsic to light but arise from overly narrow views of light. Disregarding the expansive, unitary nature of light that informs everyday experience, modern physics treats light as if it were self-bounded and separable. Further, physics assumes that light is not complicit with observations of light, that the two are separable. By likening light to light-illuminated entities, these attitudes set the (...)
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  23.  98
    The World in the Wave Function: A Metaphysics for Quantum Physics.Alyssa Ney - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    "What are the ontological implications of quantum theories, that is, what do they tell us about the fundamental objects that make up our world? How should quantum theories make us reevaluate our classical conceptions of the basic constitution of material objects and ourselves? Is there fundamental quantum nonlocality? This book articulates several rival approaches to answering these questions, ultimately defending the wave function realist approach. It is a way of interpreting quantum theories so that the central object they describe is (...)
  24. Finding the world in the wave function: some strategies for solving the macro-object problem.Alyssa Ney - 2020 - Synthese 197 (10):4227-4249.
    Realists wanting to capture the facts of quantum entanglement in a metaphysical interpretation find themselves faced with several options: to grant some species of fundamental nonseparability, adopt holism, or to view localized spacetime systems as ultimately reducible to a higher-dimensional entity, the quantum state or wave function. Those adopting the latter approach and hoping to view the macroscopic world as grounded in the quantum wave function face the macro-object problem. The challenge is to articulate the metaphysical relation obtaining between (...)
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    Bruno Latour and the Ontological Dissolution of Nature in the Social Sciences: A Critical Review.Jacques Pollini - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (1):25-42.
    The concept of nature is central in any reflection about the relationships between humans and their environment. It is frequently under attack, which created a divide in academia that might partly explain the science war of the 1990s and that is still latent. This article is an attempt to make a step ahead in this debate. It responds to the anti-essentialist critique of nature formulated by Bruno Latour in his influential book Politiques de la nature. It shows that nature as (...)
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    Is there a reality out there?O. Costa de Beauregard - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (1):121-135.
    Joseph Bertrand's 1888 evidencing that assignment of a probability depends upon what one chooses to know or not and to control or not, congruent with Grad's 1961 evidencing that statistical entropy depends upon what one deems relevant or not in formalization and measurement, radically undermine common sense realism; mean values are symbols, but symbols of what? For that very reason, recent clever conceptualizations of the quantum measurement process via partial tracing do not restore realism: How could deliberate ignorance generate a (...)
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  27. My God, He Plays Dice! How Albert Einstein Invented Most Of Quantum Mechanics.Bob Doyle - 2019 - Cambridge, MA: I-Phi Press.
    Is it possible that the most famous critic of quantum mechanics actually invented most of its fundamentally important concepts? -/- In his 1905 Brownian motion paper, Einstein quantized matter, proving the existence of atoms. His light quantum hypothesis showed that energy itself comes in particles (photons). He showed energy and matter are interchangeable, E = mc2. In 1905 Einstein was first to see nonlocality and instantaneous action-at-a-distance. In 1907 he saw quantum “jumps” between energy levels in matter, six years before (...)
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    Locality, reflection, and wave-particle duality.Mioara Mugur-Schächter - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (8):813-857.
    Bell's theorem is believed to establish that the quantum mechanical predictions do not generally admit a causal representation compatible with Einsten's principle of separability, thereby proving incompatibility between quantum mechanics and relativity. This interpretation is contested via two convergent approaches which lead to a sharp distinction between quantum nonseparability and violation of Einstein's theory of relativity.In a first approach we explicate from the quantum mechanical formalism a concept of “reflected dependence.” Founded on this concept, we produce a causal representation (...)
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    Platonic wholes and quantum ontology.Marek Woszczek - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang Edition. Edited by Katarzyna Kretkowska.
    The subject of the book is a reconsideration of the internalistic model of composition of the Platonic type, and its application in the ontology of quantum theory. Nonseparability is at the centre of quantum ontology. Quantum wholes are atemporal wholes governed by internalistic logic, requiring a relativization of fundamental notions of mechanics.
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  30. Relativistic quantum becoming.Wayne C. Myrvold - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (3):475-500.
    In a recent paper, David Albert has suggested that no quantum theory can yield a description of the world unfolding in Minkowski spacetime. This conclusion is premature; a natural extension of Stein's notion of becoming in Minkowski spacetime to accommodate the demands of quantum nonseparability yields such an account, an account that is in accord with a proposal which was made by Aharonov and Albert but which is dismissed by Albert as a ‘mere trick’. The nature of such an (...)
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  31.  18
    On Physics and Philosophy.Bernard D'Espagnat - 2006 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Among the great ironies of quantum mechanics is not only that its conceptual foundations seem strange even to the physicists who use it, but that philosophers have largely ignored it. Here, Bernard d'Espagnat argues that quantum physics--by casting doubts on once hallowed concepts such as space, material objects, and causality-demands serious reconsideration of most of traditional philosophy. On Physics and Philosophy is an accessible, mathematics-free reflection on the philosophical meaning of the quantum revolution, by one of the world's leading authorities (...)
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  32. Gauge theories and holisms.Richard Healey - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (4):619-642.
    Those looking for holism in contemporary physics have focused their attention primarily on quantum entanglement. But some gauge theories arguably also manifest the related phenomenon of nonseparability. While the argument is strong for the classical gauge theory describing electromagnetic interactions with quantum “particles”, it fails in the case of general relativity even though that theory may also be formulated in terms of a connection on a principal fiber bundle. Anandan has highlighted the key difference in his analysis of a (...)
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  33. CPT invariance and interpretation of quantum mechanics.O. Costa de Beauregard - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (7-8):513-530.
    This paper is a sequel to various papers by the author devoted to the EPR correlation. The leading idea remains that the EPR correlation (either in its well-known form of nonseparability of future measurements, or in its less well-known time-reversed form of nonseparability of past preparations) displays the intrinsic time symmetry existing in almost all physical theories at the elementary level. But, as explicit Lorentz invariance has been an essential requirement in both the formalization and the conceptualization of (...)
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    Cloud of the Impossible: Negative Theology and Planetary Entanglement.Catherine Keller - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The experience of the impossible churns up in our epoch whenever a collective dream turns to trauma: politically, sexually, economically, and with a certain ultimacy, ecologically. Out of an ancient theological lineage, the figure of the cloud comes to convey possibility in the face of the impossible. An old mystical nonknowing of God now hosts a current knowledge of uncertainty, of indeterminate and interdependent outcomes, possibly catastrophic. Yet the connectivity and collectivity of social movements, of the fragile, unlikely webs of (...)
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    Just wealth transfer taxation: Defending John Stuart Mill’s scheme.Cornelius Cappelen & Jørgen Pedersen - 2018 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 17 (3):317-335.
    This article examines John Stuart Mill’s influential proposal of how to tax wealth transfers. According to Mill, every person should be free to bequeath but not to receive bequest. Mill proposed an upper limit on how much each person could receive from wealth transfers. We discuss three objections against this proposal. The nonseparability objection holds that it is not possible to separate the freedom to give from the freedom to receive. The objection from private property holds that private property (...)
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  36. The nature of Einstein's objections to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.Michel Paty - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (1):183-204.
    In what follows, I examine three main points which may help us to understand the deep nature of Einstein's objections to quantum mechanics. After having played a fundamental pioneer role in the birth of quantum physics, Einstein was, as is well known, far less enthusiastic about its constitution as a quantum mechanics and, since 1927, he constantly argued against the pretention of its founders and proponents to have settled a definitive and complete theory. I emphasize first the importance of the (...)
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  37. Healey on the aharonov-Bohm effect.Tim Maudlin - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (2):361-368.
    Richard Healey argues that the Aharonov- Bohm effect demands the recognition of either nonlocal or nonseparable physics in much the way that violations of Bell's inequality do. A careful examination of the effect and the arguments, though, shows that Healey's interpretation of the Aharonov- Bohm effect depends critically on his interpretation of gauge theories, and that the analogy with violations of Bell's inequalities fails.
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  38. (1 other version)Epistemologically Different Worlds.Gabriel Vacariu - 2007 - Dissertation, University of New South Wales
    Abstract A fundamental error has dominated philosophy and science since ancient times, the assumption of the existence of the "unicom-world"—that is, the existence of one unique world. It is one of the oldest and most dominant paradigms in human thinking that has generated many pseudo-problems in philosophy and science. We can identify this thinking paradigm, the unicom-world, in the majority of myths, theological doctrines, philosophical approaches and scientific theories. In order to avoid this error, in Part I of this thesis, (...)
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  39. Bell's inequalities and quantum non-separability.S. V. Bhave - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (4):541-545.
    The separable hidden variables theory (Bhave [1986]) of Aspect's [1982] four single channel polarizers is developed further to consider possible modified Aspect's experiment with four double channel polarizers. It is shown that Aspect's commutator is not a truly stochastic commutator, and that until such a truly stochastic commutator is devised, experiments based on Bell's inequalities (like those of Aspect's) cannot be adequate experimental tests of quantum nonseparability.
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  40. Nonlocality Is a Nonsequitur.David Atkinson - unknown
    Nonlocality in quantum mechanics does not follow from nonseparability, nor does classical stochastic independence imply physical independence. In this paper an explicit proof of a Bell inequality is recalled, and an analysis of the Aspect experiment in terms of noncontextual, but indefinite weights, or improper probabilities, is given.
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  41. Emergence and quantum mechanics.Frederick M. Kronz & Justin T. Tiehen - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (2):324-347.
    In a recent article Humphreys has developed an intriguing proposal for making sense of emergence. The crucial notion for this purpose is what he calls "fusion" and his paradigm for it is quantum nonseparability. In what follows, we will develop this position in more detail, and then discuss its ramifications and limitations. Its ramifications are quite radical; its limitations are substantial. An alternative approach to emergence that involves quantum physics is then proposed.
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  42. Quantum analogies: A reply to Maudlin.Richard Healey - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):440-447.
    Quantum mechanics predicted the Aharonov-Bohm effect and violations of Bell inequalities before either phenomenon was experimentally verified. It is now commonly taken to explain both phenomena. Maudlin has pointed out significant disanalogies between these phenomena. But he has failed to appreciate the striking analogy that emerges when one examines the structure of their quantum mechanical explanations. The fact that each may be explained quantum mechanically in terms of a locally-acting, but nonseparable process suggests that the lesson of quantum nonlocality may (...)
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    Enfolding violence, unfolding hope: Emerging clouds of possibility for women in Roman catholicism.Colleen Mary Carpenter - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):797-808.
    In an effort to think through possible impossibilities, and enfold current problems within Catholicism into the luminous darkness of the cloud of the im/possible, this response to Catherine Keller's Cloud of the Impossible considers what might happen should Keller's cloud of mindful unknowing and nonseparable difference billow over and through one particular Catholic conundrum: how to respond to the terrifying reality of domestic violence in the context of a marriage defined as indissoluble, imperishable—inescapable.
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    The doctrine of the trinity as a model for structuring the relations between science and theology.K. Helmut Reich - 1995 - Zygon 30 (3):383-405.
    A strategy for dealing systematically with such complex relationships as those between science and theology is presented after a brief overview of the historical record and illustrated in terms of the concept of divinity. The application of that strategy to the title relationships yields a multilogical/multilevel solution which presents certain analogies to or isomorphisms with the doctrine of the Trinity. These concern mainly the multilogical/multilevel character of both conceptualizations and the relational and contextual reasoning required to conceive them. Furthermore, certain (...)
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    Bootstrap’s Monadology. Symmetry and Mirroring Connections between Chew’s Bootstrap Theory and Leibniz’s Monadology.Ramona Ardelean - 2022 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):173-182.
    The scientific paradigm which I rely upon in the framework of this article is quantum mechanics, whose “cognitive revolution” consisted of replacing the classical principle of separability with the principle of nonseparability or global intercorrelation. According to this intercorrelation, highlighted at the subatomic level, the part cannot be separated from the whole, because every part has a global and instantaneous connection with the whole universe. For this reason the foundation of the world cannot be the part, but the whole, (...)
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    (1 other version)A pragmatist view of the metaphysics of entanglement.Richard Healey - 2016 - Synthese:1-38.
    Quantum entanglement is widely believed to be a feature of physical reality with undoubted metaphysical implications. But Schrödinger introduced entanglement as a theoretical relation between representatives of the quantum states of two systems. Entanglement represents a physical relation only if quantum states are elements of physical reality. So arguments for metaphysical holism or nonseparability from entanglement rest on a questionable view of quantum theory. Assignment of entangled quantum states predicts experimentally confirmed violation of Bell inequalities. Can one use these (...)
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    The problems in quantum foundations in the light of gauge theories.Yuval Ne'eman - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (4):361-377.
    We review the issues of nonseparability and seemingly acausal propagation of information in EPR, as displayed by experiments and the failure of Bell's inequalities. We show that global effects are in the very nature of the geometric structure of modern physical theories, occurring even at the classical level. The Aharonov-Bohm effect, magnetic monopoles, instantons, etc. result from the topology and homotopy features of the fiber bundle manifolds of gauge theories. The conservation of probabilities, a supposedly highly quantum effect, is (...)
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  48. From implexity to perplexity - entanglement in quantum theory.Jean-Michel Delhotel - unknown
    An essential feature of the quantum mechanical formalism, entanglement is widely thought to imply nonlocality or nonseparability as a puzzling trait of our ‘quantum world’. The notion of entanglement is reviewed and the question is addressed of whether invoking nonlocal influences, or perhaps time-reversed causation, is warranted in such ‘applications’ as quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping.
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  49. Bridging the Gap: Does Closure to Efficient Causation Entail Quantum-Like Attributes?José Raúl Naranjo - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):315-330.
    This paper explores the similarities between the conceptual structure of quantum theory and relational biology as developed within the Rashevsky-Rosen-Louie school of theoretical biology. With this aim, generalized quantum theory and the abstract formalism of (M,R)-systems are briefly presented. In particular, the notion of organizational invariance and relational identity are formalized mathematically and a particular example is given. Several quantum-like attributes of Rosen’s complex systems such as complementarity and nonseparability are discussed. Taken together, this work emphasizes the possible role (...)
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    First philosophy and the kinds of substance.Joseph G. DeFilippo - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):1-28.
    First Philosophy and the Kinds of Substance JOSEPH G. DEFILIPPO ON A CERTAIN INTERPRETATION Aristotle's Metaphysics contains two incompati- ble conceptions of metaphysics or, as he calls it, first philosophy. At two points in the treatise he identifies first philosophy with theology . Along with this identification comes a certain view about the nature and number of theoretical sciences. We are told in E. 1 that there are three: natural philosophy, mathematics, and theology. Natural philosophy deals with nonseparate,' mutable substance, (...)
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