Results for 'Nora Matamoros'

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    Cine y filosofía: El acto ideatorio como evento fílmico.Nora María Matamoros Franco - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:175-188.
    Artaud affirmed that the cinema participates in the thought and posessess a peculiar and moving power that distinguishes and constitutes the force of the thought like an ideatorian act. This means the thought like the action by which it is possible to represent and be made clear essential forms ..
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    Fenomenología: ontología interpretación del mundo o límites de la metafísica.Matamoros Franco & Nora María - 2000 - México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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    Lo divino y lo sublime..Nora María Matamoros Franco - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 8:227-239.
    As María Zambranosays, it has been a few time since man examines his present and proyects hisfuture without counting with the gods or any divine manifestation. It hasbeen denominated secularization to the phenomenon that has caused thisnew vision of the world. However, the recent presence of secular..
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  4. La edad de los hombres:¿ una era cristiana?Nora M. Matamoros Franco - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
    A la luz de un análisis de las costumbres practicadas por la sociedad griega heroica, en la presente contribución se intenta esclarecer por qué la visión cristiana del mundo puede ser considerada paso fundamental hacia eso que Vico llama "Edad de los Hombres".This paper tries to explain -in the light of an analysis of customs practiced in the heroic Greek society- why the Christian conception of the world can be considered as a fundamental step towards what Vico calls the "Age (...)
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    Normativity in Migration Ethics: Toy Theories and Prudential Normativity.Mario Josue Cunningham Matamoros - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    This paper offers a metaethical analysis of so-called political moralism’s metaethical assumptions and proposes shifting away from them. It does so by taking migration ethics’ methodology as a case study of the field. First, the paper shows political moralism’s commitment to moral monism and moral overridingness. Second, it explains how such commitments are likely to lead to the formulation of toy theories - and, hence, moral regress. Third, it proposes the recognition of prudential normativity and normative pluralism as a way (...)
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    Democratic justice and status inequality in temporary labor migration.Mario J. Cunningham Matamoros - 2025 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 28 (1):81-100.
    This paper argues against the claim that liberal democratic societies’ commitment to political equality requires them to offer a path to citizenship to temporary migrant workers (i.e. the democratic justice argument). I advance two arguments against this claim: (i) that access to citizenship is neither sufficient nor necessary to reduce temporary migrant workers’ exploitation and (ii) the democratic justice argument hinges on an untenable conception of status inequality. The paper fleshes out these two reasons in detail to then present an (...)
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    Michael Blake: Justice, Migration, & Mercy.Mario Josue Cunningham Matamoros - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):407-409.
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  8. La forma canónica de celebración del Matrimonio en el código de 1983.L. Garcia Matamoro - 1995 - Ciencia Tomista 122 (2):367-401.
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  9. Los laicos, Jueces eclesiásticos en las causas matrimoniales?L. Garcia Matamoro - 1996 - Ciencia Tomista 123 (3):559-573.
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  10. XXV años de vigencia del CIC 83 desde la perspectiva del Derecho Procesal Canônico.Luis Garcia Matamoro - 2009 - Ciencia Tomista 136 (1):123-141.
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  11. Articulación jurídica de la potestad de régimen.Luisa A. Garcia Matamoro - 1998 - Ciencia Tomista 125 (3):573-596.
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    Anne-Marie Sohn (dir.), Une histoire sans les hommes est-elle possible? Genre et masculinité.Isabelle Matamoros - 2018 - Clio 47.
    L’ouvrage collectif dirigé par Anne-Marie Sohn, tiré du colloque tenu à Lyon en 2009, fait directement référence à celui de Rouen qui, en 1997, interrogeait la possibilité d’une histoire sans les femmes. Au-delà d’un titre qui finalement ne laisse pas de doute quant à la réponse – négative –, cette filiation assumée place l’ouvrage sous le signe d’un renouvellement épistémologique en cours, celui d’une histoire du genre qui ne peut se passer d’une histoire des femmes et des hommes, du féminin...
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  13. In memoriam. MR Fr. José Joaquín Fernández Castaño OP.Luis García Matamoro - 2005 - Ciencia Tomista 132 (426):171.
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  14. Los derechos colectivos de los pueblos indígenas desde el pluralismo interculturalidad y la interlegalidad.Myla Burgos Matamoros - 2018 - In Martin E. Diaz, Carlos Pescader & Alejandro Rosillo Martínez (eds.), Geopolítica de los saberes hegemónicos: estudios críticos para desandar el eurocentrismo. General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina: Departamento de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Comahue.
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    Pasiones barrocas.Blas Matamoro - 1997 - Isegoría 17:185-194.
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  16. Sentido y significación en la comunicación y la cultura.Fernando Matamoros - 2002 - Polis 2.
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  17. XXV años de vigencia del CIC 83 desde la Perspectiva del Derecho Procesal Canónico.Luis García Matamoro - 2009 - Ciencia Tomista 136 (438):123-141.
    XXV años del Código de Derecho Canónico del 83 y por lo tanto del Derecho Procesal que él instaura. Actividad legislativa de carácter universal en el ámbito del proceso canónico durante estos 25 años. La “Dignitas Connubii”. Producción de la Doctrina.
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    Xenia von Tippelskirch, Sotto controllo. Letture femminili in Italia nella prima età moderna.Isabelle Matamoros - 2014 - Clio 39.
    Cet ouvrage, issu de la thèse de doctorat de Xenia von Tippelskirch, s’ouvre sur des questions apparemment simples : que lisaient les femmes dans l’Italie des xvie et xviie siècles? Qui étaient ces lectrices et comment lisaient-elles? À partir de ces questionnements initiaux, c’est en réalité une tout autre histoire que nous propose l’auteure, celle d’une mise sous tutelle progressive de la lecture féminine dans le contexte de la réforme tridentine. Spécialiste de l’histoire culturelle, l’...
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    Los cuentos de Hegel: ensayo de filosofía y narrativa.Blas Matamoro - 2021 - [Madrid]: Taugenit Editorial.
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    Máire Fedelma Cross, In the Footsteps of Flora Tristan. A Po.Isabelle Matamoros - 2021 - Clio 53:289-293.
    Qui était Jules Puech (1878-1957) et comment est-il devenu le biographe de Flora Tristan? À travers l’histoire de celui qui a joué le rôle de « passeur » (p. 114) des idées de la féministe, Máire Cross, spécialiste reconnue de Flora Tristan, nous emmène sur les pas de cette dernière, depuis sa mort en 1844 jusqu’à la publication de son journal en 1973. Suivant une démarche pour le moins originale, l’ouvrage entrelace deux biographies, l’une intellectuelle, celle d’un historien pionnier mais...
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    La orientación ante la imagen, en busca de la legitimidad de la esencia del arte.Andrés Primiciero Matamoros - 2022 - Universitas Philosophica 39 (78):215-240.
    El presente trabajo desea abordar el problema de los límites de la interpretación de la imagen. La pregunta que está de fondo es si es posible o no orientarnos ante ella y, de ser así, de qué manera podemos hacerlo. Por un lado, el análisis de esta pregunta tiene como tema central la concepción de la historia del arte como un saber concreto sobre las imágenes, y, por otro lado, la idea de que la historia del arte debe ser repensada, (...)
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  22. Brooks, T., y Nussbaum, M. C. . . Rawls's Political Liberalism. Nueva York, Estados Unidos de América: Columbia University. 206 pp. [REVIEW]Mario Josue Cunningham-Matamoros - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 6 (10):307-312.
    Poco más de dos décadas después de la publicación de Political Liberalism del filósofo estadounidense John Rawls, Thom Brooks y Martha Nussbaum se dieron la tarea de editar una compilación de seis ensayos que muestran la actualidad de este libro. Los escritos que participan en esta recopilación se aproximan al texto rawlsiano de manera variopinta, tanto a nivel disciplinar como en lo referido a la finalidad con la cual lo abordan. A grandes rasgos, estos se dividen en tres grupos: el (...)
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    La teoría política de Arendt o cómo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire.Christián Matamoros Fernández - 2015 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 25 (1):65-75.
    En las últimas décadas, las reflexiones filosóficas de Hannah Arendt han tenido profundas influencias en la filosofía política, la sociología, la ciencia política y la teoría política. Sin embargo, a estas reflexiones les subyace un componente restrictivo que no ha sido considerado a la hora de abordar dichas influencias. Es por esto, que en el presente escrito se busca mostrar que la connotación que Arendt le asigna a la política es restrictiva, lo cual permite diferenciarla de la actividad económica y (...)
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    Justice for People on the Move. Migration in Challenging Times.GillianBrock, 2020. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. xiii + 248 pp, $99.99 (hb). [REVIEW]Mario J. Cunningham Matamoros - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (2):376-378.
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    Learning to be a good reader? The ordinary readings of a young bourgeoise in 1820s France. [REVIEW]Isabelle Matamoros - 2020 - Clio 51:261-281.
    Cet article présente une étude de cas portant sur les pratiques de lectures d’une jeune fille dans les années 1820, réalisée à partir du journal personnel inédit d’Herminie Brongniart. Dans le contexte postrévolutionnaire de redéfinition à la fois des rôles sociaux des hommes et des femmes et de la hiérarchie des genres littéraires, nous verrons comment les pratiques de lecture quotidiennes peuvent s’inscrire dans des logiques d’apprentissage et d’accès à la lecture genrées, en délimitant, subtilement, ce qu’il faut lire, ou (...)
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    Hermenéutica analógica, comunicación y empatía.Nm Matamoros Franco - 2000 - Analogía Filosófica 14 (7).
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  27. Epistemic Exploitation.Nora Berenstain - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3:569-590.
    Epistemic exploitation occurs when privileged persons compel marginalized persons to educate them about the nature of their oppression. I argue that epistemic exploitation is marked by unrecognized, uncompensated, emotionally taxing, coerced epistemic labor. The coercive and exploitative aspects of the phenomenon are exemplified by the unpaid nature of the educational labor and its associated opportunity costs, the double bind that marginalized persons must navigate when faced with the demand to educate, and the need for additional labor created by the default (...)
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  28. White Feminist Gaslighting.Nora Berenstain - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (4):733-758.
    Structural gaslighting arises when conceptual work functions to obscure the non-accidental connections between structures of oppression and the patterns of harm they produce and license. This paper examines the role that structural gaslighting plays in white feminist methodology and epistemology using Fricker’s (2007) discussion of hermeneutical injustice as an illustration. Fricker’s work produces structural gaslighting through several methods: i) the outright denial of the role that structural oppression plays in producing interpretive harm, ii) the use of single-axis conceptual resources to (...)
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  29. Epistemic Oppression, Resistance, and Resurgence.Nora Berenstain, Kristie Dotson, Julieta Paredes, Elena Ruíz & Noenoe K. Silva - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (2):283-314.
    Epistemologies have power. They have the power not only to transform worlds, but to create them. And the worlds that they create can be better or worse. For many people, the worlds they create are predictably and reliably deadly. Epistemologies can turn sacred land into ‘resources’ to be bought, sold, exploited, and exhausted. They can turn people into ‘labor’ in much the same way. They can not only disappear acts of violence but render them unnamable and unrecognizable within their conceptual (...)
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  30. Ontic Structural Realism and Modality.Nora Berenstain & James Ladyman - 2012 - In Elaine Landry & Dean Rickles (eds.), Structural Realism: Structure, Object, and Causality. Springer.
    There is good reason to believe that scientific realism requires a commitment to the objective modal structure of the physical world. Causality, equilibrium, laws of nature, and probability all feature prominently in scientific theory and explanation, and each one is a modal notion. If we are committed to the content of our best scientific theories, we must accept the modal nature of the physical world. But what does the scientific realist’s commitment to physical modality require? We consider whether scientific realism (...)
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  31. Evidence Enriched.Nora Mills Boyd - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (3):403-421.
    Traditionally, empiricism has relied on the specialness of human observation, yet science is rife with sophisticated instrumentation and techniques. The present article advances a conception of empirical evidence applicable to actual scientific practice. I argue that this conception elucidates how the results of scientific research can be repurposed across diverse epistemic contexts: it helps to make sense of how evidence accumulates across theory change, how different evidence can be amalgamated and used jointly, and how the same evidence can be used (...)
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    The Ethics of ‘Deathbots’.Nora Freya Lindemann - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-15.
    Recent developments in AI programming allow for new applications: individualized chatbots which mimic the speaking and writing behaviour of one specific living or dead person. ‘Deathbots’, chatbots of the dead, have already been implemented and are currently under development by the first start-up companies. Thus, it is an urgent issue to consider the ethical implications of deathbots. While previous ethical theories of deathbots have always been based on considerations of the dignity of the deceased, I propose to shift the focus (...)
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    On the pursuitworthiness of qualitative methods in empirical philosophy of science.Nora Hangel & Christopher ChoGlueck - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 98 (C):29-39.
    While the pursuitworthiness of philosophical ideas has changed over time, philosophical practice and methodology have not kept pace. The worthiness of a philosophical pursuit includes not only the ideas and objectives one pursues but also the methods with which one pursues them. In this paper, we articulate how empirical approaches benefit philosophy of science, particularly advocating for the use of qualitative methods for understanding the social and normative aspects of scientific inquiry. After situating qualitative methods within empirical philosophy of science, (...)
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    Nurses’ self-assessed moral courage and related socio-demographic factors.Nora Hauhio, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Jouko Katajisto & Olivia Numminen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1402-1415.
    Background: Nurses need moral courage to ensure ethically good care. Moral courage is an individual characteristic and therefore it is relevant to examine its association with nurses’ socio-demographic factors. Objective: To describe nurses’ self-assessed level of moral courage and its association with their socio-demographic factors. Research design: Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study. The data were collected with Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale and analyzed statistically. Participants and research context: A total of 482 registered nurses from a major university hospital in Southern Finland (...)
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  35. Moral discourse boosts confidence in moral judgments.Nora Heinzelmann, Benedikt Höltgen & Viet Tran - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (8):1192–216.
    The so-called “conciliatory” norm in epistemology and meta-ethics requires that an agent, upon encountering peer disagreement with her judgment, lower her confidence about that judgment. But whether agents actually abide by this norm is unclear. Although confidence is excessively researched in the empirical sciences, possible effects of disagreement on confidence have been understudied. Here, we target this lacuna, reporting a study that measured confidence about moral beliefs before and after exposure to moral discourse about a controversial issue. Our findings indicate (...)
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  36. The Applicability of Mathematics to Physical Modality.Nora Berenstain - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3361-3377.
    This paper argues that scientific realism commits us to a metaphysical determination relation between the mathematical entities that are indispensible to scientific explanation and the modal structure of the empirical phenomena those entities explain. The argument presupposes that scientific realism commits us to the indispensability argument. The viewpresented here is that the indispensability of mathematics commits us not only to the existence of mathematical structures and entities but to a metaphysical determination relation between those entities and the modal structure of (...)
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  37. What Setting Limits May Mean A Feminist Critique of Daniel Callahan's Setting Limits.Nora K. Bell - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (2):169-178.
    In Setting Limits, Daniel Callahan advances the provocative thesis that age be a limiting factor in decisions to allocate certain kinds of health services to the elderly. However, when one looks at available data, one discovers that there are many more elderly women than there are elderly men, and these older women are poorer, more apt to live alone, and less likely to have informal social and personal supports than their male counterparts. Older women, therefore, will make the heaviest demand (...)
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    Neurorights – Do we Need New Human Rights? A Reconsideration of the Right to Freedom of Thought.Nora Hertz - 2022 - Neuroethics 16 (1):1-15.
    Progress in neurotechnology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides unprecedented insights into the human brain. There are increasing possibilities to influence and measure brain activity. These developments raise multifaceted ethical and legal questions. The proponents of neurorights argue in favour of introducing new human rights to protect mental processes and brain data. This article discusses the necessity and advantages of introducing new human rights focusing on the proposed new human right to mental self-determination and the right to freedom of thought as (...)
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  39. Towards an understanding of delusions of misidentification: Four case studies.Nora Breen, Diana Caine, Max Coltheart, Julie Hendy & Corrine Roberts - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (1):74–110.
    Four detailed cases of delusions of misidentification (DM) are presented: two cases of misidentification of the reflected self, one of reverse intermetamorphosis, and one of reduplicative paramnesia. The cases are discussed in the context of three levels of interpretation: neurological, cognitive and phenomenological. The findings are compared to previous work with DM patients, particularly the work of Ellis and Young (1990; Young, 1998) who found that loss of the normal affective response to familiar faces was a contributing factor in the (...)
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  40. Deontology defended.Nora Heinzelmann - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):5197–5216.
    Empirical research into moral decision-making is often taken to have normative implications. For instance, in his recent book, Greene (2013) relies on empirical findings to establish utilitarianism as a superior normative ethical theory. Kantian ethics, and deontological ethics more generally, is a rival view that Greene attacks. At the heart of Greene’s argument against deontology is the claim that deontological moral judgments are the product of certain emotions and not of reason. Deontological ethics is a mere rationalization of these emotions. (...)
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  41. Structural Gaslighting.Nora Berenstain - forthcoming - In Hanna Gunn, Holly Longair & Kelly Oliver (eds.), Gaslighting: Philosophical Approaches. New York: SUNY Press.
    Structures of oppression and administrative systems in white supremacist settler colonial societies rely on epistemological foundations to orient them toward their goals of containment and land dispossession. Structural gaslighting refers to the justifying stories and mythologies produced in these societies to normalize, obscure, and uphold structures of oppression. Such epistemic legwork often works by naturalizing socially produced inequalities through positing biological or cultural deficiencies in the target populations. This paper develops the concept of structural gaslighting introduced in Berenstain (2020) as (...)
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  42. Privileged-Perspective Realism in the Quantum Multiverse.Nora Berenstain - 2020 - In David Glick, George Darby & Anna Marmodoro (eds.), The Foundation of Reality: Fundamentality, Space, and Time. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Privileged-perspective realism (PPR) is a version of metaphysical realism that takes certain irreducibly perspectival facts to be partly constitutive of reality. PPR asserts that there is a single metaphysically privileged standpoint from which these perspectival facts obtain. This chapter discusses several views that fall under the category of privileged-perspective realism. These include presentism, which is PPR about tensed facts, and non-multiverse interpretations of quantum mechanics, which the chapter argues, constitute PPR about world-indexed facts. Using the framework of the bird perspective (...)
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  43. Deliberation and confidence change.Nora Heinzelmann & Stephan Hartmann - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-13.
    We argue that social deliberation may increase an agent’s confidence and credence under certain circumstances. An agent considers a proposition H and assigns a probability to it. However, she is not fully confident that she herself is reliable in this assignment. She then endorses H during deliberation with another person, expecting him to raise serious objections. To her surprise, however, the other person does not raise any objections to H. How should her attitudes toward H change? It seems plausible that (...)
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  44. Irreplaceability and the Desire-Account of Love.Nora Kreft - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (4):541-556.
    Lovers do not relate to their beloveds as seats of valuable qualities that would be replaceable for anyone with relevantly similar or more valuable qualities. Instead, lovers take their beloveds to be irreplaceable. This has been noted frequently in the current debate on love and different theories of love have offered different explanations for the phenomenon. In this paper, I develop a more complex picture of what is involved in lovers taking their beloveds to be irreplaceable. I argue that in (...)
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  45. What a Structuralist Theory of Properties Could Not Be.Nora Berenstain - 2016 - In Anna & David Marmodoro & Yates (ed.), The Metaphysics of Relations. OUP. Oxford University Press.
    Causal structuralism is the view that, for each natural, non-mathematical, non-Cambridge property, there is a causal profile that exhausts its individual essence. On this view, having a property’s causal profile is both necessary and sufficient for being that property. It is generally contrasted with the Humean or quidditistic view of properties, which states that having a property’s causal profile is neither necessary nor sufficient for being that property, and with the double-aspect view, which states that causal profile is necessary but (...)
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    Scientists’ Conceptions of Good Research Practice.Nora Hangel & Jutta Schickore - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (6):766-791.
    In a recent editorial published in Nature, the journal's editors comment on a new automated software that has been used to check findings in psychology publications. The editors express concern with the way in which the anonymous fact-checkers have proceeded, but at the same time, they underscore the crucial role of peer criticism for scientific progress and insist: "self-correction is at the heart of science." Brief as it is, the editorial showcases that peer criticism and the application of norms of (...)
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  47. Extremists are more confident.Nora Heinzelmann & Viet Tran - 2022 - Erkenntnis (5).
    Metacognitive mental states are mental states about mental states. For example, I may be uncertain whether my belief is correct. In social discourse, an interlocutor’s metacognitive certainty may constitute evidence about the reliability of their testimony. For example, if a speaker is certain that their belief is correct, then we may take this as evidence in favour of their belief, or its content. This paper argues that, if metacognitive certainty is genuine evidence, then it is disproportionate evidence for extreme beliefs. (...)
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    Descriptive ethics: what does moral philosophy know about morality?Nora Hämäläinen - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by Springer Nature.
    This book is an investigation into the descriptive task of moral philosophy. Nora Hämäläinen explores the challenge of providing rich and accurate pictures of the moral conditions, values, virtues, and norms under which people live and have lived, along with relevant knowledge about the human animal and human nature. While modern moral philosophy has focused its energies on normative and metaethical theory, the task of describing, uncovering, and inquiring into moral frameworks and moral practices has mainly been left to (...)
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  49. Vocabularies of Motive for Corporate Social Responsibility: The Emergence of the Business Case in Germany, 1970–2014.Nora Lohmeyer & Gregory Jackson - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (2):231-270.
    The business case constitutes an important instrumental motive for corporate social responsibility (CSR), but its relationship with other moral and relational motives remains controversial. In this article, we examine the articulation of motives for CSR among different stakeholders in Germany historically. On the basis of reports of German business associations, state agencies, unions, and nongovernmental organizations from 1970 to 2014, we show how the business case came to be a dominant motive for CSR by acting as a coalition magnet: the (...)
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    Reading Iris Murdoch’s Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals.Nora Hämäläinen & Gillian Dooley (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals was Iris Murdoch’s major philosophical testament and a highly original and ambitious attempt to talk about our time. Yet in the scholarship on her philosophical work thus far it has often been left in the shade of her earlier work. This volume brings together 16 scholars who offer accessible readings of chapters and themes in the book, connecting them to Murdoch’s larger oeuvre, as well as to central themes in 20th century and contemporary thought. (...)
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