Results for 'Nuria Anaya-Reig'

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  1.  25
    Cajal: Key Psychological Factors in the Self-Construction of a Genius.Nuria Anaya-Reig - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (5):311-324.
    This study presents abundant empirical evidence to sustain that the genius of Santiago Ramón y Cajal was the result of a conscious effort of self-construction, the key factors of which were psychosocial, some of which are also found in other highly creative scientists. In this case, new factors appear that have not been observed in other geniuses, such as a substantial vicarious and self-regulating capacity and a high degree of perceived self-efficacy. The procedure used is the narrative analysis of essentially (...)
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  2. La información como bien social= Information as a social good.Agustín Remesal, Juan Luis Cebrián, Núria Almiron Roig, Ramón Reig, Concha García Campoy & Ignacio Ramonet - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:126-131.
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    Ethical Implications of User Perceptions of Wearable Devices.L. H. Segura Anaya, Abeer Alsadoon, N. Costadopoulos & P. W. C. Prasad - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):1-28.
    Health Wearable Devices enhance the quality of life, promote positive lifestyle changes and save time and money in medical appointments. However, Wearable Devices store large amounts of personal information that is accessed by third parties without user consent. This creates ethical issues regarding privacy, security and informed consent. This paper aims to demonstrate users’ ethical perceptions of the use of Wearable Devices in the health sector. The impact of ethics is determined by an online survey which was conducted from patients (...)
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  4. Naïve realism and unconscious perception: A reply to Berger and Nanay.Alfonso Anaya & Sam Clarke - 2017 - Analysis 77 (2):267-273.
    In a recent paper, Berger and Nanay consider, and reject, three ways of addressing the phenomenon of unconscious perception within a naïve realist framework. Since these three approaches seem to exhaust the options open to naïve realists, and since there is said to be excellent evidence that perception of the same fundamental kind can occur, both consciously and unconsciously, this is seen to present a problem for the view. We take this opportunity to show that all three approaches considered remain (...)
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    Relations Between Student Procrastination and Teaching Styles: Autonomy-Supportive and Controlling.Nuria Codina, Rafael Valenzuela, Jose V. Pestana & Joan Gonzalez-Conde - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Perceptual presentation and the Myth of the Given.Alfonso Anaya - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7453-7476.
    This paper articulates and argues for the plausibility of the Presentation View of Perceptual Knowledge, an under-discussed epistemology of perception. On this view, a central epistemological role of perception is that of making subjects aware of their surroundings. By doing so, perception affords subjects with reasons for world-directed judgments. Moreover, the very perceived concrete entities are identified as those reasons. The former claim means that the position is a reasons-based epistemology; the latter means that it endorses a radically anti-psychologist conception (...)
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    The Will and the Way: How State Capacity and Willingness Jointly Affect Human Rights Improvement.Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz & Amanda Murdie - 2021 - Human Rights Review 23 (1):127-154.
    When should we expect compliance with international human rights norms? Previous literature on the causal mechanisms underlying compliance have focused independently on the roles of state willingness, thought of as the preferences of the regime leadership, and on state capacity, in improving human rights practices within a state. We build an argument that neither of these factors are sufficient on their own to improve compliance with human rights norms. Instead, improved human rights practices require both “the will and the way.” (...)
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    Flattening and Unpacking Human Genetic Variation in Mexico, Postwar to Present.Víctor Hugo Anaya-Muñoz, Vivette García-Deister & Edna Suárez-Díaz - 2017 - Science in Context 30 (1):89-112.
    ArgumentThis paper analyzes the research strategies of three different cases in the study of human genetics in Mexico – the work of Rubén Lisker in the 1960s, INMEGEN's mapping of Mexican genomic diversity between 2004 and 2009, and the analysis of Native American variation by Andrés Moreno and his colleagues in contemporary research. We make a distinction between an approach that incorporates multiple disciplinary resources into sampling design and interpretation (unpacking), from one that privileges pragmatic considerations over more robust multidisciplinary (...)
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    “Let Me Double-Check That”: A Challenge for Conciliationism.Alfonso Anaya - 2021 - Theoria 88 (3):545-557.
    Double‐checking one's reasoning is a perfectly normal way of responding to a disagreement between peers. I argue that conciliationist approaches lack the resources to accommodate this phenomenon adequately. On the one hand, conciliationists cannot claim that double‐checking is a rationally impermissible response to disagreement because a compelling case for its permissibility appeals to arguments analogous to those often used by conciliationist in favour of their own view. On the other, they lack the resources to accommodate double‐checking as a rationally permissible (...)
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    Idealized Models as Selective Representations.Alfonso Anaya - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (2):189-213.
    This paper calls into question one fundamental claim at the basis of an alleged puzzle for veritistic accounts of the value of idealized models: the claim that idealized models cannot be veridical representations of the world. Catherine Elgin has argued that the value of idealized models can only be explained if we construe them as exemplars, which do not represent the world. I argue that Elgin’s proposal is problematic and cannot accommodate central cases of idealization. Nevertheless, there is value in (...)
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    “Absent Contrary Indication”: On a Pernicious Form of Epistemic Luck, and its Epistemic Agency Antidote.Alfonso Anaya - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2341-2364.
    It is widely accepted that knowledge is incompatible with the presence of non-neutralized defeaters. A common way of addressing this issue is to introduce a condition to the effect that there are no non-neutralized defeaters for the belief that _p_ (i.e. a “no-defeaters condition”). I argue that meeting this condition leaves open a possibility for defeaters to squander our knowledge. The no-defeaters condition can be fortuitously met, and as a result it can be met luckily. I shall argue that this (...)
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  12. Philosophy, tone and musical illusion in Kant: from the vivification of mind by sound to the reception of the tone of reason.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (1):47-72.
    This article intends, firstly, to enrich the study of the role that the concept of tone plays in Kantian idea of reason, by extending it to the analysis of music as art of sounds, which the Critique of Judgment fulfills. Secondly, it aims to determine the grounds that could explain why the mathematics, due to the specificity of the philosophical method and the physical reception of music, respectively, are itself incapable to express the procedures of reason and of the art (...)
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  13. ATTAC: la lucha contra el corazón del sistema.Núria Almiron - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 39:118-120.
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  14. Las ciencias en la universidad.Mario Magallón Anaya - 2012 - In Ayala Barrón, Juan Carlos & Mauricio Beuchot (eds.), Ensayos de filosofía mexicana. Culiacán (Sinaloa): Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
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    AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Què vol dir ser contemporani?Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:235-238.
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  16. El empleo en las personas con discapacidad intelectual.Nuria García Gabaldón - 2007 - Critica 57 (946):62-66.
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  17. Disonancia cognitiva y apropiación de las TIC.Dolors Reig - 2012 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 90:9-10.
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    La creación del espacio trágico en la obra de Gabriel García Márquez: una lectura sofoclea.Montserrat Reig Calpe - 2012 - Synthesis (la Plata) 19:43-61.
    La influencia de Sófocles y, concretamente, de las tragedias tebanas en la obra de García Márquez se manifiesta a niveles diversos: en la construcción de la trama, en la elaboración del personaje tiránico, en los temas de la violencia y el destino y, por supuesto, en el tratamiento del tiempo y del espacio. En este artículo se analiza la creación del espacio en García Márquez a través de dos elementos contrapuestos que provienen de su lectura de la tragedia sofoclea: el (...)
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    Las heridas de la ciencia.José Luis Peset Reig - 1993 - [España]: Junta de Castilla y Leon Consejeria de Cultura y Turismo.
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  20. Las heridas de la ciencia.Peset Reig & José Luis - 1993 - [España]: Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Cultura y Turismo.
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    Ethics and Research in Nursing.P. Rogero-Anaya, J. L. Carpintero-Avellaneda & B. Vila-Blasco - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (4):216-223.
    Considering the importance of research in the development of nursing, we examine the ethical principles governing nurses' investigative activity, as well as the different codes regulating biomedical investigation with human beings, amongst which are the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Human Rights, and the Declaration of Helsinki. From the perspective of the central points of the article reference is made to different codes proposed by international nursing associations, as well as reviewing the Deontological Code of Spanish Nursing. The ethical principles (...)
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    Cadenas sociales vs. vínculos jurídicos en el republicanismo kantiano. Respuesta a María Julia Bertomeu.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):180-187.
    En este escrito me propongo mantener un diálogo con María Julia Bertomeu a propósito de la lectura sobre la hibridación de liberalismo y republicanismo contenida en una contribución de A. Pinzani y N. Sánchez Madrid y publicada en el volumen Kant and Social Policies. Mi intención principal es esclarecer lo que Kant parece entender en la Doctrina del Derecho como la protección jurídica que el Estado debe conceder a los ciudadanos en su totalidad y señalar la dualidad de perspectivas que (...)
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  23. Incompetent perceivers, distinguishable hallucinations, and perceptual phenomenology. Some problems for activity views of perception.Alfonso Anaya - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (1):88-107.
    There is a recent surge in interest in agential accounts of perception, i.e. accounts where activity plays a central role in accounting for the nature of perceptions. Within this camp, Lisa Miracch...
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    Una nueva interpretación del «qigong» desde el concepto filosófico de armonía integral.Núria Ruiz Morillas - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (308):515-531.
    El qigong es un ejercicio físico y de concentración que ha experimentado una gran expansión a nivel mundial. Esta rápida difusión ha propiciado que se transmita desligado de su base filosófica y que se proyecte una mezcla confusa de conceptos relacionados básicamente con la salud física y mental. En este trabajo se interpreta el qigong desde una perspectiva filosófica. Para ello se ha tomado como referencia el concepto de armonía integral de Fang Dongmei y se ha elaborado un marco teorético (...)
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    Mexican Indigenous Psychologies, Cosmovisons, and Altered States of Consciousness.Nuria Ciofalo - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (5):103-122.
    Indigenous psychologies are informed by their cosmogonies and cosmologies, philosophies, spirituality and religions, traditions and customs, and knowledge and praxis systems. This paper reviews some conceptions of consciousness, psyche, spirit, mental and physical health, relations to all Earth Beings (human and nonhuman), ancestors, nature, and altered states of consciousness among the Nahua and Maya of Mexico. Colonization has threatened these rich legacies by imposing the conquerors' cosmologies. However, these Indigenous communities continue to use plants, mushrooms, and some animals to generate (...)
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  26.  13
    Introducción al monográfico “Jane Addams en español”.Núria Sara Miras Boronat & Just Serrano Zamora - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    Es un placer para nosotros, flamantes nuevos editores de la sección multilingüe de la EJPAP, estrenar esta sección con el dossier monográfico “Jane Addams en español.” El monográfico ha conseguido la hazaña de poder unir por primera vez textos de las todavía pocas personas que escriben en lengua castellana y que están familiarizadas con la obra de Jane Addams (1860-1935). El desconocimiento de la vida y obra de Jane Addams entre el público hispanohablante no se debe, de ningún modo, al (...)
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  27. Comprensión, diálogo Y finitud. Sobre un «humanismo pluralista» en Gadamer.Nuria Sara Mlras Boronat - 2005 - Endoxa 20:479-498.
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    La exhortación apostólica Evangelii Gaudium y una propuesta de lectura de algunas afirmaciones del orden moral.Luis Anaya - 2014 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 17 (34):239-251.
    La Exhortación Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium del papa Francisco presenta temas de orden moral desde un núcleo teológico: el misterio de la Cruz gloriosa y su fuerza atrayente. De allí que, para que el mensaje moral sea evangelizador, debe anunciar desde la mirada puesta en él a fin de que, atraídos desde la fe, el mensaje interpelante de su amor transforme a la sociedad. Sólo desde el Crucifi cado, por la fuerza del Espíritu Santo, es posible conocer y testimoniar el anuncio (...)
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    Conciencia política y experiencia corporal en Pasolini. La teoría social de un intelectual plebeyo.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (2):255-268.
    Este escrito propone una lectura de la crítica de la sociedad capitalista de Pier Paolo Pasolini. La primera sección se ocupa de analizar la exploración sociológica sui generis que este autor realiza de la realidad cultural italiana, buscando en las formas de vida y expresiones populares fórmulas de liberación con respecto a la imposición de una normatividad que es extraña al sujeto subalterno. En segundo lugar, se aborda el diálogo que Pasolini abre con el legado de Gramsci sobre el presente (...)
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  30. Reflexiones filosóficas sobre nuestra América.Mario Magallón Anaya - 2007 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 8 (14):189-207.
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    Richard Bernstein, Filosofía y democracia: John Dewey.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (1).
    Dewey and the Task before Us: The Making of the Democratic Experience This book review could also be entitled “John Dewey: Old and New,” recalling a distant resemblance to one of the most well known books of Dewey, Individualism Old and New (1930). But in this case the subject pursued under this title would be the development in the reception of John Dewey’s work in the past century. This is a genuine hermeneutical reflection on the significance of one of the (...)
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    Spiel, Selbst und Gesellschaft Skizze einer Philosophie des Spiels.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2016 - Philosophische Rundschau 63 (1):37-59.
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    Antonio Gómez Ramos (ed.): Diálogo y deconstrucción. Los límites del encuentro entre Gadamer y Derrida.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 1998 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 32:361.
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    «M'insegnavate come l'uom s' etterna». Retórica, conversación civil y arte de gobierno en los" volgarizzamenti" de Brunetto Latini.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (2):481-509.
    El artículo es una aportación al estudio de la antropología política del protohumanismo florentino, centrado en la obra y la figura del maestro de retórica de Dante, el notario Brunetto Latini. Nos ocupamos de exponer la conexión existente entre el desarrollo del gobierno comunal en la península italiana del Duecento y la difusión de una prosa marcadamente pragmática, extendida especialmente entre jueces y notarios, que preconiza la prelacía de la filosofía práctica con respecto a la teoría y la teología. Se (...)
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    Poder político y democracia. La filosofía política de Juan Roa Dávila.Nuria Belloso Martín - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (3):689-702.
    In the course of history there have always been a controversy in the relationships between people's will and the political power that govern it. The analysis about power's origin, its functions, and the people right of resistance carried out by J. Roa Dávila, make possible to understand better the present day concept of democracy and it oblige to lay out again the ethics of the practising of the political power.
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  36. Capitalismo financiero y TIC's: revolución o socavamiento democrático.Núria Almiron Roig - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 48:145-149.
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    Restoring the Garden of Eden: A Ricoeurian view of the ethics of environmental entrepreneurship.Nuria Toledano - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (4):1174-1184.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 4, Page 1174-1184, October 2022.
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    Las voces del daño.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2022 - Isegoría 66:03-03.
    Epistemic structures, often naturalized, are one of the most elusive features of the forms of harm spread in contemporary societies, which also obstruct the subject to wake up to them. Thus, to engage with social harm encourages to inspect how epistemic structures and models of society match in a complex way through the processes that make it possible to build subjective identity and horizons of action. Moreover, these cognitive frameworks also unfold a weave of emotions fitting in those cognitive spaces. (...)
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    Promoting Ethical Reflection in the Teaching of Social Entrepreneurship: A Proposal Using Religious Parables.Nuria Toledano - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (1):115-132.
    This paper proposes a teaching alternative that can encourage the ethical reflective sensibility among students of social entrepreneurship. It does so by exploring the possibility of using religious parables as narratives that can be analysed from Ricoeur’s hermeneutics to provoke and encourage ethical discussions in social entrepreneurship courses. To illustrate this argument, the paper makes use of a parable from the New Testament as an example of a religious narrative that can be used to prompt discussions about social entrepreneurs’ ethical (...)
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    (1 other version)Jane Addams: ideali di pace (vecchi e nuovi) Un approccio tragico.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    A aporética da crítica. Considerações sobre O vínculo entre retórica E razão a partir da leitura de Kant de Gérard Lebrun.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2012 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):205-235.
    The article focuses on the significance that the figural order of discourse, especially by means of syllepsis, has in Kant’s Critique. We follow as a thread the internal aporetic of Kant’s Writings, which the Kantian scholar Gérard Lebrun examined in different articles, in order to outline the reach of what the article displays as a Rhetoric within the limits of mere Reason. This work proposes to contribute to the clarification of the reciprocal dependence between the progress of the self-knowledge process (...)
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  42.  12
    La normatividad regulativa del orden cosmopolita kantiano.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:280-284.
    _Reseña de: Corradetti, Claudio, _Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law. The World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason_, New York/Oxon, Routledge, 2020. __ISBN: 978-0-367-03050-6_.
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    Los dilemas de la democracia en América Latina.Nuria Belloso Martín - 1999 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 33:35-60.
    En décadas pasadas América Latina ha atravesado un ciclo autoritario en su trayectoria pendular entre democracia y dictadura. Actualmente se trata de que la sociedad política busque solución a los problemas en fórmulas diversas del recurso al brazo armado del Estado. En este trabajo hemos querido poner de manifiesto las dificultades de las democracias latinoamericanas "formales" o "impuestas" poniendo de relieve las dificultades y dilemas a los que han de enfrentarse, no tanto para instaurar cuanto para consolidar sus democracias.
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    Breaking a Vital Trust: Posting Photos of Patients on Facebook Among a Sample of Peruvian Medical Students.Evelin Mota-Anaya, Katherine Almeida-Chafloque, Stephanie Castro-Arechaga, Lizeth Flores-Anaya, Cinthia León-Lozada, Reneé Pereyra-Elías & Percy Mayta-Tristán - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:1-9.
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    El marco epistémico de la esperanza y su articulación con la imaginación política: una reflexión a partir del paradigma kantiano.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 5:15-33.
    This paper aims to inspect the political potential of Kant’s grounding of hope and its content breaks down in three parts. First, I give an account of Kant’s approach to right and hope as a rule for our judgments and actions, shedding light over the shift that Kant’s notion of the Highest Good undergoes from a theological framework to a political one, which makes of individuals the main feature of action. Second, I focus on the intergenerational exercise of imagination inasmuch (...)
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    Board of directors and firm performance: a dynamic approach.Nuria Alcalde & Isabel Acero Fraile - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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  47. Naïve realism and phenomenal similarity.Sam Clarke & Alfonso Anaya - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (5):885-902.
    It has been claimed that naïve realism predicts phenomenological similarities where there are none and, thereby, mischaracterises the phenomenal character of perceptual experience. If true, this undercuts a key motivation for the view. Here, we defend naïve realism against this charge, proposing that such arguments fail (three times over). In so doing, we highlight a more general problem with critiques of naïve realism that target the purported phenomenological predictions of the view. The problem is: naïve realism, broadly construed, doesn’t make (...)
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    The inoculation of Small-pox.Núria Gorina & Josep Sànchez Aldeguer - 1994 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 22:9.
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    Entre la ciencia y la técnica del derecho. ¿Hacia una hermenéutica telemática?Nuria Belloso Martín - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 47:139-161.
    Cada vez son más estrechas las relaciones entre la informática y el Derecho. La evolución ha sido notable: de la informática jurídica documental, que nos ha facilitado en numerosas ocasiones obtener información jurídica muy completa en un corto espacio de tiempo, hemos pasado a una Informática jurídica de gestión, que cada día avanza más en su empeño de liberar al jurista de las tareas más rutinarias. Se ha llegado así a la Informática jurídica decisional, con un futuro más prometedor. Pero (...)
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    Implicaciones Bioéticas de los Organismos Transgénicos.Fernando Anaya-Velázquez - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (3):813 - 822.
    Ao desenvolver a ciência biológica, o ser humano logrou obter novas variedades de animais e de plantas, a partir das silvestres. Quando as técnicas de engenharia genética se aplicaram a êstes organismos, obtiveram-se êxitos que se traduziram em dezenas de animais e de plantas com modificações genéticas agora hereditárias. Segundo o artigo, da análise bioética dos organismos modificados geneticamente e da sua utilizaçéo surgem várias propostas: 1) o direito do consumidor a ser informado em termos que possa entender acerca da (...)
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