Results for 'O. Pessoa Jr'

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  1. A naturalistic review of a treatise on the logic of scientific knowledge (Critical study of Newton da Costa's O Conhecimento Cient ifico).O. Pessoa Jr - 1999 - Manuscrito 22:197-239.
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  2. O canto do cisne da visão ortodoxa da Filosofia da Ciência.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2004 - Scientiae Studia 2 (2):259-263.
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  3. Erwin Schrödinger e o Princípio de Mach.A. K. Assis & Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2001 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 11 (2).
    Apresentamos os conceitos de inércia, espaço e tempo na mecânica newtoniana. Analisamos o princípio de Mach, segundo o qual a inércia de qualquer corpo é devida a sua interação com os corpos distantes do universo. Em seguida explicamos porque, em geral, a teoria da gravitação de Einstein não implementa este princípio. Discutimos então o trabalho de Erwin Schrödinger que apresenta uma formulação alternativa para a mecânica baseada numa lei de Weber para a gravitação e que é compatível com as idéias (...)
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    The projective theory of consciousness: from neuroscience to philosophical psychology.Alfredo Pereira Jr - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (s1):199-232.
    : The development of the interdisciplinary areas of cognitive, affective and action neurosciences contributes to the identification of neurobiological bases of conscious experience. The structure of consciousness was philosophically conceived a century ago as consisting of a subjective pole, the bearer of experiences, and an objective pole composed of experienced contents. In more recent formulations, Nagel refers to a “point of view”, in which qualitative experiences are anchored, while Velmans understands that phenomenal content is composed of mental representations “projected” to (...)
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    Bioética e biodireito: fim da vida.Dalmir Lopes Jr, Vanessa Iacomini & Charlene Maria C. De Avila Plaza (eds.) - 2015 - Curitiba: Juruá Editora.
    O livro Bioética e Biodireito – Fim da Vida reúne diversos temas inovadores e de total relevância frente às inovações tecnológicas e estudos relacionados à Bioética, ao Biodireito, ao direito de morrer e à escolha por um processo de morrer humanizado, bem como as proposições doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais sobre o patenteamento do material genético humano que vislumbra para análise comparativa das legislações de propriedade intelectual de alguns países da América Latina, bem como as especificidades da Diretiva Biotecnológica 44/98. Sendo tema (...)
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    50 anos de Abralin: memórias e perspectivas.Miguel Oliveira Jr & Aryon Rodrigues (eds.) - 2019 - Campinas: Pontes.
    O que o leitor encontrará neste volume são 25 primorosos testemunhos do percurso que a Associação Brasileira de Linguística, a Abralin, percorreu nesses 50 anos, tendo, como pano de fundo, a criação no país dos cursos especializados de graduação e pós-graduação em Linguística; a emergência de novos temas e novas metodologias de pesquisa; as inovações tecnológicas; a atuação política das associações científicas como lugar de resistência democrática e o seu papel na busca do conhecimento e do bem do homem. Vale (...)
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    A FIFA Fan Fest e as diferentes formas de consumo do produto futebol durante a Copa do Mundo 2014: socialização, pertencimento e entretenimento.Yuri Spacov, Ary José Rocco Jr, Marcos V. Cardoso & Lucas Cardoso dos Reis - 2016 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 23 (1).
    O objetivo deste artigo é apontar e analisar os principais fatores que levaram uma pessoa, ou um grupo de pessoas, a assistir um jogo de futebol da Copa do Mundo 2014 em uma FIFA Fan Fest e não em outros locais. Socialização, afetividade e diversão são aspectos considerados na análise. O papel do esporte enquanto produto de entretenimento e consumo também foi contemplado no estudo. O evento, pela proliferação de imagens que proporciona, é exemplo claro do que Guy Debord (...)
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    (2 other versions)Counterfactual histories: The beginning of quantum physics.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2001 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2001 (3):S519-.
    This paper presents a method for investigating counterfactual histories of science. A central notion to our theory of science are "advances" , which are units passed among scientists and which would be conserved in passing from one possible history to another. Advances are connected to each other by nets of causal influence, and we distinguish strong and weak influences. Around sixty types of advances are grouped into ten classes. As our case study, we examine the beginning of the Old Quantum (...)
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  9.  52
    The Tausk controversy on the foundations of quantum mechanics: Physics, philosophy, and politics.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr, Olival Freire Jr & Alexis de Greiff - unknown
    In 1966 the Brazilian physicist Klaus Tausk (b. 1927) circulated a preprint from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, criticizing Adriana Daneri, Angelo Loinger, and Giovanni Maria Prosperi`s theory of 1962 on the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. A heated controversy ensued between two opposing camps within the orthodox interpretation of quantum theory, represented by Leon Rosenfeld and Eugene P. Wigner. The controversy went well beyond the strictly scientific issues, however, reflecting philosophical and political commitments within the (...)
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  10.  40
    (1 other version)reinventando a prática alfabetizadora de paulo freire. uma experiência de alfabetização filosófica em Pau dos Ferros, RN.Walter Omar Kohan, Ana Corina Salas, Ana Maria Monte Coelho Frota, Carlineide Almeida, José Ricardo Santiago Jr, Karyne Dias Coutinho, Marcio Nicodemos, Maria Reilta Dantas Cirino, Meirilene Dos Santos Araújo Barbosa, Óscar Pulido Cortés, Priscila Liz Belmont & Robson Roberto Martins Lins - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18.
    O presente texto narra uma experiência de formação de alfabetizadores de jovens e adultos: uma alfabetização filosófica de 40 horas com 300 alfabetizadores em julho de 2022, como primeira etapa do Programa “Supera RN” em Pau dos Ferros, dentro da Política de Superação do Analfabetismo do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN). O texto tematiza em que sentido a experiência de Alfabetização filosófica se inspira e ao mesmo tempo se diferencia do curso de Alfabetização oferecido por Paulo Freire em (...)
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    Computing possible worlds in the history of modern astronomy.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr, Rafaela Gesing, Mariana Jó de Souza & Daniel Carlos de Melo Marcílio - 2016 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 20 (1):117-126.
    As part of an ongoing study of causal models in the history of science, a counterfactual scenario in the history of modern astronomy is explored with the aid of computer simulations. After the definition of “linking advance”, a possible world involving technological antecedence is described, branching out in 1510, in which the telescope is invented 70 years before its actual construction, at the time in which Fracastoro actually built the first prototelescope. By using the principle of the closest possible world, (...)
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  12.  41
    Computation of probabilities in causal models of history of science.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2006 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 10 (2):109-124.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the ascription of probabilities in a causal model of an episode in the history of science. The aim of such a quantitative approach is to allow the implementation of the causal model in a computer, to run simulations. As an example, we look at the beginning of the science of magnetism, “explaining” — in a probabilistic way, in terms of a single causal model — why the field advanced in China but not (...)
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  13.  14
    Leis de ponte na Filosofia da Mente e nas Ciências Físicas.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):405-420.
    In the debate on the reducibility of mind over body, we argue that it is not plausible to assume that such a reduction can be made only over the basal physical conditions, but rather that one must also take into account the psychophysiological bridge laws. This position is usually considered in the Philosophy of Mind to be antireductionist, but we prefer to call it “inductive reductionism”, due to the analogy with two other forms of determination in the Physical Sciences: causal (...)
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  14.  30
    Towards a Modal Logical Treatment of Quantum Physics.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (1):139-147.
    The question of which is the logic that underlies quantum physics does not have an absolute answer, but only in relation to a conventional choice of interpretation . Most of the interpretations that have been offered work within the framework of classical logic. In contrast to these, we examine the corpuscular interpretation which is assumed in the application of non-distributive logic . The experiment in which single photons pass through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is examined, indicating the difficulty of employing a (...)
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  15.  30
    Causal Models in the History of Science.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (14):263-274.
    The investigation of a method for postulating counterfactual histories of science has led to the development of a theory of science based on general units of knowledge, which are called “advances”. Advances are passed on from scientist to scientist, and may be seen as “causing” the appearance of other advances. This results in networks which may be analyzed in terms of probabilistic causal models, which are readily encodable in computer language. The probability for a set of advances to give rise (...)
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  16. Bell's Theorem And The Counterfactual Definition Of Locality.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2010 - Manuscrito 33 (1):351-363.
    This paper proposes a solution to the problem of non-locality associated with Bell’s theorem, within the counterfactual approach to the problem. Our proposal is that a counterfactual definition of locality can be maintained, if a subsidiary hypothesis be rejected, “locality involving two counterfactuals”. This amounts to the acceptance of locality in the actual world, and a denial that locality is always valid in counterfactual worlds. This also introduces a metaphysical asymmetry between the factual and counterfactual worlds. This distinction is analogous (...)
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  17. How to measure a quale.Osvaldo Frota Pessoa Jr - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):187-198.
    According to the colored-brain thesis, sense data or qualia are real physical-chemical qualities, located inside the brain, possibly at a specific locus. Our hypothesis is that the seats of phenomenal consciousness have a structure and a materiality. According to the proposed view, a chromatic quale emerges when a certain pixel of the visual sensorium is fed with a certain pattern Σ of spikes; a change in this pattern quickly changes the color that is subjectively generated. How could one manage to (...)
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  18.  25
    Eventos qu'nticos e reducionismo causal.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 17 (3):365.
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  19.  68
    Olival Freire, Jr. David Bohm e a controvérsia dos quanta. xviii + 244 pp., table, bibl. Campinas, Brazil: UNICAMP, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência, 1999. [REVIEW]Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2003 - Isis 94 (3):555-555.
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  20.  19
    The colored-brain thesis.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 22 (1):84-93.
    The “colored-brain thesis”, or strong qualitative physicalism, is discussed from historical and philosophical perspectives. This thesis was proposed by Thomas Case, in a non-materialistic context, and is close to views explored by H. H. Price and E. Boring. Using Mary’s room thought experiment, one can argue that physicalism implies qualitative physicalism. Qualitative physicalism involves three basic statements: perceptual internalism, and realism of qualia; ontic physicalism, charaterized as a description in space, time, and scale; and mind-brain identity thesis. In addition, structuralism (...)
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  21.  11
    Bibliography of Renaissance Moral Philosophy Texts Available in English.E. Cassirer, P. O. Kristeller & J. H. Randall Jr - 1997 - In Jill Kraye (ed.), Cambridge translations of Renaissance philosophical texts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 267.
  22. AIDS update. Designer drug.C. del Rio-Chiriboga, F. C. Wu, T. M. Farley, A. Peregoudov, G. M. Waites, K. M. Knights, C. F. McLean, A. L. Tonkin, J. O. Miners & R. T. Burkman Jr - 1996 - Nexus 132 (3):8.
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    A new locus for dominant drusen and macular degeneration maps to chromosome 6q14.M. Kniazeva, E. I. Traboulsi, Z. Yu, S. T. Stefko, M. B. Gorin, Y. Y. Shugart, O'Connell Jr, C. J. Blaschak, G. Cutting, M. Han & K. Zhang - unknown
    PURPOSE:To report the localization of a gene causing drusen and macular degeneration in a previously undescribed North American family. METHODS:Genetic mapping studies were performed using linkage analysis in a single family with drusen and atrophic macular degeneration. RESULTS:The clinical manifestations in this family ranged from fine macular drusen in asymptomatic middle-aged individuals to atrophic macular lesions in two children and two elderly patients. We mapped the gene to chromosome 6q14 between markers D6S2258 and D6S1644. CONCLUSIONS:In a family with autosomal dominant (...)
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  24.  19
    Linkage analysis of X-linked cone-rod dystrophy: localization to Xp11.4 and definition of a locus distinct from RP2 and RP3. [REVIEW]M. B. Gorin, A. B. Seymour, A. Dash-Modi, O'Connell Jr, M. Shaffer-Gordon, T. S. Mah, S. T. Stefko, R. Nagaraja, J. Brown, A. E. Kimura & R. E. Ferrell - unknown
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  25. Validity, Legal.John O. Tyler Jr - 2014 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Legal Validity Legal validity governs the enforceability of law, and the standard of legal validity enhances or restricts the ability of the political ruler to enforce his will through legal coercion. Western law adopts three competing standards of legal validity. Each standard emphasizes a different dimension of law (Berman 1988, p. 779), and each has […].
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    Schopenhauer, Horkheimer e o sofrimento social.Vilmar Debona - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (60):828-845.
    Há atualmente um debate interdisciplinar profícuo sobre a noção de sofrimento social (social suffering). Pensadores e pensadoras como Barrington Moore Jr., Emmanuel Renault e Rahel Jaeggi desenvolvem o assunto a partir de um pressuposto elementar: sofrimento social diferencia-se de sofrimento individual na medida em que as causas do primeiro não são aturais (desejos básicos insatisfeitos, doenças, catástrofes naturais), mas resultam do agir humano; e, mais ainda, não resultam anto de relações interpessoais imediatas, mas de relações sociais mais amplas, como a (...)
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    Inference about a nonstationary process.James O. Chinnis Jr & Cameron R. Peterson - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (4):620.
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    When the Spotlight Burns: Gender Bias in the Public Perception of Entrepreneurs.Varkey K. Titus Jr, Jonathan P. O’Brien, Owen Parker & Christopher Aumueller - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (1):126-162.
    We examine the interface of entrepreneurship and society by considering a novel source of gender bias (public opinion) and a novel expression of it (affective evaluations). We posit that women-led teams displaying success will trigger a “penalty for success” bias, and this will be inhibited if the team receives a “stamp of approval” from a gender congruent individual (i.e., an investor who is a man). Analysis from our first study, based on archival data, indicated that other mechanisms might be at (...)
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  29. The law as predictions of what courts will do.O. W. Holmes Jr - 1966 - In Martin Golding (ed.), The nature of law. New York,: Random House.
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  30. Codes of Ethics for Persons in Marketing and Selling: What to Do and What Not To Do.Edward O'boyle & Lyndon Dawson Jr - 2007 - Ethics 5 (1-2):89-110.
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  31. Codes of Ethics for Persons in Marketing and Selling: What To Do, What Not To Do.Edward O'boyle & Lyndon Dawson Jr - 2004 - Ethics 4 (2).
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  32. Bandyopadhyay, PS, 259 Bassler, OB, 99.G. G. Brittan Jr, S. Choi, P. Contu, M. de Pinedo, K. Dosen, J. Earman, E. Fischer, H. J. Glock, L. Hallnas & S. O. Hansson - 2006 - Synthese 148:749.
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    How to investigate perceptual projection: a commentary on Pereira Jr., “The projective theory of consciousness: from neuroscience to philosophical psychology”.Max Velmans - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (s1):233-242.
    : This commentary focuses on the scientific status of perceptual projection-a central feature of Pereira’s projective theory of consciousness. In his target article, he draws on my own earlier work to develop an explanatory framework for integrating first-person viewable conscious experience with the third-person viewable neural correlates and antecedent causes that form conscious experience into a bipolar structure that contains both a sense of self and a sense of the world. I stress that perceptual projection is a psychological effect and (...)
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    Deprivation and generalization.W. O. Jenkins, G. R. Pascal & R. W. Walker Jr - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (3):274.
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  35.  17
    Book Review:The Design of Democracy. George Washington Goble. [REVIEW]James O. Monroe Jr - 1947 - Ethics 57 (2):142.
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    Effect of instructions, environment, and type of test object on matched size.H. W. Leibowitz & Lewis O. Harvey Jr - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):36.
  37.  60
    Book Reviews Section 3.Roger R. Woock, Howard K. Macauley Jr, John M. Beck, Janice F. Weaver, Patti Mcgill Peterson, Stanley L. Goldstein, A. Richard King, Don E. Post, Faustine C. Jones, Edward H. Berman, Thomas O. Monahan, William R. Hazard, J. Estill Alexander, William D. Page, Daniel S. Parkinson, Richard O. Dalbey, Frances J. Nesmith, William Rosenfield, Verne Keenan, Robert Girvan & Robert Gallacher - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):84-99.
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  38. A two-year retrospective study of accidental pediatric albuterol ingestions.T. O. Tan, Mason El & S. L. Kaplan Jr - 1993 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 48:401.
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    Escenarios contrafácticos. Una reflexión sobre la Teoría institucional del arte.Adrià Harillo Pla - 2024 - Perseitas 12:273-285.
    Siguiendo la definición de Osvaldo Pessoa Jr., un “escenario contrafáctico” sería “una situación posible que no se realizó, como una posibilidad futura en algún instante del pasado”. Este concepto no es nuevo. De hecho, tiene una presencia significativa en campos como la filosofía analítica, la economía, las ciencias experimentales o la psicología. La pretensión de este texto es presentar, mediante el rigor teórico, conceptual, y el método inductivo, una reflexión no derivada de investigación. Esta reflexión es la importancia de (...)
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  40.  14
    O princípio do comum como apófase ao princípio da propriedade nas democracias contempor'neas.Joel Decothé Jr - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):193-214.
    The philosophical implication that guides the issue addressed here is the following: how does the principle of the common constitute a frontal apophasis to the principle of property in contemporary democracies? I do not pretend to offer an exhaustive answer to this problem. However, I use the argumentative strategy of dividing this paper into three sections: (i) theoretically investigate the dialectical tension between the principle of the common and the principle of property; (ii) analytically observe the premise that the behavioral (...)
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    Reducionismo e o experimento mental da duplicação humana.Osvaldo Pessoa Júnior - 2010 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 22 (30):69.
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  42.  35
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]D. C. Phillips, Peter F. Carbone Jr, Gerald L. Gutek, Bruce B. Suttle, Robert Kelley Jr, Daniel B. Calloway, Richard A. Brosio, David L. Green, Erwin V. Johanningmeier, Barbara Thayer-Bacon, Michael M. Warner, Frances O'neill & Patricia F. Goldblatt - 1994 - Educational Studies 25 (1):24-87.
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  43.  12
    O bem como momento da ação moral na filosofia do direito de Hegel.Joel Decothé Jr - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (2):37-52.
    This paper intends to investigate the following problem: what is the meaning of the conception of good in Hegel's moral and juridical philosophy? Thus, aiming at the promotion of a consistent philosophical articulation for the understanding of such a question, I establish as argumentative strategy the tripartite topical structure, being the initial approach made in the introduction, in general lines, the contextualization of the morality problem. Next, I outline the meaning of understanding the conception of rational action of the subjective (...)
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  44. O procceso histórico constituinte do vintenário da Carta de 88.Bruno Boaventura Jr - 2008 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:20 - 44.
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  45. A passagem da cultura oral à cultura escrita em Paulo Freire : ponderações.Marlos de Barros Pessoa - 2012 - In Maria José de Matos Luna & Vera Moura (eds.), Língua e literatura: perspectivas teórico-práticas. Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE.
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    O argumento das artes m'nticas no corpus hermeticum 12.19.David Pessoa de Lira - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):283-303.
    O presente artigo trata de um objeto da História da Filosofia. Sendo assim, objetiva analisar as correlações literárias dos textos de Timaeus 71E - 72B, Symposium 202E – 203A e Phaedrus 244B-244E em relação ao Corpus Hermeticum 12.19, com a finalidade de encontrar supostas fontes enquadradas no texto hermético, e saber como elas foram retrabalhadas nele. Assim, busca perguntar pela origem, história, significado e aplicação de motivos que incidem nos textos cotejados, incluindo o Corpus Hermeticum 12.19, perscrutando as correlações histórico-religiosas (...)
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    Entre o conceito de crítica de arte e a arte da crítica.Patrick E. C. Pessoa - 2007 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 48 (116):519-526.
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    O neopsicologismo humanista.Bento Prado Jr - 1980 - Discurso 13:87-94.
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  49. O Institucional, a Organização E a Cultura da Escola.João dos Reis Silva Jr - 2004 - Xamã. Edited by Celso João Ferretti.
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    O Debate Metodológico das Ciências Sociais na Teoria Crítica: entre Max Horkheimer e Jürgen Habermas.Amaro Xavier Braga Jr - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (1):29-40.
    Structured in an essayistic manner, the work examines the debate instituted in Critical Theory around the methodology of social sciences and the tension between traditional Theory and the proposal of Critical Theory. It proposes to compare the particularities of this debate in the work of Max Horkheimer and Jürgen Habermas, establishing their tangencies and convergences, mainly in the discourse on the role of the emancipatory structuring of critical theory in the methodology of social sciences. Emphasizing how in the work of (...)
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