Results for 'Octelina Castillo-Ruiz'

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  1.  40
    Finding Respondents from Minority Groups.Nelda Mier, Alvaro A. Medina, Anabel Bocanegra-Alonso, Octelina Castillo-Ruiz, Rosa I. Acosta-Gonzalez & Jose A. Ramirez - 2006 - Journal of Research Practice 2 (2):Article D2.
    The recruitment of respondents belonging to ethnic minorities poses important challenges in social and health research. This paper reflects on the enablers and barriers to recruitment that we encountered in our research work with persons belonging to ethnic minorities. Additionally, we applied the Matching Model of Recruitment, a theoretical framework concerning minority recruitment, to guide our reflection. We also explored its applicability as a research design tool. In assessing our research experience, we learned that minority recruitment in social and health (...)
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    Educación Virtual y El Desempeño Docente En Una Universidad Pública Peruana.Mario Gustavo Reyes Mejía, Flor Angélica Lavanda Reyes, Rosa Elvira Ruiz Reyes, Luis Alberto Castillo Samanamud & Julia Luzmila Reyes Ruiz - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-13.
    La Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, Ica-Perú, debido al Covid 19 se adecuó a la virtualidad implementando el aula virtual Laureasea. Esta investigación se realizó durante el semestre académico 2021-1. Objetivo: analizar de qué manera la educación virtual mejora el desempeño docente. Participaron 430 docentes de las 24 facultades respondiendo una encuesta virtual. Resultados significativos: 80% dictó una clase virtual por primera vez, 60% tenía acceso a una aula virtual, 68% ha mejorado su desempeño y 75% prefiere las clases presenciales. (...)
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    The Islamic religion in prison and Moroccan women prisoners in Spain.Joaquina Castillo-Algarra & Marta Ruiz-García - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e85657.
    The main aim of this paper is to investigate how Moroccan women prisoners interpret and practice their religion in prison and the consequences of this in their lives, on an individual level and on a group level, in short the role religion plays for them in prison. Based on the qualitative method, and by using in-depth interviews as the investigative technique, the results show that, in general, religion brings important benefits such as psychological well being, helping the women prisoners to (...)
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    Usefulness of informed consent in the polyvalent unit of Joaquín Albarrán Hospital.Anabel Hernández Ruiz & Castillo Cuello - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):589-601.
    Introducción: El consentimiento informado es un procedimiento que brinda oportunidad a los pacientes de disponer de información y participar en la toma de decisiones médicas. Sin embargo, existe el criterio de que el nivel de entendimiento de la información aportada por los facultativos al paciente, sus familiares o ambos, es bajo y además, muchos médicos lo consideran como una herramienta de trabajo secundaria o que no es necesario realizarla con inmediatez. Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción y experiencia del personal sanitario de (...)
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    Using a Mindfulness-Based Intervention to Promote Subjective Well-Being, Trait Emotional Intelligence, Mental Health, and Resilience in Women With Fibromyalgia.Javier Cejudo, Francisco-Javier García-Castillo, Pablo Luna, Débora Rodrigo-Ruiz, Roberto Feltrero & Alfonso Moreno-Gómez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  6. Derecho político.Ruiz del Castillo Y. Catalán de Ocón & Carlos[From Old Catalog] - 1933 - Madrid,: Editorial Reus, s. a..
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  7. Elementos y exîgencias del bien común.Ruiz del Castillo Y. Catalán de Ocón & Carlos[From Old Catalog] - 1950 - Madird,: Ministerio de Trabajo, Escuela Social de Madrid.
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  8. Manual de derecho político.Ruiz del Castillo Y. Catalán de Ocón & Carlos[From Old Catalog] - 1939 - Madrid,: Instituto editorial Reus, centro de enseñanza y publicaciones, s.a..
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    Efficacy of a Combined Acceptance and Commitment Intervention to Improve Psychological Flexibility and Associated Symptoms in Cancer Patients: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Francisco García-Torres, Ángel Gómez-Solís, Sebastián Rubio García, Rosario Castillo-Mayén, Verónica González Ruíz-Ruano, Eliana Moreno, Juan Antonio Moriana, Bárbara Luque-Salas, María José Jaén-Moreno, Fátima Cuadrado-Hidalgo, Mario Gálvez-Lara, Marcin Jablonski, Beatriz Rodríguez-Alonso & Enrique Aranda - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Psychological flexibility is a key concept of acceptation and commitment therapy. This factor has been linked with psychological wellbeing and associated factors, such as quality of life, in cancer patients. These and other positive results of acceptation and commitment therapy in cancer patients found in previous research could be enhanced by using mhealth tools. A three-arm randomized superiority clinical trial, with a pre-post-follow-up repeated measures intergroup design with a 1:1:1 allocation ratio is proposed. A hundred and twenty cancer patients will (...)
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    Regional Analysis of Poverty in Ecuador: Sensitivity to the Choice of Equivalence Scales.Diego F. García-Vélez, Leidy D. Quezada-Ruiz, María del Cisne Tituaña-Castillo & María de la Cruz del Río-Rama - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Economies of scale and equivalent consumption units, which are present in households, must be considered in the measurement of monetary poverty, in order to obtain indicators that approximate the reality of each household. Therefore, in this research, monetary poverty in Ecuador is measured and analyzed at the provincial level for the period 2009–2016. It works with data from the National Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment and the INEC methodology is used to measure poverty, but per-capita income is replaced by (...)
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    Una carta de Jardiel Poncela a propósito de la versión cinematográfica de "Las inquietudes de Shanti Andía", por Arturo Ruiz Castillo.Javier Herrera - 2011 - Arbor 187 (748):287-303.
    Con motivo del estreno de Las inquietudes de Shanti Andía realizada por Arturo Ruiz Castillo a partir de la obra de Baroja, Jardiel Poncela le escribe una extensa carta, totalmente inédita, en la que, entre otras consideraciones de gran interés para conocer su pensamiento estético y sus ideas acerca del público y el papel de la mujer, le elogia la adaptación realizada de la obra barojiana al tiempo que le hace una serie de consideraciones teóricas muy interesantes sobre (...)
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  12. Juan José Martinena Ruiz, Castillos reales de Navarra (siglos XIII al XVI). Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Educación y Cultura, 1994. Paper. Pp. 793; tables and black-and-white illustrations. [REVIEW]Edward Cooper - 1997 - Speculum 72 (4):1196-1197.
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    Un estudio introductorio a “Utilitarismo y Constitucionalismo: La Ocasión de 1812. (Eds. Manuel Escamilla Castillo y Josefa Dolores Ruiz Resa) Ed. Dykinson, Madrid, 2012.”. [REVIEW]Raquel Díaz Seijas - 2011 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 18 (1):293-305.
    Introductory study to “Utilitarismo y Constitucionalismo: La Ocasión de 1812. (Eds. Manuel Escamilla Castillo y Josefa Dolores Ruiz Resa) Ed. Dykinson, Madrid, 2012.”.
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    BERNSTEIN, R. Filosofía y democracia: John Dewey (edición e introducción de R. del Castillo, traducción de A. García Ruiz), Herder, Barcelona, 2010, 300 pp. [REVIEW]Antonio Lastra - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico:161-163.
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    Ethical Culture, Ethical Intent, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Moderating and Mediating Role of Person–Organization Fit.Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & Ricardo Martínez-Cañas - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):95-108.
    A multidimensional measure of ethical culture was examined for its relationship to person–organization fit, ethical intent and organizational citizenship behavior, using a sample of 525 employees from the financial industry in Spain. As hypothesized, relative to studies using unidimensional assessments, our measure of EC was more strongly related to ethical intent and organizational citizenship. Also, significant differences were found in the degree to which each the EC dimensions related to both ethical intent and OCB. Finally, in a first for the (...)
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    Geopolítica de la alteridad. Levinas y la filosofía de la liberación de E. Dussel.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2014 - Isegoría 51:777-792.
    La relevancia del pensamiento de Emmanuel Levinas para comprender el surgimiento de la filosofía de la liberación –uno de los movimientos filosóficos más importantes de América Latina durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX– es innegable. En este artículo se analiza la interpretación geopolítica y analógica que Enrique Dussel realizó de los conceptos levinasianos de “Alteridad” y “Otro” para mostrar su equivocidad en el ámbito de lo político.
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    A justiça das vítimas: fundamento ético e perspectiva hermenêutica.Castor M. M. Bartolomé Ruiz - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (2).
    Este trabalho pretende realizar uma reflexão crítica sobre sentido moderno da justiça procedimental, desenvolvendo uma nova hermenêutica da justiça a partir da alteridade das vítimas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Justiça procedimental. Ética. Hermenêutica. Alteridade.
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    Bobbio in pravni pozitivizem. Tridelba in njen avtor sam.Juan Ruiz Manero - 2015 - Revus 26:7-12.
    Prispevek kritično obravnava znano Bobbievo tridelbo pravnega pozitivizma na pozitivizem kot splošni pristop k učenju prava, nauk o pravu in ideologijo. Avtor uvodoma opozori na nekaj problemov same tridelbe, nato pa se osredotoči na Bobbievo samoopredelitev znotraj nje. Na primeru Bobbieve obravnave pojmov temeljne norme in pravila priznavanja pokaže, kako ga njegovo kasnejše zavračanje teh dveh pojmov nezavedno privede do sprejemanja pravnega pozitivizma kot nauka o pravu in pravne ideologije – ki ju je sicer zavračal. Avtor vidi razlog za ta (...)
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  19. El hombre y la filosofía.Francisco Pérez Ruiz - 1972 - Pensamiento 28 (109):81.
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    Implicit and explicit memory bias in depressed and non depressed subjects.Jose A. Ruiz-Caballero & Piedad Gonzilez - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (6):555-569.
  21. Jordi Sierra y Franz Kafka: acogida metaliteraria de una vida bajo la presión del poder.María Angeles Suz Ruiz - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (971):88-92.
    El mal ejercicio del poder suele llevar de la mano la falta de libertad de los otros, la lucha por la misma y el sufrimiento humano. Muchos salen mal parados de la experiencia, sufren patologías psicológicas durante años y no son ya capaces de amar y contribuir al bien común. La literatura y las artes ha ayudado siempre a sublimar el dolor y han proporcionado la expresión de la transmisión de los últimos pensamientos de las personas que vivieron las situaciones (...)
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  22. La filosofía en el Japón actual.Francisco Pérez Ruiz - 1971 - Pensamiento 27 (105):5.
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  23. Metafísica del Mal.Francisco Pérez Ruiz - 1984 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 40 (4):468-469.
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    Poética del cine.Raúl Ruiz - 2000 - Providencia, Stgo. [i.e. Santiago, Chile]: Editorial Sudamericana.
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  25. Raschini: Los rostros cambiantes de Nietzsche.Félix Ruiz Nagore - 2009 - Filosofia Oggi 32 (2-3):115-130.
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    Miguel Angel Ladero Quesada, El siglo XV en Castilla: Fuentes de renta y política fiscal. Barcelona: Ariel, 1982. Paper. Pp. 213. [REVIEW]Teofilo F. Ruiz - 1984 - Speculum 59 (3):722-723.
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  27. The Impact of Study Habits on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students Amidst Blended Learning.Ava Isabel R. Castillo, Charlotte Faith B. Allag, Aki Jeomi R. Bartolome, Gwen Pennelope S. Pascual, Rusel Othello Villarta & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (1):483-488.
    Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, several changes have been forcibly made and observed in various fields and areas of society, one of which include the field of education; the foundation of the formation of intellect and knowledge. After two years of studying indoors and private educational institutions holding virtual classes, the time has finally come for students to be re- adjusted once more to the blended mode of learning; a combination of virtual and in-person classes. Thus, this study aimed to (...)
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  28. The Argument from Determinate Vagueness.Jaime Castillo-Gamboa - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics.
    The Lewis-Sider argument from vagueness is one of the most powerful objections against restricted composition. Many have resisted the argument by rejecting its key premise, namely that existence is not vague. In this paper, I argue that this strategy is ineffective as a response to vagueness-based objections against restricted composition. To that end, I formulate a new argument against restricted composition: the argument from determinate vagueness. Unlike the Lewis-Sider argument, my argument doesn’t require accepting that existence is not vague, but (...)
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    What Would Cervantes Do?: Navigating Post-Truth with Spanish Baroque Literature.David Castillo & William Egginton - 2022 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    The attack on the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 was a tragic illustration of the existential threat that the viral spread of disinformation poses in the age of social media and twenty-four-hour news. From climate change denialism to the frenzied conspiracy theories and racist mythologies that fuel antidemocratic white nationalist movements in the United States and abroad, What Would Cervantes Do? is a lucid meditation on the key role the humanities must play in dissecting and combatting all forms of (...)
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    Against Discursive Colonialism: Intercultural Dialogues as a Path to Decolonizing Feminist Anthropology.R. Aída Hernández Castillo - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (1):58-74.
    this article is based on a paper that I presented during the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, as a keynote speaker in the Coss Dialogue sessions. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that most participants of SAAP use the term "American" in its continental, rather than in the US-centric sense. I am glad that many of the philosophers of this community of knowledge have opened their dialogues to the voices and experiences south of the (...)
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    Derecho y vida humana (algunas reflexiones a la luz de Santo Tomás) [por] Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez.Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez - 1957 - Madrid,: Instituto de Estudios Políticos.
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    " Ongoing Missionary Labor": Building, Maintaining, and Expanding Chicana Studies/History an Interview with Vicki L. Ruiz.Vicki L. Ruiz & Leisa D. Meyer - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):23-45.
  33.  18
    Do microenvironmental changes disrupt multicellular organisation with ageing, enacting and favouring the cancer cell phenotype?Simon P. Castillo, Juan E. Keymer & Pablo A. Marquet - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000126.
    Cancer is a singular cellular state, the emergence of which destabilises the homeostasis reached through the evolution to multicellularity. We present the idea that the onset of the cellular disobedience to the metazoan functional and structural architecture, known as the cancer phenotype, is triggered by changes in the cell's external environment that occur with ageing: what ensues is a breach of the social contract of multicellular life characteristic of metazoans. By integrating old ideas with new evidence, we propose that with (...)
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  34. Cultural Gaslighting.Elena Ruíz - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (4):687-713.
    This essay frames systemic patterns of mental abuse against women of color and Indigenous women on Turtle Island (North America) in terms of larger design-of-distribution strategies in settler colonial societies, as these societies use various forms of social power to distribute, reproduce, and automate social inequalities (including public health precarities and mortality disadvantages) that skew socio-economic gain continuously toward white settler populations and their descendants. It departs from traditional studies in gender-based violence research that frame mental abuses such as gaslighting--commonly (...)
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    La expansión agrícola en Šarq al-Andalus.Pedro Jiménez-Castillo - 2022 - Al-Qantara 43 (2):e24.
    Analizaremos algunos rasgos del proceso de transformación económica y social que tuvo lugar en al-Andalus entre los siglos X y XII, en el marco de la «revolución económica» de la Europa plenomedieval, tomando como caso de estudio la región oriental de la península ibérica. El proceso debió de arrancar con un despegue demográfico y con el aumento de la productividad agrícola, en este caso derivado de los progresos técnicos asociados a la llamada «revolución verde» islámica de los siglos VIII al (...)
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  36. 'Being tall compared to' compared to 'being tall' and 'being taller'.Jaime Castillo-Gamboa, Alexis Wellwood & Deniz Rudin - 2021 - Proceedings of Elm 1:78-89.
    This paper investigates the semantics of implicit comparatives (Alice is tall compared to Bob) and its connections to the semantics of explicit comparatives (Alice is taller than Bob) and sentences with adjectives in plain positive form (Alice is tall). We consider evidence from two experiments that tested judgments about these three kinds of sentence, and provide a semantics for implicit comparatives from the perspective of degree semantics.
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    Confines of Democracy: Essays on the Philosophy of Richard J. Bernstein.Ramón del Castillo, Ángel M. Faerna & Larry A. Hickman (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _Confines of Democracy_ is a collection of critical assessments and interpretations of Richard J. Bernstein’s extensive and illuminating work on pragmatism, epistemology, hermeneutics, and social and political theory, including Bernstein’s replies to the contributors.
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  38. Structural Trauma.Elena Ruíz - 2024 - Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 23 (1):29-50.
    This paper addresses the phenomenological experience of precarity and vulnerability in racialized gender-based violence from a structural perspective. Informed by Indigenous social theory and anti-colonial approaches to intergenerational trauma that link settler colonial violence to the modalities of stress-inducing social, institutional, and cultural violences in marginalized women’s lives, I argue that philosophical failures to understand trauma as a functional, organizational tool of settler colonial violence amplify the impact of traumatic experience on specific populations. It is trauma by design. I explore (...)
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    “Society is the present of teaching”: Teaching as a Phenomenon in Levinas's Unedited Lecture Notes.Katja Castillo - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (4):572-586.
    In this paper, Katja Castillo approaches the phenomenon of teaching through an analysis of Emmanuel Levinas's unedited conference notes titled “Les nourritures,” “Les enseignements,” and “L'écrit et l'oral.” Levinas's thinking prior to the publication of his major works provides an entry point to his philosophy. In this light Castillo interprets his conference notes as laying the groundwork for the argument he develops later in Totality and Infinity. Drawing on the notes, she describes the phenomenon of teaching as a (...)
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    Evaluative and Metalinguistic Dispute.Andrés Soria-Ruiz - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (1):165-181.
    ABSTRACT Recently, the hypothesis that purely evaluative disputes are metalinguistic negotiations has gained traction. I resist a strong version of that hypothesis, and argue that some of those disputes are not metalinguistic negotiations. To defend that claim, I argue that metalinguistic negotiations have three linguistic properties that some purely evaluative disputes lack. First, in a metalinguistic negotiation it is felicitous to embed the dispute-initial statement under the subjective attitude verb consider; second, a speaker can reply to that initial statement by (...)
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    Realidad y transcendentalidad en el planteamiento del problema del mal según Xavier Zubiri.Julio Martín Castillo - 1997 - Roma: Editrice Pontificia università gregoriana.
    X. Zubiri, uno de los pensadores espanoles mas sobresalientes en el presente siglo, nos ha hecho ver que el mal se entiende como condicion de la realidad en respectividad ante el hombre, o sea, en la interaccion del hombre con las cosas reales o consigo mismo en cuanto realidad. En este sentido, el mal se entiende desde la realidad condicionada. Como se entiende que el mal surja desde la realidad? Cual es la consistencia del mal en cuanto condicion? En que (...)
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    Women in developing countries and benefit sharing.Fatima Alvarez-Castillo & Dafna Feinholz - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 6 (3):113–121.
    The aim of this paper is to show that any process of benefit sharing that does not guarantee the representation and participation of women in the decision-making process, as well as in the distribution of benefits, contravenes a central demand of social justice. It is argued that women, particularly in developing countries, can be excluded from benefits derived from genetic research because of existing social structures that promote and maintain discrimination. The paper describes how the structural problem of gender-based inequity (...)
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  43. Fenomenologia y Fisica en Husserl, Weyl y Neelamkavil: Materia-Campo basado en Extensión-Cambio.Ruth Castillo - 2020 - Dissertation, Universidad de Alicante
    FENOMENOLOGIA Y FISICA EN HUSSERL, WEYL Y NEELAMKAVIL: MATERIA-CAMPO BASADO EN EXTENSIÓN-CAMBIO Castillo Ochoa, Ruth Transferencias Interculturales e Históricas de la Europa Medieval Mediterránea RESUMEN La historia de la terminología científica posibilita dar cuenta de 'cambios lingüísticos' o contingencia de términos en Ciencia. La Fenomenología de Husserl resulta un marco filosófico completo para elucidar significados en terminología científica enfatizando el carácter a priori de conceptos fundacionales, su aspecto contingente (lenguaje), intersubjetividad, sujeto transcendental y epojé. En tal sentido, soportar las (...)
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  44. Symmetry in Physics: Proportion and Harmony to the term of Metalanguage.Ruth Castillo - 2018 - Dissertation, Universidad Central de Venezuela
    SYMMETRY IN PHYSICS: FROM PROPORTION AND HARMONY TO THE TERM OF METALENGUAJE -/- Ruth Castillo Universidad Central de Venezuela -/- The revolutionary changes in physics require a careful exploration of the way in which concepts depend on the theoretical structure in which they are immerse. A historical reconstruction allows us to show how the notion of symmetry evolves from the definition as proportion and harmony to its consideration within the language of contemporary physics, as a linguistic meta-theoretical requirement in (...)
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    Álvaro Ruiz Rodilla: Fuentes del imaginario nacional mexicano: arte pictórico, nacionalismo y discursos en pugna.Álvaro Ruiz Rodilla - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    La siguiente reseña explora el libro más reciente del historiador Tomás Pérez Vejo, el cual se adentra en un relato de nación construido a partir de los acervos pictóricos. El imaginario visual que se construye desde las exposiciones y críticas de pintura marca un ciclo crístico de nacimientos, tormentos, liberaciones y resurrecciones, cuyo interés primordial es su poderosa impronta en la historia oficial nacional y en cómo esta permea aún el presente.
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    El escultor Ernesto Cardenal.Julio Valle-Castillo - 2007 - Polis 17.
    El autor ofrece un análisis de la obra escultórica de quien conocemos principalmente como poeta, Ernesto Cardenal, presentándolo como un escultor representativo, que ha desarrollado las temáticas de la religiosidad, y la fauna y flora de América, permitiendo que confluyan en él las culturas primitivas y el arte moderno. Afirma Valle-Castillo que el trabajo de Cardenal ha llevado la escultura a una expresión de lo esencial, a partir de la contemplación, de la conciencia, y de un estudio largo y (...)
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    Copresence Revisiting a Building Block for Social Interaction Theories.Celeste Campos-Castillo & Steven Hitlin - 2013 - Sociological Theory 31 (2):168-192.
    Copresence, the idea that the presence of other actors shapes individual behavior, links macro- and micro-theorizing about social interaction. Traditionally, scholars have focused on the physical proximity of other people, assuming copresence to be a given, objective condition. However, recent empirical evidence on technologically mediated (e.g., e-mail), imaginary (e.g., prayer), and parasocial (e.g., watching a television show) interactions challenges classic copresence assumptions. In this article we reconceptualize copresence to provide theoretical building blocks (definitions, assumptions, and propositions) for a revitalized research (...)
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    Consciencia de si e identidad personal, relación olvidada por Parfit.Javier Castillo Vallez - 2021 - Otrosiglo 5 (2):134-157.
    En este artículo se plantea una reconsideración de la elección del reduccionismo de Parfit en Razones y personas como la posición que mejor explica el vínculo de dos sucesos mentales separados en el tiempo. Sin embargo, veremos cómo Parfit basa dicha elección en la consideración de la noción de persona como una sustancia, lo que en principio deja fuera cualquier otra perspectiva. El problema aparece cuando éste no considera apropiadamente el origen histórico de la pregunta en Locke, donde la noción (...)
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    Culture, Trance, and the Mind‐Brain.Richard J. Castillo - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (1):17-34.
    Trance phenomena result from the behavior of intense focusing of attention, which is the key psychological mechanism of trance induction. Adaptive responses, including institutionalized forms of trance, are "tuned" into neural networks in the brain and depend to a large extent on the characteristics of culture. Culture‐specific organizations exist in the structure of individual neurons and in the organizational formation of neural networks.
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  50.  25
    State-Anxiety and Academic Burnout Regarding University Access Selective Examinations in Spain During and After the COVID-19 Lockdown.Antonio Fernández-Castillo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Coping with assessment tests are known to generate anxiety frequently in the students who face them. In academic circumstances with the continued presence of emotional disturbance, high demand, and stress, emotional and physical fatigue, typical of burnout syndrome, and can be detected. Anxiety and burnout are related to each other and even more closely in high-stakes tests. One of these tests is the examination imposed in Spain for access to the university. The objective of this work is to analyze the (...)
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