Results for 'Old Academics'

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  1. An Old Academic on Rhetoric: The Example of Xenocrates.Eleni Kaklamanou - 2010 - Dionysius 28.
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  2. Old Arts and New Theology: The Beginnings of Theology as an Academic Discipline.G. R. Evans & Morna D. Hooker - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (2):267-268.
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    Obesity, academic performance and reasoning ability in portuguese students between 6 and 12 years old.Carlos Barrigas & Isabel Fragoso - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (2):165-179.
  4.  12
    Old Testament Theology: Reading the Hebrew Bible as Christian Scripture. By R. W. L. Moberly. Pp. xiv, 333, Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Academic, 2013, $26.13. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (2):305-305.
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    Can Online Academic Integrity Instruction Affect University Students’ Perceptions of and Engagement in Academic Dishonesty? Results From a Natural Experiment in New Zealand.Jason Michael Stephens, Penelope Winifred St John Watson, Mohamed Alansari, Grace Lee & Steven Martin Turnbull - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:569133.
    The problem of academic dishonesty is as old as it is widespread – dating back millennia and perpetrated by the majority of students. Attempts to promote academic integrity, by comparison, are relatively new and rare – stretching back only a few hundred years and implemented by a small fraction of schools and universities. However, the past decade has seen an increase in efforts among universities to promote academic integrity among students, particularly through the use of online courses or tutorials. Previous (...)
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    Academic Ethics at the Undergraduate Level: Case Study from the Formative Years of the Institute. [REVIEW]Supreet Saini - 2013 - Journal of Academic Ethics 11 (1):35-44.
    Academic ethics among students at an undergraduate level are dictated by a variety of factors. Institutional cultures, personal preferences and notions of ethics, external factors, and peer-pressure are some of the factors that play an important role in the ethical behavior of an undergraduate student. The present study is an attempt to understand the student behavior in a three year old technical Institute in India. At a time when the higher technical education sector in India is rapidly expanding, the study (...)
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    Academic Achievement, Motivation and Future Selves.Angeliki Leondari, Efi Syngollitou & Grigoris Kiosseoglou - 1998 - Educational Studies 24 (2):153-163.
    Summary The study examined the relation between possible selves, academic performance, motivation, self?esteem and persistence on task. The assumption was that envisioning a desired end?state produces information processing favouring the desired state and, as a consequence, the action seems more likely and people are able to construct more efficient plans. We hypothesized that academic performance is best for subjects who are able to produce well?elaborated, vivid pictures of future selves. The sample consisted of 289 students, 14 and 15 years old, (...)
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  8. Quality control in academic publishing: challenges in the age of cyberscience.Michael Nentwich - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (3):181-198.
    This article discusses the future of quality control in an academic publication system that will be largely based on electronic publishing. Information and communication technologies both challenge traditional ways and open remedies for existent problems of present gate-keeping. New forms of ex-ante and of ex-post quality control may partly replace and partly amend peer review, citation indices and quality filters based on the reputation of the publisher. Open peer review, online commenting, rating, access counts and use tracking are evaluated and (...)
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    Parody and branding in old comedy - (d.) Sells parody, politics and the populace in greek old comedy. Pp. X + 291, ills. London and new York: Bloomsbury academic, 2019. Cased, £85, us$114. Isbn: 978-1-350-06051-7. [REVIEW]Jacques A. Bromberg - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):46-49.
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  10. Fear and loathing in academe: Gonzo "scholarship" and the war against tourism.Daniel Stempel - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):95-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fear and Loathing in Academe:Gonzo Scholarship and the War Against TourismDaniel StempelIWhen I retired in 1985 I chose as my mantra an academic version of a famous general's farewell to his troops: "Old scholars never die—they just fade away into the stacks." Now that I am an octogenarian, I have faded away into total invisibility, but, like Tithonus, I am not inaudible. I hope my voice will be strident (...)
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    Test Anxiety in Adolescent Students: Different Responses According to the Components of Anxiety as a Function of Sociodemographic and Academic Variables.Rosa Torrano, Juan M. Ortigosa, Antonio Riquelme, Francisco J. Méndez & José A. López-Pina - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectiveTest anxiety (TA) is a construct that has scarcely been studied based on Lang’s three-dimensional model of anxiety. The objective of this article is to investigate the repercussion of sociodemographic and academic variables on different responses for each component of anxiety and for the type of test in adolescent students.MethodA total of 1181 students from 12 to 18 years old (M= 14.7 and SD = 1.8) participated, of whom 569 were boys (48.2%) and 612 girls (51.8%). A sociodemographic questionnaire and (...)
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    Around Richard Münch’s Academic Capitalism Theory.Stanisław Czerniak - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (1):153-170.
    The author reviews the main elements of Richard Münch’s academic capitalism theory. By introducing categories like “audit university” or “entrepreneurial university,” the German sociologist critically sets today’s academic management model against the earlier, modern-era conception of academic work as an “exchange of gifts.” In the sociological and psychological sense, he sees the latter’s roots in traditional social lore, for instance the potlatch ceremonies celebrated by some North-American Indian tribes and described by Marcel Mauss. Münch shows the similarities between the old, (...)
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    Characterizing Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: Educational Level and Length of Stay as Individual Difference Factors That Impact Academic Self-Efficacy.María del Carmen Olmos-Gómez, María Dolores Pistón-Rodríguez, Ramón Chacón-Cuberos, José Javier Romero-Díaz de la Guardia, Jesús Manuel Cuevas-Rincón & Eva María Olmedo-Moreno - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of the present study is to analyze individual differences in academic self-efficacy within a population of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors from the European cities of Ceuta and Melilla. Variables describing educational level and length of stay were considered in a sample of 377 individuals being cared for in different youth centers. Of these, 63.4% belonged to the group who had stayed at the center for less than 9 months and 36.6% reported a length of stay of more than 9 (...)
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  14. Executive Function, Behavioral Self-Regulation, and School Related Well-Being Did Not Mediate the Effect of School-Based Physical Activity on Academic Performance in Numeracy in 10-Year-Old Children. The Active Smarter Kids Study.Katrine N. Aadland, Eivind Aadland, John R. Andersen, Arne Lervåg, Vegard F. Moe, Geir K. Resaland & Yngvar Ommundsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Stumbling on a chance to make a difference—Life of an academic entrepreneur in an emerging economy.Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    As I am now approaching 50 years old, I think I should reflect on my works and pass on what I have learned. When I published my first academic article in 1997 as a graduate student, little did I know about how the academic publishing world would change the course of my life as well as others.
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    Longitudinal Association Between Child Psychological Abuse and Neglect and Academic Achievement in Chinese Primary School Children: A Moderated Mediation Model.Jiajing Li, Ziying Li, Xiuya Lei, Jingyuan Yang, Xiao Yu & Haoning Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:870371.
    To investigate the relationships among child psychological abuse and neglect (CPAN), children’s learning engagement, family socioeconomic status (family SES), and children’s academic achievement, 271 children (Mage = 9.41 ± 0.81 years old) and their parents participated in this study with a longitudinal design. Results revealed that learning engagement at T1 mediated the relationship between CPAN at T1 and academic achievement at T2 when gender, age, grade, and academic achievement at T1 were under control. Family SES at T1 moderated the relationship (...)
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    Late Studentship: Academic Aspiration, Personal Growth, and the Death of the Past.Graham Stevens - 2003 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 34 (2):235-256.
    Because of the recent rapid transition in Britain from an elite system of higher education to one in which a much larger propor tion of the population is intended to participate, many students—whose social backgrounds would previously have precluded their involvement in HE—experience strangerhood within academia in a particularly acute form. This paper deals with the experiences of members of an one particular HE course, especially designed for students over 21 years old—such "mature" students are a group who has not (...)
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    The Contradiction of the Myth of Individual Merit, and the Reality of a Patriarchal Support System in Academic Careers: A Feminist Investigation.Jackie Goode & Barbara Bagilhole - 2001 - European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (2):161-180.
    This article draws on data from a qualitative research study undertaken in an old UK university with the main aim of investigating the issue of the gender dimension of academic careers. It examines the idea of an individualistic academic career that demands self-promotion, which is still used as a measure of achievement by those in senior positions. However, there is a basic contradiction. While this idea is upheld, men simultaneously gain by an in-built patriarchal support system. They do not have (...)
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    The Principle of Civility in Academic Discourse.Forest Hansen - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (2):198-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Dialogue:The Principle of Civility in Academic DiscourseForest HansenSeveral months ago New York Times columnist David Brooks addressed the lack of civility in recent public discourse. "So... you get narcissists who believe they or members of their party possess direct access to the truth.... You get people who prefer monologues to dialogue.... You get people who... loathe their political opponents."1One might think that by contrast academia, and especially academic (...)
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    Distinctions of Reason and Reasonable Distinctions: The Academic Life of John Wallis (1616–1703).Jason M. Rampelt - 2019 - BRILL.
    An intellectual biography of John Wallis (1616-1703), professor of mathematics at Oxford. Despite war, church upheaval, and a revolution in science, Wallis advanced mathematics and natural philosophy within the university, bridging old and new.
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  21. Peer victimization (bullying) on mental health, behavioral problems, cognition, and academic performance in preadolescent children in the ABCD Study.Miriam S. Menken, Amal Isaiah, Huajun Liang, Pedro Rodriguez Rivera, Christine C. Cloak, Gloria Reeves, Nancy A. Lever & Linda Chang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivePeer victimization is a substantial early life stressor linked to psychiatric symptoms and poor academic performance. However, the sex-specific cognitive or behavioral outcomes of bullying have not been well-described in preadolescent children.MethodsUsing the baseline dataset of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study 2.0.1 data repository, we evaluated associations between parent-reported bullying victimization, suicidality, and non-suicidal self-injury, as well as internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems, cognition, and academic performance.ResultsOf the 11,015 9-10-year-old children included in the analyses, 15.3% experienced bullying victimization, as (...)
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  22. latter is likely to lead people into subjective mistakes in the guise of advancing" bold scientific assumptions." If the Old Three Classes Culture Heat is to expand in an ideal healthy manner, it is most important to prevent the occurrence of artificial" heat creation." Academically, however, in-depth studies that accommodate a wide range of opinions should be initiated and entered into the list of routine topics for specialized cultural research. To make this connection, we need hand-in-hand cooperation between the media and academic circles. [REVIEW]Contemporary Chinese Thought - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (4):63-72.
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    Pyrrho, His Antecedents, and His Legacy, and: Philo of Larissa: The Last of the Academic Sceptics (review).John Christian Laursen - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (1):116-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.1 (2002) 116-118 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Pyrrho, His Antecedents, and His Legacy Philo of Larissa: The Last of the Academic Sceptics Richard Bett. Pyrrho, His Antecedents, and His Legacy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp. x + 264. Cloth, $60.00. Charles Brittain. Philo of Larissa: The Last of the Academic Sceptics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. xii (...)
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    Gertrude Gillette, Four Faces of Anger: Seneca, Evagrius Ponticus, Casian, and Augu-sutine. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2010. Ronald E. Heine, Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church: Exploring the Formation of Early Christian Thought. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007. [REVIEW]R. A. Herrera, Bryan M. Litfin & Chloë Taylor - 2010 - Augustinian Studies 41 (2):531.
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    After the Ivory Tower: Gender, Commodification and the ‘Academic’.Joanna de Groot - 1997 - Feminist Review 55 (1):130-142.
    This piece uses a feminist approach to explore various aspects of ‘commodification’ in the lives and work of those teaching and researching in UK universities, and in particular its gender dimensions. After setting a historical context for the radical transformation of UK universities during the 1980s, it considers how this transformation was experienced by academics in terms of alienation, anxiety and accountability. Key features of that experience are loss of autonomy and control to the external power of competition and (...)
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    What Ethical Issues Really Arise in Practice at an Academic Medical Center? A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Clinical Ethics Consultations from 2008 to 2013.Katherine Wasson, Emily Anderson, Erika Hagstrom, Michael McCarthy, Kayhan Parsi & Mark Kuczewski - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (3):217-228.
    As the field of clinical ethics consultation sets standards and moves forward with the Quality Attestation process, questions should be raised about what ethical issues really do arise in practice. There is limited data on the type and number of ethics consultations conducted across different settings. At Loyola University Medical Center, we conducted a retrospective review of our ethics consultations from 2008 through 2013. One hundred fifty-six cases met the eligibility criteria. We analyzed demographic data on these patients and conducted (...)
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    The effect of absolute age-position on academic performance: a study of secondary students in the United Arab Emirates.Michael Melkonian & Shaljan Areepattamannil - 2017 - Educational Studies 44 (5):551-563.
    The study examined the impact of students’ absolute age-position at the time of testing by grade level and gender on their achieved level of mathematics, reading and science performance. An analysis was conducted based on a sample of 11,500 15-year-old pupils in the United Arab Emirates who participated in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment 2012 study. In support of an absolute age-position effect it was found that the youngest age-at-test student grouping demonstrated significantly lower levels of mathematics, reading (...)
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    Postcolonial Criticism, Transnational Identifications and the Hegemonies of Dancehall's Academic and Popular Performativities.Denise Noble - 2008 - Feminist Review 90 (1):106-127.
    Despite the unprecedented freedoms that decolonization has brought for many Black1 people – especially in specific regions of the African Diaspora – freedom and its fulfilment, adequate signs and contested meanings remain a preoccupation within Black cultural discourses and practices. At the same time, while political and cultural nationalisms have led to greater political and civil rights, racism has not been eradicated. Furthermore, the new postcolonial globalizations of capital, people and cultures have destabilized the collective identities that framed twentieth-century struggles (...)
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    The Development of Philosophical Activities of the Academic Philosophy Cafe From Language Game to Theater Game.Wang Huiling ) - 2021 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 11:121-141.
    In Practical Philosophy Education, besides the learning of conceptual knowledge and working with an introspective method, students are actively engaged whereby they are played in a new form as a language game. The negative attitudes and the pretending performances were revised from the exercise of answering questions to asking question, and then to continue asking. 1957 Coffee proposes the “cross-questioning” model of using knowledge to play the “game” of philosophy. This playing experience is passed down intellectually in the form of (...)
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  30. The Timaeus in the Old Academy.John Dillon - 2003 - In Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils, Plato's Timaeus as Cultural Icon. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 80-94.
  31.  7
    Old Age and Other Essays.Allan Cameron (ed.) - 2001 - Polity.
    This book by one of Italy's oldest and wisest intellectuals is a philosophical and personal meditation on ageing. The question of old age has preoccupied writers from Cicero to Amery, but in this volume Norberto Bobbio produces an account that is specific to our times. Born in 1909, Bobbio has lived through the major events of the past century, and his experiences of Fascism, Communism and the Cold War lend his reflections a melancholy that distinguishes them from earlier eulogies on (...)
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    Character ethics and the Old Testament: moral dimensions of Scripture.R. Carroll, M. Daniel & Jacqueline E. Lapsley (eds.) - 2007 - Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
    Throughout the Old Testament, the stories, laws, and songs not only teach a way of life that requires individuals to be moral, but they demonstrate how. In biblical studies, character ethics has been one of the fastest-growing areas of interest. Whereas ethics usually studies rules of behavior, character ethics focuses on how people are formed to be moral agents in the world. This book presents the most up-to-date academic work in Old Testament character ethics, covering topics throughout the Torah, the (...)
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    Recognizing the Diverse Faces of Later Life: Old Age as a Category of Intersectional Analysis in Medical Ethics.Merle Weßel & Mark Schweda - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (1):21-32.
    Public and academic medical ethics debates surrounding justice and age discrimination often proceed from a problematic understanding of old age that ignores the diversity of older people. This article introduces the feminist perspective of intersectionality to medical ethical debates on aging and old age in order to analyze the structural discrimination of older people in medicine and health care. While current intersectional approaches in this field focus on race, gender, and sexuality, we thus set out to introduce aging and old (...)
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    Rhetoric, paideia and the old idea of a liberal education.Alistair Miller - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (2):183–206.
    This paper argues that the modern curriculum of academic subject disciplines embodies a rationalist conception of pure, universal knowledge that does little to cultivate, humanise or form the self. A liberal education in the classical humanist tradition, by contrast, develops a personal culture or paideia, an understanding of the self as a social, political and cultural being, and the practical wisdom needed to make judgements in practical, political and human affairs. The paper concludes by asking whether the old liberal curriculum, (...)
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    Old Practice, but Young Research Field: A Systematic Bibliographic Review of Personal Branding.Stefan Scheidt, Carsten Gelhard & Jörg Henseler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Before engaging with the already intensive and still increasing personal branding activities in many fields of practice, a scholarly approach would call for a more specific definition of the concept of personal branding processes and the resulting human brands. A multi-step analysis of the growing body of literature on personal branding is employed, integrating a framework that covers six key research streams of personal branding, (1) terminology and definition, (2) underlying theories, (3) classes and categories, (4) benefits, (5) antecedents, and (...)
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  36. Old and New Fallacies in Port-Royal Logic.Michel Dufour - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (2):241-267.
    The paper discusses the place and the status of fallacies in Arnauld and Nicole’s Port-Royal Logic, which seems to be the first book to introduce a radical change from the traditional Aristotelian account of fallacies. The most striking innovation is not in the definition of a fallacy but in the publication of a new list of fallacies, dropping some Aristotelian ones and adding more than ten new ones. The first part of the paper deals with the context of the book’s (...)
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    Historical discourse and the shape of community in the Old Academy: creating the Academy.Edward Watts - 2007 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 127:106-122.
    The Old Academy developed in an unplanned fashion and, as its structure evolved, changes in leadership and institutional culture were mirrored by shifting Academic historical traditions. As the Old Academy became an institution that presented a systematized philosophy, its leadership placed increased emphasis upon traditions about Plato and other Academic leaders that illustrated the power and practical application of this Academic teaching. This suggests a conscious attempt by the scholarchs of the Old Academy to craft a distinctive institutional identity centred (...)
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    Non-instrumental roles of science.John Ziman - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (1):17-27.
    Nowadays, science is treated an instrument of policy, serving the material interests of government and commerce. Traditionally, however, it also has important non-instrumental social functions, such as the creation of critical scenarios and world pictures, the stimulation of rational attitudes, and the production of enlightened practitioners and independent experts. The transition from academic to ‘post-academic’ science threatens the performance of these functions, which are inconsistent with strictly instrumental modes of knowledge production. In particular, expert objectivity is negated by entanglement with (...)
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    Six- to eight-year-olds’ performance in the Heart and Flower task: Emerging proactive cognitive control.Claudia M. Roebers - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Heart and Flower task is used worldwide to measure age-dependent and individual differences in executive functions and/or cognitive control. The task reliably maps age and individual differences and these have consistently been found to be predictive for different aspects of school readiness and academic achievement. The idea has been put forward that there is a developmental shift in how children approach such a task. While 6-year-olds’ tend to adapt their task strategy ad hoc and reactively, older children increasingly engage (...)
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    New wine in old bottles? The biotechnology problem in the history of molecular biology.Jean-Paul Gaudillière - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (1):20-28.
    This paper examines the “biotechnology problem” in the history of molecular biology, namely the alleged reinvention of a basic academic discipline looking for the logic of life, into a typical technoscientific enterprise, closely related to agriculture, medicine, and the construction of markets. The dominant STS model sees the roots of this shift in a radical change of the regime of knowledge production. The paper argues that this scheme needs to be historicized to take into account the past in our biotech (...)
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    World around the Old Testament: The People and Places of the Ancient Near East. Edited by Bill T. Arnold and Brent A. Strawn. [REVIEW]Mark W. Chavalas - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (1).
    The World around the Old Testament: The People and Places of the Ancient Near East. Edited by Bill T. Arnold and Brent A. Strawn. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016. Pp. xxvii + 531, illus. $49.99.
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  42. The Ebb of the Old Liberal Order and the Horizon of New Possibilities for Freedom.Katerina Kolozova - 2023 - In Adrian Parr & Santiago Zabala, Outspoken: A Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century. McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 39-46.
    The illiberals uphold democracy as a political form devoid of liberal values. The “illiberal democracy” repositions liberalism in the past, and by doing so it also frequently uses a language indistinguishable from that of the left critique of “global neoliberalism.” European leaders of this stripe were staunch supporters of Donald Trump. One of their intellectual figureheads is the French philosopher and journalist, often identified as fascist, Alain de Benoist, who, in his latest book, _Contre le libéralisme_, mobilizes Marx next to (...)
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    Pieter M. Venter’s contribution to Old Testament Studies – an appreciation.Wouter C. van Wyk - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-05.
    The contribution that Professor Pieter M. Venter has made to the study of the Old Testament during his academic and ecclesiastic career is reviewed. After a brief biographical introduction, the article surveys the development of his research interests, focusing specifically on his contributions to the study of wisdom literature, narratives and narratology, second temple literature, the formation of the canon, and Old Testament Theology. The review concludes with reference to his way of practising critical theology, taking full cognisance of research (...)
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    Farewell to an Old Friend.Gary R. Habermas - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (1):213-220.
    This essay is a personal tribute to the life of philosopher Antony Flew (1923–2010). After some brief comments about Flew’s life, the article is divided into academic and personal memories that were shared between Gary Habermas and him. Included are details of various academic publications, debates, critiques, as well as several private discussions.
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  45. Patriotism and Old Stones.Ignacio Bernal & Jeanne Ferguson - 1984 - Diogenes 32 (125):1-10.
    In various parts of the world—of which Mexico is one example— archaeology has been not only an academic discipline but has followed other motivations and goals, some valid and others more disputable: formation of a nationality, a need to know ancient roots, importance of a distinct art for understanding past societies or simply the promotion of tourism by attracting people to visit recently-excavated monuments or those that are already famous. In this paper, I intend to present the case of Mexico.
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    Does the gender of the teacher really matter? Seven‐ to eight‐year‐olds' accounts of their interactions with their teachers.Bruce Carrington, Becky Francis, Merryn Hutchings, Christine Skelton, Barbara Read & Ian Hall - 2007 - Educational Studies 33 (4):397-413.
    In recent years, policy?makers in England, Australia and other countries have called for measures to increase male recruitment to the teaching profession, particularly to the primary sector. This policy of targeted recruitment is predicated upon a number of unexamined assumptions about the benefits of matching teachers and pupils by gender. For example, it is held that the dearth of male ?role models? in schools continues to have an adverse effect on boys? academic motivation and engagement. Utilizing data from interviews with (...)
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    Aspects of the concept of theo-logy in the Old Testament: A discussion on J. Gericke.Christo Lombaard - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4).
    In this contribution, an aspect of the research of one of the more distinct voices in South African theology, Jaco Gericke, is contextualised and outlined. Although Old Testament Theology is an oft-enough reflected on topic by South African Bible scholars, such a theology is never written by South African scholars. However, Gericke’s work tends in this direction. His work on God-talk, theo-logy, is the more important for our time, because it often relates to the kind of ideas popularly related to (...)
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    Who Responds to Phishing Emails? An International Investigation of 15-Year-Olds Using PISA Data.John Jerrim - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (6):701-724.
    Young people are facing an ever-increasing array of online dangers. One of the most common is receipt of a phishing email. This paper presents new evidence on the characteristics of young people most likely to respond to such emails. I find approximately one-in-seven 15-year-olds are at risk of responding to a phishing email, rising to one-in-five amongst those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Such risks are particularly high amongst young people with low levels of cognitive skill. Unfortunately, students who are taught (...)
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    Boys-Specific Text-Comprehension Enhancement With Dual Visual-Auditory Text Presentation Among 12–14 Years-Old Students.Maria Jose Alvarez-Alonso, Cristina de-la-Peña, Zaira Ortega & Ricardo Scott - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Quality of language comprehension determines performance in all kinds of activities including academics. Processing of words initially develops as auditory, and gradually extends to visual as children learn to read. School failure is highly related to listening and reading comprehension problems. In this study we analyzed sex-differences in comprehension of texts in Spanish in three modalities presented to 12–14-years old students, native in Spanish. We controlled relevant cognitive variables such as attention, phonological and semantic fluency and speed of processing. (...)
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  50.  23
    When Intellectual Paradigms Shift: Does the End of the Old Mark the Beginning of the New?Jacob Neusner - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (3):241-260.
    In the age of change in the institutional and conceptual setting in which the ancient tradition of Jewish learning would go forward, what we see in the two most important figures of the transitional generation is only the end of the old, not the beginning of the new. Saul Lieberman continued the received tradition that learning means exegesis of texts, but did not fully master the logic of that received tradition and so distorted it. Salo W. Baron undertook a new (...)
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