Results for 'Ondřej Lánský'

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  1. The genealogy of colonial hardship: The inspiration and constellation of Dussel's philosophy of liberation.Ondrej Lansky - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (4):555-574.
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    Resilience as a Methodological Challenge for Axel Honneth’s Critical Theory.Ondřej Lánský - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (10):1144-1158.
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    Milan Kreuzziger – Ondřej Lánský (eds.), Modernita/modernity v euroasijských a civilizačních kontextech. [REVIEW]Ivana Holzbachová - 2017 - Studia Philosophica 64 (2):113-117.
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    Meager-Additive Sets in Topological Groups.Ondřej Zindulka - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3):1046-1064.
    By the Galvin–Mycielski–Solovay theorem, a subset X of the line has Borel’s strong measure zero if and only if $M+X\neq \mathbb {R}$ for each meager set M.A set $X\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ is meager-additive if $M+X$ is meager for each meager set M. Recently a theorem on meager-additive sets that perfectly parallels the Galvin–Mycielski–Solovay theorem was proven: A set $X\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ is meager-additive if and only if it has sharp measure zero, a notion akin to strong measure zero.We investigate the (...)
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    On Semantic Games for Łukasiewicz Logic.Ondrej Majer & Christian Fermüller - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu (eds.), Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 263-278.
    We explore different ways to generalize Hintikka’s classic game theoretic semantics to a many-valued setting, where the unit interval is taken as the set of truth values. In this manner a plethora of characterizations of Łukasiewicz logic arise. Among the described semantic games is Giles’s dialogue and betting game, presented in a manner that makes the relation to Hintikka’s game more transparent. Moreover, we explain a so-called explicit evaluation game and a ‘bargaining game’ variant of it. We also describe a (...)
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    School culture at risk of political and methodological expropriation.Ondrej Kaščák, Branislav Pupala, Ivan Lukšík & Miroslava Lemešová - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (4):524-538.
    The aim of this article is to problematize the concept of school culture both as a concept and as a subject of investigation. It deals with the historical roots of this concept and the fact that it is shrinking—a consequence of the managerial imperatives of effectiveness and accountability in education. School culture, in relation to the quality of schools and the quality of education, has become the subject of audits, arrived at through a developed network of standardisation in education, testing (...)
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    Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology.Ondřej Švec & Jakub Čapek (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    _Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology_ offers a complex analysis of the pragmatic theses that are present in the works of leading phenomenological authors, including not only Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, as it is often the case within Hubert Dreyfus’ tradition, but also Husserl, Levinas, Scheler, and Patocka. Starting from a critical reassessment of existing pragmatic readings which draw especially on Heidegger’s account of Being-in-the-world, the volume’s chapters explore the following themes as possible justifications for speaking about the pragmatic turn in phenomenology: the (...)
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    Irelevantnosť Turingovho testu v súčasnom hlbokom učení.Ondrej Hriadel - 2021 - Pro-Fil 22 (2):28.
    The role of artificial intelligence in the Turing test is to imitate human beings to such an extent that people will not realize it is a machine. With the rise of deep learning (a subcategory of AI), the situation is changing rapidly as the new systems do not focus on imitating human intelligence but emphasize thorough solutions to specific issues. The main difference between predefined AI and deep learning (DL) is that these systems are self-learning and have verifiable results. Firstly, (...)
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  9. Jan Mukařovský: The Semiology of Art.Ondřej Sládek - 2016 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):184-235.
    An introduction to an English translation of Jan Mukařovský´s lecture The Semiology of Art. In this lecture Mukařovský, a Czech aesthetician, literary historian, theorist, and leading proponent of Czech structuralism, develops his interpretation of the semiotics of art from a detailed explanation of the basic functions of the artistic sign. He emphasizes the role of the aesthetic function, which is dominant but latently and potentially contained in all the other functions of the linguistic and the artistic sign. He then defines (...)
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    Speculative sons of Ulysses and the inhuman “worlds without people”.Ondřej Váša - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (Special issue 1):112-140.
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    Von Beispielen lernen. Der Mensch und das Nicht-Menschliche.Ondřej Beran - 2023 - Distinctio 2 (2):59-84.
    In diesem Beitrag wird argumentiert, dass Beispiele nicht nur als rhetorische Unterstützung für eine vorgestellte allgemeine These verwendet werden, sondern auch ohne Erklärung zirkulieren (ob mit oder ohne versteckte Absicht). Wir treffen oft auf Besonderheiten (Personen, Fälle, Situationen, Geschichten usw.), die erst mit der Zeit die Bedeutung eines Beispiels für etwas annehmen. Das Lernen aus solchen Beispielen ist ein langwieriger Prozess, der darauf beruht, dass man ernsthafte und bedeutsame Aspekte (oft im Zusammenhang mit wesentlichen Strukturen des menschlichen Lebens) erkennt, die (...)
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    An Analysis of the Creative Potential in Individual Regions of The Czech Republic.Ondřej Chwaszcz & Jitka Kloudová - 2013 - Creative and Knowledge Society 3 (1):17-27.
    Purpose of the article: Although the economic growth and society are two independent terms at the first sight, they are in fact closely connected and interact with each other. The main topic of this work is the creative economy, which is considered to be a part of growth theories. Thanks to the new approach, theorists supplement these theories with the demographic and the socio-cultural factor. First, the work establishes a comprehensive theoretical framework for economic growth. Furthermore, it analyses the representation (...)
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    Allen Carlson and Sheila Lintott (eds): Nature, Aesthetics, and Environmentalism: From Beauty to Duty.Ondřej Dadejík - 2008 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 45 (2):235-242.
    A review of Allen Carlson‘s and Sheila Lintott‘s (eds) Nature, Aesthetics, and Environmentalism: From Beauty to Duty (New York: Columbia University Press, 2008, 458 pp. ISBN 9780231138864).
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  14. (1 other version)More Than a Story: The Two-dimensional Aesthetics of the Forest.Ondřej Dadejík & Vlastimil Zuska - 2010 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 47 (1):27-20.
    This article presents a general conception of aesthetic experience built on an analysis of the relationship between the narrative and the ambient dimensions of the aesthetic value of a natural environment, the forest. First of all, the two dimensions are presented with respect to the possibilities and problems raised by distinguishing between them. Next, the possibilities of their relationship are analysed and it is argued that they are strongly complementary. This complementarity becomes the core of the proposed conception of aesthetic (...)
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    Revolutionaries and Global Politics: War Machines from the Bolsheviks to ISIS.Ondrej Ditrych (ed.) - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    3D reconstruction of grains in polycrystalline materials using a tessellation model with curved grain boundaries.Ondřej Šedivý, Tim Brereton, Daniel Westhoff, Leoš Polívka, Viktor Beneš, Volker Schmidt & Aleš Jäger - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (18):1926-1949.
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    Roman References in Early Modern Central European Confessional Architecture.Ondřej Jakubec - 2015 - Convivium 2 (1):250-267.
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    Critical issues in contemporary education: Prolegomena.Ondrej Kaščák & Branislav Pupala - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (1):3-10.
    This paper summarizes the problematic aspects of a globalized neoliberal culture in education. Linking to the particular studies of this monothematic volume it discusses the consequences of the globalization of a testing culture in schools, the issues of developing civic literacy in the context of current education practice and the issues of forming a historic consciousness in present schools relating to the existing social discourse. Language teaching, currently dominated by the concept of language literacy or the concept of language education (...)
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    Commentary on" Does the Professor Talk to God?".Melvin R. Lansky - 1995 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 2 (2):159-160.
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    Perspectives on perspectivism.Melvin R. Lansky - 1999 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 6 (3):179-180.
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    Probabilities in possible worlds.Ondrej Majer - 2003 - In Hans Rott & Vitezslav Horak (eds.), Possibility and Reality. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 139-148.
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    Filozofia i rewolucja. Piotr Tkaczow o roli filozofii w zmienianiu świata.Ondrej Marchevský - 2017 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 7 (4):127-140.
    In the following paper, the meaning of philosophy as a specific intellectual activity would be presented on the example of revolutionary thoughts of Peter Tkachov. The paper concerns with the understanding of philosophy, its characteristics and status within the Russian intellectual movement in the second half of the 19th century. The understanding of both, individual and social functions of philosophy in the work of Tkachov revolutionary writing, is introduced. The paper is set within a wider framework of Thachov thoughts and (...)
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    Immanuel Kant “on the Borders” of A. Bely’s Symbolism.Ondrej Marchevsky - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):427-438.
    The occasion of the 100th anniversary of I. Kant’s death was a colossal impulse for many researchers of Immanuel Kant’s legacy. One of the goals of the paper is to introduce one of the less known anniversary critical texts, which appeared in the Russian intellectual milieu. It attempts to disrupt the usual approach regarding the interpretation of Bely’s comprehension of Kant’s legacy, i.e., Kant as a skeleton of philosophy or a police officer of thinking. The paper points to a more (...)
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  24. Philosophical generation as an optics in the study of Slovak philosophical thought of the 20 th century.Ondrej Marchevský - 2024 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 14 (3-4):151-162.
    The term philosophical generation, or generations, covers one such initiative in new readings in the history of 20th century philosophy, ethics, and moral philosophy. It focuses its attention on interactions between philosophers as personalities, as teachers of philosophy, and their student-philosophers. It is interested in the interactions that shape the tradition of philosophical thinking and ethics in such unique environments as university departments, institutes of academies, scientific societies, journal editorial offices, or publishing houses. The present study provides an analysis of (...)
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    Journal for Philosophy English menu.Ondrej Mészáros - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (10):784-795.
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    Novokantovstvo a teória hodnôt V maďarskej filozofii na prelome 19. a 20. storočia.Ondrej Mészáros - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (10).
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  27. Education in the epoch of scientific-technological revolution.Ondrej Pavllk - 1972 - Paideia 2:189.
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    Sociological hermeneutics and metaphors in social sciences: a problem of demarcation concrete empirical and concrete imaginative concepts.Ondřej Stulík - 2015 - E-Logos 22 (1):92-102.
    Článek je zaměřen na vybrané implikace mezi sociologickou hermeneutikou (přístup) a analýzou metafor (analytický koncept). Konkrétně je řešen vztah lingvistického kontextu textu (jako empirického korpusu) a vyplývajících (skrytých) implikací, které jsou odhalitelné díky kontextu metaforického významu. Určený vztah může pomoci k zpřesnění role sociologické hermeneutiky v sociálních vědách, konkrétně k možnosti volby v kvalitativních metodách skrze kritickou metodologii. Výstupem článku je konstatování silné vazby mezi tvorbou kontextuálních metafor a postavením polysémického slova ve větě, která díky tomu tvoří základním referenční objekt (...)
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    Love in the Absence of Judgment.Ondřej Beran - 2019 - Philosophy and Literature 43 (2):519-534.
    Love—for most of its theorists—involves thinking about certain further things that define what love is. Thus, according to some theories, love amounts to unconditional concern about the beloved’s well-being.1 Other theories, such as Troy Jollimore’s, suggest that love is a kind of appreciative response to the qualities of the beloved person.2 These viewpoints seem to require a particular kind of epistemic focus on the part of the lovers. You have to be clear about what promotes your beloved’s well-being; spare an (...)
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    Two concepts of a lie.Ondřej Krása - 2022 - Filosoficky Casopis 70 (Special issue 1):50-67.
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  31. Glock, Hans Johann (2018). Semantics: Why rules ought to matter. In: Beran, Ondrej; Kolman, Vojtech; Koren, Ladislav. From rules to meanings: New essays on inferentialism. London, 63-80.Hans Johann Glock, Ondrej Beran, Vojtech Kolman & Ladislav Koren (eds.) - 2018
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  32. Knowledge Interpretation in Substructural Frames.Ondrej Majer & Michal Pelis - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20:79-98.
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    Things as Pragmata.Ondřej Švec - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    The aim of my paper is to reformulate the Husserlian problem of phenomena from a more pragmatic perspective, inspired by Jan Patočka. Instead of searching for a correlation between transcendent being and its subjective modes of givenness, the pragmatically oriented phenomenology should ask: How does the appearance of things unfold through our different modes of engaging with the world? In order to answer such a question, I propose to interpret the three movements of human existence differentiated by Patočka as three (...)
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    Odevzdání bez přijetí? K motivu existence mezi Jaspersem a Patočkou.Ondřej Sikora - 2024 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2023 (65):25-48.
    The essay presents Patočka’s intellectual relationship to Karl Jaspers on the basis of his texts from the 1960s and 1970s, with a starting point in the 1969 study What is Existence?. After introducing some general connections and differences, based in particular on the forms of heresy in both philosophers, the basic contours of the notion of existence are examined more closely. Patočka understands existence as the performance of a threefold movement that is in many respects problematic. The virtue of Jaspers’ (...)
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    Misunderstanding the Talk(s) of the Divine: Theodicy in the Wittgensteinian Tradition.Ondřej Beran - 2017 - Sophia 56 (2):183-205.
    The paper discusses the unique approach to the problem of evil employed by the Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion and ethics that is primarily represented by D. Z. Phillips. Unlike traditional solutions to the problem, Phillips’ solution consists in questioning its meaningfulness—he attacks the very ideas of God’s omnipotence, of His perfect goodness and of the need to ‘calculate’ God’s goodness against the evil within the world. A possible weakness of Phillips’ approach is his unreflected use of what he calls ‘our (...)
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    Mukaøovský’s Structuralism and Semiotics.Ondřej Sládek - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):184.
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    Addiction from a Normativist’s Point of View.Ondřej Beran - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 28:13-17.
    The paper discusses alternatives of philosophical approach to addiction. While not denying the central position of problems of will or craving, it focuses on the broader anthropological context of addiction, using Heidegger’s existential analyses. It appears that addiction – in some cases, because an essentialist exposition is not viable here – is characterized by a defective pattern of the agent’s choice among possibilities and of temporality. The anecdotic observations can be synthesized into a treatise of addiction as a normative disorder: (...)
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  38. Ernest Gellner O Wittgensteinovi.Ondrej Beran - 2006 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 31:144-149.
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    Feminist epistemology and a fictional narrative on love.Ondřej Beran - 2015 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 19 (1).
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    Living with rules: Wittgensteinian reflections on normativity.Ondrej Beran - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    The World of Rules - Rules and the Particularity of Agents - The Orientation Turn - Rules and Persons in Morally-Loaded Situations - Addiction: A Normative Disorder - Beyond Perspective: Towards a Story - The Difficult Blessing of Being a Normative Creature.
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    Normativita nespolupráce.Ondřej Beran - 2010 - Filosofie Dnes 2 (2):41-57.
    Tento článek se zabývá problematikou (organizované) nespolupráce a černého pasažérismu; jeho cílem je ukázat „spolupráci“ a „nespolupráci“ jako relativní pojmy odpovídající různým úrovním popisu. Závěrem naznačuje, že fenomén organizovaného obcházení pravidel může představovat problém pro naturalistické varianty teorie společenské smlouvy.
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    Traumatické vzpomínky a jednání.Ondřej Beran - 2015 - Filosofie Dnes 6 (2):22-42.
    Článek zkoumá status paměti jako determinanty přítomného lidského jednání na specifickém příkladu posttraumatické stresové poruchy. Snažím se ukázat, že vztah mezi prožitkem zpřítomněným pamětí a jednáním není kauzální a logický, nýbrž že ve světle prožitého traumatu (zprávy o něm) dává přítomné jednání smysl. Struktura této provázanosti je spíše narativní či hermeneutická.
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  43. Wittgenstein, Husserl a Heidegger – intersubjektivita smyslu.Ondřej Beran - 2006 - Filosoficky Casopis 54 (4):523-559.
    Wittgenstein, Husserl, and Heidegger – the intersubjectivity. of sense].
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    Mezi suverenitou a světovým státem. Nezavršená demokracie.Ondřej Císař - 2004 - In Marek Hrubec (ed.), Globální spravedlnost a demokracie. Praha: Filosofia. pp. 157--176.
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    Allen Carlson and Sheila Lintott (eds): Nature, Aesthetics, and Environmentalism: From Beauty to Duty.Ondřej Dadejík - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 45 (2):235.
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  46. (1 other version)Some Remarks on Descriptive and Negative Aesthetic Concepts: A Critical Note.Ondřej Dadejík & Štěpán Kubalík - 2013 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 50 (2):206-211.
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  47. The Research and Teaching of Aesthetics in the Visegrad Countries: A Survey (Aesthetics in Central Europe).Ondřej Dadejík, Oliver Bakoš, Mária Valentová, Jana Sošková, Tomáš Hlobil, Jakub Stejskal, Piotr J. Przybysz, Monika Bokiniec & Zoltán Papp - 2009 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics:203-218.
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    Znovuzrození přírodní krásy: Ronald W. Hepburn.Ondřej Dadejík - 2007 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 44 (1-4):2-27.
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    Towards perpetual neoliberalism in education: The Slovak path to postcommunist transformation.Ondrej Kaščák & Branislav Pupala - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (4):545-563.
    Slovak education policy is an example of the kind of transformations occurring in the education spheres of postcommunist countries. While at the end of the 1990s, it seemed that education policy was still attempting to ensure that Slovakia caught up with education levels in western countries, the period that followed brought with it a shift towards neoliberalization of the education sector and towards the economization of education. Slovakia’s entry into the EU was accompanied by the total assimilation of the neoliberal (...)
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    Shall We Teachs Shall: A Systematic Step-By-Step Approach.Ondřej Klabal - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 53 (1):119-139.
    The paper discusses the status of shall in today’s legal drafting and legal translation, and by presenting typologies by a number of authors briefly addresses the variety of meanings it is used to express, in both legislation and contracts. It introduces the “shall dilemma” faced by non-native legal translators working both from and into English. The dilemma consists in the discrepancy between the promiscuous and abundant use of shall in authentic as well as translated documents, on the one hand, and (...)
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