Results for 'Ontic Therapy '

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  1. Philosophy And A Career In Counseling.William Angelett - 1990 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (2):73-75.
    Ontic Therapy is briefly defined. I discuss the early context within which the development of Ontic Therapy unfolds and provide the reader some preliminary heuristic tools for engaging in this novel therapy.
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  2. In defence of non-ontic accounts of quantum states.Simon Friederich - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (2):77-92.
    The paper discusses objections against non-hidden variable versions of the epistemic conception of quantum states—the view that quantum states do not describe the properties of quantum systems but reflect, in some way to be specified, the epistemic conditions of agents assigning them. In the first half of the paper, the main motivation for the epistemic conception of quantum states is sketched, and a version of it is outlined, which combines ideas from an earlier study of it with elements of Richard (...)
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  3. El psicoanálisis existencial: Existential Psychoanalysis.Juan Gómez - 2013 - HASER. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada 4:29-50.
    El psicoanálisis existencial es una de esas críticas constructivas derivadas del psicoanálisis empírico que intenta abrirse camino como alternativa, renovación y modelo de terapia psicoanalítica. Ha encontrado una fundamentación óntico-ontológica desde la cual mostrar al ser descrito tal como se manifiesta en tres estadios concretos: el para-sí, en-sí y para-otro, para llegar a ver que las relaciones con los otros son las que nos provocan esos desequilibrios psíquicos. Nuestro psicoanálisis se plantea como una superación al psicoanálisis empírico en el rechazo (...)
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  4. Down the Slippery Slope.Nils Holtug & Human Gene Therapy - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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  5. Modular diploma in complementary medicine, the letchworth centre for homoeopathy and complementary medicine.Are Natural Therapies Safe - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Effects of Dance Movement Therapy and Dance on Health-Related Psychological Outcomes. A Meta-Analysis Update.Sabine C. Koch, Roxana F. F. Riege, Katharina Tisborn, Jacelyn Biondo, Lily Martin & Andreas Beelmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Efficacy of Metacognitive Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Nicoline Normann & Nexhmedin Morina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Empirical Support for the Moral Salience of the Therapy-Enhancement Distinction in the Debate Over Cognitive, Affective and Social Enhancement.Laura Y. Cabrera, Nicholas S. Fitz & Peter B. Reiner - 2014 - Neuroethics 8 (3):243-256.
    The ambiguity regarding whether a given intervention is perceived as enhancement or as therapy might contribute to the angst that the public expresses with respect to endorsement of enhancement. We set out to develop empirical data that explored this. We used Amazon Mechanical Turk to recruit participants from Canada and the United States. Each individual was randomly assigned to read one vignette describing the use of a pill to enhance one of 12 cognitive, affective or social domains. The vignettes (...)
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    Moving Beyond ‘Therapy’ and ‘Enhancement’ in the Ethics of Gene Editing.Bryan Cwik - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (4):695-707.
    :Since the advent of recombinant DNA technology, expectations about the potential for altering genes and controlling our biology at the fundamental level have been sky high. These expectations have gone largely unfulfilled. But though the dream of being able to control our biology is still far off, gene editing research has made enormous strides toward potential clinical use. This paper argues that when it comes to determining permissible uses of gene editing in one important medical context—germline intervention in reproductive medicine—issues (...)
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    The (Re) Production of the Genetically Related Body in Law, Technology and Culture: Mitochondria Replacement Therapy.Danielle Griffiths - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (3):196-209.
    Advances in medicine in the latter half of the twentieth century have dramatically altered human bodies, expanding choices around what we do with them and how they connect to other bodies. Nowhere is this more so than in the area of reproductive technologies. Reproductive medicine and the laws surrounding it in the UK have reconfigured traditional boundaries surrounding parenthood and the family. Yet culture and regulation surrounding RTs have combined to try to ensure that while traditional boundaries may be pushed, (...)
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  11. Law and Well-Being: Applying the Philosophy of Occupational Therapy in Schools.Farzaneh Yazdani & Christopher Williams - 2009 - Philosophical Practice 4 (1):393-406.
    How does law effect well-being? Can school rules influence the feel-good factor among children? If a self-perception of being ‘good’ improves well-being, people would prefer to be good—even children. But traditional school rules are often contrary to the principles of well-being, and create ‘good criminals’. Starting from the seemingly absurd truth—‘crime is caused by the law’— the paper proposes that children should learn to view law critically and creatively. Then, through a novel application of Occupational Therapy , and using (...)
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    Editorial: Metacognitive Therapy: Science and Practice of a Paradigm.Adrian Wells, Lora Capobianco, Gerald Matthews & Hans M. Nordahl - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The metaphysics of mechanisms: an ontic structural realist perspective.Yihan Jiang - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-22.
    Existing metaphysical accounts of mechanisms commit to the existence of objects or entities posited in scientific theories, and thus fall within the category of maximal metaphysics. In this paper, I demonstrate the incompatibility of object-based metaphysics of mechanisms with the prevailing trend in the philosophy of physics by discussing the so-called bottoming-out problem. In response, I propose and flesh out a structuralist metaphysics of mechanisms based on Ontic Structural Realism (OSR), which is a kind of minimal metaphysics. I argue (...)
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    Awareness under anesthesia during electroconvulsive therapy treatment.Prashant Gajwani, David Muzina, Kerning Gao & Joseph R. Calabrese - 2006 - Journal of ECT 22 (2):158-159.
  15. An Existential Perspective on Addiction Treatment: A Logic-based therapy case study.Guy du Plessis - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 5 (1):1-32.
    In this essay I argue that a comprehensive understanding of addiction and its treatment should include an existential perspective. I provide a brief overview of an existential perspective of addiction and recovery, which will contextualize the remainder of the essay. I then present a case study of how the six-step philosophical practice method of Logic-Based Therapy can assist with issues that often arise in addiction treatment framed through an existential perspective.
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  16. The ethics of biomedical military research: Therapy, prevention, enhancement, and risk.Alexandre Erler & Vincent C. Müller - 2021 - In Daniel Messelken & David Winkler (eds.), Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity. Springer. pp. 235-252.
    What proper role should considerations of risk, particularly to research subjects, play when it comes to conducting research on human enhancement in the military context? We introduce the currently visible military enhancement techniques (1) and the standard discussion of risk for these (2), in particular what we refer to as the ‘Assumption’, which states that the demands for risk-avoidance are higher for enhancement than for therapy. We challenge the Assumption through the introduction of three categories of enhancements (3): therapeutic, (...)
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    Moral assessment of growth hormone therapy for children with idiopathic short stature.M. Verweij & F. Kortmann - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (5):305-309.
    The prescription of growth hormone therapy for children who are not growth hormone deficient is one of the controversies in contemporary paediatric endocrinology. Is it morally appropriate to enhance the growth, by means of medical treatment, of a child wish idiopathic short stature? The medical, moral, and philosophical questions in this area are many. Data on the effects of human growth hormone (hGH) treatment will not on their own provide us with answers, as these effects have to be evaluated (...)
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  18. The Ontological Argument as an Exercise in Cartesian Therapy.Lawrence Nolan - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):521 - 562.
    I argue that Descartes intended the so-called ontological "argument" as a self-validating intuition, rather than as a formal proof. The textual evidence for this view is highly compelling, but the strongest support comes from understanding Descartes's diagnosis for why God's existence is not 'immediately' self-evident to everyone and the method of analysis that he develops for making it self-evident. The larger aim of the paper is to use the ontological argument as a case study of Descartes's nonformalist theory of deduction (...)
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  19. How to practise philosophy as therapy: Philosophical therapy and therapeutic philosophy.Eugen Fischer - 2011 - Metaphilosophy 42 (1-2):49-82.
    Abstract: The notion that philosophy can be practised as a kind of therapy has become a focus of debate. This article explores how philosophy can be practised literally as a kind of therapy, in two very different ways: as philosophical therapy that addresses “real-life problems” (e.g., Sextus Empiricus) and as therapeutic philosophy that meets a need for therapy which arises in and from philosophical reflection (e.g., Wittgenstein). With the help of concepts adapted from cognitive and clinical (...)
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    Ethical aspects of the current German law regarding opiate maintenance therapy.Annemarie Heberlein - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (4):287-299.
    Obwohl die Substitutionsbehandlung nachweislich den Gesundheitszustand opiatabhängiger Patienten verbessern und die Beschaffungskriminalität reduzieren kann, bestehen enge gesetzliche Regelungen, die die Therapiefreiheit der behandelnden Ärzte stark begrenzen: So werden durch das Betäubungsmittelgesetz und die zugehörigen Verordnungen nicht nur das Behandlungsziel (Abstinenz) sondern auch notwendige Therapiebausteine definiert, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, die Therapietreue des Patienten zu kontrollieren. Deutsche Ärzte, die die strengen Auflagen nicht strikt befolgten, wurden zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt. Wie der Artikel zeigt, fördern die bestehenden Gesetze eine „kontrollierende“ statt einer motivierenden (...)
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    A. Jean Ayres and the development of sensory integration: a case study in the development and fragmentation of a scientific therapy network.Michael E. Gorman & Nora H. Kashani - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (2):107-129.
    Jean Ayres invented Sensory Integration for children experiencing learning and social difficulties because, according to Ayres, they could not adequately integrate information from multiple sensory modalities. She established a scientific basis for her identification of children with sensory integrative difficulties, using statistical techniques to identify symptoms and neuroscience to determine a cause. She was an unusually reflective practitioner who catalyzed a community of practice around SI without becoming a guru—indeed, she encouraged her students to come up with their own ideas (...)
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    Drawing on Dialogues in Arts-Based Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (ADIT) for Complex Depression: A Complex Intervention Development Study Using the Medical Research Council (UK) Phased Guidance.Dominik Havsteen-Franklin, Mary Oley, Sarah Jane Sellors & Diane Eagles - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aim: The aim of this paper is to present the development and evaluation of an art psychotherapy brief treatment method for complex depression for patients referred to mental health services.Background: Art Psychotherapy literature describes a range of processes of relational change through the use of arts focused and relationship focused interventions. Complex depression has a prevalence of 3% of the population in the West and it is recorded that in 2016 only 28% of that population were receiving psychological treatment. This (...)
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    Polysomnographic Predictors of Treatment Response to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Participants With Co-morbid Insomnia and Sleep Apnea: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial.Alexander Sweetman, Bastien Lechat, Peter G. Catcheside, Simon Smith, Nick A. Antic, Amanda O’Grady, Nicola Dunn, R. Doug McEvoy & Leon Lack - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveCo-morbid insomnia and sleep apnea is a common and debilitating condition that is more difficult to treat compared to insomnia or sleep apnea-alone. Emerging evidence suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is effective in patients with COMISA, however, those with more severe sleep apnea and evidence of greater objective sleep disturbance may be less responsive to CBTi. Polysomnographic sleep study data has been used to predict treatment response to CBTi in patients with insomnia-alone, but not in patients with (...)
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  24. How Does Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy Work? A Systematic Review on Suggested Mechanisms of Action.Ramon Landin-Romero, Ana Moreno-Alcazar, Marco Pagani & Benedikt L. Amann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:286360.
    Background: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing [EMDR] is an innovative, evidence-based and effective psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]. As with other psychotherapies, the effectiveness of EMDR contrasts with a limited knowledge of its underlying mechanism of action. In its relatively short life as a therapeutic option, EMDR has not been without controversy, in particular regarding the role of the bilateral stimulation as an active component of the therapy. The high prevalence of EMDR in clinical practice and the dramatic (...)
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    Single Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in Infants With the Sequelas of Unilateral Brachial Plexus Injury.Zhenzhen Cui, Xi le LiuChen, Haiyan Zeng, Shizhu Zheng & De Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:900214.
    ObjectiveTo explore the effect of modified constraint-induced movement therapy on upper limbs residual dysfunction for infancy with the sequelas of unilateral brachial plexus injury.MethodsSingle blind randomized controlled trial of mCIMT vs. standard care. An enrolling 31 infants with a uBPI exhibiting residual dysfunction of the affected upper limb for over 6 months was conducted. And functional outcomes pertaining to the affected upper limb were assessed via AMS, GRES, RHS, and MSS at 0, 3, and 6 months after treatment.ResultsNo differences (...)
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    Brain Vital Signs Detect Cognitive Improvements During Combined Physical Therapy and Neuromodulation in Rehabilitation From Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Report.Shaun D. Fickling, Trevor Greene, Debbie Greene, Zack Frehlick, Natasha Campbell, Tori Etheridge, Christopher J. Smith, Fabio Bollinger, Yuri Danilov, Rowena Rizzotti, Ashley C. Livingstone, Bimal Lakhani & Ryan C. N. D’Arcy - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:560042.
    Using a longitudinal case study design, we have tracked the recovery of motor function following severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) through a multimodal neuroimaging approach. In 2006, Canadian Soldier Captain (retired) Trevor Greene (TG) was attacked with an axe to the head while on tour in Afghanistan. TG continues intensive daily rehabilitation, which recently included the integration of physical therapy (PT) with neuromodulation using translingual neurostimulation (TLNS) to facilitate neuroplasticity. Recent findings with PT+TLNS demonstrated that recovery of motor function (...)
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  27. Genetic Disorders and the Ethical Status of Germ-Line Gene Therapy.E. M. Berger & B. M. Gert - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (6):667-683.
    Recombinant DNA technology will soon allow physicians an opportunity to carry out both somatic cell- and Germ-Line gene therapy. While somatic cell gene therapy raises no new ethical problems, gene therapy of gametes, fertilized eggs or early embryos does raise several novel concerns. The first issue discussed here relates to making a distinction between negative and positive eugenics; the second issue deals with the evolutionary consequences of lost genetic diversity. In distinguishing between positive and negative eugenics, the (...)
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    Germ-line Gene therapy: Back to basics.Eric T. Juengst - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (6):587-592.
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    Neurobiological response to EMDR therapy in clients with different psychological traumas.Marco Pagani, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Leonardo Monaco, Andrea Daverio, Ioannis Giannoudas, Patrizia La Porta, Anna R. Verardo, Cinzia Niolu, Isabel Fernandez & Alberto Siracusano - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    How to Make Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Safer.Daniel Villiger - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-15.
    Classic serotonergic psychedelics are experiencing a clinical revival, which has also revived ethical debates about psychedelic-assisted therapy. A particular issue here is how to prepare and protect patients from the vulnerability that the psychedelic state creates. This article first examines how this vulnerability manifests itself, revealing that it results from an impairment of autonomy: psychedelics diminish decision-making capacity, reduce controllability, and limit resistance to external influences. It then analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of five safety measures proposed in the (...)
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    Towards interactive robots in autism therapy: background, motivation and challenges.Iain Werry & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (1):1-36.
    This article discusses the potential of using interactive environments in autism therapy. We specifically address issues relevant to the Aurora project, which studies the possible role of autonomous, mobile robots as therapeutic tools for children with autism. Theories of mindreading, social cognition and imitation that informed the Aurora project are discussed and their relevance to the project is outlined. Our approach is put in the broader context of socially intelligent agents and interactive environments. We summarise results from trials with (...)
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    Science, technology and society: reflections over the sequential antimicrobial therapy for complicated acute appendicitis.José Carlos Bueno Rodríguez - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (1):185-195.
    Actualmente los estudios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad constituyen un importante espacio de trabajo en la política pública, la educación y la investigación. La introducción de nuevos procedimientos y tecnologías en la atención médica debe analizarse desde la perspectiva de los estudios de CTS porque requiere de un sustento científico-tecnológico y tiene que cumplir, entre otros, con los requisitos éticos de aplicabilidad a los seres humanos. La utilización secuencial de los antimicrobianos en el tratamiento postoperatorio de la apendicitis aguda complicada (...)
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  33. Genetic Protection Modifications: Moving Beyond the Binary Distinction Between Therapy and Enhancement for Human Genome Editing.Rasmus Bjerregaard Mikkelsen, Henriette Reventlow S. Frederiksen, Mickey Gjerris, Bjørn Holst, Poul Hyttel, Yonglun Luo, Kristine Freude & Peter Sandøe - 2019 - CRISPR Journal 2 (6):362-369.
    Current debate and policy surrounding the use of genetic editing in humans often relies on a binary distinction between therapy and human enhancement. In this paper, we argue that this dichotomy fails to take into account perhaps the most significant potential uses of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in humans. We argue that genetic treatment of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, breast- and ovarian-cancer causing BRCA1/2 mutations and the introduction of HIV resistance in humans should be considered within a new category of genetic (...)
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    What is a cure through gene therapy? An analysis and evaluation of the use of “cure”.Lieke Baas, Karina Meijer, Annelien L. Bredenoord & Rieke van der Graaf - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (4):489-496.
    The development of gene therapy has always come with the expectation that it will offer a cure for various disorders, of which hemophilia is a paradigm example. However, although the term is used regularly, it is unclear what exactly is meant with “cure”. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse how the concept of cure is used in practice and evaluate which of the interpretations is most suitable in discussions surrounding gene therapy. We analysed how cure (...)
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    Temptation and Therapy: Wittgensteinian Responses to Other Minds Skepticism.Sofia Miguens - 2019 - Wittgenstein-Studien 10 (1):227-239.
    Although many philosophers have, throughout history, regarded themselves as answering the skeptic, the question arises whether answering the skeptic is the thing to do. If not, the question becomes how else to respond to her. Wittgenstein-inspired stances are, in general, therapeutic. In this article I focus on the problem of other minds in order to analyze and compare the different shapes such therapeutic stances may have. I begin by showing how crucial resisting the temptation to answer the skeptic was for (...)
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    The role of laughter in cognitive-behavioral therapy: Case studies.Carla Canestrari & Alberto Dionigi - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (3):323-339.
    This study reports an analysis using the conversation analytical approach of the use of laughter within a corpus of cognitive therapy sessions. The results relating to eight first encounter sessions reveal that a client’s laughter may accompany disagreement as well as agreement with the therapist. In both cases, the therapist does not reciprocate the client’s laughter and replies by investigating the client in question’s condition, and this approach to the client’s laughter produces significant results in therapeutic work. This article (...)
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  37. Neural Mechanisms of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Network-Based fMRI Approach.Semra A. Aytur, Kimberly L. Ray, Sarah K. Meier, Jenna Campbell, Barry Gendron, Noah Waller & Donald A. Robin - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, which causes more disability than any other medical condition in the United States at a cost of $560–$635 billion per year. Opioid analgesics are frequently used to treat CP. However, long term use of opioids can cause brain changes such as opioid-induced hyperalgesia that, over time, increase pain sensation. Also, opioids fail to treat complex psychological factors that worsen pain-related disability, including beliefs about and emotional responses to pain. Cognitive behavioral therapy (...)
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    Legal medicine implications in fibrinolytic therapy of acute ischemic stroke.Monica Sabau, Simona Bungau, Camelia Liana Buhas, Gheorghe Carp, Lucia-Georgeta Daina, Claudia Teodora Judea-Pusta, Bogdan Adrian Buhas, Claudia Maria Jurca, Cristian Marius Daina & Delia Mirela Tit - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-9.
    Before the advent of fibrinolytic therapy as a gold standard method of care for cases of acute ischemic stroke in Romania, issues regarding legal medicine aspects involved in this area of medical expertise were already presented and, in the majority of cases, the doctors seem to be unprepared for these situations. The present research illustrates some of the cases in which these aspects were involved, that adressed a clinical center having 6 years of professional experience in the application of (...)
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    Siblings and Discordant Eligibility for Gene Therapy Research: Considering Parental Requests for Non-Trial "Compassionate Use”.Jamie Webb, Lesha D. Shah & Alison Bateman-House - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (4):359-363.
    Deciding whether to grant an expanded access request for a child whose sibling is enrolled in a gene therapy trial involves a number of complex factors: considering the best interests of the child, the psychosocial and economic impact on the family, and the concerns and obligations of researchers. Despite the challenges in coming to a substantively fair outcome in cases of discordant eligibility, creating a procedurally fair decision-making process to adjudicate requests is essential.
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    Moral Attitudes Toward Pharmacologically Assisted Couples Therapy: An Experimental Bioethics Study of Real-World 'Love Drugs'.Mey Bahar Buyukbabani, Brian D. Earp, Ivar Hannikainen, Tommaso Barba, Emilian Mihailov, David B. Yaden & Julian Savulescu - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience.
    In a recent study, Lantian and colleagues (2024) measured public attitudestoward the use of ‘love drugs’ as introduced through the work of Earp,Savulescu, and their collaborators. Use of a “revolutionary pill” (described as“100% reliable”) to bring about love is seen as less morally acceptable thanpsychological therapy toward the same end, and this is partly explained byperceptions that the pill-induced love is less authentic. However, the “pill” inquestion bears little resemblance to the real-world uses of love drugs discussedby Earp and (...)
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    A Self-Determination Theory and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based intervention aimed at increasing adherence to physical activity.Dalit Lev Arey, Asaf Blatt & Tomer Gutman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a physical activity intervention program designed to enhance levels of engagement in PA. Despite robust evidence supporting the beneficial effects of PA on overall health, only about 22% of individuals engage in the recommended minimum amount of PA. Recent surveys suggested that most individuals express intentions to be physically active, though the psychological state of amotivation dismissed these struggles. In the current study, we pilot-tested a new intervention program, (...)
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    Changes in Resilience in Students of Occupational Therapy After Their First Exposure to Practice Placement Education.María Del Carmen Rodríguez-Martínez, Abel Toledano-González, José-Matías Triviño-Juárez, Begoña Polonio-López, Antonio Segura-Fragoso, Olga López-Martín, Pablo Cantero-Garlito, Marta Rodríguez-Hernández, Ana-Isabel Corregidor-Sánchez & Dulce Romero-Ayuso - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Resilience is a multidimensional and dynamic construct associated with positive growth and the capacity to transform stressful and negative factors into opportunities of personal development and self-improvement when faced with difficult experiences. The resilience process of each individual integrates multiple analysis levels, which range from genetic-environmental interactions to a complex process of adaptation between the individual and his/her family, friends, co-workers, society, and culture.Objective: To determine whether resilience improves in students of occupational therapy when exposed for the first (...)
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    Forgoing Conventional Therapy in Phase I Oncology Research: Don't Forget About the Children.Cynthia Wetmore - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (4):72-73.
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    How Does Therapy Harm? A Model of Adverse Process Using Task Analysis in the Meta-Synthesis of Service Users' Experience.Joe Curran, Glenys D. Parry, Gillian E. Hardy, Jennifer Darling, Ann-Marie Mason & Eleni Chambers - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Rethinking objective homogeneity: Statistical versus ontic approaches.Richard N. Burnor - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 71 (3):307 - 325.
  46.  18
    God as Co-Created: The Two-fold Ontic Status of God.Edgar A. Towne - 2006 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 27 (2/3):204 - 213.
  47. The moral basis of animal-assisted therapy.Tzachi Zamir - 2006 - Society and Animals 14 (2):179-199.
    Is nonhuman animal-assisted therapy a form of exploitation? After exploring possible moral vindications of AAT and after establishing a distinction between "use" and "exploitation," the essay distinguishes between forms of animal-assisted therapy that are morally unobjectionable and those modes of it that ought to be abolished.
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  48. Reconciliation of Time Perspectives as a Criterion for Therapy Completion.Gerhard Stemberger, Elena Trombini & Giancarlo Trombini - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):101-119.
    Summary Giancarlo Trombini presents the continuation of his research on the question of which criteria can be used to assess the progress of therapy in an objectively verifiable way and to make the decision on the completion of therapy. In the first phase of his research, the phenomenological criterion of a qualitative change in the patient’s relations toward the positive and higher complexity was proposed for this purpose. In terms of the working method in analytic therapy, this (...)
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    What Is Narrative Therapy and How Can It Help Health Humanities?Arthur W. Frank - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (4):553-563.
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    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Induce Neuroplasticity and Significant Clinical Improvement in Patients Suffering From Fibromyalgia With a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse—Randomized Controlled Trial.Amir Hadanny, Yair Bechor, Merav Catalogna, Shir Daphna–Tekoah, Tal Sigal, Mehrzad Cohenpour, Rachel Lev-Wiesel & Shai Efrati - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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