Results for 'Ontology Phenomenology'

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  1. History in the Philosophy of Heidegger.".Ontology Phenomenology - 1958 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 12:117-32.
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  2. (1 other version)Ontological Phenomenology.David Woodruff Smith - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 7:243-251.
    Phenomenology is the study of conscious experience from the first-person point of view. Husserl used principles of formal ontology even as he bracketed the natural-cultural world in describing our experience, and Heidegger pursued fundamental ontology in his variety of phenomenology describing our own modes of existence. I shall address the role of ontology in phenomenology, and vice versa. Our account of what exists depends on our account of what and how we experience. But, moreover, (...)
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    Ontological phenomenology: The philosophical project of Hedwig Conrad-martius. [REVIEW]Alexandra Elisabeth Pfeiffer - 2008 - Axiomathes 18 (4):445-460.
    The special importance of the system of Hedwig Conrad-Martius lies in that she takes up the ideas of her teacher Husserl and pursues them on an independent path of phenomenology carefully anchored in the history of philosophy. This above all made possible the philosophical grasping of the then revolutionary findings in the modern natural sciences, especially in physics and medicine. The question concerning the border between the natural sciences and philosophy is today still debated with just as much urgency—indeed, (...)
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    MAN AND KNOWLEDGE: at the intersection of modern epistemology, ontology, phenomenology, philosophical anthropology.Valerii Zahorodniuk - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:7-19.
    The article is dedicated to the study of the relationship between the diversity of the world of knowledge and the world of man. The role of knowledge in human life is shown, the mechanism of its influence on the human world is revealed, the diversity of knowledge in the context of plurality of language images is revealed, the relationship of such philosophical disciplines as epistemology and philosophical anthropology, which deal with the problems of knowledge and man, respectively, is clarified. It (...)
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    Like giants immersed in time. Ontology, phenomenology, and Marcel Proust.Maurizio Ferraris & Enrico Terrone - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 70:92-106.
    Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time, raises an interesting philosophical issue, namely, how can one be in touch with past things if they no longer exist? It provides us with a way to address this issue by outlining an ontological view according to which past things still exist within a four-dimensional world. Although one cannot be in touch with past things by means of ordinary perception, one can do so by combining perception and memory. In this sense, In Search (...)
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    Not all transcendence is created equal: Distinguishing ontological, phenomenological, and subjective beliefs about transcendence.Kutter Callaway, Sarah Schnitker & Madison Gilbertson - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (4):479-510.
    Psychologists have generated numerous measures designed to capture the “spiritual,” “religious,” and “transcendent” structures of human cognition, emotion, and behavior. Researchers often identify...
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    The Human and the Non-Human. Hedwig Conrad-Martius’s Plural, Ontological Phenomenology.Giovanna Caruso - 2024 - Research in Phenomenology 54 (3):398-407.
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    Common-surrounding world and qualitative social ontology – phenomenological insights for the environment and its crisis.Francesca De Vecchi - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 75:33-51.
    I deal with the issue of the environmental crisis from the perspective of a phenomenologically embedded qualitative social ontology. The first point I make is that our environment is a «personal world», and not a «naturalistic world»: a world that is experienced in the «personalistic attitude» and as such is an ontologically qualitative world, in which both natural and social entities are given to us as essentially constituted by value-qualities and meanings, and not as merely material things. The second (...)
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  9. More phenomenology in psychiatry? Applied ontology as a method towards integration.Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen, Guilherme Messas, Maschião Luca, Valter Piedade & Janna Hastings - 2022 - The Lancet Psychiatry 9 (9):P751-758.
    There have been renewed calls to use phenomenology in psychiatry to improve knowledge about causation, diagnostics, and treatment of mental health conditions. A phenomenological approach aims to elucidate the subjective experiences of mental health, which its advocates claim have been largely neglected by current diagnostic frameworks in psychiatry (eg, DSM-5). The consequence of neglecting rich phenomenological information is a comparatively more constrained approach to theory development, empirical research, and care programmes. Although calls for more phenomenology in psychiatry have (...)
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    Social Efficiency and Instrumentalism in Education: Critical essays in ontology, phenomenology, and philosophical hermeneutics.Elias Schwieler - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (5):527-531.
  11.  21
    A Study of Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Ontological Phenomenology I : Focusing on the Early Real Ontology. 홍성하 - 2017 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 73:135-166.
    이 논문에서 콘라드-마티우스가 구상하고 있는 존재론적 현상학의 특징과 의미를 밝히고자 한다. 이미 20세기 초반에 소위 ‘뮌헨-괴팅겐 현상학파’의 멤버였던 팬더와 가이거 등이 존재론적 현상학을 구상하여 발전시키게 되며 콘라드-마티우스는 후설과 이들로부터 직간접으로 영향을 받게 된다. 초기 후설에게 있어서 사태가 의식을 의미한다면, 존재론적 현상학자들은 사태를 실재와 연관하여 이해한다. 콘라드-마티우스는 현상학의 흐름을 크게 ‘후설의 선험적이고 관념론적 현상학’, 하이데거의 ‘실존론적 현상학’, 그리고 뮌헨-괴팅겐 현상학자의 ‘존재론적 현상학’으로 분류하면서 자신의 철학 역시 ‘존재론적 현상학’에 포함시킨다. 존재론적 현상학의 특징을 잘 나타내는 초기 실재 존재론이 지향하는 목표는 실재 존재의 기초가 (...)
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    Social efficiency and instrumentalism in education: critical essays in ontology, phenomenology, and philosophical hermeneutics.James M. Magrini - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Distinct among contemporary philosophical studies focused on education, this book engages the history of phenomenological thought as it moves from philosophy proper (the European phenomenological-hermeneutic tradition) through curriculum studies. It thus presents the "best of both worlds" for the reader; there is a "play" or movement from philosophy proper to educational philosophy and then back again in order to locate and explicate what is intimated, suggested, and in some cases, left "unsaid" by educational philosophers. This amounts to a work on (...)
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    Basic ontology and the ontology of the phenomenological life world: A proposal.Wim Christiaens - 2006 - Foundations of Science 11 (3):249-274.
    The condition of explicit theoretically discursive cognitive performance, as it culminates in scientific activity, is, I claim, the life world. I contrast life world and scientific world and argue that the latter arises from the first and that contrary to the prevailing views the scientific world (actually, worlds, since the classical world is substantially different from the quantum world) finds its completion in the life world and not the other way around. In other words: the closure we used to search (...)
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    Phenomenological ontology of breathing: the respiratory primacy of being.Petri Berndtson (ed.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Informa Law from Routledge.
    This book studies the phenomenological ontology of breathing. It investigates breathing and air as a question of phenomenological philosophy and looks at phenomenological questions concerning respiratory methodology, ontological experience of respiration, respiratory spirituality and respiratory embodiment. Drawing on the ideas of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Gaston Bachelard, Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl, Luce Irigaray and David Kleinberg-Levin, the book argues for the ontological primacy of breathing and develops a new principle of philosophy that the author calls "Silence of Breath, Abyss/Yawn of Air". (...)
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    Intentional ontology. Heidegger and the transformation of Husserlian phenomenology.Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2012 - Phainomenon 24 (1):27-42.
    lntentional ontology. Heidegger and the transformation of Husserlian phenomenology. The article will look inside in what Heidegger said in his first course in Marburgo about the issue of intentionality as the basis for a “fundamental ontological investigation.” Through the first Heidegger’s lessons, especially Freiburg, aspects of the Husserl’s idea of intentionality who suffered a hermeneutic appropriation by Heidegger, will be deployed. The text will focus on the relationship between Husserl’s intentionality and categorial intuition in order to interpret them (...)
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    Phenomenology and ontology in the thought of Edmund Husserl.Andrei-Bogdan Mișcol - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:79-94.
    In this paper I examine Husserlian phenomenology and its relations with a possible ontology that the great German philosopher cultivated as a project, an undeclared ontology. Husserl's expression of the “ultimately and truly absolute” as a “primeval source” is not explained by a declared ontology and the concept of the “continuum” is in the same situation. Claiming that the roots of all ontologies seem to belong in phenomenology, Husserl appears to proclaim the uselessness of developing (...)
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    (1 other version)Heidegger’s Ethics and Levinas’s Ontology: Phenomenology of Prereflective Normativity.Martin Gak - 2014 - Levinas Studies: An Annual Review 9:145-181.
    A certain type of metaphysical manicheism has become quite prevalent among Levinas readers who insist in declaring his ethics to be a morally and, ultimately, politically necessary departure from Heidegger’s ontology. This approach inadequately moralizes Levinas’ articulation of the ethical which, I argue here, ought to be understood as an account of the pre-reflective normative conditions of ontology as meaning. In this paper, I seek to show that Levinas account of Ethics is squarely rooted in the epistemology of (...)
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  18. Ontology or phenomenology? How the lvad challenges the euthanasia debate.Felicitas Kraemer - 2011 - Bioethics 27 (3):140-150.
    This article deals with the euthanasia debate in light of new life-sustaining technologies such as the left ventricular assist device (LVAD). The question arises: does the switching off of a LVAD by a doctor upon the request of a patient amount to active or passive euthanasia, i.e. to ‘killing’ or to ‘letting die’? The answer hinges on whether the device is to be regarded as a proper part of the patient's body or as something external. We usually regard the switching (...)
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    James G. Hart: Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Ontological Phenomenology[REVIEW]Kevin Michael Stevenson - 2020 - Phenomenological Reviews.
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  20. The phenomenology and ontology of the self.Galen Strawson - 2000 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Exploring the Self: Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 23--39.
  21. Ontology and ethics at the intersection of phenomenology and environmental philosophy.Iain Thomson - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (4):380 – 412.
    The idea inspiring the eco-phenomenological movement is that phenomenology can help remedy our environmental crisis by uprooting and replacing environmentally-destructive ethical and metaphysical presuppositions inherited from modern philosophy. Eco-phenomenology's critiques of subject/object dualism and the fact/value divide are sketched and its positive alternatives examined. Two competing approaches are discerned within the eco-phenomenological movement: Nietzscheans and Husserlians propose a naturalistic ethical realism in which good and bad are ultimately matters of fact, and values should be grounded in these proto-ethical (...)
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    Phenomenology, Ontology, Nihilism: Løgstrup, Levinas, and the Limits of Philosophical Anthropology.Steven Crowell - 2020 - The Monist 103 (1):16-37.
    Despite recent interest in his work, little has been written about Løgstrup’s relation to phenomenology—what he thinks phenomenology is, how it informs his approach to ethics, and what he believes it can accomplish. Here I hope to stimulate further discussion of these matters. In this, consideration of Levinas’s understanding of phenomenology will be useful. While sharing many of Løgstrup’s concerns, Levinas insists on a distinction between phenomenological ontology and “metaphysics,” one that Løgstrup tends to blur in (...)
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    Phenomenological ontology of breathing : the phenomenologico-ontological interpretation of the barbaric conviction of we breathe air and a new philosophical principle of Silence of Breath, Abyss of Air.Petri Berndtson - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Jyväskylä
    The general topic of my philosophical dissertation is phenomenological ontology of breathing. I do not investigate the phenomenon of breathing as a natural scientific problem, but as a philosophical question. Within our tradition, breathing has been normally understood as a mechanistic-materialistic physiological life-sustaining process of gas exchange and cellular respiration which does not really seem to have any essential connection to human being’s spiritual, mental or philosophical capacities. On the contrary to this natural scientific view, I argue that breathing (...)
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    The Phenomenological Ontology of Martin Heidegger as a Foundation for Redefining the Concept of Interpretative Approaches in the Theory of History.Ivelina Ivanova - 2011 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):183-186.
    The paper examines the perspectives of an exchange between the phenomenological ontology of Martin Heidegger and a theory of history in the context of the problem of interpretative approaches in historical writing. The hypothesis is that the analyses offered by Heidegger in Being and Time and Ontology: The Hermeneutics of Facticity provide the foundation for mapping out new perspectives in the concept of interpretative approaches. The concept of interpretativeapproaches came to be actively used in academic texts relatively recently, (...)
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    James G. Hart, Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Ontological Phenomenology, ed. Rodney K. B. Parker, Cham: Springer, 2020, 272 pp., ISBN 978-3030448417. [REVIEW]Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (3):391-396.
    This contribution highlights the importance of the work of Hedwig Conrad-Martius, a student of Husserl and early phenomenological thinker, in the context of a review of James Hart’s 1972 dissertation on her work, now published under the title _Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Ontological Phenomenology_. It provides some context for Conrad-Martius’ thought, gives a brief chapter-by-chapter account of Hart’s treatment, and raises some further questions about his discussion of her work.
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    (1 other version)Phenomenology and Ontology in the Later Heidegger.Tobias Keiling - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 251-267.
    Heidegger’s later philosophy is marked by two conflicting claims about phenomenology. On the one hand, phenomenology and philosophy generally is tasked with “responding to the claim of what is to be thought” in a novel and unprecedented manner. On the other hand, Heidegger recognizes that there have been earlier attempts at thus doing justice to phenomena; in the ontological commitments of earlier thinkers, Heidegger finds accounts of the “things themselves,” each of which has different implications for what (...) should concern itself with. Phenomenology, as Heidegger conceives it, should thus both incorporate the history of philosophy and exceed it, yet it is unclear how these ideas can be reconciled. This chapter calls this problem the “dilemma of the historicity of phenomenology” and identifies different versions of it in Heidegger’s works after 1935/6. (shrink)
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    The Phenomenological-Ontological Dimension of Philosophy of History: The Problem of History in Husserl and Heidegger.Liangkang Ni - 2018 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 10 (1):7-20.
    ABSTRACTIf we take Heidegger's ontology to be a philosophy of history, then, for Husserl, the problem of history is only one among the three major directions of his thoughts. After Husserl met Dilthey in 1905, he more and more attended to the problem of history and reflected upon the longitudinal intentionality of time-genesis-history. His basic idea is to grasp the condition of possibility of history by means of an eidetic intuition upon the longitudinal intentionality. However, because Husserl never explicates (...)
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    Phenomenological Metaphysics by Laszlo Tengelyi in the Context of Modern Ontologies.Tatyana Litvin - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (2-3).
    The German-Hungarian phenomenologist became one of the few philosophers at the beginning of the 21st century who analyzed the foundations of transcendentalism in terms of the continental tradition. As a philosopher working within the framework of the Cartesian attitude, he posed the same questions as other philosophers after Heidegger - is it possible an alternative to ontotheology, is metaphysics possible after the rejection of metaphysics? But his answer quite accurately reflects both the internal contradictions of phenomenology and the heuristic (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Anxiety and of Nothing: Ontology and Logic in Heidegger.Panos Theodorou - 2015 - In Husserl and Heidegger on Reduction, Primordiality, and the Categorial. Cham: Springer.
    Heidegger connected his name with the endeavor of renewing the question regarding Being (Seinsfrage). In BT (1927), he attempted to bring the issue of Being and everything concerning it back to the fore, by investigating the question of what the things themselves (die Sache selbst) are in its case. In this way, he managed to maintain his distance from the inherited and uninterpellated theories and speculations around "Being" (είναι). At the time, he continued to think that the precondition for arriving (...)
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    The Ontological Roots of Phenomenology: Rethinking the History of Phenomenology and Its Religious Turn.Anna Jani - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Anna Jani interprets the relationship between phenomenology and ontology by redefining its goals, methodological focuses, and key figures. The common methodology of hermeneutical phenomenology originates from the question on being, which resembles religious experiences in certain ways.
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    The Ontology for a Smart Machine : Phenomenological Ontology and Information Technology. 박승억 - 2017 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 74:33-54.
    일상의 자연어로 인간과 소통하는 기계가 우리 주변을 채우고 있다. 이는 기계가 인간의 언어를 이해하는 것처럼 보이게 만든다. 물론 기계가 인간의 언어를 실제로 이해하는 것은 아니다. 기계가 인간의 언어를 이해하는 것처럼 보이는 까닭은 기계가 인간의 자연어가 갖고 있는 구조와 어휘들을 학습함으로써 자연어의 의미론적 구조를 모방할 수 있게 되었기 때문이다. 정보공학에서는 기계가 인간과 의사소통할 수 있도록 정보를 구조화하는 작업을 ‘온톨로지(ontology)’라고 부른다. 최근 정보공학 분야에서 사용하는 온톨로지는 후설의 형식적 존재론과 영역 존재론의 프로젝트와 구조적으로 대단히 유사하다. 이는 정보공학과 후설 현상학이 서로 협업할 수 (...)
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  32. Moral phenomenology and a moral ontology of the human person.Joseph Lacey - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (1):51-73.
    Terry Horgan and Mark Timmons’ work implies four criteria that moral phenomenology must be capable of meeting if it is to be a viable field of study that can make a worthwhile contribution to moral philosophy. It must be (a) about a unifed subject matter as well as being, (b) wide, (c) independent, and (d) robust. Contrary to some scepticism about the possibility or usefulness of this field, I suggest that these criteria can be met by elucidating the very (...)
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  33. Ontological Minimalism about Phenomenology.Susanna Schellenberg - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83 (1):1-40.
    I develop a view of the common factor between subjectively indistinguishable perceptions and hallucinations that avoids analyzing experiences as involving awareness relations to abstract entities, sense-data, or any other peculiar entities. The main thesis is that hallucinating subjects employ concepts (or analogous nonconceptual structures), namely the very same concepts that in a subjectively indistinguishable perception are employed as a consequence of being related to external, mind-independent objects or property-instances. These concepts and nonconceptual structures are identified with modes of presentation types. (...)
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    Ontology and Attention: Addressing the Challenge of the Amoralist through Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology and Care Ethics.Anya Daly - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):67.
    This paper addresses the persistent philosophical problem posed by the amoralist—one who eschews moral values—by drawing on complementary resources within phenomenology and care ethics. How is it that the amoralist can reject ethical injunctions that serve the general good and be unpersuaded by ethical intuitions that for most would require neither explanation nor justification? And more generally, what is the basis for ethical motivation? Why is it that we can care for others? What are the underpinning ontological structures that (...)
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  35. Phenomenology and Ontology of Language and Expression: Merleau-Ponty on Speaking and Spoken Speech.Hayden Kee - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (3):415-435.
    This paper clarifies Merleau-Ponty’s distinction between speaking and spoken speech, and the relation between the two, in his Phenomenology of Perception. Against a common interpretation, I argue on exegetical and philosophical grounds that the distinction should not be understood as one between two kinds of speech, but rather between two internally related dimensions present in all speech. This suggests an interdependence between speaking and spoken aspects of speech, and some commentators have critiqued Merleau-Ponty for claiming a priority of speaking (...)
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    A Phenomenological Approach with Ontological Implications? Charles Taylor and Maurice Mandelbaum on Explanation in Ethics.Michiel Meijer - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (5):977-991.
    This paper critically discusses Charles Taylor’s ethical views in his little known paper “Ethics and Ontology” : 305–320, 2003) by confronting it with the moral phenomenology of Maurice Mandelbaum, as laid out in his The Phenomenology of Moral Experience. The aim of the paper is to explore the significance of Taylor’s views for the dispute between naturalists, non-naturalists, and quietists in contemporary metaethics. It is divided in six sections. In the first section, I examine Taylor’s critique of (...)
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    Phenomenology and Formal Ontology: A Theoretical Model of Max Scheler’s Early Phenomenology of Sense Perception.Martina Properzi - 2021 - In Calley A. Hornbuckle, Jadwiga S. Smith & William S. Smith (eds.), Phenomenology of the Object and Human Positioning: Human, Non-Human and Posthuman. Springer Verlag. pp. 71-85.
    In this contribution I propose a contemporary reading of the ontological dimension of Max Scheler’s early phenomenology of sense perception. My examination will start with a brief informal explanation of this theory, and his scientific and philosophical sources. The second step will be the introduction of some elements of Formal Philosophy : this piece of research will focus on N. B. Cocchiarella’s interpretation of FP and it will allow me to introduce the concept of a Philosophical Formal Ontology (...)
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    A Phenomenological, Ontological Study for A Reflective Image in The World of Images - By Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology and Ontology -. 김병환 - 2021 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 103:1-26.
    이 논문은 영상커뮤니케이션 세계 속에서 소통되고 있는 사진 영상이미지들과 동영상 이미지들의 현상학적, 살-존재론적 특성, 즉 교차로서의 살을 통한 영상이미지들의 특성을 메를로-퐁티의 현상학과 살-존재론을 토대로 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 아울러 이런 밝힘은 사진 영상이미지와 동영상이미지와 상호작용하는 소통자들로 하여금 존재 의미를 인식하게 할 것이다. 영상이미지들의 현상학적인 살-존재론적 특성은 크리에이터의 영상이미지 제작에 활용될 것이다.BR 차이장을 지평으로 한 차이들이 일어나고 있는 사진 영상이미지는 사진 속 형태와 형태, 색깔과 색깔, 형태와 색채, 부분이미지와 전체이미지 간의 차이와 상호적 교차로서의 살을 통해 사진 영상이미지의 사태 자체를 드러내는 현상학적, (...)
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  39. From Phenomenology to Formal Ontology: How Barry Smith and Kevin Mulligan Made Husserl’s Descriptive Psychology into a Form of Realism.Marco Tedeschini - 2015 - Archivio Di Filosofia 83 (3):177-188.
    In this paper I will discuss Barry Smith’s and Kevin Mulligan’s revision of Husserl’s phenomenology, starting from the fact that many Italian scholars seem to follow them in a sense, by dealing with phenomenology as a sort of a priori ontology. Therefore, I will first reconstruct Smith’s and Mulligan’s attempt and its objectives, then I will show how it is rooted in the school of Brentano and, in particular, in Husserl’s phenomenology. Finally, I will provide some (...)
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    Phenomenology, Ontology, and Metaphysics.Klaus Hartmann - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (1):85 - 112.
    In accordance with the general title, Ricœur's main concern is to develop a philosophy of the will. The overall character of this philosophy is quickly ascertained: as the Introduction makes abundantly clear, Ricœur's thought is firmly rooted in phenomenology. Indeed one might wish to regard this partisanship as Ricœur's motive for choosing the will as his central topic: could his work be an attempt to cope with a problem that has to date resisted satisfactory phenomenological treatment? Husserl's phenomenology (...)
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  41. Phenomenological Ontology or the Explanation of Social Norms?: A Confrontation with William Blattner's Heidegger's Temporal Idealism.Edgar C. Boedeker - 2002 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 84 (3):334-344.
    Some of the most important contributions over the past two decades to understanding Heidegger's thought have been made by philosophers writing in English and sharing the broad perspective of analytic – or, perhaps better, “post-analytic” – philosophy. With Heidegger's Temporal Idealism, William Blattner has moved this approach several important steps forward. Like others in this recent movement, he interprets Heidegger not so much in the terms of existentialism or post-structuralism, as in those of the later Wittgenstein, classical American pragmatism, and (...)
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    Phenomenology and Cognitive Neuroscience: Can a Process Ontology Help Resolve the Impasse?Ross Pain - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (2):204-208.
    Shaun Gallagher [2019] argues for a ‘non-classical’ conception of nature, which includes subjects as irreducible constituents. As such, first-person phenomenology can be naturalised and at the same time resist reduction to the third-person. In the first part of this paper, I raise three concerns for the claim that nature is irreducibly subject-involving. In the second part of the paper, I suggest that embracing a process ontology could help strengthen Gallagher’s proposal.
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  43. Mind World: Essays in Phenomenology and Ontology.David Woodruff Smith - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection explores the structure of consciousness and its place in the world, or inversely the structure of the world and the place of consciousness in it. Amongst the topics covered are: the phenomenological aspects of experience, dependencies between experience and the world and the basic ontological categories found in the world at large. Developing ideas drawn from historical figures such as Descartes, Husserl, Aristotle, and Whitehead, the essays together demonstrate the interdependence of ontology and phenomenology and its (...)
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    Investigations Into the Phenomenology and the Ontology of the Work of Art: What are Artworks and How Do We Experience Them?Peer F. Bundgaard & Frederik Stjernfelt (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    ​This book investigates the nature of aesthetic experience and aesthetic objects. Written by leading philosophers, psychologists, literary scholars and semioticians, the book addresses two intertwined issues. The first is related to the phenomenology of aesthetic experience: The understanding of how human beings respond to artworks, how we process linguistic or visual information, and what properties in artworks trigger aesthetic experiences. The examination of the properties of aesthetic experience reveals essential aspects of our perceptual, cognitive, and semiotic capacities. The second (...)
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    Heideggerian Phenomenology, Practical Ontologies and the Link Between Experience and Practices.Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (4):565-580.
    Postphenomenologists and performativists criticize classical approaches to phenomenology for isolating human subjects from their socio-material relations. The purpose of this essay is to repudiate their criticism by presenting a nuanced account of phenomenology thus making it evident that phenomenological theories have the potential for meshing with the performative idiom of contemporary science and technology studies. However, phenomenology retains an apparent shortcoming in that its proponents typically focus on human–nonhuman relations that arise in localized contexts. For this reason, (...)
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  46. Phenomenology, Ontology, and Quantum Physics.Patrick A. Heelan - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (2):379-385.
    This essay is dominated by three themes that recur contrapuntally in Heisenberg’s writings: observation, description, and ontology—prompted always by a concern about the role played by the subjective inquirer in scientific meaning-making, and by the ontology of scientific claims. Among the related themes are; the tension between paradigmatic concerns with structure and philosophical concerns with reality, the possibility of scientific revolutions, such as relativity and quantum mechanics, that can overthrow the classical traditions of natural science and the inadequacy (...)
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    Social Ontology: Recasting Political Philosophy Through a Phenomenology of Whoness.Michael Eldred (ed.) - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    Freedom, value, power, justice, government, legitimacy are major themes of the present inquiry. It explores the ontological structure of human beings associating with one another, the basic phenomenon of society. We human beings strive to become who we are in an ongoing power interplay with each other. Thinkers called as witnesses include Plato, Aristotle, Anaximander, Protagoras, Hobbes, Locke, Adam Smith, Hegel, Marx, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, Schumpeter, Hayek, Schmitt, Ernst Jünger, et al.
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  48. A Phenomenological Aesthetics: Oskar Becker's Coupling of Epistemology and Ontology.Annemarie Gethmann-Seifert - forthcoming - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.
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    (1 other version)From Phenomenology to Ontology.Stanislas Breton - 1960 - Philosophy Today 4 (4):227-237.
  50. The phenomenological ontology of literature.Xiaomang Deng - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (4):621-630.
    Literary ontology is essentially a phenomenological issue rather than one of epistemology, sociology, or psychology. It is a theory of the phenomenological essence intuited from a sense of beauty, based on the phenomenological ontology of beauty, which puts into brackets the sociohistorical premises and material conditions of aesthetic phenomena. Beauty is the objectified emotion. This is the phenomenological definition of the essence of beauty, which manifests itself on three levels, namely emotion qua selfconsciousness, sense of beauty qua emotion, (...)
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