Results for 'Organisms'

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  1. Organ donation and transplantation.Human Organs & Substituted Judgement Doctrine - 1984 - Bioethics Reporter 1 (1).
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    The Hindu Images of Man.Troy Organ - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:655-663.
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  3. Crito Apologizes.Troy Wilson Organ - 1957 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 38 (4):366.
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    Catholic Social Teaching and Its Impact on American Law.Jerry Organ - 2004 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 1 (2):277-312.
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    Technologist engagement with risk management practices during systems development? Approaches, effectiveness and challenges.John Organ & Larry Stapleton - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (3):347-359.
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    Understanding and Being.Troy Organ - 1988 - Philosophy in Context 18:62-67.
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  7. Ohio University.Troy Organ - 1995 - In S. Radhakrishnan, Rama Rao Pappu & S. S., New essays in the philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications. pp. 6--75.
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  8. "Physis" [Greek] and "Aphysis" [Greek] in Aristotle.Troy Organ - 1975 - The Thomist 39 (3):475.
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    The Self in Its Worlds: East and West.Troy Wilson Organ - 1988
    Using the term world to mean a creative response to objective reality, this book considers the ways in which Eastern and Western peoples construct their natural, social, aesthetic, and religious worlds. It points the way to a view of Eastern and Western as complementary, rather than contradictory, descriptions.
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  10. The silence of the Buddha.Troy Wilson Organ - 1954 - Philosophy East and West 4 (2):125-140.
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  11. The Anatomy of Violence.Troy Organ - 1970 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 51 (4):417.
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    Rejoinder to Robert A. McDermott's Reply.Trox Organ - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (4):489 - 492.
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    Hinduism, Its Historical Development.Troy Wilson Organ - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (3):348-351.
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    Philosophy for the Left Hand.Troy Wilson Organ - 1990 - Peter Lang.
    Essays originally published ca. 1949-1989.
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    What Is an Individual?Troy Organ - 1965 - International Philosophical Quarterly 5 (4):666-676.
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    The Self in Indian Philosophy.Troy Wilson Organ - 1964 - Mouton.
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    Philosophy and the Self: East and West.Troy Wilson Organ - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (3):536-538.
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    The status of the self in Aurobindo's metaphysics: And some questions.Troy Wilson Organ - 1962 - Philosophy East and West 12 (2):135-151.
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    Randall's interpretation of Aristotle's unmoved mover.Troy Organ - 1962 - Philosophical Quarterly 12 (49):297-305.
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    Polarity, a neglected insight in indian philosophy.Troy Organ - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (1):33-39.
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  21. An index to Aristotle in English translation.Troy Wilson Organ - 1949 - Princeton,: Princeton Univ. Press.
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    An index to Aristotle in English translation.Troy Wilson Organ - 1964 - New York,: Gordian Press.
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    From Those to Whom Much Has Been Given, Much is Expected.Jerry Organ - 2004 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 1 (2):361-415.
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    Radhakrishnan and the Ways of Oneness of East and West.Troy Wilson Organ - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (1):202-202.
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    Third Eye Philosophy: Essays in East-West Thought.Troy Wilson Organ - 1989 - Philosophy East and West 39 (4):511-513.
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    The self as discovery and creation in Western and Indian philosophy.Troy Organ - 1968 - In P. T. Raju & Alburey Castell, East-West studies on the problem of the self. The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 163--176.
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    The art of critical thinking.Troy Wilson Organ - 1965 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin.
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    The Language of Mysticism.Troy Organ - 1963 - The Monist 47 (3):417-443.
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    The One: East and West.Troy Wilson Organ - 1991 - Upa.
    Invites the reader to examine the concept of the One in several complex cultural and philosophical mileux. The uniqueness of the study is its collation of Eastern and Western sources and systems.
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    Indian Aesthetics: Its Techniques and Assumptions.Troy Organ - 1975 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 9 (1):11.
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  31. Werner Marx: "Introduction to Aristotle's Theory of Being as Being". [REVIEW]Troy Organ - 1979 - The Thomist 43 (3):501.
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  32. National Education.H. E. Armstrong, H. W. Eve, Joshua Fitch, W. A. Hewins, John C. Medd & T. A. Organ - 1903 - International Journal of Ethics 13 (3):395-398.
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  33. International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. Geneva: CIOMS, 2002. 16. Resnik DB. The Ethics of HIV Research in Developing Nations. [REVIEW]Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences - 1998 - Bioethics 12:286-206.
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    Identification practices in government: citizen surveillance and the quest for public service improvement. [REVIEW]John A. Taylor, Miriam Lips & Joe Organ - 2008 - Identity in the Information Society 1 (1):135-154.
    This paper is concerned with the ambiguities and confusions that arise when studies of the ‘surveillance state’ are contrasted with studies of the ‘service state’. Surveillance studies take a largely negative view of the information capture and handling of personal data by Government agencies. Studies that examine Government service providing take a largely positive view of such data capture as Government is seen to be attempting to enhance service provision to individual citizens. This paper examines these opposing perspectives through a (...)
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    Genetics, Ethics, and Human Values: Human Genome Mapping, Genetic Screening, and Gene Therapy : Proceedings of the XXIVth CIOMS Conference, Tokyo and Inuyama City, Japan, 22-27 July 1990.Z. Bankowski, Alexander Morgan Capron, Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi & Unesco - 1991
  36. Organic wastes, black-soldier flies, and environmental problems through the lens of the stock market.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - manuscript
    As the world’s population grows and urbanization continues, the global waste crisis is becoming more severe, especially in developing countries. Without proper waste management, they may encounter various environmental and health risks. Biological technologies are regarded as promising waste management and recycling approaches in developing countries due to their cost-effectiveness and capability to handle diverse waste categories. One prominent technology in this aspect is the vermicomposting of organic waste utilizing the black soldier fly larvae. Nevertheless, significant financial resources are still (...)
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  37. Organizations as Wrongdoers: From Ontology to Morality.Stephanie Collins - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Organizations do moral wrong. States pursue unjust wars, businesses avoid tax, charities misdirect funds. Our social, political, and legal responses require guidance. We need to know what we’re responding to and how we should respond to it. We need a metaphysical and moral theory of wrongful organizations. This book provides a new such theory, paying particular attention to questions that have been underexplored in existing debates. These questions include: where are organizations located as material objects in the natural world? What’s (...)
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    Living Organ Procurement from the Mentally Incompetent: The Need for More Appropriate Guidelines.Kristof Van Assche, Gilles Genicot & Sigrid Sterckx - 2012 - Bioethics 28 (3):101-109.
    With the case of Belgium as a negative example, this paper will evaluate the legitimacy of using mentally incompetents as organ sources. The first section examines the underlying moral dilemma that results from the necessity of balancing the principle of respect for persons with the obligation to help people in desperate need. We argue for the rejection of a radical utilitarian approach but also question the appropriateness of a categorical prohibition. Section two aims to strike a fair balance between the (...)
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    Understanding Organ Stewardship.Eli Shupe - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (6):30-37.
    I present a bipartite model of organ stewardship that places it at the intersection of resource stewardship and gift stewardship. Though both forms of stewardship are grounded in relationships of trust, they are importantly distinct, as are the duties they confer. This bipartite model of organ stewardship functions as a beneficial instrument for understanding and resolving conflicts among transplant stakeholders. As proof of concept, I apply the bipartite model of organ stewardship to a controversial case of conditional organ donation, showing (...)
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    Organ distribution systems for transplantation – an economic perspective.Wolfgang Greiner - 1998 - Ethik in der Medizin 10 (2):64-73.
    Definition of the problem: Even after the new German legislation about organ donors and transplantation (“information solution”), the question of criteria for distributing the organs is still not solved. The various alternatives to solve this problem face different social acceptance and economic efficiency.Arguments: Medical criteria (e.g. HLA compatibility) and non-medical criteria (e.g. willingness to pay of the patients) are valued on the basis of generally accepted objectives (e.g. equal access to health services or low costs). As an innovative form of (...)
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  41. Model Organisms are Not (Theoretical) Models.Arnon Levy & Adrian Currie - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (2):327-348.
    Many biological investigations are organized around a small group of species, often referred to as ‘model organisms’, such as the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. The terms ‘model’ and ‘modelling’ also occur in biology in association with mathematical and mechanistic theorizing, as in the Lotka–Volterra model of predator-prey dynamics. What is the relation between theoretical models and model organisms? Are these models in the same sense? We offer an account on which the two practices are shown to have different (...)
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  42. Organisms as Persisters.Subrena E. Smith - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (14).
    This paper addresses the question of what organisms are and therefore what kinds of biological entities qualify as organisms. For some time now, the concept of organismality has been eclipsed by the notion of individuality. Biological individuals are those systems that are units of selection. I develop a conception of organismality that does not rely on evolutionary considerations, but instead draws on development and ecology. On this account, organismality and individuality can come apart. Organisms, in my view, (...)
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    Discourse, Organizations and National Cultures.Britt-Louise Gunnarsson - 2000 - Discourse Studies 2 (1):5-33.
    The article explores the complex and multi-dimensional relationship between organization and discourse, using interview data and written documents collected within banks in Sweden, Germany and Britain. The first part of the analysis, which examines the extent to which the organizations studied can be said to form discourse units in their own right, shows that management ideas, norms and values seem to have a considerable impact on bank discourse. Although the discourse found in different banks naturally has many features in common, (...)
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    Semantic Organs: The Concept and Its Theoretical Ramifications.Karel Kleisner - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (3):367-379.
    Many biologists still believe in a sort of post-Cartesian foundation of reality wherein objects are independent of subjects which cognize them. Recent research in behaviour, cognition, and psychology, however, provides plenty of evidence to the effect that the perception of an object differs depending on the kind of animal observer, and also its personality, hormonal, and sensorial set-up etc. In the following, I argue that exposed surfaces of organisms interact with other organisms’ perception to form semiautonomous relational entities (...)
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    Can organic farmers be 'good farmers'? Adding the 'taste of necessity' to the conventionalization debate.Lee-Ann Sutherland - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):429-441.
    Recent decades have seen a rapid increase in the rate of conversion from conventional to organic farming, as organic farming shifted from an alternative production approach practiced by a small number of idealists, to the de facto alternative to mainstream conventional production. Although there has been considerable academic debate as to the role of agri-business penetration into the production and marketing chains of organic farming (‘conventionalization’), less is known about how the economic drivers of conventionalization are negotiated into practices at (...)
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  46. Are Organisms Substances or Processes?William Morgan - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (3):605-619.
    In this paper, I argue that attempts in the philosophy of biology to show that organisms are processes rather than substances fail. Despite what process ontologists have said, I argue that substance ontology is perfectly able to accommodate the dynamic nature of organisms, their ecological dependence, and their vague boundaries, and that their criticisms are not directed at substance ontology simpliciter, but only at specific (perhaps untenable) characterisations of substances. The paper ends by considering what a processual philosophy (...)
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  47. Learning Organizations and Their Role in Achieving Organizational Excellence in the Palestinian Universities.Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu Naser, Youssef M. Abu Amuna & Amal A. Al Hila - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Publication Technology 1 (2):40-85.
    The research aims to identify the learning organizations and their role in achieving organizational excellence in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as a tool for information gathering. The questionnaires were distributed to senior management in the Palestinian universities. The study population reached (344) employees in senior management is dispersed over (3) Palestinian universities. A stratified random sample of (182) workers from the Palestinian universities was selected and the recovery rate (...)
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    Religious organizations as a factor of formation of civil society in Ukraine.Olena Lavrynovych - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:224-229.
    In the article modern views on the nature and value matrix of civil society are generalized. It is considered the role of religious organizations in forming of civil society in modern Ukraine and also the value of their activity for the self-organization of civil public.
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    Organic Unities.Erik Carlson - 2015 - In Iwao Hirose & Jonas Olson, The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory. New York NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    In value theory, the notion of an organic unity is usually associated with G. E. Moore. In his Principia Ethica, Moore provided two definitions of an organic unity. In the first section of this chapter, it is argued that both definitions fail to capture Moore’s intentions, as well as being inadequate for measurement-theoretical reasons. Section 15.2 briefly investigates whether the existence of organic unities, as conceived by Moore, entails that intrinsic or final value cannot be additively measured. In section 15.3, (...)
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  50. Organ transplants, foreign nationals, and the free rider problem.Dena S. Davis - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (4).
    There is strong sentiment for a policy which would exclude foreigners from access to organs from American cadaver donors. One common argument is that foreigners are free riders; since they are not members of the community whichgives organs, it would be unfair to allow them toreceive such a scarce resource.This essay examines the philosophical basis for the free rider argument, and compares that with the empirical data about organ donation in the U.S. The free rider argument ought not to be (...)
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