Results for 'Paolo Marino Cattorini'

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  1.  36
    Ethics committees in italy.Dott Paolo Cattorini & Dott Roberto Mordacci - 1992 - HEC Forum 4 (3):219-226.
  2. (1 other version)Application or interpretation? The role of clinical bioethics between moral principles and concrete situations.Paolo Cattorini - 2001 - Analecta Husserliana 72:99-115.
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    Clinical Ethics as Applied Aesthetics.Paolo M. Cattorini - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 48 (2):16-35.
    Medical humanities and ethics are getting more and more important in Europe as essential disciplines of the core curriculum for health-care professionals. The idea of the physician as a technician shows itself to be unbearable because of the global historical changes we daily face in caring settings. We deal with chronic diseases, which require a sensitive physician/patient covenant and a good performance in communication skills1 because a whole life-style transformation is often necessary. Moreover, citizens are more informed about both the (...)
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    Assisted Reproduction in Italy.Paolo Cattorini - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (6):3-4.
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    Bioethics and ethics committees in Italy. The present situation and the perspectives.Paolo Cattorini - 1993 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 1 (1):129-136.
    The article examines reasons and features of the Italian bioethics movement in itself and in relationship to that in the U.S.A. Research, consultation, teaching are the most requested professional activities. Ethics committees are now established in several places and at different level: national (National Italian Committee for Bioethics), regional (Italy has about twenty regions with some political power), and institutional (research centers, university, main hospitals).
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    Bioetica: metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici.Paolo Cattorini - 2006 - Milano: Masson.
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    Introduction.Paolo Cattorini & Massimo Reichlin - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (3):217-219.
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    Il trascendere formale in Karl Jaspers: strumenti ed esiti di una metafisica non-oggettiva.Paolo Cattorini - 1986 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    La bellezza di un’esistenza degna. Appunti tra etica ed estetica.Paolo Cattorini - forthcoming - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Philosophie.
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    La libertà del cervello: neuroscienze, etica e cinema.Paolo Cattorini - 2013 - Bologna: EDB, Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna.
  11.  19
    Movies on Bioethics: A Double Review and Some Steps Forward.Paolo M. Cattorini - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (2):111-121.
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  12. (1 other version)Persistent vegetative state: A presumption to treat.Paolo Cattorini & Massimo Reichlin - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (3).
    The article briefly analyzes the concept of a person, arguing that personhood does not coincide with the actual enjoyment of certain intellectual capacities, but is coextensive with the embodiment of a human individual. Since in PVS patients we can observe a human individual functioning as a whole, we must conclude that these patients are still human persons, even if in a condition of extreme impairment. It is then argued that some forms of minimal treatment may not be futile for these (...)
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  13. Extended life.Ezequiel Di Paolo - 2008 - Topoi 28 (1):9-21.
    This paper reformulates some of the questions raised by extended mind theorists from an enactive, life/mind continuity perspective. Because of its reliance on concepts such as autopoiesis, the enactive approach has been deemed internalist and thus incompatible with the extended mind hypothesis. This paper answers this criticism by showing (1) that the relation between organism and cogniser is not one of co-extension, (2) that cognition is a relational phenomenon and thereby has no location, and (3) that the individuality of a (...)
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  14. The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice.Paolo Mancosu (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    There is an urgent need in philosophy of mathematics for new approaches which pay closer attention to mathematical practice. This book will blaze the trail: it offers philosophical analyses of important characteristics of contemporary mathematics and of many aspects of mathematical activity which escape purely formal logical treatment.
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    Interventions in Premise Semantics.Paolo Santorio - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    This paper investigates what happens when we merge two different lines of theorizing about counterfactuals. One is the comparative closeness view, which was developed by Stalnaker and Lewis in the framework of possible worlds semantics. The second is the interventionist view, which is part of the causal models framework developed in statistics and computer science. Common lore and existing literature have it that the two views can be easily fit together, aside from a few details. I argue that, on the (...)
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    Neuromania: On the Limits of Brain Science.Paolo Legrenzi & Carlo Umilta - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Neuroeconomics, neuromarketing, neuroaesthetics, and neurotheology are just a few of the novel disciplines that have been inspired by a combination of ancient knowledge along with recent discoveries about how the human brain works.This fascinating and thought provoking new book critically questions our love affair with brain imaging.
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    Structural and universal completeness in algebra and logic.Paolo Aglianò & Sara Ugolini - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (3):103391.
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  18. Nonfactual Know-How and the Boundaries of Semantics.Paolo Santorio - 2016 - Philosophical Review 125 (1):35-82.
    Know-how and expressivism are usually regarded as disjoint topics, belonging to distant areas of philosophy. This paper argues that, despite obvious differences, the two debates have important similarities. In particular, semantic and conceptual tools developed by expressivists can be exported to the know-how debate. On the one hand, some of the expressivists' semantic resources can be used to deflect Stanley and Williamson's influential argument for factualism about know-how: the claim that knowing how to do something consists in knowing a fact. (...)
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  19. Mathematics and phenomenology: The correspondence between O. Becker and H. Weyl.Paolo Mancosu & T. A. Ryckman - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (2):130-202.
    Recently discovered correspondence from Oskar Becker to Hermann Weyl sheds new light on Weyl's engagement with Husserlian transcendental phenomenology in 1918-1927. Here the last two of these letters, dated July and August, 1926, dealing with issues in the philosophy of mathematics are presented, together with background and a detailed commentary. The letters provide an instructive context for re-assessing the connection between intuitionism and phenomenology in Weyl's foundational thought, and for understanding Weyl's term ‘symbolic construction’ as marking his own considered position (...)
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  20.  45
    An Extended Model of Moral Outrage at Corporate Social Irresponsibility.Paolo Antonetti & Stan Maklan - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (3):429-444.
    A growing body of literature documents the important role played by moral outrage or moral anger in stakeholders’ reactions to cases of corporate social irresponsibility. Existing research focuses more on the consequences of moral outrage than a systematic analysis of how appraisals of irresponsible corporate behavior can lead to this emotional experience. In this paper, we develop and test, in two field studies, an extended model of moral outrage that identifies the cognitions that lead to, and are associated with, this (...)
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    Francis Bacon: from magic to science.Paolo Rossi - 1968 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
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  22. General triviality for counterfactuals.Paolo Santorio - 2022 - Analysis 82 (2):277-289.
    On an influential line of thinking tracing back to Ramsey, conditionals are closely linked to the attitude of supposition. When applied to counterfactuals, this view suggests a subjunctive version of the so-called Ramsey test: the probability of a counterfactual If A, would B ought to be equivalent to the probability of B, under the subjunctive supposition that A. I present a collapse result for any view that endorses the subjunctive version of the Ramsey test. Starting from plausible assumptions, the result (...)
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  23. Francis Bacon: From Magic to Science.Paolo Rossi & Sacha Rabinovitch - 1968 - Philosophy 44 (170):352-353.
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    On the Foundations of the Problem of Free Will.Paolo Galeazzi & Rasmus K. Rendsvig - 2024 - Episteme 21 (2):339-357.
    In a recent paper, Christian List (2014) has argued for the compatibilism of free will and determinism. Drawing on a distinction between physical possibility (used in defining determinism) and agential possibility (used in defining free will), List constructs a formal two-level model in which the two concepts are consistent. This paper's first contribution is to show that though List's model is formally consistent, philosophically it falls short of establishing a satisfactory compatibilist position. Ensuingly, an analysis of the shortcomings of the (...)
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  25. The Church–Fitch knowability paradox in the light of structural proof theory.Paolo Maffezioli, Alberto Naibo & Sara Negri - 2012 - Synthese 190 (14):2677-2716.
    Anti-realist epistemic conceptions of truth imply what is called the knowability principle: All truths are possibly known. The principle can be formalized in a bimodal propositional logic, with an alethic modality ${\diamondsuit}$ and an epistemic modality ${\mathcal{K}}$, by the axiom scheme ${A \supset \diamondsuit \mathcal{K} A}$. The use of classical logic and minimal assumptions about the two modalities lead to the paradoxical conclusion that all truths are known, ${A \supset \mathcal{K} A}$. A Gentzen-style reconstruction of the Church–Fitch paradox is presented (...)
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  26. Across the Uncanny Valley: The Ecological, the Enactive, and the Strangely Familiar.E. A. Di Paolo - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):327-329.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Perception-Action Mutuality Obviates Mental Construction” by Martin Flament Fultot, Lin Nie & Claudia Carello. Upshot: I contrast enactivist and ecological perspectives on some of the themes raised by the authors. I discuss some of their worries about the notion of sense-making and other epistemological aspects of enactivism.
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  27. Wittgenstein, Finitism, and the Foundations of Mathematics.Paolo Mancosu - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (2):286.
    It is reported that in reply to John Wisdom’s request in 1944 to provide a dictionary entry describing his philosophy, Wittgenstein wrote only one sentence: “He has concerned himself principally with questions about the foundations of mathematics”. However, an understanding of his philosophy of mathematics has long been a desideratum. This was the case, in particular, for the period stretching from the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus to the so-called transitional phase. Marion’s book represents a giant leap forward in this direction. In the (...)
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  28. Between Russell and Hilbert: Behmann on the foundations of mathematics.Paolo Mancosu - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (3):303-330.
    After giving a brief overview of the renewal of interest in logic and the foundations of mathematics in Göttingen in the period 1914-1921, I give a detailed presentation of the approach to the foundations of mathematics found in Behmann's doctoral dissertation of 1918, Die Antinomie der transfiniten Zahl und ihre Auflösung durch die Theorie von Russell und Whitehead. The dissertation was written under the guidance of David Hilbert and was primarily intended to give a clear exposition of the solution to (...)
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    Logical concepts and logical inferences.Paolo Casalegno† - 2004 - Dialectica 58 (3):395–411.
    Some philosophers find the following thesis attractive: for every logical constant C there is a set of logical rules of inference R such that a subject knows the meaning of C if and only if she accepts the rules in R. I point out some obvious but, apparently, easily forgotten difficulties concerning this thesis.
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    Interactive Time-Travel: On the intersubjective Retro-modulation of Intentions.E. Di Paolo - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (1-2):49-74.
    The temporality of intentions and actions in situations of social interaction can sometimes be paradoxical. I argue that in these situations it may sometimes be possible to conceive of individual acts that can, in a strong sense, be intended retroactively. This could happen when the relational patterns in social interaction literally alter the virtual structure of a participant's past corporeal intentions resulting in an odd experience of having intended something all along without knowing it. I propose that this possibility should (...)
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  31. AI Enters Public Discourse: a Habermasian Assessment of the Moral Status of Large Language Models.Paolo Monti - 2024 - Ethics and Politics 61 (1):61-80.
    Large Language Models (LLMs) are generative AI systems capable of producing original texts based on inputs about topic and style provided in the form of prompts or questions. The introduction of the outputs of these systems into human discursive practices poses unprecedented moral and political questions. The article articulates an analysis of the moral status of these systems and their interactions with human interlocutors based on the Habermasian theory of communicative action. The analysis explores, among other things, Habermas's inquiries into (...)
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    “Physiological Kantianism” and the “organization of the mind”: a reconsideration.Paolo Pecere - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review:1-22.
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    A review and analysis of new Italian law 219/2017: ‘provisions for informed consent and advance directives treatment’.Marco Di Paolo, Federica Gori, Luigi Papi & Emanuela Turillazzi - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):17.
    In December 2017, Law 219/2017, ‘Provisions for informed consent and advance directives’, was approved in Italy. The law is the culmination of a year-long process and the subject of heated debate throughout Italian society. Contentious issues are addressed in the law. What emerges clearly are concepts such as quality of life, autonomy, and the right to accept or refuse any medical treatment – concepts that should be part of an optimal relationship between the patient and healthcare professionals. The law maximizes (...)
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    Landscape between Representation and Performativity.Paolo Furia - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (5):153.
    This article explores the concept of landscape through the lens of performativity, challenging the traditional visual-centric understanding rooted in Western art and culture but without denying the visual and representational character of landscape. It examines the evolution of landscape representation, from its origins in linear perspective and Cartesian dualism to contemporary approaches that integrate performative practices. The analysis highlights the dialectical tension between visual representation and immersive, multisensory experiences, arguing for a more integrated view that acknowledges the performative aspects of (...)
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  35.  84
    Picturing Organisms and Their Environments: Interaction, Transaction, and Constitution Loops.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  36.  27
    (3 other versions)2. Quine and Tarski on Nominalism.Paolo Mancosu - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics: Volume 4 4:22.
  37. Learning to perceive in the sensorimotor approach: Piaget’s theory of equilibration interpreted dynamically.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Xabier E. Barandiaran, Michael Beaton & Thomas Buhrmann - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:551.
    Learning to perceive is faced with a classical paradox: if understanding is required for perception, how can we learn to perceive something new, something we do not yet understand? According to the sensorimotor approach, perception involves mastery of regular sensorimotor co-variations that depend on the agent and the environment, also known as the “laws” of sensorimotor contingencies (SMCs). In this sense, perception involves enacting relevant sensorimotor skills in each situation. It is important for this proposal that such skills can be (...)
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  38.  62
    Causality in Cancer Research: a Journey Through Models in Molecular Epidemiology and their Philosophical Interpretation.Paolo Vineis, Phyllis Illari & Federica Russo - 2017 - Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 14 (7):1-8.
    In the last decades, Systems Biology (including cancer research) has been driven by technology, statistical modelling and bioinformatics. In this paper we try to bring biological and philosophical thinking back. We thus aim at making diferent traditions of thought compatible: (a) causality in epidemiology and in philosophical theorizing—notably, the “sufcient-component-cause framework” and the “mark transmission” approach; (b) new acquisitions about disease pathogenesis, e.g. the “branched model” in cancer, and the role of biomarkers in this process; (c) the burgeoning of omics (...)
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    Defining ecology: Ecological theories, mathematical models, and applied biology in the 1960s and 1970s.Paolo Palladino - 1991 - Journal of the History of Biology 24 (2):223 - 243.
    Ever since the early decades of this century, there have emerged a number of competing schools of ecology that have attempted to weave the concepts underlying natural resource management and natural-historical traditions into a formal theoretical framework. It was widely believed that the discovery of the fundamental mechanisms underlying ecological phenomena would allow ecologists to articulate mathematically rigorous statements whose validity was not predicated on contingent factors. The formulation of such statements would elevate ecology to the standing of a rigorous (...)
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    ‘Spuntar lo scoglio più duro’: did Galileo ever think the most beautiful thought experiment in the history of science?Paolo Palmieri - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (2):223-240.
    Still today it remains unclear whether Galileo ever climbed the leaning tower of Pisa in order to drop bodies from its top. Some believe that he established the principle of equal speeds for falling bodies by means of an ingenious thought experiment. However, the reconstruction of that thought experiment circulating in the philosophical literature is no more than a cartoon. In this paper I will tell the story of the thought processes behind the cartoon.Keywords: Galileo Galilei; Thought experiment; Falling bodies.
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    Indefinite Propositions and Anaphora in Stoic Logic.Paolo Crivelli - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (2):187 - 206.
  42.  42
    History of physics and the Platonic legacy: a problem in Marburg Neo-Kantianism.Paolo Pecere - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (4):671-693.
    In this article, I argue that the interpretation of Kant's a priori in Marburg neo-Kantianism involved a historiographical problem concerning the Platonic interpretation of the history of exact sci...
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  43. On Names.Paolo Leonardi & Ernesto Napoli - 1995 - In Paolo Leonardi & Marco Santambrogio, On Quine: New Essays. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 251-266.
  44.  31
    Definitions by Abstraction in the Peano School.Paolo Mancosu - 2018 - In Alessandro Giordani & Ciro de Florio, From Arithmetic to Metaphysics: A Path Through Philosophical Logic. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 261-288.
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    Philosophy, Technology, and the Arts in the Early Modern Era.Paolo Rossi & Benjamin Nelson - 1970 - Harper & Row.
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    Bioethics and medical humanities at the Scientific Institute Hospital San Raffaele of Milan.P. Cattorini & C. Scaglia - 1990 - Journal International de Bioethique= International Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):189.
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    Compulsory AIDS testing--a recent judgement by the Italian Constitutional Court.P. Cattorini - 1995 - Health Care Analysis: Hca: Journal of Health Philosophy and Policy 3 (2):135.
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  48. Il rapporto scienza-filosofia nel pensiero di Jaspers.P. Cattorini - 1985 - Studium 81 (5):605-619.
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  49. L'insegnamento della bioetica: arte d'applicare, mestiere di vivere.P. Cattorini - 1993 - Studium 89 (3):367-377.
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  50. La dignità degli ultimi istanti. Per un'etica della compassione.P. Cattorini - 1989 - Studium 85 (1):89-106.
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