Results for 'Patrice Forrester'

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  1.  59
    ‘Ethics Are Messy’: Supervision as a Tool to Help Social Workers Manage Ethical Challenges.Lauren P. McCarthy, Rachel Imboden, Corey S. Shdaimah & Patrice Forrester - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (1):118-134.
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    David Forrest, the Scottish Reformer and a Reattributed Provenance of a Calvin Commentary in the John Rylands Library.Martin A. Forrest - 2020 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 96 (1):25-43.
    This article reveals that the original owner of a first edition copy of John Calvin’s Commentarii in Isaiam Prophetam in the collection of the John Rylands Library was not the unknown David Forrest of Carluke, Lanarkshire as asserted and recorded by Alexander Gordon, Principal of the Unitarian Home Missionary College, Manchester, from whom the library acquired the book, but was the recognised Scottish Reformer and compatriot of John Knox, David Forrest of Haddington. An investigation into Forrest’s background, gleaned mainly from (...)
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    Les sciences et les techniques, laboratoire de l'Histoire: mélanges en l'honneur de Patrice Bret.Patrice Bret, Liliane Hilaire-Pérez & Catherine Lanoë (eds.) - 2022 - [Paris]: PSL.
    Les travaux de Patrice Bret occupent une place centrale en histoire des sciences et en histoire des techniques. Ce livre entend les mettre à l'honneur, qu'il s'agisse de l'histoire des savoirs académiques, du régime techno-politique du XVIIIe siècle, des interactions entre savants et praticiens à l'heure de la chimie lavoisienne, des circulations culturelles et des traductions ou encore de la place des femmes de sciences. Les contributions réunies dans ce volume illustrent, par leur diversité, l'influence de Patrice Bret (...)
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    Presentación del Doctor Honoris Causa Dr. Patrice Vermeren: La filosofía interrumpida.Patrice Vermeren - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 75:17-29.
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    Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design.Barbara Forrest & Paul R. Gross - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Forrest and Gross expose the scientific failure, the religious essence, and the political ambitions of "intelligent design" creationism. They examine the movement's "Wedge Strategy," which has advanced and is succeeding through public relations rather than through scientific research. Analyzing the content and character of "intelligent design theory," they highlight its threat to public education and to the separation of church and state.
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    Quantum metaphysics.Peter Forrest - 1988 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
    The book comprises an enquiry into what quantum theory shows us about the world. Its aim is to sort out which metaphysical speculations are tenable and which are not. After an initial discussion of realism, the author provides a non-technical exposition of quantum theory and a criticism of the proposal that quantum theory should make us revise our beliefs about logic. He then discusses the various problems and puzzles which make quantum theory both interesting and perplexing. The text defends three (...)
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    Les absolus, les essences et le rien: essai sur la logique ousiologique.Patrice Guillamaud - 2023 - Paris IIe: Éditions Kimé.
    Dans ce livre, Patrice Guillamaud expose une nouvelle logique. Il ne s'agit pas d'une logique mathématique, purement formelle, mais d'une logique philosophique et ontologique. En tant que telle, cette logique déploie les catégories fondamentales de la nouvelle science qu'est l'ousiologie. Tout étant certes en un sens, et comme toute logique, abstraite, la logique ousiologique est, en un autre sens, concrète. C'est ainsi qu'elle a l'ambition de rendre compte des catégories fondamentales de la réalité. Les trois premières catégories fondamentales sont (...)
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  8. Nonclassical Mereology and Its Application to Sets.Peter Forrest - 2002 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43 (2):79-94.
    Part One of this paper is a case against classical mereology and for Heyting mereology. This case proceeds by first undermining the appeal of classical mereology and then showing how it fails to cohere with our intuitions about a measure of quantity. Part Two shows how Heyting mereology provides an account of sets and classes without resort to any nonmereological primitive.
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    Chercheurs, éthiques et sociétés: l'avenir de l'avenir.Thierry Patrice - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Thierry Patrice, 57 ans, médecin, nommé professeur à 32 ans, Lauréat de la Faculté, est internationalement connu pour ses travaux concernant l'action de la lumière sur les tissus vivant en cancérologie. Il a reçu plusieurs Prix pour l'étude du rôle de l'oxygène dans différentes maladies, dont le diabète, mais aussi lors du vieillissement.
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  10. The identity of indiscernibles.Peter Forrest - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Palabras de Patrice Vermeren en representación del director-general de la UNESCO, Federico Mayor.Patrice Vermeren - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:617.
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  12. Lord Chesterfield's Advice to His Son, and the Polite Philosophey [by J. Forrester].Philip Dormer Stanhope & James Forrester - 1907
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  13. The Impossibility of Motherhood: Feminism, Individualism, and the Problem of Mothering.Patrice Diquinzio, Nancy E. Dowd, Julia E. Hanigsberg, Sara Ruddick, Linda L. Layne & Laurie Lisle - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (2):180-190.
    An adequate analysis of experiences and situations specific to women, especially mothering, requires consideration of women's difference. A focus on women's difference, however, jeopardizes feminism's claims of women's equal individualist subjectivity, and risks recuperating the inequality and oppression of women, especially the view that all women should be mothers, want to be mothers, and are most happy being mothers. This book considers how thinkers including Simone de Beauvoir, Julia Kristeva, Nancy Choderow and Adrienne Rich struggle to negotiate this dilemma of (...)
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    Human Thought and Action: Readings in Western Intellectual History.Forrest E. Baird - 1992 - Upa.
    A book of readings in Western intellectual history focusing on the role of reason in human action. Contents:^ Plato: Myth of the Cave; Plato: ^IThe Four Virtues; Aristotle: Knowledge of Causes; Aristotle: The Types of Governments; Epicurus: Epicureanism; Epictetus: Stoicism; St. Augustine: The Platonist; St. Augustine: The Nature of Sources of Evil; St. Thomas Aquinas: The Four Laws; St. Thomas Aquinas: The Nature of the Soul; Pico: The Oration on the Dignity of Man; John Calvin: Reason, Sin and Illumination; St. (...)
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    One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Making Change in Early Head Start.Patrice W. Hallock & Tom Schram - 2008 - Upa.
    This book describes the experience of families who participate in an Early Head Start program for families with infants and toddlers who live in poverty. The author examines the lives of the families as they go about their daily routines, attend the Head Start center, and receive home visits.
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    Radios périphériques et régions ultra-périphériques.Patrice Louis - 2002 - Hermes 32:247.
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    Le philosophe, la Terre et le virus: Bruno Latour expliqué par l'actualité.Patrice Maniglier - 2021 - [Paris]: Éditions Les Liens qui libèrent.
    Nous sommes terrestres avant d'être humains. Un virus vient de nous le rappeler, durement. Car la pandémie de Covid-19 est aussi la manifestation d'un événement plus complexe et plus terrible : le réveil de cette entité que nous croyions connaître, la Terre. La Terre n'est pas cette planète qui roule dans les cieux obscurs. Elle est un être actif et multiple : non pas le cadre indifférent de nos actions, mais un partenaire exigeant qui interagit avec nous, à côté de (...)
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  18. OBITUARY-Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1908-2009.Patrice Maniglier - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 160:65.
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    Problemes de semiologie theatrale.Patrice Pavis - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):222.
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    A philosophy of man and society.Forrest H. Peterson - 1970 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  21.  27
    Thirst for Intention? Grasping a Glass Is a Thirst-Controlled Action.Patrice Revol, Sarah Collette, Zoe Boulot, Alexandre Foncelle, Chiharu Niki, David Thura, Akila Imai, Sophie Jacquin-Courtois, Michel Cabanac, François Osiurak & Yves Rossetti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Aesthetics of Horror Films: A Santayanan Perspective.Forrest Adam Sopuck - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book analyzes the nature and functions of horror films from the vantage of a theoretical reconstruction of George Santayana’s account of beauty. This neo-Santayanan framework forms the conceptual backdrop for a new model of horror’s aesthetic enjoyment, the nature of which is detailed through the examination of plot, cinematic, and visual devices distinctive of the popular genre. According to this model, the audience derives pleasure from the films through confronting the aversive scenarios they communicate and rationalizing a denial of (...)
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    Re-Examining the Role of Consistency: The Cornerstone, not Simply an Important Factor.Patrice Terrier - 1998 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 4.
    Despite the important role of the consistency concept in various theoretical frameworks of memory research and its influence on practical investigations it remains unclear as to whether consistency has been firmly grounded as a explanatory factor. Consistency does not determine either a cognitive load or the development of automaticity. However, it does explain the nature of empirical facts that are subsumed by these terms. Consistency is not a psychological factor involved in many important and highly related topics of consciousness research (...)
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  24.  19
    (1 other version)Intervención del profesor Vermeren.Patrice Vermeren - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía 74:305-306.
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    Les révolutions de la biologie et la condition humaine.Patrice Debré - 2020 - Paris: Odile Jacob.
    Les révolutions de la biologie ont profondément modifié l'homme. Des cellules souches à l'épigénome, des thérapies géniques aux transplantations du microbiote, des interfaces cerveau-machine à l'application de l'intelligence artificielle en matière de santé, Patrice Debré dresse dans ce livre une fresque fascinante des avancées et perspectives de cette transformation possible d'Homo sapiens. A travers elle, le lecteur comprendra les différentes configurations que peut épouser la condition humaine.0Les connaissances de la maîtrise du vivant doivent s'appuyer sur la science et non (...)
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  26. ESG and Asset Manager Capitalism.Paul Forrester - manuscript
    This paper provides an examination of some problems caused by the concentration of influence in the capital markets of developed countries. In particular, I argue that large asset managers exercise quasi-political power that is not democratically legitimate. In section two, I will examine the economic driver behind the size and power of the big asset managers: the passive investing revolution. I will discuss several respects in which this revolution has fundamentally changed capital markets, most notably by making a large share (...)
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    Problem and Structure: Bachelard, Deleuze and Transdisciplinarity.Patrice Maniglier - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (2):25-45.
    The concept of ‘problem’ has been recently promoted by the official academic institutions and put at the centre of a new field of research, self-styled ‘transdisciplinary studies’, in order to provide a foundation to a resolutely transdisciplinary approach to research and thought in general. The paper notes that the same move (i.e. connecting a problem-centred approach to thought with transdisciplinary method) can be found in Deleuze’s philosophy, which provides us with what the technocratic image of thought advocated by transdisciplinary studies (...)
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  28. Learning the Arabic Plural: The Case for Minority Default Mappings in Connectionist Networks. Neil Forrester Kim Plunkett.Neil Forrester Kim Plunkett - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 319.
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    Implicit action encoding influences personal-trait judgments.Patric Bach & Steven P. Tipper - 2007 - Cognition 102 (2):151-178.
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    Freud in Cambridge.John Forrester & Laura Cameron - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Freud may never have set foot in Cambridge - that hub for the twentieth century's most influential thinkers and scientists - but his intellectual impact there in the years between the two World Wars was immense. This is a story that has long languished untold, buried under different accounts of the dissemination of psychoanalysis. John Forrester and Laura Cameron present a fascinating and deeply textured history of the ways in which a set of Freudian ideas about the workings of (...)
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    Helmholtz, du son à la musique.Patrice Bailhache, Antonia Soulez & Céline Vautrin - 2011 - Vrin.
    Dans cet ouvrage, science et musique dialoguent selon trois grandes lignes. La premiere est representee par la recherche des causes physiologiques de l'harmonie musicale, conformement au titre de la conference que donne Helmholtz en 1857 (expose synthetique des idees qu'il reprendra dans sa tres fameuse Theorie physiologique de la musique), et par la presentation populaire pour les musiciens qu'en propose Enst Mach, des 1866. Avec Helmholtz, le son acquiert une place centrale pour la musique - le son tel qu'entendu par (...)
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    How do we reason?: an introduction to logic.Forrest E. Baird - 2021 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic.
    How exactly does logic work? What makes some arguments valid and others not? What does a faithful use of logic look like? In this introduction to logic, philosopher Forrest Baird considers the basic building blocks of human reason, including types of arguments, fallacies, syllogisms, symbols, and proofs, all of which are demonstrated with exercises for students throughout.
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    Façades: Walter Benjamin's Paris.Patrice Higonnet, Anne Higonnet & Margaret Higonnet - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (3):391-419.
    “Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century” juxtaposes elliptical descriptions that reveal the interiorization of commodities in the economy of high capitalism. “Allegory in the nineteenth century vacated the outer world, to colonize the inner world.”32 Each of the exposé’s six sections consists of two parts: “Fourier, or the Arcades,” “Daguerre, or the Panoramas,” “Grandville, or the World Exhibitions,” “Louis-Philippe, or the Interior,” “Baudelaire, or the Streets of Paris,” “Haussmann, or the Baricades.”33The commercial arcade and not the factory is the logical (...)
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  34. L’Education du Citoyen.Patrice Canivez - 1993 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 5 (2-3):5-12.
    L’education du citoyen n’a pas à former le militant politique. Elle ne doit pas non plus se contenter d’informer l’usager des services publics ou le client des administrations. Dans les limites d’une pratiqueréaliste, elle se conçoit comme une éducation du jugement fournissant aux élèves les critères formeIs du droit. Elle s’appuie sur les droits de l’homme en évitant de les transformer en un nouveau catéchisme. Elle noue la réflexion à l’action en visant à faire de l’idée de droit une véritable (...)
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    The Impossibility of Motherhood: Feminism, Individualism, and the Problem of Mothering.Patrice DiQuinzio - 1999 - Routledge.
    An adequate analysis of experiences and situations specific to women, especially mothering, requires consideration of women's difference. A focus on women's difference, however, jeopardizes feminism's claims of women's equal individualist subjectivity, and risks recuperating the inequality and oppression of women, especially the view that all women should be mothers, want to be mothers, and are most happy being mothers. This book considers how thinkers including Simone de Beauvoir, Julia Kristeva, Nancy Choderow and Adrienne Rich struggle to negotiate this dilemma of (...)
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  36. Philosophic classics.Forrest E. Baird (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
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    From Psychology to Neuroscience: A New Reductive Account.Patrice Soom - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    This book explores the mind-body issue from both the perspectives of philosophy of mind and philosophy of science. Starting from the problem of mental causation, it provides an overview of the contemporary metaphysical discussion and argues in favour of the token-identity thesis, as the only position that can account for the causal efficacy of the mental. Showing furthermore that this ontological reductionism is not dissociable from epistemological reductionism, the author applies a new strategy of inter-theoretic reduction, which is compatible with (...)
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    Response: No need to match: a comment on Bach, Nicholson, and Hudson's “Affordance-Matching Hypothesis”.Patric Bach, Toby Nicholson & Matthew Hudson - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Philosophic Classics: Ancient philosophy.Forrest E. Baird (ed.) - 2003 - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
    This fascinating anthology of classic philosophical readings provides clear translations of the most important Greek philosophers and some of their Roman followers, key influences on the development of Western civilization.This book begins with the fragmentary statements of the Pre-Socratics, moves through the all-embracing systems of Plato and Aristotle, and culminates in the practical advice of the Hellenistic writers.For anyone interested in owning a collection of clearly translated philosophical works.
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    Splitting the Difference: Compromise and Integrity in Ethics and Politics.James Forrester - 1993 - Noûs 27 (1):85-89.
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  41. Jean-Jacques rousseau’s concept of people.Patrice Canivez - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (4):393-412.
    s political theory apparently leads us to choose between patriotism and cosmopolitism. The two major works published in 1762, On the Social Contract and Emile , would represent the two sides of the alternative. However, the opposition between patriotism and cosmopolitism is the ultimate development of an internal tension between two aspects of Rousseau’s political concept of people: the intersubjectivity that permits the formation of the general will; and the individual’s devotion to the state. On the one hand, the political (...)
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  42. Review essay: Under consideration: Furio Cerutti and Sonia Lucarelli (eds), The search for a European identity: Values, policies and legitimacy of the European Union.Patrice Canivez - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (7):857-870.
    (No abstract is available for this citation).
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    Éric Weil et la pensée antique (Lille, 6 mai 1988).Patrice Canivez - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (4):645-650.
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  44. Punishmentand Prisons in a Morally Fragmented Society.Duncan B. Forrester - 1993 - Studies in Christian Ethics 6 (2):15-30.
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  45. A Practical Guide to Establishment Clause for Teachers, Principals and Consumers.Graham B. Forrester - 2001 - Nexus 6:257.
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    Essay Review: The Pasteurization of France: Les Microbes. Guerre et Paix, suivi de IrréductionsLes Microbes. Guerre et Paix, suivi de Irréductions. LatourBruno . Pp. 281. 90 FF.John Forrester - 1984 - History of Science 22 (4):425-427.
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    Feminist Reading Together in a Different Register.Michelle Forrest, Suzanne McCullagh & Ian Reilly - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):721-741.
    In this paper we reflect upon our multi-year reading group as a site of decolonial feminist praxis that motivates reading in a different register from how we were trained to read as academics in the humanities. In collaborative study we willingly open ourselves to change, to being worked on by one another and by the texts we read. Our reading together has initiated the undoing of settler colonial academic subjectivity and the co-creation of new forms of scholarly subjectivity grounded in (...)
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    Inherited responsibility karma and original sin.Peter Forrest - 1994 - Sophia 33 (3):1-13.
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  49. Loque et Analyse.Peter Forrest (ed.) - 2003
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    Philosophical anthropology and the critique of aesthetic judgment.Williams Forrest - 1955 - Kant Studien 46 (1-4):172-188.
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