Results for 'Patricia Easteal'

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  1.  26
    Exploring Australian journalism discursive practices in reporting rape: The pitiful predator and the silent victim.Cathy Vaughan, Georgina Sutherland, Kate Holland, Patricia Easteal & Michelle Dunne Breen - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (3):241-258.
    This article draws on the qualitative research component of a mixed-methods project exploring the Australian news media’s representation of violence against women. This critical discourse analysis is on print and online news reporting of the case of ‘Kings Cross Nightclub Rapist Luke Lazarus’, who in March 2015 was tried and convicted of raping a female club-goer in a laneway behind his father’s nightclub in Sydney, Australia. We explore the journalism discursive practices employed in the production of the news reports about (...)
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    The Language of Thought.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1975 - Noûs 14 (1):120-124.
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    Molecular evidence for the early divergence of placental mammals.Simon Easteal - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (12):1052-1058.
    Paleontological and molecular data suggest quite different patterns for the early evolution of placental mammals. Paleontological evidence indicates a radiation, with most of the extant orders diverging at approximately the same time, close to the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, 65 Myr ago. Molecular evidence suggests a branching pattern of evolution that started much earlier. Resolving this discrepancy requires a consideration of the assumptions that underlie both approaches. It is argued here that the pattern indicated by the molecular approach is the most likely (...)
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    Problems and paradigms: A mammalian molecular clock?Simon Easteal - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):415-419.
    The molecular clock hypothesis remains controversial more than a quarter of a century after it was first proposed. A variety of approaches have been applied to testing the molecular clock in mammals. In many of these studies apparent refutation of the molecular clock has based on false assumptions about the pattern of mammalian evolution. With a few exceptions there now appears to be little evidence for variation in the rate of molecular evolution among mammalian lineages, although comparison of more genes (...)
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    Reply to Benton.Simon Easteal - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (12):1060-1060.
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  6. The effect of organizational culture and ethical orientation on accountants' ethical judgments.Patricia Casey Douglas, Ronald A. Davidson & Bill N. Schwartz - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (2):101 - 121.
    This paper examines the relationship between organizational ethical culture in two large international CPA firms, auditors'' personal values and the ethical orientation that those values dictate, and judgments in ethical dilemmas typical of those that accountants face. Using an experimental task consisting of multiple judgments designed to vary in "moral intensity" (Jones, 1991), and unique as well as tried-and-true approaches to variable measurements, this study examined the judgments of more than three hundred participants in our study. ANCOVA and path analysis (...)
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  7. The hornswoggle problem.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (5-6):402-8.
    Beginning with Thomas Nagel, various philosophers have propsed setting conscious experience apart from all other problems of the mind as ‘the most difficult problem’. When critically examined, the basis for this proposal reveals itself to be unconvincing and counter-productive. Use of our current ignorance as a premise to determine what we can never discover is one common logical flaw. Use of ‘I-cannot-imagine’ arguments is a related flaw. When not much is known about a domain of phenomena, our inability to imagine (...)
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  8. On the alleged backward referral of experience and its relevance to the mind-body problem.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (June):165-81.
    A remarkable hypothesis has recently been advanced by Libet and promoted by Eccles which claims that there is standardly a backwards referral of conscious experiences in time, and that this constitutes empirical evidence for the failure of identity of brain states and mental states. Libet's neurophysiological data are critically examined and are found insufficient to support the hypothesis. Additionally, it is argued that even if there is a temporal displacement phenomenon to be explained, a neurophysiological explanation is most likely.
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  9. The timing of sensations: Reply to Libet.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (3):492-7.
  10.  60
    The Affective Turn.Patricia T. Clough - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (1):1-22.
  11. (1 other version)Moral Imagination and the Search for Ethical Decision-Making in Management.Patricia H. Werhane - 1998 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 1:75-98.
  12.  81
    The Normative/Descriptive Distinction in Methodologies of Business Ethics.Patricia H. Werhane - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):175-180.
    Abstract:Most papers in this issue carefully analyze normative and empirical methodologies. I shall argue that (a) there is no purely empirical nor purely normative methodology; (b) some terms escape the division of the normative and descriptive. (c) Most importantly, dialogues such as this one point to a form of integration that allows us to reflect on what it is that each approach presupposes in its study of business ethics. Thus we have made progress in recognizing the importance of each methodology, (...)
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    How Intractability Spans the Cognitive and Evolutionary Levels of Explanation.Patricia Rich, Mark Blokpoel, Ronald de Haan & Iris van Rooij - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1382-1402.
    This paper focuses on the cognitive/computational and evolutionary levels. It describes three proposals to make cognition computationally tractable, namely: Resource Rationality, the Adaptive Toolbox and Massive Modularity. While each of these proposals appeals to evolutionary considerations to dissolve the intractability of cognition, Rich, Blokpoel, de Haan, and van Rooij argue that, in each case, the intractability challenge is not resolved, but just relocated to the level of evolution.
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  14.  43
    Sentence comprehension: A psycholinguistic processing model of verification.Patricia A. Carpenter & Marcel A. Just - 1975 - Psychological Review 82 (1):45-73.
  15.  51
    Cognitive Diversity and Moral Enhancement.Chris Gyngell & Simon Easteal - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (1):66-74.
  16. Employment and Employee Rights.Patricia Werhane, Tara J. Radin & Norman E. Bowie - 2003 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Employment and Employee Rights_ addresses the issue of rights in the workplace. Although much of the literature in this field focuses on employee rights, this volume considers the issue from the perspective of both employees and employers. Considers the rights of both employees and employers. Discusses the moral and legal landscape and traditional assumptions about right in employment. Investigates arguments for guaranteeing rights, particularly for employees, which are derived from relational, developmental, and economic bases. Explores new dimensions of employment including (...)
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  17. Emotional strategies and rationality.Patricia Greenspan - 2000 - Ethics 110 (3):469-487.
  18.  36
    Ecstatic Subjects, Utopia, and Recognition: Kristeva, Heidegger, Irigaray.Patricia J. Huntington - 1998 - State University of New York Press.
    Interweaves elements of Kristevan and Heideggerian thought in order to reconstruct a linguistically embedded, existentially and affectively rich, dialectical model of willed self-regulation.
  19. Responsible psychopaths.Patricia S. Greenspan - 2003 - Philosophical Psychology 16 (3):417 – 429.
    Psychopaths are agents who lack the normal capacity to feel moral emotions (e.g. guilt based on empathy with the victims of their actions). Evidence for attributing psychopathy at least in some cases to genetic or early childhood causes suggests that psychopaths lack free will. However, the paper defends a sense in which psychopaths still may be construed as responsible for their actions, even if their degree of responsibility is less than that of normal agents. Responsibility is understood in Strawsonian terms, (...)
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  20. Hobbes's Biblical Beasts.Patricia Springborg - 1995 - Political Theory 23 (2):353-375.
    Reformation commentators were well aware of the allegorical referents for Leviathan and Behemoth in the book of Job, representing the powerful states of Ancient Egypt and Assyria, but played them down. Hobbes did not.
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  21. The Impact of Neuroscience on Philosophy.Patricia Smith Churchland - unknown
    Philosophy, in its traditional guise, addresses questions where experimental science has not yet nailed down plausible explanatory theories. Thus, the ancient Greeks pondered the nature of life, the sun, and tides, but also how we learn and make decisions. The history of science can be seen as a gradual process whereby speculative philosophy cedes intellectual space to increasingly wellgrounded experimental disciplines—first astronomy, but followed by physics, chemistry, geology, biology, archaeology, and more recently, ethology, psychology, and neuroscience. Science now encompasses plausible (...)
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  22. Moral dilemmas and guilt.Patricia Greenspan - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 43 (1):117 - 125.
    I use a version of the case in "sophie's choice" as an example of the strongest sort of dilemma, With all options seriously wrong, And no permissible way of choosing one of them. This is worse, I argue, Than a choice between conflicting obligations, Where the agent has an overriding obligation "to choose", And does nothing wrong, Once the choice is made, By ignoring one of his prior obligations. Here, "contra" marcus, Guilt seems inappropriate.
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    Porphyry on the Value of Non-Human Animals.Patricia Marechal - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (4):543-566.
    This paper argues that Book 3 of Porphyry’s De abstinentia contains an overlooked argument in favor of vegetarianism for the sake of non-human animals themselves. The argument runs as follows: animals are essentially sentient creatures. Sentience (αἴσθησις) allows them to discern what is good for their survival and what is destructive to them, so that they can pursue the former and avoid the latter. As a result, animals (human and non-human) have preferences, desires, and hopes. Having purposeful strivings that can (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir, Women's Oppression and Existential Freedom.Patricia Hill Collins - 2017 - In Laura Hengehold & Nancy Bauer, A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 325–338.
    Via a close reading of The Ethics of Ambiguity and The Second Sex, this chapter examines how Simone de Beauvoir's analogical thinking about race and gender shape her arguments concerning oppression and freedom. First, Beauvoir uses gender as an analytical category to examine women's oppression. In contrast, Beauvoir uses race, age, class and ethnicity as descriptive experiences that provide evidence for her analysis of women's oppression. Second, Beauvoir's analysis of women's oppression relies on an uncritical analogical method to develop arguments (...)
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  25.  26
    Rethinking feminist organizations.Patricia Yancey Martin - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (2):182-206.
    This article analyzes feminist organizations as a species of social movement organization. It identifies 10 dimensions for comparing feminist and nonfeminist organizations or for deriving types of feminist organizations and analyzing them. The dimensions are feminist ideology, feminist values, feminist goals, feminist outcomes, founding circumstances, structure, practice, members and membership, scope and scale, and external relations. I argue that many scholars judge feminist organizations against an ideal type that is largely unattainable and that excessive attention has been paid to the (...)
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  26. Hobbes’s materialism and Epicurean mechanism.Patricia Springborg - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (5):814-835.
    ABSTRACT: Hobbes belonged to philosophical and scientific circles grappling with the big question at the dawn of modern physics: materialism and its consequences for morality. ‘Matter in motion’ may be a core principle of this materialism but it is certainly inadequate to capture the whole project. In wave after wave of this debate the Epicurean view of a fully determined universe governed by natural laws, that nevertheless allows to humans a sphere of libertas, but does not require a creator god (...)
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  27. Employment-at-Will, Employee Rights, and Future Directions for Employment.Patricia H. Werhane - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (2):113-130.
    Abstract:During recent years, the principle and practice of employment-at-will have been under attack. While progress has been made in eroding the practice, the principle still governs the philosophical assumptions underlying employment practices in the United States, and, indeed, EAW has been promulgated as one of the ways to address economic ills in other countries. This paper will briefly review the major critiques of EAW. Given the failure of these arguments to erode the underpinnings of EAW, we shall suggest new avenues (...)
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  28.  93
    Workplace Spirituality and Business Ethics: Insights from an Eastern Spiritual Tradition.Patricia Doyle Corner - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (3):377-389.
    The author extends theory on the relationship between workplace spirituality and business ethics by integrating the "yamas" from yoga, a venerable Eastern spiritual tradition, with existing literature. The yamas are five practices for harmonizing and deepening social connections that can be applied in the workplace. A theoretical framework is developed and two sets of propositions are forwarded. One set emanates from the yamas and another one conjectures relationships between spirituality and business ethics surfaced by the application of these spiritual practices (...)
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  29.  37
    The Linguistic Turn, Social Construction and the Impartial Spectator: why Do these Ideas Matter to Managerial Thinking?Patricia Werhane - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (3):265-278.
    One’s philosophical points of view, which form the bases for assumptions that we bring to management theory and practice matter, and matter deeply, to management thinking and corporate behavior. In this paper I outline three related threads of philosophical conversations and explain how they are important in management theory and practice: the “linguistic turn” in philosophy, deriving from the later writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein, a social constructionist perspective: a set of theories at least implicitly derived from the linguistic turn in (...)
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  30. Ecstatic Subjects, Utopia, and Recognition: Kristeva, Heidegger, Irigaray.Patricia J. Huntington - 2000 - Utopian Studies 11 (1):170-172.
  31. Moral dilemmas, collective responsibility, and moral progress.Patricia Marino - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 104 (2):203 - 225.
    Ruth Marcus has offered an account of moral dilemmas in which the presence of dilemmas acts as a motivating force, pushing us to try to minimize predicaments of moral conflict. In this paper, I defend a Marcus-style account of dilemmas against two objections: first, that if dilemmas are real, we are forced to blame those who have done their best, and second, that in some cases, even a stripped down version of blame seems inappropriate. My account highlights the importance of (...)
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    How Intractability Spans the Cognitive and Evolutionary Levels of Explanation.Patricia Rich, Mark Blokpoel, Ronald Haan & Iris Rooij - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1382-1402.
    This paper focuses on the cognitive/computational and evolutionary levels. It describes three proposals to make cognition computationally tractable, namely: Resource Rationality, the Adaptive Toolbox and Massive Modularity. While each of these proposals appeals to evolutionary considerations to dissolve the intractability of cognition, Rich, Blokpoel, de Haan, and van Rooij argue that, in each case, the intractability challenge is not resolved, but just relocated to the level of evolution.
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    Virtue, affection, and the social good: The moral philosophy of Catharine Trotter Cockburn and the Bluestockings.Patricia Sheridan - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (3):e12478.
    This paper explores the intellectual relationship between three eighteenth century women thinkers: Catharine Trotter Cockburn, and the Bluestockings Elizabeth Carter and Catherine Talbot. All three share a virtue-ethical approach according to which human happiness depends on the harmonization of our essentially rational and sociable natures. The affinity between the Bluestockings and Cockburn, I show, illuminates important new avenues for thinking about the Bluestockings as philosophers in their own right and for thinking about the feminist dimensions of Cockburn's morality. Further, their (...)
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  34. Practical reasoning and emotion.Patricia Greenspan - 2004 - In Alfred R. Mele & Piers Rawling, The Oxford handbook of rationality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The category of emotions covers a disputed territory, but clear examples include fear, anger, joy, pride, sadness, disgust, shame, contempt and the like. Such states are commonly thought of as antithetical to reason, disorienting and distorting practical thought. However, there is also a sense in which emotions are factors in practical reasoning, understood broadly as reasoning that issues in action. At the very least emotions can function as "enabling" causes of rational decision-making (despite the many cases in which they are (...)
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  35. Heidegger's Philosophy of Science.Patricia Glazebrook - 1994 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    In this dissertation, I argue that Heidegger offers a philosophy of science by explicating that philosophy of science. The following chapter presents Heidegger's early analysis of modern science, from 1916 to the mid-1930s. During these years Heidegger maintains two theses: that the essence of science is the mathematical projection of nature; and that metaphysics is the science of being. As the latter thesis becomes more problematic, Heidegger turns from metaphysics as a science, to the sciences. ;The pivot for this turn (...)
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    Axiomatic and ecological rationality: choosing costs and benefits.Patricia Rich - 2016 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 9 (2):90.
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    Family Members’ Requests to Extend Physiologic Support after Declaration of Brain Death: A Case Series Analysis and Proposed Guidelines for Clinical Management.Patricia A. Mayer, Martin L. Smith & Anne Lederman Flamm - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (3):222-237.
    We describe and analyze 13 cases handled by our ethics consultation service (ECS) in which families requested continuation of physiological support for loved ones after death by neurological criteria (DNC) had been declared. These ethics consultations took place between 2005 and 2013. Patients’ ages ranged from 14 to 85. Continued mechanical ventilation was the focal intervention sought by all families. The ECS’s advice and recommendations generally promoted “reasonable accommodation” of the requests, balancing compassion for grieving families with other ethical and (...)
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  38. Some group matters: Intersectionality, situated standpoints, and Black feminist thought.Patricia Hill Collins - 2003 - In Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman, A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  39.  99
    Anaxagoras and the theory of everything.Patricia Curd - 2008 - In Patricia Curd & Daniel W. Graham, The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy. Oxford University Press USA.
    Anaxagoras of Clazomenae proposed a theory of everything. Like other Presocratics, Anaxagoras addressed topics that could now be placed outside the sphere of philosophical inquiry: not only did he explore metaphysics and the nature of human understanding but he also offered explanations in physics, meteorology, astronomy, physiology, and biology. His aim seems to have been to explain as completely as possible the world in which human beings live, and one's knowledge of that world; thus he seeks to investigate the universe (...)
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    Word and world: practice and the foundations of language.Patricia Hanna - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Bernard Harrison.
    This important book proposes a new account of the nature of language, founded upon an original interpretation of Wittgenstein. The authors deny the existence of a direct referential relationship between words and things. Rather, the link between language and world is a two-stage one, in which meaning is used and in which a natural language should be understood as fundamentally a collection of socially devised and maintained practices. Arguing against the philosophical mainstream descending from Frege and Russell to Quine, Davidson, (...)
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    Social Constructivism, Mental Models, and Problems of Obedience.Patricia H. Werhane, Laura P. Hartman, Dennis Moberg, Elaine Englehardt, Michael Pritchard & Bidhan Parmar - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):103 - 118.
    There are important synergies for the next generation of ethical leaders based on the alignment of modified or adjusted mental models. This entails a synergistic application of moral imagination through collaborative input and critique, rather than "me too" obedience. In this article, we will analyze the Milgram results using frameworks relating to mental models (Werhane et al., Profitable partnerships for poverty alleviation, 2009), as well as work by Moberg on "ethics blind spots'' (Organizational Studies 27(3): 413-428, 2006), and by Bazerman (...)
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  42.  76
    Exporting Mental Models.Patricia H. Werhane - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):353-362.
    The most serious ethical challenge facing multinational corporations in the next century is their exportation of the mental model of Western-style capitalism. This model promises that industrialized free enterprise in a free trade global economy, where businesses and entrepreneurs can pursue their interests competitively without undue regulations or labor restrictions, will produce growth and well-being, i.e., economic good, in every country or community where this phenomenon is allowed to operate. This paper points to some limitations to this model and illustrates (...)
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    Kant and the Mind.Patricia Kitcher - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (4):590.
    Consciousness, self-consciousness, mental unity, and the necessary conditions for cognition are issues of paramount importance for two prima facie distinct intellectual endeavors: contemporary cognitive science and interpretations of Kant. The goal of Andrew Brook’s timely and useful book is to contribute to both of these projects by showing how a better understanding of Kant’s views can also illuminate current controversies about how to model the mind.
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  44. The indefensibility of insider trading.Patricia H. Werhane - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (9):729 - 731.
    The article, Inside Trading Revisited, has taken the stance that insider trading is neither unethical nor economically inefficient. Attacking my arguments to the contrary developed in an earlier article, The Ethics of Inside Trading (Journal of Business Ethics, 1989) this article constructs careful arguments and even appeals to Adam Smith to justify its conclusions. In my response to this article I shall clarify my position as well as that of Smith to support my counter-contention that insider trading is both unethical (...)
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  45. The Paradoxical Hobbes.Patricia Springborg - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (5):676-688.
    Attention has turned from Hobbes the systematic thinker to his inconsistencies, as the essays in the Hobbes symposium published in the recent volume of Political Theory suggest. Deborah Baumgold, in “The Difficulties of Hobbes Interpretation,” shifted the focus to “the history of the book,” and Hobbes’s method of serial composition and peripatetic insertion, as a major source of his inconsistency. Accepting Baumgold’s method, the author argues that the manner of composition does not necessarily determine content and that fundamental paradoxes in (...)
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    “Said and Done” Versus “Saying and Doing”: Gendering Practices, Practicing Gender at Work.Patricia Yancey Martin - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (3):342-366.
    Recently, the study of gender has focused on processes by which gender is brought into social relations through interaction. This article explores implications of a two-sided dynamic—gendering practices and practicing of gender—for understanding gendering processes in formal organizations. Using stories from interviews and participant observation in multinational corporations, the author explores the practicing of gender at work. She defines practicing gender as a moving phenomenon that is done quickly, directionally, and nonreflexively; is informed by liminal awareness; and is in concert (...)
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    Business Ethics, Stakeholder Theory, and the Ethics of Healthcare Organizations.Patricia H. Werhane - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (2):169-181.
    Until recently, business issues in healthcare organizations were relatively insulated from clinical issues, for several reasons. The hospital at earlier stages of its development operated on a combination of charitable and equitable premises, allowing for providing care to be separated from financial support. Physicians, who were primarily responsible for clinical care, constituted an independent power nexus within the hospital and were governed by their own professional codes of ethics. In exchange for a great deal of control over their conditions of (...)
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    Improving Informed Consent: A Comparison of Four Consent Tools.Patricia Agre & Bruce Rapkin - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (6):1.
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  49. Akrasia and aesthetic judgment.Patricia Herzog - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (1):37-49.
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    Disability and Deleuze: An Exploration of Becoming and Embodiment in Children’s Everyday Environments.Patricia McKeever, Susan Ruddick & Lindsay Stephens - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (2):194-220.
    Building on Deleuze’s theories of the becoming of bodies, and notions of the geographic maturity of the disabled body we formulate an emplaced model of disability wherein bodies, social expectations and built form intersect in embodied experiences in specific environments to increase or decrease the capacity of disabled children to act in those environments. We join a growing effort to generate a more comprehensive model of disability, which moves beyond a binary between the individual and the social. Drawing on in-depth (...)
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