Results for 'Pavel Vacek'

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    Pavel Materna vzpomíná na Luboše Nového.Pavel Materna - 2017 - Studia Philosophica 64 (1):79-80.
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    Together we know how to achieve: An epistemic logic of know-how.Pavel Naumov & Jia Tao - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 262 (C):279-300.
  3. Profesor Pavel Materna slaví životní jubileum.Pavel Materna & Rotislav Niederle - 2005 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 12 (2):176-192.
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  4. The Foundations of Frege’s Logic.Pavel Tichý - 1988 - New York: de Gruyter.
    Chapter One: Constructions. Entities, constructions, and functions When one travels from Los Angeles to New York, going, say, by way of St. Louis, Chicago, ...
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    The hyperintensionality of art.Daniela Vacek & Martin Vacek - 2025 - Synthese 205 (2):1-16.
    Daniel Nolan successfully predicted a hyperintensional revolution in metaphysics in his 2014 paper ‘Hyperintensional Metaphysicsʼ. He argued that hyperintensionality is not restricted to representations. However, it seems that one of the most promising candidates for non-representational hyperintensionality has not yet been considered as such: art. We will argue that art can provide a rather strong case for non-representational hyperintensionality. One reason for this is that the hyperintensionality of art cannot be captured via a representational kind of hyperintensionality.
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  6. What Is So Bad about Plurality?Martin Vacek - 2024 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 43 (2):23-38.
    In this paper, I list various kinds of ‘plurality’ in philosophical investigations. By plurality, I mean a plurality of methodological criteria which we apply to philosophical phenomena and which are very often incompatible with each other. Any philosophical phenomenon can be approached from different methodological viewpoints and result in utterly different ontological and ideological commitments. In other words, I assume that one philosophical problem can have different solutions which depend on different methodological and theoretical presuppositions. Instead of considering this feature (...)
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    Moral Dilemmas Reconsidered.Martin Vacek - 2024 - Prolegomena : Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):211-219.
    This paper examines the structure of moral paradoxes, arguing that moral dilemmas are grounded in moral agents and necessitate the same explanation as the logical behavior of these agents. Consequently, logical and moral laws derive from a different source than nomological and metaphysical laws. Furthermore, it is asserted that logical and moral laws are pluralistic in nature, permitting numerous logical deviations without leading to absurdity.
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  8. Lower Bounds for resolution and cutting plane proofs and monotone computations.Pavel Pudlak - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (3):981-998.
    We prove an exponential lower bound on the length of cutting plane proofs. The proof uses an extension of a lower bound for monotone circuits to circuits which compute with real numbers and use nondecreasing functions as gates. The latter result is of independent interest, since, in particular, it implies an exponential lower bound for some arithmetic circuits.
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    Outlines of the Philosophy of Technology 2: Russian Peculiarities of Technical Thinking.Pavel Krupkin - manuscript
    This essay explores the distinct characteristics of Russian technical thinking within the framework of Yuk Hui’s concept of cosmotechnics. Hui’s proposal emphasizes “good technology,” which aligns with local cosmological perspectives and moral practices, as an essential component of the technosphere’s decolonization. The analysis contrasts Russian approaches to technical creativity with those of the West and China, highlighting the synthesis of collective and individual efforts through archetypal imagery such as the campfire and the reverence for “bookish wisdom.” Central to the essay (...)
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    Concrete Impossible Worlds.Martin Vacek - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (6):523-530.
    The paper deals with such a modification of genuine modal realism as to accommodate impossible worlds into its ontology. First of all, the theory of modal realism is presented. Next, several motivations for the acceptance of impossible worlds are adduced. Further, Lewis’s argument against impossible worlds is presented. It is argued that the argument can be weakened by rejection of one of its premises. Finally, two objections against the proposal are countered. Although my strategy accounts for the Opinion concerning the (...)
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  11. Worlds, Possible and Impossible (3rd edition).Martin Vacek - forthcoming - In Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
    Modal phenomena in general, and modal claims in particular, present a problem for contemporary philosophers. The truth conditions of modal claims differ from those of nonemodal claims. I discuss a widely accepted strategy that posits possible and impossible worlds in order to analyze modal claims and thus systematize our intuitions about modal reality.
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    Modal Realism: Yet Another Hybrid Version.Martin Vacek - 2015 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 28 (28):3-19.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an analysis of modality by means of the existence of concrete impossible worlds. In particular, I pursue a strategy according to which logical impossibility is analyzed as logical inaccessibility. I then consider whether it makes sense to think of logical models in isolation from the concrete world but without their being divorced from all spatiotemporal totalities. The metaphysics of structure developed in this paper assumes that structural properties of possible and impossible worlds (...)
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  13. Proportionalism: One view of the debate.Edward V. Vacek - 2000 - In Christopher Robert Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: for and against. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
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  14. Kripke on necessity a posteriori.Pavel Tichý - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 43 (2):225 - 241.
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    Fiction: Impossible!Martin Vacek - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (2):247-252.
    I argue that modal realism is unable to account for fictional discourse. My starting point is an overview of modal realism. I then present a dilemma for modal realism regarding fictional characters. Finally, I provide responses to both horns of the dilemma, one motivating modal dimensionalism, the other motivating a disjunctive analysis of modality.
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    The Psychology of So-Called Compensation Hysteria and the Real Battle Against Illness.Edward Vacek & Max Scheler - 1984 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 15 (2):125-143.
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    Cesta k nesmrtelnosti.Jiří Vacek - 2018 - Praha: Martin Tomeš - Přátelé Jiřího Vacka.
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    Fictional Characters as Alien Individuals.Martin Vacek - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (8):663-668.
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    Gómez-Lobo, Alfonso. Morality and the Human Goods: An Introduction to Natural Law Ethics.Edward Collins Vacek - 2002 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 2 (3):558-559.
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    Impossibilia.Martin Vacek - 2016 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 20 (1):81-97.
    The paper defends the so-called extended modal realism, a theory according to which there are concrete impossible worlds. Firstly, modal realism is presented. Next, the way of how its ontology enriched by impossible worlds should look like in order to save its main theoretical virtues is pursued. Finally, I argue for a claim that metaphysical impossibility equals to dissimilarity between worlds instantiating distinct metaphysical structures.
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    Smysl života: úvod do filosofie a praxe poznání sama sebe.Jiří Vacek - 1991 - Praha: Karmel, Mírový klub Johna Lennona.
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  22. The Israel Philosophy Association 16th Annual Conference.Martin Vacek - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20 (2):277-279.
  23. The Nature of Impossibility.Martin Vacek - 2019 - Bratislava, Slovakia: VEDA.
    Possible-worlds semantics proved itself as a strong tool in analysing the statements of actuality, possibility, contingency and necessity. But impossible phenomena go beyond the expressive power of the apparatus. The proponents of possible-worlds apparatus thus owe us at least three stories. The first one is the story about ontological nature of possible worlds, the second one is the story about the theoretical role such entities play and the third one is the story about the impossible. Modal Realism (MR) provides us (...)
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    Cuts, consistency statements and interpretations.Pavel Pudlák - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):423-441.
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    A lower bound for intuitionistic logic.Pavel Hrubeš - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 (1):72-90.
    We give an exponential lower bound on the number of proof-lines in intuitionistic propositional logic, IL, axiomatised in the usual Frege-style fashion; i.e., we give an example of IL-tautologies A1,A2,… s.t. every IL-proof of Ai must have a number of proof-lines exponential in terms of the size of Ai. We show that the results do not apply to the system of classical logic and we obtain an exponential speed-up between classical and intuitionistic logic.
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  26. Aristotle’s Model of Animal Motion.Pavel Gregoric & Klaus Corcilius - 2013 - Phronesis 58 (1):52-97.
    In this paper we argue that Aristotle operates with a particular theoretical model in his explanation of animal locomotion, what we call the ‘centralized incoming and outgoing motions’ model. We show how the model accommodates more complex cases of animal motion and how it allows Aristotle to preserve the intuition that animals are self-movers, without jeopardizing his arguments for the eternity of motion and the necessary existence of one eternal unmoved mover in Physics VIII. The CIOM model helps to elucidate (...)
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  27. Verisimilitude revisited.Pavel Tichý - 1978 - Synthese 38 (2):175 - 196.
    The article offers a rigorous explication of the intuitive notion of verisimilitude, I.E., Of the distance of a theory from the truth. The proposal is defended against charges of material inadequacy made by popper, Niniluoto, And miller.
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    The logic of temporal discourse.Pavel Tichý - 1979 - Linguistics and Philosophy 3 (3):343 - 369.
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    Impossible worlds.Martin Vacek - 2023 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Actual facts abound and actual propositions are true because there is a world, the actual world, that the propositions correctly describe. Possibilities abound as well. The actual world reveals what there is, but it is far from clear that it also reveals what there might be. Philosophers have been aware of this limitation and have introduced the notion of a possible world. Finally, impossibilities abound because it turned out that possibilities do not exhaust the modal space as a whole. Beside (...)
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    A note on applicability of the incompleteness theorem to human mind.Pavel Pudlák - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 96 (1-3):335-342.
  31. Concrete Impossibilia.Martin Vacek - manuscript
    The paper deals with such a modification of genuine modal realism as to accommodate impossible worlds into its ontology. First of all, the theory of modal realism is presented. Next, several motivations for the acceptance of impossible worlds are adduced. Furthermore, Lewis’s argument against impossible worlds is denied. Then, it is argued that the same methodology as in the case of possible worlds can be used when impossibilia are at issue. Finally, the theory of extended modal realism is formulated.
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  32. Extended Modal Dimensionalism.Martin Vacek - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (1):13-28.
    Modal dimensionalism is realism about spaces, times and worlds—metaphysical indices that make objects spatial, temporal and modal, respectively, and that play the role of alethic relativizers, i.e. items to which matters of truth are relativized. This paper examines several arguments against MD and shows that MD offers a feasible way to understand modal discourse.
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    Knowing-how under uncertainty.Pavel Naumov & Jia Tao - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 276 (C):41-56.
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    Leopoldo Zea, “Is a Latin American philosophy possible?”.Pavel Reichl - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (5):874-896.
    Leopoldo Zea was one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. Though in English-language scholarship Zea is known primarily as a historian of ideas, his philosophical producti...
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    Indiscernibility of identicals.Pavel Tichý - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (3):251 - 273.
    It is well known that the manner in which a definitely descriptive term contributes to the meaning of a sentence depends on the place the term occupies in the sentence. A distinction is accordingly drawn between ordinary contexts and contexts variously termed non-referential, intensional, oblique, or opaque. The aim of the present article is to offer a general account of the phenomenon, based on transparent intensional logic. It turns out that on this approach there is no need to say (as (...)
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  36. A new theory of subjunctive conditionals.Pavel Tichý - 1978 - Synthese 37 (3):433 - 457.
    The article offers a rigorous truth condition for subjunctively conditional statements. The theory is framed in the system of transparent intensional logic and takes connections (especially the cause-Effect relation) as basic. Counterexamples are given to rival theories based on the notion of world similarity.
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    Intension in terms of Turing machines.Pavel Tichý - 1969 - Studia Logica 24 (1):7 - 25.
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    Futures and Values.Pavel Apostol - 1975 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 6:527-529.
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    Towards a Phenomenology of Love Lost.Edward Collins Vacek - 1989 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 20 (1):1-19.
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    (1 other version)Centre of applied ethics banská bystrica, slovakia.Pavel Fobel, Daniela Fobelová & Zuzana Šimoniová - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (3):310–311.
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    Michael Frede (1940–2007).Pavel Gregorić - 2008 - Prolegomena 7 (1):83-87.
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    Mathematical and Empirical Concepts.Pavel Materna - 2012 - In James Maclaurin (ed.), Rationis Defensor: Essays in Honour of Colin Cheyne. Springer.
    Buzaglo (as well as Manders (J Philos LXXXVI(10):553–562, 1989)) shows the way in which it is rational even for a realist to consider ‘development of concepts’, and documents the theory by numerous examples from the area of mathematics. A natural question arises: in which way can the phenomenon of expanding mathematical concepts influence empirical concepts? But at the same time a more general question can be formulated: in which way do the mathematical concepts influence empirical concepts? What I want to (...)
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    What She Left Behind.Pavel Solovyev - 2023 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 23 (1-2):1-84.
    This essay sheds additional light on the biographies and fates of Ayn Rand’s closest relatives in the Soviet Union and abroad after young Alissa Rosenbaum left the “country of workers and peasants” in 1926 for the pursuit of a new life in the United States. Previously unknown facets of her relatives’ lives were intertwined with the complex and often tragic historical events of the first half of the twentieth century. Among these relatives are victims of the German blockade of Leningrad, (...)
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    Synthetic components of infinite classes of postulates.Pavel Tichý - 1971 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 14 (3-4):167-178.
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  45. Eugen Andreanský, Možné svety z pohľadu logickej sémantiky a analytickej filozofie.Martin Vacek - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (4):546-555.
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    (Extended) Modal Realism and Philosophical Analysis.Martin Vacek - 2020 - Bratislava: VEDA.
    Theories of possible worlds abound. Since the introduction of modal logic, the term of a possible world, and the very nature of an entity denoted by the term, have stood on the top of metaphysical inquiries. A possible world, roughly speaking, is a complete way things could have been. On the face of it, whatever is possible takes place in some possible world, and whatever is not possible, does not. The aim of the present book is to argue that even (...)
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    Studies in Dravidian and General Linguistics: A Festschrift for Bh. Krishnamurti.Jaroslav Vacek, Bh Krishnamurti, B. Lakshmi Bai & B. Ramakrishna Reddy - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (4):701.
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  48. The Incredulous Stare.Martin Vacek - 2024 - Bratislava: VEDA.
    his essay is about the incredulous stare and its persistent role in the history of philosophy. This silent yet expressive gesture, often signaling disbelief or skepticism, serves as a kind of philosophical punctuation—a non-verbal response to ideas that challenge conventional thinking. From ancient dialogues to modern philosophical debates, the incredulous stare embodies the tension between accepted norms and provocative thought, prompting both parties in a philosophical debate to reassess their assumptions. The incredulous stare, while often seen as resistance to certain (...)
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    Existence and God.Pavel Tichý - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (8):403-420.
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  50. A Multiple‐Channel Model of Task‐Dependent Ambiguity Resolution in Sentence Comprehension.Pavel Logačev & Shravan Vasishth - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (2):266-298.
    Traxler, Pickering, and Clifton found that ambiguous sentences are read faster than their unambiguous counterparts. This so-called ambiguity advantage has presented a major challenge to classical theories of human sentence comprehension because its most prominent explanation, in the form of the unrestricted race model, assumes that parsing is non-deterministic. Recently, Swets, Desmet, Clifton, and Ferreira have challenged the URM. They argue that readers strategically underspecify the representation of ambiguous sentences to save time, unless disambiguation is required by task demands. When (...)
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