Results for 'Paweł Pałasiński'

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  1.  10
    Pojęcie woli mocy Fryderyka Nietzschego.Paweł Pałasiński - 2016 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 22 (1):254-269.
    This article is about the notion of the will to power in Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy. In the philosophy of the author of Beyond Good and Evil, this idea shows up as crucial. Moreover, it appears in Nietzsche’s philosophy in many quite different contexts. Of these, three would seem to be most important: metaphysics, anthropology and ethics. The will to power occupies a privileged place in each of these. In this paper, the author attempts to show the differences separating the various (...)
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    Pawel Florenski, Eis und Algen. Briefe aus dem Lager. 1933–1937. [REVIEW]Pawel Florenski, Fritz Mierau & Sieglinde Mierau - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (1):73-76.
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  3. Mindvaults. Sociocultural Grounds for Pretending and Imaginining. A book review.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2014 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 5 (1):183-186.
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    Solidarity and the ethics of exposing others to risk in medical research.Paweł Łuków - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (8):821-828.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 8, Page 821-828, October 2022.
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    Chapter 15 Maintaining Humanity in a Technology Orientated World of Today.Paweł Bernat - 2011 - In Cheikh Guèye (ed.), Ethical Personalism. Ontos Verlag. pp. 257-274.
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    Uczynić wolność nieuchronną: wątki republikańskie w myśli Alexisa de Tocqueville'a.Paweł Marczewski - 2012 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
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    No non-trivial quasivariety of BCK-algebras has decidable first order theory.Marek Pałasiński - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (4):343 - 345.
    Using the semantic embedding technique the theorem announced by the title is proved.
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  8. Is empathy is mental simulation? Remarks on the representative approach based on the concept of mirror neurons.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2011 - Diametros:108-129.
    Paweł Gładziejewski, Is empathy is mental simulation? Remarks on the representative approach based on the concept of mirror neurons., Diametros 27 This paper draws on the theoretical achievements of analytic philosophy of mind and the empirical results of psychology and cognitive neuroscience in order to understand the nature of empathy and the sub-personal mechanisms upon which it is based. The paper distinguishes two types of empathy, which are often not sufficiently clearly distinguished in the literature, empathy as a kind (...)
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  9. Ewolucjonizm w swietle nauki, Pawel Siwek.Paweł Siwek - 1973 - London,: Veritas Foundation Publication Centre.
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    \"Kim jest Autor?\" O krytycznej świadomości autorstwa.Paweł Bytniewski - 2010 - Filo-Sofija 10 (10 (2010/1)):73-106.
    Author: Bytniewski Paweł Title: “WHAT IS AN AUTHOR?” ON FOUCAULT’S CONSCIOUSNESS OF AN AUTHORSHIP („Kim jest Autor?” O krytycznej świadomości autorstwa) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2010, vol:.10, number: 2010/1, pages: 73-106 Keywords: FOUCAULT, AUTHOR, LITERATURE, LANGUAGE, EXPERIENCE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:One of the major obstacles to reconstructing Foucault’s attitude towards an authorship issue is multiplicity of his own roles which as an author he fulfilled. An Authorship as a (...)
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  11. Structural representations: causally relevant and different from detectors.Paweł Gładziejewski & Marcin Miłkowski - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (3):337-355.
    This paper centers around the notion that internal, mental representations are grounded in structural similarity, i.e., that they are so-called S-representations. We show how S-representations may be causally relevant and argue that they are distinct from mere detectors. First, using the neomechanist theory of explanation and the interventionist account of causal relevance, we provide a precise interpretation of the claim that in S-representations, structural similarity serves as a “fuel of success”, i.e., a relation that is exploitable for the representation using (...)
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  12. Perception of Affordances and Experience of Presence in Virtual Reality.Paweł Grabarczyk & Marek Pokropski - 2016 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 7 (2):25-44.
    Recent developments in virtual reality technology raise a question about the experience of presence and immersion in virtual environments. What is immersion and what are the conditions for inducing the experience of virtual presence? In this paper, we argue that crucial determinants of presence are perception of affordances and sense of embodiment. In the first section of this paper, we define key concepts and introduce important distinctions such as immersion and presence. In the second and third sections, we respectively discuss (...)
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  13. Definability of models by means of existential formulas without identity.Paweł Pazdyka - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):424-434.
  14.  39
    The Use of Data Mining Methods to Predict the Result of Infertility Treatment Using the IVF ET Method.Paweł Malinowski, Robert Milewski, Piotr Ziniewicz, Anna Justyna Milewska, Jan Czerniecki & Sławomir Wołczyński - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 39 (1):67-74.
    The IVF ET method is a scientifically recognized infertility treat- ment method. The problem, however, is this method’s unsatisfactory efficiency. This calls for a more thorough analysis of the information available in the treat- ment process, in order to detect the factors that have an effect on the results, as well as to effectively predict result of treatment. Classical statistical methods have proven to be inadequate in this issue. Only the use of modern methods of data mining gives hope for (...)
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    Name game: the naming history of the chemical elements: part 2—turbulent nineteenth century.Paweł Miśkowiec - 2022 - Foundations of Chemistry 25 (2):215-234.
    The second article of the “Naming game…” series provides detailed information on the discovery and naming of elements in the nineteenth century. Outlines of discoveries of 46 elements were presented, with particular emphasis on publications in which the name appeared for the first time. In the article the short historical information about every element naming is presented. The process of naming each chemical element was analyzed, with particular emphasis on the first publication with a given name.
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    Directival Theory of Meaning Resurrected.Paweł Grabarczyk - 2017 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 29 (1):62-81.
    The first aim of this paper is to remind the reader of a very original theory of meaning which in many aspects has not been surpassed by subsequent theories. The theory in question is Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s Directival Theory of Meaning. In the first section I present a version of this theory which, I trust, retains the gist of the original but loses its outdated language. In the second section I analyze some problematic consequences of the directival theory and show how (...)
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    Empathy gap – what do we know about empathizing with others′ pain?Paweł Boski, Kamila Jankowiak-Siuda & Aleksandra Dopierała - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (1):111-117.
    Empathy of pain as a multi-dimensional process includes sharing and understanding the pain of others in relation to oneself. Subjects in such studies are typically members of western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic societies. In the literature review that we conducted, we observed that little is known about the empathy for pain in people who are not members of societies with these cultural characteristics. We often understand those who are “similar” to us more easily - ones who belong to “our” (...)
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    Ichheiser's theories of personality and person perception: A classic that still inspires.Pawel Boski & Floyd W. Rudmin - 1989 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (3):263–296.
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    Wolność egoisty.Paweł Cielecki - 2008 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 21:145-162.
    The main purpose of this article is to outline the idea of the anarchistic egoism included in Max Stirner's "Ego and His Own". I tried to represent Stirner as an original philosopher who visibly distinguished himself among other thinkers of his days. My aim was also defend him from various attacks of his critics and adversaries who reproached him for being inconsistent or perplexed in the very vulnerable spots of his work. In my opinion 'being awkward' which Camus accuses Stirner (...)
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    Zakaz handlu w niedziele jako przejaw pozytywnej interwencji państwa w rynek. Ujęcie personalistyczne.Paweł Drobny - 2019 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 22 (4):37-57.
    The article is an attempt to look at the relationship between the state and the market on the example of the prohibition of trade on Sunday through the prism of the personalistic economy. The article has a metaeconomic character. Its aim is to show that state intervention in the market mechanism in the form of the prohibition of trade on Sunday is not aimed at trade as an economic activity, but is a natural consequence of the community-forming function of the (...)
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    Neurofenomenologia: zaproszenie do dyskusji.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2010 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 1 (1):167-177.
    No more than a few years ago could open an article concerning neurophenomenology with a statement describing recent rediscovery of the problem of consciousness by the cognitive sciences and pointing to the fact that right now, explaining conscious experience in neuroscientific or computational terms poses the greatest challenge for those sciences. Today however, constatations of this sort start to sound like trivial descriptions of a universally recognized state of affairs. The question of “how the water of the physical brain is (...)
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    Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference.Pawel Garbacz & Oliver Kutz (eds.) - 2014 - IOS Press.
    Formal Ontology in Information Systems is the flagship conference of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications. Its interdisciplinary research focus lies at the intersection of philosophical ontology, linguistics, logic, cognitive science, and computer science, as well as in the applications of ontological analysis to conceptual modeling, knowledge engineering, knowledge management, information-systems development, library and information science, scientific research, and semantic technologies in general.As in previous years, FOIS 2014 was a nexus of interdisciplinary research and communication. The current proceedings (...)
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  23.  41
    Chesterton Institute’s visit to Poland.Paweł Kaliniecki - 2012 - The Chesterton Review 38 (3/4):677-677.
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    Podstawowe zagadnienia metafizyki klasycznej [Fundamental Questions of Classical Metaphysics].Pawel Mazanka - 2001 - International Philosophical Quarterly 41 (4):491-493.
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    The need for practicing of classical metaphysics.Paweł Mazanka (ed.) - 2010 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
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  26. Od informatyki empirycznej ku informatyce ogólnej – ewolucja świadomości metodologicznej.Paweł Polak - 2004 - In Paweł Polak (ed.). Instytut Badawczy Leå›Nictwa. pp. 25-50.
    Niniejsze opracowanie przedstawia fi lozofi czne i metodolo- giczne rozważania wokół empirycznego statusu informatyki. Rozpoczęły się one od pionierskiej pracy H.A. Simona i A. Newella Computer Science As Empirical Inquiry. Późniejsze rozważania tworzyły stopniowo nowy obraz informa- tyki jako ogólnej nauki związanej z pojęciem obliczeń. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono drogi wiodące ku uogólnionej koncepcji informatyki. Opisano tu również pokrótce pewne interesujące współczesne ujęcia informatyki ogólnej.
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    Haunting Poe’s Maze: Investigative Obsessions in the Weird Fictions of Stefan Grabiński and H. P. Lovecraft.Paweł Pyrka - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (2):201-210.
    The concept of humanity has taken on new meanings in the era of posthumanist debate. Engaging both prehumanist and posthumanist perspectives, Liliana Sikorska strips away layers of cognitive mappings performed over hundreds of years in Western culture to expose in her recent essay the mechanisms that have exacerbated the East–West divide. While the majority of discussed texts come from medieval and Victorian literature and culture, it becomes obvious to the reader of her book that the issues she explores are still (...)
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    Spinoza et le panthéisme religieux.Paweł Siwek - 1937 - Paris: Desclée de Brouwer.
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    Explaining Cognitive Phenomena with Internal Representations: A Mechanistic Perspective.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40 (1):63-90.
    Despite the fact that the notion of internal representation has - at least according to some - a fundamental role to play in the sciences of the mind, not only has its explanatory utility been under attack for a while now, but it also remains unclear what criteria should an explanation of a given cognitive phenomenon meet to count as a representational explanation in the first place. The aim of this article is to propose a solution to this latter problem. (...)
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    Computing with default logic.Paweł Cholewiński, Victor W. Marek, Mirosław Truszczyński & Artur Mikitiuk - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 112 (1-2):105-146.
  31. Un-debunking Ordinary Objects with the Help of Predictive Processing.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (4):1047-1068.
    Debunking arguments aim to undermine common sense beliefs by showing that they are not explanatorily or causally linked to the entities they are purportedly about. Rarely are facts about the aetiology of common sense beliefs invoked for the opposite aim, that is, to support the reality of entities that furnish our manifest image of the world. Here I undertake this sort of un-debunking project. My focus is on the metaphysics of ordinary physical objects. I use the view of perception as (...)
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  32. Predictive coding and representationalism.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2016 - Synthese 193 (2).
    According to the predictive coding theory of cognition , brains are predictive machines that use perception and action to minimize prediction error, i.e. the discrepancy between bottom–up, externally-generated sensory signals and top–down, internally-generated sensory predictions. Many consider PCT to have an explanatory scope that is unparalleled in contemporary cognitive science and see in it a framework that could potentially provide us with a unified account of cognition. It is also commonly assumed that PCT is a representational theory of sorts, in (...)
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    Philosophy in science: A name with a long intellectual tradition.Paweł Polak - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 66:251-270.
    This paper presents Michael Heller’s notion of “philosophy in science” and re-introduces Michael Heller’s classical text that first presented this concept of philosophy entitled How is “philosophy in science” possible?. The paper discusses the historical context of Heller’s idea as it emerged from the discussions and works of the Krakow philosophical scene and discusses the basic tenants of this philosophy, its analytic character, the role of intellectual tradition in the development of this philosophy, and the critical role played by an (...)
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    Can memes explain the birth of comprehension?Paweł Grabarczyk - 2019 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 10 (3).
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    Maxims, moral responsiveness, and judgment.Pawel Lukow - 2003 - Kant Studien 94 (4):405-425.
  36.  51
    Perceptual justification in the Bayesian brain: a foundherentist account.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11397-11421.
    In this paper, I use the predictive processing theory of perception to tackle the question of how perceptual states can be rationally involved in cognition by justifying other mental states. I put forward two claims regarding the epistemological implications of PP. First, perceptual states can confer justification on other mental states because the perceptual states are themselves rationally acquired. Second, despite being inferentially justified rather than epistemically basic, perceptual states can still be epistemically responsive to the mind-independent world. My main (...)
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  37. Leo Strauss i przezwyciężenie nowoczesności.Paweł Armada - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (13).
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    Vom Wort zum Gebrauch: Wortbedeutung und ihre Eingebundenheit in Diskurse.Paweł Bąk & Boguslawa Rolek (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Die Beiträge dieses Buches untersuchen die Vielfalt der Herangehensweisen an die diversen Erscheinungsformen von Sprache, an das Wort und die Wortsemantik sowie an den Gebrauch von Sprache. Der Band enthält Arbeiten, die linguistische Fragestellungen zu sprachsystematischen Aspekten der Wort-, Satz-, Text- und Diskursebene behandeln sowie Perspektiven eröffnen, um diverse Aspekte von Sprache in einem über diese Domänen hinausgehenden Rahmen zu betrachten. Die Beiträger diskutieren Fragen der lexikalischen Semantik, Pragmalinguistik, Morphologie und der Lexikographie. Das Buch setzt seine Schwerpunkte neben der Wortsemantik (...)
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  39. Podstawowe pojecia filozofii politycznej arystotelesa.Pawel Borkowski - 2008 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 44 (1):115-133.
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  40. Geniusz i szaleństwo w epoce nowoczesnej.Paweł Bytniewski - 2011 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 47 (190).
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  41.  24
    The Universal Categories of Praxeology in Light of Natural Semantic Metalanguage Theory.Paweł Dziedziul - 2017 - Libertarian Papers 9.
    : This article presents a new approach to considering the categories and concepts necessary for praxeology based on the theoretical framework proposed by Anna Wierzbicka and Cliff Goddard. Natural semantic metalanguage theory can be a comprehensive method for defining the conceptual foundations of human action and of rational discussion in general. Behind the very premise of ….
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    Łukasz Smorczewski. Administracja diecezji Pontu w późnym cesarstwie rzymskim.Paweł Filipczak - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (3):1433-1439.
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  43. Conclusions: Protocols of war - dimensions and layers.Pawel Frankowski & Artur Gruszczak - 2018 - In Artur Gruszczak & Pawel Frankowski (eds.), Technology, ethics and the protocols of modern war. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  44. William Ramsey o psychologii potocznej, racjonalności i pojęciu reprezentacji w naukach kognitywnych.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2012 - Diametros 31:33-55.
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    Bity i byty. O pewnym mało znanym zastosowaniu ontologii.Paweł Garbacz - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 3 (59):121--140.
    In this paper we are focused on the relation between an Ontology (with the capital "O") qua philosophical discipline and an ontology (with the lowercase "o") qua branch of Computer Science. In our view "Ontology" refers to all philosophical groups or schools which take some position on the reality. The meaning of 'ontology' in the second case is not that easy to grasp because of the variety of artefacts which are called 'ontologies' and many activities - aiming at creating the (...)
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    ”The Heart of this People is in its right place”: The American Press and Private Charity in the United States during the Irish Famine.Paweł Hamera - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):151-167.
    The potato blight that struck Ireland in 1845 led to ineffable suffering that sent shockwaves throughout the Anglosphere. The Irish Famine is deemed to be the first national calamity to attract extensive help and support from all around the world. Even though the Irish did not receive adequate support from the British government, their ordeal was mitigated by private charity. Without the donations from a great number of individuals, the death toll among the famished Irishmen and Irishwomen would have been (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Uwagi o pojęciu państwa i suwerenności.Paweł Kaczorowski - 2010 - Civitas 12 (12).
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    Filozoficzne orientacje w wyborze sensu życia.Paweł Mazanka (ed.) - 2000 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
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    Metafora i interpretacja u Nietzschego. "Nietzsche et la métaphore" Sarah Kofman.Paweł Pieniążek - forthcoming - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica:29-44.
    L'article analyse l'interprétation deconstructive de la pensée de F. Nietzsche, qui a été presentée par Sarah Kofman sous l'influence de Jacques Derrida et à la base de sa critique de la tradition logocentrique. Kofman discerne deux périodes dans l'evolution de la philosophie de Nietzsche. Dans la premier Nietzsche part de la notion de la métaphore, qui detruit la possibilité du langage rationelle et objectif, mais qui se rapport symboliquement à l'essence dionysiaque du monde. Dans la seconde Nietzsche développe la notion (...)
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    Miejsce filozofii chemii w filozofii przyrodoznawstwa.Paweł Zeidler - 2006 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 54 (2):313-332.
    The paper is focused on the role of philosophy of chemistry in the philosophy of natural sciences. The author claims that chemistry is a paradigmatic example of laboratory science in Ian Hacking’s sense. Therefore a philosophical and methodological analysis of chemistry can change or modify several theses of the philosophy of natural sciences. Some of them are as follows: the stability of laboratory science; the primacy of experimental practice over the theoretical one in chemistry; the problem of the reduction of (...)
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