Results for 'Pedagogy: Social Pedagogy: Profession of Pedagogist: Social Professions: Aid’s Relationsfip: Methodology'

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  1.  15
    The Pedagogist's Professional Practice and the Clinical Method.Franco Blezza - 2018 - Science and Philosophy 6 (2):117-128.
    The "clinical" method is one of the possible methodological choices for Pedagogy as a profession and as a research, for Social Sciences and for other sciences, as well as for the professions that refer to these sciences. It can also be called "casuistic and situational method", and it is an exclusive alternative to the statistical operational method, with a full community of scientific rigor and technical applicativeness. It consists in the consideration of the individual case and (...)
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    The healing of life within the HIV and AIDS pandemic: Towards a pedagogical reframing of paradigms concerning dysfunctional civil, health and ecclesial systems.Gordon E. Dames - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2):1-5.
    The inability of government, communities and churches to deal with complex HIV and AIDS challenges may foster pathological psychosocial and systemic dysfunctionalities. The reframing of pathological and disempowering pastoral therapeutic and health promotion praxes are sought. The objective was to construct a new pastoral and social therapeutic methodology. It should develop in line with health promotion praxes in strengthening both ecclesial and community health praxes. Reframing agents such as pastoral therapeutic and health praxes, as well as ecclesial and (...)
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    Marx’s inquiry and presentation: The pedagogical constellations of the Grundrisse and Capital.Derek R. Ford - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1887-1897.
    This paper reads Marx’s distinction between the method of inquiry and presentation as distinct and Marxist pedagogical logics that take the form of learning and studying. After articulating the differences and their current conceptualizations in educational theory, I turn to different interpretations of the Grundrisse and Capital. While I note the differences, I maintain these result from Marx’s alternation between learning and studying, to the different weights Marx gives to both. Marx sought to understand, articulate, learn, and relay the precise (...)
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    Value-Motivational Aspects Social Activity Development at the Higher Education Institution Specialists.Kateryna Averina & Natalia Hlebova - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):38-56.
    Using the latest educational technologies and active methods of social activity development in future specialists in the educational space under today’s conditions is significantly complicated by existing levels of the object and subject studies of various patterns. The authors studied a wide range of foreign and domestic interdisciplinary works and models which describe the implementation of research methodology of the individual socialization process to study the development of specialists’ social activity. Also, the authors defined the relevant patterns (...)
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    Book Review: Approaches to Teaching Spenser's "Faerie Queene". [REVIEW]Patricia Berrahou Phillippy - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):278-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Approaches to Teaching Spenser’s “Faerie Queene”Patricia B. PhillippyApproaches to Teaching Spenser’s “Faerie Queene,” edited by David Lee Miller and Alexander Dunlop; ix & 207 pp. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1994, $37.50.In many respects, the teaching of Spenser’s Faerie Queene is an experience that most completely encapsulates both the challenges and the rewards of introducing students to the literature of the early modern period. As a (...)
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    Centering Patients, Revealing Structures: The Health Humanities Portrait Approach.Sandy Sufian, Michael Blackie, Joanna Michel & Rebecca Garden - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (4):459-479.
    This paper introduces an innovative curricular approach—the Health Humanities Portrait Approach —and its pedagogical tool—the Health Humanities Portrait. Both enable health professions learners to examine pressing social issues that shape, and are shaped by, experiences of health and illness. The Portrait Approach is grounded in a set of “critical portraiture” principles that foster humanities-driven analytical skills. The HHP’s architecture is distinctively framed around a pressing social theme and utilizes a first-person narrative and scholarship to explore how the (...)
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    Research Methodology in the Social Sciences: Perspectives on Sierra Leone.Emerson Abraham Jackson - 2020 - Mauritius: Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP).
    The thought about this book has been developed with the view of adding value to the teaching of Research Methodology for undergraduate and graduate students in developing economies like Sierra Leone. At the same time, it is a very useful tool for professionals engaged in research as part of their work life and for which their understanding of the dichotomy between Research Methods and Research Methodology needs to be addressed. It is divided into distinct sections, which makes it (...)
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    Humility’s role in the student voice for social justice pedagogical method.Carla Briffett-Aktaş, Ji Ying & Koon Lin Wong - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (9):899-909.
    Humility, in a variety of forms, has been examined in educational contexts in recent years. However, its association with a particular pedagogical method remains an unexplored area of inquiry. Likewise, social justice and student voice are a concern in international education arenas, including in higher education, but are not usually connected to virtue acquisition or demonstration. The student voice for social justice (SVSJ) pedagogical method, based on the framework of Nancy Fraser, seeks to aid practitioners in higher education (...)
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    Contemporary Global Transformation of University System and the Philosophy of Education Specifications in Anglo-Saxon and American Models of Education and Research Management.Viktor Zinchenko - 2016 - Філософія Освіти 18 (1):94-116.
    In today’s world there is diversification of different models of higher education. At the same time, the multiplicity, the diversity of higher education models does not exclude their identity. Internationalization and integration of higher education in a global and international dimension raise a lot of new questions to the theory and practice. Almost every developed country has the rich experience of building the higher education system. The analysis of this experience can aid development and enrichment of the national educational system; (...)
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    Applying Multiple Pedagogical Methodologies in an Ethics Awareness Week: Expectations, Events, Evaluation, and Enhancements.Judith W. Spain, Allen D. Engle & J. C. Thompson - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):7-16.
    . This paper reports the preliminary results from a semester-long ethics project at an AACSB accredited, regional comprehensive undergraduate school. This project culminated in an Ethics Awareness Week, which highlight a case study of the controversial EverQuest® multi-player online game. Issues of project planning and design are outlined, the dynamics of a business program-wide approach to ethics are social responsibility are presented, student survey results are presented and analyzed, and issues related to ongoing research are discussed. Nonparametric survey results (...)
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  11.  14
    David J. Elliott, Marissa Silverman, and Gary E. McPherson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical and Qualitative Assessment in Music Education (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019). [REVIEW]Cara Faith Bernard - 2021 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 29 (1):123-129.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical and Qualitative Assessment in Music Education ed. by David J. Elliott, Marissa Silverman and Gary E. McPhersonCara Faith BernardDavid J. Elliott, Marissa Silverman, and Gary E. McPherson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical and Qualitative Assessment in Music Education (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019)Three leading voices in music education, David J. Elliott, Marissa Silverman, and Gary E. McPherson, consistently work to (...)
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    Theoretical - methodological basis on old people's education in the context of permanent education.Fidela Reyes Obediente & Evelio Machado Ramírez - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):291-305.
    El trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamentar teórica y metodológicamentela educación del adulto mayor en el contexto de la educación permanente. Para ello, se describe conceptualmente el carácter de la educación a lo largo de la vida, su integración a la existencia humana. Los métodos del nivel teórico empleados fueron el análisis y síntesis para la construcción del marco teórico-metodológico. Quedan argumentados tres modelos pedagógicos necesarios por su importancia en el estudio desarrollado. La educación del adulto mayor se inscribe en el (...)
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    (1 other version)Methodological seminar “Mass culture, education and the perspective of individuality"”.Panos Eliopoulos & Lyudmyla Gorbunova - 2016 - Філософія Освіти 18 (1):47-71.
    The Methodological seminar was conducted by the scientific journal “Philosophy of Education”. The participants of the seminar were Prof. Panos Eliopoulos, Lyudmyla Gorbunova, Mykhailo Boychenko, Olga Gomilko, Mariia Kultaieva, Volodymyr Kovtunets, Sergiy Kurbatov, Anna Laktionova, Tetiana Matusevych, Natalia Radionova, Iryna Stepanenko, Maya Trynyak and Viktor Zinchenko. On March 30, 2016, a methodological seminar was conducted at the Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine. This seminar was devoted to the discussion of educational problems in the area of mass culture, and (...)
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    Eclecticism and the Technologies of Discernment in Pietist Pedagogy.Kelly J. Whitmer - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (4):545-567.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eclecticism and the Technologies of Discernment in Pietist PedagogyKelly J. WhitmerWhile the Franckesche Stiftungen (the Francke Foundations) of Halle/Saale are perhaps best known today as the institutional centre of German Pietism, throughout much of the eighteenth century they were widely regarded as a pedagogically innovative Schulstadt (or city of schools). The founder of this Schulstadt, August Hermann Francke (1663–1727), was many things to many people: Pietist, radical Lutheran, theologian, (...)
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    Cultural Religion Pedagogy.Muhiddin Okumuşlar & Sümeyra Bi̇leci̇k - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1279-1292.
    Many factors like the structure of the society, political conditions, and social structure of a country are useful in determining pedagogical approaches. One of them is culture, which is influential on the way of life of the individual, as well as thinking and learning styles. This requires the examination of the relationship between culture and pedagogy. It is possible to discuss cultural, multicultural, and intercultural pedagogical approaches regarding the relationship between pedagogy and culture. The socio-political agenda of (...)
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    Nursing students doing gender: Implications for higher education and the nursing profession.Lesley Andrew, Ken Robinson, Julie Dare & Leesa Costello - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (1):e12516.
    The average age of women nursing students in Australia is rising. With this comes the likelihood that more now begin university with family responsibilities, and with their lives structured by the roles of mother and partner. Women with more traditionally gendered ideas of these roles, such as nurturing others and self‐sacrifice, are known to be attracted to nursing as a profession; once at university, however, these students can be vulnerable to gender role stress from the competing demands of study. (...)
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    Early Childhood Pedagogical Play: A Cultural-Historical Interpretation Using Visual Methodology.Avis Ridgway - 2015 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Liang Li & Gloria Quiñones.
    This book re-theorizes the relationship between pedagogy and play. The authors suggest that pedagogical play is characterized by conceptual reciprocity (a pedagogical approach for supporting children's academic learning through joint play) and agentic imagination (a concept that when present in play, affords the child's motives and imagination a critical role in learning and development). These new concepts are brought to life using a cultural-historical approach to the analysis of play, supported in each chapter by visual narratives used as a (...)
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    Theoretical and Terminological Aspects in Conceptualizing Methodics of Educational Work as a Pedagogical Discipline.Aneta Barakoska & Katerina Mitevska Petrusheva - 2023 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 76 (1):125-137.
    The importance of pedagogy as a science is in exploration and improvement of education as an integral part of the social reality. Theory of education, General pedagogy and Methodics of educational work are the scientific disciplines that are most directly related to examining the educational work, and represent its theoretical and methodological basis in the process of its realization. Educational work provides the essence of the overall education process, since it refers and unites the knowledge, skills, attitudes, (...)
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    The methodology of social judgement theory.Ray W. Cooksey - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (2 & 3):141 – 174.
    Social Judgement Theory (SJT) evolved from Egon Brunswik's Probabilistic Functionalist psychology coupled with multiple correlation and regression-based statistical analysis. Through its representational device, the Lens Model, SJT has become a widely used, systems-oriented perspective for analysing human judgement in specific ecological circumstances. Judgements are assumed to result from the integration of different cues or sources of perceptual information from the environment. Special advantages accrue to the SJT approach when criterion values (or correct values) for judgement are also available, as (...)
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  20.  13
    Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy: Radical Cities Over Time and Through Space.Asma Mehan - 2024 - In D. R. Cole, M. M. Rafe & G. Y. A. Yang-Heim (eds.), Educational Research and the Question(s) of Time. Singapore: Springer. pp. 387–400.
    In an era where decolonizing architectural pedagogy is imperative, cities stand as the forefront of radical thought, acting as crucibles for ideological, activist, and spatial dynamics. These urban landscapes are not just breeding grounds for new paradigms, but also reflect significant shifts in political and social frameworks. This study adopts the concept of the “radical city” as a prism to understand how local events echo global political and sociocultural disturbances. This research takes an innovative approach by integrating mixed-method (...)
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  21. Nursing's newly emerging social contract.Diane R. Rochelle - 1983 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 4 (2).
    Social contracts are the mechanisms by which society legitimizes professions and grants them authority and autonomy to carry out their functions. The nursing profession is currently renegotiating its contract with society in a manner which clearly reflects a change from physician dominance, and emphasis on illness care to increased independent and autonomous functioning within a newly developing framework of nursing science which emphasizes health care. In return for their services, nurses are also negotiating for those benefits which (...)
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  22. Methodological and Moral Muddles in Evolutionary Psychology.Stuart Silvers - 2010 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 31 (1-2).
    Evolutionary psychology, the self-proclaimed scientific theory of human nature, owes much of its controversial notoriety to reports in public media. In part this is because of its bold claims that human psychological characteristics are adaptations to the Pleistocene environment in which they evolved and these inherited characteristics we exhibit now constitute our human nature. Proponents maintain that evolutionary psychology is a scientific account of human nature that explains what this much abused concept means. Critics counter that some evolutionary psychological hypotheses (...)
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  23.  51
    Do Engineers have Social Responsibilities?Deborah G. Johnson - 1992 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 9 (1):21-34.
    ABSTRACT Most American engineers believe that they have a responsibility for the safety and well‐being of society, but whence does this responsibility arise? What does it entail? After describing engineering practice in America as compared with the practice of other professions, this paper examines two standard types of accounts of the social responsibilities of professionals. While neither provides a satisfactory account of the social responsibilities of American engineers, several lessons are learned by uncovering their weaknesses. Identifying the (...)
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    “I did not think it was an effective use of questioning”: Collective critical observation and reflection of social studies pedagogy.Ashley Taylor Jaffee, Anand R. Marri, Jay Shuttleworth & Thomas Hatch - 2015 - Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (3):135-149.
    This study examines how one student teaching seminar employed collective critical observation and reflection of an experienced high school social studies teacher's pedagogy using a multimedia representation of teaching. Pre-service teachers watched this teacher implement two full class lessons and reflections on teaching about freedom of speech. This study's pre-service social studies teachers exhibited a developing ability, through collective observation, to critically reflect on their individual methodological and philosophical goals, social studies teaching and learning, and professional (...)
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    The Paradigm of Unity in Prenatal Education and Pedagogy.Dorota Kornas-Biela - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):193-206.
    The traditional approach to the relation between parents and their prenatal child presents the child as a fetus, a mainly passive recipient of the mother’s vital biological resources. Contemporary prenatal psychology and pedagogy recognizes this relationship in a quite different perspective: the prenatal child is a member of the family and may be seen as an active member of the wider family as a community, extended to grandparents and other relatives. Between parents and their child in the womb exists (...)
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    Good computing: a pedagogically focused model of virtue in the practice of computing (part 1).Chuck Huff, Laura Barnard & William Frey - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (3):246-278.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present a four component model of ethical behavior (PRIMES) that integrates literature in moral psychology, computing ethics, and virtue ethics as informed by research on moral exemplars in computing. This is part 1 of a two‐part contribution.Design/methodology/approachThis psychologically based and philosophically informed model argues that moral action is: grounded in relatively stable PeRsonality characteristics (PR); guided by integration of morality into the self‐system; shaped by the context of the surrounding moral ecology; and (...)
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  27.  12
    Liang the Moral and Social Philosopher.Yanming An - 2023 - In Thierry Meynard & Philippe Major (eds.), Dao Companion to Liang Shuming’s Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 181-198.
    This chapter examines Liang Shuming’s work The Fundamentals of Chinese Culture (Zhongguo wenhua yaoyi 中國文化要義), analyzing his major conceptions about Chinese society and investigating his intellectual relations to Western thinkers. Inspired by Bertrand Russel’s discussion of the psychological sources for human activities, Liang distinguished three components of the human heart: instinct, intellect, and reason. He coined a new term, “the operation of mind” (xinsi zuoyong 心思作用), to denote an integral unity composed of intellect and reason. Meanwhile, he reiterated his old (...)
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    Heroines of lonely outposts or tools of the empire? British nurses in Britain's model colony: Ceylon, 1878-1948.Margaret Jones - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (3):148-160.
    In 1878 two ‘Nightingale’ nurses arrived in the British colony of Ceylon to initiate a training programme for indigenous women in the skills and values of what was then termed ‘scientific nursing’. These two women were the first of a succession of British women who went to the colony to nurse in its hospitals and to train Ceylonese women for the profession. Using the official records of the colonial government held in the National Archives, Kew and the records of (...)
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    Design of Self-Educational Activity of the Future Teacher as Leading Factor in the Formation its Innovative Competence (Methodological Aspects).Ainagul Tautenbayeva, Bakytgul Abykanova, Kanlybayeva Zhanat, Sandugash Sirgebayeva, Bekova Guldana & Muratbaeva Gulnar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:930-943.
    Education is the basis for the economic and spiritual development of any society. Modern education system places demand on the teacher, such as professionalism, soft skills, mobility, and the ability to process creatively an ever-increasing flow of information and apply it competently in practice; thus, the preparation of a future teacher is a social order in relation to higher pedagogical education. Nowadays the development of the concept of lifelong education is being strengthened, and university training turns into an extremely (...)
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    “Let's Try and Grapple All of This”: A Snapshot of Racial Identity Development and Racial Pedagogical Decision Making in An Elective Social Studies Course.Andrea M. Hawkman - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (3):215-228.
    This case study chronicles the pedagogical decision making of one high school teacher, Mr. Diego de la Vega, a pseudonym, as he teaches about race and racism in his elective social studies class, Race, Gender, and Ethnicity. De la Vega draws upon his own racial biography and experiences with race/ism to engage with high school students around racialized content. A conceptual framework grounded in racial identity development theory is used. This snapshot of racial pedagogical decision making, or RPDM, features (...)
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    Being a Teacher is More Than a Profession: Reflections on the Teaching Vocation in the XXI Century.Jasmina Delcheva Dizdarevikj - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):77-94.
    This paper analyzes the position of the teaching profession within the broadersocial reality in the 21st century, with particular reference to the contemporary Macedonianpedagogical and social context. The paper first gives a summary presentation ofseveral central points related to the teaching profession in modern society: 1. Interpretationof this year’s UNESCO theme: “The Transformation of Education Begins withTeachers”; 2. Consulting several theories that give a broader perspective to the teachingprofession in general (Konrad Liessmann, George Steiner, John Dewey and (...)
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  32. Judith Butler and a Pedagogy of Dancing Resilience.Joshua M. Hall - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (3):1-16.
    This essay is part of a larger project in which I construct a new, historically-informed, social justice-centered philosophy of dance, centered on four central phenomenological constructs, or “Moves.” This essay in particular is about the fourth Move, “resilience.” More specifically, I explore how Judith Butler engages with the etymological aspects of this word, suggesting that resilience involves a productive form of madness and a healthy form of compulsion, respectively. I then conclude by showing how “resilience” can be used in (...)
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    Beyond bean counting: Establishing high ethical standards in the public accounting profession[REVIEW]Jeffrey R. Cohen & Laurie W. Pant - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (1):45 - 56.
    Business professions are increasingly faced with the question of how to best monitor the ethical behavior of their members. Conflicts could exist between a profession's desire to self-regulate and its accountability to the public at large. This study examines how members of one profession, public accounting, evaluate the relative effectiveness of various self-regulatory and externally imposed mechanisms for promoting a climate of high ethical behavior. Specifically, the roles of independent public accountants, regulatory and rule setting agencies, and (...)
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    Nomadic Turns: Epistemology, Experience, and Women University Band Directors.Elizabeth Gould - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):147-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Nomadic Turns:Epistemology, Experience, and Women University Band DirectorsElizabeth GouldMusic education occupations in the U.S. have been segregated by gender and race for decades. While women are most likely to teach young students in classroom settings, men are most likely to teach older students in all settings, but most particularly in wind/percussion ensembles.1 Despite gender-affirmative employment practices, men constitute a large majority among band directors at all levels.2 At the (...)
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    Nurses’ perceptions of professional dignity in hospital settings.Laura Sabatino, Mari Katariina Kangasniemi, Gennaro Rocco, Rosaria Alvaro & Alessandro Stievano - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):277-293.
    Background: The concept of dignity can be divided into two main attributes: absolute dignity that calls for recognition of an inner worth of persons and social dignity that can be changeable and can be lost as a result of different social factors and moral behaviours. In this light, the nursing profession has a professional dignity that is to be continually constructed and re-constructed and involves both main attributes of dignity. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to (...)
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    Turning Vygotsky on His Head: Vygotsky' `Scientifically Based Method' and the Socioculturalist's `Social Other'. [REVIEW]S. Rowlands - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (6):537-575.
    Vygotsky has become an authority, but the authority has more to do with justifying a sociocultural relativism than it has with his Marxist objectivist approach to psychology and pedagogy. This paper is an attempt to understand Vygotsky's perspective in relation to Marxist epistemology, and will critically examine the sociocultural interpretation of Vygotsky but within the light of his own perspective. It will be shown that the relativism of the sociocultural school not only takes Vygotsky's zone of proximal development out (...)
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    From the margins to the NICE guidelines: British clinical psychology and the development of cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis, 1982–2002.David J. Harper & Sebastian Townsend - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (3-4):260-290.
    Although histories of cognitive behaviour therapy have begun to appear, their use with people with psychosis diagnoses has received relatively little attention. In this article, we elucidate the conditions of possibility for the emergence of cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis (CBTp) in England between 1982 and 2002. We present an analysis of policy documents, research publications and books, participant observation, and interviews with a group of leading researchers and senior policy actors. Informed by Derksen and Beaulieu’s articulation of social (...)
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  38. Vitalizing vocabulary: doing pedagogy and language in early childhood education.Nicole Land & Cristina Delgado Vintimilla - 2024 - London: University of Toronto Press.
    Thinking with language as a complex practice for educators, advocates, and researchers in early childhood education is a necessary gesture for countering the anti-intellectualism that designates early childhood education as a service providing custodial care. Vitalizing Vocabulary insists that early childhood education in Canada must unsettle our inherited demand for technocratic, instrumental, and accessible relations with language. At the collision of research and practice, Nicole Land and Cristina Delgado Vintimilla propose that cultivating playful, speculative, inventive, accountable, and answerable relations with (...)
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    A Pedagogy for Integrating Catholic Social Ethics into the Business Ethics Course.John C. Cassidy - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 3:35-54.
    Catholic business schools may better fulfill their religious mission by integrating Catholic social ethics into the business curriculum. But doing so presents a challenge to many business instructors who are unfamiliar with the Catholic ethical tradition. The purpose of this paper is to helpovercome this difficulty by describing a pedagogy the author has used successfully to integrate Catholic social ethics into the business ethics course. The pedagogy utilizes the Model of Integrated Course Design, the Method of (...)
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    Being an educator for developing age subjects, having experienced their mother’s femicide. Constitutive elements for a pedagogy of bereavement.Maria Rita Mancaniello - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (62):81-93.
    The phenomenon of femicide is a social tragedy, keeping on being perpetrated across time. Its consequences are deeply traumatic for children and adolescents, becoming motherless, by their father or by their agent of fatherly care. It represents a serious trauma, still needing to be adequately addressed, by the different human sciences and, especially, involving pedagogy in a careful reflection, in order to facilitate full development processes for a subject in a childhood and adolescence age. The reference, here, is (...)
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    A mentor's aid in developing the competences of teacher trainees.Milena Valenčič & Janez Vogrinc - 2007 - Educational Studies 33 (4):373-384.
    The induction period is a very important time in the career of a teacher and has a long?term influence on the teacher?s professional development, efficacy, job satisfaction and the length of his/her career. One of the key roles in this period is played by the trainee?s mentor. This paper presents the results of the extensive project ?Partnership of Faculties and Schools?, carried out at the Pedagogical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, with the financial support of the European Social Fund and (...)
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    Ajurisdiction.Eric Lybeck - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (1):167-191.
    Sociologists have long recognized the fragmentation our discipline’s knowledge, but few explanations go beyond “new internalist” studies of practices. Abbott’s scholarship in the topic areas of professions and disciplines is synthesized here to highlight a condition identified as “ajurisdiction,” or, the absence of professional responsibility. Ajurisdiction explains sociological fragmentation by situating the development of sociology within broader historical contexts: first, within the history of the academic profession, in general; and, secondly, within wider systems of professions and power. (...)
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  43. Social Justice, Health Inequalities and Methodological Individualism in US Health Promotion.D. S. Goldberg - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (2):104-115.
    This article asserts that traditionally dominant models of health promotion in the US are fairly characterized by methodological individualism. This schema produces a focus on the individual as the node of intervention. Such emphasis results in a number of scientific and ethical problems. I identify three principal ethical deficiencies: first, the health promotions used are generally ineffective, which violates canons of distributive justice because scarce health resources are expended on interventions that are unlikely to produce health benefits. Second, the health (...)
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  44. The philosophy of the social sciences: an introduction.Robert Bishop - 2007 - London: Continuum.
    This is the definitive companion to the study of the philosophy of the social sciences. It provides the student with an accessible, comprehensive and philosophically rigorous introduction to all the major philosophical concepts, issues and debates raised by the social sciences. Ideal for use in undergraduate courses, the structure and content of this textbook-the most thorough, clearly argued and up-to-date available-closely reflect the way the philosophy of the social sciences is studied and taught. The text examines key (...)
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    “Listening Dangerously”: Dialogue Training as Contemplative Pedagogy.Judith Simmer-Brown - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:33-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Listening Dangerously”: Dialogue Training as Contemplative PedagogyJudith Simmer-BrownContemplative pedagogies in higher-education classrooms employ methods adapted from meditative practices in great religious traditions in order to enhance student learning and to fulfill the historic purpose of a liberal arts education: to discover the nature of human life. Our Western education systems were originally derived from religious settings in which questions about what it means to be human were paramount. Over (...)
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    Public, Social, and Individual Perspectives on Religious Education. Voices from the Past and the Present.Siebren Miedema - 2006 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 25 (1):111-127.
    Inspired by Charles Taylor’s recent quest for the meaning of religion today, this article concentrates on the question of the meaning of religious education today. The focus is not so much on the ‘what’ but instead more on the ‘where’ and the ‘how’ of RE. The view on what is held to be a pedagogically tenable position regarding RE is build up by methodologically using a differentiated practical–theological three-course model that distinguishes between the public, the social and the private (...)
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    Editing the Rhetorical Tradition.Patricia Bizzell - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (2):109-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.2 (2003) 109-118 [Access article in PDF] Editing the Rhetorical Tradition Patricia Bizzell The rhetorical tradition is always being edited. I know because I have edited it myself—that's a sort of pun, in which the words "the rhetorical tradition" refer both to a book and to the cultural phenomenon the book represents. Bruce Herzberg and I (2001) have co-edited an anthology entitled The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings (...)
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    A pedagogy of kindness.Catherine J. Denial - 2024 - Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
    "Articulating a fresh vision for teaching, one that focuses on ensuring justice, believing people, and believing in people, this how-to offers evidence-based insights and draws from the author's own rich experiences as a professor to provide practical tips for reshaping syllabi, assessing student performance, and creating trust and belonging in the classroom"-Provided by publisher.
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    Nordic Social Pedagogical Approach to Early Years.Grethe Kragh-Müller & Charlotte Ringsmose (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book studies the major characteristics of the social pedagogical approach to early childhood education and care. It does so by investigating the distinctive elements of the Nordic approach and tradition. The cultural, educational, and ideological structures and values within the Nordic tradition indicate a strong "social pedagogical" rather than "early education" emphasis. The Nordic tradition applies a social learning approach that emphasizes play, relationships and outdoor life, and presumes that learning takes place through children's participation in (...)
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    The potential influence of critical pedagogy on nursing praxis: Tools for disrupting stigma and discrimination within the profession.Claire F. Pitcher & Annette J. Browne - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12573.
    Nursing work centers around attending to a person's health during many of life's most vulnerable moments, from birth to death. Given the high‐stakes nature of this work, it is essential for nurses to critically reflect on their individual and collective impact, which can range from healing to harmful. The purpose of this paper is to use a philosophical inquiry approach and a critical lens to explore the potential influence of critical pedagogy (how we learn what we learn) on nursing (...)
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