Results for 'Peng Lian'

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  1.  37
    Teaching Engineering Ethics using BLOCKS Game.Shiew Wei Lau, Terence Peng Lian Tan & Suk Meng Goh - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1357-1373.
    The aim of this study was to investigate the use of a newly developed design game called BLOCKS to stimulate awareness of ethical responsibilities amongst engineering students. The design game was played by seventeen teams of chemical engineering students, with each team having to arrange pieces of colored paper to produce two letters each. Before the end of the game, additional constraints were introduced to the teams such that they faced similar ambiguity in the technical facts that the engineers involved (...)
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    Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Control Based on Microbial Fuel Cell.Lei Lian, Peng Ji, Tianyu OuYang, Fengying Ma, Shanwen Xu, Chao Gao & Jing Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Microbial fuel cell is a renewable clean energy. Microorganisms are used as catalysts to convert the chemical energy of organic matter in the sewage into electrical energy to realize sewage treatment and recover energy at the same time. It has good development prospects. However, the output power of MFC is affected by many factors, and it is difficult to achieve a stable voltage output. For the control-oriented single-chamber MFC, a fuzzy integral sliding mode control is designed. The continuous adjustment of (...)
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    An S-Curve-Based Approach of Identifying Biological Sequences.Lian-Peng Zhao, Ying-hua Lv, Chun Li, Ming-hai Yao & Xi-zi Jin - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (1):1-14.
    The main idea of S-curve diagram is to assign different angle values to different nucleotide acid residues or to different protein amino acids, and then according to cos α j and sin α j, the values are accumulated to construct an S-curve diagram, which is in strict one-to-one correspondence with the biological sequence. In addition, the S-curve diagram proves to be without the degeneracy phenomenon, so that both the degeneracy problem represented by diagrams and the problem of visualization for biological (...)
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  4. Influence of Border-Keepers’ Support on Work-Family Enrichment of Preschool Teachers in China: The Mediating Role of Work-Family Boundary Flexibility.Qian Peng, Chongyan Lian & Limin Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Based on work-family border theory and work-home resource theory, this paper examines the impact of border keeper’s support on work-family enrichment and whether or how work-family boundary flexibility mediates the relationship between border keeper’s support and work-family enrichment. A sample of 504 preschool teachers in Guangdong province, China completed questionnaires. The research results show a two-way process of work-family enrichment for preschool teachers in China. Organizational support was directly and significantly correlated with work-to-family enrichment, and family support was significantly and (...)
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    Deep Recurrent Model for Server Load and Performance Prediction in Data Center.Zheng Huang, Jiajun Peng, Huijuan Lian, Jie Guo & Weidong Qiu - 2017 - Complexity:1-10.
    Recurrent neural network has been widely applied to many sequential tagging tasks such as natural language process and time series analysis, and it has been proved that RNN works well in those areas. In this paper, we propose using RNN with long short-term memory units for server load and performance prediction. Classical methods for performance prediction focus on building relation between performance and time domain, which makes a lot of unrealistic hypotheses. Our model is built based on events, which is (...)
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  6.  55
    Sleeping with the enemy: A dynamic model of declining political commitment in state socialism. [REVIEW]Victor Nee & Peng Lian - 1994 - Theory and Society 23 (2):253-296.
  7. Zhuangzi the poet: Re-reading the Peng Bird image.Lian Xinda - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (3):233-254.
    The image of the Peng bird, which opens the Zhuangzi text, is not the product of metaphysical reasoning. An inspiring example of soaring up and going beyond, the image is used to broaden the outlook of the small mind; its function is thus more therapeutic than instructional. With its rich poetic and experiential content, the image of the Peng refuses to be reduced to an abstract concept, or a mere signifier of certain philosophical position. Misreading of the image (...)
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    Tu Youyou winning the Nobel Prize: Ethical research on the value and safety of traditional Chinese medicine.Wei‐Rong Zheng, En‐Chang Li, Song Peng & Xiao‐Shang Wang - 2018 - Bioethics 34 (2):166-171.
    In 2015, the Chinese pharmacologist, Tu Youyou, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of artemisinin. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) was the source of inspiration for Tu's discovery and provides an opportunity for the world to know more about TCM as a source of medical knowledge and practice. In this article, the value of TCM is evaluated from an ethical perspective. The characteristics of ‘jian, bian, yan, lian’ are explored in the way they promote (...)
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  9. Does emotion mediate the relationship between an action's moral status and its intentional status? Neuropsychological evidence.Liane Young, Daniel Tranel, Ralph Adolphs, Marc Hauser & Fiery Cushman - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):291-304.
    Studies of normal individuals reveal an asymmetry in the folk concept of intentional action: an action is more likely to be thought of as intentional when it is morally bad than when it is morally good. One interpretation of these results comes from the hypothesis that emotion plays a critical mediating role in the relationship between an action’s moral status and its intentional status. According to this hypothesis, the negative emotional response triggered by a morally bad action drives the attribution (...)
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  10.  76
    Moral realism as moral motivation: The impact of meta-ethics on everyday decision-making.Liane Young & A. J. Durwin - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (2):302-306.
    People disagree about whether “moral facts” are objective facts like mathematical truths (moral realism) or simply products of the human mind (moral antirealism). What is the impact of different meta-ethical views on actual behavior? In Experiment 1, a street canvasser, soliciting donations for a charitable organization dedicated to helping impoverished children, primed passersby with realism or antirealism. Participants primed with realism were twice as likely to be donors, compared to control participants and participants primed with antirealism. In Experiment 2, online (...)
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  11. The neural basis of the interaction between theory of mind and moral judgment.Liane Young, Fiery Cushman, Marc Hauser & Rebecca Saxe - 2007 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (20):8235-8240.
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  12.  51
    Concept combination and the origins of complex cognition.Liane Gabora & Kirsty Kitto - 2012 - In Liz Swan (ed.), Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 361--381.
  13.  48
    Disruption of the right temporoparietal junction with transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces the role of beliefs in moral judgments.Liane Young, Joan Camprodon, Marc Hauser, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & Rebecca Saxe - 2010 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (15):6753–8.
    When we judge an action as morally right or wrong, we rely on our capacity to infer the actor's mental states. Here, we test the hypothesis that the right temporoparietal junction, an area involved in mental state reasoning, is necessary for making moral judgments. In two experiments, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation to disrupt neural activity in the RTPJ transiently before moral judgment and during moral judgment. In both experiments, TMS to the RTPJ led participants to rely less on the (...)
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  14. The neural basis of the interaction between theory of mind and moral judgment.Liane Young, Fiery Cushman, Marc Hauser & and Rebecca Saxe - 2007 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (20):8235-8240.
    Is the basis of criminality an act that causes harm, or an act undertaken with the belief that one will cause harm? The present study takes a cognitive neuroscience approach to investigating how information about an agent’s beliefs and an action’s conse- quences contribute to moral judgment. We build on prior devel- opmental evidence showing that these factors contribute differ- entially to the young child’s moral judgments coupled with neurobiological evidence suggesting a role for the right tem- poroparietal junction (RTPJ) (...)
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  15. Contextualizing concepts using a mathematical generalization of the quantum formalism.Liane Gabora & Diederik Aerts - 2002 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 14 (4):327-358.
    We outline the rationale and preliminary results of using the State Context Property (SCOP) formalism, originally developed as a generalization of quantum mechanics, to describe the contextual manner in which concepts are evoked, used, and combined to generate meaning. The quantum formalism was developed to cope with problems arising in the description of (1) the measurement process, and (2) the generation of new states with new properties when particles become entangled. Similar problems arising with concepts motivated the formal treatment introduced (...)
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  16. Revenge of the 'neurds': Characterizing creative thought in terms of the structure and dynamics of memory.Liane Gabora - unknown
    Empirical results suggest that defocusing attention results in primary process or associative thought, conducive to finding unusual connections, while focusing attention results in secondary process or analytic thought, conducive to rule-based operations. Creativity appears to involve both. It is widely believed that it is possible to escape mental fixation by spontaneously and temporarily engaging in a more divergent or associative mode of thought. The resulting insight may be refined in a more analytic mode of thought. The question addressed here is: (...)
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    Shyness Weakens the Agreeableness-Prosociality Association via Social Self-Efficacy: A Moderated-Mediation Study of Chinese Undergraduates.Peng Sun, Zhen Liu, Qingke Guo & Junyi Fan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Professor Andrew Whiten.Liane Young - 2013 - In Simon Baron-Cohen, Michael Lombardo & Helen Tager-Flusberg (eds.), Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives From Developmental Social Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
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    A Comparative Study on College Vocal Teaching and Performance in China and Holland: A Case Study of the Teaching Model at Holland's ArtEZ Institute of the Arts.M. O. Cheng-Lian - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 2:012.
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  20.  40
    The Peircean order of signification and its encoding system in Chinese landscape painting.Lian Duan - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (221):199-218.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 221 Seiten: 199-218.
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  21.  29
    Cultural learning as the transmission mechanism in an evolutionary process.Liane M. Gabora - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):519-519.
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    Physical Light as a Metaphor for Inner Light.Liane Gabora - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (2):43-61.
    The metaphor between physical light and inner light has a long history that permeates diverse languages and cultures. This paper outlines a system for using basic principles from optics to visually represent psychological states and processes, such as ideation, enlightenment, mindfulness, and fragmentation versus integrity, as well as situations that occur between people involving phenomena such as honest versus deceptive communication, and understanding versus misunderstanding. The paper summarizes two ongoing projects based on this system: The ‘Light and Enlightenment” art installation (...)
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    A Characterization of a Semimodular Lattice.Peng He & Xue-Ping Wang - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (4):691-698.
    A geometric lattice is the lattice of closed subsets of a closure operator on a set which is zero-closure, algebraic, atomistic and which has the so-called exchange property. There are many profound results about this type of lattices, the most recent one of which, due to Czédli and Schimdt, says that a lattice L of finite length is semimodular if and only if L has a cover-preserving embedding into a geometric lattice G of the same length. The goal of our (...)
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    Establishing a Cloud Computing Success Model for Hospitals in Taiwan.Jiunn-Woei Lian - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801668583.
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    The Criticism of Hu Shihʼs Thought in Communist China.Zhan Lian - 1965
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    Directions in Taiwan's Historical Study.Peng Minghui - 2009 - Chinese Studies in History 42 (4):78-119.
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    Inwit and Outlaw.Liane Ellison Norman - 1987 - The Acorn 2 (2):6-8.
  28.  7
    Feng Qi bian zheng luo ji si xiang yan jiu.Yilian Peng - 1999 - Shanghai: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Neural evidence for "intuitive prosecution": the use of mental state information for negative moral verdicts.Liane Young, Jonathan Scholz & Rebecca Saxe - 2011 - Social Neuroscience 6 (3):302-315.
    Moral judgment depends critically on theory of mind, reasoning about mental states such as beliefs and intentions. People assign blame for failed attempts to harm and offer forgiveness in the case of accidents. Here we use fMRI to investigate the role of ToM in moral judgment of harmful vs. helpful actions. Is ToM deployed differently for judgments of blame vs. praise? Participants evaluated agents who produced a harmful, helpful, or neutral outcome, based on a harmful, helpful, or neutral intention; participants (...)
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  30.  9
    Stereoscopic Law: Oliver Wendell Holmes and Legal Education.Alexander Lian - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this unique book, Alexander Lian, a practicing commercial litigator, advances the thesis that the most famous article in American jurisprudence, Oliver Wendell Holmes's “The Path of the Law,” presents Holmes's leading ideas on legal education. Through meticulous analysis, Lian explores Holmes's fundamental ideas on law and its study. He puts “The Path of the Law” within the trajectory of Holmes's jurisprudence, from earliest scholarship to The Common Law to the occasional pieces Holmes wrote or delivered after joining (...)
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  31. A Philosophical Inquiry into the Linguistic Findings of Writing Research Articles (RAs) in Philosophy A Case Study: The Genre Analysis of Abstracts in SOOCHOW JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES from 2017 to 2021.Jr-Jiun Lian - 2023 - Taiwanese Philosophical Association Annual Conference 2023.
    In this paper, I expand my upon earlier linguistic research (Lian, 2023), which delved into the genre of abstracts from Western philosophical papers. I engage with the philosophical ramifications emanating from the guidelines established for crafting philosophy paper abstracts (Lian, 2023) and underscore their significance in the domain of academic philosophical writing. A pivotal focus of this research is to navigate the intricate philosophical challenges posed by cross-disciplinary investigations bridging applied linguistic statistics with philosophical paper composition, specifically, the (...)
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  32. Conceptual closure: How memories are woven into an interconnected worldview.Liane Gabora - unknown
    This paper describes a tentative model for how discrete memories transform into an interconnected conceptual network, or worldview, wherein relationships between memories are forged by way of abstractions. The model draws on Kauffman’s theory of how an information-evolving system could emerge through the formation and closure of an autocatalytic network. Here, the information units are not catalytic molecules, but memories and abstractions, and the process that connects them is not catalysis but reminding events (i.e. one memory evokes another). The result (...)
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  33. Self-other organization: Why early life did not evolve through natural selection.Liane Gabora - manuscript
    The improbability of a spontaneously generated self-assembling molecule has suggested that life began with a set of simpler, collectively replicating elements, such as an enclosed autocatalytic set of polymers (or autocell). Since replication occurs without a self-assembly code, acquired characteristics are inherited. Moreover, there is no strict distinction between alive and dead; one can only infer that an autocell was alive if it replicates. These features of early life render natural selection inapplicable to the description of its change-of-state because they (...)
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  34. The cultural evolution of socially situated cognition.Liane Gabora - manuscript
    Because human cognition is creative and socially situated, knowledge accumulates, diffuses, and gets applied in new contexts, generating cultural analogs of phenomena observed in population genetics such as adaptation and drift. It is therefore commonly thought that elements of culture evolve through natural selection. However, natural selection was proposed to explain how change accumulates despite lack of inheritance of acquired traits, as occurs with template-mediated replication. It cannot accommodate a process with significant retention of acquired or horizontally (e.g. socially) transmitted (...)
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    Damage to ventromedial prefrontal cortex impairs judgment of harmful intent.Liane Young, Antoine Bechara, Daniel Tranel, Hanna Damasio, Marc Hauser & Antonio Damasio - 2010 - Neuron 65 (6):845-851.
    Moral judgments, whether delivered in ordinary experience or in the courtroom, depend on our ability to infer intentions. We forgive unintentional or accidental harms and condemn failed attempts to harm. Prior work demonstrates that patients with damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex deliver abnormal judgments in response to moral dilemmas and that these patients are especially impaired in triggering emotional responses to inferred or abstract events, as opposed to real or actual outcomes. We therefore predicted that VMPC patients would deliver (...)
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  36. Doing Good Leads to More Good: The Reinforcing Power of a Moral Self-Concept.Liane Young, Alek Chakroff & Jessica Tom - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (3):325-334.
    What is the role of self-concept in motivating moral behavior? On one account, when people are primed to perceive themselves as “do-gooders”, conscious access to this positive self-concept will reinforce good behavior. On an alternative account, when people are reminded that they have done their “good deed for the day”, they will feel licensed to behave worse. In the current study, when participants were asked to recall their own good deeds (positive self-concept), their subsequent charitable donations were nearly twice that (...)
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  37. The Paradox of Moral Focus.Liane Young & Jonathan Phillips - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):166-178.
    When we evaluate moral agents, we consider many factors, including whether the agent acted freely, or under duress or coercion. In turn, moral evaluations have been shown to influence our (non-moral) evaluations of these same factors. For example, when we judge an agent to have acted immorally, we are subsequently more likely to judge the agent to have acted freely, not under force. Here, we investigate the cognitive signatures of this effect in interpersonal situations, in which one agent (“forcer”) forces (...)
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    Effects of value and interest intervention on EFL student teachers’ research motivation in the Chinese context.Peng Bi & Honggang Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Language teacher research is conducive to the development of teachers’ teaching skills and professional careers. Thus, many English teacher education programs require student teachers to do research. However, some empirical findings suggest that English as a foreign language student teachers lack research motivation. Consequently, finding suitable interventions to increase their research motivation has become increasingly necessary. In light of the importance of research motivation intervention, this study involved designing an experiment to identify the effect of a value and interest intervention (...)
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    Si xiang yu lun zheng =.Lian Cheng - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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  40. Two Conceptions of Political Obligation.Lian Cheng - 1999 - Dissertation, Rice University
    This thesis addresses one of the central questions in political philosophy, the question of political obligation why people have a duty to support the political institutions of their countries. The traditional and dominant answer to this question is voluntarism, which claims that people have such a duty because they have consented to the ruling of their states. The thesis systematically refutes this voluntarist approach, criticizes some of today's leading non-voluntarist alternatives to the voluntarist one, and advances a new way of (...)
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    Yuan shi ru jia xiao, zhong, li, de guan nian de bian yi =.Peng Chen - 2019 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  42. Zhi you yu kong wu: Zhongguo ren de jing jie guan.Peng Chen - 1999 - Kunming Shi: Yunnan ren min chu ban she.
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    POMDP-based control of workflows for crowdsourcing.Peng Dai, Christopher H. Lin, Mausam & Daniel S. Weld - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 202 (C):52-85.
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  44.  41
    The Aesthetics of Inscape: Teaching Chinese Art with Barthesian Semiotic Theory.Lian Duan - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 53 (1):78-96.
    As a general concept, aesthetic education and art education are connected; to a certain extent, the two can be taken as one or two sides of the same coin. However, the specific questions involved are how they are connected and how to connect them in teaching practice. To answer these questions, I define aesthetic education as more general and theoretical and define art education as less general and more practical, that is, teaching students to read art works. Exploring the answers (...)
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    Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Assess Brain Activation Evoked by Guilt and Shame.Lian Duan, Qiudi Feng & Pengfei Xu - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  46. Part III: Chinese Aesthetics. Introduction: From the Classical to the Modern / Gao Jianping ; Several Inspirations from Traditional Chinese Aesthetics / Ye Lang ; The Theoretical Significance of Painting as Performance / Gao Jianping ; A Study in the Onto-Aesthetics of Beauty and Art: Fullness (chongshi) and Emptiness (kongling) as Two Polarities in Chinese Aesthetics / Cheng Chung-ying ; On the Modernisation of Chinese Aesthetics.Peng Feng & Reflections on Avant-Garde Theory in A. Chinese-Western Cross-Cultural Context - 2010 - In Ken-Ichi Sasaki (ed.), Asian Aesthetics. Singapore: National Univeristy of Singapore Press.
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    The birth of an idea.Liane M. Gabora - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):543-543.
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    The New Culture Movement and the Human Rights Movement (1931).Peng Kang - 2001 - In Stephen C. Angle & Marina Svensson (eds.), Chinese Human Rights Reader. M. E. Sharpe. pp. 152.
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    L'éphémère et l'essentiel sur la philosophie politique chinoise contemporaine.Zhou Lian - 2008 - Diogène 221 (1):170-183.
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    ""The" Shesheng" Adjustments to the Rites in Early China.Arlen Lian - 2008 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 128 (4):723-735.
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